Why is the iPhone so expensive, why is it better? Rapid and large-scale iPhone updates. A whole world of accessories

Just a couple of days ago, we poured a lot of “bile” on the new flagship from Apple iPhone X, where we pointed out its main shortcomings (you can see the review). And the phone really had a lot of drawbacks: it was broken and very expensive back panel, the “buggy” Face ID technology (they talked about it so much), expensive accessories, and most importantly, the lack of a powerful charger in the kit that would allow you to use the fast charging function.

However, the flagship does have some advantages. We'll talk about them today.

New world's best mobile processor

With each new iPhone, the company improves mobile processors. When previous iPhone 7 (let's consider it the previous one) saw the world, it used the world's best chipset Apple A10 Fusion, which showed high performance according to the results of synthetic tests. Not a single flagship from other manufacturers could surpass it.

This happened with the iPohne X, 8. Both smartphones use the same Apple A11 Bionic chipsets - 6-core processors operating on a standard 2-cluster architecture:

  1. 4 cores are energy efficient (read economical) and work only when high performance is not needed.
  2. The remaining 2 cores are powerful, and they are used when the user runs a “heavy” game or many different applications.

The chipset is one of the few that can connect all six cores at once, which allows for high performance. Also, this processor began to support for the first time fast charging. This is strange, since “android” processors have long mastered this technology. In that Apple plan it lags a little, but with the new chipset this lag has practically been eliminated.

So, new processor A11 Bionic is the best in the world, as evidenced by the result of testing the flagship in the Antutu benchmark. This is what the smartphone performance table looks like today:

As you can see, the iPhone 8 Plus scores 217,385 points in Antutu. There is no data yet regarding the result of the iPhone X, but given the fact that it uses the same processor and amount of RAM, it will be approximately equal.

Following the iPhone 8 Plus is the usual “eight” with a slight lag. Well, then there are smartphones from other manufacturers with a serious lag. In particular, we can highlight the OnePlus 5 model based on the newest processor from Qualcomm – Snapdragon 835. It scores only 181,000 points, trailing the leader by 36,000 points. This is the top of what this processor is capable of.

Samsung's new Exynos 8 Octa 8898M chipset used in Galaxy Note 8 also didn’t particularly surprise with its score of 178,000 points. So overtake the new productive Apple chip So far no one has succeeded and it is unlikely that anyone will succeed, since everyone famous manufacturers have already released theirs flagship processors. The leader, as expected, was Apple and its new “brainchild” A11 Bionic.

The processor is what makes the iPhone X good in the first place.


Just recently we created a review and testing iPhone cameras X. You can familiarize yourself with it.

After the perfect this moment mobile processor, the second advantage is its cameras (there are two of them on the back panel). DxO resource specialists claim that the flagship received the second after Google Pixel 2 best camera in the world. They rated it 97 points. The first place in the ranking is occupied by Google Pixel 2 with a score of 98 points.


  1. 2 sensors with a resolution of 12 megapixels and optical stabilization.
  2. Main wide-angle lens on the main sensor with f/1.8 aperture.
  3. Additional telephoto lens with f/2.4 aperture.
  4. Front camera with recognition technology Face ID.
  5. Phase autofocus.
  6. Quad LED flash with slow synchronization.
  7. Portrait mode with lighting.
  8. Capable of shooting 4K video at 60 FPS.

According to DxO experts, the camera takes best pictures of stationary objects, it provides accurate color reproduction, ideal white balance and conveys high detail. Boasts the widest dynamic range, which manifests itself in distinct detailing of objects in dark and light areas of the image simultaneously.

There is also a very fast and good HDR mode - with its help, photos really look better. About noise in the image when shooting in daylight hours days can be completely forgotten. At night they appear, but in moderate quantities. Porter mode lets you take stunning photos with a bokeh effect that artistically blurs the background of the image.

