How to speed up your computer. Disable Windows Aero and use the classic design. Turn off automatic defragmentation

A PC is a complex electronic device. In order for everything to work at the desired level, you need to enter the necessary parameters into the system settings.

It is from incorrect settings that, most often, the computer can work slowly or freeze. When installing different programs, it is important to carefully check whether additional applications are offered to you; they can also slow down the system.

When working at a computer, you want all transitions between folders and files to be carried out instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when loading the program, even a few minutes. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do to normalize the computer's operation.

Why speed up your PC?

With a little effort, and once spending about an hour of time, you can significantly speed up your PC.

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • have more time;
  • do work earlier;
  • be less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

By acceleration we mean:

  • fast opening of folders;
  • quick launch of programs;
  • quick transitions between tabs in the browser, etc.

What accelerates the system?

If you are using a Windows 7 system, then the question of the feasibility of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users take advantage of the full range of capabilities of this system.

Therefore, a rational step would be to speed up the system by disabling unused programs. At the same time, such acceleration allows you to free up system resources and transfer them to performing user tasks. As a result, it is possible to run more complex programs and significantly reduce the time required to process commands. This shift in priorities allows you to more accurately meet the goals of the computer owner.

Video: How to speed up your computer

Ways to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before speeding up your computer, you need to decide on the tasks it will perform. In this regard, you can choose several methods that will help improve productivity. All of them imply freedom from using unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

The most effective ways are:

  • disable GUI effects;
  • removing unnecessary programs from startup;
  • stopping unused services;
  • removing unnecessary files from the desktop;
  • disabling gadgets on the desktop;
  • cleaning the registry.

Cleaning programs in autorun

To clear autorun and speed up the system, you need to:

Stop unused services.

For this operation, you need to enable those programs that you will constantly use (text editor, player, etc.) in order to activate the necessary services.

This will allow you to highlight what is needed for work:

Cleaning the registry

This way to speed up the performance of Windows 7 is the easiest if you use a special program for this purpose. For example, the CCleaner program is suitable for this. It will allow you to painlessly part with unnecessary garbage not only in the system registry, but also in other places on the computer. The operation of this application is simple:

HDD defragmentation

This operation, roughly speaking, collects scattered files into one heap. After this, it is easier for the system to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure you must:

In the window that appears, you first need to select an analysis, and then, based on its results, perform the necessary actions. Defragmentation must be done before speeding up the startup of your Windows 7 computer in other ways. It happens that this procedure can shorten the long startup time.

Deleting files from the desktop

For fast system operation, a clean desktop is an important condition. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly pays attention to files, folders and shortcuts that are directly located in this location. Basically, they are constantly present in the computer's memory as unnecessary ballast.

If there are large movies, folders with a large internal structure and other files on the desktop, then they need to be moved to a logical drive.

This method speeds up the work of an old computer that is cluttered with files.

Visual effects

Any colorful transitions and animations in the computer’s operation affect its speed. Therefore, it is worth finding a middle ground between beauty and productivity, or completely focusing on work.

To disable effects:

Slow computer boot when turning off/on, what to do

To answer the question: how can you speed up your computer boot time, you need to pay attention to the page file. Before shutting down, the system always deletes it and this takes a lot of time. Therefore, the drastic way would be to disable this operation.

The result was that we set 0 seconds to complete the file deletion operation. In fact, the file simply remains in place untouched.

In order to speed up the system boot, you need to perform the following operations:

Increase RAM

Adding RAM to existing memory is an easy way to improve performance. The downside is that you have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of not only the operating system, but also all programs in general. But if there were critical errors in Windows 7, then this method is unlikely to help. It should be used only when other methods have not given the desired result.

Selection of video card

There will be a noticeable improvement in performance when installing a more powerful video card. It will work faster and will not take up many resources from the system. You need to pay attention to the amount of internal memory in the video card; the more, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards require separate power. They consume an impressive amount of energy compared to a computer. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the power supply can withstand such a load.

Virus check

The most common problem with reduced computer performance is infection with viruses. They can enter the system mainly through the Internet, or through removable storage media.

