Highest quality image format. Vector formats. Which format to choose

Today we will talk about image formats, their features and distinctive features. Many of us know that images have different formats, but not everyone understands why there are so many of them and what their distinctive features are.

Any image stored on a computer has its own graphic format. Each of the graphic formats has its own properties and purpose. Today there is great amount graphic formats. We will consider most of the graphic formats based on one of the most popular graphic editors Adobe Photoshop. Why Photoshop, it’s simple, this graphic editor has the largest number of formats.

But in addition, we will try to analyze other widely known image formats.

So let's get started:

PSD- This is a proprietary format of the Adobe Photoshop program, it allows you to save all the work done on the image. Namely, transparency, layer blending modes, shadows, layers, layer masks and all the other little things done with the image. This format is usually used if the image is not completely finished. It is also often used to develop a website layout, since layout is done with of this file conveniently seeing all layers and elements. And in all other cases there is no point in using it, since it has a significantly large file size compared to other formats.

TIFF– allows you to save the prepared Photoshop project as accurately as possible. It contains not only pixel information, but also the density of pixels per image when printed in dpi. It can also store several image layers plus channel transparency information. This format was used mainly in printing.

BMP- This bitmap. An image in this format consists of a mass of dots, each of which contains its own color. This format is very large and can be easily compressed by archivers. The quality loss in BMP is not significant, however, it is inferior to TIFF.

JPEG is the most widely used format. It has received widespread use in digital technology(cameras). The reason for such widespread use is that it is quite poor quality and small file size. But the small size means that image quality is significantly lost. It's all about the image compression algorithm; it consists in the fact that, when compressed, the image significantly loses accuracy. For these reasons, it is not advisable to use this format in printing. But the advantage is that it is convenient to send them by email ( e-mail), post it on the Internet and store it on disk.

GIF– Primarily used to produce graphics for the Internet. It is not suitable for saving photographs, as it has a limitation in color reproduction; for the same reasons, it is not suitable for printing. The image of this graphic format consists of dots, which can include from 2 to 256 colors. Limited color rendering and support for transparency make it indispensable for storing images with minimal colors, such as logos. Another feature of the format is the ability to produce animated images. Widely used for creating gifs(animated) banners.

EPS– can be called the most reliable and universal format. It is mainly intended for transmission to publishing houses; the format can be created and used by almost all graphic editors. It makes the most sense to use this format only if the output is on a PostScript device.

This format is unique; it supports everything necessary for printing, it can record data in RGB, clipping paths, as well as the use of fonts and more. Initially, EPS was developed as a vector format, but later a raster version appeared - Photoshop EPS.

PNG is a graphic format that recently replaced the Gif format, and has already become very popular due to the fact that it can maintain transparency and translucency, which was not possible in its predecessor GIF. This means that the png maintains translucency in the range from 1 to 99% using an alpha channel with 256 levels of gray. Transparency works as follows: gamma correction information is written to the file. Gamma correction is a certain number of brightness, contrast of the monitor. This number is subsequently read from the file and allows you to adjust the image display by adjusting the brightness.

PICT is a proprietary Macintosh format. The format is capable of including both raster and vector information, text, as well as sound, and uses RLE compression. Bitwise PICT images can have absolutely any bit depth. Vector PICT images, which have all but disappeared from use these days, had unusual line thickness problems and other variations during printing.

The format is used for Macintosh, and when creating certain presentations only for Mac. On regular computers(not Mac) PICT – format is presented with the extension .pic or .pct, read certain programs, working with this format is often not easy.

PDF– the format was proposed and developed by Adobe as a format for electronic documentation, various presentations and layout for sending it by e-mail. And its design feature was to provide compact format. For these reasons, all data in pdf can be compressed, and the peculiarity of it is that different types of compression are applied to different types of information, more suitable for these types of data: JPEG, RLE, CCITT, ZIP.

PCX– raster image format. pcx files use a standard color palette, this format has been extended to store 24-bit images. This format is hardware dependent. Designed to store information in a file in the same form as in the video card. To combine this format with older programs, support for the EGA mode of the video controller is required. The compression algorithm is fast and takes up a small amount of memory, but is not very efficient and is not suitable for compressing photographs and detailed computer graphics.

