Quartz wristwatch. What is the difference between mechanical watches and quartz models?

A watch may be a simple everyday necessity for you, while others see it as an expression of their personality. They can be quite expensive or in an affordable price segment. Moreover, you can have a pair with several additions, such as an alarm clock, a calendar, etc., or have a watch without other functions other than the main one - showing the time.

In order to choose a suitable watch for yourself, you first need to understand that there are automatic movements, quartz, and mechanical. Let's look at how quartz watches differ from automatic ones?

    Features of the mechanism

    The significant difference between automatic watches and quartz watches is the type of movement that is used. The movement of a watch refers to the general internal characteristics that make a watch capable of performing its primary function. If we draw an analogy with cars, the mechanism inside is the engine.

Quartz movement

A quartz watch is powered by a small battery that sends a charge of its energy to a quartz crystal inside the circuit. This, in turn, transmits the impulse and causes the hands to move, while creating the characteristic “tick-tock” sound. The presence of sound indicates that the movement of the mechanism is not as smooth as that of an automatic watch. However, there are many fans of this walking sound who find a special charm in it.

Automatic mechanism

The mechanism inside an automatic watch is similar to a mechanical watch - it does not use a battery, but is powered by a spring and a rotor. Only with self-winding watches there is no need to manually wind the watch; the watch works thanks to your movement throughout the day. This means that the spring winds on its own while the watch is on you. In automatic watches, the movement is as smooth as possible; you will not hear the characteristic ticking sound, which can be unnerving or distracting.

The difference in the winding mechanisms is the main factor that differentiates these two common types of mechanisms. In automatic watches, the spring winds itself when you walk or move. But if the watch is not used for a long time, it loses its accuracy. To prevent this from happening, owners of automatic watches need to purchase a special box with automatic winding. A quartz watch has a battery, which keeps the movement running continuously and ensures its accuracy.

2. How to care

Like any other valuable item that we take care of, watches should be no exception. When purchasing a wristwatch, it is important to know how to properly care for it so that it can stand the test of time.

Quartz ones only require battery replacement after a certain time. Automatic watches require a one-time spring change. In addition, they need to be stored in a self-winding box if you do not use them for a long time.

Quartz watches are distinguished by their resistance to environmental conditions, which no other mechanism can boast of. They are not afraid of moisture, dust, temperature changes. That is why sports models and items for active recreation are made exclusively using quartz.

3. Accuracy

Any device created by man, and watches are no exception, cannot be perfect. Regardless of the type of movement, accuracy is somewhat subjective, since the watch can be affected by various external factors - water, dirt, dust, heat or frost. However, quartz watches rely less on gears and rely mainly on batteries. Therefore, they are practically not affected by negative factors, and therefore more accurate than mechanical and automatic ones.

4. Price

Automatic or quartz watch, which is better when it comes to price? Many people will say that automatic watches usually cost a fortune, and quartz is more affordable since its main components - quartz crystals - are abundant and readily available for mass production. And there is some truth in this.

Considering the complexity and precision of the technique, the effort, dedication, and skill of watchmakers required to create an automatic watch are enough reasons why automatic watches are more expensive.

However, based on other characteristics - time accuracy, ease of maintenance, good wear resistance, and also a budget price - undoubtedly quartz watches become leaders.

Automatic or quartz, which is better?

There is only one answer - it's up to you. There is no pressure. Just keep the information above about different watches in mind before you joyfully exclaim, “Yes! That's what I need!" and make a purchase. Besides, perhaps you already have your own pair, then we hope you have learned something new about your watch.

Hello, dear friends. Everyone has heard such a concept as quartz watch, but few people imagine what it is and How do quartz watches work? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

So what is a quartz watch? A quartz watch is a watch that uses a microscopic quartz crystal in its mechanism. Quartz is used only in watches that operate on a battery, that is, electronic and electronic-mechanical.

Let's take a closer look at the function of quartz in watches.

Quartz is a natural mineral that is part of sand. To be used in a watch, it is cleaned and shaped into a tuning fork and placed in a special chamber (meaning you won't see the tuning fork if you take your watch apart). Quartz has one amazing property: when struck by an electric current, it begins to vibrate in a constant rhythm, which is equal to 32,768 vibrations per second. There is also the opposite property: when vibrating, quartz releases its own electrical discharges, which control the clock.

How does it all work together?

