Technological process: “Russian Post. Quickly create a filter. Old messages are displayed above new ones in the list

Email for many years remains indispensable and one of the most effective tools for personal communication and work. The email format is convenient for storing and forwarding not only text message, but also various types of documents, reminders of events. In addition, many email services and email programs (for example, Outlook) make it easy to turn emails into tasks or events, turning your email into a real one. mobile office who is always with you.

The only problem is that after just a month or two of intensive use of email, the average mailbox turns into something like a closet - you know for sure that it has everything, but you can’t find anything. In any case, within an acceptable time frame.

I've prepared some great tips for you to clean out your inbox as well as organize your email correspondence. I’ll warn you right away - some of the things I’m going to talk about require you to tinker a little with the settings first. mail client or email. However, this is completely small fee for the amount of time you will save in the end.

Setting up mail sorting rules in Outlook - even a beginner can figure it out

Use email filters and rules

Currently, there is probably not a single postal service left or mail program, where there would be no opportunity to configure filtering rules for incoming messages. Using email rules is the first thing to do when it comes to organizing your email efficiently. By devoting at most fifteen minutes of time, you can create a foundation that will save you from the chaos that is happening in your life for years to come. standard folder"Inbox".

Here are just a few ideas on what I would suggest you do first:

  • Create folders in your mailbox for typical correspondence, for example: “bank statements”, “letters from online stores”, “family”, “mailings” and set up a simple rule - so that letters from certain recipients fall strictly into their own folders. This way you will always know how important the message was sent to you - the main thing is not to forget to update your address lists.
  • Set priorities for different addresses, such as “high” for emails from management and “low” for notifications from social networks. This will allow you, as soon as you open your mailbox, to note the main tasks for yourself and not waste your time on trifles.
  • Use spam filters. In some programs and postal services There are “spam level” settings, some have a list of “stop words” (for example, exclude emails with the word “dating”) - in principle, you just need to configure all this once and the flow of spam to your email will be reduced significantly.

Don't be afraid to delete unnecessary messages

Ideally, email messages should not be stored in the mailbox at all - save necessary investments from a letter, add the sender to address book, don’t be lazy to process a new letter (a tip within a tip: you shouldn’t respond to a letter as soon as it arrives by email - it’s better to take time at the end or beginning of the working day to look through all the incoming letters at once and immediately respond to each of them), mark new task in the calendar and that’s it - after that the letter can be safely deleted.

Remember the last time you had to rummage through your inbox to find one of the old emails you were looking for? An email address that was not saved at the time? Attachment not saved? Anything else like that? Yes, yes, as a rule, email older than 3 days completely loses its relevance, so keep the entire “file” of emails for last years there's no point.

Email autoresponder and response letter templates

There is a rather impressive “layer” of emails that we have to send over and over again - commercial proposals, price requests, reports. For all these typical operations, you need to create templates in which you will only need to enter the sender's address and other “operative” data. Yes, you will first have to spend half an hour of precious time creating them. But each of these time-saving templates will most likely pay for itself within the same working day. Value your time!

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to set up your personal answering machine. I believe that if the person who wrote you a message receives in response short letter with the rules of your work and a couple telephone numbers which are convenient for contacting you, nothing bad will happen.

The simpler the better

As a rule, it is not rational to make do with one “Inbox” folder in an email program. But creating a bunch of folders (and some of them even a bunch of folders!) is also not a good idea - remember, you want to make it easier for yourself to process email, and not create a repository of read messages that you will never return to.

Usually a dozen folders should be enough for everyone. If you are creating an eleventh, ask yourself: is it really The best way organizing incoming emails?

Email should be fast

The advantage of email is speed and efficiency, so when you write a response, be prompt and quick - email should not turn into a project for you. Value your time and the time of the message recipient - no two or three page texts that take two hours to write. Otherwise, by sending this letter, you risk seeing a couple more messages from the same sender in your inbox :)

If there Additional Information that needs to be reported - use attachments if necessary more information for an answer, just write it. Composing the ideal email takes no more than 5 minutes in time, and its content should not exceed 3 points.

Email is not a to-do list or an event calendar.

I'll say it again because it's really important - the purpose of the email is to provide you with operational information, and the task of a mailbox or email program is to provide easy access to new emails. And that is all!

