Wireless or wired mouse which is better reviews. Types of wireless mice by connection type. Best Reviewed Premium Wireless Mice

Any computer user knows how important mouse comfort is. After all, without this device for data entry, work and games, and what can I say, none of the system tasks are practically impossible. If computer mouse will be uncomfortable, then the hand will quickly get tired, but in addition to this, such parameters as the speed of cursor movement, the presence of a wire, etc. are important.

It is precisely because a computer mouse is used everywhere that you should carefully select it. And this task is quite difficult. Let's look at how to choose a mouse so that working at the computer is enjoyable, and the game brings only pleasure and not pain in the hand. To do this, let's look at the parameters and technical characteristics, which are most important when choosing a mouse.

Which mouse is better: wired or wireless?

The first thing you need to decide when choosing a computer mouse is whether to choose a wired or wireless model. Both options have their pros and cons.

Demon wired mouse takes up less space. After all, the number of wires coming from the processor is quite large; a wireless mouse is used using a special USB adapter. This is where its biggest disadvantage comes from - it requires regular changing of the nutrient element or recharging from the included device. It is believed that a wireless mouse is the best option for laptop. It takes up little space, there is no need to constantly untangle the wire, and, in addition, it can be used at a distance of up to several meters from the laptop.

A wireless mouse is said to be less accurate and slower to respond. But today this is only a misconception, since modern models are in no way inferior to wired options.

How to choose a wireless mouse

When choosing a mouse of this model, consider the following parameters: battery charging mechanism - using batteries or using a charger. The first is preferable for those who often use the mouse outside the home. Also pay attention to the company. You should not purchase a wireless mouse from an unknown manufacturer; this may adversely affect its operating time.

A classic wired mouse is perfect for use in desktop computer. Surely, each of us worked with just such a model. It’s up to you to decide which mouse to choose, wired or wireless, depending on the tasks and possibilities of use.

Laser and optical mouse

Technological progress today has also affected a computer mouse, because until recently you could only buy mechanical model, with a familiar ball inside. Later, optical mice appeared, but today everything in great demand enjoy laser models. In order to understand how to choose a mouse depending on the type of signal transmission, you should understand a little about their structure.

  • An optical mouse is reliable to use as it has no moving parts. The signal is transmitted using an optoelectronic sensor, which contains an LED that emits a light signal to the surface, as well as a receiver that calculates the position and movement of the mouse. You can use an optical mouse on any surface, except glass and mirror.
  • A laser computer mouse works on exactly the same principle, but the difference is that a laser is used instead of an optical device. A laser mouse can be used on absolutely any surface. Moreover, the accuracy laser mouse slightly exceeds optical accuracy, which is especially important in games or when working with graphics. If you need different precision for miscellaneous work, then we can find a model in which, using special buttons Adjustable settings for accuracy, resolution, etc.

If we talk about which mouse is better of these two, then we can safely say that it is a laser one. It is better than optical in a number of characteristics.

Computer mouse ergonomics

One more important criterion How to choose a computer mouse is its ergonomics. In other words, this is how convenient it will be to work with the device, how pleasant it is to hold in your hand.

It is important to remember that when long work With an uncomfortable mouse, carpal tunnel syndrome can occur - compression of the nerve in the hand joint. In order to avoid this, it is important to choose a mouse of the desired shape. Today there are many computer mice of various forms. Here are the main ones:

  • Classic case type. This is the type of mouse we are most familiar with. It has a round and symmetrical shape in all directions. The hand on this mouse fits comfortably and does not slip outside the device. But there are also disadvantages - after long work, the area around the thumb gets quite tired. This type of mouse is best suited for short periods of computer work.
  • Ergonomic and asymmetrical body type. These mice are becoming increasingly popular today. This is due to the fact that the choice of asymmetrical computer mice is so large that every person can find the model that best suits their hand shape.

It is worth saying that an ergonomic mouse has a large number of pluses - the hand is positioned in such a way that hand fatigue is felt only after prolonged work. In addition, the brush almost never goes beyond the mouse and covers it in the most comfortable way.

There is only one downside to such a mouse - the price, but you will certainly be able to choose a convenient model, even if you want to save money.

