How to install 3 sticks of RAM. How to add RAM to a computer? How much does RAM cost?

In modern (and not so modern) systems, many strive to make memory work in dual-channel and triple-channel modes.

In this article we will look at how these modes are implemented and what benefits will be obtained as a result of their implementation.

The operating principle of two-channel and three-channel memory modes is to use two and three channels, respectively, for combined access to a memory bank.

In the usual single-channel mode, one channel is used to access memory and there is no parallelism that is present in the modes mentioned above.

To install memory in multi-channel mode (two or three), the following general rules should be observed:

  • It is necessary to install memory modules at the same frequency. All sticks will operate at the frequency of the slowest memory module.
  • It is advisable to install modules of the same memory capacity.
  • It is required to select strips from one manufacturer.
  • It is desirable that the memory sticks have the same timings;

I would like to note that, at the moment, the above points are not a prerequisite for memory operation in dual-channel or triple-channel mode. But for complete confidence and to reduce the percentage of any failures, it is better to follow them.

Much more important is the correct installation of memory modules directly into the connectors on motherboard.

Features of installing slats in different modes

Single-channel memory mode (single mode)

This is a basic mode in which memory sticks can be installed in any order and with different parameters (manufacturer, capacity, frequency, etc.)

As for one module:

Same for several:

Dual-channel memory mode

In dual-channel mode, modules 1 and 3 operate in parallel with modules 2 and 4. That is, variations are possible in the installation of two memory modules in dual-channel mode, and four - also in dual-channel mode (2 each).

For convenience, manufacturers of motherboards with multi-channel support paint DIMM connectors in different colors:

To operate two memory modules in dual-channel mode, you need to install them in connectors of different colors (often, but it’s better to check in the instructions for the motherboard). This way we install modules in channel A and channel B:

For four modules everything is exactly the same. This results in “two dual-channel modes”:

Three-channel memory mode (triple mode)

Everything is identical with the dual-channel mode, but there are already variations with three and six memory modules.

The connection is the same as in dual-channel mode, but here you are already connecting 3 or 6 memory sticks per channel:

Also on sale are boards that support four-channel memory mode. These “monsters” have 8 slots for installing memory. An example of such a motherboard:

Benefits of multi-channel mode

The main advantage of multi-channel mode is, of course, the increase in the resulting performance of the entire system. But what will the real increase be? In games and most everyday tasks, the increase will be no more than 5-10%. If we are talking about more specific tasks (remember our favorite rendering), then here the performance increase will be more significant - perhaps 30% or more, especially when calculating complex projects that require maximum RAM bandwidth.

For some reason, there is an opinion among the majority of computer users that diving into the depths of their pet with a screwdriver in their hands is the lot of exclusively unfriendly bearded men in frayed sweaters, and there is nothing for a mere mortal to do there. Today we will try to at least partially debunk this myth.

Computer RAM modules are components of a modern desktop computer that are both important and vulnerable. They are very sensitive to overheating and voltage surges. Dust that accidentally gets into a memory slot can cause or even make its further operation impossible. As a result, the user (including the most ordinary person who does not have special knowledge and skills) may well be faced with the need for such a thing as replacing RAM.

Installing RAM on the motherboard may also be necessary if the user wanted to give himself and the computer a gift and a little. Still, the rule that there is never too much memory has not become obsolete since the advent of computers.

In both described cases, they often resort to the help of acquaintances whose knowledge in the computer field is above average. Sometimes, if you don’t mind spending money, they call some familiar acquaintances who, for a fee, will help carry out all the necessary manipulations. And then they are surprised that they demand money from them for 5 minutes of work.

Well, we are frugal users, so we’ll try to figure out the issue of installing RAM ourselves.

Stage one - you need to decide which one you need. There are several ways to do this. The first (if the computer is still working) is to use special utilities that allow you to determine, without opening the case, to determine the type of memory, the absolutely free CPU-Z utility is quite suitable, which will give you a lot of useful information about the processor and motherboard. What is important is that this utility is absolutely free.

If installing RAM is necessary due to the untimely “death” of old modules, you can use the documentation for the motherboard that came with the computer. If you cannot find the documentation, you will have to open the case and remove the modules yourself. To do this, you just need to gently press on the two clamps that hold each memory module at the ends. The memory stick will come out of the slot on its own. After this, you can either read the exact characteristics (frequency, capacity and type of memory) on the sticker, which is located on the bar itself, or take it to the store and show it to the seller - he is no stranger to this.

