A selection of interesting ideas for VK Stories. How to add or delete history on VK

The new VKontakte article editor is now available to all users. Its huge advantage is that it is very simple and convenient. Allows you to start creating articles from the wall on your page or from the news feed and make fairly large publications in just a few clicks. It would be something to write about.

In addition, the editor automatically saves drafts and adds the necessary indents to the text. And most importantly, articles are available for viewing even for unregistered users.

Creating an article in the VK editor

So, to go to the VK article editor, click on the icon directly from the feed or from the wall - the letter T and three horizontal lines of different lengths. Articles can be created both on behalf of a community or public page, and from a personal page.

The page where the article is created will open. By the way, the interface is designed in a minimalist style and is intuitive. When you first visit a section, tips are shown below.

Features of the VK article editor:

  • bold font;
  • italics;
  • crossed out text;
  • adding headings and subheadings;
  • highlighting quotes;
  • inserting hyperlinks.

Buttons are required to format text; they appear when you select a piece of text for which you want to change the style.

Inserting images and videos into a VK article

To add an image or video to your post, just click on the plus sign on the right and a small menu will appear where you can select what you are going to insert:

  • image;
  • video;
  • gif animation.

Pictures and GIFs can be added from your images and documents, or uploaded from your computer. You can only attach videos that are added to your videos.

Cover or article thumbnail

The first image inserted into an article becomes the cover image. You can change it before publishing by clicking on the cross next to the one that was added automatically and selecting yours.

Publishing an article


Statistics will show what is worth paying attention to. All the necessary metrics are calculated, including the classic “funnel” - you will find out how many users completed the entire text, and how many gave up in the middle.

For sophisticated readers, there are special snippets, night viewing mode and a section of articles in Bookmarks - thoughtful study of complex material can be postponed until later.

In general, the appearance of an article editor in VK is cool! Because you no longer need to struggle with wiki markup to create a page or write a short note. Many communities have already begun to use the function, which means that it is useful and helps in . In addition, the article in the feed looks much more presentable than the created wiki page.

"Stories" VKontakte- another new feature for users of the social network, which is very reminiscent of . These are nothing more than self-destructing messages that are deleted 24 hours after they are created and published. VK Stories work like on Instagram. We’ll tell you about all the features of the new communication format right now: how to add, post, and view VK history.

How to remove the restriction when listening to music on VK

What is VK Stories and where is it located?

This is a new section, which at the launch stage is only available to users of mobile devices with iOS and Android on board. Moreover, the function only works in official mobile applications; the web version does not receive its support. You can record stories in the new version of "eppa".

“Stories” are located in the “News” section. If you can't find this feature on your phone, check whether you are using the latest version of the app or not. Also, just restart the application - this worked for me personally to see the new button on the screen.

“Stories” - messages on VK that are deleted

The main feature of the new feature is the automatic deletion of VK story messages 24 hours after publication. Moreover, the message can consist of either a simple photograph or a video. The duration of the video cannot exceed 12 seconds. Photos and videos can be edited before sending: add stickers, text, drawings. This is a completely new way to share what is happening to you at the moment.

To post a “story” on VK, you need to follow a few simple steps.

During photos and videos, you can change the camera from the main one to the front one, and turn on the flash if necessary. Please note that Stories can also be shared in private messages. If you want to add a VK story from the gallery, then simply click on the “photo feed preview” button to the left of the shutter button, then select a photo or video.

How to delete/hide VK Stories?

If you want to completely delete Stories in VK, then just do a couple of simple steps:

  • open the History you want to hide
  • in the lower right corner click on the menu, it is indicated by three dots
  • click on the “Hide from stories” item and confirm again

That's all, now your friend's stories will not appear in your feed, but nevertheless, he will remain as your friend. Is it possible to delete History in VK? Now you can confidently say “Yes!” Previously, this was impossible to do. Now Stories has a separate menu item with settings. Here you can configure automatic saving, privacy (who can see your Stories), and delete/hide friends' stories.

How to view Stories in VK from a computer?

At first, the function of viewing stories from a computer was not available to Grid users. Now this opportunity has appeared. You need to go to the “News” section - the stories section is located at the very top. “Users” can only watch stories from a computer; they can only publish from a phone.