Simply put, Email is a source of ideas and events for you to plan tasks and make appointments, and not a repository of everything (including tasks, meetings, pictures and collections of fresh jokes... (from February of last year, of course)). Plan, act and immediately get rid of clutter - this is the key to success.

Forget about mailings and turn off notifications

No, I actually came across some worthwhile newsletters a couple of times that carried useful information. But 99% of the time, all those countless incoming messages simply took up my time and immediately flew into the “trash” folder... only to arrive in the “inbox” again the next day. People are designed in such a way (in the sense that they are lazy) that it is easier for them to press the “delete” button than to find a way to unsubscribe from the annoying mailing list once and for all (at least by placing it on the spam list). But this is exactly what you need to do - set aside 15 minutes, find all unnecessary sources of incoming information (Vasya Ivanov (who is this?) posted on Facebook new photo...) and just nail up your email from them.

If you are using social networks— immediately turn off email notifications about new friends, messages, comments, etc. in the settings. trash. You won’t need it anyway, and your endless seconds of pressing “delete” will immediately stop merging into endless hours and days.

The eternal battle with spam... and laziness

So your email “security system” is set up and working like a clock. And suddenly, after a couple of months, a new spam letter suddenly appears in your inbox. Your hand automatically reaches for the “Delete” button... and then you stop with a strong-willed movement, open your spam list and add a new “lucky person” there.

The temptation to immediately remove the offender is great, yes, but remember - once the villain leaks, he will do it again and again. Therefore, it is easier and cheaper to spend a minute of time and once and for all cut off the oxygen of a new stream of spam.

By the way, do not forget to also accurately update the “bases” of email addresses, filters, folders and rules of your mailbox. Of course, no one wants to do this (laziness, laziness...), but to effectively organize email processing you need to introduce elements of... organization into your work :)

There is a time for everything - especially email

Checking email is like a drug. You know that when a new email appears, the program notifies you about it, but you still press the “check email” button every five minutes - what if the program made a mistake and did not notice the most important letter? Now I will tell you a terrible truth - we tend to overestimate our indispensability.

For this very reason, no matter what happens, how often you check your email will not change anything (except perhaps your psychological state). In fact, all these notifications about new messages, etc. - a powerful distracting factor. It’s simply impossible to concentrate on work when the “1 new email received” message is on in the corner of the monitor.

The best way to deal with a problem is to cut it off at the root. Turn off (for fuck's sake!) all notifications about new incoming emails (take my word for it - nothing bad will happen), and then set yourself a simple rule - check and process ALL email at once once a day - in the morning or in the evening. At the appointed time, you simply push aside all your tasks and open your mailbox, receive all incoming messages, write all the necessary answers, mark all the necessary tasks and continue working with a clear conscience.

And have no doubt - your conscience and rights will be clearer. Firstly, you will not be distracted by trifles (oh, another new message, I wonder what’s there?!), and secondly, you will have a ready-made work plan. Possibly for the first time!

Get started already!

Well, the most important thing is that you have read a list of 9 points on how to increase your efficiency with email. You understood everything, assimilated it and decided that now the devil himself is not your brother, because everything is simple and clear as day. And here the most important thing comes into play - the tenth point, the most difficult.

Just take it and do what you read about above.

Yes, you got it.

Yes, tomorrow for sure.

But you need to start right now. No need for complications, find it in your email box a dozen messages whose response period expired “the day before yesterday” and simply delete them. It is useless to answer them now; even the sender most likely forgot about them. And you will immediately feel a little better. Has it happened? So the advice works. Now let's go through the list from the very beginning.

Automatic sorting letters appeared in the USSR back in the 60s. Then about 180 letter-sorting machines were put into operation, and the population was taught to write indexes on envelopes. But with the beginning of the 90s, Russia switched to the European format for writing postal addresses, for which the machines were not adapted. As a result, Post was forced to return to manual sorting.

In June 2011, Russian Post launched an automated sorting center, designed to process 1.7 million letters and parcels per day from four regions of the north-west (St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions). As a result, delivery times for letters in the region have been significantly reduced. For example, the standard for St. Petersburg is only 2 days.

Correspondence within one region first sent to the center - this is faster than sorting and registering letters on site. All paper correspondence is automatically divided into standard (by size) and non-standard letters. After that, they are automatically laid facing one way, taking into account the direction of the text in the address part, then the machine applies a calendar stamp to the letters.

