Clipboard extension. Expanding the clipboard for more convenient work on the computer

Buffer Windows Exchange serves for temporary storage of various types of copied information, be it a fragment of text, a picture or a file. Only one copied object is placed in it; when copying again, the previous one is deleted. This is done so that when frequent copying don't fill everything disk space. After all, depending on how large a fragment is copied, the appropriate disk space is allocated for it. It is clear that with frequent copying this space will quickly run out.

But when working with documents and copying different sections of text, it is sometimes useful to be able to copy to clipboard several objects, but I would like to be able to select them. This opportunity is implemented in the popular text editor Microsoft Word. However, its implementation is far from ideal. The fact is that the Word buffer is limited by the number of objects copied and is suitable for storing the objects it supports (text, images). Also, when working with other applications and text editors, you can paste into them only the last copied object.

Nevertheless, clipboard Microsoft Office greatly simplifies the work, and the developers have tried to clipboard was available in a number of office applications. So, for example, having copied several fragments of text in Word, you can paste them into Excel spreadsheet. To take advantage of the advanced clipboard office, when working with a document (for example, in Word), it is enough to open the help, which will appear on the right. By clicking on the inscription “ Word Help", a list of available sections will be displayed. Find the section " Clipboard " and click on it. You can also just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C+C(by double clicking on the “ WITH" with clamped " Ctrl"). Now, each time you copy, the copied fragments will be displayed in the right window; double-clicking on them will paste them into the text. To insert an object in another office application, also open the " Clipboard » and select the desired object.

Fortunately, expand Windows clipboard possible for all applications used. For these purposes it was developed a large number of small utilities, most of which are distributed absolutely free and have minimum size. Such programs include Clipboard Recorder, CLCL, ClipMate and others.

Clipboard Recorder

Clipboard Record

The Clipboard Recorder program allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the clipboard when working in office applications. Like most similar utilities, Clipboard Recorder will have an icon in the system tray after launch. In this case, the program will remember all copied objects and place them in its Floating List. Just click on any copied object to paste it into the text. The utility can preserve the formatting of a copied text fragment, and also allows you to copy images and other types of data. The program's supported data types can be viewed in its settings (Optons). In addition, everything copied to clipboard data can be transmitted via local network to another computer. The disadvantage of the Clipboard Recorder utility, like the standard Microsoft Office clipboard, is the inability to work with files and folders.


Other CLCL utility allows you to make the most of clipboard, both in office applications and in any other programs and file managers. The program places its icon in the system tray and monitors clipboard. The copied data is cached by the program and remembered. Just open the program window using a keyboard shortcut Alt+C to view a list of all copied objects. At the same time, small thumbnails are displayed for images, which is much more visual than “dry” names. The developers have endowed the utility with wide functionality. For example, using an application filter will exclude adding to clipboard data from specified programs or change the keyboard shortcut and more for them. Users will also be pleased with the Russian interface of the program.

As you know, the standard Windows clipboard allows you to store only one piece of data, since any subsequent entry of information into the buffer leads to overwriting what was previously there. As a result, restore one of the previous ones from the clipboard text fragments will no longer be possible, so to insert it into the document you will have to repeatedly contact the source, which will slow down the preparation of the document. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to expand the possibilities of using information placed on the clipboard by “teaching” Windows to remember more than one piece of data. To do this, just use the Microsoft Office clipboard (it allows you to store 24 blocks of information, but accessing it is not always convenient, and it can be overwritten) or install a special clipboard manager. Getting to know similar managers and this article is dedicated to. There are quite a few utilities on the market today that allow you to restore a lot of text and graphic data stored on it from the clipboard. Some of the clipboard managers, if desired, can be used as full-fledged repositories of the most diverse and structured in the right way information, the functionality of others is minimal and limited only by the ability to insert remembered fragments.

