Why should you buy an iPhone? AppleCare guarantee on iPhone. Additional features when working with Mac

I have extensive experience working with alternative smartphones based on Android, including top gadgets. I tried to change the platform, but it wasn't the same. In the end, the only thing better than the iPhone was the new iPhone.

Aren't you a die-hard apple fan, Roma?

A completely reasonable statement: that I write huge articles on the topic of operating experience Apple devices and actually use all of her gadgets in everyday life - and work.

What I bought and am currently using from Apple technology:

  • iPhone 6s Plus 128 GB
  • Apple Watch with Sport Band
  • iPad Pro 12.9″ with Smart Keyboard (this is what the article is currently being written on)
  • MacBook 12, my main work machine (yes!)
  • iPad Mini second generation, used by my wife and children.

Before that there were all iPhone models, almost everything iPad models, and about five different MacBooks. In general, I have been friends with Apple technology since 2007, that is, since the release of the very first iPhone. It was after meeting him that I was inspired to transfer all my work to Mac, which I did in 2008.

I've always been gadget addict, who is, in principle, interested in all portable consumer equipment, including alternative platforms. There was a lot of varied experience, and I always wanted to try something else.

For example, I began my intimate acquaintance with Android back in 2010:

And this was not just an acquaintance, I seriously tried to use Samsung Galaxy S as a main smartphone. Still more large display, a high resolution, AMOLED.

But it lasted me for two weeks, then the device went into disrepair backup smartphones for a second SIM card and web surfing on the go, and then the iPhone 4 with Retina display happened, eclipsing everything pros of Galaxy S. After collecting dust on the shelf for several weeks, the device was sold.

It would seem that happiness has arrived. Tried technically progressive Galaxy S II with a magnificent AMOLED Plus screen, I ended up waiting for the Galaxy Note I:

The scenario is already familiar - delight from a chic piece of hardware, a huge display, versatility, and then a return to the iPhone.

When I purchased the following Android gadgets, I consciously took them as additional devices. Thus, the following models remained in my personal collection for a long time:

My soul was calm, the alternative pleased me precisely as an addition to iOS, but until the boom of smart watches began. The emergence of the best representative of the newborn platform of wearable gadgets among personal gadgets Moto 360 pushed me to make the largest transition from iOS to Android in all my personal experiments.

For a month, the iPhone simply lay on the shelf, and its place was taken by One Plus One in conjunction with Moto 360:

Three months later I got a smartphone Nexus 6, which still works properly and is actively used. He tried to take the place of the iPhone, but in the end he still returned to second roles.

I’ve been working with Android almost since the platform’s inception. And I don’t just work like that, but I use its capabilities to the maximum, right up to installation alternative firmware and the formation of an impressive set of software that very successfully replaces analogues on iOS.

However, I I always come back to the iPhone.

Why iPhone?

IN different times There were different reasons for trying to leave iOS for alternative platforms and different reasons for returning, although a number of them are still relevant. Accordingly, it makes sense to consider these points step by step. After all, why bother, modern Android platform really is a full-fledged alternative to iOS, which is superior in some places, inferior in others, but there is no big gap between the competitors. Well, let's start with...

...Deeds of days gone by

My first experience with Android was 50% dictated by the desire to get acquainted with an alternative platform as part of my personal development as a reviewer. Of course, in those days the site was different and practically did not write about alternatives, but even then they interested readers, and I began to slowly reveal the topic. The remaining 50% of interest in the alternative is a more advanced hardware than the iPhone and a larger display.

In the case of the next three Android-based gadgets (Galaxy S II, Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note II), for the most part it was the devices themselves, not the software, that pushed me to experiment. That is, their hardware filling. I also liked the format of tablet phones, where one device replaces both a tablet and a smartphone on the road. Android itself wasn’t particularly exciting back then.

Yes, “Robot” successfully competed with iOS, but there were good reasons to return to iPhone:

  • >Interface lags on Android up to Lollipop were very noticeable and annoying.
  • The standard Android interface itself was much inferior in quality and animation to that of iOS until the release of Lollipop.

