What is a blogger or blogger? The function of cohesion and retention of social connections. Blogging - become famous without leaving home

1. Definition: who are bloggers?

Blogger(English "blogger", origin from "weblogger") is a user who posts new posts (entries) on a blog.

A blog is a website that is regularly updated on topics specific to it. For some reason, many Internet users have an attitude towards blogs as diaries. This is already the last century. No one wants to read some person's useless diary entries.

Most often, bloggers write thematic blogs. For example, news posts about events in the auto world, new models, and special offers regularly appear on the autoblog. This is the kind of blog that car lovers will come to and read.

A blog is somewhat reminiscent of a news site run by a non-official (blogger). Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe this site or not. After all, on such a site they can write almost anything. Only the owner is responsible for all material.

Most often, bloggers write on the following topics:

  • Your thoughts about current events
  • Concerns about people, nature, objects, the future, etc.
  • About your events
  • Feature articles and related news
  • Manuals, instructions
  • Reviews, ratings

2. Blogger goals

Depending on the purpose of blogging, materials may be presented in in various forms. But, as practice shows, most bloggers who are in first place most often still pursue the goal of earning money.

Bloggers who are interested in monetizing their blog count on receiving search traffic as the main source of visitors. Therefore, most often their articles are optimized for website promotion. On the one hand, this is good, on the other, not so good. Since the goal is to make money and attract traffic, articles are often written on topics that have already been written more than once. In this regard, there is no effect of “novelty” of materials.

It may be noted that many successful blogs We stopped posting new materials because there is practically nothing left to post. And it makes no sense to write on topics that few people ask for in searches. Spending a whole day writing material that will be visited by 3 people a month is practically pointless.

There are also bloggers who keep their diaries to support some product, online store, brand. Those. These are mostly advertising sites, but they are also blogs.

Where to start promoting your blog on Instagram? How do popular beauty bloggers make money? What to do to become a famous and successful blogger?

Politicians, actors, housewives, football players, businessmen, travelers, writers, plumbers and gamers have blogs. At the same time, many not only write blogs, sharing their news, thoughts, ideas and observations with readers and viewers, but earn decent money from their resources.

Want to join their number? Then this article is for you. Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to become a successful blogger from scratch, how the authors of LiveJournal magazines, YouTube channels and Instagram pages make money, and what is the secret of a successful blog.

In the final you will find useful tips for beginning bloggers - how to succeed, how not to be disappointed, how not to get lost in the endless digital universe and how to find your audience.

1. Blogging – become famous without leaving home

Bloggers (or bloggers - both spellings are considered acceptable) have long become a significant socio-political phenomenon. Their opinions are taken into account by the central media, they are talked about on television, their posts are discussed on serious analytical sites and in in social networks.

To become a famous blogger, you don’t have to be in the public eye, have literary talent, or have any superpowers. It’s not even necessary to leave the house and “hang out” in public places. All that is required is is to write a blog that is interesting to readers.

I will tell you how to run it, where to start and how to earn income from a blog in the following sections. But first you need to clearly define the terminology.

Blogelectronic diary(magazine, website), which the author maintains online and updates periodically. The content of the site can be text, multimedia, or combined.

Blogs are not just read and viewed, but also comment everyone is interested. In that fundamental difference blog from, say, a handwritten diary that you keep for yourself.

Any Internet user can create a blog. The world's first blogger is considered Tim Berners-Lee– inventor of URL, HTML, creator world wide web, who had a key influence on the development of the Internet.

There are millions of bloggers in the world now. Some of them keep journals solely for their own pleasure or to communicate with people who share their passions and views. Other make money with a blog. And they earn decent money.

According to Forbes magazine creator PewDiePie on YouTube Felix Kjellberg only in 2016 I started working online $15 million .

That same year the magazine "Half" included him in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world. The number of his subscribers now totals approximately 60 million people. And all this thanks to a channel dedicated to video games!