Examples of photos taken on iPhone X

Good display of exposure in space with good lighting.
Complex, high-contrast scene. The image clearly shows the bright blue color that is the light source. Given that the camera is looking directly at it, distant dark areas in the photo are not washed out with black, they are detailed and clearly visible, which shows us a wide dynamic range. Demonstration of shooting at 2x optical zoom (quality is not lost when zooming). Demonstration of the bokeh effect when shooting in portrait mode. There is a soft background blur. While subject camouflage isn't perfect, photos in this mode are soft and artistic.

Test video:

Of course, the new iPhone's camera is one of the best in the world, but not the best. By the way, stepping on the heels of this flagship Huawei Mate 10 – new smartphone Chinese brand. Its camera also received a score of 97 points from the DxO resource, which means that it is at least as good. Huawei review You can look at Mate 10 (including cameras).

Face ID technology

We have already discussed the principle of operation of Face ID technology. You can find out more about it in ours. The bottom line is that the iPhone itself distinguishes a person’s facial features and removes the block. The user can only swipe his finger across the screen.

FaceID is truly a revolutionary technology, as no one has been able to implement something like this before. It can be considered an advantage due to its uniqueness and convenience.

Although one cannot fail to mention its imperfections. Apple representatives have said many times that the chance of another person unlocking a smartphone is almost zero. There were also assurances that various kinds of masks and photographs would not help in this matter either, since Face ID recognizes the owner’s gaze. But the events of recent days have completely refuted the words of the developers.

In the video, a Korean shows how he bypassed the protection using a mask:

Here is another example when a son easily unlocked his mother’s iPhone.

For those who don’t know, a smartphone cannot and should not remove the block if a stranger is trying to unlock it. He only remembers one face. As it turns out, the block can be removed using a mask or simply visual similarity. It is quite possible that this issue will be resolved with subsequent updates in the near future.

Have you forgotten anything?

Processor, camera, Face ID... it seems like nothing was forgotten. The new flagship no longer has any technology or hardware that other phones do not have. So the advantages listed above are all that the iPhone X is good at.

P.S. The screen on the phone is not an advantage at all. SuperAMOLED display is a development Samsung, And Apple screens buys from Koreans, rather than making them himself. In addition, Samsung clearly will not sell its best developments to its competitors.

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I recently wrote a reverse article, showing all the advantages of Android over iOS. Now it’s time to tell you how iPhones are superior to their Android smartphone counterparts. It is generally accepted that the iPhone better than smartphones on Android, but at what cost? And how many advantages does the iPhone really have? I’ll tell you more about this below. This article means latest iPhone 5S

So, in order

1. OS optimization

In fact, this is the main advantage of the iPhone over other smartphones. Optimization lies in the fact that the operating system iOS installed on iPhone is a development of the same Apple. This means that the operating system is made specifically for the iPhone. Developers know what characteristics the device on which iOS will run has; accordingly, such an OS will be more optimized, which is what is observed when using an iPhone. No slowdowns or freezes regardless of the number installed applications. As for , the situation here is different. Android OS is developed by Google and was designed as a universal operating system for mobile devices. Smartphones are manufactured by different companies, so some smartphones frankly slow down, do not respond to pressing, display error messages, etc.

2. Application optimization

On an iPhone, the question does not arise: “will this application work on my phone?” This question is not unfamiliar to Android owners. All applications from the AppStore are already tested, working, and ideally suited to the iPhone.

3. Viruses

There are no viruses for iPhone. Since the application can only be accessed on an iPhone through the AppStore, but in AppStore application only after Apple has verified it.

4. Shape and body

Most people, whether they use an iPhone or another smartphone, find the shape of the device convenient. And the metal body combines style and durability.

5. Large selection of accessories

Due to the popularity of iPhones, the number and variety of accessories will not let their owners get bored. There is no shortage yet and there are no plans.

Imaginary advantages


The camera on the iPhone is considered the best, but the latest ones from Samsung, Sony and HTC have surpassed them in the quality and size of the photos. The latter also have many additional features. functions: 3d photo, 360 panorama, TimeShift, etc.