Additional keys and functionality

When it comes to choosing a mouse, one cannot fail to mention such a convenient component as functionality. Today you can find a mouse with a wide variety of additional buttons and rollers, both for games and for office work.

If you are an avid gamer, then be sure to pay attention to the model with big amount buttons, this will simplify some gaming tasks. To work with office applications, you can find a model with double-click buttons, a “paste”, “copy”, and “cut” button.

Also, be sure to pay attention to the resolution of your mouse. If you need the device for professional work with images or videos, then you should choose a model the largest number dots per inch (dpi). Their range ranges from 400 to 4000.

How to choose a gaming mouse

We should also say something about the gaming mouse. If you spend a lot of time playing games, then you shouldn’t skimp on a mouse. It is advisable to choose an ergonomic model that will fit comfortably in your hand. In addition, it would be nice if the mouse had additional keys. The resolution of the computer mouse for the game must be very high, because sometimes even a few seconds can save the game.

How to choose a mouse: manufacturer

The manufacturer plays an important role in the choice quality mouse. It is advisable to prefer top brands that have been producing for a long time good devices, for example, A4Tech, Logitec, Genius. It's worth saying that quality models are quite expensive, but if you really need them good mouse, then there is no need to save.

I hope now you know how to choose a computer mouse. After all, not only the quality of work, but also comfort and even your health depend on the choice of this device.

Such a small detail as mouse greatly simplifies interaction with the computer. But few people like the mouse cursor jumping around text or in a game. We will talk about how to choose this simple device correctly in this article.

For office computer(documents, Internet) the simplest A4Tech mouse will be enough, which even in the lower price range have good quality.
Mouse A4Tech OP-620D Black USB

For long-term work with documents and the Internet, it is better to take an ergonomically shaped mouse. It would also be nice if there was a wide wheel, a double-click button and an additional “Office” key to help with work. You should look for such mice primarily among the Logitech and Microsoft brands, but you may also come across interesting models Among the more budget brands are A4Tech, Sven and Genius.
Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse Black USB

For tasks such as design, architecture, 3D modeling, there are specialized mice with increased accuracy positioning and additional controls (wheels, trackballs). Some of the best mice for these tasks are Logitech mice. But they cannot always be found on sale and they are not cheap, so for these purposes you can use any convenient laser mouse.
Logitech M500 mouse

For laptop the best option There will be a wireless mouse. The best price/quality ratios are wireless mice from Logitech and Microsoft. I do not recommend purchasing a wireless mouse from cheaper brands (A4Tech, Genius, etc.), as they mostly work with malfunctions (buggy).
Logitech Wireless Mouse M235 Gray-Black USB

2. Purpose of the mouse

is an inexpensive mouse for normal work without any additional buttons or functions.

– has a more comfortable, natural shape for the hand, a more convenient wide wheel and additional buttons, expanding its functionality and making work more convenient.

– is aimed primarily at use in games, usually with a more sensitive sensor, additional keys and rubberized surfaces for better grip and to avoid slipping.

– a compact mouse with a short cord that is convenient to carry with a laptop. Now they have been replaced by even more convenient wireless mice.

– quite convenient, but more expensive and less reliable. She's bad for gaming computer, but ideal for a laptop.

Specialized miceexpensive models with special controls (side wheels, trackballs) for use, for example, in the design field.

3. Sensor type

Modern mice have an optical sensor, which can be LED or laser. At the same time, mice with an LED sensor are called optical, and mice with a laser sensor are called laser.

Optical mice are cheaper, but have no high accuracy cursor positioning, since the LED sensor is less sensitive than a laser sensor and works differently on different surfaces (table or rug). Inexpensive optical mouse Well suited for simple office work.

Laser mice more sensitive, accurately positioned and work well on various surfaces, but cost several times more than optical ones. If you like games or do graphics, I recommend purchasing a laser mouse.

4. Mouse shape

Asymmetrical– may have a comfortable ergonomic shape, but is not suitable for left-handers.

Symmetrical– Suitable for all users, both right-handed and left-handed. In the latter case, the assignment of the left and right buttons can be easily changed in the operating system settings.

5. Mouse size

There is an opinion that for convenient use the mouse should occupy the entire palm. So for a big hand you need big mouse, for medium - medium in size, for small (children's) - very small. However, my experience has shown that this rule only applies in one direction. That is, for a small hand it will be inconvenient to use a large mouse, but for a large hand a small mouse can be quite comfortable. I was surprised when one of my acquaintances with a rather large hand boasted of purchasing a rather small mouse for his laptop, while admiring its convenience.

