What's the best bookmark manager? Backup bookmarks on Android devices in an easy way

A person who leads an active online life sooner or later accumulates an extensive collection of bookmarks on interesting web pages in his browser. Such archives, if they are not regularly put in order, inevitably turn into real landfills, where finding a link is very, very difficult. If there is a problem, there is a solution, and there are special programs - bookmark managers designed to work on local machine, but over time, online bookmark storage services also appeared. Such resources have attractive sides. Firstly, such archives are not tied to one computer, they are available always and everywhere, as long as there is an Internet connection. They are especially convenient for people who, on duty, sit at one or another PC, and are indispensable for those who often visit Internet cafes or other establishments for public use of the Internet.

Secondly, online services serve as backup storage for your data: valuable links will not be lost with an untimely departed hard drive or lost compact. Not everyone home user can afford daily data backup, which is mandatory for most serious web services. Thirdly, among such resources there is a unique subclass - the so-called social bookmark managers. They are focused on forming communities and active exchange of links between users. These unique hybrids of a web directory, blog and search engine allow Internet users to significantly expand their horizons and get acquainted with a lot of useful, hand-selected links.

There are a lot of online data storage services today; there is plenty to choose from. If you don’t like one, another will do. It is only important to immediately decide on the criteria.

Since the vast majority of contenders for the title of the best SMZ (social bookmark manager) are of foreign origin, when preparing this review First of all, services were eliminated that did not work correctly with Cyrillic when creating bookmarks or when importing them from various sources. Services that were unable to import bookmarks from browsers were eliminated in the semi-finals. Agree, it’s a shame to lose the information acquired over years of surfing. At that stage, unfortunately, services that were attractive from a functional point of view, such as Connotea and SiteULike, were crossed off the list. Then the user policy of the site, the speed and stability of its work were analyzed.

Tell me, who needs a service whose owners are not embarrassed to admit that the transfer personal information client and the information he has collected to a third party - this is normal practice for them and in general main way earnings? A site that is intermittently inaccessible is also useless; in addition, it produces failure after failure. When evaluating the social bookmark manager, the presence of a more or less decent community of users around it was additionally taken into account. Of course, the final list included only free resources: With the current competition in this area, in order to pay money for storing bookmarks, you need very compelling reasons, which a private user usually does not have.

IN general outline Online bookmark managers are designed the same way. First, the user creates an account on the resource. Some projects also offer their own toolbars for popular browsers(usually for Firefox and Internet Explorer), providing fast access to service functions. Adding new links on almost all sites can be done in several modes: either directly on the site, or through a form in a pop-up window while surfing the web. In the second case, you can send information about an interesting web page to the server without closing it. This window is called using a pre-installed browser add-on.

In order for this mechanism to work, additional configuration of a firewall or other means that block pop-ups is usually required. User interface, sorting tools, additional functions– this is where developers give free rein to their imagination. When considering the services, special attention was paid to such highlights that distinguish the best services from among competitors.

To go!

Let's start our review of online bookmark managers with simpler resources. Their the main task– namely storing bookmarks. Social functions are either absent or present, but as an optional add-on.

For privacy lovers, it makes sense to pay attention to the Connectedy manager http://connectedy.com/. Complete and final triumph of anonymity. When registering an account, you are not asked for any personal information at all. Of the shortlisted services, only for Connectedy, specifying an e-mail in your account settings is optional: if you want, provide it so that the system can remind you forgotten password.

Bookmark files are imported from Internet browsers Explorer and Firefox. The manager understands Russian perfectly, and there are no difficulties with recognizing encodings. The interface is emphatically strict: only the list is shown on the page existing folders and bookmarks from open to this moment catalogue. Additional options include a search bar for bookmarks, a menu for sorting and editing open records.

Links are distributed into folders (nested ones are possible). Each catalog has a separate category, which also serves to search for suitable materials from other users. The resource supports the exchange of links between users, but this is clearly not its strong point. Connectedy – solid anonymous service, designed specifically for online storage of personal bookmarks.