I tried various tricks and tricks in the form of total customization of the interface using alternative launchers, firmware and rooting gadgets with rolling ZIP packages, but none of these experiments allowed us to come close to the convenience and simplicity of the basic iOS interface.

When you return after all these adventures on your iPhone, it’s as if you came home, put on warm slippers, wrapped yourself in a blanket and sat in a chair by the fireplace with your favorite book in your hands and a glass of warm mulled wine next to you. It’s so cozy and good there, everything is at hand, everything is done quickly, conveniently and predictably.

  • Meager alternatives to third-party software used on iOS

I waited a long time for a good Twi client, until Robird appeared, and then Fenix; a decent Markdown editor for Android was released recently in the form of iA Writer 3; MoneyWiz also did not appear immediately, and the second version was delayed for six months after the iOS version).

  • Dancing with the firmware in an attempt to get the desired interface quality led to unstable work smartphone

Could have been left without contact at the right time. Even the stability of stock firmware, especially on new gadgets, left much to be desired. Spontaneous reboots, freezing - all this is normal practice for Android gadgets of past years, and today too, especially if we are not talking about the most branded devices.

You need to make an urgent call, but your smartphone hangs and it’s annoying. This has never happened with the iPhone. Even in times of frenzy with jailbreaking and installing various modifications from Cydia.

  • Absence normal system backup on Android, which was almost native to iOS. By the way, such a high-quality system Reserve copy and Google’s brainchild still doesn’t have personal data recovery.

Please note that I'm not talking about the ecosystem yet. At that time it was not yet so critical for me. And Apple didn’t develop it that actively. Notes, contacts, favorites in the browser - it's convenient that all this is one on Mac, iPad and iPhone, but it was not difficult to achieve the same on Android. The only thing missing was a convenient notepad, but that’s not to say that Apple Notes were perfect. The program is easy, working, comfortable - yes, but nothing more. A simple note-taker, it cannot be compared with the version in iOS 9.

Modern realities

Today the situation is somewhat different. As much of an iOS fan as I am, I have to admit that Android is... Marshmallow versions He has matured greatly, third-party software has improved, and the extravaganza of devices for every taste, color and budget will impress anyone. Thanks to the efforts of Chinese companies, for $200–250 you can buy a very functional and high-quality gadget for all occasions.

Moreover, the coolest Android flagships, like the Galaxy S7 Edge, even in design, often look more interesting than the latest iPhone models. The mentioned device is more compact with a similar display diagonal, has the best screen on the market, it is fast and comparable in terms of autonomy.

And I myself own a very serious smartphone in the form of Nexus 6, the big advantage of which is that it always has the latest version of Android. However, the main smartphone remains the iPhone. IN in this case This is Phone 6s Plus and here's why:

Instant response of the iOS interface, albeit adjusted for the use of a flagship smartphone. You can prove with foam at the mouth that Android no longer slows down and when compared with 4.x, then indeed the lags are almost unnoticeable. But I'm the only one who uses both the Nexus 6 and iPhone 6s Plus on a daily basis. In the first there are lags, in the second there are none. A simple example is following a link to Facebook from a Twitter client.

On the iPhone this happens instantly, on Android there is a second pause, which can last two or three. Twitching system interface no, but such strange lags occur here and there. From Galaxy owners S7 also heard about lags, however, they say this has been corrected in the latest firmware.

Safari and even Chrome on iOS work much better than Chrome on Android. Open a “heavy” page (for example, The Verge, Russian LifeHacker) and compare the performance of browsers on two top smartphones. In the first case, everything flies, in the second, it seems to be flying, and then bam, you move your finger across the screen, and scrolling begins with a noticeable delay.

I noticed such a joke not only on the venerable, albeit powerful Nexus 6, but also on the vaunted Galaxy S7 Edge too. I specifically checked this moment when the receiver fell into my hands.

Ubiquitous use of Touch ID in iPhone. Not only is the fingerprint sensor in the iPhone 6s Plus is the best on the market, and almost any third-party software supports it: 1Password, MoneyWiz 2, Privat24 (in Internet banking, even payment transactions are confirmed with a fingerprint), WebMoney, Evernote, etc. Yes, Android now supports a fingerprint sensor, but third party developers They are in no hurry to implement it into their software.