  1. The battery supplies energy to the electronic unit, which sends an electrical impulse to the quartz crystal.
  2. This causes the quartz to vibrate at a frequency of 32,768 vibrations per second. No more, no less. Each vibration is equal to an impulse that is sent to the distribution block. It divides the frequency of the crystal, reducing it to one pulse per second. Thus, we receive an impulse at regular intervals, that is, every second.
  3. Since the impulse of one second is too weak to turn the hands, it is increased by the drive unit and transmitted to the stepper motor, which is responsible for moving the hands.
  4. Electrical impulses create a magnetic field in the engine, which turns a special rotor, which, in turn, moves the second hand exactly one second through a set of gears.
    Here's how they work. The first quartz watches were manufactured in 1969 by Seiko and since then all watch companies have switched to this technology.

Watch also a video about quartz watches:

Life time

Before purchasing, the user thinks about how long they will last, what will happen to the mechanism if the integrity of the crystal is damaged? As practice shows, such a device is often replaced with a newer model, even before it becomes unusable.
Over time, their battery may run out, and then the hands will begin to show the wrong time, namely, lag behind. When quartz breaks down, they begin to rush, but the first and second reasons can be easily eliminated by replacing the broken element with a new one. Therefore, it is believed that a quartz watch is a reliable, durable mechanism that rarely breaks down.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is the accuracy of the device. When compared with mechanical samples, it is worth noting that for them a deviation of twenty seconds per day is considered normal. For quartz models, this figure is twenty seconds per month, and if we talk about expensive, higher quality devices - five seconds per year.
In addition, they are more shock-resistant, so they can be used by active lovers of sports, tourism or extreme sports. The presence of a built-in battery eliminates the need to regularly wind a quartz watch; such advantages are primarily appreciated by modern buyers. In addition, the service life of devices of this kind ranges from five to ten years of continuous operation.

That's all. Now I think it's clear quartz watch with batteries or not.

Either quartz or mechanical are considered. When it comes to any model of wristwatch, not only the appearance, but also the quality of the mechanism is subject to discussion. The main characteristics (reliability, service life and running accuracy) must always be high. Now those “failed new products” that designers so boasted about and technicians assured of their promise have already come to naught. Mechanical-electronic watches or watches with bilyanets have not become a worthy replacement for the classics. Quartz or mechanical watches remain the standard.

What are quartz and mechanical watches?

To the question about which watch is better - quartz or mechanical, it is impossible to give a definite answer. Mechanical watches are classics of art. In terms of prestige and reliability, modern mechanical watches are slightly higher than quartz watches. By the way, many people like them more aesthetically. The smooth movement of the watch hands across the dial, coupled with the pleasant heaviness on the wrist, makes many people fall in love with mechanics. more convenient to use. One of the nicest things about them is that you don't have to start them and worry about them suddenly stopping. The accuracy of quartz is higher than that of mechanical models. The functions of the quartz movement itself allow you to create lighter and thinner watches.

Operating principle of quartz and mechanical watches

The main difference between quartz watches and mechanical ones is the operating principle. The role of the motor in a mechanical watch is played by the spiral spring. It is twisted in a special way during the watch winding procedure. The clock mechanism is activated by its gradual unwinding. In this way, a drum with small teeth is driven. Stroke error may occur due to uneven unwinding of the spring. All mechanical Swiss watches, the price category of which starts from three hundred dollars, are equipped with the automobile plant.

Quartz watches are powered by a special battery designed to last from two to seven years. transfers energy to the electric motor. It is he who turns the hands and is distinguished by excellent accuracy. A quartz crystal, when pressed, generates an electrical impulse, and when exposed to current, it contracts. If the battery is of high quality, then this watch will only need to be wound once every 2-3 years.

It is impossible to say with complete confidence which watch is better. Quartz or mechanical watches have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical watches

Mechanical watches are rightfully considered the most technologically advanced and more complex to develop and produce. Their mandatory quality is a highly complex mechanism. Global manufacturers compete in skill, bringing to market the most complex versions of mechanical watches. However, even the most budget models are reliable and accurate in readings.

Mechanical watch mechanisms are a true work of art and technical thought. Entire departments and super-powerful computers are working on the creation of new watches. We have achieved a lot: the problems of spring response to temperature fluctuations have been overcome, systems have been introduced that provide constant tension, new resistant materials are used to eliminate friction in the mechanism. The result of the work is the highest accuracy. Another important point is aesthetic. The trend is for models whose mechanism can be observed at work. Creating a mechanism is not only a matter of jewelry beauty. Do not forget that all mechanical watch materials are difficult to process.