This is by no means a unique case, but rather the most illustrative and logical success story in conditions of absolute accessibility personal information online. There are famous bloggers not only abroad, but also in Russia.

Watch this short video:

Blogs are created by:

  • on your own domain;
  • using special services;
  • based on social networks.

Some bloggers - advanced users Internet, who know how to create websites and manage the “engine” on hosting, other an Instagram account is enough to become rich and famous.

Among the bloggers there are professional analysts who write on serious political topics, there are ordinary people who write about everything under the sun, make videos, post photographs, recipes, life hacks and other useful or useless information.

The collection of all blogs on the Internet is called "blogosphere".

It’s difficult to say which topics are the most promising in terms of monetization - success is possible in any niche. But you won’t go wrong if you talk about it in an interesting, competent and detailed manner. business, psychology of success, family relationships, earning money online and offline.

The unspoken rule of success: the topic should really concern you personally, since a blog is, first of all, an individual view of things, phenomena, people and events.

There are many types of blogs:

  • Thematic– dedicated to highly specialized topics: do-it-yourself auto tuning, cake recipes, winter fishing, travel.
  • Science blogs– magazines that are run by scientific experts and read by everyone.
  • Cultural– magazines about a particular area of ​​culture (painting, cinema, music).
  • Educational– dedicated to the topic of education, enlightenment, school.
  • Personal diaries– the author’s story about the events that happen in his life. Diaries are kept by both media stars and ordinary citizens - among both blogs there is interesting content.

2. What types of bloggers are there – 3 main categories

In addition to the topic, blogs are divided by methods of supplying material. The author himself chooses which option is closer to him - maintaining a text blog, a video channel or a photo blog: it all depends on the preferences of the blogger himself and the characteristics of the audience for whom he creates.

For example, gamers – young people aged 15 and older – have no need to read analytical texts about games: it’s better to see it once. But it will be difficult for political observers to justify their point of view with pictures alone.

Category 1. Video bloggers

These people keep their journals in video format - on YouTube channels (YouTube) and the like. Viewers subscribe to the channel and regularly watch new episodes. The authors shoot and edit the videos themselves.

Among the video bloggers there are professional music video makers and directors. And there are those who limit themselves to a simple slide show or showing their screen and voice-over comments.

IN last years the so-called beauty blogs. In such magazines, authors talk about everything what has to do with the beauty industry. Reviews of cosmetics, perfumes, makeup and hair styling lessons, skin care tips, etc.

Initially, beauty blogs were exclusively Western, but today there are many Russian channels, which are conducted by both professional makeup artists and everyone. Young beautiful girls enthusiastically try cosmetic products on themselves, share their results and impressions.

Parallel leading advertise brands openly or covertly, post on their blogs affiliate links or just sell cosmetics.

Some useful tips for beginners.

Read, memorize, put into practice!

If you create a blog to increase self-esteem, do not communicate with readers and are not interested in their opinions, such a resource will quickly wither. The audience needs to be loved and respected, then she will reciprocate your feelings.

Blogs are for people. Embrace this truth. If your resource does not bring benefits to people, no amount of SEO optimization will save it. You have to love search engines too, but focus on people.

All currently successful bloggers made a lot of mistakes at the beginning of their journey. Some even closed their sites and pages to create new ones from scratch.

Mistakes are an inevitable condition of learning. With mistakes comes experience. And with experience comes ease, understanding of the needs of the audience and long-awaited popularity.

Tip 4: Create a database of email addresses

Start building your base from the very beginning email addresses your readers. This is necessary to organize the mailing. But she shouldn't be too intrusive. There is no need to bombard readers with daily letters and messages. Be adequate - remind yourself regularly, but delicately.

Blog about yourself. Be yourself – even on a niche blog. You won’t believe it, but there are hundreds, or even thousands, of people in the world who look like you, who share your interests. And never consider your readers dumber, simpler, or more naive than you.