It’s a good question, and most importantly, it will be relevant for many more generations, I believe. :)

From experience, most people go to other people's pages to look at their photos. This applies to long-time friends, and especially to those who see your page for the first time. Therefore, the quality of the pictures you post is the solidity of your page, the rest is secondary. Not everyone has time to evaluate your playlist and public list, but in any case, their eyes fall on your avatar. So, here are the rules for avatars:

1. Put only your own photos on your Avatar, and preferably those where you are alone. No matter how dear your cat/favorite anime character/car/Johnny Depp is to you, posting their images as an avatar has nothing to do with maintaining a solid VK page. :)

In addition, a picture instead of an avatar usually gives reason to think that you don’t really want to show your face... And why?) After all, what is dear to you, you can always put it on the wall or in an album, you don’t have to put it to the avatar.

As for photos together... If this is a picture in which, besides you, there is at least one person of the same sex, then believe me, not all visitors to your page know you by sight. Do you really want them to guess which face is yours and then check their guess? Usually in this case people subconsciously think of the cutest one in the photo, are you sure that’s you?)

An avatar with children does not show what an exemplary family man you are, but rather irritates many childless people. An avatar with your loved one gives the impression that you are too immersed in a relationship, and discourages potential interest in you from the opposite sex, which, by the way, is nothing wrong with. Also, such an avatar gives a lot of reasons for gossip and gossip in the style of “Tanka, look who she grabbed for herself...” :)

An avatar simply with a friend of the opposite sex gives a lot of reasons for completely ridiculous assumptions.

In any case, the most presentable looking avatar is one that depicts you and only you, preferably in close-up.

2. Change your avatars no more than once a week, but no less than once every six months. When avatars constantly change and more than 10 of them accumulate, people stop looking at them, as well as commenting and liking them. After all, it takes about a week for your avatar to get the number of likes that currently constitutes your “ceiling”. Otherwise, the picture turns out to be the following: it’s clear that you’re always putting something out there, but the cat is crying out for likes under each avatar, as if no one cares about you. This is not the point. :)

3. Do not delete previous avatars, unless you just posted a photo and immediately realized that it was unsuccessful, this happens. But when everyone had already seen the avatar, it was strange to delete it - there was no need to post it then. Moreover, do not touch your old photographs, even if you have changed a lot - they are the ones who give your page that very solidity, they show that you have been here for a long time and thoroughly. :) When, for example, an unfamiliar person joins me, I sometimes look to see when the last avatar was posted, and if it’s a long time ago, that means it’s unlikely to be a fake, hastily created for some purpose.

4. Your avatar should definitely be the best of your latest photos, and if there aren’t many of them yet and you haven’t found “the one,” then it’s better to wait and take new photos rather than post a not-so-successful shot in a hurry.

5. Well, in general, nothing prevents you from arranging a real photo session with a good photographer whom you trust, and then, together with him, choosing which pictures will go “for free” and which ones you will post just like that.

6. Don’t put an ID photo on your avatar; it usually looks weird. Too solid, or something... :) Don't overdo it with Photoshop and especially don't use filters (even black and white), the avatar should be as natural as possible and with good lighting. It’s better to take off your glasses, even if you wear them in everyday life, and let your hair down if you have long hair. By the way, straight and well-styled hair looks more impressive, but this is a matter of your image. :)

7. And most importantly, never sit completely without an avatar, this is the most undignified thing you can do. :)

The rules for photos that you simply post on the wall are:

1. Don't post too many pictures of you with the same person, even if it's your significant other. I would even say - especially if this is your soul mate. Remember that this is not your couple’s page, but still your personal one, and people will notice that you have a strong relationship with your partner even from two or three photos. Think about it, if you quarrel or break up, won’t you have to emotionally tear down half the wall to hell?)

2. Refrain from posting photo reports from your incredibly incendiary corporate parties and drinking bouts. This is typical of teenagers and creates a very undignified impression of you. Also, you shouldn’t post pictures with a group of your friends where you make faces, because everyone already knows what a cheerful and sociable person you are, right?)

3. Even if you are a serious photographer, believe me, constantly taking pictures of your wonderful city and beautiful nature is very annoying. Keep an album for them, and post the best one on the wall once a month, this is enough for your friends to appreciate your talent as a photographer.

4. It is enough to present each of your pets on the wall once, and then create an album and share their health successes. The same goes for your children/nephews.

5. And please forget about eye-catching filters and photographs in semi-darkness.

Repost rules:

1. Don't repost memes. Even the ones that are really funny.

2. You should not repost the content of the same public twice or more times in a row; this creates the impression that your interests are somewhat limited. :)

3. Do not repost profound phrases about love and human relationships, as well as about betrayal, heartbreak and mental pain. No comments.