Quartz watch

The quartz movement is a well-forgotten old thing. This innovation lies in the remake of a classic watch mechanism in a modern way. The idea of ​​the movement of the dial hands, with the help of which the time is shown, remains the same, but the source of movement is the battery and the quartz itself, and not a mechanical compressed spring. The complex gear system was replaced by a stepper motor. This mechanism is price-friendly. In light women's watches, a quartz movement is indispensable, because there is simply no room left for a classic mechanism. Quartz watches do not require any frequent winding.

Which watch is better - quartz or mechanical?

For mechanical watches, the permissible error limits range from 20 to 40 seconds in 24 hours. In the most expensive models, the difference is only 1-2 seconds per day.

For quartz watches, a deviation of 15-20 seconds per month is acceptable. If the main parameter for you is accuracy, then it is better to choose models with a quartz movement. The accuracy of a mechanical watch directly depends on many factors: ambient temperature, the position of the watch when worn, and the level of wear of parts. Quartz ones are more unpretentious (there are no fragile parts in the mechanism). But quartz can be damaged by magnetic fields. But such watches are less susceptible to all factors that can damage the mechanics. That is why world manufacturers, answering the question “which watch is better - quartz or mechanical - according to service life", most often insist on quartz. Quartz movements dominate the world market. Every three years, both mechanical and quartz watches require lubrication, cleaning and adjustment.

Mechanical watches often cost more than quartz watches. This phenomenon is easy to explain: mechanics have more details.

Mechanical watch parts are subject to constant stress. Therefore, in the manufacture of mechanisms, resistant materials are used: steel, brass, ruby. The parts in quartz models are more free: they are loaded for a split second, at the moment when the engine turns the wheels. The softest materials, such as plastic, can be used for quartz models.

Both quartz and mechanical watches are very popular. The difference is determined differently for everyone. If we are talking about men's models, then we can recommend the mechanics - they look solid and status-worthy. It’s easier with women’s watches - the quartz movement can easily fit into miniature models.

A watch is one of the most necessary items in everyday life of a modern person. Although it would seem that technology has taken over the whole world, and you can check the time on a brand new iPhone, the passion for wristwatches has not gone away. Today we will talk about the common types of mechanisms that are found in wristwatches - mechanical and quartz.

History of watch movements

It is not for nothing that the first of these types (mechanical) is considered a symbol of the times, since the invention of their predecessor, the Antiker mechanism, dates back to the 2nd century BC.

The invention of mechanical watches dates back to 725 AD, the country of creation was China, then their idea was borrowed by the Arabs. The device was based on an anchor mechanism.

Naturally, there were intermediate stages. If we talk about clocks with a pendulum, it should be noted that they were not widely used at the time of their invention, in the year 1000.

But the experiments continued. The first half of the second millennium was a time when European engineers were actively engaged in the reconstruction of tower clocks, assigning them new functionality. In general, the mechanical mechanism did not undergo any special changes and has survived to this day with minor changes.

Quartz watches are more modern movements compared to their mechanical counterparts. The production of the first units dates back to the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. We will describe quartz and mechanical watches in more detail below.

Mechanical mechanism - structure, advantages, disadvantages

A mechanical watch has the following structure: the wound spring acts as a source of energy, the escapement mechanism is responsible for the accuracy of the instrument’s readings, and these two components are connected by an angrenad, which is simply a system of gears. Also among the components are a pendulum, a remontoire that allows you to move and adjust the hands, and a dial that makes it possible to find out the time.

It is worth noting that this type of watch is inferior to quartz watches in accuracy. What does this error consist of? It becomes the result of uneven unwinding of the spring, which drives the rest of the mechanism. In addition, the accuracy of time values ​​can be affected by air temperature and wear of individual device mechanisms. Devices with automatic time adjustment are more accurate and convenient to use. Among the advantages, it should be noted that watches of this type do not fail for a long time and can serve their owner for more than one year, in addition, they have a good run. The cost of mechanical movements is higher than quartz ones. This is due to the use of manual labor in assembling devices and the presence of a larger number of parts. Therefore, watches are more expensive and more prestigious - after all, one person or several dozen people can work on their creation. In replica watches, by the way, the mechanical type of watch is also most often used.

Quartz mechanism - structure, advantages, disadvantages

Quartz watches were created based on an oscillating mechanism represented by a quartz crystal. Their main components are a power source, a counter that records the oscillation frequency, a generator, and a gear system that transmits the movements of the electric motor to the clock hands. The mechanism is also equipped with a part that allows you to move the arrows - a friction clutch.

