Download the best program for downloading games. The best program for downloading games: to your computer or phone. Overview of download managers

From time to time, every user of the World Wide Web needs a program to download videos.

The fact is that the vast majority of resources where they can be viewed do not offer the ability to download videos. Therefore, you have to look for some workarounds and alternative options for receiving video on your computer.

We have collected 5 of the best and most popular programs today that help in completing the task.

Let’s say right away that there is no such program that would allow you to download videos from absolutely any site. But there are utilities that make it possible to download videos from a large number of resources. We'll talk about them.


This program works as simply and uncomplicated as possible. The user only needs to paste the link and simply click on the “Start” button.

The so-called video initialization will begin. When it happens, a link will appear below. All you have to do is click the “Download” button to download the video to your computer.

StreamTransport copes well with YouTube files, as well as many popular social networks in RuNet, such as VK, Odnoklassniki, and so on.

Rice. No. 1. Work StreamTransport

Here are some more features of StreamTransport:

  • after inserting the link, the entered page is displayed in the program window - this allows the user to make sure that he is downloading exactly what is intended;
  • StreamTransport supports a large number of protocols - not only standard HTTP and HTTPS, but also RTMPTE, RTMP, RTMPE and so on (thanks to this, the list of supported sites is very wide);
  • the utility works not only on the latest versions of Windows, but even on XP (although today there are extremely few such applications left);
  • standard installation - there are no pitfalls, advertising materials or other unnecessary rubbish.

What is also important is that StreamTransport is completely free and can be downloaded from a large number of sites on the Internet. But we recommend using the link below.

2. VDownloader

Another very small program that makes it possible to download videos from YouTube, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other popular sites on the Internet. At the same time, the principle of operation is almost the same as in StreamTransport, only here everything is even simpler.

All you need to do is paste the link to the video into the field that is located at the top of the program window.

You can then select your desired output file quality and format. And in the end all you have to do is click on the “Download” button.

Below you can watch the download process. The interface is quite pleasant and even familiar - very reminiscent of uTorrent or other similar programs.

Rice. No. 2. Three steps to working with VDownloader

Other features of VDownloader are:

  • In addition to the download tool, there is also an extensive set of other tools, including a search, with which you can find videos on a given topic or keywords;
  • you can also view the page with the video using the “Browser” tool;
  • There is also a tool for converting already downloaded files, with which you can convert videos from one format to another (however, if you download VDownloader to work with the converter, then it is better to look for some other programs);
  • a wide range of download control options - you can stop it, continue from a certain point, and so on.


And this is a somewhat non-standard utility that works completely differently than all of the above programs.

It has some drawbacks and in general it was not originally intended for downloading videos, but when working with VideoCacheView, the chances of downloading a video from a particular site are much higher than when working with other programs.

The fact is that the tool in question allows you to view the browser cache. Therefore, it can download files not only from the usual Contact, YouTube, and so on, but in general from the entire Internet in principle.

Using the program is extremely simple.

You simply go to VideoCacheView and see what files are available there. Surely, one of them is the video you are watching now or have watched recently.

To check this, select a video in the list and click the “Play” button at the top (in the form of a traditional green triangle).

4. Catch Video

This program fully lives up to its name. It literally catches all the videos you watch or have watched recently.

In fact, they are also taken from the cache, only in this case they are a little easier to load. True, VideoCacheView still gives a better chance of downloading than Lovi Video. In any case, you can try to use it.

The peculiarity of Lovi Video is that it is located in the tray and does not have any other window.

You need to launch the program, open the video in the browser, wait until a new file appears in Lovi Video, click on the save icon next to it. It is an icon in the form of a floppy disk.

You can also download all the files or go to a temporary folder with them. All this is available by right-clicking in the Catch Video window.

Rice. No. 4. Catch Video window in the tray

Some other features of the program:

  • Lovi Video downloads all video content, including advertising;
  • sometimes the program does not cope very well with popular sites, such as YouTube;
  • files can be easily copied, deleted and performed other operations with them;
  • There is excellent help (button “How to use?”).

5. UmmyVideoDownloader

Now let's return to more traditional programs for downloading videos from the Internet.

In UmmyVideoDownloader, the principle of operation is the same as in VDownloader - there is a field for entering a link to a video on the Internet, as well as fields for selecting quality, format and a “Download” button. The sequence of actions in this case is quite obvious.

What’s important is that UmmyVideoDownloader allows you to download not only videos, but also sound from videos, that is, files in mp3 format.