It's up to you to decide what suits you best. Each person is individual and each has their own taste. But I believe that if the device you have chosen for yourself does not help you in life and does not bring you pleasure, even limits you in something, then it is not suitable for you. Here's another . You can leave your opinion below in the comments. See you later.

Products Apple has conquered the markets of most countries of the world, despite its considerable cost. But why is the iPhone so expensive? The short answer to this question is this: The iPhone is expensive compared to many Android phones for several reasons: First, Apple designs and manufactures not only each phone's hardware, but also software. Secondly, the manufacturer controls the entire user interface.

Historically, many competitors (like Samsung) have released phones and used Google's operating system to run them. In the case of the iPhone, careful integration of software and hardware, which is more resource-intensive. Hence, this naturally increases the price of the phone.

One more point can be added to this. If you consider everything that goes into an iPhone, there are dozens of metals that need to be mined from all corners globe, hand-crafted parts and complex components (such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, multi-touch sensors, and incredibly compact and powerful processors series A), the smartphone no longer seems so expensive. He can perform more tasks than many desktop PCs. This explains why an iPhone is more expensive than a computer.

Apple also continues to position the iPhone as a product high class, preventing it from becoming a leader in some large emerging markets (such as India). This gives the company the opportunity to earn much higher profits per device than its competitors. To date, the iPhone is the most profitable product in modern history.

All this makes it clear why the iPhone is so expensive. In addition, there are many reasons why it is better than Android. This is especially noticeable if we compare Android features 8.0 and iOS 11.

The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus may not offer huge features, but they still received good reviews from many buyers. Currently available are the 8 and 8 Plus models, which come with wireless chargers and upgraded cameras. Most recently, the iPhone X entered the market, which received the addition of Face ID. All this allows us to understand why the iPhone 10 is so expensive and why it is better for many users in comparison with Android devices.

Programs and services

Applications for iPhone appear first and look better than similar services on Android. Most popular programs are available on both platforms, but many best games and apps still appear on the iPhone first. Of course, often similar services appear on both platforms at the same time, but many of them exist only for iOS.

Moreover, even when applications are available simultaneously on iPhone and Android, you may notice best design in the iPhone version. This is still true in 2017. For example, you can see some new features for Snapchat and Spotify, but they are much better presented on the iPhone X. Moreover, some new applications appear only on iPhones with AR support. Some action-packed games arrived on the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X later this year and will only be available on the iOS platform going forward. This explains why people buy iPhones so expensive.

In simple terms, applications are an area where the gap between mobile OS is gradually closing, but the differences still exist and remain noticeable. It's obvious that Apple is better takes care of the AppStore. Recently, developers removed 47,300 apps from the store that were unsuccessful or outdated.

Fast updates

iPhone owners enjoy fast and regular iOS updates no matter what model they use.

Updates on Android take several months to adapt to all devices. Once an Android device is one and a half years old, the user may need to purchase a new smartphone to get the latest software.

Apple supplies iPhone updates for devices that are even three years old. Thus, the company offers support for the 4s model on IOS 9, while the same is not available for older Android phones. On this platform, device support ends much faster. Google promises a maximum of two years for Nexus devices, for devices from other manufacturers - even less. This is very objective reason, why the iPhone is more expensive than other phones.

Works with all devices

If you also have a Mac, your data is easily copied from one device to another. You can quickly synchronize photos with all devices, answer a phone call when iPad help or Mac and send text messages. There is also Handoff support, which allows you to start a task on your iPhone and continue working on your iPad or Mac.

Overall, communication between these devices is exactly what Android can't achieve without relying on the collection third party applications and services for collaboration gadgets.

Thanks to AirDrop, accessing files from iPhone to Mac is also faster and easier. This built-in service sends the file via wireless network directly on your Mac, even if there are other Wi-Fi sources nearby.