This is what it's all about. When the mouse is quite large and occupies the entire palm - this, of course, may seem convenient at first glance - the hand lies naturally, the hand gets less tired. But when it comes to precise positioning of the cursor (when working with graphics or in games), it turns out that this is not always easy, since the hand hangs slightly above the table surface and the joints of the elbow and hand are used to move the mouse. The cursor often misses small parts and its position has to be adjusted several times.

As for the mouse small size, then of course only this one is suitable for a small (children’s) palm, since otherwise the fingers simply will not reach the keys and you will have to reach for them all the time. But in a large palm, such a mouse can work wonders, since the elbow will not be used to move it, but only the hand and fingers. In this case, you will not have to hold the brush overhang or rest it on the mouse itself, since the brush will lie on a soft mat. In this case, the cursor positioning will be much more accurate and faster, and the movements will be easier.

I have already heard people’s reviews more than once about the positive experience of working with a small mouse and felt it myself. You can especially feel the difference when you’ve been using a large, “comfortable” mouse all your life, and then suddenly you see the light.

However, this is of course also individual and requires some work experience. Good quality modern devices gives us the opportunity to evaluate the experience of using new models in a fairly short period due to quick exit out of order with the old ones... Although my inexpensive gaming mouse A4Tech X7 lived for 7 years and I would have continued to use it if I had not been given a new one

6. Keys and wheels

Left and right button mice can be either separate structural elements or a continuation of the body. It doesn't have of great importance, the main thing is that they have a distinct click.

Wheel– an important control element. It is desirable that it be rubberized and have small notches. When scrolling, the divisions should be clearly felt. The pressure on it should be moderately tight and distinct. An office mouse may benefit from a wider wheel. Some mice may have an additional wheel for scrolling horizontally, which can be convenient if you work with large document formats or drawings.

Double click key– present on some office models, allows you to double-click by pressing one special key, which in some cases can be quite convenient.

Triple click key– present on many gaming models and allows you to perform triple click by pressing one special key that is used in games. Sometimes it's so nice to fire a burst of grenade launcher at the enemy

Side keys- For gaming mice It is highly desirable to have additional side buttons on which you can set some actions.

Office key– intended for calling special menu with shortcuts to launch the main office applications and is used in conjunction with a special mouse program. Not necessary, but may be useful in office work if you frequently start and close a lot of programs.

Sensitivity key- found on most gaming mice. With its help, you can quickly change the speed of cursor movement, which is very useful in games. Typically mice have 4-5 sensitivity levels. If there is only one such button, then the sensitivity changes only in big side and resets to minimum after reaching the highest value. If there are two such buttons, then the sensitivity can be changed either up or down, which is more convenient.

Programmable keys– some mice have additional keys that can be assigned various combinations using a special software. But this is more needed by avid gamers who know exactly what they want.

7. Wire length and thickness

The length of the mouse wire should be 1.7-2 m. If the length of the wire is 1.5 m or less, then even if it reaches system unit standing far under the table, it will be tight, which will make using the mouse uncomfortable. Please note that some seem regular mice, are designed for laptops and have a very short cable.

As for the thickness of the wire, the thinner it is, the better, since a thick wire will be heavier and will slide worse on the surface of the table, which will be noticeable and straining for you when working with the mouse. A very thin wire is almost imperceptible, as if it is not there at all.

Gaming mice often have braided wire, which also improves performance.

You can see the length of the cable on the manufacturer’s website, and the thickness and presence of braiding can be determined even visually from the picture or go see it live in a store.

8. Additional features

Some, mostly game models, have backlighting and programmable or duplicate keyboard keys. This is again for those who know why (MMO-RPG).

Some gaming mice(for example, A4Tech Oscar) have the opportunity, using special program, program keys to perform any keyboard combinations, which may be in demand in games with complex system control (MMO-RPG). In addition, they can save profiles for different games and quickly switch them. Since these settings are stored directly in internal memory mouse, then by connecting it to another computer you can immediately use all the specified combinations.

