Beeline roaming in Russia. Connect or deactivate the roaming service on Beeline and communicate at a competitive price throughout Russia. Command, number to connect and deactivate roaming

Do you think that a SIM card without connected services is a full-fledged communication tool? In fact, a huge list of options, starting from 15 pieces, is automatically connected by the operator upon activation, and thanks to them you can use your SIM card.

International and national roaming is also included in the list of automatically connected services, but sometimes the question is how to activate roaming on Beeline in order to communicate with residents of other regions and countries.

Roaming in Russia from Beeline

Roaming in Russia is called national; it also includes intranet roaming (calls and SMS to your Beeline operator). On-network is activated automatically, and is considered the most profitable on the “Everything” tariff plans. It provides free communication with Beeline users throughout the country.

The operator offers customers who want to save on calls to activate the additional “My Country” option or choose one of the “Everything” tariff plans.

Features of the “My Country” service:

  • works outside the home region,
  • sending SMS 3 rubles,
  • calls throughout the Russian Federation - 3 rubles,
  • Incoming calls: 1st minute 3 rubles, then – 0 rubles.

Roaming in Crimea is a separate category, since the cost of calls, SMS, and Internet in this territory may vary and depend on the tariff you use.

How to activate Roaming in Russia on Beeline?

  • For all types of tariff plans: prepaid, which require a monthly fee, postpaid connection to roaming services within the country is not necessary. The option is activated automatically and always works on your device.
  • But if one day it was disabled or you noticed that you cannot take advantage of the opportunity to make a call outside your area, analyze all active services in your personal account, and then activate roaming with the command * 110 * 0021 #. Activation will cost you 25 rubles.

How to disable Roaming in Russia on Beeline?

  • For those who want to deactivate the option with which you can call and write to residents of other regions of Russia, there is a special service team * 110 * 0020 #. Disconnection is free of charge.

Beeline international roaming

Beeline international roaming also does not require activation, since the service associated with it "The most profitable roaming" It connects automatically when the SIM card is activated. With its help, you can call residents of 120 countries around the world if your balance is positive. This type of option is called online roaming.

If the country is outside of it, then 600 rubles are required for communication. on the account for registration. If the amount on the balance is less than 300 rubles, the ability to make correspondence and calls is terminated.

Countries where it is not available "The most profitable roaming" Beeline:

Angola, Andorra, Algeria, Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Argentina, Antilles, Aruba, Bahrain, Benin, Barbados, Bermuda, Brunei, Bhutan, Britain. Virgin Islands, Venezuela, Gabon, Guam, Guinea-Bissau, Guadeloupe, Guinea, Grenada, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Zimbabwe, Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Cape Verde, Colombia, Cayman Islands, Cote d'Ivoire , Cuba, Costa Rica, Kosovo, Libya, Lebanon, Mauritania, Maldives, Mauritius, Martinique, Madagascar, Myanmar, Montserrat, Namibia, Niger, Nepal, Channel Islands, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Palestine, Panama, St. Barthelemy, Seychelles, Senegal, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Saint Martin, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Sudan, Saint Lucia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Togo, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Faroe Islands o., French Polynesia, Fiji, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, South Sudan, Jamaica.

This list includes GSM satellite systems on ships (MCP), Thuraya, GSM Vodafone ships, GSM Cingular ships, GSM AeroMobile aircraft.

How to activate International roaming on Beeline?

  • Beeline international roaming is not required. The presence of an option is enough "The most profitable roaming" with a positive balance, and for other countries of the world (list above) 600 rubles. on account. In this case, you can communicate while outside your country.

How to disable International roaming on Beeline?

  • The option is inactive if the balance is less than 300 rubles. It can be disabled in your personal account, but without making calls, being outside Russia, the cost for the Most Advantageous Roaming is not charged.

Terms and restrictions

Roaming Features:

  • roaming options are basic, automatically connected to the tariff,
  • tariffs outside the country are per minute,
  • Call costs are charged starting from the 1st second,
  • For international communication from another country, you must have at least 300 rubles on your balance.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • options are provided free of charge,
  • no need to connect
  • compared to old services "The most profitable roaming" economical.