4. Phrases from public pages with the word “success” in the title (and in general with a similar theme) on your wall raise serious doubts about whether you are really happy with life.

5. Don’t fill the page with reposts of endless culinary recipes. Save them in another place - create a personal message for yourself or a private group. It’s better to post your own recipes and food photos, it’s much more interesting. :)

6. Don’t clutter the wall with music, funny videos and movies you want to watch. Music is in the playlist, there is also a special section for videos. But videos with your personal participation and songs of your performance should be posted on the wall.

7. It’s good to repost masterpieces of painting, paintings that really grabbed your attention, preferably even by little-known authors. This is not enough and it makes people stop looking at your page.

8. The architecture, interesting buildings, abandoned buildings, and monuments always look impressive and fascinate. Choose the most non-standard, not “cluttered” one.

10. Scientific articles on the wall look very impressive, especially on topics that you deal with professionally, preferably not too long and presented in accessible language. You can also feel free to share your own opinion in the comment, this will create the impression of you as a person who is constantly developing his potential.

However, be careful with pseudo-scientific articles, especially psychological, mystical and esoteric ones. This information may be useful to you personally, but to the “uninitiated” others it creates the impression of frivolity, which is completely useless to you.

11. There is no point in reposting photographs of celebrities and “simply beautiful people,” as well as any information about some people you personally don’t know. Another thing is if you met a famous person, for example, went to a lecture by a recognized scientist or attended a meet and greet concert - then feel free to post a joint photo and your impressions on the wall. :)

The same thing with beautiful places - Niagara Falls will be seen without your page, but here you are against the backdrop of Niagara Falls... :)

12. And finally, jokes. Better than your own composition, if, of course, you know how to joke. For example, you shouldn’t post funny situations and dialogues from personal correspondence on a page; for this, it is preferable to create a public page, or even better, a private group. But if you come up with a topical meme... Try it, but don't get carried away. In fact, it is better to demonstrate your sparkling sense of humor in personal communication. :)

And finally, the profile rules:

1. Identify yourself by your real name. Passport. No diminutive forms. In the end, after all.

The only exception is if you have already made a brand out of your pseudonym and more people know you under it than under your real name. But remember that a real first and last name always looks more respectable.

2. Enter your current date of birth. I'm serious, there is nothing more stupid than hiding your age or putting the year 1917 for fun. If you don’t want to receive congratulations, hide the date the day before that very date, and open it again after it has passed. You will be surprised, but no one will remember. :) Except for those who, even without VK, know perfectly well when your birthday is.

3. Enter your city. Remember that any real information is another plus to the credibility of the page. If you are ashamed of your city, then even more so indicate. Perhaps there will be an incentive to move. :)

4. Connect your VK page with all the resources you have - email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, provide links to Tumblr, TheQuestion, blogosphere and wherever else you are there. Even if you rarely go somewhere, it’s still a plus. But constantly posting posts from your other resources on the wall is just not the case.

5. Do not fill out the "Interests" section in too much detail. For example, what kind of music you listen to can be determined by the playlist (by the way, open it, aren’t you shy?) You can indicate two or three favorite books, films and TV series. It's not necessary to tell your profile what TV shows you watch and what games you play. :) This is your personal “secret garden”, as the French say. Leave the "About Me" section blank.

On the VKontakte social network, you can store not only photos, but also videos in your account. Therefore, today we will look in detail at how videos are added, where they can be taken from, how this is done from a phone, etc.

How to upload a video to contact from a computer

We go to our page and select “Videos” in the left menu. Click on it.

Next, you can take the short route and immediately upload the video, or you can take the long route and create an album first. Let's take a closer look at this issue and start with creating an album. Click on the “Create Album” button in the upper right corner. This is done in the “My Videos” tab:

At the next stage, enter the name of the album, and also set the restriction “who can view this album” if we want. For example, if you want to hide this album from prying eyes, then select “Only me” from the drop-down list

After the album is created, we will immediately see an inscription that there are no videos in it yet. Also in the upper right corner there is a button “Add video”, we safely click on it:

At the next stage, click on the “Select file” button to upload the video we need from your computer:

While the video is loading, we can change the name of the video and also enter its description. We can also set restrictions on who can watch and comment on this post. Again, if you don’t want anyone to watch your video, then set “Only me.” After filling everything out, do not forget to click on the “Done” button.