ClipMate 7.3.14

Developer: Thornsoft Development, Inc.
Distribution size: 7.21 MB
Spreading: shareware ClipMate is one of the most feature-rich solutions for working with the Windows clipboard, which is handy tool to restore any of the thousands of text and graphic fragments stored in the buffer, as well as the names of copied files and folders. The demo version of the program (there is a Russian-language localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is $34.95. The program has a portable edition Portable - it does not require installation and can be recorded on a USB flash drive or external drive, which provides the ability to work with your data on any computer with installed utility ClipMate. The ClipMate window can be displayed in two modes: Classic and Explorer. In the first, only the toolbar and the name of the last saved fragment are visible. The second displays all the information about all available fragments and all collections, while folders with fragments are located on the left, and on the right brief information about a specific fragment (date of memorization, the first words of the text in the case of a text fragment, etc.). The lower part of the window in Classic mode is reserved for viewing the selected fragment, and viewing can be done in different formats: as plain text, as well as in Rich Text Format or HTML formats.

By default, the program automatically captures all data copied to the buffer, however, the range of information stored in the database may be limited specific types data. When storing a fragment in the database, it can be automatically added specific text(eg date) according to established template. All fragments are automatically placed in the “Inbox” folder, but for ease of use, it is easy to redistribute them into specific collection folders (such folders are created independently and their number is unlimited) by simply dragging and dropping. In addition to such real folders, ClipMate also has virtual ones (fragments are not stored in them), which contain links to fragments combined according to some principle: date of entry (say, saved yesterday) or export date or type. And secret folder"Safe" in which you can store passwords, logins and other confidential data - there they will be under reliable protection, since 56-bit ARC4 encryption is involved. Any of the fragments located in the database can be viewed in the main window in the viewing area, as well as on an enlarged scale in a separate window (command "View" > "Clip View"). And also insert into a working document by dragging or dropping or double click mice. It is possible to insert a series of fragments. This is done with the help of very convenient function PowerPaste - first place the fragments of interest so that they are located sequentially, then turn on the PowerPaste mode (here you need to control the direction of movement through the list) and switch to the document, where they insert all the fragments one after another in turn without switching each time in ClipMate. It is possible to paste one fragment to the end of another (command "Edit" > "Append to End"), as well as create a kind of fragments - "text templates". The latter is useful when filling out all kinds of forms and requires preliminary preparation a special fragment in which individual elements of the form will be separated by a paragraph symbol. Data from such a fragment is inserted in the clip splitting mode (the button in the left top corner program window in the form of a tablet of fragments) and in practice means the following. First, the desired fragment is selected and the corresponding mode is activated in the utility, and then form elements are inserted into the form in the usual way - that is, for example, by pressing the combination Ctrl + V.

It is also possible to edit fragments, and it is possible not only to change the register, as well as insert or delete specific data, but also automatic cleaning text from empty lines, newlines, etc., searching and replacing characters, spell checking, etc. For quick access There is an advanced search for the desired fragment, which allows you to search for fragments using many parameters: keywords, collection name, source, date of placement in the database, etc.

Spartan Multi Clipboard 4.00.01

Developer: M8 Software(UK)
Distribution size: 3.79 MB
Spreading: shareware Spartan Multi Clipboard is a utility for managing the clipboard, allowing you to restore text and graphic information. The demo version of the program (there is no Russian localization) is operational for 30 days and allows you to restore no more than 200 fragments. The cost of the commercial version is $19.99. It should be noted that there are comments on the Internet from users of this program about its sometimes incorrect work with the Cyrillic alphabet - in our case this was not noted. In theory, the Spartan Multi Clipboard can store up to 150 pieces of data, but the number of variable clips is limited to 25. Memorized clips are automatically saved in the upper part of the program window (area yellow color), where it is stored variable information. Clips that are left for permanent use must be dragged from the yellow area to the white area. And then, for convenience, they can be somehow organized - for example, sorted alphabetically or simply arranged in a convenient order. Individual clips can be highlighted in color to make them easier to navigate. The built-in search also simplifies the process of finding elements in the database. It must be said that in general the principle of organizing fragments here is very convenient if we consider the manager not only from the point of view of inserting just remembered fragments, but also entering various types of permanent information.

Any of the fragments in the database can be viewed on an enlarged scale and inserted into a working document, for which you just need to place the cursor in the document and click on the clip, or after activating the clip, use the “Insert” command from the context menu in the application. However, it is worth noting that the first method does not work in every application. When inserting links, they are provided quick opening in an Internet browser. If necessary (for example, when copying large reports that clearly do not need to be stored in the clip library, if only for reasons of disk space it takes up), it is possible to temporarily disable clipboard tracking using the Tools > " command. Turn Off Capturing". Editing of fragments is also implemented in the program. In particular, in text blocks text can be inserted or deleted, case changed, etc., and graphic fragments can easily be supplemented with text, graphic primitives, background image and etc.