  • being in some countries, you have to use an expensive tariff and have 600 rubles on your balance.

If previously, being outside of their region, communication with friends and family cost subscribers a tidy sum, but now the situation has changed dramatically. And for the better. By connecting to the roaming service, even travel enthusiasts will be able to significantly save on cellular communications.

How to enable or disable roaming on Beeline?

Depending on where a person is traveling, abroad or just to a neighboring city, you can activate the option of national or international roaming. But before connecting to this or that service, you need to review your tariff plan again. To obtain complete information about the current package, you can:

  • Call back to a short number 0611 ;
  • Use the “Beeline Menu”, which is available to all subscribers of this mobile network;
  • Log in to Beeline.

It is necessary to find out whether the current plan provides for the possibility of connecting to roaming, and if so, then under what conditions. You should also ask what the minimum balance should be in order to be able to activate a roaming service, and what the payment system is - prepayment or postpayment. In addition, it is important to find out the roaming conditions for different countries.

How to enable and disable roaming in Russia?

My country

For anyone who plans to travel only to Russian cities, the service will be useful "My country", after activation of which calls and SMS will cost much less.

The connection cost is 25 rubles; there is no charge for further subscription services, so there is no point in disabling it. If a subscriber leaves his region, then when crossing the border the option automatically becomes active and is also automatically disabled when entering his territory.

To connect to the service, you must dial a combination of numbers and symbols *110*0021# , and then click on the call key. If you need to disable the service, you will need to dial *110*0020#

My intercity

The option will also be attractive "My Intercity" the connection cost of which is 25 rubles, then 1 ruble is debited. daily in the case of a prepaid system and 30 rubles. monthly with postpayment.

To connect to this service, you should call the number 06741 . If you need to disconnect, you should call a short number 06740 .

Roaming lightly

Another interesting offer is the service "Roaming lightly", for which there is no connection fee, and 5 rubles are debited for subscription services. daily.

To activate the service you need to dial a combination *110*9991# , and then click on the call key; to disable the service, use the combination *110*9990# .

How to enable and disable international roaming?

My planet

In case of foreign trips, you can choose the roaming service " My planet". To enable this option you need to dial the combination *110*0071# and click on the call key, to disable you should use the combination *110*0070# and also click on the call key.

Planet zero

The next no less attractive offer is “ Planet zero". To connect to this option, you need to dial the following combination *110*331# , and then click on the call key, to disconnect - *110*330# and also click on the call key.

In addition, you can connect to any of these services through the Beeline account or use the services of an operator at any branch of the company. And if the subscriber has forgotten which option is connected to his tariff package, then he needs to call back to the short number 0611 . By carefully listening to the voice menu, you can find out the command to disable the existing service.

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During the formation and development of cellular communications in Russia, subscribers managed to understand that the cost of calls in the home region and outside it is radically different. Roaming Beeline and other providers when abroad is generally a separate issue that was decided at the government level. The issue is now considered resolved. The cost of calls outside the connection area and internationally is reduced to an acceptable range. How to enable Beeline roaming? How are communication tariffs carried out when traveling around Russia? These pressing issues require more detailed consideration.

If you are going to another country, but don’t want the extra hassle of buying a new SIM card, payment, etc. There are roaming services for this. Connect them to your native Beeline SIM card. And now you will always be in touch with your loved ones, as well as with local operators in the region where you are staying.

Everyone should know this

Roaming Beeline

Basic options for traveling abroad

Service Service cost Connection What gives
Unlimited Internet in roaming 350 rub. in a day
  • Command to connect the option*110*20171#
  • Command to disable the option*110*20170#
Unlimited Internet always, but after 100 MB the speed drops to 128 kb/s
Per-minute charging in international roaming 30 rub. in a minute
  • Command to connect option *110*201#
  • Command to disable the option *110*200#
Fix. price calculation per minute
The most profitable roaming
  • 20 minutes a day - 200 ₽
  • SMS-30₽ per day
  • 40 MB per day - 200 ₽
Automatically connected when traveling to another country Basic roaming services
Planet ZERO 25₽ per day
  • Command to connect option *110*331#
  • Command to disable the option *110*330#
Calls from 1 to 20 minutes are free, then 10₽ and 20₽/minute
My planet 25₽ per day
  • Command to connect option *110*0071#
  • Command to disable the option *110*0070#
Calls 3₽/min, SMS 3₽
My abroad Connection 30₽, 1₽ per day
  • Command to enable option 06740003
  • Command to disable option 06742000
  • Vietnam, India, Canada, Korea, China, USA 5₽/m.
  • European countries and Türkiye 15₽/m.
  • Other countries* 50₽/m.