By the way, in order to delete a video from Vkontakte, just click on the cross in the upper right corner of the video

Adding VKontakte videos from Youtube

In addition to Youtube, there can also be any other video hosting site, for example, Vimeo. There's nothing particularly new here. We do everything as in the previous paragraph. After we clicked on the “Add video” button, a window pops up where we now click on the “Add from another site” item:

If the copyright holder or owner of a channel on YouTube has prohibited the reproduction of videos on other sites other than YouTube, you will see the following message in front of you:

There's nothing you can do about it; you won't be able to add a video this way. Maybe just download the file from YouTube to your computer and upload it from there to your VKontakte videos.

If the video is not prohibited from copying. Then you will see the following window in front of you, in which you will need to adjust the title and description in the same way, as well as set a restriction on viewing and commenting. But this is all optional, of course.

How to add video from mobile

Let us now consider how the bottom action is performed on a mobile application for Android. Launch the VKontakte application. In the left menu, find the Videotape icon and click on it. In the window that opens, in the upper right corner, click on the cross and a menu with several items will pop up:

Recording a video is understandable; the function records a file from a mobile camera and immediately adds it to social media. net.

Select existing - loads all the video files that you have saved on your Android mobile device, be it a phone or a tablet, and you already select which video you want to add.

Adding a video to the wall

We find on our page the section “What’s new with you?” This is where we add our recordings and just below the “Video Recording” button, this is what you need to click on to upload the file to the wall:

To add a video to your wall from your computer, you must first upload it to “My Videos.” We already know how to do this from the first paragraph of this article.

Inserting a video into a group

The last point of today's manual will be for owners of VKontakte groups. If you want to add a Video to your group, then go to the main page of the group, under the avatar, click on the three dots in the form of a menu and select “Community Management” from the drop-down list:

At the next stage, in the community settings we find the “Video recordings” item and, on the contrary, set it to “open” if we want everyone to be able to add videos. You can set it to “Restricted” so that only administrators and editors can add videos.

Now go to the main page of the community and look for the “Videos” section on the bottom right side and click on it:

Click on the “Add video” button and fill in all the parameters we already know for the video; I won’t repeat myself a hundred times, because the article is already long:

That’s it, dear friends, we’ve sorted it out for you with adding videos to the social network VKontakte.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


In December 2016, the VK administration presented a new Stories service, which allows you to share photos and videos without publishing them on the page. It quickly gained popularity and began to be actively used by owners of social network accounts.

VK Stories are a kind of analogue of Instagram Stories; they help increase the degree of involvement, increase the activity of the target audience, and expand it. They are suitable for both ordinary user profiles and commercial groups and communities, and act as an effective tool for promotion and promotion.

What you need to know about Stories

Stories are a convenient way to tell your friends and subscribers what you are doing right now, congratulate them on the upcoming holidays, and inform them about an upcoming event or activity. With their help, you can take disappearing photos, record videos up to twelve seconds long, which can be decorated with bright stickers or graffiti, accompanied by text.

Stories are displayed in a special block located above the main news feed. There is also a button to add them. As soon as one of your friends posts something new, his profile photo will be highlighted in blue in the Stories feed.

You can post your Story in a shared feed (then all users can view it) or send it to a conversation. At the moment, the publication is only available in the official VK mobile applications.

What can be posted to History on VK?

  • various photos and pictures from the smartphone gallery
  • short twelve second videos
  • photos and videos taken with the Stories camera.

Benefits of using Stories

Stories can be posted both by ordinary users and on behalf of groups and communities. They allow:

  1. increase audience reach, increase activity and involvement
  2. diversify the presentation of content, arouse the interest of subscribers
  3. quickly inform users about important events and activities, limited-time offers
  4. increase recognition on social networks.

Commercial communities can publish reviews about their services or products in Stories. This will increase confidence in the product and attract new customers.

Stories are undoubtedly effective tools for promotion on social networks. However, you can achieve the desired results with their help only if users view disappearing photos and videos to the end. Below are cool ideas for stories in VK that will help activate your audience.

What can you put in your VK history?