Well, you bought what you wanted, and now the most important step is installing RAM in the computer. We open the case and find the RAM slots. As a rule, they are on the motherboard to the right of the processor, much less often - on top.

In most modern computers, it is better to install memory modules in pairs, and the modules must be from the same manufacturer and based on the same chips. That is, it is better to immediately purchase a pair of planks. In this case, you will achieve memory performance that will slightly increase its performance. Much less common are computers with three- and four-channel RAM, but this is still rare. Slots into which memory must be installed at the same time are usually marked with a certain color. Therefore, if you are replacing memory, you must remove two modules from slots of the same color. If you add, insert new modules into the same slots.

Carefully insert the memory module into the empty slot. After making sure that the cutouts on the module coincide with the protrusions in the connector itself, carefully press on the bar. It should fit into the slot without excessive effort, and the latches on the sides should automatically snap into place and securely fix the memory module in the slot. If this does not happen, do not try to latch them yourself. Better remove the bar and try again.

Yes, it goes without saying that both the installation of RAM and its removal should take place on a computer completely disconnected from the power supply.

When the modules are installed, put on the case cover, connect the power and turn on the computer. If you did everything correctly, at the BIOS boot stage you will be able to enjoy the RAM counter, which will show the new amount of RAM.

In view of the ever-increasing demands of modern software, after some time the user may reconsider the issue of self-sufficiency in the configuration of his computer. As a rule, the owner of computer equipment makes the initial upgrade by increasing the RAM of his PC. At the same time, in addition to hardware upgrades (installation of additional memory sticks), the user can also use a number of software tools that allow optimizing the operation of the mentioned system component. Which, ultimately, will also have a positive impact on solving the question: “How to add it to a computer?” If you want to achieve the best results in the process of increasing the speed and performance of your OS, but do not quite understand how to do this and how much it may cost you, devote a few minutes of your time to reading this article. You will receive invaluable benefits from free access to the material provided.

So, the top solutions “How to add RAM to a computer?”

The methods covered (software and hardware RAM upgrade) can be used as solutions independent of each other or as correctly interacting solutions. It is worth noting that an integrated approach is preferable to a simple action - adding one or more to a free slot. A little later you will find out why.

Method number 1: Bought, installed, launched

For stable operation, the Windows 7 operating system requires 1.5 GB of RAM. As a rule, a purchased office PC has two gigabytes of RAM. For resource-intensive programs (video editors or computer games), this volume is not always enough. Consequently, the user has a need to expand the capabilities of the RAM. However, before implementing such a hardware upgrade scenario, you need to ask the question: “Is it possible to add RAM?” Since in the case when you use a 32-bit version of Windows, two or more gigabytes added to the current amount of RAM may simply not be used by the system due to some restrictions that are initiated by the BIOS firmware. Another unpleasant moment for the user may be the discrepancy between the purchased memory module and the standard motherboard connector. In other words, before going to the store, you need to know exactly what type of RAM is supported by your PC or laptop, as well as the technical characteristics of the installed memory.

Forced valuable retreat

A question that often interests a beginner: how much RAM costs, needs some specification. Since in modern computing technology there are several types of RAM: DDR, DDR2, DDR3, which, in turn, have a number of significant differences. Depending on the manufacturer and technical characteristics of the memory, the cost of the product varies. However, using the Kingston brand as an example, we can give some price comparison of different types of RAM produced.

  • DDR2 for 1 GB - about 1400 rubles, and 2 GB will cost 2300 rubles;
  • DDR3 2 GB will cost 1900 rubles, 4 GB - 3100 rubles, but 8 GB RAM of this type will cost 6400 rubles;
  • SODIMM DDR2 2 GB - 1800 rubles;
  • SODIMM DDR3 for 4 GB - 3200 rubles, and for 8 GB the price will be around 6200 rubles.

In addition to information about how much RAM costs, another one will also be useful to you: each type of RAM in its segment is divided according to technical characteristics: nominal volume, bus bandwidth and data exchange speed (frequency), which are performance indicators and the effectiveness of one or another modification. Laptop computers use similar memory, but slightly modified and designated SODIMM, which is essentially a type of RAM. By the way, the cost of “minimized” memory is practically no different from the stationary version. True, some modifications of laptop memory modules are still cheaper than their “desktop counterparts”.

Installing an additional memory stick

To equip with another RAM module, follow the recommendations below. As a result, you will receive a practical answer to the question: “How to add RAM to a computer.”

1). Disconnect from electrical power source.

