Setting up maximum performance in Windows 8. Changing the paging file. We are looking for the reason for the slow operation of our computer

You can think what you want about Windows 8, but this system is really fast.

Loading faster than everyone else existing versions Windows, it uses less random access memory, and also has a desktop that handles and feels great.

As in all the past Windows releases, Windows 8 has all the customization options various parameters that will help increase speed operating system and make it even faster.

Some of today's tips apply to previous versions of Windows, but Windows 8 has a few additional features, which we will definitely tell you about. Let us remind you that sometimes you will have to make compromises when using the tricks below and, since there is no magic “Make your computer faster” button.

Disable animation

Windows 8, like Windows 7, displays animations when you minimize, maximize, open, or close application windows. This animation is pleasing to the eye, but it does cause some lag. You can completely disable animation, and transitions between windows will begin to happen instantly, without delay.

To disable animation, click on the “Windows” button, type “performance options” and press “Enter”. Uncheck the “Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing” checkbox. You can also disable some other animations, such as the "fade and slide effects when accessing menus" and "fade and slide effects when tooltips appear." This will make the menus and prompts more simplified, which will have a positive effect on performance.

Identifying applications that use a large amount of resources

The new Task Manager in Windows 8 makes it easy to identify programs that are slowing down your computer. To click right click mouse on the taskbar and select "task manager". Click "more details" if you want to see the full dispatcher interface.

Applications that use a lot of resources will be highlighted so you can easily see which programs are using your computer's resources. This list also has a simplified application sheet that is more intuitive and clear than the old-fashioned process list (if you want to go back old list processes, then it is still available in the “details” tab).

Managing programs from startup

Windows Task Manager allows you to easily disable programs that run at the same time as your computer. Click on the Startup tab in Task Manager to access these options.

Windows also analyzes how long each program takes to start and displays this information in a special column in the Startup tab. Select the desired program and click the “disable” button to remove the program from startup. This will help speed up the startup process of your computer.

Using the included security programs

Instead of installing antivirus programs from third party manufacturers that slow down your computer, you can now use built-in security tools, because from now on Windows even includes an antivirus. Unfortunately, the quality of this solution still leaves much to be desired. Although the application is still called " Windows Defender", it incorporates almost all the functionality of the antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials.

Windows 8 also includes a SmartScreen feature that analyzes all the programs you download from the Internet for reliability.

Like previous versions of Windows, Windows 8 includes a firewall that blocks unauthorized incoming connections. If you want more settings and options, then, of course, as before, you can install third-party antivirus solutions.

Changing Power Settings

For Windows users 8 definition battery life and performance are a priority, as in previous versions of Windows. To view your power settings, press the Windows key, type “power options,” select “settings,” and press Enter. By default, it's in Balanced mode, where Windows automatically slows down your processor when maximum speed he is not required to. This saves energy. To get the best performance out of your device, you can try setting it to High performance. In mode high performance Your CPU speed will never slow down. He will work for full speed all the time.

However, this is not always a good thing. Even high-performance gaming computers sometimes used for surfing the Internet, and there is absolutely no point in using the processor at full capacity when surfing the Internet. Because of this, only energy is wasted and additional heat is generated.

Whatever plan you choose, make sure you don't take advantage of energy savings. This option is only useful when you are trying to keep your battery charged for as long as possible.

Putting your computer into sleep mode

One of the most controversial aspects of Windows 8 is the way the operating system hides the “shut down” option in a hidden . As if on purpose Microsoft company wants to force you to use sleep mode instead of turning off your computer. When you use sleep mode, your computer enters a very low power mode and only uses power to maintain open source software and files in the computer's RAM.

When you return to your computer, it wakes up almost instantly. Therefore, using sleep mode instead of shutting down can significantly speed up your computer's boot time.

You will find the sleep option under the power button in settings. (Press the Windows + C buttons, select “settings”, “power” and press the sleep button). Your computer's power button can also be customized to automatic use sleep mode. You can change this option by clicking on “Choose what the power buttons do” in the Power Settings window.