There is a free, simplified analogue of Spartan Multi Clipboard - the M8 Free Clipboard utility (; 4.78 MB), the capabilities of which are limited to storing the last 25 fragments.

Ditto 3.15.4

Distribution size: 2.04 MB
Spreading: free Ditto - very convenient and simple utility to work with the clipboard. It allows you to restore thousands of text (including formatting) and graphic blocks of information. The program (there is no Russian localization) can be downloaded and used completely free of charge. By default, all fragments are placed in a common area, but if necessary, some of them can be easily placed immediately or later moved to specific groups, which allows you to save fragments in accordance, for example, with the theme or software. Simplifies orientation in multiple fragments built-in search filter, to launch which you just need to type the word in search bar at the bottom of the Ditto window. Any of the database fragments can be viewed by hovering the mouse over it or pressing the F3 key on it, and, if necessary, make it undeletable (command "Quick Properties" > "Never Auto Delete"). The latter makes sense for remembering some permanent information that often has to be entered - say, your own e-mail. It is also possible to edit text fragments in the built-in editor, however, only inserting and deleting some information from them, as well as simple formatting, is allowed here.

Inserting the desired fragment into a document is very convenient - drag and drop. If desired, you can simultaneously paste not one, but more fragments copied from different places, however, this only works for fragments of one format. If desired, you can assign hotkeys for insertion for the first ten fragments.

It is convenient to use Ditto as a mini-database for frequently used text fragments - to do this, you need to remember the necessary fragments sequentially, and then disable data collection by selecting the "Disconnect from ClipBoard" command from the program's context menu. After this, you can quickly insert words and phrases previously placed in the database into the required fields by simply dragging and dropping.

Global Clipboard 2.2

Developer: ElasticLogic
Distribution size: 1.56 MB
Spreading: shareware Global Clipboard is a fairly easy-to-use clipboard manager that allows you to restore images, texts (including formatting) and names of copied files and folders from the clipboard. The demo version of the program (there is a Russian localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is $19.95, but this program can be purchased at for 300 rubles. It is worth noting that during testing the program did not work stable enough and crashed several times. A similar situation occurred when we accessed this utility a couple of years ago. By default, the utility can store up to 20 fragments (if desired, the number of stored fragments can be increased to 1000), but the number of active fragments (that is, those that can be accessed instantly) is limited to five. At the same time, if necessary, you can move between saved fragments and change their places, which opens access to other blocks of information available in the database. Any of the active fragments can be viewed in an enlarged form by pressing the left mouse button on it; however, the contents of the fragment will be difficult to read, but you can still find your way around. For each of the active fragments it is provided detailed information(number of lines, words and characters in the copied text, as well as the sizes of images and screenshots). It is most convenient to insert a fragment into the application window by double-clicking the mouse, but you can also click Enter keys or through the "Insert" menu item. It is possible to accumulate several text fragments in a buffer (the "Add text to buffer" command) and simultaneously insert them into the document. It is possible to save different sets of fragments when working with specific application upload the right set fragments - the "Manage Slots" button is responsible for working with sets.

It is possible to recognize identical fragments and edit them; when editing text fragments, it is possible to change the case, and for graphic fragments - rotation, mirror reflection and inverting colors. Both will be required preset hot keys. If text is copied to the clipboard certain type(link or email address), then the program can automatically launch the application necessary to process it - open a link in an Internet browser or create a letter for the email address contained in the clipboard.


Enlarge the page file to increase the clipboard capacity. Click right click Click on the “My Computer” shortcut and select “Properties” from the context menu. Go to the "Advanced" tab. Click on the "Performance Options" button in the "Options" group Virtual memory» click "Edit".

From the list, select required disk. Enter new size swap file in the fields " Original size" And " Maximum size", click "Install". After this, restart your computer for the changes to take effect and for the clipboard to increase.

Use special applications to expand the capabilities of your clipboard. For example, download and install M8 Free Clipboard. It makes it possible to keep on the clipboard different types data. Its interface is a table consisting of 25 cells.