The online manager “Yandex.Bookmarks” http://zakladki.yandex.ru/ works in approximately the same way. In order to use it, you need to go through the registration procedure on Yandex and receive a virtual passport. The manager can take bookmarks from Internet Explorer and Mozilla / Firefox. Importing links from any web page you specify is useful. This method of adding bookmarks saves a lot of time; it’s even strange that this service is not very widespread. You can import bookmarks both into the root directory of your private storage on the server, and into a subfolder (but there is no folder, so create it directly during import). There are thematic folders for sorting links.

The manager's interface is simple and clear. The resource page is divided into two parts: on the left is a hierarchical tree of folders, on the right is a list of entries and buttons for creating a new folder or bookmark, for editing or deleting items marked in the list. Available automatic check the functionality of the links you have saved.
A new bookmark is added to the list either directly on the service website or through “Yandex.Bar”. Since this is a personal manager in pure form, there are no tools for sharing your bookmarks or sharing data with other people. The only way to extract data from the system is to export it to an HTML file and then drag it into your browser's bookmarks list.

Very pleasant service without any frills. Thanks to the original and full support Russian language, he stands out from the host of imported Varangians. If you already use Yandex services and just want to save your bookmarks online, the manager is suitable for you. Just don’t forget to visit the site at least occasionally: if you haven’t visited it for more than a year, all your data will be mercilessly deleted.

Interesting experiments with the user interface are being done at MyLinkVault http://mylinkvault.com/. This is still a very young resource, but nevertheless it has its own interesting features. The fact is that complete Drag-n-Drop reigns on its pages: any elements, be it individual links or folders, you can absolutely easily drag and drop them with the mouse, like shortcuts on the “Desktop”. Double click for an object opens a dialog for editing its properties. Drop-down menus are widely used to work with collections. You are free to completely customize the appearance of each folder - change the color and font of the header, as well as the way links are sorted and other directory parameters.
Otherwise, MyLinkVault is a traditional online bookmark manager. Links are quickly and easily imported from Internet Explorer, Mozilla / Firefox, Opera and Safari browsers.

MyLinkVault definitely has the makings of a social manager, but they haven't developed into real talents. For now, it all comes down to viewing the list of fresh links that have entered the system. In the settings there is a filter that allows only bookmarks in certain languages, and Russian is also in the list of available ones. So, if you don't have a very large collection and want to keep your links visible, take a look at MyLinkVault.

Social checkers

Social bookmark managers are special products, and it is not without reason that they are classified as part of the Web 2.0 generation. The rich possibilities for exchanging information within the resource community give such a service a special charm.

One of the pioneers in this area is Del.icio.us http://del.icio.us/. It was his administration that proposed basic set functions, which has become an unwritten standard for services in this category and, at the same time, an object of debate.

A separate topic is the mechanism collaboration resource users. Socialization turned out to be radical: links added to the system become public by default and accessible to anyone. Some people don't like this approach, but the price for your links is fair - bookmarks of the entire Del.icio.us community. Users are truly the strength of Del.icio.us. The audience of the project today is perhaps larger than that of others similar to it. Therefore, there are really a lot of links circulating in the system.

To organize the URL collection on Del.icio.us, tags are used (instead of the usual folders). The number of tags for one link is unlimited. However, each tag must consist of one word. Tags describing the file format are automatically added to saved links. Tags that are similar in meaning can be combined into groups (Tag Bundles), which allows you to correctly classify the collected links.

In addition to the traditional form filling and importing bookmarks from the browser, Del.icio.us also has original options adding links. The service client has the right to take into its collection any link stored on the resource and assign its own tags to it. It's very easy thanks to the internal search engine. Due to the initial publicity of links in the system, you can search not only for links with certain tags, but also for links belonging to specific users. Moreover, it is possible to sign up for a kind of subscription to newly received “urls” corresponding to a specific topic, or to track bookmarks collected by certain representatives of the service’s audience.

The “desktop” of the Del.icio.us user is quite simple: a list of personal links in chronological order, as well as a panel of tags that can be sorted by various criteria. The Tag Clouds tool identifies which tags you access most often and highlights them in general list(special color or in large print) so you can find your favorite categories faster.