ICO– This format is designed for storing file icons. Ico files can be any size, but the most commonly used icons are those with sides of 16, 32 and 48 pixels. Icons with sizes of 24, 40, 60, 72, 92, 108, 128, 256 pixels are also used. Icon data is usually not compressed. Icons come in True Color, High Color, or with a clearly fixed palette. In their structure, ICO files are closest to the BMP format, but differ from bmp in the presence of a mask applied to the background using the bitwise “AND” operation, which makes it possible to implement transparency.

Exclusive OR overlaying the main image can even invert pixels where the background was not masked. And already with Windows XP, 32-bit icons began to be supported - each pixel corresponds to 24-bit color plus an 8-bit alpha channel, which allows for partial transparency of 256 levels. Using the alpha channel, it is also possible to display an icon with smooth edges and also with a shadow, combined with different backgrounds, the icon mask is ignored in this case.

CDR is a vector format image or drawing created using CorelDRAW. This format was developed by Corel for use in its own software products companies. CDR images are not supported by many graphics editors. But this is not a problem, the file can be easily exported using the same CorelDRAW to more common image formats. Images created in CorelDRAW with the CDR extension can also be opened in Corel Paint Shop Pro. For best compatibility, Corel recommends saving files in CorelDRAW CDR format for more than early version. CDR files tenth and earlier versions, can be opened using the program Adobe Illustrator.

A.I. is a vector image format, the name of which comes from the abbreviation of the name vector editor AdobeIllustrator. Supported by almost everyone graphic programs that are in any way related to vector graphics. Ai is one of the best middlemen for transferring an image from one editor to another. A distinctive and very important feature of the format is its greatest stability and compatibility with PostScript, which is of great value for publishing houses of printing products.

RAW– this is a data format containing raw information (or processed to a minimal extent), created directly by incoming information from the matrix of a camera (video camera, etc.). This format denotes not only photo data, but also the original audio or video data. This format stores all information about the file and has greater potential for photo processing rather than JPG format. RAW preserves the highest possible quality. Data in RAW files can be uncompressed, losslessly compressed, or lossily compressed.

RAW files from a number of camera manufacturers have their own extension format, such as Canon - CR2, Nikon - NEF. Many others have the DNG format offered by Adobe, these are companies such as Leica, Hasselblad, Samsung, Pentax, Ricoh. If it is not available in Photoshop raw camera for your camera, the files will not open; it was created for these purposes by Adobe.

SVG– scalable format vector graphics(Scalable Vector Graphics). The format was created by W3C. In accordance with the specification, it was created to describe two-dimensional vector and mixed vector raster graphics in XML. Includes three types of objects: shapes, images, and text. Supports still, animated and interactive graphics. You can create and edit as in text editors by editing the code, or in any graphic editor for vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, CorelDRAW, Corel SVG Viewer). SVG is an open standard and is not proprietary.

Some of the advantages of the SVG format include: Scalability without loss of image quality. Text in SVG is text, not an image, so it can be selected, copied, and is indexed by search engines (when used on a website). The interactivity of the graphics makes it possible to attach your own events to each element. Availability of using raster graphics within a document. Animation that is implemented in SVG using the SMIL language. Compatible with CSS, it allows you to set object properties such as color, background, transparency, etc. SVG easily integrates with HTML and XHTML documents. Reducing quantity HTTP requests. Small file weight compared to raster graphics.

Typically, a file's type can be determined by the last letters of its name. These letters are called the file name extension. Various programs provide various extensions the files they store.

What file type should you use?

In most cases It is better to use JPEG format (.Jpg), because it allows you to save high quality images in files that are not big size thanks to data compression. This format is the best for storing and distributing images.

If you need very high quality image (for example, to print an enlarged 8x10-inch image), use the TIFF (.Tif) format or the least compressed JPEG format.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Common File Types

Advantages of the JPEG format

  • Most programs can open and save images in JPEG format.
  • JPEG images are easy to send via email due to their small file size.
  • Because the JPEG format allows you to change the compression level when saving, you can control the file size and image quality.

Disadvantages of the JPEG format

In format JPEG images are automatically compacted when saved, which slightly degrades image quality. If you use a high level of compression, the image quality may be quite poor.

Advantages of the TIFF format

There is no loss of quality when saving images in TIFF format.

Disadvantages of the TIFF format

Some programs, including most browsers, cannot display TIFF images.

A TIFF image can be very large (several times larger than a JPEG image). Therefore, TIFF images take up much more space on your hard drive than JPEG images.

Only very small TIFF images are suitable for sending via email.

Should you worry about loss of image quality?