There is an opinion that quartz movements are short-lived, since the main source of energy for them is the battery, and it has a short service life. However, it is important to remember that watches also require some attention from the owner. That is why their owner must, firstly, purchase a high-quality battery, and secondly, change it every two years. Quartz watches are convenient because when using them you do not need to set the time manually each time.

Why choose mechanical watches?

Many people love the classics and recognize only the experience that has been accumulated over the centuries. Therefore, they choose mechanical watches from all the variety. After all, it is mechanics that has been known since ancient times and is a generally recognized “trend” - for centuries engineering thought has sought to improve these devices, and today a lot has been done in this direction. Some models of mechanical watches have a high cost and are indicators of the prestige, level and special class of their wearer.

Why choose quartz watch type?

Quartz movements are one of the youngest representatives of the class. They are loved by many for their practicality and convenience. Firstly, they do not require special “care”: you do not need to bring them down every day - you can completely forget about it. The main thing you need is to replace the battery every two years.

These mechanisms are also distinguished by precision, which is suitable for people who value punctuality and structure in everything.

So what's the bottom line?

So, having examined two types of watch movements - quartz and mechanical, their operating principles, components, pros and cons, we can draw some conclusions:

Firstly, the presented types of devices have different costs, and in most cases for mechanical watches it will be higher due to more significant material and physical costs during production.

Secondly, the first type of mechanism has an error in determining the exact time, and it is greater than that of the second type of watch.

Thirdly, the service life of mechanical devices is longer compared to quartz ones, while the latter require much less maintenance.

In any case, watches are always selected individually, according to the tastes and requirements of the buyer. At the same time, with their help, the owner of the watch can be easily identified in terms of income and position in society. Take a look at our blog and choose for yourself exactly the watch that will highlight the best in you.

And mechanical. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Their main difference is how the mechanism itself works. It is known that a conventional one is used as an energy source, supporting the power supply of the electronic unit and the stepper motor. Such a block sends a signal to the engine once a second, which, in turn, causes the arrows to turn.

Greater accuracy is ensured by the quartz crystal, from which the watch gets its name. The accuracy of such watches is very high, their annual deviation from the average is 5 seconds. The quartz battery is designed to last for several years, so it makes no sense to recharge them.

Mechanical watches use a coil spring housed in a barrel with a serrated edge. When winding, the spring inside twists, and when unwinding, it causes the drum to move, which provokes the movement of the entire watch mechanism.

The accuracy of a mechanical watch depends on a large number of factors, such as ambient temperature, wear of parts and their adjustment. But in quartz watches everything is much simpler: their mechanism is not affected by any of the factors. The accuracy of their movement is determined only by the frequency of the pulses coming from the quartz oscillator, and it is constant. The motor and arrows are just an additional device. Their main task is to rotate on command. Therefore, mechanical devices have less accuracy compared to even the cheapest quartz watches. But they are very different from each other due to the fact that mechanical watches contain many fine handmade parts. It can often be 20 or 30 times the cost.

All parts of a mechanical watch are under load most of the time, created by the mainspring, and only for a short period of time does the tension drop when the anchor fork is allowed to turn the escape wheel. Such heavy loads lead to the use of steel, brass or even as a material for making watches. In quartz watches, the opposite happens: most of the time the parts are in a free state, the load occurs only when the hand moves, which makes it possible not to install such hard materials or stones into the mechanism.

A wristwatch is not only a tool for checking time, but also a thing that creates an image. The most popular are watches powered by a quartz movement. If you do not want to buy a fake, you need to know the basic selection criteria.


Pay attention to the alloy of the product. The most popular option is plastic. It has a very low price, but the quality and durability are the worst. The best option is a titanium alloy. You will have to overpay a certain amount for it, but you will definitely not have allergies, and your hand will not be heavy. An alternative to titanium is ceramics. It is also hypoallergenic, but its weight is noticeably greater.

Select coverage. There are currently five main types: nickel, chrome, titanium, ceramic or gold. The first option is not suitable for people prone to allergies; the price is low. Chrome has properties similar to nickel and is not much different in price. Titanium and ceramic coatings are considered the best, but they cost significantly more. Gold is not very durable. This type of coverage is usually chosen by people with high incomes.

Decide on the shape of your quartz watch. First of all, pay attention to the size of the watch. The wider your hand, the thicker they can be. It is also worth choosing the shape of the dial. It can be round, rectangular, barrel-shaped, square, trapezoidal, rhombic, oval and non-standard (designer). The last option is unlikely to suit respectable people.