If you have a constant connection to the Internet, you need a constant running antivirus program. If it is not there, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, which is fast, it is much easier for viruses to enter the system. Therefore, the antivirus program must be on alert. This article should help you tune Windows 7 for maximum performance. Regardless of your computer's settings, these tips will help ensure stable performance. After taking the steps described above, there will be a guaranteed improvement in work speed.

When working on performance, it is worth keeping in mind the features of each computer build. When making changes to the registry, you need to be extremely careful not to delete data, without which the system will stop working.

If you feel that your computer is becoming too slow and your systems are no longer helping, you can find a workable solution to your performance problems without breaking the bank. Instead of buying a new computer, it is quite enough to “invigorate” your existing one with a small upgrade.

First of all, launch the task manager to find the bottleneck in your system. Pay attention to which of the system components is most loaded - the processor, memory or hard drive. This way you can decide what to replace in the system first.

Install SSD

This is the most obvious solution. If your operating system is installed on HDD, move it to and you will get an impressive performance boost. SSD reduces boot time and generally makes the system more responsive.

Although SSD prices have increased recently, they are still the most profitable investment for a system upgrade.

  • Samsung 850 EVO 250 GB (~5,500 rubles).
  • Transcend MTS420 120 GB (~2,800 rubles).

Since the capacity of conventional solid-state drives is not very large, and especially large SSDs have indecently high prices, it is better to use an SSD as a system drive on which the OS and the most frequently used applications will be installed. For user data, it is better to leave slow but capacious HDDs.

Increase your RAM

Windows 10 and modern applications, such as browsers, are quite memory-hungry. If your system struggles to turn around when you open many tabs in Chrome, and something is beeping about the page file, then it's time to buy more RAM.

Unfortunately, RAM has also become more expensive. But you can still choose something cheaper from the available options.

  • Kingston HyperX Fury 8 GB Kit (2 × 4 GB) 2,133 MHz DDR4 (~6,300 rubles).
  • Corsair Vengeance Blue 8 GB (2 × 4 GB) DDR3 / 1,600 MHz Memory (~5,300 rubles).

Make sure you choose the right memory kit for your system. The easiest way to find out what type of memory is compatible with your motherboard is CPU-Z. Launch the application and open the Memory tab.

Replace the processor (if possible)

The slowness of the computer may also depend on the lack of processor resources. Of course, replacing a processor in most cases also means buying a new motherboard, which cannot be called a cheap pleasure. But sometimes you can install a faster processor on your existing motherboard, especially if you're using an AMD-based system.

AMD has plenty of inexpensive but quite powerful processors.

  • AMD Athlon X4 860K Kaveri FM2+ (~3,180 rubles).
  • AMD A10-7870K Godavari FM2+ (~5,300 rubles).
  • AMD FX-6300 Vishera AM3+ (~4,000 rubles).
  • AMD FX-8320E Vishera AM3+ (~5,400 rubles).

Intel changes their sockets more often than AMD, so upgrading the processor on an Intel system is less worthwhile since you'll likely have to upgrade the motherboard too.

Before you buy a new processor, make sure it fits your motherboard socket. To do this, in CPU-Z, look at the Package section on the CPU tab.

Clean your computer from dust

Dust can cause your PC to become very hot. When your computer overheats, it starts to run slower. This is due to CPU throttling. An overheated processor automatically reduces its speed to avoid thermal damage.

Launch SpeedFan and check the temperatures of your CPU and GPU.

If temperatures are higher than normal, buy a can of compressed air and thoroughly blow out your computer.

  • Dust-Off Compressed Gas Duster (~500 rubles).

Improve Cooling

Sometimes simply cleaning the dust is not enough, especially if you have never changed the thermal paste. Find out on SpeedFan whether it's the CPU, the graphics card, or both that's overheating. Then .

Thermal paste is inexpensive, and you will not have any difficulties purchasing it.

  • Arctic Silver 5 (~500 rubles).

After replacing the thermal paste, the temperature should drop. If it still remains high, you can improve cooling by adding a couple of fans.

