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Many users now meet, communicate and work online, for example, housewives and young mothers turn to various forums for help and advice, share posts and photos on in social networks.

In addition to live communication this network full of entertainment, such as watching videos, movies and TV series, listening to music. Collected in Odnoklassniki great amount popular games. There is also an opportunity to share interesting moments your life, post photos, view and comment on friends’ photos.

Unfortunately, some users sooner or later encounter authorization problems, i.e. to a social network. A case where at work the login to social networks is specially blocked by the system administrator ( system administrator) for the reason that “you have to work at work”, we will not consider in this article.

How to recover an account in Odnoklassniki

Access may be blocked by various reasons, for example, due to the page being hacked by scammers. There are times when all attempts to enter a login and password are unsuccessful, login is impossible because personal data is forgotten or lost.

If for one reason or another you need to recover your password, then to do this, on the main page of the site, click the “Forgot your login or password?” button, then follow the instructions.

Rice. 1 Click on the link “Forgot your password or login”

Typically the page is linked to e-mail or mobile phone number. In this case, recovery is quite simple, just:

  • indicate data,
  • receive a confirmation code and
  • enter it into the required form.

Access to your account will be restored as soon as possible.

If for some reason you cannot simply recover your password, you have lost access to the phone number to which the page is linked, or you do not know your email, perhaps you do not remember either, then the recovery process becomes more complex and time-consuming.

How to contact Odnoklassniki Support Service

If you real user social network Odnoklassniki and the real owner of the blocked account, then to restore it you need to contact support. On the main page of the site, below the login button, select “Forgot your login or password?”, and on next page Click – “Write to support” and fill out the application (Fig. 1, 2).

Rice. 2 Link “Write to the support service” of Odnoklassniki

To contact Customer Support, you can use the direct link below.

To fully recover your password, you must fill out all fields of the application as much as possible, indicate the reason for recovery and, accordingly, describe the problem in detail.

Rice. 3 Write to Odnoklassniki support service

After the application has been reviewed, letters with further instructions will be sent to your email address (Fig. 3, 4). These instructions will indicate what needs to be done to restore access to Odnoklassniki.

Rice. 4 Automatic letter that your application has arrived and will be considered

Depending on how truthful and complete the information you provide is, the support service may request additional data to confirm that you are the real owner specified profile. Such confirmations can be: photographs of the user in the background of correspondence with the service, in the background of a page on a social network, as well as any other information related to access to the account and confirming your personal data (Fig. 5). Rice. 5 Conditions for restoring access to Odnoklassniki

Rice. 6 Letter about restoring access to Odnoklassniki

The letter from the Odnoklassniki Support Service says that “in order for everything to be OK, please copy your login and password so as not to make a mistake and enter them correctly.” Just in case, I’ll explain how this can be done.

To copy the login or password given in the letter from the Odnoklassniki Support Service:

  • First you need to select your login or password in this letter,
  • then you can press the Ctrl+C keys,
  • let's go to Odnoklassniki,
  • place the cursor where you should enter your login or password,
  • Press the hot keys Ctrl+V.

useful links

In the spring of 2006, the first social network was launched in Russia - “”, which literally in a few months turned into the most popular site for entertainment and finding acquaintances, and quickly reached fairly high attendance rates - about 10 million users. This popularity can be explained quite easily - everyone wants to find once lost friends, acquaintances, colleagues, university and school friends. It was this opportunity that became the fulcrum on which the site’s creator, Albert Popkov, relied.

But, along with popularity and fame, the site became good place for the profit of scammers who easily hack pages and then ask to restore them by sending money to a web money account or to a phone. There are more and more such scammers, so many users are faced with the problem of how to restore their Odnoklassniki page so that they can continue to communicate with friends. It should be said that here the problem, most often, must be solved by the users themselves, which is very upsetting, given the scale and popularity of the site itself.

One of the most common tricks of Internet scammers is asking them to send an SMS to short number, to supposedly reduce the possibility of spam being sent from your page. Not a single social network, including Odnoklassniki, makes access to its page paid. Therefore, such actions clearly indicate their illegality. In this case, restoring a hacked Odnoklassniki page is very simple. You should contact the administration, who will solve all problems and allow you to log in with a new username and password.