Some gaming models have removable weights that allow the most advanced gamers to control the weight of the mouse. Here I can say that the mouse should not be too light or too heavy. A gaming mouse should weigh 2-3 times more than an office mouse, approximately the same as a modern smartphone 120-140 grams. How much a mouse weighs can be found on the manufacturer’s website, by searching on the Internet, or by going to a store and holding different models in your hands.

Some expensive models may have an adjustable design, which gamers with very straight arms will likely appreciate.

9. Connection interface

Old mice were connected to the computer via a PS/2 connector.

Majority modern mice have a USB connector.

If you are buying a mouse for a fairly old computer, then it is better to buy one with a PS/2 connector, since USB mouse may not work when using disks for installation, diagnostics and system recovery. But make sure your motherboard has the appropriate connector.

Old motherboards had two PS/2 connectors - separately for the keyboard and mouse.

Modern motherboards may not have such connectors or have one combined one, into which you can connect either a keyboard or a mouse.

There are also special adapters, but they do not always work.

10. Wireless mice

The wireless mouse runs on batteries that need to be changed every 6-12 months and connects via radio or Bluetooth.

Radio channel– the most common type of wireless mouse connection. In this case, to USB connector a special receiver is connected to the computer.

The absence of wires is convenient and aesthetically pleasing, but less reliable and costs a little more. The fact is that the mouse radio operates at the same frequency as Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz), so no one can guarantee that if you or your neighbors have Wi-Fi router your mouse will work stably. Sometimes there are short-term interruptions in communication between the mouse and the receiver. This is not always visible when regular work, but it is very noticeable in games, when you often lose control for about 1 second, but this can be fatal. In principle, if you purchase a wireless mouse from reputable brands such as Logitech or Microsoft, then the likelihood of such problems occurring will be minimal. But for games it is still better to use the classic wired version.

Bluetooth- Honestly dubious method mouse connections. Firstly, it will still require a receiver, and secondly, this technology is even less reliable. You can, of course, connect such a mouse to a laptop that already has an integrated bluetooth adapter, if there is no free USB connector to connect an additional receiver.

11. Keyboard and mouse sets

Such kits primarily pursue the goal of economy, and secondly, a uniform design. This is true both for cheap office wired options, and for wireless kits for home computers and media centers.

Please note one thing. Often wireless kit is connected by one receiver, which is quite convenient, but eliminates the possibility separate use keyboards and mice on different devices.

Of course, the choice of such kits is smaller than individual devices, but I bought such a kit for my TV for only $25. Separately, it would cost 40% more.

12. Case material and color

All mass-produced mice are made of plastic, sometimes with rubberized surfaces.

As for plastic, it can be matte or glossy. Matte plastic is more practical and does not scratch as much. Glossy plastic is more susceptible to scratches, as a result of which the surface quickly loses its appearance. For a mouse, unlike a keyboard, this also has the additional inconvenience that glossy plastic is more slippery and when your hand gets sweaty, using the mouse will not be very comfortable.

As for color, previously mice were made mainly white, now - black, silver and many other rainbow colors and shades. Since most modern peripheral devices Computers (monitor, speakers, keyboard) are made in black and silver colors, then a black or black-silver mouse will fit more harmoniously into this range. But if your laptop has a more cheerful, less strict color, then choose a mouse to match it, it will look beautiful.

Please note that silver and other colored surfaces may be painted and the paint will wear off over time, greatly detracting from the appearance and enjoyment of using the mouse. We recommend choosing a mouse made of uniform, unpainted plastic in the desired color.

13. Manufacturers and warranty

Mice produces great amount manufacturers. Here I will mention the highest quality, best price/quality ratio and popular ones.

The best gaming mice produce Razer, SteelSeries, Roccat, Mad Catz.

Gaming mice have a pretty good price/quality ratio Hama, like the one that visited us for review.

Among the high-quality wireless mice I can recommend Logitech And Microsoft.

Wired mice have a good price/quality ratio A4Tech, in all its widest range - from office to gaming.

Among the inexpensive office options you can consider: Genius, about which we can only say that they work.

Tempting options can be found from such famous brands as Asus, Cooler Master, Corsair, Cougar, Zalman and popular budget Defender, Gigabyte, Oklick, Rapoo, Sven, Trust. But pay very close attention to the reviews, as there are many low-quality models among them. In most cases it is better to buy them instead A4Tech.