However, it will not be possible to use Android for a similar purpose so quickly and functionally. By comparing this, you can draw conclusions about how well the iPhone works with the MacBook and simplifies tasks that you perform several times every day. All this clearly demonstrates why the iPhone is more expensive than the Android.

No third party services

There are no additional mobile apps on the iPhone when you buy a new device. Many Android phones come pre-installed with a host of brand-supporting services, many of which you'll never use.

It is often impossible to remove these additional applications, you can only turn them off. This means they still remain on your phone and take up space. This is a small problem immediately after purchase, but after a year when you need more memory, and you will not be able to clean it quickly, this may cause difficulties.

Unlike Android, iPhone looks more like an empty slider out of the box. Also, in iOS 10, you can delete some user data and hide unnecessary applications Apple.

AppleCare guarantee on iPhone

Another reason why the iPhone is so expensive is additional risk insurance. Apple offers iPhone warranty for $99 to $129, which extends the manufacturer's commitment by two years and adds the same period of user support. This service is called AppleCare+, and its analogues in most Android phones are missing.

HTC offers free protection UhOh for 1 year, which covers repairs for cracked screens and water damage. Samsung offers additional guarantee for Galaxy smartphones, which costs from 99 to 129 US dollars, depending on the model. This service offers features similar to AppleCare+, but it does not allow you to replace your device. Rest of the world Android smartphones does not have such guarantees. Therefore, it is obvious why the iPhone is so expensive and popular.

Device sharing

On the other hand, if you were to perform the same interaction with Android devices, you would need to download multiple apps to maintain the same level of communication. Samsung makes this process easy with devices running Android Marshmallow, but these are only the first attempts. For this reason, it is also obvious why the iPhone is more expensive than the Samsung.

Worth more when you resell

An iPhone retains its value longer than an Android phone. If you are selling your Android smartphone that is 1-2 years old, even a flagship device, you will often get much less money for it than you paid for it. At the same time, when selling more old iPhone you can get almost double the price of the Android phone that came out at the same time.

For example, a 2015 Galaxy S6 in immaculate condition costs $130 today. An iPhone 6, which came out a few months after it, now costs $195. This also explains why iPhones are so expensive in Russia.

This trend is changing slightly due to improved build quality and higher demand for the latest Android devices, but for now, used iPhones are still more expensive. In addition, the value of a device also depends on its prevalence: limited editions are always more expensive. Therefore, it becomes clear why the red iPhone is more expensive.

Lightning and micro USB

Apple uses lightning cable for charging and iPhone sync. This wire is significantly superior Micro cable USB, which most Android phones use for a similar purpose.

When using Lightning, there is no wrong way to connect it because there is no top or bottom. cause users to try to connect the cord several times before figuring out the correct direction and angle of insertion into the connector.

Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge support wireless charging, which works better than Lightning, but still requires a Micro USB cable for some functions. Even though its scope is gradually narrowing, it is still used on many phones.

Stores and support

When downloading applications does not go as planned or when installing a service iPhone work worsens, AppleStore immediately cancels it. You can solve this problem in a few hours, and not have to wait a day or two with a non-functional iPhone. AppleStore customer support is often presented a step above the assistance that manufacturers provide Android devices can be provided by telephone or in specialized stores. And since all the support is directed from the USA, it becomes obvious why iPhones are so expensive in Russia.

Ease of use

The iPhone is still easier to set up and use than most Android phones. Even a “teapot” can start using a smartphone. This also explains why the iPhone X is so expensive.

Google today provides greater ease of use than older versions of Android, but not all phones benefit from these updates. For example, Samsung has come a long way in simplifying Android with EasyMode, but there are still some issues. This is not a problem for experienced users, but for people who don't want settings to change randomly, this can be difficult. This is especially true when using Wi-Fi or Cellular.

Headphone control

If you love listening to music and constantly need to be in control of your playlist, the iPhone benefits from headphones that can control many aspects of your playback.