Hard drive optimization

Windows 8 includes a standard Disk Defragmenter, now called Optimize Drives. To open it, click on Windows key, type the word " ", select settings and then press "Enter". Please note that Windows 8 automatically optimizes (defragments) your drives once a week by default. However, if you have been moving a lot of files, then you can optimize your disks earlier and on your own.

As in previous versions of Windows, click the Analyze button to see how your file system is fragmented.

Windows Indexing Control

Service Windows indexing automatically scans files on your computer and tracks their changes, allowing you to quickly find necessary files almost no waiting. Indexing uses some CPU power, so disabling this mechanism will help you reduce CPU usage.

Keep in mind that indexing makes searching for files faster. If you regularly use the search feature on the Start screen or use search capabilities Windows Explorer, then you should not disable file indexing. It should be disabled only when you practically do not use the search function on your computer.

To disable Windows search, click on the Start button, type services.msc and then press Enter. Scroll down the list, find the Windows Search service, right-click and select Properties.

Set the startup type to "disabled", click on the "stop" button to stop the service, and then click "Ok".

Instead of disabling the file indexing service completely, you can choose which folders to index yourself. By default, the service indexes all user folders. If you have several folders with files and you don't want to search for anything in them, you can simply exclude them from indexing. For these options, press the Windows key, type “indexing,” click “options,” and then click “Enter.”

Optimizing Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or how to speed up a laptop?

To begin with, I would like to make a reservation that this article is suitable for any computer, both a laptop and any other computer on which the Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 operating system is installed.

IN Lately I very often hear from people the phrases “My laptop is slow,” “My computer is not working well,” etc. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons for this, and not one specialist will immediately solve your problem or tell you what to do if you come and say that your computer is slowing down.

So I decided to write instructions for Windows optimization 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. The instructions will concern not only optimization of the OS (Operating System) with hard drive, and optimization of the OS as a whole will be supplemented over time.

Therefore, you can try to optimize the operation of your laptop/PC yourself; this will not be a problem even for a novice user; we will not be talking about reinstalling the computer OS.

Looking for a reason slow work our computer:

The first thing to do, which will not cause problems for the average user, is to press the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+ALT+DEL and select task manager.
Go to the Performance tab and click on the Resource Monitor button at the bottom. Accordingly, when your laptop slows down, we look at this resource monitor and see which part of our hardware is maximally loaded by the CPU (processor), Disk or Memory. If you have problems working with the network, you can pay attention to the Network.
Here we can see what process or processes (programs) are loading our computer.

Let me make a reservation right away: if you have a laptop, then in 90% of cases the most loaded part of the hardware will be the Disk (HDD). Due to the fact that it has a low data processing speed. If you compare the disk of a regular desktop PC, it works 99% at a speed of 7200rpm, while a laptop disk runs at 5600rpm, on average this is 40-60 MB/s, there are several additional parameters that affect the speed, such as the speed of working with the buffer and the number of input/output operations. But otherwise, the culprit will still be the disk because it does not have time to process all the information simultaneously coming to it from you when you use programs and from background tasks(programs).

Due to the fact that Microsoft now provides free update before Windows 10, many laptop users who upgraded from Windows 7,8 and 8.1 have this problem. Well, Windows 10 really loves working with a hard drive.

1. Choosing a classic theme

Choose the classic theme as it uses the least amount of resources. To select a classic theme, go to start -> control panel -> screen -> personalization here select the classic theme and click OK

— If you are using a laptop or computer with a built-in/integrated video card (onboard), since the built-in video card does not have its own own memory it uses your laptop's regular RAM.
— If you have a discrete video card, then this is separate module This point can be omitted.

2. Gadgets / Widgets

— Turn off gadgets if you use them, use them as little as possible, it’s better not to use them at all.

3. Installing and removing programs

— Remove unused programs, and do not install programs that you will not use.
- Always uninstall the program if it was installed, and not portable through the control panel, this is necessary so that, in addition to installed files The keys in the registry were also deleted.