3D Touch Not everyone understands and uses it, but for me this is a huge plus of iOS and the latest smartphones companies. I use this feature all the time fast switching between applications, while typing and during a call favorite contacts. Sometimes - for previewing photos, letters or web pages.

Moreover, 3D Touch is already used in most of the popular third-party applications that I use every day, including Tweetbot 4 and Spark.

Screen iOS keyboard still the best. Yes, Google's proprietary keyboard has gotten better in , but it is still inferior in terms of convenience and quality of operation to that of iOS.

At least in landscape orientation I can on iPhone keyboard The 6s Plus is comfortable typing large texts - entire articles, plus there is undo/redo typing and hot keys for copying/pasting.

IN Google keyboard The only big plus I can write down is the support for continuous input of the SWYPE type. The touchpad for cursor control built into the spacebar button is also good, but it’s not lying next to 3D Touch.

Selecting text on iOS is more intuitive and convenient. On iOS double tap on a word and you highlight it, just like in OS X or Windows. On Android you need to press the word and hold your finger. In Android 6, the copy/paste dialog appears nearby, just like in iOS, but it is slow.

Yes, yes, the interface of this dialog box is slow. Doesn't appear right away, doesn't react quickly. IN previous versions On Android it generally appeared at the top of the screen, which is completely unintuitive, although for some it is more convenient.

Notification badges on icons(red circles with numbers). Yes, I really miss them on Android, although the notification system in Marshmallow is already done well and it’s almost impossible to miss an important event.

Phone and Messages apps" They were as sad as they were on Android, and remain so. Well, I can’t understand the logic of the interface of these programs and they look scary. Again, it’s a matter of taste and I know people who are sick of the iOS phone interface, but for me personally it’s native, tube-based, and the best.

The interface of iOS applications is mostly better than analogues on Android. And the operating system interface itself still works more pleasantly - the same inertial scrolling, which is missing in Android (instead, some shadows pop up, but the effect is not the same).

As for applications, take Instagram, MyFitnessPal, Evernote, Kupibaton, iA Writer - there are actually many examples. It happens that the interfaces are similar, but the quality of work is not the same. It happens that they differ in the case of Android - for the worse.

Ecosystem. Yes, without this reason, no way. Still, when using iPhone, Mac and iPad are very convenient when all the main data is always synchronized with each other, be it contacts, notes, bookmarks in the browser.

In my work, the ability to open a tab or several on one device, see them all, and, if necessary, close them on another device, is incredibly helpful to me. Chrome has similar features, but excluding remote control tabs. The updated “Notes” with support for text styles, lists, pictures, folders are increasingly replacing Evernote for me and they just work - quickly, efficiently, launch instantly, and synchronize instantly.

Answer a call from your iPad remotely - no problem. In the case of Android, you will have to run for your phone.

Messages, including regular SMS- similarly - it’s convenient that they are available on all gadgets at once. There are also difficulties - AirDrop is buggy and does not see other devices, sometimes “Reminders” do not synchronize immediately, but the problems can be solved.

I repeat, in everyday use in my operating diagram Apple ecosystem It helps a lot in life and work. She literally holds you in her tenacious paws. Also on Apple Music sat down tightly.

Apple Watch- these are the most best smart watches both in terms of design and functionality, IMHO. Used Pebble Android Wear devices, but Apple’s product is more convenient on all fronts, starting with the interface and ending with the banal feature of answering a call from the watch.

Not everything is perfect, there are interface problems, third party applications leaves much to be desired, but in simple everyday use I Apple Watch much more convenient than any alternatives. Including activity trackers.

In principle, there are enough branded Apple applications in smart watches and they all work perfectly. Timer, alarm clock, “Workout”, “Weather”, plus functional dials, no complaints about the notification system, excellent voice recognition system if you need to respond to SMS or in another messenger.

