What should a landing page be like: how to make a landing page. Examples of how to use social proof. Creating a Landing Page in the Wix Builder

There are many rules and principles to great design, but when it comes to landing pages, it's almost an exact science. We are talking about design that focuses on conversion or using it to persuade the user to take a certain action.

The first, and perhaps most important, task is to find a clear USP (unique trade offer) product or service, and then use a landing page design to focus everything on one main call to action (CTA). This could be an invitation to the visitor to register or make an instant purchase. Whatever the purpose, it is the job of the page design to direct the user towards it - whether through the use of white space, contrasting colors or clearer directional signals.

Clear, concise headings and subheadings, easy-to-check bullet points are what's important today. The landing page should be prominent, show the main image of the product or service often so that it is in full view at all times, and hit the nail on the head to avoid losing the user's attention.

Thinking about this, we have collected 10 especially effective examples landing page design to show how this theory is applied in practice.

The Mysterious Blob Breaks Most of the Rules of Conventional Landing Page Design

First, let's look at a page that ignores most of the rules we just mentioned, at least so far it has been quite successful at doing so.

Not wanting to lower the bar and use standard template interface, design agency Resn created landing page, centered around the "blob" - a mysterious, shimmering teardrop-shaped polygon that acts as a portal into the soul of the Resn. Click and hold your mouse cursor and you'll see completely different things every time: an apple-themed kaleidoscope, a bat with a Ouija board that uses X-ray laser beams to rip people's faces off old paintings, a psychedelic tunnel with different twists, a beating ball about a pipe, a bottle that collects drops, and then pours out a bunch of different rubbish.

Resn broke many of the usual landing page rules, but the results are compelling. The Blob likely works as the perfect filter for attracting the types of clients the agency wants to work with, and it's truly a great page that you'll probably never forget.

Every panel is a temptation

With its neatly arranged grid of stunning images, Present & Correct is sure to reach its core audience - people for whom office supplies are a real fetish.

Graphic graph paper as a background, pale gray coloring, classic font like old textbooks and panels, each displaying a beautiful product. Products are carefully sorted into categories displayed in top line menu, but it’s tempting to skip them and immediately start with the section under the intriguing name “Ephemerals”.

A landing page that talks about the power of typography

“We're the company behind type,” Monotype's landing page states, and its sleek, smart design goes hand-in-hand with that confident statement. Accordingly, for a company that works with fonts, the main landing page is all text, but with a clever twist: using a special dialog at the bottom of the page, you can change the appearance of the statement, choosing from a presented assortment of fonts (various weights and styles) to get an idea of ​​what what Monotype does.

It's all wonderfully low-key and encourages you to click on text links, which lead to four more detailed landing pages - fonts, technology, experience and company, thereby explaining Monotype's business and services in more detail, and of course, you get the all-important fonts.

LS Productions lures you into a cavalcade of chic places in Scotland

LS Productions, a Scotland-based video and stills production company, knows what its greatest asset is, and that's exactly what you see as soon as you land on the site. A full-window looping video showcasing a selection of beautiful Scottish locations the company can offer for your film or print project. Scroll down and you'll learn about three main services: video, footage and locations.

At this point, the page has already done its job and everything that is posted below is just window dressing. If you want to hire LS Productions then you can go to one of the main services pages where you will find a wealth of well presented information to ensure the company's suitability.

O"Neill - a page that perfectly sells the dream of snow and surfing

American brand O'Neill is primarily focused on two things, surfing and snow, and the site makes this clear with its landing page, which sells a wide range of clothing and sports equipment with stunning photos of big waves and snow-capped mountains.

A set of drop-down links at the top of the landing page can lead you straight to what you want, unless you know what follows below: There's a carousel of recommended products and two columns of page sections waiting for you. And the Instagram gallery at the very bottom is enough to have you rushing to the beach or to the top of the nearest mountain, but not before stocking up on O'Neill gear, and if you're in a hurry, you'll also find convenient search dealers.