6. How much do bloggers earn - personal experience

Earnings directly depend on the number of subscribers and the activity of the author. Some bloggers do not need monetization at all - they have other income, and they run their sites and pages solely for entertainment purposes. Others combine business with pleasure - they blog for the soul and at the same time make money from it.

You have every chance to earn the same or more - online income depends only on your activity!

7. Conclusion

Now you know more about how to become a successful blogger and make money from your pages and sites. Universal secret a successful blog – benefits for readers and a competent approach to monetization.

Question for readers

Do you think a blogger still needs his own personal website or can he get by with free resources?

We wish you successful monetization and a million readers on your blog! Write comments, additions and remarks. Share the article with your friends on social networks. See you again!

Blogger- a person who keeps a diary on the Internet, he supplements the texts graphic images, video, personal photos. A blogger can talk about his life, work with news, create texts about hobbies, and record videos that will attract new subscribers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature, computer science and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description of the blogger profession

Blogs are new to the RuNet and are gradually gaining popularity. Today thousands of girls and boys have own blogs, receiving profit for advertising. Let's look at the main types of blogs:

  • a text blog in which the author publishes his own articles, supplementing them with pictures and links to the source;
  • vlog (video blog), where the author publishes his own videos. These can be reviews of games, films, books, video tutorials and more;
  • podcast. Podcast bloggers post audio files;
  • photo blogs full of pictures that can be supplemented with short captions, hashtags or comments;
  • microblogs, which are most often maintained by owners of pages on social networks.

The main advantage of the profession is that the work does not require special skills and investments, with the exception of vlogging, because in this case you need to have minimum set equipment (video cameras, software, good computer).

Features of the blogger profession

The profession, at first glance, seems simple, but this is not at all true, because finding interesting topics and keeping an audience is very, very difficult. Every year, more than 20 million blogs are created in the United States alone, but only 1% of authors receive a stable profit from their work. Many bloggers create both vlogs and text blogs, and microblogging, working with different topics, and then choose the one that attracted users. All blogs can be divided into 2 types:

  • private, which are conducted by one person in the first person. Such blogs can be thematic or personal;
  • corporate, for which specially trained people are hired. We are talking about blogs of online stores, public figures, companies, etc.

A blogger begins to make a profit after he has a certain number of subscribers. Different platforms where you can create your blog have individual requirements, but most often they pay attention to the number of subscribers, visits or views.

Well-known bloggers enter into contracts by advertising certain products on their pages on social networks and in videos. You can make profit from an online diary by placing contextual advertising, selling links, receiving material resources from sponsors who are interested in developing the blog.

Pros and cons of being a blogger


  1. Distant work.
  2. Both adults and teenagers can work.
  3. A blog is a great startup that requires virtually no financial investment.
  4. You can make a profit anywhere in the world.
  5. Not exorbitant, but quite high fees.
  6. You can constantly develop.
  7. Creative work.
  8. Opportunity to gain enormous popularity.


  1. Not all bloggers become popular.
  2. Copying someone else's content or ideas may result in your blog being blocked.
  3. Sargent comments from users.
  4. Unstable income.
  5. Lack of career growth.
  6. If you want to gain popularity right away, then you need to invest in promotion (attracting subscribers, viral advertising, reposts and others).

Important personal qualities of a blogger

A blogger must be a cheerful, very active and positive person who easily responds to criticism. He must be able to look for interesting topics that will be discussed and quoted, therefore the following traits predominate in his character:

  • ability to concentrate;
  • perseverance;
  • observation;
  • well-developed imagination;
  • creative and commercial spirit;
  • thirst for new knowledge;
  • the ability to admit your mistakes;
  • honesty and charisma;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

It is worth remembering that a blogger is a very talented person who knows the basics of time marketing, has excellent self-control, and knows how to control his emotions. New posts and videos need to be added to successful blogs every day, so only a persistent and responsible person can achieve success in this area.

How to become a blogger?