Games. Now I don’t play very often, but even the vaunted Galaxy S7 lags behind the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus in terms of GPU - this is when comparing hardware. On program level iOS also provides more advantages, starting with Metal and ending with the fact that this platform simply brings more money to developers. That’s why games are primarily designed for it. And it’s simpler, there are fewer devices.

From the latest examples cool games I can cite (playing with 3D Touch is much more fun, the graphics are fire), Bejeweled Stars (not available on Android yet). Of course, in terms of assortment, the platforms are close, but in terms of hardware and priority of release iOS games ahead. This is if we talk about smartphones.

By Apple tablets tears a competitor into shreds and gaming iPad alternatives basically no. Until now, the old iPad mini pleases the children and wife, easily pulling out the latest toys, including Defenders 2, for example.

Yes, any long-time user of Android devices will give me 100,500 counterarguments and that's normal. After all, everyone has their own requirements for a smartphone, their own operating patterns, and their own preferences. It’s more interesting to hear the opinions of those who simultaneously use both platforms.

I’m sure the reaction will no longer be so unambiguous, like: “ Author-apple fan, go kill yourself against the wall!" And Android also has its advantages. They are definitely worth mentioning.

I’ll put in a good word for “Robot”

Open file system still comfortable. Save a torrent, download an MP3 track, transfer a file via Bluetooth, connect external storage via USB and transfer files back and forth - all this is easy and available only on Android smartphones and in some situations it is necessary and important.

Even if this is not my case and over the years this has rarely been required, I can understand those people who praise the platform for these very features.

Second important point - Google Now , as well as advanced features like Now on Tap, when you can scan the screen and get thematic tips. Yes, I'm not really active user these things, but they are really cool and while tearing Siri with her attempts in the area artificial intelligence in rags.

Many friends use them on permanent basis and cannot imagine life without these services. I understand them perfectly well too.

Normally working DropBox, which is a continuation of the story with open file system. I can easily save 25 screenshots in the desired folder in DropBox using my Nexus, but on the iPhone, if AirDrop suddenly fails (usually solved by turning off/on the Wi-Fi on the laptop), I can only save screenshots one at a time in the root folder. DropBox folder, you will either have to send them to yourself by mail, or connect a cord if there are 50 or more such screenshots.

Live wallpaper. What is in iOS is a surrogate. On Android live The wallpaper is truly LIVE. There is simply brilliant examples, like Minima Pro, « floating islands», Dream Night Pro, Galaxy Pack and others.

Alarm clock Timely. Most best alarm clock among all the platforms that I have come across. Very beautiful, contains wonderful melodies, works great. I still haven't found an analogue on iOS. That's why I sleep with the Nexus 6.

As you can see, it's not all bad. And for me there are advantages to alternative platform, and the further, the closer iOS and Android become, adopting best chips each other.

P.S.: Could I still give up the iPhone in the future?

Even today, crazy thoughts arise. At the time of release, the Galaxy S7 Edge was very attractive, but now my thoughts are excited by the Galaxy Note 6 looming on the horizon. Yes, they attract me more with their hardware than with their platform, especially with their AMOLED display. I hope that this will appear on the iPhone soon.

Fans of Apple technology often complain that it is very expensive. Let's think a little today about why the same iPhone is so expensive.

The topic is very relevant, because updating the device has become quite common. And with every purchase we always hear complaints. Let's figure it out.

What causes the high cost of the iPhone?

It will be very difficult to describe everything in one sentence, so I suggest just going through the points and understanding the details of why iPhones are so expensive.

We all know very well that the cost of any device or equipment depends entirely on its brand. First of all, you buy a name, and then a gadget.

It has always been this way and you just need to come to terms with it. Apple has been on the market for quite a long time and from the very beginning of its existence it has positioned itself as high-end gadgets at a high price.

Just remember how short iPhones were five years ago. Not everyone could afford them, and it was believed that the carriers of such a device were majors (in fact, this was the case).

Today, the number of models has expanded greatly and now you can find very budget models. The used market is especially crowded, where you can find very good prices.

However, even devices in former use will cost the same as new smartphones from other manufacturers. Everyone wants to have Apple in their pocket and they have to pay for it.