From purchasing the mentioned budget and other unpopular mice brands I would recommend abstaining.

As for the warranty, for an ordinary inexpensive mouse it is desirable that the warranty be at least 1 year, for more expensive gaming mice - at least 2 years.

14. Price

Mice Logitech have quite a wide the lineup(about 80 models) and cost from $7 (office) to $110 (professional and gaming) and are of high quality regardless of price.

Mice Microsoft They have high quality and ergonomics (about 50 models) and on average cost slightly more – from $10 to $90.

Mice A4Tech(about 230 models) and Genius(about 85 models) divided average price segment and cost from $4 to $75.

15. Setting up filters in the online store

  1. Go to the “Mice” section on the seller’s website.
  2. Select recommended manufacturers.
  3. Indicate the parameters and functions that are important to you.
  4. View items starting with the cheapest ones.
  5. Choose several models you like and compare them based on convenience.
  6. Buy the most comfortable model.

Thus, you will receive a mouse with the best price/quality ratio that meets your requirements at the lowest possible cost.

Mouse A4Tech Bloody A91
Mouse A4Tech Bloody Blazing A9

— The best transformable mouse

Since its creation, the mouse has been connected to personal computer using a cord. But technology does not stand still, and wires have been replaced by wireless connections. The constantly hanging wires got in the way and got tangled. Their number in the house only increased over time. Annoying wires have been replaced by wireless connections, which made it possible to eliminate unnecessary wires and computer mouse. Today, wired mice are mainly used in budget solutions, as well as in very productive and functional gaming peripherals, where the response parameter is important. At the same time, what’s interesting is that both mouse configurations exist: both with and without a wire. The latter will be discussed in this review.

How to decide on the device manufacturer

A manufacturer with rich sales experience, a recognizable brand, and a wide arsenal of devices and peripherals. The company's headquarters is located in Chinese Taipei, and the company itself was founded at the end of 1987. The company's employees number about 4 thousand workers. A4Tech's priority is the development and production of accompanying peripherals: keyboards, mice, wearable headsets, web cameras and other accessories. The main goal of the company is to offer users cheap and affordable devices for all consumers. Among the manufacturer’s product range there are also solutions for gamers, and they are significantly lower than the prices of competitors.

The manufacturer has Russian roots and is a registered trademark. A popular brand founded in early 1990. Produced under the company logo computer peripherals: headsets, gaming paraphernalia (mice, joysticks, keyboards), speakers and other devices. The vast majority of accessories still have wired connection, thus offering the most budget-friendly solution according to the price tag on the market. The manufacturer also has wireless mice in its arsenal, but their sales volume is small.

Logitech, a manufacturer of headsets and accessories, was founded in Switzerland in the summer of 1981. The company produces a huge number of headsets and products for PCs, laptops and various electronics. The general assortment of the company is rich in both expensive peripherals, in particular gaming wheels, which recreate in detail the control of a virtual car, and also include budget solutions among keyboards connected via a cable. Most of the goods are of interest to the consumer, who votes for them with rubles. Popular solutions include Logitech wireless mice, which come with a miniature receiver, as well as a set of additional function keys.

Oklick is a little-known brand, popular in Russia and the CIS countries. The manufacturing company is located in Krasnogorsk. The company has been present on the market since 2005. The company's products are used in banks and among a wide range of consumers. Oklick also has wireless mice in its arsenal. Thanks to their bright colors and powerful functionality, the manufacturer's gaming mice are in high demand.


Razer was founded at the peak of the popularity of PC gaming in 1998 in the United States. Having set out to produce the best gaming devices, the company confidently follows its principles, offering best solutions On the market. From mousepads to keyboards, Razer wireless mice leave their owners in awe. However, the price tag is not low.

The company was founded in 2001. Main office is located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The manufacturer produces top peripherals for gamers, accessories for PCs and laptops. SteelSeries produces functional and attractive solutions, in particular wireless mice. Their main differences are maximum characteristics, convenient dimensions and long-term operation, according to tests and trials.


A manufacturer from northern Finland, which positions its products as budget solutions for most users. The company quickly gained popularity in Russia and many other countries. The company produces not only acoustics, but also a fairly wide range of peripherals, in particular wireless mice. They cost little and are easy to use.

