Search by photo find face. Face recognition from photos online. Facial recognition control and management capabilities

The visitor can submit any digital image, which contains face, and FaceMorpher Web Edition will find face and find its features very accurately and completely automatically, without user intervention. ... Perform an animation change persons smoothly and realistically transforming one face after another. ...In the same way, you can change your age faces or make him younger by...

The program is based on reliable recognition faces , which finds 100000 persons in a second. ... Identification program faces for PC and web applications. ... The main requirement for the trial version is a constant Internet connection. ... NET and Delphi 7. ... The SDK can work with many web cameras on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. ... The program includes documentation and programming examples in C,...

...), which makes it easier recognition emotions or discrimination among emotions that appear under the influence facial muscles. ... This test on emotions will allow psychologists, neuropsychologists, neurologists, teachers, speech therapists and others to gain access to the processing of emotional dysfunctions that are expressed by human face and voice.

Built-in recognition faces , 30 day trial version. ...For more detailed information, review our website or contact us. ... Commercial EDK types: - tools with library for ARM developers, - tools with source code for large-scale development using ARM-based or other mobile hardware.

Based on reliable technology recognition, which guarantees reliability in recognition persons, in 1:1 and 1:N modes, instant detection persons, processing and definition at 100,000 speed persons per second. ...A program that can define numerous faces SDK. ... trial version Requires a permanent Internet connection.

Use super technology for recognition persons. ... Enter a name for anyone faces from a photo for a quick annotation and you can quickly find faces their ancestors in photographs. ... This program has most of the innovative features that have been developed in the field of genealogy in recent decades: - Technology for recognition faces ; - Input of visual data;...

Key advantages of the product: - Absolutely safe and reliable - Preventing access of other users - Auto-start - Artificial intelligence - User-friendly Key Features: - Installation wizard, installation and registration - Secure login registration in Window and Domain Accounts using authentication faces -Screen saver lock is protected by signs faces ...

Creation of profiles ( recognition visitors on repeat visits. ... - Recognition product (customers can define text lines, etc... - Wishlist in the main customer menu, now with a list of links and ordering from third parties persons. ... - Included source codes with real license source codes. ... - Minimum settings purchases (customer must purchase for more than $XX.

Advanced system recognition The DLL uses two functions: Training and recognition . ...Create your own biometric authentication security system by face for Windows using VC++ or VB. ...Uses special algorithm, which has a large number of service programs with Artificial Intelligence with the addition of image optimization, works with web cameras with...

Today, a large number of even personal malicious publications are appearing - they are used only by certain persons . ... ProSecurity is a program based on recognition system behavior, ensures security and protects your computer. ... This program provides protection by intercepting security-threatening behavior and implementing certain measures: the program...

In this material I will tell you how to search by photo on social networks, and what we need for this. Imagine a situation: you have a photo of a person about whom you need to find everything available information. Social networks, which often contain accounts of the people we need, can provide invaluable assistance in the process of such a search. They may contain a variety of information about a person, including his photos and videos, interests, hobbies, favorite books and films, and other data useful to us. But how can you find such a page with just a photo?

Search the right person on social networks you can different ways(by first and last name, place of residence, geotags, age, and other relevant descriptors). If you already have a photo of him, then you can turn to the possibilities of special network tools who can provide significant assistance in our search.

Some of these resources (for example, the popular “FindFace”) are specially “tailored” for searching for people in specific network(in the case of “FindFace” this is the Russian “VK”). Others, level search engines Google and Yandex allow you to search for identical and similar images on a variety of sites (including social networks), displaying on the screen all the richness of the results obtained.

In some cases it is necessary to prepare the desired photo to search for it (for example, using a template graphic editor" "). It is necessary to get rid of the presence of other people in the photo (if any), as well as remove other unnecessary details that could interfere search service in his work.

Let's look at ways to search for a person by their face image on social networks.