I think many people understand that if Apple made low-quality devices, then no one would buy them. As soon as you buy one of the iPhones, you realize that this is for a long time.

If you are very careful in use, then I think your iPhone can last at least 4 years and you won’t even know the words “Service Center”.

I tested this on my own skin and experience with the iPhone 4S showed that problems begin to appear only after four years, and only because of my very careless use.

I have already mentioned the used market and here it also plays a role. Many people buy them and understand that the gadget will be able to work for a very decent period.

But this is only if the seller was completely honest with you and told you the entire history of use. After all, iPhones that were hastily assembled, drowned, and others often happen.

So the iPhone is a very high-quality device and, as you understand, you always have to pay a lot of money for good quality.

I know that you are now thinking that you can find an iPhone on every second person. However, the gadget is still unique and I will now explain my point of view.

The fact is that in the era of push-button smartphones, you could even know from afar that a person uses Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Siemens. Now time has changed completely.

An era has begun when all touchscreen smartphones look the same and we just have a screen and a button. You always ask for the name, because you have no idea what kind of device it is.

When a person uses an iPhone, you always understand that it is him. There are a lot of models, but they all have features that unite them: the apple on the back, the shape of the case, the placement of buttons and of course the Home button.

We also don’t forget about the unique iOS, which can be distinguished from other operating systems simply by looking at the branded icons.

So the iPhone is still unique device and our world is designed in such a way that you have to pay decent sums for unique things.

If you go to Europe or just countries where there are official Apple stores, then the cities are simply teeming with advertisements for their devices.

I think it’s clear that advertising is not a cheap pleasure and it’s quite logical that money is taken from already sold devices.

And the more devices need to be sold, the more money is invested in advertising and, of course, the higher the cost of the device.

Of course Apple doesn't make very big price hikes. But this is due to the fact that the price tag of the devices is already quite high and there is a very good supply.

This is very obvious, but I will still mention this point. Just imagine how much money you need to spend to develop a device that the whole world will like.

Simply millions, or even billions of dollars are spent on research, testing, design development and other issues. Of course, only the best are hired for such positions.

Apple has a very decent staff of workers at its disposal and everyone has to pay money. So part of the money for your iPhone simply goes to the salaries of specialists.

I can also mention production. Have to hire a large number of workers to monitor technical process iPhone assembly.

These facts are very obvious, but I think it’s worth mentioning this point once again. After all, the iPhone doesn’t assemble itself and you have to pay decent money for everything.


These are my thoughts, and if you think differently about why the iPhone is so expensive, then write your opinion in the comments and I will be happy to read your point of view.

I touched only on the most basic reasons and I think if you think carefully, the article can be even longer. But I think there is no need for this.

Regular phones are gradually going out of use and are being replaced by new ones. powerful smartphones with different operating systems. For many years, Android and iPhone have been the main competitors in the smartphone market. Since the release of both giants, two camps have emerged in the world. But the iPhone is ahead of its rival in all respects and is always one step ahead. In this article we will try to figure out why the iPhone is better than other phones.

What is a smartphone?

A smartphone is a mobile phone that is equipped with a powerful operating system. It is analogous to a computer or laptop, since it has the ability to perform almost all the actions characteristic of computers, but on a much smaller scale. The smartphone allows you to work with several applications simultaneously.


It is the operating system that characterizes this gadget. Today the most popular systems are Android, Apple iOS and Windows Phone.

Important! It is impossible to change the operating system to a completely different one on a purchased smartphone.

Smartphones can perform many functions, making life much easier for their owner. Most people simply cannot imagine their life without them, and this is not surprising, since they allow you to always stay in touch, keep abreast of all the news and keep up with life.

The main functions of a smartphone include:

  • making calls;
  • sending messages;
  • surfing the Internet;
  • checking mail;
  • communication on social networks;
  • watching videos and films;
  • listening to music;
  • downloading files;
  • file sharing;
  • taking photographs;
  • shooting video;
  • downloading and installing the necessary applications.

Today there is great amount applications, so everyone can find the necessary option that will perform the assigned tasks. Developers are constantly trying to come up with new and current applications, which will greatly facilitate and optimize life.