Rice. No. 5. Selecting a download format in UmmyVideoDownloader

Other features of this program are as follows:

  • a very convenient and simple interface - nothing superfluous, no additional functions or advertising (however, some would like to see wider functionality in this tool);
  • also a free program, however, when installing UmmyVideoDownloader, tools from Yandex will be additionally installed (this, of course, is a drawback);

This is not a full-fledged program, but only an add-on that will work on almost all browsers popular today.

The video below shows how to use it.

In this section, we bring to your attention torrent programs that have gained popularity among a huge number of users. Thanks to this software, anyone can freely download any torrent files from the network and share them with other users using the P2P protocol.


µTorrent is a popular program for downloading and sharing files on the BitTorrent network. It has an incredibly tiny size, requires a minimum amount of system resources, but at the same time provides a significant number of options for flexible client configuration. The basic package of the program is completely free. The program supports many languages, including Russian. Equally well compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Useful features are a system of ratings and comments for torrent downloads and the ability to preview the downloaded file.

(opens in a new window)


MediaGet is a torrent client that works with combined databases of the most popular torrent portals, which significantly expands search capabilities. In addition to the basic functions for searching for trackers, the developers have supplemented the program with a number of convenient options. For example, a catalog has been integrated into the shell in which the user is invited to familiarize himself with the latest in the film industry by reading a summary of the film. If you haven't had time to download the movie yet, the client has a built-in media player that will allow you to watch the movie in real time. The latest versions have added an online TV function.


Shareman is a torrent program that includes a huge catalog of files and an online chat in which users can freely communicate on any topic. The developers sought to make their program as comfortable as possible for the user, which is evident from the well-thought-out interface and structured content. The content catalog is very detailed, and the program makes it possible to carry out large-scale searches. In addition, Shareman has a very useful feature for dramatically increasing download speed - “Turbo”, which is guaranteed to appeal to users with unlimited Internet.

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Zona is a torrent tracker, thanks to which you can download any data from the network, as well as simultaneously watch movies, TV series, online broadcasts and music. So, when watching TV series, the software “remembers” which episode of the season the user last turned on and the next time he opens it, it will automatically start the episode from the last moment. Zona has a player that allows you to watch network TV channels and sports matches in real time. Completed sporting events can also be downloaded using the Zona torrent tracker.

(opens in a new window)

Download programs to download files from the Internet for free.
Free download programs from the network to your computer for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10.
Download programs to download files, data, games and movies in Russian.

version: 8.8 from February 18, 2019

An assistant program designed to quickly and easily download files from the Internet. Integrates into the browser as a plugin.

This small extension can replace several programs used to download videos, music, e-books and images from different web resources.

version: 5.1.38 from February 15, 2019

We present an update to our free, convenient, powerful, stable and 100% secure download manager. Released under the GPL license, it incorporates all the experience and enthusiasm of dozens of developers from around the world.

Here is a list of supported functions that make FDM indispensable, and sometimes combined with several programs.

version: from January 28, 2019

BitTorrent is called the progenitor of all modern torrent clients. The protocol on which such programs operate was first used in this software. Although over time this development has been “outdone” by uTorrent, it is still considered the most reliable and convenient.

Many people are interested in what is the difference between BitTorrent and muTorrent? Yes, almost nothing. They have the same functionality and almost identical interface. Small differences come down only to the shape of the buttons and the names of the options. So, if you prefer the color and shape of the menu details in BitTorrent, feel free to download it.

version: 10.5.34 from January 28, 2019

Program for downloading computer games from Electronic Arts. With its help, you can communicate with other users in the built-in chat, play with them over the Internet, save account data on a cloud service and broadcast images from the screen.

Electronic Arts is the largest publisher and developer of popular computer games such as Battlefield, Sims, FIFA, Need For Speed ​​and many others. This company not only updates existing games, but also expands its range with new products.

version: from January 23, 2019

The free Zone program for watching movies and TV series offers a convenient, quick search through its own media database and high download speed. In the application you can watch sports broadcasts, broadcast TV channels, listen to music via Internet radio and even play online games.

The ZONA program contains a huge database of films, TV series and music, which can not only be played, but also downloaded to your computer. Downloading occurs in torrent mode, which supports resuming capabilities. In addition, you can watch your favorite TV channels and listen to radio stations via the Internet. By downloading the ZONA program for free, you will save a lot of time searching for the films you need.

version: from January 21, 2019

A torrent client for p2p networks is usually used to download movies, games and programs from trackers, where using the uTorrent torrent program you can download files that are not available on other sites.