4. Disk Cleaning and Defragmentation

Of course you need to clean the disk, but defragment it if you use Windows Vista, 7 or newer ones are not necessary. The reason for this is that defragmentation in these operating systems is performed automatically according to a schedule. To check this, just go to disk properties -> service tab -> Optimization/Defragmentation and you will see when it was carried out last operation defragmentation.

If you are using an SSD drive (solid state), be sure to disable scheduled defragmentation and never do it!

5. Antivirus programs and virus protection

You can do as you please, but here is my advice if you have licensing system. For all licensed versions Microsoft provides Windows Vista and Windows 7 free antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials You can download it on the official website.

Install it for yourself if you don’t use sites with dubious content, just download the latest version of Dr.Web cureit once a week and check your computer free time, that is, when you are not using it.

Any other antivirus, no matter how you are assured and no matter how good it is, will slow down the entire operation of your OS.

If you have Windows 8,8.1 or 10, then you don’t need to install anything, the antivirus is already built-in, you just need to uninstall third party antivirus and make sure the built-in one works.

For this we go to START - Settings - Update and Security - Windows Defender and turn it on. Or Control Panel - Windows Defender and enable.

Also, in the Defender settings, find and enable the option to scan removable media.

Next, proceed as in the case of Windows 7, check your computer with Dr.Web cureit once a week.

I recommend disabling all programs in startup except those required for correct operation PC/Laptop.
Such as Nvidia, AMD catalyst, Realtek Manager and programs for proper operation touchpad if you are using a laptop.

- If you have Windows XP, Vista and 7. Press the Win+R button combination - and enter msconfig command. In the window that opens, select the “startup” tab and uncheck all programs that are not needed.

— If you have Windows 8, 8.1, 10 — Startup is located in the task manager.

Open the Task Manager and see a window without tabs

Click the More details button and you will see tabs. Click on the Startup tab and disable unnecessary programs.

I especially recommend turning off the checkboxes with torrent programs such as Utorrent/BitTorrent, etc., or setting up restrictions on downloading and uploading in them, all torrent programs clog the Internet channel and load network hardware, which has a bad effect on the speed of your Internet.

7. Optimization programs

Also categorically I don't recommend it use any this kind of programs such as Auslogics, CCleaner, etc. Firstly, these are nothing more than temporary results. Secondly, everything you need is in Windows, you just need to learn how to use it.

Auslogics by personal experience was relevant no more than on XP, and then mainly due to defragmentation, although it was built-in. The effects are all temporary. Sometimes, once in a while, you may not have to clean out the registries so that after a reboot, BSODs fall out, again, experience. If you remove programs correctly and use only licensed software or trusted sources, you don’t need to clean the registries, unless you clean out viruses, but that’s a different story.

After using these programs on your computer for a long time, you have to use them more and more often, and the computer slows down more and more. You can see this for yourself by installing them.

8. Windows Search Service.
To further optimize your laptop, you can disable Windows service Search.
Windows Search is a service that is responsible for indexing content, caching properties and search results for files, Email and other content. WSearch also really likes to work in background at the wrong time and puts a lot of strain on it HDD work.

This service only affects the search for files on your computer, if you ever use it at all; I can’t remember the last time this happened. Usually the search is done in a folder using the F3 key. The search will be a little slower since files in the background will not be cached.

- You can disable it in Control Panel - Administration - Services- look for the Windows Search or WSearch service.

Click twice, press the button stop and select the launch type: disabled and click OK.

You will feel like your computer, and more precisely a disk breathe calmly.

Also, after disabling this service, you can disable file indexing in the disk properties. Computer - right-click on the disk - properties - general tab - uncheck which is highlighted in the picture, click ok and click all the confirmations that will appear and where there is an error that it is not possible to perform an operation with the system file, click the button Skip everything the error occurs because the file is in this moment is used by Windows and cannot be changed.

Indexing must be disabled if you are using an SSD drive and want to extend its operation!