You Simply Can't Miss the Call to Action on Bear CSS Landing Page

Bear CSS is a tool that helps web designers create CSS code more quickly and easily from their existing HTML. This simple layout follows all the basic rules of landing page design - clarity and simplicity without too much information.

The main call to action "download HTML" is big button orange color on a pale gray background, below three bullet points explaining the entire process. And just in case you miss her, the Bear CSS mascot points his paw directly at her from the other side of the screen.

Squarespace knows their core customers and has built their page around them

Popular for its creativity, Squarespace provides high-quality subscription website templates. Recognizing that users will react to various points pages, the site features several pages showcasing various aspects of the Squarespace site (including landing pages), as well as pages aimed at photographers, bloggers, artists, musicians, restaurants, and weddings.

Each section has a full-screen image, a large headline in the center, and a call to action placed directly below it. Each landing page also includes a gallery of inspiring sites and a tour of Squarespace benefits. But everything ultimately leads to one place: choosing a template and the opportunity to test a free one trial version.

GiftRocket's eye-catching gold call to action grabs attention instantly

Another great practice and example of how to use the simple title + formula bulleted list+ Call to Action" from GiftRocket is a beautifully designed landing page with an illustrated main page that is surrounded by icons of all the different products and services that are available for purchase.

And the finishing touch, standing out golden button“Send GiftRocket” on a light beige background that grabs attention as the only point of entry.

The one-page page shows what the application has to offer

The landing page for the retro analogue photography app showcases all the features of Hipstamatic, plus appearance and its intuitive navigation, engaging users as much as possible.

At the top of the page, there's a scrollable gallery of sample photos taken with the app. The call to action is immediately noticeable: the large slogan “Do beautiful pictures” and a big yellow button inviting you to install the application on your iPhone.

No need for trinkets - Square now has its own POS software

A landing page is used to lure users with a free card reader in exchange for signing up for POS software. The result is a focused page that hits the nail on the head with the headline " Software POS is simple, powerful and free."

Below the title and the main product image, four short paragraphs describe the benefits of the product, and beyond that there is nothing else to distract the user from the download link located in a prominent place.

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


What is a landing page?

Landing page (aka " landing page", landing page) often means too many unrelated things. This term is often used to refer to a structure built in such a way as to collect maximum traffic and ensure the greatest conversion within this traffic.

Yes, the expression is absolutely true, but it does not have to be one page, because a site, for example, an online store, can have a lot of landing pages.

From a web analytics perspective, a landing page is the entry page where traffic arrives.

Why are landing pages needed?

They are created, as a rule, in matters of conversion optimization: when it is necessary to motivate the user to take a target action. Conversion involves the process of performing certain targeted actions (purchase, download, view, etc.), and the conversion rate is the percentage of users who performed this very targeted action. This leads to a slight inaccuracy when we're talking about about naming them as “selling” pages, because selling is not the only target action.

Factors influencing conversion:

  • Traffic quality. TO then it comes to the page where these people are from, what they want to see on the site.
  • Interface. The page design should be done in such a way that all necessary information was before my eyes.

It is worth noting that correct setting landing page increases the number of applications by 5 - 10 times.

To achieve increased conversions, you need to properly optimize your landing pages.
IN the right landing page There should be no distracting links, unclear (non-motivating) texts and overloaded forms.

How to make the right landing page?

  1. Decide on your goals. What actions do you want from the user: submitting an application, purchasing, viewing. These are the supporting points.
  2. Write good text. The title should be attractive and relevant search query user. Tell us about the product or service. How can the buyer like you, describe the advantages. For example, the headline “We sell reliable security systems in Voronezh" is better than "You have come to the right address", etc. Remember that the text should not contain errors or typos.
  3. The design should attract attention. If you are selling something, it makes sense to show the product “in person” and, even better, to show it in use. Videos and beautiful pictures keep attention.
  4. If the purpose is for the user to submit a form, it should be placed in a visible place. And so that it does not disrupt his general path of movement across the page. The target action should be where the eye falls. Links to other products, beautiful pictures - anything that can motivate a visitor to look further at your site. The application form should only ask for mandatory information. Don't overload the form big amount fields. Leave only the necessary data for further processing. Mandatory: the form must return a response about successful (or unsuccessful, indicate the reasons) submission.

