How to install an additional disk on a computer. Installing and preparing a new hard drive. Installing HDD on a desktop computer


Select which hard drive will be the main one, that is, the active one from which the operating system will boot. Determine the order by installing small jumpers in the appropriate positions according to the diagrams shown directly on each hard drive.

Turn on your computer and go to BIOS settings. If the hard drives are not detected automatically, identify them manually with the appropriate command. Then save the changes and exit the BIOS.

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To connect to computer as second hard disk external device, designed to work via a USB port, you just need to insert the connecting wire into the corresponding connectors on the bodies of both devices. The process of installing a stationary hard disk as the second main drive in the system unit of your computer. The sequence of actions for this option is described below.


Finish the job operating system, turn off the computer and unplug it network cable. Position system unit so as to have Free access to both of its lateral surfaces.

Remove both side panels. As a rule, to do this, it is enough to unscrew two screws connecting them to rear panel, and then move it 5 centimeters back and put it somewhere not very far.

Install new hard drive into one of the free slots in the case. Do this carefully so as not to accidentally disconnect the wires, which are abundant inside the case. Connectors for connecting power and should be on the side motherboard, and the hard drive is secured with four screws - two on each side of the system unit case. As a sample placement and fastening, use already installed hard drive.

Connect the power cable and data cable (“cable”) between the new hard drive and the motherboard. These wires differ depending on the type of hard drive being installed (IDE or SATA), but in any case, their connectors are asymmetrical in shape and the connectors can only be inserted in one way, so you cannot make a mistake. This will help you find the right slots on the motherboard. installed hard disk - the connectors you are looking for should be located next to those used to connect it. On hard drive cases that use the IDE bus, there are jumpers that are used to establish a hierarchy of disks installed in the computer - one of them must be designated as primary, and all the rest as secondary. However, in most cases there is no need to use them, since the BIOS is able to figure out the device configuration itself with the jumpers set by default.

Make sure that you have not damaged anything inside the system case during the installation process or forgotten any tools in it. Do not rush to close the case - you should first check the result of the operation performed. Connect all the necessary wires, the last of which should be the network cable. Then turn on your computer and go into the BIOS settings to make sure it can recognize the new device. After this, turn off the computer and replace the side surfaces of the system unit.


  • how to connect a drive to a computer in 2019

When purchased new HDD, the question arises of how to connect a second hard drive to a computer. This is not difficult to do, but before you get started, you need to make sure that your system unit is not under warranty. The fact is that in order to install a second hard drive, you need to remove the side cover of the computer. This will break the seal and therefore void the warranty. To avoid such a situation, you should contact a service center.

If the warranty has expired or is missing, feel free to remove the side wall. It is secured with two screws on the back of the PC. Be sure to turn off your computer and unplug it. Installation additional hard drive is performed only when the system unit is turned off. This is not a flash drive, and the HDD may simply fail.

You need to inspect the motherboard and the place where the hard drive is already installed. Majority modern computers has SATA connections. Trace where the cable of the existing HDD is connected to the motherboard. There should be at least one more similar one next to this connector. This will depend on the type of motherboard you have. Large ones have up to 5-6 connectors, small ones can only have 2.

If you are the owner standard type motherboard, then you just need to select the socket to connect. If you have a combo (that is, a small one), then slight difficulties may arise. The fact is that the first hard drive and optical drive may already be connected to the slots. And it may turn out that there is no other place to connect additional hard drive simply no. These are budget motherboards, and sometimes they do not provide the ability to connect multiple hard drives. How to install two hard drives in this case? You'll just have to unplug the DVD-ROM to free up the port.

If you have old computer with type IDE connections and there is only one slot left, you have the opportunity to install two equipment on one cable. This can be either 2 HDDs or a hard drive with an optical drive. When connecting on one loop, it is advisable to follow the sequence in which the master will be connected to the connector. system disk, and for slave - additional. Master is the outermost connector on the cable, slave is in the middle. The instructions for the HDD should indicate in what position the jumpers should be set for a particular mode.

After we have figured out where to connect the second hard drive to the computer so that it recognizes it, we move on to the next point. This powers the device with electricity. Take a close look at the wires that come from the power supply. In older system units the connection type is IDE, in new ones it is SATA. Some PCs have both types at the same time. If the hard drive has a SATA port, and only IDE is left free in the power supply, do not worry. You need to purchase an adapter from one connection type to another.

We found out which connectors the second hard drive is connected to. Now it needs to be installed and secured. Find where the first hard drive is located. Depending on the size of your case, there may be one to three drive slots nearby. If there is a lot of space, it is advisable to connect two HDDs so that they are located further away from each other. Hard drives can get very hot during operation and require ventilation. The more free space around them, the better ventilation will occur.