9. Swap File

Another way to free up your disk and reduce disk usage is to move or disable the page file.
Swap File -(swap-file, paging-file) – a file on the hard disk (pagefile.sys; has the Hidden, System attributes) used by Windows to store parts of programs and data files that do not fit in RAM.

This file is dynamic by default and Windows shoves into it everything that does not fit into the RAM if you don’t have enough of it. To file there is a constant writing and reading, that is, it constantly loads the disk with work in addition to the main load. Moreover, if the disk is normal (HDD - Hard Drive magnetic disks), the operation of the entire computer slows down due to the fact that the disk works much, much slower than the RAM and hence the slower response of programs (freezing/freezing, etc. call it what you like).

Ways to solve this problem:
If you have a lot of RAM, such as 4GB or more, you can simply turn off the swap file and restart your computer.
How to disable it - press the Win+Pause key combinations (Win is where Windows icon usually between CTRL keys and ALT).
Next, select Extra options - tab AdditionallyOptions… - in the window that appears, the tab again Additionally - find the button change and press it.
In the window that appears, uncheck the box Automatically select volume...- select the item below Without swap file, press the button Set and than OK.

But if you use many programs or hundreds of tabs in the browser or play games, or after disconnecting, you periodically see an error like this or a similar one.

Then if there is second hard disk physical, not logical, we need to move the page file to the second disk.
Transferring a file is the same as disconnecting it. You can check a physical or logical disk by clicking on my computer - right-clicking - selecting management - in the window that opens, select disk management.

Disk 0 and Disk 1 are different physical disks, and the fact that each physical is divided into 3 sections is logical drives. For example, drive C: should be on drive 0, then drive D: on drive 1. Then you can safely transfer the paging file from drive C: to drive D:. And if C: and D: are both on disk 0, then there is no point in transferring, since you have disk 1, not 2.

When you open the window you will have 2 drives, for example C and D. Uncheck automatically select the size of the paging file - Choose drive C - select an item without swap file and press the button Set. Then we choose drive D - select an item Size according to system choice.

The most important thing is whoever says no better optimization for laptop and desktop PC than solid state SSD A disk with an operating system installed on it.

If your laptop is running slowly, try optimizing its OS before reinstalling Windows, since reinstalling without optimization may not change the situation.

When Windows 8 launched in October 2012, it faced a storm of controversy, with desktop and laptop users in particular bemoaning the loss of the Start menu and a very obvious skew towards tablets and functionality. touch screen. A year later, Microsoft addressed many consumer issues and concerns with the launch of the free Windows 8.1 update, followed by Windows 8.1 Update 1 in April 2014. While Windows 8 is undoubtedly a significant improvement over its earlier releases, it still leaves much to be desired. Fortunately, there are ways, using several simple settings And third party programs to get the latest operating room Microsoft system working the way you want it to.

1 - use OblyTile to customize your home screen

The Start screen is still far from ideal in itself, especially with regard to the fact that program shortcuts on the desktop are displayed with low resolution, icons are large, and tiles are bulky. However, the tile interface can be made to look better on the desktop screen thanks to free program OblyTile. OblyTile is portable application, which means it should not be installed. You can use it to create tile shortcuts to any web address, program, file, or folder on your Start screen. The best thing is that you can fully customize appearance tiles by creating and adding own images. More home screen shouldn't look like an ugly abomination on any device other than a tablet or smartphone!

2 - use the Start menu substitute

Without a doubt the most controversial Windows feature 8, it was removed from the Start menu, and while the Start button returns in Windows 8.1, the Start menu remains a thing of the past. Fortunately, there is whole line programs for the Start menu so that it appears quickly and to solve this problem. While there are some paid Start menu replacements, there are free ones, such as Classic Shell and IObit Start Menu should provide you with everything you need. Alternatively, you can create similar functionality using the taskbar in the toolbar without installing any third-party software.