Example of a good application form

And further:

  • Content should work to increase trust.
  • Place logos famous brands, with whom you collaborated, addresses, telephone numbers - everything that can prove that you are real and can be trusted.

Examples of high-converting landing pages

Consider the landing page for a speech technique course:

  • Pay attention to the picture: the person is not looking at the title and this is another technique for managing attention. Pictures themselves attract the eye, but if the model is looking not at you, but at the advertised object, you will unconsciously shift your gaze.
  • Benefits and guarantees are immediately presented: getting rid of defects, a guarantee of results after 6 lessons is indicated.
  • The presence of a price and a “Submit Request” button on the main image are also an important factor.

There is a small note: The “Course Program” block in itself is not a target part, but it can draw users’ attention to itself so that users, having become interested in the program, may not scroll to the end of the page.

The contact page is designed taking into account the nearest metro station and time.

Here we see another “Request a call” form. We do not miss a user who does not want to leave a request, we provide an alternative option.

Logos of famous brands increase trust.

And finally:

And finally, we “pick up” users who, having viewed the page to the end, do not want to scroll up.

Examples of far from the best landing pages

Now let's look at a slightly ambiguous landing page.

The site delivers pizza. Which doesn't have a photo...

In addition to the fact that there is no photo of the pizza, the site does not have the name of the restaurant or delivery service... any name at all...

Only by scrolling down can you see the text and at the very bottom is the phone number. But the name is still nowhere to be found. Delivery? And just home delivery of food... Secret, apparently.

I hope the article was useful to you. I'm waiting for questions in the comments.

Most private business owners various services and small organizations understand how important it is to conduct business online. Creating a website and maintaining a page on social networks is now part of marketing strategy any company.

But few companies and organizations know how to make the most of the opportunities the Internet gives them. Creating a website is definitely key point in working online, but you can achieve much more using additional features. Creating landing pages is one such opportunity.

What are landing pages for?

A landing page (landing page) looks the same as a website, but it works a little differently. In online marketing, landing pages serve a specific purpose - downloading programs, signing up for subscriptions, purchasing products, etc. Unlike the purpose of the site, a landing page serves only one clearly defined purpose - convincing users to perform one specific action.

What does it mean?

    From a content point of view, a landing page should convey just one idea. It must convince the user to perform the target action and explains the benefits of performing this action.

    The design of such a page should be built around this action and nothing more. This also means that the design should not attract too much attention and distract users from the main goal.

    The ultimate goal of the page is to get the user to click on the button. Both the design and copy of the page should reflect this.

    A landing page, as the name suggests, literally means one page. You can break it up into multiple sections (like this example) or add galleries with dynamic content (like below), but it should only be one page and preferably not too long.

    Headings, subheadings, buttons and images should convey the main idea of ​​the page in a compelling and effective way.

How do landing pages work?

For a landing page to do its job, you need to drive traffic to it. This can be done in several ways:

    Create a targeted contextual advertising campaign (PPC) in search engines that will link to landing pages.

    Send landing page in which your subscribers receive.

    Optimize your landing page content so that search engines can find you in organic (free) search.

All of these methods are good for driving traffic to your landing page, but then you'll need to think about where to send users once they land on your page. We've already said that the ultimate goal of a landing page is to convince users to click, but where should that click take them? Will they go to the shopping cart? On the registration form? On inside page your site? Think carefully about next step and help users complete it in one click.

Creating a Landing Page in the Wix Builder

If you think landing pages can help you online promotion, don’t wait and create such a page right now. In Wix, you'll find many that are designed specifically to help you get as many clicks as possible. Choose a theme or design that the best way convey the style of your business, then add your photos, text and links.

Important: One of the main advantages of landing pages is that they are quite simple to create. This means that you can create several versions of such a page with different designs and test which one will bring best result. Landing page testing is an integral part of professional online marketing. This way you can learn a lot about your target audience and focus on the right positioning.