“FindFace” - effective photo search using neural networks

In November 2015, the University of Washington organized the “The MegaFace Benchmark” competition, in which more than a hundred teams took part, including from Google and Facebook. The goal of the competition is to create the most efficient algorithm for face recognition, which allows you to accurately select a similar face among many analogues.

Despite strong competition, the competition was won by Russian company"N-Tech.Lab". Its algorithm, based on the work neural networks, provided the highest recognition accuracy among analogues - about 75% of all results obtained.

  • Later, this algorithm was embodied in the service, which allows you to find the right person (or people similar to him) in social network"In contact with".
  • At the same time, a mobile application of the same name is also available to Android OS users.

The “findface” service will allow you to quickly find the right person on VK

How to use Fifindface search

How does this service work? To work with it, first of all you need to have a page on VK (if you don’t have one, create one). Then do the following:

  1. Go to;
  2. Click on the red “Find identical” button;
  3. Allow the service to access your account by clicking on “Allow”;
  4. Upload the photo you need to search and wait for the search procedure to complete;
  5. Review your results.

The free capabilities of the service are limited to a certain number of searches on the social network (usually several dozen). For unlimited possibilities, you will have to pay the developers.

“Google Images” – with the ability to find a person by photo

The capabilities of the popular international search engine Google allow you to search by image online, including searching by photo of a person on social networks. In this case, the search engine displays both identical and similar results, with information on the found image (including the probable first and last name of the person in the photo).

To work with the service from Google, do the following:

"Yandex.Pictures" - will find anyone on a social network based on a face picture

Image search on social networks from the Yandex service is organized in a manner similar to Google. To search, go to “Yandex.Pictures" or use to launch the service, click on the camera image on the right, download the desired picture to the resource (or provide a link to it on the Internet). Review your results.

You can also use a special Yandex tool that searches for people on social networks. Follow this link, enter in search bar first and last name of the desired person, click on “Find” and view the result (usually a photo, link to social profile, short information).

To search, go to “Yandex.Images” and click on the camera icon on the right

Alternative resources for searching people by image

Among other services that search for images in social media. networks, I would also note the following resources:


Search by photo on social media networks will help you perform the services I listed above. Among the services mentioned, I recommend Special attention to the service - its recognition efficiency is quite high level, allowing you to quickly find the pages of the people you need on VK.

In contact with

Finding a person via the Internet is quite simple - now almost everyone has their own page on social networks. You just need to somehow reach her.

There are several ways to do this (I talked about them), but they all rely on searching for information. You must indicate your first name, last name, age, city of residence and other information. But even if you know everything about a person, down to his blood type, this is not a guarantee that he will be found.

It’s a completely different matter if you have a photograph, even a general one. Now there are services that can recognize faces and search for the pages of their owners.

Preparing the photo

First you need to crop the photo. So us and her computer size Let's reduce it (usually it's big), and remove all the excess. This is especially true if the photo is a group one.

1 . Open Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint

2. Open the photo in this program (you can simply drag it inside the window).

3. Select the “Select” tool at the top and circle the desired person.

4 . Click the “Crop” button.

Search on VKontakte (

FindFace ( is a special service for searching for people on the VKontakte social network. But to use it, you need to have a VK page.

You can get it for free in just a minute - to do this, go to the website and register.

To search through FindFace, follow the link and click on the “find identical” button.

The service will ask you to allow access to your VK page, to which we agree.

Upload the desired photo (you can simply drag it inside the window).

And we wait for the end of the search procedure.

That's all - all that remains is to find your lost one in the list :)

Search the entire Internet

Search by image. There are two for this special services: one is from Google (, the other is from Yandex ( They are very easy to use: you just need to drag the photo into the search bar.

Google Image Search

Search by image Yandex

The result will appear immediately. First, the same picture will be shown, but in other sizes (if available on the network), just below - similar photos, even lower are the Internet pages on which they are posted.