An interesting feature of http://del.icio.us/ is the ability to quickly navigate the resource using specially compiled links. So, for example, to find all links published by user, just type in address bar browser “del.icio.us/user”, and in order to see all links marked with a specific tag, enter “del.icio.us/
<нужный тег>" Complex requests are also accepted: “del.icio.us/user/<тег1+тег2>" Other features include searching by file type. Request “del.icio.us/tag/system:
filetype:avi” starts searching for links to videos in AVI format.

Another discovery of the Del.icio.us developers is the widespread use of RSS technology for data export. Content for the corresponding channels is generated based on a pre-compiled request to the system and is updated twice an hour. In addition, Del.icio.us offers a number of “spare parts” (including Link Rolls and Tag Rolls) that may be of interest to webmasters and site owners. Essentially this is news feeds, which run on JavaScript and output either a simple list of recent links to Del.icio.us, or a list of bookmarks tagged with certain tags. It’s easy to add such a feed to your website. Competitors Del.icio.us quickly picked up the idea. Nowadays, using RSS is mandatory for most serious social bookmarking managers.

A large community is a strong trump card that is not so easy to beat. However, the conceptual setting is only for the exchange of links and social functions Not suitable for everyone. In addition, Del.icio.us can no longer be called an independent project. In December 2005, this resource, with all its giblets and collected bookmarks, was purchased by Yahoo!, which for now promises to preserve the service in the form in which it has become familiar to the audience.

Catch up and overtake!

New status Many people did not like http://del.icio.us/, and soon several free clones of Del.icio.us appeared. For some time, the resource De.lirio.us was noticeable, which was positioned precisely as an independent alternative to Del.icio.us. In June 2006, he moved to a new site under the name Simpy http://www.simpy.com/, and De.lirio.us customer information was transferred to Simpy. In general, the service has become a typical social bookmark manager. In addition to public bookmarks, you can also create private ones, visible only to you. One of the interesting features of Simpy is that it automatically assigns tags to new links based on an analysis of the content of the original web pages. To be fair, we note that when applied to Russian-language sites, this mechanism does not always work accurately. In general, you should not rely completely on automation.

It quickly became clear that it was difficult to achieve success by simply copying a successful project. The second wave of social bookmark managers is characterized by expanding the functionality of services and experimenting with the user interface.

The service name Spurl http://spurl.com/ stands for “Special URL”. Spurl is easy to connect with your Del.icio.us account: if the corresponding option is activated, all links that you save through Spurl are automatically added to your collection at http://del.icio.us/. Thus, you can use two resources at once through a single interface. Importing bookmarks from browsers is excellent, we note good support various platforms: Internet Explorer and Mozilla / Firefox, as well as Opera and Safari. When dealing with Spurl, you don't have to import the entire bookmark file from your browser, but choose which sections or even which links should be uploaded to the server. At the same stage, you will be asked to determine which links will become public and which will remain private.

You will also be asked to mark materials (if you have any) that should not be shown to minors: based on this data, the service’s “family” filter will then work. Adding a new link to normal mode is done through a pop-up browser window, and a screenshot of the page is automatically attached to the page description. Bookmark sorting on Spurl is well thought out: you can either distribute them into folders or apply tags.
The system analyzes the tags you use and after a while begins to automatically offer fresh links on related topics. (You can view them in the Discover tab.) Like its venerable competitors, Spurl supports the creation of custom RSS feeds. Such data is provided in XML formats and ATOM or via JavaScript.

Another good online bookmark manager is Blinklist http://www.blinklist.com/. It was opened quite recently, and it has many interesting features. An interesting division is into personal links that are available only to you, public links that are visible to all clients of the service, and links that are open to a limited group of your friends. There is a standard import of bookmarks from a browser (Mozilla / Firefox or Internet Explorer), but you can transfer your links from online resources Spurl and Del.icio.us to Blinklist.
Blinklist's interface is pleasant: adding and editing links is quick, with numerous panels at your fingertips. Since this whole facility runs on AJAX, the speed of the resource is high, despite a large number of reference elements and management tools.