Designer Pedro Cortez.

To bookmarks


I generally don't recommend using other sites as a role model, as different sites serve different business needs and your energy is better spent understanding the context and strategy of your own product.

It’s rare to find a landing page for a SaaS product where the creators paid a lot of attention to converting visitors into buyers, and not just to the attractive design of the page.

I have collected examples of the best landing pages for SaaS products that I have seen over several years (thousands of sites). You can refer to these sites when creating your landing page.

Good title

It creates the first impression of the product. If you don't get the headline right, people will leave the page within seconds and leave no opportunity to talk about what you have to offer.

What are the characteristics of a good headline?

  • It explains what the company does and identifies the problem that the product will help solve.
  • It arouses curiosity in the visitor and a desire to learn more about the product.
  • Reduces the bounce rate to zero (the number of people who immediately closed the site without trying to study it).


Title: “Make your website better. Instantly"

What I like about this title is that it doesn't explain what CrazyEgg is, but instead focuses on the problem the product solves.

It also piques curiosity because you won't know anything about the product unless you click the link at the end.

This technique could work well, but CrazyEgg's landing page is designed in article format. The team does a lot of work in the field of content marketing and trusts articles more, in which CrazyEgg describes useful experiences and offers its service as a tool for solving problems.


Title: “Teach your app to see emotions”

On the product page based on artificial intelligence it is usually very difficult to understand anything because they are often written by the creators themselves. It is especially difficult to understand the material if it was written at the initial stage of development.

The result is a terrible product description that does nothing to help conversions.

Lobe.ai is an exception to this rule and is the best explanation of an AI product I have ever seen.

You can see how the product works. This is a great example of how to use visual effects to explain the principle of operation of the system, and small text inserts will give a little more context for those who are interested.

They rely on GIF animations. To fully understand what I’m talking about, it’s better to go to the site and see everything with your own eyes.


Title: "One app to manage your entire business"

The title is simple and doesn't provide much context.

A trick that Plutio used is to put a video on the preview page that explains how the app works. This arouses curiosity and encourages you to watch the video. Sometimes it's much easier to explain the value of your product with a video, but it's insanely difficult to get most people to watch it.

Perspective funnels

Title: “The Lead Generation Revolution. Mobile conversion funnels"

Every detail plays its role. It’s easy to understand what benefits the service can bring you from the name and video on right side. The essence of the service is reflected right in the title.

I also liked the offer to attend a webinar or course that will teach you how to use the product. This is a way to demonstrate its capabilities and convert the user into a buyer (unfortunately, it is in German, so I could not evaluate it).

Login elements that help increase conversions

It is important to create relevant CTAs on your landing page. Most likely, your visitors are not ready to become buyers right away, so divide them into groups.


On the left are the conditions:

  • your trial period will automatically end after 30 days;
  • We won't spam you by email;
  • you don't need to tie yours bank card to your account;
  • We're confident you'll fall in love with Starred.

This is a great way to remind visitors why they are here and what value they will get from their free trial.

A common problem is that some visitors click on the register button, but most of them never complete the process. Here's an easy way to fix it.

You can use the exact same layout to encourage a visitor to take advantage of the demo (especially true for expensive SaaS products).


Lobe.ai has useful CTAs at the end, clicking on which you can learn more about the product

At the end of the landing page you will find many examples of how the technology can be used for various applications.

Although the project ultimately failed to take full advantage of this.

Here's how to make a conversion funnel using the examples at the end:

  • Find out which technology uses people are most interested in by tracking which pages they visit most often.
  • Attract target audience, targeting that (best converting) niche or application, and fill the product 100% for that niche.
  • Use targeted advertising based on specific page, which the user was on, and the niche to which it belongs.

It would be a goldmine.


CTA: “Find out how Roadmap can help your team enjoy the last 20% of a task”

Roadmap has an amazing strategy of placing a CTA at the end of every page. This allows you to control your journey through the site.

