Mobile translation in a megaphone. Sending money via USSD request. Translation using third party resources

Any mobile device equipped with a SIM card from Megafon can be used as virtual wallet. With funds placed on your phone balance, you can pay for purchases, utility bills, television, the Internet, and also transfer them to other mobile numbers, bank cards and electronic wallets. In this article, we will look in detail at ways to transfer money from a Megafon mobile account to a bank card.

The operator offers several transfer methods, the most convenient of which is transfer through the service.

Via website

Via SMS request

Send an SMS request to number 8900 with the following data separated by a space: card XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2000, where:

The response message will contain the transaction confirmation code and further instructions.

Confirm the operation using the specified method.

Conditions for making a transfer to a bank card

  1. Transfer is carried out to cards payment systems VISA, MasterCard issued Russian banks(for example, Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank, VTB, Alfa Bank and many others).
  2. Time period of admission Money and can be from a few minutes to 5 business days. If this is your first transfer, expect a maximum period.
  3. Limits for one-time transfers – from 50 to 13,730 rubles.
  4. Maximum transfer amount: per day – 40,000 rubles, per month – 40,000 rubles;
  5. The commission amount depending on the transfer amount is:
  • 7.35%+95 rub. (for transfers from 50 to 4999 rubles)
  • 7.35%+259 rub. (for transfers from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles).

The commission for transferring from a Megafon account to a card cannot be called small (for example, when transferring 10,000 rubles, its size will be 994 rubles). The commission for transfers from Megafon cards to bank cards is much lower. Let's consider this method in more detail.

Transfer from Megafon card

Megafon offers its customers to issue a card with standard functionality. That is, you can use it like a regular bank card: pay for purchases, withdraw cash, participate in promotions.

Its balance corresponds to the balance of the mobile account. Brief terms of service for Megafon cards are as follows:

  • Commission for transfer to any other bank card is 1.99%. It is not difficult to calculate that for transferring 10,000 rubles from a Megafon card to another card, the commission amount will be 199 rubles.
  • Issuing cards for users of most tariffs is free. For some, it ranges from 99 to 249 rubles.
  • When paying non-cash for goods and services, no commission is charged.
  • Commission for withdrawing funds from ATMs is from 2.5 to 3.5% depending on the amount.
  • Replenishment electronic wallets – 8%.
  • SMS notification is free.
  • Opportunity to receive cashback for purchases in certain categories of goods and services.
  • The ability to receive accruals on the balance (analogous to bank “interest”).

More detailed information presented on the operator’s website in the section “Payments and transfers” – “Bank card” – “ Important information and documents" – "Tariffs of Megafon bank cards"

Translation using third party resources

You can withdraw funds from Megafon’s balance to a bank card using electronic Qiwi wallets and Webmoney, however this method is not profitable because:

  • system commission for transfer to a wallet account is 8-8.5%;
  • from wallet to card account – another 2% -2.5%

Through the service » Mobile bank» You can transfer funds to Sberbank cards. In this case, the card number is not needed, it is enough to know the recipient's phone number. The service must be activated for both the sender and the recipient. For translation you need:

  • send an SMS request to number 900 with the text: translation 9ХХХХХХХХ 3000, Where
  • 9ХХХХХХХХХ – recipient number in this format
  • 3000 – conditional transfer amount.
  • in response SMS you will receive unique code transaction confirmation, send it to number 900.

This is the only interest-free way to transfer from Megafon to a Sberbank card.

Additional terms and conditions of the Mobile Bank service.

Top up your Tinkoff card

Through the online transfer form on the Tinkoff website. You can make a payment from any card, including the Megafon card. Recipient, except " Tinkoff Bank"can also be any other. The transfer fee must be specified when filling out the form.

Topping up your card by withdrawing cash from your account

Withdraw money in cash and then top up any card. To remove, you can use one of the following systems and organizations: Contact, Anelink, Unistream, Russian Post, Blizko. Registration procedure:

  • choose the department that is most convenient for you;
  • fill out an application via the operator’s website or SMS to number 3116 as follows (data is entered separated by a space):

BLIZKO 300 Vasiliev Ivan Vasilievich, where:

  • BLIZKO – type of payment system;
  • 300 – transfer amount;
  • Vasiliev Ivan Vasilievich– Full name of the recipient.