PC fans are also quite cheap and quick and easy to install.

  • Cooler Master SickleFlow 120 - Sleeve Bearing (~400 rubles).
  • NZXT Technologies FN V2 140 mm Performance Case Fan (~430 rubles).

Perform overclocking

A significant increase in performance can be obtained by overclocking. Overclocking, or overclocking, is the transfer of the CPU or GPU to an abnormal, forced operating speed.

It’s easy to find detailed instructions on the Internet for overclocking a processor and video adapter. This can be done with both solutions from Intel and AMD.

However, overclocking components leads to increased heat generation. So you shouldn't overclock anything in a system without good cooling.

Every user always wants his computer to work as quickly as possible, but he has absolutely no idea how to do this. There is a risk of downloading virus programs onto your PC for overclocking or cleaning, but they will not speed up your equipment, but on the contrary, will only cause harm. Let's look at how to configure and improve the performance of a computer on Windows 10 using already proven methods. Popular methods to help increase PC performance.

Overclocking to full speed: setting up Windows 10 for maximum performance

Computer startup

When you start your PC, in most cases the programs you installed start working. Some of them may be completely unnecessary and harm your operating system. Programs greatly slow down your computer when running in the background. You may not even realize that some of them are enabled, and the speed leaves much to be desired. To improve performance, you just need to disable some programs in the startup menu.

Clearing the Temp folder

In the Windows 10 operating system, which stores files both temporarily and temporarily, a lot of unnecessary files remain. In other words, it slows down your system due to the large presence of services and various programs that fill the Temp folder.

How to clean up a disk

How to turn off services that are not needed

These are the main quick ways to speed up your computer. Disabling services and programs that are not useful, but only slow down the system.

How to correctly configure the settings in Power Options

How to increase computer performance on Windows 10: professional tips

  1. Be careful about what you install on your computer. Sometimes some programs do not connect together and they very often turn out to be antiviruses. Especially if there are two of them on the computer, otherwise the entire operating system may crash.
  2. Sometimes the problem may not be hidden in dangerous programs or even viruses, but in the contamination of the computer components themselves. You should carefully clean the PC from dust with a dry cloth. Try not to touch small parts. After cleaning, the computer runs faster and overheats significantly less.
  3. Keep in mind that performance improvements are not always good for your computer. For example, the “High performance” setting entails high battery consumption. This applies to laptop owners. It is better to use such functions on a computer that does not need to be charged.
  4. Reinstalling the operating system, as a rule, always has a good effect on the performance of the computer. Unwanted programs, those that you do not use, viruses that were undetected during scanning, or various applications that only slow down the operation of the system itself will be completely removed.
  5. Be sure to choose the right PC components. If something is chosen incorrectly, or, for example, the RAM does not match the data, and sometimes it is completely loaded. In this case, it is better to purchase new components.
  6. You can use special programs to clean unnecessary files, caches and other garbage. They increase the speed of the computer several times in all cases. The main thing is to download from a trusted source. And never forget to check the list of what the file cleaning program wants to remove!
  7. Updating drivers is a great help for your PC. Especially the update for the motherboard chipset. New versions are also relevant for other devices.
  8. Regularly scan your computer for viruses. It is best to be in the hands of a reliable antivirus. In this case, you will not risk losing all your data and information.

Setting up desktop graphics

Visual effects in the Windows 10 operating system use a lot of resources. If the user has an old computer, then disabling effects will speed up the PC somewhat.

First way

Second way

Video: How to configure maximum performance in Windows 10

There are many ways to improve computer performance. The methods are simple and you can always apply them to take care of your equipment and clean up unnecessary files. In addition, convenient and fast use of a PC brings pleasure and does not cause irritation, which is important. And most importantly, do not resort to untested methods, otherwise the computer’s situation may worsen.

To ensure that programs run quickly without delays or freezes, you need to know how to speed up your computer. Quite often the computer starts to slow down.

In the future, this leads to overheating of the central processor and deterioration in the performance of other hardware components.

To establish stable operation, it is necessary to take steps to speed up the operation of the device.