3 - download to desktop

Windows 8.1 introduced a small but important new opportunity for desktop users, with which they can boot directly to their desktop without having to go straight to the Start screen. Especially if you're using a Start Menu utility, you probably want to avoid the Start screen as much as possible. To download directly to your desktop, right-click on the taskbar, select Properties, then open the Navigation tab and select the appropriate option. While you're here, you'll probably also want to check out the option to show a desktop background on your Start screen, which will make the transition between the old and new interfaces much more seamless.

4 - p reactivation libraries

Libraries were introduced in Windows 7, which allow you to sort files into multiple folders for faster and easier navigation. The feature was included in Windows 8, and it remains in the latest editions too, but for unknown reasons, it was turned off by default. To get the libraries back, simply open File Explorer, and in the navigation area on the left, right-click and click the Show Libraries button. Now you can use them in the same way as you did in Windows 7.

5 - Customize your desktop with Rainmeter

Rainmeter is an effective tool for any desktop customization. While he is working with more earlier versions Windows, as well, which is especially valuable in Windows 8, since it effectively replaces widgets, which were discontinued after Windows 7 or side panel were deleted. Of course, initial Windows screen 8 provides similar functionality by live tiles, but you probably won't read this article if you're not completely satisfied with working with them. Rainmeter displays a highly customizable and customizable set of widgets, menus, toolbars, and other controls on your desktop. Some skins include system information, widgets, clocks, media players, news and much more.

6 - Using Custom Visual Styles

Especially if you're using Rainmeter, you'll probably want your taskbar style customized to match your Rainmeter theme, but to set custom visual styles, Windows 8.1 requires some additional actions, as was the case with previous versions operating system. In order to use third party themes, you need to download a third party tool to patch certain system files. One of the most popular is UltraUXThemePatcher, but if you prefer not to tamper with system files, you can try the UxStyle utility instead, which runs in the background to enable the use of third-party visual styles. Both programs are absolutely free and you can download custom styles designs from various websites, including those mentioned in the previous section.

Computers running operating systems Windows systems 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 automatically optimizes its performance based on default settings, so you can usually rest assured that your PC has better performance. But sometimes situations arise when The computer is running too slow and you begin to look for the reasons for the “braking” in order to manually eliminate them.

Despite the fact that the function is integrated into Windows 8.1 automatic optimization performance, Microsoft includes separate utilities in the operating system that should help the user solve certain problems. The optimization process itself is very simple and you do not need special knowledge to manually increase the performance of your computer.

3 the best way, below will help you optimize the performance of your computer or tablet running Windows control 8.1 and you can then use them on a regular basis.

Let's start with the most important and effective way. 1 way:

We scan your computer for viruses and malware. Viruses and malware are perhaps the main reason why your computer slows down. A virus can enter a computer from any source - either when visiting an infected site through a browser, or through a downloaded file, or from an infected medium such as a CD, DVD, flash drive or memory card. Viruses and malware can be found in applications and files of any purpose and format, so it is very important to always be on guard so as not to infect your computer.

Viruses and malware can slow down your PC different ways and when infected, they can interfere with a range of normal activities. In addition, viruses can give hackers access to your personal data or completely block the ability to use certain functions.
Windows 8.1 comes pre-installed Windows application Defender, which is antivirus Microsoft product own production. The application is designed to protect your computer from infection by any types of viruses and malware. Even though Defender updates itself and automatically scans your computer for infection, viruses can disable in Defender mode virus detection dangers or limit automatic update and scanning.

Reminder: if you are using antivirus software from third party developers to protect your Windows 8.1 PC, we recommend that you also use this method optimizing PC performance.

1. Launch Windows Defender or any other antivirus software (if you have installed it) through the Control Panel.

2. Update your database known viruses through the built-in function of the antivirus product. At the same time, you will receive the latest updates with signatures of the latest viruses.

3. After updating the anti-virus databases, run full check computer for viruses.
Memo: in mode quick scan Windows Defender scans your computer a little faster and saves a couple of minutes compared to the full scan mode.

4. Upon completion antivirus scan If viruses or malware are detected, remove them immediately using anti-virus software.

The first method will help you get rid of malicious objects on your computer and restore (increase) its performance.