The basis for sorting and searching bookmarks is tags and tag groups. Note that tags in the description are separated not by spaces, as on Del.icio.us, but by commas, so you can use keywords if necessary. Blinklist has a developed rating system: the user assigns them to his bookmarks and tags (thus creating the “Favorites” section). This makes it much easier to navigate through a large collection of links. Blinklist also has its own search system, supporting the use of basic logical operators. The search bar autocompletes when you type tags from your collection.
Because Blinklist is a social manager, you can share your bookmark list with other site visitors. Analysis of tags used by users allows you to search for “interest groups” - users who save bookmarks on topics that interest you.

The Watchlists tool is used for this. Moreover, you have access to a list of people who are interested in your bookmarks. Among additional tools Blinklist is also worth noting Quick Tag Access, which speeds up searching through a large database of bookmarks, as well as Related Tag Clouds, which tells you which tags have already been used in conjunction with the one you just entered. This is very convenient when you find it difficult to choose keywords when describing a new link.
By viewing the public links of other Blinklist users, you can rate them and save them to your own archive. And you don't have to take the time to add your tags right away. Use the Quick Blink function, copy your bookmarks in the background – and that’s it, return to them in your free time.

Like other social bookmark managers, in Blinklist you can create an RSS feed for a website or blog based on your collection. For Firefox fans, it is also available original way extracting data from Blinklist – automatic synchronization online bookmarks with local browser bookmarks. Enable the Live Bookmarking option in your account properties, and every time you add a new link to your collection, it will be automatically reset to local file Firefox bookmarks. Blinklist also offers its own home page– Quick Start, which shows your favorite bookmarks and favorite tags, as well as a list of the resources you frequently visit.

Well, the Blinklist developers have created a decent service with rich functionality. All that remains is to wish him to get it as soon as possible good community users.

Tags vs. folders

Online bookmark managers use themed folders and tags to sort links. With folders, everything is clear: first, the necessary directories are created, into which the links are then saved. The result is a strict structure, everything is in its place. It’s just that it takes a lot of time and effort to create it. And not everyone has the patience to maintain it in proper condition. Tag technology – worthy alternative this way of classifying information. Tags are keywords, verbalized associations that arise when you get acquainted with a certain resource. This method of describing Internet sites is very easy to learn and becomes the basis for additional tools and services.

Tags have one more thing important advantage– flexibility. If, when using folders, one bookmark can be saved only in one specific directory, then when using tags, no one is stopping you from assigning exactly as many thematic labels to the link as you deem necessary. However, this method there are also some nuances. Since tags are placed the most ordinary people(usually without any special training), the quality of indexing varies, to put it mildly.

Competent indexing

A full and comprehensive description of a resource can take a lot of time, so many limit themselves to one or two tags, which are not enough to fully characterize the subject of the found web page. Don’t forget about the existence of synonyms: to describe a certain concept, one user will put some tags, another – others. In addition, there is a possibility of common spelling errors. These points significantly complicate the search necessary links. The creators of online managers are trying to improve the situation by offering various tools for auto-completion of entered tags and hints (similar keywords). This, firstly, speeds things up, and secondly, it allows us to at least somehow maintain the uniformity of the tags used.

In order to help the system when arranging keywords - tags, it is enough to follow some simple rules indexing developed in the pre-Internet era. Whenever possible, try to assign the same tags to links on the same topic. For maximum full description put tags not only on the topic specific page, but also indicating generic characteristics, generalizations (for “browsers” - “programs” and “Internet”), do not neglect synonyms and associations (“network”, “web surfing”, “standards”, etc.) . These rules are especially relevant for owners of really large collections of bookmarks.

Alexey Kutovenko

The Bookmark OS developers have worked hard to make it convenient for you to browse even a large collection of bookmarks and quickly find the items you need in it. To do this, the service offers several modes for displaying links and allows you to group them using tags and folders.