Why is iPhone better than other smartphones?

iPhone is a series of smartphones developed by Apple and running on the iOS operating system. Today, such gadgets are very popular and always attract public interest. Every year the company releases new and improved models, which are in great demand among customers. So why is iPhone better than other smartphones?

Application quality

The best quality of iPhone applications is that they are created specifically for a specific form factor and therefore always look great on devices. Programs in Android are stretched to different resolutions, as a result of which they do not always look good.

Virus protection

Apple closely monitors the quality of applications in the AppStore. This company uses a system in which only approved and verified applications are included in the AppStore, which means that various viruses and spam are blocked by Apple and do not reach users. All apps in iStore are guaranteed to be free of pornography, viruses and other harmful content.

Important! According to statistics, in iOS system Only 0.7% of malware exists, while 96% of all malware use the Android operating system.

Obviously, Android smartphones are highly vulnerable to viruses, so it is necessary to install an additional antivirus to protect the system from malware. This is one of the very significant nuances in the question of why the iPhone is better than other phones.

New apps

The App Store is the first to receive the most popular and relevant applications, since manufacturers always focus primarily on a solvent audience. This is why users iPhone first receive the highest quality and latest software.

Important! For example, popular Instagram app For iPhone smartphones came out a whole year earlier than for Android.

Resale price

Why is iPhone better than other smartphones? Price per iPhone sales higher than Android. iPhones become obsolete very slowly, so they remain in demand on the secondary market for quite a long time.

Important! After 18 months of purchasing a smartphone, the resale value of an iPhone is 60% of MSRP, but for Android that figure is only 45%.

Quality of parts

The iPhone is made from higher quality parts. Original iPhone models are characterized by high quality assembly, and they are equipped with convenient buttons, an excellent screen and a high-quality speaker.


iPhone is more durable than Android. According to Strategy Analytics, Apple products 3 times more reliable than Samsung, and in comparison with Nokia iPhone 5 times more reliable.

Although, this indicator is quite conditional, since only individual models, and today there are also very durable Android smartphone models.

Free memory

Android gadgets contain bloatware. This term characterizes software imposed on the user that manufacturers install on their devices. In addition, getting rid of such programs is not always easy; in addition, they waste the smartphone’s memory and can provoke conflicts with other applications.

Important! According to statistics:

  • For iPhone user out of 16 Gb, 12 Gb actually remains;
  • for HTC users - 10 Gb;
  • Samsung smartphones have only 8.5 Gb left.


How iPhone is better other phones? Android suffers from fragmentation. That is why some programs are not able to function normally on all devices with the Android operating system.


iPhone performance is much better than Android. Despite the fact that the number of cores and technical characteristics of Android smartphones can significantly exceed Apple. The difference in the performance of operating systems especially affects the speed of launching applications, as well as surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Since the iPhone operating system is designed by Apple, then the developers know very well what characteristics the gadget will have. Thus, when using the smartphone there are no slowdowns or freezes, regardless of the number of installed and running applications.

Important! Android smartphones are being produced various companies, so some devices may be very slow, not respond to presses and display error messages.


Apple equips smartphones high-quality battery, so the iPhone is much longer than smartphones Android based can maintain battery charge. But this indicator is quite subjective, since today there are smartphone models on the market that can work several times longer than the iPhone under similar loads.

Anti-theft function

Apple has equipped its phones with an “anti-theft” function, which helps protect the device from thieves and also simplifies the search process in case of loss. By using Find service My iPhone and Activation Lock It becomes possible to easily determine the location of a lost iPhone, as well as remotely block access to it.

Important! This lock cannot be reset even after flashing until the Apple ID and password are entered. There is no such program for Android, but only similar applications that do not have such extensive functionality. In addition, they are very easily eliminated when resetting the system.

Photo and video quality

Why is iPhone better than other smartphones? On iPhone very high quality camera. The pictures look as realistic as possible and convey colors perfectly. The camera on the iPhone is also equipped with video recording in HD quality, the ability to record in slo-mo, as well as an interval time-lapse mode.