There are several types of Stories that can increase activity on your profile. Among them are:

  1. Relay races. They are the most interesting and creative option; they involve posting some kind of task for subscribers. The simplest example of text for such a Story: “You give me a “+” in private messages, and I will give you five facts about you.”
  2. Newsletters. They are of an informational and entertainment nature. They line up according to the following scenario: the account owner publishes a photo in the Stories feed; everyone who answered it receives some interesting information or little-known fact in personal messages.
  3. Questionnaires. They have many variations. The account owner can either answer questions from his friends or ask them - it depends on the context of the posted Story.
  4. Quizzes. The user posts some kind of riddle or charade in his Story. The one who gave the wrong answer must publish it on his profile.
  5. Challenges. They provoke the audience, provoke them to perform non-standard, atypical actions.
    Stories using numbers stand apart, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Ideas for relay races

As a rule, users enthusiastically take part in relay races from the Stories feed, because it is interesting and allows them to pass the time. They are some kind of bright picture, on top of which a text with a task is placed.

What can you write in a story on VK:

  1. “Send me any emoji in private messages, and I will write five facts about you.”
  2. “Send me a number, and I’ll write how we met.”
  3. “Send me an emoji and I’ll send you a line from a song you relate to.”
  4. "Tag me in Stories and I'll post your best photo."
  5. “Send me a message with your photo, which is not on other social networks, and I will answer any question.”

There are a huge number of ideas for relay races; above are only approximate options for them. You can use the ones suggested or show a little imagination and come up with your own task.

Ideas for newsletters

The user responds to your Story, and in return receives funny or interesting information. It could be:

  • little known fact
  • funny incident from life
  • humorous note
  • entertaining picture
  • life hack
  • any unusual information about you.

For stories like these, choose bright and catchy pictures that will attract attention and make you read the text to the end.

Ideas for questionnaires

Stories like these are extremely popular and allow you not only to increase activity on your profile, but also to get to know your audience better. Questionnaires have two formats:

  • when you answer questions from subscribers
  • when you ask questions to those who answered the Story.

An example of the first questionnaire: “Post my photo on your feed and I will answer any five questions.”

Example of the second questionnaire: “Only for brave daredevils!

If it’s not scary, write to me in private messages!” As soon as the answer to the Story comes, you ask the user some tricky question, and also stipulate what will happen if he does not answer. For example, you will publish his photo or post a screenshot of this correspondence, etc.


Logical riddles, charades, or atypical questions increase profile activity well. Such Stories, as a rule, do not have bright images or pictures. They are a text message containing a riddle on a colored background.

If the user gives the correct answer, he receives some kind of symbolic prize (a funny picture, an uplifting quote, etc.). If not, he should post your riddle on his profile.

Ideas for the Stories challenge on VKontakte

If you find out about a new challenge in time, an audience of thousands of subscribers and huge coverage are guaranteed. In 2018, relevant ideas for history in VK remain:

  1. Straight Arm Challenge. The promotion was launched at the end of 2017 and continues to be popular among users. Its essence is as follows: a person must record a video of himself trying to drink water from a vessel held at arm's length.
  2. No Mirror Makeup Challenge. Such promotions are suitable for the fair sex. Their idea is simple - you need to record a video of how you do your makeup without using a mirror.
  3. Chubby Bunny Challenge. A challenge that allows you not only to have fun, but also to enjoy sweets. To take part, you must film yourself stuffing a record amount of marshmallows into your mouth. When your cheeks are bulging like a hamster's, say the phrase: "Plump bunny!"
  4. Raw Onion Challenge. This idea is suitable for those who are not afraid of difficulties; it is carried out with someone in pairs. You must eat fresh onions in 60 seconds while racing with your partner. The one who is faster wins.

It is not necessary to use ready-made challenges; you can come up with your own. Below are useful tips and recommendations for organizing it:

  1. Choose a topic that will be of interest to your target audience. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the gender and age structure of subscribers and understand what is relevant to them.
  2. Define the format. Indicate how long the promotion will last and what is needed to take part in it.
  3. Prepare an announcement to inform the public about the upcoming event.

After completing all these steps, you can post a photo or video with the challenge.

Ideas for VK stories with numbers

Capturing the audience's attention is not so easy, but games with numbers do an excellent job of this task. There are several scenarios for their implementation:

  1. Place a task in your Stories feed in which you invite subscribers to find a certain number among your posts and publications. The first one to give the correct answer will receive a prize.
  2. Post a picture with numbers from 1 to 9 in your Story, asking your subscribers to choose one of them. When the answer arrives, submit the task corresponding to the number sent.

Instructions with photos for the second version of the game:

This type of VKontakte Stories stimulates activity well, increases reach and degree of involvement. With its help, you can easily find a common language with friends and subscribers, and just have a good time.