2). Typically, access to the internal components of a PC is achieved by unscrewing a group of retaining screws that hold the protective cover of the device in place. Important: if you personally open the system unit, you will no longer have to rely on the guarantee. Since when opening the lid you will inevitably damage the service seals.

3). Install the new memory module in the appropriate slot. If there are several of them, pay attention to the markings of the connectors. Typically the correct sequence is indicated as a numeric value. In some cases, there is a special order of installed memory sticks. Interacting connectors (for example, 2 modules from one manufacturer and 2 from another) are painted in two different colors.

Please accept our first congratulations! Now you know how to properly add RAM.

Portable solution

Despite the design features of the laptop, the process of installing RAM is, in general, a fairly simple step... if you have a thin Phillips screwdriver.

1). Turn off your laptop and unplug it.

2). Remove the battery from the device.

3). Take a close look at the back of the laptop - a grooved or inscribed designation in the form of “DIMM” or “MEMORY” is where the RAM is located.

4). Unscrew the screws holding the cover and carefully pry up the edge of the protective casing.

5). Install the optional memory module and close the cover.

Method No. 2: flash drive as additional RAM capacity

On Windows 7 and its Ready Boost functional add-on, a hybrid option for expanding RAM resources will be considered.

Insert the flash drive into the USB port of your PC or laptop. Format the removable media partition. Place the marker over the flash drive shortcut and, while holding the right mouse button, call up the context menu, from which select “Properties”. In the window that opens, go to the Ready Boost tab. Activate the “Use this device” checkbox, then click “Apply” and “OK”.

As you can see, the question is: “How to add RAM to a computer?” can be resolved using this method.

Method No. 3: Optimizing RAM

By installing a special Memory Booster utility on your PC, you will significantly speed up your OS. Despite its small size and compact interface, the program easily copes with RAM optimization, freeing up PC RAM that is reserved by various software. This significantly improves system performance. The utility always runs in the background. So control over particularly “gluttonous” programs will be organized very vigilantly.

Method No. 4: OS virtual memory

This method is exclusively a software tool for increasing RAM. A standard Windows tool provides for expanding operational resources by allocating a certain disk space for the needs of temporary files. The special virtual OS partition should not be confused; these are fundamentally different services. generated OS has a value equal to the amount of installed RAM. When physical memory is insufficient, the system uses virtual amounts of RAM. The size of the paging file can be either reduced or increased. It all depends on the user's needs.

Practical solution

1). Open the Start menu.

2). Hold the marker on the “Computer” section and right-click to call up the context list, from which select “Properties”.

3). While in the “System” service window, activate the “Advanced parameters” link on the left.

4). In the “Performance” block, click on the button.

5). Once in the Options window, click on the Advanced tab.

If you activate the "Edit" button, you will be given the opportunity to make changes to the default settings.


“So how much RAM can you add?” you ask. The meaning is strictly predetermined. It all depends on the functionality of your motherboard. The BIOS version also has a great influence on the “hardware perception” of the PC. Finally, a 64-bit operating system removes almost all restrictions on the amount of RAM. But, as you understand, in such a situation the OS is a secondary authority. Therefore, only the BIOS determines whether the motherboard is capable of “accepting” the desired amounts of RAM. So before upgrading your PC, study the technical data sheet of the computer.

Not everyone knows that simply installing RAM into a computer is not enough. It’s useful to set it up and overclock it. Otherwise, it will provide the minimum efficiency specified in the parameters. Here it is important to consider how many strips to install, how to distribute them among slots, and how to set parameters in the BIOS. Below you will find tips on installing RAM, learn how to properly install, configure, etc.

The first question that arises when users want to increase the performance and speed of RAM is whether it is possible to install memory modules from different manufacturers that differ in frequency into a computer? When deciding how to install RAM in a computer, it is better to purchase modules from the same manufacturer, with the same frequency.

Theoretically, if you install modules of different frequencies, the RAM works, but at the characteristics of the slowest module. Practice shows that incompatibility problems often arise: the PC does not turn on, the OS crashes.

Therefore, if you plan to install several strips, buy a set of 2 or 4 modules. The same chips have the same overclocking potential parameters.

The usefulness of multi-channel mode

A modern computer supports multi-channel RAM operation, with a minimum of 2 channels equipped. There are processor platforms with three-channel mode, and others with eight memory slots for four-channel mode.

When dual-channel mode is enabled, the processor's performance is increased by 5–10%, and the graphics accelerator's performance is increased by up to 50%. Therefore, when assembling even an inexpensive gaming device, it is recommended to install at least two memory modules.