Important! Apple's closest competitor in terms of image quality is samsung smartphone Galaxy, but it is still inferior to the iPhone in this parameter.

Ease of use

Apple is focused on user friendliness, which is why iPhone comes with a practical app search feature. Apple Store, convenient screen personal secretary, easy-to-use interface, and also has many built-in useful functions.


  • AirDrop makes it easy to send the necessary files to other Apple devices;
  • AirPlay lets you play music, photos, or videos from another Apple device;
  • iCloud allows you to store all the necessary information and files outside the device, but in the “cloud”, and using this information is very simple, it can even recover all the data from a lost smartphone;
  • iMessage allows you to exchange messages between iPhone users for free;
  • FaceTime provides free video calls between all iPhone owners.

Operating system updates

Google and Apple release operating system updates every year, but Android users do not always have access to latest updates systems, since not all manufacturers provide this function.

iPhone owners are always guaranteed to receive a new version of the operating system, since updates are always focused on optimizing older smartphone models.


Apple pays a lot of attention to the visual component of its gadgets. These models are easily recognizable because they have their own special structure. There are also a variety of iPhone case colors available. And of course, on the back panel there is the universally recognizable Apple logo.

Additional accessories

Thanks to such widespread popularity of iPhones, a huge number of different smartphone accessories are produced, so it is very easy to choose the right thing. This cannot be said about other smartphones, since sometimes it is even impossible to find a regular case for the device.

iPhone disadvantages

Despite the impressively large list of advantages of the iPhone over other phones, this gadget also has a number of disadvantages:

  • very high cost of the device, and at modern market smartphones with similar technical characteristics, which are much cheaper;
  • lack of free applications;
  • lack of SD card slot;
  • lack of a slot for a second SIM card;
  • there is no way to connect to a computer or laptop in USB storage mode in order to download files or music;
  • a unique USB cable that is absolutely incompatible with other devices, and the price of this cable is very high, and the quality leaves much to be desired;
  • there are no widgets on the screen, and it is also impossible to customize the interface for yourself, since you can only swap icons and choose a different background for the desktop;
  • non-removable accumulator battery, therefore it is impossible to replace it yourself if necessary;
  • starting with the iPhone 7, the smartphone completely lacks a 3.5 mm headphone jack or you need to buy a special adapter and connect them to the connector to charge the gadget;
  • there is no way to work with the file system;
  • problems with downloading music, since on iPhone you can only download it for a fee in the iTunes application;
  • there is no way to put your favorite song on the ringtone;
  • there is no menu, so all applications are located on the desktop;
  • during a conversation there is no way to get into the call log to dictate the number;
  • There are a huge number of fakes on the modern market, which are sometimes very difficult to distinguish from the original.

Video material

IN Lately many Android smartphone manufacturers have rushed to the top price segment. Now Xiaomi, which started out as a manufacturer of affordable solutions, considers it possible to release premium models, and Huawei is even presenting a smartphone that costs . But how advisable is it to buy an expensive Android smartphone? Does it make sense to pay the same $600-$700 as the Apple flagship costs for a device that will become obsolete in six months or a year?

The columnist expressed the opinion that at this stage users should choose either an iPhone or a cheap Android smartphone. He called those who are willing to spend $700 on a premium Google Phone “strange people.”

“The normal lifespan of a smartphone is two, or maximum three years. If you buy $200 smartphones instead of an $800 smartphone for three years in a row, each year you will end up with a new device that, by the second or third year, will most likely perform better than the $800 device. And you certainly won’t fuss over it. It broke? Well ok, I'll buy a new one. Stolen? Well, what can you do? Broke? So, it doesn’t matter whether there are no spare parts, or you have to wait two months for them, and they will definitely deliver them crookedly,” writes the journalist.

Of course, everyone's phone lifespan is different, but only Apple can offer long-term support. Even after three iPhone of the year will run on the latest software, is protected from vulnerabilities and will be able to run all applications.

“In the case of iPhones, everything is different: firstly, recently they are stolen less often (thanks to the connection to iCloud), secondly, they are repaired in every gateway, thirdly, after three years they of course begin to slow down, but you can still use them , although on the verge. The same iPhone 5s still works today (but the 5 doesn’t anymore),” notes the author of the post.