JPEG images are an imperfect copy of the original image as seen through the camera's viewfinder. However, when taking the highest quality photos, it will be difficult to see the difference.

Each time you save a file in the following format JPEG quality gets a little worse since you're creating a copy of a copy. How much quality will deteriorate depends on the level of image compression.

Usually the reduction in quality is difficult to see, but if the image has been edited several times and saved with a medium level of compression, you may notice a decrease in clarity and color reproduction.

To obtain high quality images, you should save them in JPEG format at the highest possible quality level or use TIFF format.

What types of images can you view on Windows?

Windows Photo Viewer supports following types images.

At all stages of creating a photo, you must choose a format for saving. Before the photo is released into the world, it is saved 4 times:

  • at the time of shooting on the camera’s memory card;
  • when converting from a memory card to a PC for editing;
  • after editing to save on PC;
  • to transmit photos to viewers - social networks, clients, photo stocks.

At each stage there are different requirements for the image, as a result there is a great variety of formats. For example, the photographer’s first task will be to take as much information as possible from the subject, that is, to preserve greatest number units of data. There should be a format with minimal compression and loss. On last stage, especially for posting pictures on social networks and Instagram, the size and amount of information do not matter at all. The main thing here is the idea, colorfulness, execution, details. We need a format that compresses photographs to miniature frame sizes without loss of clarity and quality. To store photos on a PC, you need powerful archivers, masters of their craft, who do not kill quality during compression.

Most often, everything starts with RAW, and the output images are saved in JPEG; at the moment, this option is the most popular. To decide on required formats, you must first find out which ones exist today and how they differ from each other. This will allow you to choose best option for every stage of your photos' life.

What are the graphic formats?

Today, there are dozens of different formats for photography, among them the popular and most frequently used:

  • RAW– a common name for all cameras, denoting a “raw” file, unprocessed. Each manufacturer has its own name and extension for this format. The most popular today for filming.

  • JPEG, JPG- the second most popular for saving frames during filming, the frame “weighs” less, without losing much in quality, but there will be difficulties with post-processing. The format deprives the photographer of the opportunity to correct the photo in many respects. It is used many times more often than others for storing and transmitting photographs.
  • TIFF– a great option for saving large quantity information, compresses the frame almost without loss, but the picture still “weighs” quite a lot. For a long photo shoot you will need a lot of space and memory cards. The abbreviation stands for Tagged Image File Format; the format allows you to edit images in all respects.
  • PNG– format for storage and transmission raster images without significant loss in quality. It was designed to expand the capabilities of the GIF format. PNG color depth is up to 48 bits; you can save only an object without a background. An excellent option for storing and editing photos.
  • GIF compresses images well, but it is not suitable for working with large images or for editing images. A fairly simple format for transmitting raster images with a color depth of no more than 8 bits. GIF supports animation, such moving pictures are often called “gifs”.
  • PDF A great option for storing a number of images in one file. Photo books, slides, and photographs from one photo shoot are saved in this format. Great helper to transfer offline images to in electronic format. Developed by Adobe Systems to deliver images in original colors and without loss appearance. Not suitable for photographers, especially for working with large-sized images, and practically impossible to edit.
  • PSD is created by Adobe Photoshop and is an editable file consisting of layers with all applied effects, masks, and text. An excellent option for transferring and storing an image if its further processing is intended.

In addition to those listed, there are more than a dozen various formats, most often highly specialized, tailored for a specific task, not suitable for the work of a photographer.

Features of the JPEG format

A huge and main advantage JPEG format is its versatility - absolutely all editors and programs can read it. Saved pictures on the network or on a PC are no exception. This is the reason for its popularity; in 80% of cases, transfer of graphic data between users occurs using the JPEG format. Many photographers even use it for shooting when they need to significantly save time on saving one frame and space on the memory card. But JPEG also has significant disadvantages that force you to choose RAW or TIFF.