Bloggers are not taught at universities or technical schools; this profession is a calling, but a blogger must be literate, he must have a good understanding of the topics of his online diary. Most often, the profession chosen by journalists, managers, programmers, professional gamers, developers, people with hobbies, teachers who can create useful content. A blogger, starting work, must obtain minimal knowledge about the following areas:

Get necessary knowledge You can take special courses that can be free. If you do not want to study or already have the necessary skills, you can create a profile in Twitter , YouTube , Instagram ,

Studying at this school will be a great start for people who have a minimal understanding of how to run and create successful blogs. The training program consists of full-fledged video lessons that you can watch at your convenience. Students can contact the support service at any time to get advice from qualified specialists.

In this article, I will tell you who is a blogger, as well as about related aspects.

But first, I would like to note that this term can be interpreted in completely different ways, and in some cases even have their own clear definitions. Therefore, treat all subsequent words as a subjective opinion.

And not to delay.

Blogger is a person who runs his own blog on the Internet. It is worth noting that although the word blogger initially includes 2 letters “g”, it is often written with just one letter, that is, blogger.

In short, the main difference between a blog and any information resource This is a clear focus of the topic. That is, these can be articles devoted to everyday life a certain person(for example, yourself), this could be materials about a certain product or occupation (for example, dedicated to various awards, successes, or simply use cases). In general, these are all things that can be described as “like entries in a diary.”

Most often, the goal of a blogger is to attract interest in something and/or gather a certain audience around this something. About my life, as an example - notes from a traveler. By type of activity, as an example - cooking. To the product, as an example - “this is how cool my book is and how it helped everyone, and how it continues to help.” That is, this is not just a set of articles, but purposeful note-taking.

Why does a blogger gather people? By by and large, everything is divided into two types:

2. Commercialization. It is not difficult to guess that in in this case we are talking about the fact that the main purpose of a blog is to attract interest in something commercial or to create a small society that could be of interest to commerce (for example, periodic publication of articles talking about some products, or simply contextual advertising). However, it is worth understanding that the blog itself can be very useful and of interest to ordinary people(that is, not inferior in quality to a non-profit blog). It’s just that the original purpose of such a blog is purely commercial.

Why become a blogger? The answer to this question is actually not as simple as it might seem. If you have a hobby, “chat” and similar things, the answer is really quite simple - “a desire has appeared.” But with the commercial type everything is somewhat more complicated, since the answers there can be quite varied. Here are some examples. People simply have no interest in some activity and therefore it needs to be somehow formed (for example, in the city no one likes to swim and it is necessary to somehow arouse interest in this). Some blogs are created simply for the purpose of maintaining interest (for example, to get people to talk about someone or something more often). Some blogs are created simply as a necessity, for example, to promote search engines It was better. Or another example - to demonstrate activity. And so on.

How to become a blogger? In general, this is very easy to do. Create a blog and start writing articles. As they say, it’s easier than steamed turnips. However, this only looks simple, but in practice everything is much more complicated. The fact is that there are only a few such blogs where the author wrote a dozen articles, and then the next day the entire Internet already knows him. Moreover, a number of such units are generally blogs that have been promoted in advance (for example, on the day a note is published, articles on this blog are also posted in large portals, it happens advertising campaign V social media or SMM, and so on). In most cases, this is great amount time and effort spent on promoting the blog, constant communication with readers, analyzing interest and much, much more. By the way, this is why there are many abandoned blogs on the Internet, the authors of which did not even think about the need to do something.

So, if you are really thinking about becoming a blogger, then for your first blog I advise you to choose exactly the topic that interests you. So that if difficulties arise (for example, there are few users, the site is poorly indexed, etc.), you can always find the interest and strength to continue it. However, you should never forget about common sense. For example, there are simply topics that few people are interested in.

Many active users Internet people have at least once in their lives thought about how bloggers make money. A logical question, because people who run their own channel on YouTube or virtual diary(in LiveJournal, for example), a really solid income, and everyone is interested in what needs to be done to get it. And that’s why it’s worth discussing this topic.