Let's take a closer look at all the available ways to improve the performance of a computer running the latest versions of the Windows operating system.

Various additional extensions, plugins and loaders can be installed on your computer along with other programs. Most often, such applications are viral and harm the device.

In this case, the installation program may not even inform the user about installing third-party components.

All these utilities not only can infect your computer with malware, but also fill up space in RAM, constantly working in the background.

Common causes of PC problems

Let's consider point by point all the basic rules that will help optimize your computer as much as possible.

All options are suitable for Windows 8.1 and newer versions.

  • Hardware problems. They occur if the wrong drivers for the video card are installed. You should not install driver software that the system automatically detects.
    It is necessary to download such software only from the official website of the manufacturer. If any of the hardware components have recently become very hot, you must quickly begin work to restore normal operation.
    Remember, if you are using a relatively old device with a new OS, slowdowns in operation are quite normal;
  • Infection of a personal computer with viruses and other types of malicious software.
    At the next stage of acceleration, you should make sure that the computer is not infected with any viruses, because they use operating system resources and can gain unauthorized access to the user’s personal information;
  • The presence of unnecessary background processes that take up space in the device’s RAM and slow down the operation of the entire OS.
    There are programs that, even after they are disabled, take up space in startup.
  • It is necessary to clean the device from such unnecessary processes and check the startup mode. We’ll look at how to do this later in the article; Hard drive problems.
    Slow operation of this hardware component occurs when it is full or the HDD drive is broken.

If you hear strange noises coming from the case rather than the speakers while your computer is running, this most likely indicates that the hard drive needs to be replaced.

All the main reasons for computer slowdowns are named. Now you can move on to a detailed description of the solution for each of the reasons.

If the computer's startup time has increased significantly, the first thing you need to do is clear unnecessary programs from this mode.

The user may not even know that the application or game is in startup.

For example, Malwarebytes and Antimalware applications.

They can be downloaded absolutely free, and they are able to very accurately scan the system, display and remove detected pests.

Using such applications, you can very quickly clean your computer and significantly speed up the operating system by freeing up additional resources that were previously used by viruses in the background.

By the way, malicious programs are not displayed in automatic downloads, so they can only be found using specialized utilities.

Applications to speed up PC performance

Examples of such software can be CCleaner, Razer Game Booster and others.

Main functions:

  • Ability to remove applications from computer startup;
  • Quick and effective removal of unnecessary system software.

Let's look at the functionality and main features of the CCleaner application.

This is a small program that can quickly clean the computer of programs that the user has not used for a long time.

The utility cannot directly speed up performance.

Its main function is to analyze the use of applications and remove them. The user can also clear the system and browser cache.

You will also be able to perform a system restore (needed if the basic OS configuration has been damaged).

In the registry tab you can track all unnecessary entries from programs and delete them.

In the cleaning tab, you can remove unnecessary programs, as well as clear RAM of excess load.

Uninstalling programs using built-in OS functions

You can also analyze the use and removal of applications that are not needed and have not been used for a long time using standard OS components.

To do this, go to the control panel window and find the installation and uninstall utility icon there.

Click on it to open the following window:

Wait a few seconds so that the system can create a complete list of all components installed on the computer.

Destroying unnecessary software will free up space on your hard drive, so your computer will run a little faster.

If your computer is constantly low on RAM, it is best to install a slightly larger amount.

This option is suitable if you regularly remove programs from startup, scan your computer and remove viruses and other programs, but the RAM is still full.

Perhaps your computer has too little OP for stable operation of the installed operating system.

You can increase the RAM from 2GB to 4GB or from 4GB to 8GB.

To make programs run faster, you should purchase an additional SSD and connect it to the system hard drive.

Important! It is worth noting that if you want to improve performance only in games, it would be more advisable to buy a more powerful video card.

The topic is always in demand - ways to improve computer performance. Recently, the race for information has become increasingly intense, everyone solves the problem as best they can. And the computer plays a decisive role in this matter. How wrong he turns on the brakes at the most crucial moment!
To a lesser extent, this problem concerns those who regularly encounter well-known office packages or simply surf the Internet. For example, browsers start to slow down out of the blue.