Receive an SMS with the transfer number and you can withdraw the transfer in cash at the selected branch. Be sure to have your passport with you. Deposit money into your account bank card at the nearest branch or ATM.

The conditions for all systems are approximately the same ( detailed tariffs can be found on the Megafon website in the section " Money transfers»):

  • commission fee – 5.95%+95 rubles;
  • transfer limits – 15,000 rubles. per day and 40,000 rubles. per month.

Transfer to bank account

It is impossible to withdraw money to Maestro cards from Sberbank using the above methods. This is due to the fact that the numbers of such cards consist of 18 digits (for VISA cards and MasterCard – 16 digits). The system perceives the 18-digit number as incorrect. Maestro cardholders can benefit from Bank transaction. Like any card, “Maestro” is tied to your account. Money received into the account is available for withdrawal and other operations on the card. The commission fee for transferring to a bank account is 8% + 40 rubles.

On the website in the “Services and Options” section. Money transfers and payments. To a bank account" you need to fill out the form fields:

  • transfer amount;
  • BIC of the recipient bank;
  • recipient's account number;
  • Recipient's full name;
  • sender's phone number.

Wait for the confirmation code via SMS and enter it in the appropriate field.

The bank's BIC and account number can be obtained in the Personal Account of the Sberbank Online service. For this:

  • log in to the site;
  • select the desired card;
  • In the “Card Information” section, go to the “Account Details” tab.

Possible problems during translations and their solutions

Sometimes it is not possible to make a payment. There could be many reasons for this:

  1. You must make sure that you have the required amount for transfer on your phone balance.
  2. When you try to make a payment, you receive an SMS notification that it is impossible to make a payment via technical reasons. In this case, you can contact the service’s technical support using the form feedback Online.
  3. The recipient's account or card number is incorrect. Megafon does not take responsibility for canceling a payment or returning funds. In this case, you can only try to contact the recipient and count on his decency. Be very careful when filling out the details.
  4. Some banks refuse transfers using the card number for their own reasons that do not depend on the Megafon service. In this case, you can contact the bank that issued the card.
  5. The message “Replenishment of this account is blocked” was received. Contact by phone hotline. It is useful to know that the operator does not have the right to provide any information in accordance with the law regulating the fight against illegal money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
  6. The service or purchase was paid for but not received. The problem may be with the seller or supplier of the paid item. Contact him for information and clarification.

So, transfers without withdrawing interest from the Megafon balance can only be made to a Sberbank card, provided that the Mobile Bank service is activated. Transfers to cards of other banks are carried out using any of the above methods with payment of a commission fee.

Remote methods of moving funds are convenient and have long become commonplace. Among their variety, any subscriber will be able to choose the most convenient and economical one.

Each of us has encountered a situation where the money in our account runs out at the most inopportune moment. To protect its subscribers from such a problem, the company has developed several simple and convenient ways transfer money between subscribers within the network. If you don’t know how to transfer money from Megafon to Megafon, then you should read the information presented in this article.

There are 4 options to transfer money from phone to phone. They all have pros and cons. Some are more convenient, but the commission is clearly too high. It's up to you to decide which one to use.

Via phone

If you are worried that your family and friends will not be able to stay in touch in an emergency, then you need to learn how to use the service for instant transfer of funds between Megafon users. This service is the simplest and in a fast way replenishment of balance.

To send the required amount of funds to a loved one, just type on your mobile device short number: *133*amount*recipient_number#. A message will be sent to your number with a code that you need to send in a reply SMS. The money will be credited to your account immediately.

Let's consider an example: *133*300*89269693245# by typing this command you will transfer 300 rubles to the subscriber number 89269693245

Commission for such an operation 6%

This service is extremely easy to use, so anyone can use it. The application is processed very quickly, and the sender receives confirmation that the declared amount has been debited from the account and credited to the recipient.

Through your personal account

You can transfer money from phone to phone on the operator’s website. To do this, you do not need to log into your personal account. It's easier to follow the instructions:

  • Go to the website , IN top menu choose Services and options -> Payments and transfers

  • Scroll down and select Transfer from phone to another phone

  • On next page all transfer details including commission are displayed

After pressing the button Translate, An SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the sender's number. The code consists of one digit; it must be indicated in the response SMS.