You could immediately become a buyer (if you are ready) or from a cold visitor who knows nothing about the product, you could become someone who understands exactly what the service does, what results they will help achieve, and how much it costs.

I myself always use this strategy at the end of my articles. Cold visitors read articles unhindered until they want to call and pay money so that I can help them solve their conversion problems.


Building trust and long-term visitor conversion with content

These guys have a ton of great content through which they educate potential customers on how to solve problems, while at the same time showing exactly how Helpscout can fix the situation (amazing content marketing).

On the landing page they have CTA elements that invite you to pass free education. Later, the company may use an email drip marketing campaign to warm you up until you take advantage of a free trial or demo.

But why should you educate potential buyers? Here are some reasons.

  • By giving them something of value for free, you establish strong trust.
  • These people may not be ready to buy something right now, but by getting them to sign up for your newsletter, you will convert them in the long run (this may be your only chance, otherwise they would simply flee the site).
  • A visitor whom you have taught something will understand what you can give him in the future, and will be more likely to turn into a buyer and stay active user and recommend the product to friends.

Examples of how to use social proof

Today, everyone uses reviews. Everyone either posts real responses on the site or simply fakes them. How to stand out? How to convert those who remain indifferent to the social proof you have into buyers?

Here are some characteristics of a review that people are willing to believe:

  • It's easy to recognize yourself in him. People want to see social proof from those who seem similar. Otherwise, they have trouble believing that they can achieve the same results with the product as the reviewer.
  • The visitor must be sure that the review was left by a real person. Sometimes it's even better to use amateur videos or interviews because they look more believable than text on the page (and it's also easy to miss when scrolling down the page).
  • The result is immediately visible. You need to publish reviews that talk about the results achieved and highlight the benefits of the product. Example: “This brought me 340% more leads in two months.”


“We are trusted by more than 8,000 companies in 140 countries”

Helpscout has a great review right under the title. It's great that they decided to place it here, it looks impressive.

Once on the page for the first time, site visitors perceive the company’s product differently, and offering live reviews from other people is a way to attract attention to the service.


Social proof on Lattice.com

This example shows that Lattice has thousands of clients and works with large companies, but at the same time brings to the fore the story of a specific client with whom it is easy to identify.

When you focus on one specific use case or review of a product, it increases the chances that people will read your text without being inundated with a ton of other reviews.


Headline: “TrovaTrip achieved 12% increase in conversion rate and 62 times increased ROI”

Here's how to submit cases. This correct example, based on the results.

You are expected to clearly demonstrate what results you can provide to a potential buyer, because no one wants to take on all the risks and get nothing in return.

Your prospects must believe that they can get the same results, otherwise there is no point in signing up.


Gusto customer stories on the website

This is a page full of great customer stories. But I don’t want to draw attention to stories or reviews. Look: In the photos, potential customers can see what size teams Gusto is best suited for, and they will identify ten times more strongly with real customers. A small and unconscious detail, but it has enormous power.

Product story

Many companies make the same mistake - they don't explain what makes their product simple and in clear language. Don't expect people to randomly try your product to see if it's right for them. Nowadays, this can only happen in dreams.

You need to explain how amazing your product is and what results it can bring to interest the user enough to convert them into a buyer. Otherwise you have no chance.

Here are some rare examples of how you can directly, simply and easily convey the essence of a product to the user.


Titles: “Build a Web Page with A/B Testing”, “Make Changes Quickly with Crazy Egg Editor”

CrazyEgg reveals pain points other services that a potential buyer has to deal with, and shows how easily CrazyEgg handles everything.

Perspective funnels

Perspective funnels explains everything with GIF animations

After watching simple animation, where someone is using the product, you will realize that it is a tool that you can use to create a conversion funnel inside your Instagram story or ad.

The tool itself is so simple, and the context provided in the title is so rich, that the company can explain 80% of its product through a 10-second video.


This vertical arrangement content eliminates all distractions

This is one of the most interesting ideas that I've seen lately.