For example, films released in cinemas in good quality appear primarily on torrent trackers. Moreover, several versions of the same file are often offered for downloading - of different quality and size.

version: 1543346820 from December 27, 2018

Free game client for easy search and installation of computer games. The Steam program allows you to communicate with other gamers and play with them over the Internet, as well as exchange game items.

The built-in Steam Cloud service allows you to play your favorite games on different devices. Steam is intended primarily for convenient search and easy installation of computer games for Windows, but there are also programs.

version: 2.01.3804 from December 26, 2018

A free application for quickly searching for music, programs or films - Media Get will also help you quickly download this data to your computer. All “content” is accompanied by a detailed description, and using the built-in player you can familiarize yourself with the contents of the files before downloading.

Each of us from time to time wants to download new music from the Internet, watch an interesting movie or download the necessary program. But when it comes to finding the information we need, we need to browse a bunch of sites and go through a mandatory registration procedure.

The “Downloads” category contains programs to ensure the most convenient downloading of content from the Internet. This software will help you control and organize downloads and ensure the quality of downloaded files.

μTorrent (uTorrent, microTorrent) is one of the most popular torrent clients on Windows. uTorrent allows you to download information from the Internet for free at maximum speed. Most information sites usually offer to download fairly large files, be it a movie, music or a book, providing so-called “torrents”. utorrent uses these same torre...

BitTorrent is a free, convenient classic program for exchanging files on networks of the same name. It allows you to both download torrent files and distribute them. BitTorrent can be installed on 32 and 64-bit operating systems Windows 7, 8 or 10. Using the BitTorrent client you can easily download movies, music, or programs to your computer for free without registration...

Download Master is a fairly convenient and simple free download manager. This bootloader was created by the Ukrainian company WestByte Software specifically for the CIS countries. Download Master is in Russian and can be integrated into all popular Internet browsers, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Netscape Communicator and others. Very convenient inte... is a plugin for popular browsers that allows you to download videos and music from resources such as YouTube, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and many others. Downloading is simplified to the limit. All you need to do is click on the green down arrow button and SaveFrom No will start working. The download procedure is similar to downloading other files from the Internet: specify...

Free Studio Manager is a set of programs for working with video and audio files. In it you can both convert your own music and clips, and download videos from Youtube. Free Studio can also copy and create video discs, and also has other interesting features. The main menu of the application has 5 main sections. Here are collected utilities for: downloading, uploading, changing...

VideoFrom is a program for downloading any video from YouTube to your computer. The popularity of YouTube is growing year by year - now this hosting is used by both adults and children, because it has long become the standard for distributing videos over the Internet. The service is very convenient, but many people want to download interesting videos to their computer or mobile phone. How...

DC++ is not just a free file hosting service, but a program equipped with a number of useful additional functions that allow you to quickly and accurately search for files stored on other users’ computers and download them. Among the advantages of using the Disi program, it is worth noting the high degree of development of the internal chat for communication between users...

qBittorrent is a simple, convenient, and most importantly powerful client that allows you to exchange files via the BitTorrent network. Being completely free, this application can use a huge number of additional features, has many positive reviews and, if desired, provides the opportunity to completely refuse to use uTorrent. But despite...

Install " assistant" from here: Install

Method 1 The easiest and fastest way is to add a “Download” button under the video on the Youtube page

Add a button
"Download" directly
under the video

To do this, just install the browser extension Helper for your browser is the most famous video hosting site and the third most popular site in the world. He achieved such success thanks to his convenience and simplicity. However, the ability to download videos from YouTube is somewhat limited. It is, of course, possible to save a video using standard means, but not everyone can cope with this. provides the fastest way to download videos from YouTube, and all saved videos will be in the best quality. Choose a convenient method, download from YouTube and create your own video collection on your computer.

How to download a video
from the home page?

After installing the assistant, a “Download” button will appear under the video. Click on it, select the desired format from the available formats, download and enjoy!

How to download HD or MP3
from the home page?

To use this method, you need to install a free program. Read more about installation.

After installing the extension, a “Download” button will appear under the video. Click on it and select “Download HD from Ummy” or “Download MP3 from Ummy”.

Attention! This method is only available to users of OS Windows XP/Vista/7/8.

2nd way to Download videos from YouTube using SS

How to download a video
without installing the assistant?

If you are on the YouTube website itself, then simply add “ss” before YouTube to the video address. For example:

Original URL:

Download URL:

Method 3 Download videos from YouTube "" or ""