The Bookmark OS interface is divided into two parts. On the left there is a list of tags and a folder tree. By clicking on any of them, you will see all the corresponding bookmarks on the right side of the window with visual icons in the form of screenshots. Thanks to the buttons on the toolbar, you can sort links by date, title, domain and other attributes. Other buttons allow you to change the display mode of bookmarks: list or tile.

Of course, it is possible to search by names of links and folders.

Adding and editing

You can bookmark web pages using a browser extension or bookmarklet - special button, which is displayed on the browser panel. You can also create separate bookmarklets for selected folders so that the service sends links directly to them and does not ask you for the saving path every time. In addition, Bookmark OS has functions for exporting and importing bookmarks from browsers.

The ability to edit added bookmarks and folders deserves special attention. You can select one or several elements at once using the mouse, and then drag them into the desired folder or delete - just like in Windows. But it’s worth saying that in the mobile version of Bookmark OS batch editing absent.

Bookmark OS uses machine learning and natural language processing algorithms to make bookmarking even easier. When you save another web page, the system analyzes your folders, selects the most suitable one from them and suggests placing a new bookmark there.

The service sometimes makes mistakes, but in most cases it recommends suitable folders, which eliminates the need to manually specify the save path.

A button to undo the last action taken can save your data more than once at the right moment.

While the developers have not made applications for mobile platforms, but the web version of Bookmark OS adapts to any screen size. The system synchronizes bookmarks between different devices via the cloud, so your links are always at hand.

In addition, you can share selected folders with your friends. This will allow you to work together on shared links.

Bookmark OS is available for free. But by subscribing for $12 a year, you'll unlock additional settings display, ability to add subfolders, automatic creation screenshots for imported bookmarks and other paid features.

Truly the question of the century: how to remember everything and keep it in your head? The answer is obvious: “Keep the main thing in mind, write down the rest.” The same principle applies to the Internet. It's impossible to remember all the passwords - we made it up different managers passwords. A The best way find a site that has been put aside “for later” - add it to your bookmarks. Typically, standard bookmark managers built into browsers are used. But what should you do if a site with a recipe is bookmarked during your lunch break on your work computer and safely left there? Online bookmarks come to the rescue special services, which store your bookmarks on the Internet, and you can view them from anywhere. Much to the regret of fans of Yandex services, Yandex.bookmarks cease to exist in April 2015. There are not many alternatives to them, but they do exist. For example, Atavi bookmark manager. We will look at it in more detail.

As with many services, for full use Atavi needs to register. Registration takes literally half a minute: you just need to specify your e-mail and come up with (and remember!) a password. No proof of address is required.

So, the main features of Atavi:

Bookmarks are stored “in the cloud” and are not afraid of changing browsers or reinstalling the system.
Saved links are presented as visual bookmarks. For minimalists, there is a list display option - depending on taste and color. And to add a new bookmark, you need to click on any free place with a large plus sign, enter the address, bookmark name and select the group.

One of the main advantages is the ability to divide bookmarks into groups. Groups can be edited: moved, renamed, deleted. You can move a bookmark from one group to another by simply dragging it into the desired group.

Of beauties. There are themes to choose from (15 pieces). You cannot upload your own image.
The developers promise synchronization and cross-browser compatibility. What does it mean? What if you add a bookmark to Chrome, then in a second you can view it on another device and through Firefox, for example.

It is possible to import your bookmarks into Atavi, which are already saved in the browser. You can upload an html file (for example, as in the case of moving from Yandex.bookmarks), or you can use the extension.

Attention: there are useful extensions!

By the way, about extensions. In general, online bookmarks can be used without them. But with the extension it is much more convenient: you don’t need to open it every time new tab to add a page to your bookmarks and immediately assign it to a specific group. The screenshot shows an example of an extension for Firefox.

For those who are especially prudent, there is an option to save bookmarks in an html file so that you can have an offline copy, just in case.

There is also a premium account. You can get it by inviting one or more friends to try Atavi. Although it would be more convenient to just pay n dollars for an annual subscription, most likely this will be implemented.