If you are connecting two RAM modules, and the board installed in the computer is equipped with 4 DIMM slots, follow the installation order. To enable dual-channel mode, install modules in the computer, alternating the board connectors through one, i.e. place them in 1 and 3 or use connectors 2 and 4. The second option is often convenient, because often the first RAM slot is blocked by the processor cooler. If the radiators are low profile, this problem will not arise.

You can check whether the dual-channel mode is connected through the AIDA64 application. Go to the “Test cache and memory” item. The utility will also help you calculate the performance of RAM before overclocking, and observe how the memory and its characteristics have changed after the overclocking procedure.

Setting frequency and timings

To overclock RAM, you need to know how. When you just install RAM in your computer, the RAM will most likely operate at the lowest possible frequency available in the processor’s technical parameters. The maximum frequency must be set, configured through the motherboard BIOS, or manually; for acceleration there is Intel XMP technology, supported by almost all boards, even AMD.

When you manually set it to 2400 MHz, the memory will operate at standard timings for this frequency, which are 11-14-14-33. But HyperX Savage modules cope with stable operation at lower timings at a high frequency of 2400 MHz, this ratio (low timings with high frequencies) is a guarantee of high RAM performance.

A useful technology developed by Intel Corporation - Extreme Memory Profile - allows you to avoid manually setting each timing; in two clicks you select the optimal profile from those prepared by the manufacturer.

Memory overclocking

We said above that installing, even correctly, the RAM strips is not enough. Having turned on the two-channel, or better yet, four-channel mode, select the optimal frequency settings that correlate with the timing. Remember, first of all, that no one will give you a guarantee of overclocking; you will be able to overclock one memory perfectly, but unsuccessfully overclock another. But don’t be afraid that the memory may fail when you overclock it: if it’s turned up too high, it will simply not start.

What to do if overclocking is unsuccessful? Typically, motherboards are equipped with an auto-reset function, which is used when the computer does not start several times after overclocking. You can also do it manually by using the Clear CMOS jumper (aka JBAT).

The frequency is selected experimentally, and the supply voltage and timings are also set. Of course, there is no guarantee that the selected ratio will be better than the maximum XMP profile. Often, with maximum frequency overclocking, you have to increase the timings.

Be sure to test your result using the AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark utility. Overclocking can lead to a drop in speed, becoming almost useless. Typically, low-frequency versions have higher potential than high-end ones.

Installing memory and overclocking it are simple processes, especially when the RAM supports ready-made XMP profiles. Remember that it is more practical to buy RAM for your computer as a kit in order to get a performance boost from dual-channel mode, not only from overclocking. We recommend purchasing a low-profile RAM for your computer to avoid incompatibility when using a large-sized processor cooler. Follow the tips, then you can overclock your RAM to maximum speed.

Two 4 GB sticks in most cases work faster than one 8 GB stick - this is just an example.

If you have successfully selected and purchased the RAM module you need, let's install it correctly in our computer. All parts located inside the system unit do not require significant physical effort to handle, so relax a little. Before work, it would be a good idea to read the manual that came with your motherboard; it must have its own instructions for installing RAM.

  • Note: If you have a laptop, then read the article -.

First of all, we remove static electricity from ourselves by touching the unpainted parts of your system unit with our hands.

We perform all actions with the computer turned off. Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. We remove the side cover of the system unit and find the slots for RAM on the motherboard. Usually there are from two to four. Each RAM slot has special latches on the edges on both sides; they must be carefully pressed to the sides.

Note: Some motherboards are designed in such a way that install RAM the video card will interfere with you, then remove it.

Now look carefully at any slot for installing RAM, it has a special protrusion.

Now take out the RAM module and you will see a special slot or recess on it.

So, we pressed the two latches of the RAM slot to the sides, and carefully insert our RAM module into the slot.

If you bought the RAM module correctly, then when installing the module into the slot intended for it on the motherboard, this cutout should definitely fit into the protrusion. If the cutout and protrusion do not match, then the RAM module is not designed to work on this motherboard.

The module should fall into the guides without any distortions, now the most crucial moment, lightly and carefully press the module from above on both sides with your thumbs, it should fall into place, and the latches should click into place.

If the latches do not click into place, look carefully to see if the module is fully seated in the slot; if it is fully seated, then fix the latch yourself. I think everything is clearly visible in the screenshots.

Let me remind you that if you have two RAM modules with the same capacity and identical characteristics, and the motherboard supports dual-channel RAM mode, insert the modules into the same colored slots.