Inexpensive wireless mice, with the best reviews

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The most reliable

Advantages Flaws
  • Compact USB receiver
  • Universal for use with both right and left hands
  • Horizontal scrolling
  • Made from pleasant materials
  • Reliability of design and long term operation
  • Easy to take with you on a trip by placing your laptop in your bag
  • Minimum number of buttons
  • Poor contact with a number of surfaces
  • Poor wheel control

Nice looking classic mouse. Has 3 function buttons, which will be enough for normal use. The developers were meticulous about the design component and endowed the mouse with a reliable wheel movement, which increased the service life of the device. Additionally, there is a horizontal scrolling function, making it convenient to browse and control a number of computer applications with the mouse.

Video review

The mouse works thanks to an optical sensor with a resolution of 1000 dpi. The battery life of the mouse from 2 finger batteries ranges from 1 to 2 months. Thanks to the small receiver, the signal is reliably transmitted from the device to USB port computer.

Score (2018): 4.6

Advantages: Easy to operate with your left hand

Advantages Flaws
  • Easy to operate with your left hand
  • Miniature receiver
  • Maximum battery life
  • The operating period reaches 3 – 4 years
  • Requires only 1 battery to operate
  • In a large hand it will seem quite miniature
  • Sometimes there are problems with the scroll wheel
  • There are not enough buttons

The mouse from Logitech, like the previous model, is perfect for working in conjunction with a laptop. Communication with the computer occurs via a radio channel, thanks to a small USB controller. The main difference between this mouse is that it uses optical LED processing of the reading surface. Thanks to this, the mouse sensor uses less electricity, and the device can operate on one battery for several months.

The device is compact, small in size and not difficult to operate. The design is devoid of unnecessary functional buttons and has only a simple scroll wheel. The accessory is perfect for both right-handed and left-handed people.

Score (2018): 4.4

Advantages: Best price

Advantages Flaws
  • Small, USB receiver, easy to hide inside
  • Long battery life
  • Requires only 1 battery to operate
  • Suitable for both left and right hand operation
  • Budget, inexpensive option
  • Battery included
  • May seem quite small
    • The strength of the signal from the receiver depends on the number of obstacles

    Redmond has always been famous for its inexpensive and high-quality products, in particular wireless mice. Today, the Redmond manufacturer has relegated the production of peripherals to the background, giving preference to other devices. Thanks to this, the price of these devices has dropped quite well. Purchasing the 3000V2 model will not burden the user’s budget when completing the configuration inexpensive computer. Moreover, the mouse performs excellently in operation.

    You can easily use the device in your right or left hand. The matte black color looks solid without attracting unnecessary glances. For more individual colors available additional colors. The device sensor works according to the standard LED technology. Thanks to this, the device can work for a long time on the 1st AA battery. There are 4 functional buttons on the body of the mouse, but the last key is very inconvenient to use. It's nice that the mouse has an additional activity switch, which will allow the device to last longer. offline mode and save battery.

    Score (2018): 4.4

    Advantages: 8 function buttons

    Advantages Flaws
    • Aggressive and stylized pattern on the mouse's body
    • Correct weight distribution
    • Responsive sensor
    • Flexible resolution settings, up to 3200 dpi
    • Lots of extra keys
    • Internal ROM 160Kb
    • Responsive scroll wheel
    • It’s convenient to scroll with a mouse on any surface
  • Only fits the right hand
    • Small reserve of autonomy
    • Poor localization of software into Russian
    • Feels unreliable to use

    The price threshold for this mouse is within reasonable limits. It has the lowest price among other gaming mice! A characteristic pattern indicates ownership of this device to the gaming class. It is worth noting 8 functional buttons, most of which can be flexibly customized.

    Video review

    The operating principle of the device is based on LED technology. But unlike other devices, this mouse does not have impressive battery life. All because higher frequencies sensor polling up to 1000Hz. All other characteristics are typical: compact communication controller, operating range from 200 to 3200 dpi. There is 160Kb of internal memory to save settings.