The most interesting thing in this situation is that people, realizing that this is a scam, still send messages to specified number, with the hope that the code will still be sent. But, of course, there will be no trace of any code, so the money went to the attackers, and the problem remained unresolved. More often than not, you end up on the wrong this page social network, but to its exact copy, which was created by scammers in order to receive money. How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki and access the real site? It's not as difficult as it seems. You need to find the virus that was sent to your computer with the code of a fake website. To do this you need to go to drive C in Windows folder--> system 32 -->drivers -->etc. This is where you can see the “Hosts” file, where all changes are saved. In order to remove everything unnecessary, you should open it through a notepad, where you can delete unnecessary entries.

It often happens that attackers or users themselves accidentally delete their page on the site. To restore deleted page in Odnoklassniki, you must first contact the site administration. If you simply do not remember your password for the site, then you need to click the appropriate menu button and an email will be sent to your e-mail with a new password, which you can change after logging into the page. Most often, it is impossible to restore a deleted page in Odnoklassniki. There is only an opportunity to create a new one for yourself.

Many people today are concerned about another question. They are not trying to understand the page in Odnoklassniki, but on the contrary, they want to delete it. It doesn't take much time or effort. To delete your account, you just need to go to the “Edit personal data” section and select the “Delete your profile from the site” function.

The creation and prosperity of social networks, which help to find once again lost friends and acquaintances, has led to the emergence of everything more criminals who are trying to make money from their fellow citizens. How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki - become one of the most popular questions on forums and chat rooms, which shows that the illegal business of scammers is still thriving. Don't fall for the tricks, and then you will never have this question.

This happened. You have lost control of your Odnoklassniki page. And the process of regaining control of your page can be very challenging task. At least for the most part ordinary users Internet networks.

Quite often on forums you can find messages in which users are looking for a solution to the issue related to restoring a page in Odnoklassniki. So, let's look at what factors can overshadow the happy life of owners of an active Odnoklassniki profile. First of all, in this social network, for an account to be blocked or for loss of control over it, there can be a variety of factors that should be taken into account. And knowing them, you can avoid this unpleasant phenomenon. As a last resort, try to regain control of your page.

So why might you lose control of your page?

Option 1. Your page has been hacked by attackers.

Option 2. The account can be deleted, either by you personally or by the same attackers. If you suddenly decide to delete your account for various reasons, weigh everything carefully.

Option 3. The user account is blocked by the site administration.

From here there will be several options for account recovery.

We restore a page on Odnoklassniki if it was lost as a result of hacking or stolen by attackers.

First of all, don't panic. You can always contact support special request, where you can request new data or receive recovery information on your mobile phone. Most often, this will be quite enough to regain control of your page.

The administration always helps its users regain control. IN in this case, You'll get A temporary password, which should be immediately changed to a more complex one. And don't forget to change your password and email.

Don't relax. You may encounter scammers even in places you don't expect. For this reason alone, you should not send any SMS messages to phone number which you don't know. In the event that you begin to suspect something, you should clarify the information by contacting the server support service. By using this method, you can save your time and money.

Option 1. Restoring your account after losing control of your profile.

You should select the “Forgot your password?” button, which can be found on the main page of the Odnoklassniki website.

Now you will need to choose how you want to restore access to your Odnoklassniki page: phone, email, login. Next, you must enter your phone number, email address or login correctly. Next, you need to agree to receive a recovery code.

Don't forget to check your email or phone. You should receive a letter or SMS with a code from Odnoklassniki. If you chose to restore your account using your login, you will be offered a choice of where the password will be sent (to your phone or mailbox).

By entering the code, you will be able to enter New Password. Needless to say, the new password should be different from the old one and be much more complex. It is best if it contains both numbers and letters.

You will be able to use your account again.

Option 2. Restoring an Odnoklassniki account blocked by the administration.

If your account has been blocked, you should immediately find out why the blocking occurred. There may be several reasons for this.

One of the reasons may be non-compliance with the rules of the social network, sending spam and much more. In this case, you can contact the administration directly. At the same time, we indicate in the message the reason for the request. Don't forget to include the page address, time and date. To do this, enter this link: Using the same link you can get the most full information associated with various problems while working on the site.

Option 3.Restoring the dedicated page on Odnoklassniki.

Recover hacked or lost page, even if it is blocked by the administration, it is not so difficult. At the very least, it is much easier to solve than if the page was deleted.

In the case when the page was deleted by you personally or by attackers. It is worth saying that in this case you will have to make more efforts to restore your account, since such a profile will most often be impossible to restore.