We put the cover of the system unit back, connect all the cables and turn on the computer.

How to remove RAM

If you need to remove RAM from the slot, it is very simple to do so, just unlatch the latches and remove the RAM module.


Determine how much memory is already installed. Go to the Start menu and select Settings, then Control Panel and System. Select the General tab. The amount of memory installed on your computer will be shown at the bottom of the page.

Determine what type and amount of memory you need to purchase. Consult your user manual to find out the maximum amount of memory your computer can handle. The guide will also help you select the type and speed of memory you need. Buy an operational one memory online or at your local computer store.

Open the case computer. Refer to the instruction manual if necessary. Remove any metal rings, watches or bracelets. Turn off your computer, unplug it from the electrical outlet, and then touch the metal chassis to eliminate any static electricity. An antistatic wrist strap can also be used for this purpose.

Locate the memory slots on the motherboard computer. If necessary, refer to the instruction manual. If there are no free slots, you will have to remove one or more of the installed memory cards to be able to add a new one memory.

Install a new one memory. To do this, open the holders in the free slot and carefully insert the memory card into it. Make sure the memory card module is securely inserted into the slot and secure the holders.

Test the installed memory. Close the case and turn on the computer. If the computer starts beeping, it means memory installed incorrectly. Then repeat step 5 to make sure that memory securely inserted into the slot. If the installation was successful, check that the system has detected the new amount of memory (step 1).

Increasing random access memory (RAM) significantly improves computer performance. Moreover, it does not require knowledge of the hardware; you just need to carefully install the module into the motherboard slot.

You will need

  • - memory module;
  • - screwdriver.


Purchase a suitable RAM module. Modern computers use DDR, DDRII and DDRIII sticks, which differ in connectors and operating speed. You can find out what type of memory is used in your PC in the passport that was issued upon purchase.

Users often find themselves faced with the need to increase the amount of RAM when they start working with more demanding software. “RAM” is responsible for temporary storage of data necessary to perform current processor operations. Read more about how to increase RAM in our material.

The amount of RAM determines how easily and quickly the PC copes with work, performing several tasks at the same time.

The procedure for increasing the amount of RAM may involve purchasing additional memory cards or replacing the already installed memory with a larger module. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such characteristics of RAM as type, clock frequency, and, of course, volume.

If you decide to install an additional RAM stick in your PC, it must be of the same type as the one already installed in the device. In addition, you need to find out the maximum amount of RAM that the motherboard and processor supports.

The characteristics of the RAM installed in a PC can be found using special utilities, for example, Speccy or Everest. Or you can remove the cover of your PC case and conduct a visual inspection. If only the name of the module is indicated on the RAM stick, then by searching on the Internet you can find all the characteristics you need.

RAM type

Memory differs in speed: newer types of modules can transfer more bits of information at each clock cycle of the memory bus. Also, different memory sticks differ visually.

Modern PCs use DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4 RAM boards. SDRAM and DDR types are older. And when upgrading a PC, it makes sense not to buy an additional bracket of the same type, but rather replace it with a module of a newer technology. In terms of money, it will not be much more expensive, but in terms of performance, the advantage will be noticeable.

DDR3 differs from DDR2, for example, in lower power consumption. There is also a variety of DDR3L modules - with even lower power consumption.

Carefully read the specifications of the motherboard before purchasing a new RAM module, since memory of different types cannot be inserted into the same slot on the motherboard due to different cutout locations on the strips. Thus, SDRAM memory (unlike DDR modules) has two cutouts on the bottom edge of the board and 144 contacts. The DDR module has 184 pins, DDR2 and DDR3 have 240, DDR4 has 288 pins, but the key is shifted from the center to the left edge of the bar.

Frequency and timing

Frequency. This parameter determines the amount of data that can be transferred in a certain time, that is, the speed of RAM. The frequency of the RAM must match that supported by the computer's motherboard.

Another important parameter characterizing the speed of RAM is timing. The delay in processing the operation inside the RAM depends on its value. In the name of the RAM module, it can be written as a sequence of four numbers, for example, 9-9-9-24, or CL and a numerical value - the first digit of a 4-digit sequence, that is, CL9 for the example above. The minimum timing value is good for gaming PCs and computers for video editing. For PCs designed for simple everyday tasks, timing has little effect on performance.

RAM slots

The type of RAM and its volume depends on which slots for these purposes are implemented within a particular motherboard. Usually located in close proximity to the socket. At...