Standard iPhone headphones can play, pause, fast forward or rewind a track. iPhone users can also control volume without the phone's involvement thanks to volume up and down buttons. Additionally, Apple includes the ability to launch Siri so users can make a phone call and perform other actions at the same time.

This big advantage, which is missing on most Android phones. Today there are more options for controlling headphones on Android devices, but they are far from universal.

iMessage, FaceTime and FaceTime Audio

Apple makes it easy to connect with others iPhone owners and iPad, providing three unique services that make communication fast and easy.

iMessage allows users to send more long messages at a time, and they can be sent to any other Apple device which belongs to him.

FaceTime provides great way for video chat. Unlike Hangouts, it's built into the phone app, so it's easy to switch between phone call for a video call. FaceTime Audio helps too iPhone users make calls when network coverage is intermittent, using data to make an audio call. This app's audio calls also sound better than a normal call and work when you have bad signal cell service, but still has Wi-Fi.

Improved notification control

The iPhone still does a better job of managing notifications. Android makes them easy to clear, but still doesn't categorize them very well.

On iPhone you can see short review what's happening today and access widgets that let you update information and then use notifications. In contrast, Android devices don't have any settings that allow you to switch.

Storage and media use cases

You can add Micro card SD to an Android smartphone, but the device will not recognize it the same way as if you had an iPhone with 64 GB or 128 GB own memory. The Galaxy S7 comes with a feature that essentially tricks the phone into seeing the Micro SD as part of internal storage. Because of this, you can't move all your apps to the SD card, and programs you use widgets for can't be copied to it.

All the above arguments explain in detail why the iPhone is so expensive. Perhaps over time its cost will decrease, but at present no equal competitors to this device have yet been released.

Jul 16

(Section - For Beginners) Advantages and disadvantages of the Iphone!

Greetings, dear blog visitors. Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to tell you about the advantages of the iPhone and the disadvantages of the iPhone. This best information for those who are thinking about buying an iPhone or not! I myself use an iPhone 6s plus, so I decided to post this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of iPhone

Steve Jobs took advantage of a unique situation in the market - he did not sell a product, he created a need that he solved with the help of his product. This is why Apple products are already long time is one of the most sought after in the world.

With all due respect to the iPad and iPod, exactly telephone version American product brings the most money companies, using all the advantages of the iPhone with a bang. And this is not surprising, because current smartphones can replace many gadgets, including portable music player And Tablet PC. And this is not even mentioning such applications as a photo and video camera, all kinds of time manipulations (clock, timer, alarm clock, stopwatch), various games and all kinds of widgets.

Briefly divide all the advantages and disadvantages mobile version American manufacturer, then two lists can be made.

iPhone disadvantages:

  • high price of the device, taking into account the availability of analogues on the market technical specifications with a cheaper price tag;
  • absence free applications;
  • weak battery;
  • lack of a second SIM card and slots for memory expansion;
  • gradual improvement of models;
  • uniqueness of the connection.

  • uniqueness of the software;
  • phone build quality;
  • individuality of each device;
  • display quality;
  • compliance with the declared parameters.

As in the case of two news - good and bad - let's start with the bad, leaving the most delicious for dessert.


In a world of intense and saturated advertising, Apple cannot lure customers with price. And this is not only because of the philosophy, which is based initially on quality, and only then on cost. After all, you cannot focus on the number of banknotes, which are twice as many as for a similar (in terms of technical equipment) device of competitors. Moreover, it is almost impossible to attract a new user with price - a simple and effective argument like “I’d rather buy two phones for the same money” will play a much larger role than “some” quality in the eyes of an inexperienced user.

A breakthrough in terms of commercial sales of copyrighted content was Steve Jobs' idea to offer songs for 99 cents. This is not so much in the case of small purchases, therefore “buy for pennies and not worry” has proven itself very effectively in reality. This became the basis for paid content for iOS users. Of course, the phone immediately has an Internet browser or a YouTube channel, but for lovers of new things this is a significant obstacle.