Launch the application, when copying to the clipboard you will hear sound signal, this means that the information has been added to the application. Insert data from it by selecting a cell and selecting the “Insert” command. You can also associate each cell with a letter of the Latin alphabet. You can download the program from the official website

Install the Clipboard Recorder program, you can download it from After launching, the application will appear in the system tray and will remember copied or cut text fragments.

To insert them into a document, expand the program window and select the desired element. In addition to the fragments themselves, it also displays icons of the applications from which they were inserted. When you paste text from the program, its formatting is preserved. You can also organize data transfer and expand the clipboard to work over the network.

Buffering (from English buffer) is the organization of data exchange, in particular input/output of information in computers and other computing devices. This implies the use of temporary storage of clipboard data. When entering data, some processes/devices write data to the buffer, while others read it. When outputting, everything is the other way around, respectively. The issue of increasing buffering directly comes down to increasing the buffer size.


The clipboard is a place in the OP ( random access memory) computer where data is copied for temporary storage, for example, when working in the Explorer application or a text editor. The buffer can be increased by expanding the paging file or by installing programs that expand the buffer's capabilities.

Increase the swap file. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop or in the “Start” menu. Select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. Next, go to the tab called “Advanced”, left-click on the “Performance Options” tab and click on “Change” in the “Virtual Memory” tab.

Select the one you need from the list local disk, enter the required values ​​in megabytes in the “Original size” and “Maximum size” fields, click on “Install”. Then restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Take advantage special programs, in order to expand the buffer capabilities. For example, you can download from the Internet and install M8 Free Clipboard. This program allows you to store on the clipboard Various types data. Its interface is a table that includes 25 cells.

Once you have installed the application, launch it. Now, when copying data to the clipboard, a beep will sound. Inserting data from the buffer occurs by selecting a cell and the “Insert” command. It is also possible to set an association for each cell with a selected letter of the Latin alphabet. The link to download the M8 Free Clipboard program from the official website is in the “ Additional sources"at the end of the article.

Clipboard is one of the most used tools operating system. We're so used to standard commands Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V, which perform operations of copying and pasting data fragments “automatically”. These simple steps can save you a lot of time. And if you improve the usual capabilities of the Windows clipboard using special applications, you can further improve your work efficiency. There are six in this review best programs to work with the clipboard.

Standard clipboard in MS Office and Visual studio has several important disadvantages. Firstly, the number of memorized fragments is limited. Secondly, only those fragments that were copied within applications are remembered. Finally, there is no option to insert stored objects into third party programs, and when you close MS Office or Visual studio, all saved data disappears. The Ditto utility does not have these shortcomings. With its help, you can save an unlimited number of text fragments, as well as images copied to the clipboard, HTML code, etc.

Ditto has another serious advantage over standard means to work with the clipboard. If the program is installed on two or more computers, the contents of the clipboard can be synchronized between working machines. When transmitting data over the network, the information is encrypted, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of the data.

Despite the fact that the number of stored fragments is not limited, in some cases storing a huge number of objects in a buffer is not at all necessary. Therefore, Ditto allows you to set a limit on the number of objects you can save (the default is 500), and you can also set a maximum storage period for them (for example, erase them after five days).

To paste data previously entered into the clipboard, use a special window, which is called up by pressing CTRL+~ or by clicking on the program icon in the tray. It displays the most recently placed objects on the clipboard and also works instant search according to the database. For graphic objects a thumbnail is created, and formatting elements can be shown for RTF fragments.

Although Ditto's main function is to work with the clipboard, the program can also be used simply as a tool for quickly inserting templates. Templates can be created in the built-in text editor. If you want the application to work only with a certain number of fragments and not be replenished with new ones, you can simply disable clipboard tracking. The template database can be saved and later imported into Ditto.

Among the advantages of ArsClip is operation without the need for installation (portable mode), as well as constant updates. The program offers two storage spaces for text fragments. The first contains the latest clips copied to the clipboard (by default there are 15, but the number can be changed). When you press CTRL+Shift+Z, saved items appear as a context menu. A separate submenu stores those fragments that the user accesses most often.

When the number of clips copied to the clipboard exceeds the maximum allowed, they are moved to another storage location. In essence, it resembles the Recycle Bin - the fragments are no longer at hand, but they are still not deleted. Maximum quantity items in the second store can also be managed.