Additional features of Atavi

Among additional features: more colorful themes, the ability to save a file with bookmarks directly to your Dropbox, you can change the search system (for those who use Google or something else, not Yandex) and you can even set a password for a group of bookmarks (if you happen to have a common account with someone).

Besides the main one there is also mobile version, which allows you to use saved bookmarks from your smartphone or tablet.
In general, Atavi is convenient and handsome manager bookmarks and a great option for storing bookmarks without fear of losing them.

We are very curious, and on the Internet we find oceans of useful and interesting information, which we carefully try to keep in a safe place so as not to get lost in the whole cycle." white noise» digital era.

The most valuable things are stored in sophisticated safes, and the most important and precious sites are trusted to special services - bookmark managers. Of course, now there are more than a dozen such services, moreover, all modern browsers can save and synchronize bookmarks. However, with all this range of possibilities for bookmark managers, finding a truly convenient, reliable and flexible service is still not an easy task.

That's why I chose for our another review an interesting service that compares favorably with standard services bookmark managers – Atavi.com. Let's take a closer look at its capabilities.

So, in addition to the fact that Atavi.com also has standard functionality characteristic of similar bookmark manager services (for example, import, export of bookmarks, the ability to share in in social networks etc.), it also has quite interesting features. And that's what caught my attention.

Distinctive features of the Atavi bookmark manager

Cross-browser compatibility and synchronization

Without a doubt, these are the most important features bookmark manager. In any browser, on any device, any operating systems, you have access to all your saved bookmarks at any time. Always. In this case, the data is instantly synchronized via the cloud and is immediately available. It is difficult to overestimate this “feature”.

In addition, Atavi developers have taken care of high-quality plugins for all popular browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, even Internet Explorer. After installing the appropriate plugin and registering with the Atavi.com service, further saving occurs in a matter of seconds.

So, having saved an important bookmark on your work computer in the office, you can find it on yours with peace of mind mobile phone or an Internet cafe somewhere on the edge of the world. By the way, it seems like it’s time to go on vacation :)

Visualization and groups

Another one interesting feature The service is that Atavi has the ability to switch to visual bookmarks - visual people rejoice :-). In this case, saved bookmarks can be formed into groups to sort information. Thus, the information we need is clear, well organized, with a structure and logic that you understand, in its place and quickly accessible. At the same time, if you are more accustomed standard view bookmarks, you can use it too.


Oh, yes, visual people will undoubtedly thank you for this “feature” that makes it possible to change design themes. You can choose such themes from the catalog (by the way, very bright photographs) or upload your own image.


I liked the opportunity to “upgrade” the start page by adding different widgets to it (there are currently 8 of them). Among these widgets: recently visited sites, favorite sites, bookmark groups, weather forecast, exchange rates, RSS feed, my messages, recently added sites.


It is a rare service that can boast of multilingual interface support. But Atavi currently offers 20 languages. Among them: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Croatian and even Chinese. You can invite your friends and relatives from any country.

For free

Well, the “cherry on the cake” was a pleasant surprise that the creators of the service remain true to their promises and the Atavi bookmark manager is completely free. In this case, the number of saved bookmarks is not limited. With such interesting functionality. For free.


With the development of the Internet, we prefer to browse websites using our Android phone or tablet. But you may run into problems like countless others. We may lose our bookmark due to various accidents. Here we will introduce you to some of the most convenient and easy to use apps to help you create backup copy bookmarks on your Android device. Hope you enjoy them.

Part 1. 3 most popular applications for backing up bookmarks on your Android devices

1. Tab Sorting and Backup

The size of the Sort and Backup bookmarks is very small. But it is useful to help you back up your bookmarks on your Android devices. And you'll no longer worry that you'll spend too much time finding your bookmarks, Bookmark Sorting & Backup helps you organize your bookmarks. You can also order bookmarks by long pressing a bookmark and decide which one comes first. But there is one thing we need to remind you, Bookmark Sort and Backup can only be performed on Android version above 1.5.