Basically, the site has a limited width, so it forces you to scroll down and read most of the content without being distracted by anything.


Airtame divides audiences to better explain benefits for each segment

If you have multiple client personas with different needs or different options using the product, it is important to divide the audience through the details of your landing page and convey an individual message to each part.

Airtame categorizes its visitors by the areas in which they plan to use the product, as you can see above (Business and Education).

Content Marketing

If you use content marketing to attract customers, your landing page will turn into a real article for them. The whole point of content marketing is to drive traffic and attention to a product through the content that visitors read.

If visitors don't read the article, they will never learn about the product. No matter how many articles you write or how much traffic you attract, you will not be able to attract new clients.

Here are some examples of how to do it correctly.


Helpscout generates leads with PDF instructions

By allowing users to download a PDF version of the manual, Helpscout receives their email addresses in return Email.

Helpscout can use this opportunity to start an email drip marketing campaign and convert these users into buyers in the long run.

Subscription offer text: “Join 241,000 customer-obsessed readers of our newsletter.” To subscribe, the user needs to leave his email address and indicate how many people work on his team

A good way to get an email address and increase time on site (works for SEO and conversion purposes). There's a newsletter that acts as a way to capture the prospect's email address, as well as a separate CTA that invites you to read the next article.

The company itself controls which articles visitors read (while at the same time providing valuable information), thus can train them until they want to become buyers.

Title: “Database Design.” Below are two buttons: “Start reading” and “Subscribe”.

Reading list from Helpscout.

Using the same tactics as shown in the example above. Helpscout reuses existing content and presents it as step by step guide to control what people read.

This company offers many free materials. She gets a lot of potential buyers on her site who want to learn more about sales.

On each blog page, Close.io has placed a login form that encourages you to get a free trial of its CRM.


Text the arrow points to: “Your six simple steps to becoming a Facebook Ads pro." Step four: “Find out how to save time and money with Adexpresso”

If you look at the numbers on the side, you'll see that this article refers to a larger guide. Adexpresso not only controls what people read, but also informs them about Facebook Ads. If users are knowledgeable enough about advertising, they will be more likely to give AdEspresso a chance.

A service presented on a landing page and executed correctly can bring stable fixed income. Almost all owners of successful companies associate the purchase of a landing page with future success and increased profits for their business.

In the Internet sphere, several advertising methods are offered for website promotion. We can start listing them with the classics: various types banners, advertising campaigns on social networks and creating your own account.

Landing page landing page unlike a website, it is more universal for attracting potential clients. It is not so cumbersome, easy to understand by the audience, and brings profit to the owner faster. Landing page development requires less capital investment and produces high returns.

Effective landing pages

A custom landing page ideally focuses the visitor’s attention on a product or service. It creates a simple field for filling out an application, does not send to numerous links or to other categories of the site, and does not use third party resources. For comfortable use and saving time, the order button is always located in the center of the page. After all, it is long search pages and inconvenient navigation often scare off potential, and sometimes even target, buyers. A person does not trust intrusive offers as well as links to unknown sites. An ideal landing page has a minimum of unnecessary attributes and easy navigation.

Landing page structure has a simple and easy-to-use mechanism that will not confuse even a novice user. Simplicity saves the client from unnecessary actions, inspires confidence in the page and encourages you to make an order.

Landing pages selling a wide variety of products, ranging from electrician services to large businesses, should not just show, but describe in all colors the advantage of the service, product, or customer offer. The main load of the page is to create an irresistible desire in the visitor to become a buyer, to bring him to the final goal - to place an order.

Ready-made landing pages differ from a personal website in terms of advertising, since they present information only about one specific type products. This significantly reduces the time it takes to find the product the buyer needs and minimizes the amount of information. The landing page of an online store will represent, accordingly, only one type of product; several landing pages are created for complaints of all types.

Landing page conversion

Mnogoland company presents examples of landing pages with high conversion in the "Our Portfolio" section. These are Pepsi one-pagers, " Mobile accessories", "1 C Bitrix", "FC Merabella", "Mida". On these landing pages, thanks to the work of our team, the conversion ranges from 20 to 50%. And the number of applications per day is approaching fifty.