Replacement of parts (components)

The very first thing that comes to mind is completely replacing the computer with a more powerful model, but I don’t see any point in considering this method in a specific article.
But searching in the system with further replacement of a certain part (component) looks like a completely affordable option. You just need to find out what can actually be replaced at an affordable price, while getting the optimal resource to increase the speed of your computer.

A. A new processor is worth buying only if it is at least 30% faster than the previous one. With other indicators, do not expect a noticeable increase in work speed, and the costs will be considerable.

Desperate users may risk squeezing all the juice out of their processor.
The technique is not for mass use, but at the same time it provides a chance to postpone the purchase of a new processor for several more years, if only the processor and motherboard have overclocking potential. The method consists of expanding the number of standard operating frequencies of the video card, CPU (central processing unit) or RAM. This method is complicated by the individual capabilities of a certain configuration and the likelihood of premature failure. There is one that is tailored to the topic of hardware overclocking.

B. RAM. In any case, it requires expansion if during operation most of the memory is occupied. You can see it using " Task Manager", when the work rhythm is busy (when many different applications are open) and about 75-85% of the RAM is loaded, then it would be nice to increase it by 50-100%.

C. HDD. The point is not in the volumetric indicators of your disk, but in its speed qualities. If you have a weak budget hard drive with a spindle speed of about 5400 rpm, then looking to replace it with a faster model with a spindle speed of about 7200 rpm will improve performance. In most cases, switching to SSD drive completely justified - the level of speed before and after is noticeably different.

D. Video card. Everything is very clear here, for heavy games we choose a more productive option, but be sure to take into account that the processor must “match” the power of the video card. .

You can approximately find out the weak point in the computer’s peripherals through the standard Windows 7 performance evaluation tool. To do this, select the menu “ Control Panel -> System and Security -> System».

Next, go to “Rate performance” or “Windows Experience Index”.

The overall performance ratio is based on the lowest score, so it won't be too difficult to pick out the weakest link. For example, if the hard drive rating is an order of magnitude lower than the video card and RAM rating, then you should think about purchasing a more productive hard drive.

For Windows 8.1 and 10, you can use the program to evaluate performance

Computer repair and preventative cleaning

The computer sometimes performs its functions slowly due to some kind of malfunction, and a quality repair will help restore the required performance. For example, if there are deviations in the operation of the processor cooling system, its clock speed is significantly reduced, and then performance suffers. Also, the speed of a PC may simply decrease due to increased heating of the motherboard elements due to dense dust! In any case, a good cleaning of the system unit will not hurt.

Defragmentation and free disk space availability

If this is the first time you've heard this term or you've been putting off defragmentation until later, this is the first task you'll need to perform to improve your computer's performance. Defragmentation is the merging of individual fragments of hard disk information blocks into one; thanks to this operation, the number of read head movements is reduced and performance increases.

If the reserve does not have at least 1-1.5 GB of clean space on the system disk (where the OS is located), then a noticeable decrease in overall performance may follow. Regularly monitor the load on your disks, especially those on which system information is installed.

Reinstalling the Windows XP/7/8/10 operating system

Reinstalling the OS at 80-90% can improve the performance of your computer. Moreover, an increase in speed is possible by 2-3 times, depending on the degree of “clogging”. This is how the operating system works, that after a while there is a need to re-install it. I know specific people who “reinstall the OS” several times a month. I don’t support such insistence; it’s better to try to optimize the system, determine the true source of the PC’s slowdown, but in any case, I reinstall Windows at least once a year, and then based on the fact that some components are constantly changing. By and large, if I didn’t have such a need, then I could easily work for 8-10 years without reinstalling the system. But such a period of stable operation can be found quite rarely, for example, in private offices where only 1C: Accounting and the office suite are used, and nothing changes for a long time. In most cases, reinstallation is a proven method if you are unable to increase the performance of your computer.

Using operating system state optimizer programs

Sometimes you can significantly increase the quality of work by resorting to the help of certain software packages. Moreover, in some cases this is almost the most accessible, fastest and most effective method.