The letters, sorted by size, are placed in containers and sent to a machine for coding. At the beginning of the process, coding machines convert a numeric or alphabetic address into a symbolic code that is printed on the letter. Further encoded information about postal address scanned with a device for reading characters (the equipment also supports Cyrillic alphabet recognition). If it is impossible to recognize the index or address, the scanned image is sent to the monitor to operators who enter the information manually. After this, the letters are automatically divided into address cells. Removal of boxes with sorted mail and preparation of documents for sending is carried out manually.

The manual letter sorting area receives mail that cannot be processed automatic car, for example, due to a packaging defect, a misspelled address or an inappropriate attachment inside the letter (not from a censorship point of view, but because it could damage the machine or packaging). Correspondence is sorted by index. Depending on the address, the operator places them in certain cells.

The sorting area processes about 8 thousand parcels per hour. The operator installs them on the line, after which they are weighed. If the weight is acceptable according to the standards (up to 20 kg), the parcel is read by the scanner and gets onto the tape; if not, the machine stops and manual labor is involved.

After the package has passed along the conveyor belt, it falls into specific cell, which is assigned a barcode. This is done to ensure that parcels do not get lost along the way. All information about the shipment thus falls into unified system Russian Posts.

Sorted mail is loaded into cars and transported to departments. Trucks come here 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Parcels and letters are taken into different rooms and registered. In the delivery department, letters are manually stamped with the date, reception time and coordinates post office. Next, the operator puts them in boxes with the number of the station, from where the newspapers and letters are picked up by postmen.

Registered letters and the parcels are weighed and entered into the special program. It allows you to track the status of the parcel (you can view it on the official website of the Russian Post, provided that you know your number postal item). Next they write out postal notices, and the parcels themselves are taken to the warehouse. Shelf life is a month. If the recipient is never found, they are returned to the addressee.

When you receive a lot of letters from different recipients by email, over time it becomes difficult to find the ones you need from the old ones among these letters, if required. In this case, it is very convenient to sort letters by categories (folders or otherwise “labels”). In this article I will show how to do this using GMail as an example.

As an example. You often receive letters in your mail from the same addresses that you have to contact from time to time.

Yes, if something happens, you can try to find these letters by searching. This is easy to do, but you won’t always be able to find it. It is more convenient when letters are immediately sorted into the necessary folders upon receipt, or you manually sort them into these folders yourself. That is, you can set up mail filters so that letters from certain addresses immediately put into the right folders.

This is easy to do. Let's look below at how to create shortcuts in GMail and how to attach the necessary emails to them manually and automatically.

Exactly in the mail GMail folders are called “Shortcuts”. In principle, this is true, because all letters are stored in the “All Mail” section, and these same folders are links to the necessary letters.

Creating shortcuts (folders) in GMail

To create a shortcut, click on the corresponding link at the very bottom of the list of folders (inbox, sent, spam, etc.) on the left:

In the window that opens, you need to enter the name of the shortcut in top line and click “Create”.

If you have previously created several shortcuts, then you can specify under which of them in the list the new shortcut you create will be located by checking the “Place shortcut under” item and selecting the one you need there.

That's it, the shortcut has been created. Example:

Distributing emails according to the required labels in GMail

You can distribute letters to the desired labels in GMail either manually or configure auto mode. Automatic sorting of letters by labels is setting up filters in your mail, i.e. Creation special conditions, depending on which the actions you need will be performed with incoming letters.

Manual distribution of letters

When you need to move one or more emails to one of the created shortcuts, just mark these emails in your inbox, and then select the shortcut to transfer by clicking “Move to”.

The same can be done by first opening the letter to read.

Automatic distribution of letters

You can set up special filters with conditions so that, for example, letters arriving from certain addresses to your mail are immediately included in the desired folder. Let's look at how to do this in Gmail.

To do this, in the mail settings there is a special section “Filters and blocked addresses”, where you can create new filter or change the old one. But you don’t have to go into the settings when you want to create a filter with the simplest condition (so that letters from certain addresses arrive in the desired folder) and for this we do the following:

All. In this way, by setting up filters, you can easily distribute letters to the desired labels without your participation.

Setting up and deleting created shortcuts

You can always change any of the created shortcuts or delete them.

To open the shortcut settings, click on the arrow to the right of it:

Through the appeared context menu You can:

Also, the ability to customize labels (except for changing the color) is available in the general “Settings” section of GMail, on the “Shortcuts” tab.