However, you should not give up, because by contacting the same administration, it helps to restore a deleted account.

It is worth being patient and complying with all the requirements of the administration. And don’t be too upset if you can’t restore your account. You will have to create new account. And don’t waste your nerves over minor troubles!

How to restore your Odnoklassniki account?

If you need to restore your Odnoklassniki page, this article will help you cope with this task. We will try to explain how to get your account back if such a task suddenly arises, but you don’t know how to approach it correctly.

Restoring a profile using personal data.

You can put the old one back into use account, using standard service. The principle of action is the same as when restoring a page after hacking. As a rule, recovery by phone number or email is used for this. In addition, it is possible to log in and restore the page using friends’ photos.

Select the “Personal Data” section.

Enter your first name, last name and other personal data.

Select your page from the list of profiles provided.

Confirm your consent to send you a letter by E-mail.

What to do if you have forgotten your login and password?

Is it possible to restore a deleted profile in Odnoklassniki?

Is it possible to restore a deleted page in ""? Yes, there is such a possibility. There are several ways to do this, choose the one that suits you best. The main role here is played by the reason why the account was deleted. In order to understand all the nuances of these methods, we advise you to watch thematic videos of our service, but you can get basic information by reading this article.

If your account is deleted by you:

There are no official ways to restore your page.
You can try sending a letter to the support service or find the answer in the “” section on our website, but in this case it is better to stick to the version that, most likely, your account was hacked by attackers, and you yourself did not make the decision to delete it.

If the Ok profile is blocked by regulations:

You need to contact support, fill out all the forms and wait 48 hours.

If your account is blocked due to hacking:

You can use using standard methods to update data using email and phone number.
The method of restoring access to a page in Odnoklassniki using an ID number is clearly shown in the thematic video on our page.

How to restore a blocked page in Odnoklassniki.

First, try to find out the reason for the blocking, then, if you were blocked due to a violation of the site rules, then you will have to use a letter to the support service. Click the “Forgot your password” link, and in the drop-down menu, select the “Regulations” column located at the bottom. Fill out the form and send it to the site administration. In response, you may be asked to send your photos, do not be alarmed, this is absolutely confidential and is done to identify the user as accurately as possible. These measures are necessary to ensure the security of the profiles of all other clients. The response to the submitted questionnaire should be received within 48 hours.

How to restore a hacked account in Odnoklassniki?

It is much easier to restore a hacked profile than after self-removal. To do this, you need to click on the “Forgot your password” link and select the method that suits you best. For example, you can choose to recover by phone number or by email. In addition, there are currently quite a few convenient way recovery “by photo”. By selecting it, you will receive an offer to identify five of your friends from a photo. In this case, you cannot make mistakes, otherwise the computer will block this opportunity for you for several hours. If you answered correctly, then you will gain access to your account again. This recovery method is described in more detail in other articles.

You can delete your Odnoklassniki account for various reasons: either it takes a lot of time, or your significant other is jealous of the Internet inhabitants. After a while, the need for it may appear again, and the question arises: how to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion? It is possible that your profile was hacked and you lost access to it, but you don’t want to lose your correspondence, photos and friends. Therefore, we will consider a number of ways to return pages in Odnoklassniki to the jurisdiction of their rightful owners.

Restoring a deleted page

Log in to the site using your login, phone or e-mail and password.

After this, a page will be displayed with information that your page has been deleted and can be restored by clicking on the appropriate button.

Attention! You can restore the page only within 3 months from the date of deletion. Otherwise, the account will be deleted permanently.

If the fourth month has passed since the deletion, you will see the corresponding information.

Advice! If possible, use your mobile phone to recover your password. This will minimize the likelihood of being hacked again in the future.

After regaining access, be sure to change your password to avoid a similar situation in the future.

How to prevent your page from being hacked?

There are spyware programs that create exact copy home page Odnoklassniki. You, suspecting nothing, enter your username and password. But instead of the main page, a pop-up window appears with alarming content: an error, an incorrect password, or even a requirement to pay to restore access to the page. In this case, you need to check your operating system for viruses and urgently change your profile password.

In another case, the password could be found out by deception. Do not share your login information, even with close friends on social networks. Their pages can be hacked and you won’t even realize that you are communicating with a scammer.

Attention! Technical support never asks for personal information and never writes in private. Such messages are deception!