Method 2: Remove unnecessary system files

Windows 8.1 is stored on the computer's hard drive a large number of system files to perform future tasks, but subsequently never deletes them and the files take up space on the hard drive. Often, an array of unnecessary system files can occupy up to several gigabytes disk space. Large array storage unnecessary files can lead to reduced computer performance and increased response time in various tasks.

Windows allows you to clean up disk space by deleting unnecessary files and cleaning up such specialized file storages like Internet browser cache, temporary files (Temp folder) and recycle bin.

1. To clear file storage data, use the Start screen search bar to find the following term: “” .

2. In the search results you will see one of these items “ Free up space by deleting unnecessary files" or " Disk Cleanup" Click on one of these links.

Reminder: if you don’t find anything similar in the search results, you will need to enable access to administration utilities. Read our separate instructions, how to do it.

3. Utility window " Disk Cleanup" will open on your desktop. Select drive C from the drop-down menu and click OK.

4. Next, the utility will automatically calculate the disk space that you can free up. After counting you will be given full list files (in categories) that you can delete to free up disk space.

5. Select all files. There may be files from the trash here, setup files, temporary files and much more. Sometimes the total volume of files in these categories can reach several gigabytes. By checking the boxes of the categories from which you do not need files, you will see exactly how much disk space will be freed up at this stage.

7. At the end of the process, you will receive a message that the space is available local disk(in our case it was drive C) freed.

8. You can repeat the described procedure for all logical drives into which your hard drive is “partitioned”.

Method 3: defragmentation

Most likely, your computer is equipped with a hard drive, which, in a sense, is the brain of the PC, storing data for a long time, recording it in a certain sequence parts onto the surface of the disk drive. In this case, digital data, consisting of bytes and bits, can be located in different areas (sectors) hard drive.

As soon as the process of writing files to disk begins, they are divided into parts by sector, which from the outside may look like chaos. Data is not written sequentially (continuously) and this results in increased response time when accessed from the PC operating system. Microsoft has traditionally included a utility in the new OS that should help you organize your data and ensure more quick access to them.

The Disk Defragment utility sorts (moves) data blocks in such a way that it is easier to access the data, and accordingly, the OS Windows is faster responded to your requests.

1. Go to Start screen operating system and press the " Windows key + I"either touch gesture swipe left and select the menu item " Settings».

2. The settings menu window will open “ Settings" Select " Tiles».

3. The option to manage dynamic blocks will open. In it, activate the display mode of administration utilities " Show administrative tools", moving the slider to the right.

4. Now press the button combination “ Windows key + S" or swipe right and select the option " Search».

5. In the search dialog, type " Defragment».

6. As a result, all disk devices, which can be defragmented. Here you can select the disk you are interested in.

7. Dialog box " Optimize Drives" will open on your desktop.

8. Now select drive C and click on the button Analyze» to see the device status.

9. After analyzing the disk, which may take several tens of seconds, you will find out whether defragmentation is required of this disk or not. If the OK status is displayed, then you do not need disk defragmentation.

10. Click the button Optimize» to start the optimization process.

Note: The optimization process may take several hours, depending on the speed of your computer.

11. Once the operation is completed, you will immediately feel that your computer's performance has increased, especially when accessing data stored on your computer's hard drive.

12. If necessary, defragment all logical drives.

How often should the described operations be performed?

You may be wondering how often you should perform each of the described methods to increase computer performance. Below we give an answer for each of the three methods:

1. You can scan your computer once a week, but at the same time update antivirus database Windows Defender follows daily;

2. Run Disk Cleanup utility Disk Cleanup can be done once a week or even once every 2 weeks. More frequent launch utilities may not produce results.

3. Defragmentation is not a process that needs to be run regularly (daily or weekly). Launching the utility once a month or even once every two months can provide optimal disk performance for your computer.

By regularly performing one of the described methods or performing them one by one, you can seriously increase the performance of your computer.