Pros of the JPEG format

The main task of the creators of the format was to compress images to the optimal level without loss of quality. Judging by the distribution of the jpeg image, they succeeded. What are the main advantages of the format:

  • Pictures are ready for printing or transfer immediately after shooting; they can be directly displayed on a PC screen, sent to a printer without conversion and viewed on the screen in their real form;
  • The “correct” colors will be displayed on the camera display, this is exactly how the picture looks for the matrix, imperfections can be changed during shooting;
  • Manual camera settings will allow you to select parameters during shooting - white balance, noise reduction, sharpness, saturation and contrast;
  • The “weight” of images is significantly less, sometimes even 2-3 times, than when saving in RAW or TIFF;
  • After filming, you can open the file in almost any program for viewing or editing;

Disadvantages of the JPEG format

But without any disadvantages or inconveniences digital world impossible to get by. There are also significant disadvantages:

  • Post-processing of images is impossible due to some parameters; if sharpness, noise or balance does not meet expectations, the photo will most likely go to waste;
  • When saving a frame, some information is lost; the quality of the image in a large format will be noticeably poor;
  • Many pictures will lose sharpness when switching from RAW to JPEG; if the parameter is important, then it is better to choose a different format.

JPEG significantly reduces post-processing capabilities, which is an important and significant point for a photographer. That's why many people shoot in RAW and save it in JPEG, but after editing. This procedure adds some difficulties, but brings excellent results.

Features of the RAW format

To clarify the terminology, RAW is not an extension, not a format, but a general name for formats that have one essence and purpose - to save maximum amount information about each pixel. Each manufacturer named it differently. What are the advantages of this method of storing information:

  • Preservation additional information about each section of the image, if necessary, it can be pulled out and used for processing;
  • Color correction options top level, in post-processing you can tighten the white balance, change the saturation or contrast of each color separately;
  • Many editors allow you to save photo settings and apply them to multiple images;
  • More overlay options additional effects, stylization and artistic elements;
  • High quality for large format printing, without dead pixels or data loss;
  • Working with overexposed areas, editing shadows, darkened details, removing noise, increasing sharpness.

All the advantages of the RAW format are in the area of ​​photo editing, which is very important for photographers, but not essential for ordinary people. Thus, we can highlight the disadvantages of the format:

  • The most important inconvenience is the need to convert images; without this, you cannot even view the image in its normal form;
  • The “weight” of each frame does not allow you to take thousands of photos quickly, and you will need a lot of space to store them;
  • Converting images requires time and availability specialized programs, which significantly slows down the process of working with them.

All the shortcomings relate to the process of saving and using photographs, which is very inconvenient for “non-specialists”. Drawing a conclusion from the pros and cons, we can say that the RAW format is an option for professionals, for artistic processing and subsequent work with photographs.

To view photos at home or print them in 10x15 cm format, JPEG will be sufficient. The same applies to the use of photographs in in social networks, there using RAW will only create a number of inconveniences.

10 reasons to shoot in RAW

Summing up the pros and cons of the two main popular formats, we can conclude: if you are a photographer, then the RAW format is more of a necessity than a habit or whim. Some sources give several reasons to choose it:

Which format should you choose?

Comparing the main formats for saving graphic files, we can conclude that for different tasks you need to choose a separate format. Each has pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.

  • For filming and saving frames in the camera’s memory, RAW is definitely the best. But for time lapses or fast shutter clicks, it’s better to lose a little quality, but not miss the main thing; JPEG will “save” here.

    For editing and design - PSD, RAW, TIFF to choose from, as you wish.

    For storage on a PC – JPEG still confidently holds the palm, allowing you to compactly fold pictures without losing quality. The same goes for saving photos to social media accounts. The JPEG format is fully sufficient.

    For data transfer – JPEG, again, and GIF. They compress the image to an acceptable size without significantly damaging the image.

    In what format to shoot and store is a purely personal matter; no one can cancel habits, priorities, and personal preferences. To a true photographer and master incorrect formats will not interfere with creating a masterpiece.

There are two types of graphic files, raster and vector, which have different formats.

  1. raster graphics files correspond to the formats *.bmp, *.tif, *psd, *.gif, *.png, *.jpg;
  2. vector graphics file corresponds to the formats *.wmf, *.eps, *.cdr, *.ai

Knowledge of file formats is the basis for working with digital photographs. they determine how the information is stored in the file (raster or vector), as well as the form in which the information is stored (the compression algorithm used). Compression is used for raster graphics files, since they are usually quite large. Compressing graphic files differs from archiving them using archiving programs (gag, zip, arj, etc.) in that the compression algorithm is included in the graphic file format.

Basic graphic file formats


Translated from English - raw. The format used in the photo processing process contains raw information that comes directly from the camera sensor and does not have a clear specification. These files are not processed by the camera's processor (unlike JPG) and contain original shooting information. RAW can be compressed without loss of quality. Unlike JPG, which was processed in the camera and already saved with data compression, RAW gives the widest possibilities for processing photographs and preserves maximum quality.