    Best Reviewed Premium Wireless Mice

    Score (2018): 4.8

    Advantages: Wide functionality (15 buttons)

    Advantages Flaws
    • Convenient form
    • Lots of buttons
    • Most buttons can be customized to your liking
    • Solid and reliable design
    • Operating frequency – 1000 Hz
    • High sensor resolution
    • Convenient way to recharge batteries
    • Two scrolling positions
  • Comfortable only in the right hand
    • Low autonomy
    • Large dimensions and weight

    An expensive copy that definitely deserves attention and money spent on it. The mouse is ideal for those who like to assign actions to functional mouse buttons. There are 15 buttons available to users, but only 2 are programmable. The sensor resolution ranges from 200 to 8200 dpi. An advanced scroll wheel is responsible for scrolling here, which will allow you to move the image both vertically and horizontally.

    Video review

    The sensor is based on optical laser technology. And this is the main disadvantage of the device: high energy consumption, which means low autonomy of the device. The situation is softened by the fact that you can charge the batteries directly in the mouse.

    Score (2018): 4.5

    Advantages: Best transformable mouse

    Advantages Flaws
    • Comes with 2 batteries
    • Flexible setup and a high resolution sensor
    • Collapsible body shape
    • Comes with a set of weights for weight distribution
    • Has 8 buttons
    • Charging the battery directly in the device
  • Operated by the right hand
    • Depends on the frequency and signal level from the transmitter
    • Low autonomy

    It is quite difficult to evaluate this masterpiece of technical thought. The wireless mouse turns into a technological transformer, ideally suited to most types of palms, while targeting especially right-handed people. A significant advantage of the mouse is the built-in battery, which will allow you to significantly save on batteries and their constant replacement. Of particular note is the flexible range of adjustable parameters, which regulates the position of the device from 25 to 6400 dpi.

    Video review

    The user has the right to choose and configure required amount programmable profiles for different genres of games. You can specify 3 different commands on one key. This approach in functionality fully covers the player’s requests for adjusting the mouse to his needs. Even taking into account the fact that 3 of the 8 buttons on the mouse are not programmable, this will be quite enough. Pleasant and comfortable weight distribution is achieved by calibrating the weight of the mouse and a set of special weights.

    1 Today, the buyer is not deprived of choice wireless mice. Among the wide range of devices in stores, you can find both inexpensive and very budget solutions, as well as more expensive, premium and gaming computer peripherals.
    Among the first are the following mouse models:

    It is worth noting that, like any other technology, these devices have a certain number of advantages and disadvantages.
    For beginner gamers, the mouse from A4Tech is perfect, the device from Microsoft Mouse 3000V2 will appeal to you for its appearance and functionality, and Logitech’s products combine well the price/quality ratio.

    2 When choosing professional gaming solutions, the overwhelming number of reviews in the Runet segment were given Logitech mice G700s and Mad Catz R.A.T.9.
    Both of these mice are radically different from each other, have good equipment and at the same time are not without shortcomings.
    When choosing a mouse for himself, the buyer is obliged to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of the gadget. You will be ready to put up with some, or continue your search, in the hope of someday purchasing the ideal wireless mouse.

    Every owner of a computer or laptop has probably used such a familiar and familiar device as a wired mouse. And many people know about the existence of wireless mice, which can be considered more mobile. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article today.
    A wireless mouse is not only about mobility, but also about convenience, ease of use and ergonomics. This is an ideal option for those who travel a lot, have frequent business trips, or simply do not like to be tied to one place.

    So, when choosing a wireless mouse, you should pay special attention to the following: important parameters, like: types of device connections and frequency ranges of operation, size, resolution and type of power supply.

    Connection types/frequency ranges

    Based on the type of connection, wireless devices are divided into radio frequency, infrared, induction, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

    RF connection type It is considered to be more outdated, but it is found in many device models.
    Infrared connection type more modern, enjoying some popularity among PC users. At the same time, the range of action of a wireless mouse is infrared port not so large, and is no more than 3 meters in the absence of physical interference.
    With inductive connection type With a wireless mouse, communication with the computer is carried out using a tablet mat connected to it with a special wire, therefore, its range of action will also be insignificant, which may cause some difficulties in use.
    The most common type of connecting wireless mice and other devices to a computer is Bluetooth. You can use either the built-in Bluetooth or an external device, which is barely smaller in size than a flash drive.