Active iPhone users rarely go without a charger, because Apple always values ​​the thickness of the device more than its endurance. But 1-2mm thickness is not as significant as a few hours of gadget performance. And the weight shouldn’t put much strain on your back. But ergonomics is a controversial concept.

Variability. More precisely, its absence worries many, because plans tend to change. For some, 16 GB of memory was enough, but when traveling or on a business trip it is convenient for him to take pictures from his phone, and the Internet is not available everywhere. Or new acquaintances hint at connecting to another telecom operator, and carrying a second phone is not very convenient. The company has bitten off quite an impressive chunk of the market itself.

Properly created euphoria from purchasing a new phone model plays an important role for the company. The regular release of a new version allows you to get enough of the functionality of the purchased gadget and whet your appetite for a new product. But there are no significant changes - they increased the amount of memory or megapixels, added some new feature and that’s it. But sales peak every time - great, but definitely not for people.

The campaign to standardize and create universal assistive devices did not affect the American manufacturer. Charging device, cables connecting to a PC, and in the early stages, the size of SIM cards - all this plays against the user who finds himself outside his home and outside the environment of like-minded technical people.


But for every obverse there is a reverse, or every disadvantage is covered by the advantage of the iPhone. Thus, the absence of free applications, together with the limitation of functionality, practically eliminates the possibility of getting into malware. Here the comparison with mousetrap cheese comes in handy. There is no need to even talk about the “smoothness” and stability of the system – there are no freezes or crashes a priori, largely due to the “closed nature” of the software.

Another important advantage of the device is its build quality. Even in times of constant race to reduce the thickness of the device and increase its screen, it is Apple products that are least criticized on the basis of assembly. No, this does not mean that you can safely throw your phone on the asphalt or hammer nails with it (there are other devices for this), but you won’t be able to detect any creaks or cracks - that’s a fact.

It's really difficult to appeal to iPhone opponents when it comes to uniqueness. And it's not easy individual internet browser or some publicly accessible features, this is the most protection there is. If lost modern device the owner has the opportunity to find the device even without a SIM card, since each device has a unique number, and the ability to track it from a satellite. And alteration in such cases is a delicate matter, so you can weed out a considerable number of “ill-wishers”.

It is not at all necessary to constantly manually adjust the brightness of the display in different lighting conditions if you are the owner of an iPhone. In addition, the sensitivity and clarity of the display is amazing – even with speed dial Regarding long text, the number of errors is incomparably less with other smartphones and QWERTY keyboards. Sometimes you get the feeling that the phone itself guesses what you wanted to write.

Even in the conditions of modern standardization and independent certification, the same parameters on different devices are perceived differently. For example, the quality of photographs of a 5-megapixel camera on an iPhone and other devices is perceived differently not only on the screen of the smartphone itself, but also on a computer, and clearly not in favor of cheaper devices. And even if it is Apple that “exceeds GOST,” then this is definitely a pleasant bonus.

To summarize, it should be noted that “ the target audience» The use of Apple products is growing steadily. Users are paying more and more attention to operational stability and security, understanding the real cost of quality. The advantages of the iPhone regularly tip the scales in its favor. Now you know everything about the advantages of the iPhone and all about the disadvantages of the iPhone. And by the way, in the last article I wrote about.

Hello friends!

Is it worth buying an iPhone? This is the most popular question when choosing a smartphone, given the high cost of the device. This article will analyze how to choose the right iPhone and whether it is worth choosing it.


— IPhone is, first of all, a brand created by the brilliant Steve Jobs. When buying an iPhone, its owner receives a piece of history;

metal body and glass won’t surprise anyone anymore, but in terms of quality, it’s Apple’s best build among competitors;

— incredible color rendition and camera clarity;

- recognizable stylish design, which has become a classic, but does not lag behind modern times;

high performance;

— the presence of exclusive functions and applications not available from competitors;

— multi-level account protection, proven over the years.


iPhone cost, because despite all the uniqueness, the main part of the price is the brand;

paid content;

— no memory cards;

— high cost of original spare parts and accessories.