IN small body installing a second hard drive will mean that both hard drives will get very hot. Especially in the hot season. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a cooling system for them. When connecting a second drive, do not forget that it must be screwed to the case. Unlike solid state drives,HDDs have mechanical parts that can be easily damaged. During transportation, the hard drive may fall out of the slot, and this will damage not only it, but also, possibly, the motherboard.

Second hard drive on a laptop

Winchesters on laptop computers don't have the same large capacity, as on stationary ones. And sometimes users want to increase space, but the laptop does not have a slot for an additional hard drive. in this case? This can be done by installing HDD instead optical drive.

There are special adapters for this. Without them, it will not be possible to connect another hard drive, since the connectors for DVD-ROM and HDDs are different. The first thing you need to do is figure out the thickness of your drive. On different laptops it may differ. The most common are 12.7 mm and 9.5 mm. You can find out this way:

Use a program to diagnose equipment like Everest or AIDA. View the optical drive model and find the specifications on the Internet. The exact dimensions must be indicated on the manufacturer's website. Unscrew the drive and take measurements manually.

After purchasing the adapter, you can begin installing the hard drive. Unplug your computer and turn it off. It can only be untwisted when not in use. Pull out the optical drive. In most cases, it is secured with 2-4 screws.

Take the adapter and remove the stop, which is located on the opposite edge from the connectors. Some people try to turn on the second drive by connecting it to the adapter at an acute angle. This can break the contacts. The support is removable and is needed to fix the hard drive. Then press the hard drive firmly against the contacts. Sometimes this requires effort.

After installation and fixation with the stop, tighten the bolts for more rigid connection adapter with disk. So as not to spoil appearance laptop, you need to remove the front panel from the optical drive and attach it to the hard drive adapter. Carefully insert the device into the laptop and put all the covers back. If everything was done correctly, the BIOS will display the new hard drive.

Disk system settings

You learned how to install a second hard drive in a PC. But that's not enough for full-fledged work with him. Now you need to configure it so that the system recognizes it. After all, if the disk is new, it does not have marked areas and will not be displayed by the operating system. If you have Windows installed, you can do this by going to Disk Management. You can get to this menu by clicking right click mouse over the “My Computer” icon and selecting “Manage”.

All connected drives and their capacity will be displayed in the lower central part. The new disk will be labeled "Unallocated". You need to right-click on this area and click “Create simple volume”. The “Setup Wizard” will appear, following the instructions of which you will determine the space of the future disk, file system and assign a letter to it. Remember that two partitions cannot be assigned the same letters. To avoid having to deal with OS freezes and process crashes, close all unnecessary programs. Upon completion of the procedure, the system will display new hard drive.

We looked in detail at how to connect extra hard disk to computer. By watching the video below or above in the text, you will be able to understand and consider in more detail incomprehensible points.

Let's look at the process of installing a hard drive into a computer. What are the types hdd interfaces. Dividing the hard drive into logical partitions.

290 rub.

RUB When hard capacity

The disk on the computer becomes insufficient for the user; the only correct and logical solution to this problem is to install a new HDD. If you decide on such a procedure, then start this process

necessary with preliminary preparatory work.

Before directly purchasing a new hard drive, you should find out its interface and method of connection to the motherboard. In addition, you need to find out which device model is already used on your PC.

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A task that should be entrusted to professionals! We will complete it with a guarantee and in the shortest possible time!

HDD interface The HDD interface is a method for connecting this component to the motherboard and the procedure for processing incoming information. Considered one of the most popular IDE interface . Like hard version

The drive is easily recognizable due to the increased width of the cable connection socket. It can contain from forty to eighty contacts. IDE type slots provide connection to the motherboard both directly to hard drives and to a wide variety of components that perform various manipulations with optical media

Only one or two devices can be connected to all the connectors available on the motherboard. In addition, on almost all components of this type integrated two-channel controller. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to connect four IDE devices to the board at once: 2 per channel.

To connect two components at once to a single IDE connector, you must use a cable with three connectors. One of them is connected directly to the motherboard, the others are connected to various drives.

Current motherboard models are equipped with a special controller that has one channel. Thanks to this, only two devices can be connected to such a board. The main reason for this is the relevance and popularity of the relatively “fresh” interface called SATA.

It's comparative new development, allowing you to connect external and internal HDDs.

As for the width of the cable of devices of this type, it does not exceed one centimeter, and the transfer of data to the device, thanks to the interface, is much higher. All latest models motherboards are equipped with a SATA controller. Plus, they already have IDE connectors installed.