Purchase expensive iPhone justified not only because of its advanced hardware and software, but also because Apple smartphones hold their price longer. Research shows that a 2-year-old iPhone retains the same price as smartphones from the same Samsung a year after purchase.

“I don’t deny that there are people who really need a smartphone as a work tool. But even in this case, buying an Android flagship is most often pointless. To check mail, a Chinese one, or (if you want a guarantee) some Lenovo, is just as suitable as a Samsung. The LG G4 shoots better in the dark than the G5 or S7, and it costs less than 20 thousand rubles. By time battery life many Xiaomi Redmi outdone by Sony and LG."

“In general, stop treating the smartphone as an icon on which you need to spend your last money... Nowadays it is a consumable, a tool for communicating with the world, a completely everyday thing. And those who think that an expensive smartphone will make them cooler are very strange people. Well, or they need to learn mathematics, Russian and literature better,” he concluded.

Do you have any doubts about what to take - an iPhone or an Android? In fact, there is practically no choice - the iPhone is definitely better in several ways important parameters, according to journalists from Businessinsider.

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iPhone gets the best apps first

Compared to Android, iOS has a much smaller market share. But developers don’t care much about this fact - they still release a version of their application first for iPhone And iPad, and only then - for Android. In addition, the version for Android often loses in quality. It often doesn't have the same high-quality design and lacks features that have been on iOS for a long time. The conclusion is obvious - if you want to get the cool games and apps that people are talking about, you're better off choosing an iPhone.

iPhone looks better

With rare exceptions - HTC One, Xiaomi Mi Note - there are practically no truly beautiful Android smartphones. Most of them are angular plastic monsters that cause disgust at first sight. In case of iPhone design much more attention is paid. As a result, it is pleasant to look at and looks much better than its competitors.

Apple Pay is rapidly becoming the best mobile payment system in the world

The history of Apple's payment service began just a few months ago. But Apple is, in any case, the only company on the market that has managed to create an easy-to-use system that is accepted by most banks and issuers. credit cards companies.

Excellent support at the Apple Store

Which store will be willing to help you if you don’t understand something about your Android? For many, this is the showroom of a cellular operator. But can his employee give advice that is similar in quality to consultation in the Apple brand store?

When something goes wrong, most people around the world simply go to the nearest Apple temple and get help. Try to find such a service for Android.

iPhone turns into your remote control... for your home!

Summer 2014 Apple of the Year announced a platform for working " smart home" This year we will probably hear about it more than once - after all, manufacturers around the world will release gadgets compatible with HomeKit. In other words, you can easily turn off the lights without even getting up from the couch.

appeared new feature entitled . Thanks to it, the head of the family can control the content (movies, books, applications) that appears on the devices in the family. If the “man of the house” is sure that this or that content can harm his household, all he has to do is want it, and, for example, a child’s access to things that are too “adult” for him will be prohibited.

iPhone has the highest quality fingerprint scanner

Samsung and HTC already offer analogues in their flagships. But a copy, as we know, is always worse than the original. None of them are so accurate, none of them are so applicable in real life, like Apple's fingerprint scanner. There is no need to be surprised - a few years ago Apple, the best specialist company in the production of fingerprint scanners for mobile devices. Since then, the Cupertino team has always been one step ahead.

Rare Android can compare with iPhone in picture quality

The iPhone camera, despite its “modest” 8 megapixels by today’s standards, takes incredible pictures and has useful features like recording video in slow motion () and interval () modes. Perhaps the only truly dangerous competitor in photography is the Korean one. But even he, of course, does not have the other advantages of the iPhone.

Your software will always be the latest

Both Apple and Google release new versions of their mobile operating systems once a year. But most Android users never receive the long-awaited update - manufacturers and operators have no time to bother with firmware for hundreds and thousands of devices. When they finally get around to updating, it’s time to wait for the next update.

The iPhone is a completely different story. All current (released in the last three years) models receive latest version iOS. Moreover, in just a few Apple months ideally optimizes the system to work even on older devices.