General opinion

Despite the fact that the functions of modern devices are almost the same, especially if we take direct iPhone competitors— Samsung and Apple have always been pioneers, introducing new features and technologies faster.

The iPhone is the most powerful smartphone in the world right now and, not surprisingly, the most desirable.

iOS or Android?

One of the important questions when purchasing is which operating system is better?

Let's start with the fact that these operating systems are opposite in origin. iOS is an independent closed operating system, designed specifically for iPhone smartphones With closed code, which significantly improves its security against hacking.

Android system is based on Linux kernel, which in turn is open to the public. Thus, any programmer with sufficient knowledge can write his own version of the Android system. This is what causes diversity Android versions. Each manufacturer is trying to come up with something of their own.

Also, the user support policy of the developers of these systems is diametrically opposed. iOS is constantly updated with small tweaks, performance improvements and bug fixes, while Android rarely receives updates, but they are more global.

Conclusion: iOS is more stable and secure. Android is more diverse, but less secure.

Files, data

Smartphones running on operating room Android system Easily connect to a computer or laptop using standard usb- micro-usb cable. Drivers are installed automatically and the smartphone is presented on the screen as a storage device. You can seamlessly transfer files from your computer to your phone and vice versa.

With the iPhone, things are different. To connect your smartphone to your computer you need special cable, which comes included. You also need to download iTunes. This is a program for synchronizing your smartphone and computer. The iPhone will also be visible as portable device, but access will be provided exclusively to photographs and pictures. Thus, using an iPhone instead of a flash card is impossible.

But this is not a minus. This manufacturer's policy helps protect the smartphone's memory from viruses and malware.

Conclusion: working with files Android is simpler and does not require additional programs. iOS, on the other hand, requires the installation of additional software that you need to understand, but this is compensated by security.

Data store

The iPhone did not and does not have support for memory cards. Instead, the manufacturer offers to immediately select the amount of built-in memory at the time of purchase. In addition, after registering an account, cloud storage space will be available.

For the most part, Android devices have the ability to increase memory using cards, but as a rule, you can only store photos and data on them. Applications cannot be installed without third-party programs.

Conclusion: Android has an advantage when it comes to expanding device memory.

Where can I buy?

There are several options iPhone purchases, For example .

1. The most reliable way is to purchase new iPhone in the original store or partner store. Minimum risks, guarantee, 100% new device.

Confidence in the phone;


- high price.

2. IN Lately Increasingly, there are stores ready to sell iPhones at a significantly reduced price. What's the catch? These phones were damaged and repaired. If the repair is done in good faith, there will be no difference in build quality. The cases have no wear and are sold in original packaging.

Reduced price;

The equipment is the same as in the original store;

Repair service.

— absence or short warranty periods;

— the device is still not new.

3. Buy an IDon from your hands

Undoubtedly, there are sellers who actually offer quality smartphone no defects for favorable price. But there are also those who sell iPhones after they are broken or with a hidden defect. This method suitable for people willing to take risks. However, the market for used iPhones is updated daily, and the demand for these devices is constantly growing. In the future, when you upgrade to a new smartphone, it will be easy to sell your IPhone.

The most low price;

Big choice.

- big risk;
complete absence guarantees.

Conclusion: if the buyer understands iPhones, you can take a risk and buy it second-hand, after checking it first.
If this is his first iPhone, then it is better to buy in stores. Which one depends on the budget.

Repairs and accessories

Original spare parts for the iPhone are expensive, but you shouldn’t give up the pleasure of owning this device because of this. On Aliexpress offer many types of accessories, protective covers, glass Charging cables of various lengths, devices for wireless charging. Most importantly, these products have been tested by thousands of buyers, and their low price will not leave you indifferent.

Conclusion: Don't worry about broken glass or lost charge. All this can be easily found in relevant stores or ordered from China.