If, when purchasing a new hard drive, you are offered a device that works with SATA connectors, and the controllers on your motherboard are equipped with suitable sockets, opt for such components. After this, you can proceed directly to connecting the second hard drive.

However, when SATA connectors are not available on the board, you will need additional adapters. Before purchasing, you should consult with specialists to find out which adapters are suitable for your device.

Installing HDD device

Installing hard Installing a disk onto a computer begins by removing the four screws that secure it. Next, you should remove the HDD from the mounts on the system unit, and install another hard drive in its place. If the previous hard drive had an IDE interface, you managed to figure out its connectors, and you have all the necessary cables with adapters at hand, then all that remains is to insert the hard drive and connect it to the power supply and the motherboard.

When installing a new HDD as a second one, you should definitely select a place where it will be mounted. In most cases, it is located in the area where the optical drive is mounted.

To connect the HDD, it must be secured with four screws to ensure high-quality cooling of this element. In turn, this will help to significantly reduce the mechanical impact on the device.

Setting up your PC before installation

There are two scenarios in which you may need to configure your computer:

  1. In case of replacing the hard drive;
  2. In case of installing an additional HDD.

Let's consider each of them separately.

If the device connection was made correctly: the cables are correctly connected to the power supply and the motherboard, then When you turn on the processor, you will see a message that there is no formatting or partitioning on the hard drive. There will also be a proposal to perform this procedure.

  • First you need to install the OS and carry out all the necessary manipulations in the BIOS.
  • Then it is inserted into the drive installation media and the PC restarts.
  • Direct installation of the OS begins on the newly installed disk.
  • Next, you have to split the hard drive into the appropriate partitions during installation. Beginner users may not be able to do this, since such a procedure requires certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is best to entrust such a task to our masters.
  • If an operation such as adding a HDD was performed, then the operating system was saved on the old hard drive. In such a situation, you will need to create partitions and also format the newly connected device using the OS.
  • When the PC boots, the “Found New Hardware Wizard” window should pop up on your monitor. You will need to find the new hard drive again in the drop-down list and step by step follow all the advice that the “Installation Wizard” will give you.

  • To create the necessary partitions, as well as to clean the new device, you should open the Start menu. A menu should open on the monitor. Next, you need to select “My Computer”, which will result in a context menu appearing. There, select the “Management” option.
  • In the window that appears, there will be a list where on the left side you can find the “Disk Management” button. In the right part of this window, a list of all connected hard drives of the personal computer will appear.

  • Next, you need to click on the rectangle where you plan to create a section. In the Computer Management window, select Action after All Tasks and then create a partition. If all the above steps were performed correctly, the “Disk Creation Wizard” should appear on the monitor.
  • In it you need to click on the “Next” button, after which the corresponding window will be displayed on the monitor. Here you need to select the type of partition that the user plans to create before installing the hard drive. There are two options: additional and main. However, you can only create the second option, in which case the entire capacity of the hard drive will be transferred only to it. Alternatively, it is possible to create a primary one along with a backup one. However it is impossible to create only additional option without the main one.
  • After all the manipulations done, the time comes to install the switch. To do this, in the “Main partition” item, select the part of the disk to be created and select the “Next” function. The third program window should appear on the monitor, where you will need to indicate the volume of the main part.

In the “Selected partition size” item, you must specify this parameter in the number of megabytes and continue working by pressing the corresponding button.

If the partition that was created differs from the hard drive parameters, then its rectangle will be divided in two. Its left side will indicate the main section, where the words “Formatting” will appear for a certain amount of time. When this process is completed, the inscription will change to “Good”. It is worth noting that the base partition rectangle contains data about its parameters and the selected file system type.


Second Winchester not only allows you to get extra bed for files, but also significantly increase the reliability of data storage due to duplication important files on . Before you begin installing the hard drive, be sure to make sure that the computer is disconnected from the network! Then use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws holding the left (when looking at the front) side cover. Note that different models cases, the procedure for removing the cover may differ - for example, you may first need to remove the front panel. After unscrewing the screws, carefully remove sidebar. You may have to pull it back slightly to do this.

After removing the panel, you will see the computer motherboard, power supply, various wires and cables. And, of course, the hard drive, usually located at the front of the computer. Pay attention to how it is installed - second the hard drive will need to be installed in the same way, in a free niche. Such niches can be found above or below the main disk. If possible, do not place the disks one on top of the other at once - leave a gap between them, this will help them better cooling. Important point: hard drives have special jumpers that set the operating mode. The main disk should be set to the “Master” position. On the second – to the “Slave” position. The jumpers are very small and may require tweezers to install them. Having placed the jumper, carefully install the disk in the location chosen for it, tighten the retaining screws. Together with Winchester There are usually none, so a couple of short screws should be found in advance - they should fit the threaded holes on the left and right sides Winchester A.