Beeline cancels roaming! Under this heading, a campaign was held by the provider, where it was announced that there would be unlimited communication for subscribers throughout the country. Before users could breathe a sigh of relief, it turned out that the program’s action had certain limits. For example:

  • The operator has made incoming calls free in roaming, however, the price of outgoing calls on most tariffs has not changed.
  • Unlimited communication within the country affected only the “Everything” tariff line.
  • The problem with charging calls when subscribers are in the Republic of Crimea remains unresolved. The current rates for other areas do not apply here, so communication is more expensive.

Important! Beeline roaming conditions look much more attractive than those of competitors. The first step towards lowering prices can be considered unlimited Internet, which operates without restrictions throughout the country.

How to activate roaming on Beeline? Subscribers are offered a choice of three options, which include discounts on communications outside the home network. It looks like this:

Roaming management
  1. *110*0021#. Sending this command activates the “My Country” service to the number. For activation there is a one-time debit of funds in the amount of 25 rubles. After connecting, the user can communicate throughout Russia for only 3 rubles. This is a single price for incoming calls and outgoing calls.
  2. *110*0071#. This is how the “My Planet” service is connected to the number for favorable communication conditions abroad. Here, all roaming calls (incoming/outgoing) cost 25 rubles.
  3. *110*0031#. Command to activate the “Planet Zero” service. Conditions similar to the previous option apply here.

How to disable roaming on Beeline? If we consider the issue within the framework of the specified options, the following commands are used to deactivate:

  • *110*0020#.
  • *110*0070#.
  • *110*0030#.

Important! Disabling services is free of charge. In addition, the “Planet Zero” option has been archived, so connecting to the service is impossible.


It is worth noting that the latest innovation of Beeline is the “Most Profitable Roaming” service. The advantage of this option is that it does not require an additional connection and is included as standard in the provider’s new tariffs. It works like this: the user is offered packages of minutes, SMS and Internet traffic, which are activated when using cellular services. If the number is inactive, the cost of the packages is not debited from the personal account. This service does not apply to the territory of the country and is activated only abroad. This service can only be removed by contacting the provider directly.

In addition, there are Beeline tariffs without roaming in Russia. Here the user does not pay for on-net calls; calls to numbers of other providers are possible as part of free minute packages. Three Beeline tariffs work under these conditions:

  1. "Unlimited new Russia."
  2. "Unlimited Russia".
  3. "Moscow, Russia".

Important! The cost of such offers varies between 1,300-2,200 rubles, depending on the conditions. The connected package will be beneficial to those subscribers who often travel around the country and communicate a lot on the phone.

Additional features

Beeline allows you to disable roaming on the current number, however, to do this, the user will have to personally contact technical support specialists. Disabling the service through the “Personal Account” on the BEELINE portal is technically impossible: the system does not have such tools.

There are Beeline services for roaming, which subscribers do not know about. In particular, the user's number can work with towers of other providers if the home network is unavailable for technical reasons. The service is called "Emergency". The procedure for enabling and disabling the option must be clarified with your provider.

At the end of a vacation or business trip, the connected tariff options for roaming simply become a source of expenses. Some subscribers are faced with the problem of high costs precisely because they do not know how to disable roaming on Beeline.

If you have a lot of money debited from your personal account, then you may be charged a subscription fee for various communication services. It is also worth checking the connected tariff plan and various subscriptions in your “Personal Account”.

The "My Long-City" tariff plan is intended for those who often make calls from their home region to other cities. It is better to disable the remaining options, as they only increase your mobile communications costs.