Since video blogging is more popular than text blogging, I would like to dwell on it in more detail. Advertising is main source income of each owner famous channel. Surely every person who uses YouTube has noticed PR videos. This is advertising. It automatically turns on either just before the start of the video that is open for viewing, or appears in the middle. Sometimes more than one advertising image pops up. It is at their expense that the profit of the channel owner who uploads the videos is made.

When talking about how bloggers make money, it's worth taking a closer look at this principle. So, there is a certain company engaged in the production of cosmetics. The company needs buyers, and therefore its representatives order advertising from Google Corporation, which owns YouTube. Then specialists to attract target audience identify several of the most popular thematic channels, the owners of which post relevant videos. In this case, we are talking about beauty blogs - video diaries dedicated to the topic of beauty. In almost all cases, they are led by girls. In their videos, they discuss issues related to cosmetics, and also conduct master classes on makeup and hairstyles. Naturally, they have a corresponding audience.

Then the channel owners are invited to cooperate - an advertisement is played before their video, and the authors are awarded funds. Everyone wins. The blogger gets money, the audience gets information, and the customer gets new clients.

What is the amount?

This, of course, is not all there is to know about how bloggers make money. There are specifics in cooperation with advertisers.

But what is the amount? She is not big. The author of the channel receives only a certain percentage of the funds paid by the advertiser. Let’s say that for every click to his site he offers $1. A blogger can get 30-40 cents from it. This is not much, but many believe that in this way YouTube encourages channel owners to create more interesting and quality content- to increase the number of views and, accordingly, potential clients advertiser.

PR directly

When talking about whether bloggers make money, one cannot fail to mention the direct advertising method. It is, however, offered to owners of popular channels - those on which the number of subscribers amounts to hundreds of thousands or even millions.

The point is that the blogger promotes the advertiser’s website/product/service in the video itself, briefly talking about the advantages and merits of what is being offered. Then, as a rule, the phrase follows: “You can see the link to the site in the video description.”

This method is effective. In this case, users begin to feel interest in the advertised product on a subconscious level, since it is being promoted famous blogger, whom they trust.

Income of famous YouTubers

On a well-known website dedicated to videos, the number of registered channels is in the millions. However, only a few of them are highly rated.

If we turn to the vastness of the RuNet, we can highlight several channels. Many TOPs are headed by Ivan Rudskoy with his blog called EeOneGuy (renamed “Ivangay” in 2017). The guy is 21 years old, and his estimated income from the affiliate YouTube program, is about 300,000 dollars (17,158,500 rubles at the current exchange rate). His channel has almost 11.4 million subscribers and total views of more than 2.5 billion.

The blog of Maxim Golopolosov, who hosts an entertainment show called “+100500,” is also popular. He has been on YouTube for 7 years, and during this time more than 8 million people have subscribed to the main channel (there is also a second one). According to statistics from the Statsheep portal, Maxim’s income during the entire existence of the channel amounted to about $2.6 million.

You can give many more examples, but even looking at these, you can understand why many people are interested in how to become a video blogger and make money.

Showing the product with your face

There is one more topic that is worth noting when talking about how bloggers make money on YouTube.

It happens that a product is advertised directly in the video. For example, an online store of cool things with unusual prints can order PR from one or another blogger, inviting him to shoot one of the videos while wearing one of these T-shirts. And at the end of his video, he can say something like: “By the way, this T-shirt was given to me by the guys from the store (the name is indicated). If you want to look stylish, take a look there - I’ll leave the link in the description.”

Equipment stores, for example, provide cameras to bloggers, which they ask to use to film their next episode. A very convenient method, because viewers can immediately evaluate the quality of the equipment. Girls who run a beauty blog are often asked to show a master class in a video using cosmetics from the brand they want to advertise. And there are many similar examples. To advertise this or that product there is always popular channel relevant topics.

Monetization of videos