    A few words should be said about the USB connection of a wireless mouse. This type of connection allows you to use wireless optical mouse with a built-in USB port.
    Another type of connection that allows you to connect a laptop or a wireless mouse is Wi-Fi. With this type of connection largest zone signal coverage for working with a wireless mouse, but this type of communication cannot be avoided without interference. In contrast, Bluetooth allows you to work with wireless devices, providing a stable signal at an acceptable distance.
    In addition to connection types, there is the concept of frequency ranges for a wireless mouse - 27 MG and 2.4 GHz. The difference between such devices lies not only in price, but also in the signal range. Wireless mice with a radio frequency of 27 Megahertz are more attractive and affordable in the price range, but do not have high consumer properties. Devices operating with a 2.4 GHz radio frequency signal are characterized not only by a longer range with the presence of physical obstacles (walls, furniture, etc.), but also by a high cost.


    The size of the device itself also plays an important role in choosing a wireless mouse. A comfortable wireless mouse is often selected to fit the size of your palm, but it is also worth considering the conditions for using the device.

    If wireless mouse for computer purchased for use at home or at the workplace, in this case it is better to give preference to medium or large sizes. To use a mouse outdoors, in various types of transport, etc., a small device would be a more advantageous option.


    Resolution is one of the important consumer characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing a wireless mouse. Resolution is referred to as DPI (dots per inch) and determines the sensitivity of the device. The higher the resolution, the more efficient the computer mouse works. Various models wireless mice can have different resolutions, often ranging from 400 dpi to 1300 dpi. For ease of use it is worth buy a wireless mouse with high resolution.

    Majority modern models Wireless mice can be powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries. For home use It is more economical to purchase a battery-powered device. In addition, complete with the battery you will also receive a charging glass.

    As a rule, the average battery life of a wireless mouse is 6-7 days. In most cases they are used charging device from network adapter or via USB port.

    For greater mobility, it is better to give preference to models powered by AA and AAA batteries. When purchasing high-quality batteries, their operating life will be from 3 to 6 months, in some cases up to 1 year.

    Connecting a wireless mouse to a computer will not be difficult, since the device will be immediately detected and identified by the installed operating system. Many device models come with additional disk with working drivers for correct connection to the PC. Otherwise, necessary drivers can be easily downloaded from the Internet.

    We hope our tips will help you.

    Everyone who has worked at a computer has come across a wired mouse. But there is a second type of mouse - wireless, which is considered more universal.

    Wireless mouse- practicality, convenience, mobility. Perfect for those who travel frequently, go on business trips, or simply want to relieve their desk of annoying and annoying wires.

    When buying a wireless mouse, you should first pay attention to:

    Type of connection;

    Frequency range;




    Type of connection and frequency range.

    Based on the type of connection, wireless mice are divided into :

    Radio frequency;



    RF Type Mice rarely seen, as it is outdated today.

    Infrared connection type is not very popular among users due to the possibility of interference, which leads to correct operation. Range of action up to 3 meters.

    At the core induction type connections lies in the use of a tablet mat that is connected to a computer. The downside is not large radius actions.

    Bluetooth the most common type of connection for wireless mice. Provides high-quality and stable signal at a distance of up to 10 meters.

    Wi-Fi connections has the largest coverage area, but there is constant interference, which makes work difficult.

    Concerning frequency range, then wireless mice operate at a frequency of 27 MHz and 2.4 GHz. Mice with an operating frequency of 27 MHz are cheap, but do not have a long signal range. It's better to spend money and buy mice with a frequency of 2.4 GHz. This mouse has a large operating radius and can even work through a wall.


    Not the last criterion when choosing a mouse. As a rule, the device is selected to fit the size of the user's palm, but it is worth considering where exactly the mouse will be used. For your home or office, it is better to purchase a medium or large mouse. To use a mouse while traveling or transport, it would be more practical to purchase a small mouse.


    The main criterion for choosing a mouse. Resolution is abbreviated as DPI and characterizes the sensitivity of the mouse. Typically, wireless mice have a resolution in the range of 400-1300 dpi. For convenient work you need to select a mouse with the maximum value of this indicator.

    Type of food.

    Most wireless mice run on batteries or a rechargeable battery. For home use best choice, of course, there will be a battery-powered device. But for use on a trip or a long journey, it is advisable to purchase a battery-powered mouse.