ArsClip can also be used to insert frequently used text fragments. For this purpose, the program implements the function of saving permanent clips. Such fragments are invariably included in the quick insert list. In addition, each of them can be assigned its own hotkey.

ArsClip can insert text in different ways. For example, text fragments can be cleared of unnecessary formatting; fragments can be copied to the clipboard, but not pasted. In addition, keystrokes can be emulated when inserting. Paste options can be configured on a per-application basis.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the quick insert list works in simplified mode by default. If you switch to advanced mode, some interesting functions become available. For example, it becomes possible to insert all the text that is saved in ArsClip with one click or select several fragments for insertion. In addition, you can use the form filling mode. In it, after filling out each field, there will be an automatic transition to next field.

ArsClip works with both text and graphic elements, although you can disable image support in the settings if you wish. In addition, it is possible to limit saving graphic files to size. The program also has convenient commands for quick removal fragments from the database. You can delete only text elements, only graphic elements, all those placed in the quick insert list, etc.

Clipboard Magic remembers text fragments entered into the clipboard and compiles a list of such clips in the form of a table. Any of the previously used clips can be used again and again. To make the list of text fragments previously placed on the clipboard more visual, the user can set his own background color for a particular line in the list of clips.

Clips in the list can be sorted alphabetically, moved up and down, edited directly in the program window, search and replace characters. In addition, it is possible to import text files into the program and saving their contents as clips.

To ensure that the program cache does not contain repetitions, the program can use the command to remove duplicate lists. Lists can be saved as separate files and quickly switch between different sets of clips. When you restart the program, the list is saved automatically, so if after opening Clipboard Magic you see empty lines, but you just need to select the previously saved list and continue working with it.

The program does not have any quick insert menu, but you can place the Clipboard Magic window on top of all windows. Quick insert is done by pressing CTRL + Shift + a number from 0 to 9. The key combination can be changed, but in any case, this method of insertion is not very convenient if you need to paste the same fragment several times, since each time you have to completely release the hot keys. For example, to insert three times in a standard way a piece of text from the Windows clipboard, you need to press and hold Ctrl key, and then press the “V” key three times. In the case of Clipboard Magic, to insert multiple times you need to release and press “Ctrl” and “Shift” again, which is not very convenient.

Anyone who works at a computer for a fairly large amount of time often uses the clipboard, this is the so-called storage of copied or cut files or texts. But the problem is that only one unit is placed in the so-called storage, that is, either one copied or cut file, or one specific text. In this article I want to show a way to solve this problem and save your precious time.

A program called Clipdiary. This program is free for non-commercial use and this is a big plus for us ordinary users. In principle, the program is very convenient and its main function, as you understand, is the extended clipboard, which allows us to find and paste even those files that we copied a week ago.
So, first, let’s download the program from the developer’s official website. Follow the link On the page that opens, we are offered to download two versions of the program, one is a regular installation version, and the other is portable, which will work from any portable device without installation. I download the installation by clicking on the download button.

Run the downloaded file and go through the installation process.

After the installation process has completed, check the box Run Clipdiary to open the program and click Finish.

Our program has opened and now it will always be in the tray (lower right corner) working in the background.

Let's take a look at some of the program's settings. To do this, click file ->settings or just a key F4.

I would like to draw your attention to the hot keys tab. Here we can set hotkeys for the main actions of the program.

1) Open the clip selection dialog: that is, opening the clipboard window where our history is stored, from where we can select and paste text or a file that we copied or cut even a few days ago.

2) Quickly copy the previous clip to the clipboard: that is, paste the clip (file or text) that we copied before copying the one that is currently in the buffer.

3) Quickly copy the following clip to your clipboard: that is, insert a clip that comes after the previous clip we copied.

In the tab database you can set the number of clips (files, texts) that you will need to insert for further work.

As shown in the picture below, the program has trial period because the program is not activated, in my case it is 23 days. As I said earlier, we can activate the program because it is free for non-commercial use.

To do this, go to the tab help and click on the item activate for free.

In the browser window that opens, click the button receive key.

Afterwards the key will appear free license, which must be copied and pasted into the program registration window that opens and click register.

In the window that appears, click OK and wait for the program to restart.

And as you can see in the picture below, the trial period has disappeared, the program is activated.

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