The disk is installed, all that remains is to connect the power and data cable to it. To connect power, you may need an adapter to a SATA drive. Best before purchasing Winchester and open the computer and see if the adapter is on the existing disk and if so, buy the same one. When connecting, pay attention to the shape of the connectors and the color of the main drive wires matching them - new disk you need to connect it exactly the same way. To connect the adapter, use any free connector with wires of the desired colors. The power is connected, the whole process is very simple. And most importantly, do not use force - all connectors are equipped with special protrusions that do not allow them to be installed incorrectly.

The power is connected, now you need to connect the data cable. When purchasing a drive, make sure that the cable is included in the package. If not, then buy it. Usually this is a flat red wire with connectors at the ends, its width is within a centimeter. One end of the cable is connected to Winchester y, you can easily find the connector you need. The second one is connected to the corresponding socket motherboard. To find it, look where the cable of the main disk is connected - the socket for the second (and often also the third and fourth) should be nearby.

That's it, the disk is connected. We put the cover back in place and turn on the computer. If everything is connected correctly, the computer will start to boot. After loading, open “My Computer” - a new disk should appear in the list of hard drives. If you don’t like the letter assigned to it by the system, go to: Start – Control Panel – Computer Management. In the “Storage Devices” section, select “Disk Management”. Right-click on the new drive and select “Change drive letter or drive path.” A window opens, select “Change” and set the desired drive letter.

Helpful advice

If you have to disconnect any cables when installing a drive, sketch out their connections on a piece of paper. This will allow you to connect them correctly in the future.


  • how to install a second hard drive on a computer
  • How to connect a second hard drive

Modern hard disks very reliable and can work very well long term. But no one is immune from breakdown of any equipment. If the hard drive fails, there is little chance that it can be repaired. Then you will have to purchase and install a new hard drive. This process is not complicated, but there are some nuances associated with the type hard interfaces drives and motherboards. You need to choose a hard drive that fits the interface of your motherboard.

You will need

  • computer, hard drive with SATA connector or IDE connector, screwdriver.


First, find out what interfaces your motherboard is equipped with. This can be done by looking at the technical documentation for your computer. See if the motherboard has a SATA interface. If you don't have technical documentation, you can look at the connection interfaces on the motherboard itself. After all, in any case, the system unit will have to be opened.

Disconnect the computer from power. Unscrew the screws that secure the system unit cover and remove the system unit cover. Now look for the SATA inscription on the motherboard. Interfaces are nearby SATA connections. Typically these interfaces are located in the lower right corner of the motherboard. Please note that SATA interfaces may not be available on fairly old motherboards.

How to install a hard drive?

The hard drive or hard drive is the computer part that most often requires replacement. This does not happen because it fails, it’s just that the space on the hard drive runs out faster than the rest of the parts become obsolete. In this article we will look at how to replace a hard drive, install a new or second hard drive, without resorting to the expensive services of paid specialists. Moreover, this procedure is absolutely not complicated.

Hard drive formats

There are hard drives different standards, but we are only interested in the two most common ones:

  • "IDE";
  • "SATA".

IDE is considered an obsolete standard today, but IDE drives still very common.

These two standards hard drives They differ from each other primarily in their connectors. Both IDE and SATA drives There are two of them: a power connector and a data cable connector. At the standard disk SATA connector There is more power, and the connector for connecting the data cable is smaller. U IDE drives- vice versa.

For an IDE format drive, the data cable looks like a cable. In order to connect it correctly, there are special “keys” and protrusions on the cable connectors. There are similar protrusions on the corresponding connectors on the motherboard. When connecting, make sure they match.

Any operations with hard drive your computer should only be done when the computer is turned off. Otherwise, this is, firstly, a violation of safety regulations (you can get an electric shock), and secondly, most likely you will completely and irrevocably damage the hard drive.

So, the algorithm for connecting a hard drive, regardless of the format, looks like this:

Installing a second hard drive

It is not always possible to replace one hard drive with another, larger one. Yes, and this is not always necessary. Since it is quite possible to install two in one system unit hard drives. Let's look at how to install a second hard drive on our computer.

In order to install a second hard drive, it is not necessary to go inside the case. There are external hard disks, they connect to the computer using USB cable. Therefore, let's look at how to install a second hard drive:

If you need to replace the hard drive on your laptop, information can be found in the article.