Modern subscribers of the Russian operator are provided with many types of services automatically. When you get to another city or country, you still stay connected, because roaming is automatically activated. However, the cost depends on the selected options, connected one by one or in entire packages.

If for some reason it is not available, then you should enable it using the command *110*131# (call) or by calling the toll-free number 067409131.

If you have any difficulties or questions, call 8 800 700-0611 (short number 0611). Subscriber service operators will answer all questions and will be able to enable or disable certain options manually. The call is free from anywhere in Russia and the world.

There are several options for solving the problem. The company tries to make its service as convenient as possible for each subscriber. You can use one of several methods:

  • send a request via USSD system;
  • send a command to disable a specific option;
  • contact the Customer Service directly;
  • use the "My Beeline" menu;
  • go to "Personal Account".

Did you know?

If you don't plan to use your SIM card and want to get rid of expenses, then it's better to turn off roaming completely.

When installing a Beeline SIM card, a menu appears in the smartphone menu through which you can manage subscriptions and various options. This is a fairly simple method if you have access to the network.

USSD commands to disable roaming

Another simple way is to send the appropriate command for the previously connected option. If you know how to disable roaming on Beeline “My Country” or another tariff, then you should use this method.

The following commands are available to disable tariff options:

  • “My country” - *110*0020# (call);
  • “My Planet” - *110*0070# (call);
  • "Planet Zero" - *110*330# (call) or 0674030 (call).

How to view the list of connected services in roaming?

You can view the full list of connected options and subscriptions on the official website in your “Personal Account”. This is the most convenient way, guaranteeing 100% results. Registration does not take much time, but then you can check your balance, get details and manage your subscriptions in just a few clicks.

To log in you must complete the following steps:

  • dial *110*9# to receive the password via SMS;
  • on the website in the “Personal Account” section, enter the phone number and the received password;
  • find the options management menu.

This method is ideal for owners of tablets and USB modems. Subscribers are given the opportunity to control not only the account status, but also current expenses. There you can quickly connect options for the Internet or voice communication, and also view the real cost of the services offered.

Most mobile operators independently activate the roaming service as soon as the subscriber leaves their home region. However, this is not always convenient, so you have to connect some services yourself. Let's figure it out how to enable roaming on Beeline.

In a communication salon or by calling 0611, you can get any information about the operator’s services, their cost and terms of provision. So, roaming is divided into the following types:
— internetwork;
— intranet;
- international;
- National.

Internetwork roaming is divided into international and national. It allows you to automatically connect to the networks of partner companies at the moment when you leave your home region and Beeline coverage is not available to you.

Intranet roaming extends throughout Russia and is activated as soon as you leave your home region but use the services of Beeline. Please note: tariffs for calls, SMS and other services may change.

International and national roaming

National roaming is a service that allows you to stay connected when you travel outside the country. The cost of connection is 600 rubles, and if your balance is less than 300 rubles, roaming will be disabled and you will not be able to make calls.

The international roaming service can be activated using several methods:
— call to the call center. You can contact the operator at 0611 or +74959748888;
- through the Internet. In your Personal Account on the company’s website, you can independently manage any services;
— USSD request. On the phone display you need to dial *110*131#. You will be notified about the connection of the service via SMS;

Payment for communication services in roaming is carried out with a slight delay, that is, the fee for a completed call is not immediately debited from the balance;

The cost of calls will be slightly higher than in your home region, so before you travel outside of it, top up your account with a reserve;

Incoming calls in roaming are paid, and per second billing applies;

Before traveling, you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs of international telecom operators;

If you want to save money, try to minimize your use of carrier services;

Information exchange services while roaming are not cheap, so before traveling you need to disable all applications that use the Internet.

Support for subscribers in roaming

The Beeline operator today offers its subscribers some options and services that help save on calls while roaming. You should make sure your discounted rates are activated before you leave your home region. Otherwise, you will have to pay huge bills when you return home. In most cases, the services are paid, so when returning to your home, you should disable them.

We told Beeline subscribers how to enable roaming. By following our recommendations, you can always stay in touch and save money at the same time.