TinEye ( Popular foreign image search service.

Everything is exactly the same here: drag a picture from your computer into the search bar, and immediately get the result.

Browser extensions

Extensions or add-ons are small gadgets that are added to an Internet program and perform certain tasks in it. For example, there are extensions for downloading videos from Youtube or music from Contact. There are also such programs for searching by photos.

Almost every browser has its own collection of various add-ons. But most of them are in Google Chrome. In other programs, there are literally one or two extensions for our purposes, and even then they do not work quite as they should. Therefore, I will show how to work with add-ons only using the example of Chrome.

Where to find and how to install the extension

1 . Click on the button at the top right and select Additional tools- Extensions.

2. We go down to the very bottom of the page (scroll with the wheel on the mouse) and click on “More extensions”.

3. IN top line search print keywords and press Enter. The found extensions and applications appear. Install what you need (you can delete it later at any time).

If you install an application, it is added to an empty tab, in the Services item. That is, in order to find it later, you need to open it new tab browser and go to “Services” (top left).

Extensions are installed a little differently - they are added immediately after the address bar.

The FindFace service, developed for users of Russia's largest social network VKontakte, will be able to find virtual space each person with just one photo. The project is based on facial recognition technology created by N-Tech.Lab.

FindFace allows you to find a person, find out open information and contact him through a social network account, and for all this a photograph taken mobile phone. Poor lighting or a bad angle will not prevent the algorithm from quickly finding the right person. The service identifies the person in the photo with an accuracy of about 70%, and if the right person was not found, FindFace suggests looking at the photo similar people, which makes it unique among modern dating services.

The new kind social service was developed based on technology from N-Tech.Lab, a company specializing in solutions in the field of neural networks. Such networks are capable of analyzing information and learning like humans, but they do it much faster. To search the desired file in a database of 300 million photos, the N-Tech.Lab algorithm takes less than a second. This solution was recognized as the best international competition The MegaFace Benchmark, organized by the University of Washington.

Now you can use FindFace using mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as through the browser. All necessary calculations are performed on remote servers, so the requirements for gadgets are minimal. The service allows you not only to find the desired user, but also send him messages, like, view photos and other information.

At the first stage of its development new service will work on the VKontakte social network, whose daily audience exceeds 100 million people. In the future, FindFace will become available to users of other social networks.

Basic functionality is free. For users with a wider range of capabilities (unlimited number of queries per month, complex search settings, etc.), the service will cost from 149 to 459 rubles per month.

The FindFace service, developed for users of Russia’s largest social network VKontakte, will be able to find any person in the virtual space using just one photo. The project is based on facial recognition technology created by N-Tech.Lab.

FindFace allows you to find a person, find out public information and contact him through an account on a social network, and for all this a photo taken with a mobile phone is enough. Poor lighting or a bad angle will not prevent the algorithm from quickly finding the right person. The service identifies the person in the photo with an accuracy of about 70%, and if the desired person was not found, FindFace offers to look at photos of similar people, which makes it unique among modern dating services.

A new type of social service was developed based on technology from N-Tech.Lab, a company specializing in solutions in the field of neural networks. Such networks are capable of analyzing information and learning like humans, but they do it much faster. It takes the N-Tech.Lab algorithm less than a second to find the desired file in a database of 300 million photos. This solution was recognized as the best at the international competition The MegaFace Benchmark, organized by the University of Washington.

Now you can use FindFace using mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as through a browser. All necessary calculations are performed on remote servers, so the requirements for gadgets are minimal. The service allows you not only to find the right user, but also to send him messages, like, view photos and other information.

At the first stage of its development, the new service will operate on the VKontakte social network, whose daily audience exceeds 100 million people. In the future, FindFace will become available to users of other social networks.

Basic functionality is free. For users with a wider range of capabilities (unlimited number of queries per month, complex search settings, etc.), the service will cost from 149 to 459 rubles per month.