There are companies that promise the client an unrealistically high conversion in the first week of the resource’s existence, almost + 1000. Think about it, the conversion of a landing page depends on many factors. If you were promised incredibly high profits, but were not given any guarantees, immediately turn away from the offer. The Mnogoland company gives a guarantee of a minimum conversion of up to 10%. At the same time, after the project is completed, our specialists do not “leave” the client alone with their problems. They constantly analyze the work, continue to promote the landing page, conduct constant testing of effectiveness, understand the reasons for low conversion and constantly take measures to increase sales.

The design of landing pages is of no small importance. Look through “Our Portfolio”, you will not find any duplicate design. Creativity of design is manifested in shades, color filling, text font, pleasant drawings that evoke a positive visual perception. All this gives the visitor a feeling of comfort, creates the illusion of visiting something “good”, which means that it inspires confidence in your offer.

Landing page optimization is carried out through constantly generating fresh ideas and solutions. The status of the page in “exclusive mode” is maintained. A combination of all components of a landing page: competent text, interesting animation, video and photographic materials High Quality, corresponding to the direction of the business, correctly composed and placed advertising on banners - all this increases conversion, and leads you to success.

In “Our Portfolio”, pay attention to the landing page about Sercons Invest real estate. Before contacting our company, Sercons Invest had another developer. The page did not bring any profit to the company, the conversion was practically zero, and there were only a few clients per month.

When the head of the Sercons Invest company contacted us to order landing page, I didn’t really believe in success. But now you can view success statistics in a pop-up window in your portfolio. Letters of gratitude from our clients are posted under each successful project. And we don’t have people who are not successful. We are a team of professionals.

Landing pages. Cost of a successful project

“How much does a landing page cost” is one of the most frequently asked questions. We suggest not to waste time searching real numbers, searching through numerous sites issued search engine. Most often you will find vague wording and no specifics. Our service will help you find out the specific cost of project landing pages. Businessmen have different needs, everyone deals with and understands all the intricacies of their business, which means that a person’s requirements will be purely individual for the layout and finished landing page. This could be the presentation of an exclusive, expensive product. In the portfolio you can see, as an example, the landing page of a store women's clothing"Comodik". Or maybe you are a representative of a factory business or a product manufacturer, then the landing page price announced to you by the manager will be a different amount and will be developed in the style of your requirements and proposals.

You can buy a landing page for any service industry. There are no unrealistic tasks for our developers. They will create a unique, exclusive project for each of the existing sectors of the national and industrial economy.

Find out in detail what the price of a landing page is made up of. , possible after filling out the application form. The company guarantees confidentiality and non-disclosure of client data. The manager will contact you and in a private conversation will explain everything specifically about your request, provide information about the amount of costs and the time it takes to complete the project. The price for creating a landing page is the fee for successful business on the Internet and in reality. It will quickly pay off if you create a landing page in a professional company.

Creation of landing pages at Mnogoland

Creating landing pages is a responsible matter, requiring analytical work, market research and the activities of competitors in your product niche or offer.

How to make the best landing pages or collaboration steps:

  • Cooperation with our company begins with drawing up an application.
  • The manager will not detain you for a long time or conduct extraneous conversations. Ask questions clearly and specifically about the work and determine the project development plan.
  • High-converting landing pages cannot be created without analytical research of the market situation in your profile. A thorough study is carried out by specialists.
  • A team of experienced designers, IT programmers, copywriters, and layout designers will be responsible for creating landing pages. The output should only be a selling product that meets the client’s expectations from the work.
  • The text for the landing page is of great importance. It will be compiled with maximum information content and a minimum of unnecessary information.
  • Placing a page on hosting, testing, identifying problem areas, eliminating problems.
  • Final working launch.

Create a landing page in our company - get guaranteed conversion and profit. Effective landing pages mean creative fresh ideas, solving old problems in a new way, eliminating negative ratings, profit, and customer success.