In other words, under RAW format refers to data obtained directly from the matrix without processing.

Different camera manufacturers use different algorithms to create RAW in their cameras. Each manufacturer comes up with its own resolution for its RAW file - NEF, NRW - Nikon; CRW, CR2 – Canon.


This is the most common graphics file format. JPEG has earned its popularity due to its flexible data compression capabilities. If necessary, the image can be saved from maximum quality. Or compress it to minimum size file for transfer over the network. When saving a JPEG file, you can specify the degree of quality, and therefore the degree of compression, which is usually specified in some conventional units, for example, from 1 to 100 or from 1 to 10. Larger number corresponds better quality, but this increases the file size. Usually, the difference in quality between 90 and 100 is practically not perceived by eye.

JPEG uses a lossy compression algorithm. What does this give us? An obvious disadvantage of such a system is the loss of image quality every time a file is saved. On the other hand, image compression simplifies data transfer by 10 times. In practice, saving a photo with a minimum degree of compression does not result in any visible degradation in image quality. That is why JPG is the most common and popular format for storing graphic files.

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

TIFF format - raster storage format graphic images. It was originally developed by Aldus in collaboration with Microsoft for use with PostScript. It allows you to save photos in various color spaces (RBG, CMYK, YCbCr, CIE Lab, etc.) and with high color depth (8, 16, 32 and 64 bits). TIFF is used in scanning, faxing, OCR, printing, widely supported graphic applications. It is possible to save the image to a file TIFF format with and without compression. Compression levels depend on the characteristics of the image being saved, as well as on the algorithm used. Unlike JPG, a TIFF image will not lose quality every time the file is saved. But, unfortunately, it is precisely because of this that TIFF files weigh many times more than JPG.

PSD (Photoshop Document)

Photoshop Document (PSD) - original raster format storage graphic information, which uses lossless compression, created specifically for Adobe Photoshop and supports all its capabilities. It allows you to save a raster image with many layers, any color depth and in any color space. Most often, the format is used to save intermediate or final results of complex processing with the ability to change individual elements. PSD also supports compression without loss of quality. But the abundance of information that may contain PSD file, greatly increases its weight.

BMP (Bit MaP image)

Bit MaP image (BMP) - universal format raster graphics files, used in operating system Windows. This format is supported by many graphic editors, including Paint editor. Recommended for storing and exchanging data with other applications. The BMP format is one of the first graphic formats. It is recognized by any program that works with graphics. BMP stores data with color depth in this format from 1 to 48 bits per pixel, maximum dimensions images 65535×65535 pixels. On this moment BMP format practically not used either on the Internet (JPG weighs several times less) or in printing (TIFF copes with this task better).

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

format for storing raster graphics. The GIF format is capable of storing compressed data without loss of quality in a format of up to 256 colors. Includes a lossless compression algorithm that allows you to reduce the file size by several times. An image in GIF format is stored line by line; only the format with an indexed color palette is supported. Recommended for storage; images created programmatically (diagrams, graphs, etc.) and drawings (such as appliqué) with a limited number of colors (up to 256). Used to place graphic images on Web pages on the Internet.

PNG (Portable network graphics)

A raster format for storing graphic information using lossless compression. PNG was created to both improve and replace the format GIF graphic format that does not require a license for use. Unlike GIF, PNG has alpha channel support and the ability to store an unlimited number of colors. PNG compresses data without loss, which makes it very convenient for storing intermediate versions of image processing. Used to place graphic images on Web pages on the Internet.

JPEG 2000 (or jp2)

A graphic format that, instead of the discrete cosine transform characteristic of JPEG, uses wavelet transform technology, based on representing the signal as a superposition of some basic functions- wave packets. As a result of this compression, the image is smoother and clearer, and the file size compared to JPEG with the same quality is reduced by another 30%. In simple terms, for the same quality, JPEG 2000 file size is 30% smaller than JPG. With strong JPEG compression 2000 does not split the image into squares that are characteristic of the JPEG format. Unfortunately, at the moment this format is not very widespread and is only supported Safari browsers and Mozilla/Firerox (via Quicktime).

WMF (Windows MetaFile)

A universal format of vector graphics files for Windows applications. Used to store a collection of Microsoft Clip Gallery graphics.

CDR (CorelDRaw files)

An original vector graphics file format used in the CorelDraw vector graphics processing system.

AI (AdobeIllustrator files)

An original vector graphics file format used in the AdobeIllustrator vector graphics processing system.