2.Maxthon Add-on: Backup Bookmark

Maxthon Add-on: The Backup Tab is very similar to the Sort and Backup Tab. They are very small in size and great help. When backing up bookmarks using Maxthon Add-to:bookmark, this will create backup file and save it to your SD card. What's more, it also allows you to transfer bookmarks to others' default Android browser. There is one thing we need to remind you. Maxthon Add-on: The bookmark cannot be used on its own.

Find your Maxthon Add-on:BookMark here.

3.bookmark manager

bookmark manager great app to backup your Android devices bookmarks to your SD card. With the help of a bookmark manager, these files can be easily restored to your Android devices. If you have a lot of bookmarks and feel it's hard to find any specific one, it can also organize the bookmarks on your Android devices and order them in alphabetical order. Also, there is one thing we need to remind you, if you want to use the bookmark manager, on your Android device you have to be on Android versions OS between 2.1 and 2.3.7.

Find your bookmark manager here.
HTTPS://play.google.com/store/apps/details?ID = com.effectivesoft.bookmarkmanager.lite

Part 2. 3 Methods to Backup Browser Bookmarks Cloud or Computer

Although we use Android phones to browse websites more and more, the computer is still the primary device for browsing websites for most people. Thus, we must learn how to backup bookmarks on PC to the cloud. In the content below, we will make some instruction details to 3 Appendixes. Help may help some of the readers.

1.Google Chrome Sync:

Google Chrome may be one of the most popular browsers in the entire world. If you also install Google Chrome on your Android devices, you can use it to transfer bookmark data between Android devices and PC. Click the Chrome menu option and sign in to your account Google. Once signed, you will find additional sync settings on Google Settings Chrome. Here you can select the file types you want to sync. These types include:

1.ID Password 2. data bookmarks 3. history 4. Programs 5. settings 6. Themes 7. Autofill

In the Chrome menu, you must select Bookmarks. Then click on the Bookmark Manager icon, find the organization and click on it. The last step is to select Export bookmarks to HTML file. This will create HTML file, which you can save if you want. The HTML file can be restored in any other browsers.

2.Firefox Sync:

This app is for Firefox user only. Firefox has provided a way to transfer data between Android bookmarks devices and computer. You need Firefox browser on both your Android devices and computer. This service is called Firefox Sync. To obtain more information You can find it there https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-set-up-firefox-sync. Firefox Sync can only be used on Firefox platform browser. For a long time, this is just a separate program plugin. But now it's part of the main Firefox programs. On the home screen Firefox browser You will find the Firefox Sync icon and click on it to use the service. Types of data that may be transferred include:
1. Also import bookmarks from your Android browser
2. 60 days of history
4. ID with passwords
5. Open Tabs
6. Backup bookmark to file
7. This application creates and edits bookmark

Find the Bookmarks option and click on it. Then select the Show all bookmarks option to open the Library window. It will pop up a library window, there you can click the Import and Backup button and select the backup option. What you need to do next is just wait for the backup process to be finished.

This is a convenient and useful application plugin. You can download the application from their official website: (HTTP://www.xmarks.com/). It is used to backup and sync bookmarks from Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc. If you want to use the Xmarks service, you must register for an Xmarks account and log in. And then all your browser bookmarks will be saved. And you can recover bookmark data for any browsers you want on any computer.

Just get from the official Xmarks website which we have provided above and select the Xmarks download option to add the Xmarks app in your browser. There is one thing we need to remind you, you must download the version that matches your browser.

Additionally, you need to download then install Xmarks on your Android devices. The version that runs on your Android devices is called Xmarks for premium clients. Your Xmarks account must be signed in, then you can use the bookmark service saved. After this, you can use the synchronous backup features of your bookmarks in your mobile phone with Android browser. But there is something that we have to remind you, this application can only be used for free for just 14 days. After that probationary period, you need to pay $12 every year for a premium Xmarks subscription.

IN Google Play You can download Premium Customers from Xmarks>>(Notes: Remember, once you download Xmarks for Premium Customers, do not confuse it.)