You can use a fairly good utility.
The highlight of the program is the complete automation of the optimization process. The entire application works in one window, within which you should define your operating system, indicate the name of the processor manufacturer and the desired type of optimization - Boost (acceleration) or Maximum Boost (maximum acceleration). Select the “Optimize now” button and go ahead.

And it is recognized as one of the most popular system programs, although it is paid. This is a real “beast”, which consists of several utilities to increase the speed characteristics of the computer in all directions. It has a fast optimizer, a powerful defragmenter, cleaning your computer from accumulated garbage, working with the registry, an Internet accelerator, and many more tricks. Among other things, in the program menu there is an advisor who is ready to give a large number of tips on any topic to improve your work with a PC. But you should always analyze his advice; you should not apply everything at once indiscriminately. For example, one of the tips suggests turning on automatic Windows update mode. Those who have installed a not entirely licensed Windows product can guess how an open auto-update can end...

To perform optimization, other cleaning programs have also been developed, for example, which free the computer from unnecessary temporary files and thoroughly clean the registry. Cleaning disks of debris can really help determine free space. Registry optimization work does not cause a significant increase in performance, but often leads to unpleasant consequences if important keys are deleted (damaged).

Necessarily check all files, especially large ones that the cleaner intends to erase! I scanned my computer with the Auslogics Disk Cleaner utility and was a little surprised that my recycle bin contained about 20 GB of junk. But remembering that I had recently emptied the recycle bin, I looked at the files suggested for deletion by this program and was a little shocked! This list contained ALL my most valuable documents and files, all my work and life recently. Moreover, they were not in the recycle bin on the computer, but in a separate directory on drive D. That’s how I would have cleared them if I hadn’t checked.

Windows 7 has a specific resource for improving performance: select “ Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Settings" and uncheck some of the checkboxes or select "Ensure the best performance."


BIOS contains the main computer settings. You can get into it while turning on the computer by pressing certain keys (Delete, F2, F10 - indicated on the screen when the computer boots). Usually the BIOS is configured correctly and tampering with it is not worth it, and sometimes even harmful.

Autostart optimization (disabling unnecessary services)

More than half of modern programs and applications try to gain a foothold in startup during installation. As a result, the loading speed of the operating system drops, and the work itself slows down. Look at the system tray (near the date/time), how many icons are collected there? It is advisable to remove unnecessary programs or disable their launch from startup.

This procedure can be performed using the useful Windows System Configuration utility. To activate it, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” and enter msconfig in the task window. Next, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck unnecessary applications. If after a reboot you find that something is missing, you can check the boxes again. You must clearly understand why a specific program is needed and whether the system can work correctly without it.

One proven way to dramatically increase performance is... disabling the antivirus. It’s risky, of course, but in the process of implementing resource-intensive tasks, I sometimes take advantage of this opportunity.

Driver Update

This method can also help, because outdated drivers are often installed. The motherboard chipset drivers are the most important, but others can also interfere with the normal operation of the computer. Official websites of manufacturers will help you find the latest versions of drivers.

It is advisable to update drivers manually, but this will require a certain set of knowledge. An update is also available using a special program (you can use the article), it will scan the devices itself and determine the drivers that are recommended to be replaced with new versions.

A smart approach to choosing an operating system

If you are still using Windows XP with 2 GB of RAM, then I recommend switching to Windows 7-8 as soon as possible, performance will increase noticeably. And if your RAM has a reserve of 4 GB or more, then immediately install Windows 7-8, 64-bit version. Now the performance of your machine will increase by 1.5-2 times!


Although they occupy the tenth position, viruses can also spoil the overall picture of a computer’s operation. Trojans can not only significantly reduce the performance of a computer, but also completely “freeze” it. If strange system freezes appear, then you need to scan your computer with one of the scanners, it will work perfectly. But it is better to use a permanent, licensed antivirus.

This article proposed generally accepted ways to improve computer performance. I hope this material will help you save your nerves and time, and protect you from unexpected unpleasant surprises in the form of a sudden “fall” of the system.