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

The format of vector graphics files is supported by programs for various operating systems.

Here are almost all the most common ones graphic file formats, which a self-respecting photographer and designer should know.

It was last Friday, but it was not possible to write a Friday post under N3. The reason is banal - lack of free time due to the housing issue and a number of other problems. But this Friday there will be a photo for sure. It already exists and was ready for publication yesterday, but I still decided to spend my free evening time on renovation work in the apartment. Therefore, if you haven’t watched it, be sure to watch it and cheer yourself up.

Let's return to the topic of the post, or rather to the question, what picture formats are there? In general the word "picture" I don't like it when applied to photography. But this is exactly how this question sounds very often, so I decided to leave everything unchanged. I'll just make one clarification. Since a photograph is a raster image, this post will only talk about raster graphics formats.

At all graphic formats — a set of rules for processing received graphic data in order to further storage or editing. As they say in the lines of V. Mayakovsky “All professions are needed, all professions are important”... The same can be said for image formats.

The developers offer a lot raster formats, intended for storing files. Among the most frequently used are the following: BMP, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PSD, ICO.So, let's look at some of the pros and cons, as well as the scope of the listed raster image formats.

Raster image formats

  • BMP-(abbreviation for Bit Map image) represents standard raster format and has a universal purpose. It is supported by most graphics editors, including the fairly common Paint. Initially, coding in it was performed by the most in a simple way, By . But this turned out to be wasteful, since each pixel was represented by only one byte. Consequently, only 256 colors became available, which significantly limited the ability to transmit images. Subsequently, it was improved somewhat. Bit Map image almost optimal for storing data and sharing it with other similar applications. But, at the same time, it takes up too much memory space, since it is necessary to save the encoding of all image points. File BMP does not support animation and interlacing.
  • TIFF(from Tagged Image File Format)– universal for publishing systems and topographic graphics. Such raster image formats provide high quality printing. They were created to support almost all programs designed to work with bitmap files, so they are compatible with all platforms. Widely used TIFF in printing and publishing. Files (scanned images, illustrations, faxes, etc.) with the extension .tif stored in this powerful format for later color printing, although monochrome printing is also available - in views CMYK And RGB. Does not apply to publishing images in computer network or when creating websites, because it is quite large in size. It is also unsuitable for animation.
  • GIF(according to the first letters of Graphic Interchamge Format)serves for storageraster images in graphicsand for sharing them. It is one of the “oldest” on the Internet and has been in circulation for a long time, despite the fact that it uses indexed colors (in limited set). Files with the extension.gifwidely used in the design of Web sites. Among the main advantagesGraphic Interchamge Format It is worth mentioning that the type of image does not depend on the underlying platform or the type of browser, and compression occurs without loss of information. This format displays high-quality drawings with a small amount of uniform colors, drawings, transparent pictures and animation.GIFsmall in size, so it loads quickly, which is important when creating HTML pages. But still, the format has a significant drawback - it has a small range of colors, which limits its capabilities when storing images that have smooth transitions.
  • JPEG(abbreviation for Joint Photographic Expert Group) helps get rid of the flaws that arise when creating and saving images in GIFs. This uses a compression method for photographs or other images. These raster graphics file formats are the most common when storing multi-color pictures. Compressing images (they are stored in files marked .jpg) is performed in a smooth mode, which ensures a high degree of processing and reduces data loss. On the hard drive in JPEG convenient to save a significant number of pictures, in particular large photographs with smooth transitions. This allows you to significantly save disk space. Also using JPEG quite accessible to publish acceptable quality photo on a computer network. But it should be taken into account that during compression some of the data is lost, and when saving the same image again, the chances of irreversible loss of information increase. In this regard, the situation is greatly improved by the improved version of the format - JPEG 2000. True, it is not supported by all browsers, which slows down its spread.
  • PNG(portable network graphics) allows you to store raster graphics in a lossless compressed form, and the files are smaller in size than GIF. In format PNG Almost any color, as well as transparency, is available. This circumstance reveals ample opportunities in web design. Now it is constantly popular because it is compatible with all platforms, supports interlaced display, and has a significant color scheme, supports animation.
  • Domestic PSD raster graphics formats (short for PhotoShop Document) are intended for program packages. They support all types of images, as well as their layers during processing. Saved in files marked with extension .psd.

There are others raster graphics formats, which were not discussed in the article, but you can write about them in the comments, without forgetting about the competition!