To with by Gmail it was even more convenient to work with, I recommend using the ability to sort letters into folders (i.e., labels) in Gmail, and take this into service.

How we organize our workplace our labor productivity depends. Chaos in papers, mail, and files on the computer increases chaos in the head. Thus, even the most simple tasks can be time-consuming. What if suddenly you don’t find the required piece of paper in your usual “pile” or forget where last year’s order templates are on the computer? You will have to spend a lot of time searching instead of doing direct work.

Here I want to describe one way to organize email. Because Email is one of the main “heaps” leading to chaos. It is through this communication channel that most of us receive most of the tasks or notifications for our work. How to organize the storage of your mail so as not to lose it important letters, remember to respond to new tasks, and not get caught up in a hundred “important” things to do?

Many people sort their email by sender. As a result, their letters are sorted by last name and each folder contains correspondence with specific person. I did the same at first. But later I realized that this approach does not take into account that several people can participate in the correspondence - the letters will be scattered in different corners. It is also impossible to determine exactly which letter we responded to (we wrote a response, issued an order, made a request, or something else). And if one of the letters had important information, which you need to remember on long term? How can you find this letter then? How to remember who wrote it?

Another problem with sorting by last name is great amount folders that you should scroll through in search of new messages. I take a different approach. All my incoming correspondence is divided into 3 groups: “incoming”, “by category”, “resolved”.

Absolutely all incoming letters are sent to the “inbox” group. Here they are stored until I read them and take a certain response to them. While the letter hangs in the inbox, I have a task assigned to me.
After completing a response action (depending on what was required: a response letter, solving problems with the program, filling out an order, making a decision, etc.), the letter is moved to the “resolved” folder. The requested task has been completed.

The “category” group simply means several folders into which letters are placed instead of the “resolved” group. For example, for some projects, letters are stored in separate folders, all correspondence in one place. Folders are created for individual major projects, for particularly important counterparties. In this group also separate folders Automatically sent emails are highlighted. There is a separate “remember” folder, which stores information that will have to be used periodically.

For example, my email structure now looks like this:
-Not interesting

This way I don’t get lost in the hundreds of emails that come to me during a working day. For each the letter is coming obligatory reaction or response. Not a single letter remains missed or forgotten, because... While the letter is in the inbox, the task is not completed. As tasks are completed, the inbox is cleared and remains readable at all times. It's really nice to look at an inbox with just a few emails. This means that there is no rush and you can work calmly.

Often people who do not respond to even the simplest letters at work for a very long time do not sort them at all or simply sort them by last name. You can ask them about this.

Tags: email, work organization

Almost all computer users have their own email account, email address, or as it is now called - “ soap". Nowadays, without this very thing soap, nowhere. Why such a strange name? Yes, because in English the email address is “electronic mail » (abbreviated e-mail), sounds in Russian approximately like “soap”. Our people are smart and have a great sense of humor, so they gave it this name. So don't be surprised if someone asks you "soap." This means that a person needs your email address to write you a letter or send you some information.

Many people have a mailbox, but not many know how to use it correctly, so working with mail does not always bring joy to a person, often even the opposite. Take for example such a simple operation as sorting letters.

From my own experience, I know that many people do not even realize that letters in an electronic mailbox can be sorted and put into folders so that one or another message can always be easily found.

Many people have their mail in their main inbox for many years. Naturally, sometimes it is simply impossible to find the necessary letter in such a heap of documents, or best case scenario you will spend the whole day doing this activity.

If you look through your mail every day and put it in folders, then the process of working with mail will take you a little time and will even become enjoyable. Moreover, sorting letters is not a complicated procedure at all.

So, let's start sorting the letters in your email box. I will show you using Yandex mail as an example, but in others mailboxes All procedures are very similar, so watch and remember.

  • Go to your mail in the folder “ Inbox»;
  • Select any letter, put a tick in front of it and go to the link in the right top corner « Move to folder" Until you check the box next to the letter, this link will not be active.

  • A window will open with the inscription “ Enter folder name" and so far only one folder " Inbox" In the box, enter your name of the folder in which the letter you have selected will be stored and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
  • Create any folders in exactly the same way and store letters in them.

In the video below I show in more detail what else you can do with your emails and how to remove or add internal folders.

If you have