The commission for such an operation will be 1%

If you are already logged into your personal account, this will complicate the situation a little. To see the page for entering data for the transfer, follow the instructions in the screenshot below.

Sending money through your personal account takes longer

Make a money transfer on Megafon via mobile app "Personal Area" will not work. Such a function this application does not have.

Transfer money without commission

Oddly enough, but it is possible! Not all operators agree to this kind Steps! Megafon allows you to transfer money from phone to phone, within the network, without commission. There are two ways to do this.


Don't want to dial long combination? Use the service to transfer money from Megafon to Megafon via SMS. Recently, the operator’s subscribers have had the opportunity to make mobile transfers via SMS on more favorable terms.

In order to top up a friend's balance, you should send him a message with the text #300, where 300 is the amount to be transferred. You can also add a short comment or explanation to the message separated by a space.

If you transfer money in this way, then the commission for such an operation will be 0%

Via Megafon.Bank

If you transfer money from phone to phone regularly, then convenient application Megafon.Bank is simply irreplaceable. You can download it at official store yours operating system mobile device. After which we pass simple registration and come up with a password to log in. And the world of translations opens up before you.

  • Open the downloaded application

  • Go to the tab Translations. It will display your phone book, all that remains is to select a contact to send money. Of course, you can enter the number manually.

  • Having selected a contact, you need to enter the amount and confirm the operation. Next, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your number.

You can transfer money through the application no commission

Limits on transfers from phone to phone

  • The sender is charged a commission ranging from 0% to 6%
  • The maximum available amount for a one-time transaction is RUB 15,000
  • The daily limit on the transaction amount is 15,000 rubles
  • You can transfer no more than 40,000 rubles within a month
  • The minimum amount to send money to a Megafon number is 1 ruble
  • During the day you can perform only five operations
  • The subscriber cannot transfer the received amount of funds to another network user or use it to pay for other services.


Services for instant money transfer from Megafon to Megafon help eliminate the possibility of problems of lack of money to make urgent call. Now you know all the ways to transfer money from phone to phone, depending on the situation, you can choose the most suitable option for the transaction.

If you need to transfer money from Megafon to Megafon or to other numbers Russian operators, then read in this article how you can quickly do this. 3 ways to top up your account with mobile balance another subscriber.

This method is the easiest and fastest. Remember the required combination, make a request and the money is transferred! It's as simple as checking your balance on your mobile phone. The commission for such a transfer is small, so mobile transfer is very popular.

Algorithm of actions during translation.

To make a transfer, dial the following combination on your phone:

*133*transfer amount*recipient's phone number# and press the call button.

The recipient's phone number must begin with 8.

In response, you will receive further instructions for action from Megafon. That is, it will be necessary to confirm the transfer of funds by sending verification code. After this, you will receive an SMS notifying that the money has been transferred.

The transfer fee.

The commission for a transfer to a Megafon subscriber will be 6% of the transfer amount.

In the same way, you can transfer money to numbers of other Russian operators, only the commission will depend on the rate of this operator.

The commission will be deducted from the sender's account, so make sure there are enough funds in the account. The transfer is free for the recipient.

Features of mobile translation.

The minimum transfer amount is 1 - 10 rubles. (depending on the region).

The maximum transfer amount is 15,000 rubles.

You can make transfers in the amount of 40,000 rubles per month.

You can make no more than 5 transfers per day.

The mobile transfer service is automatically activated for all subscribers. But in some regions, in order to make such transfers, you need to activate the service. Therefore, if you receive a message that you need to connect special service and money is not transferred, send an SMS with the text 1 to number 3311.

Also in some regions there is a limit on the account balance after the transfer. It could be 30 or 50 rubles. Make sure there are enough funds in the account, taking into account the transfer, commission and balance.

Transfer money via SMS command

This method is also simple; it only requires a phone and money in your account. To transfer funds you need to send an SMS to the short number 8900 .

Algorithm of actions.

Dial an SMS in the following format: phone number without 8 and 7, transfer amount. For example: 9261111111 50.

You need to put a space between the number and the amount.

In response to your SMS, you will receive an SMS with a number from 1 to 9. This number must be sent in the response SMS. After this, you will receive an SMS confirming the transfer.

Transfer commission.

The commission will be 5-7% of the transfer amount. The maximum transfer amount is 15,000 rubles. and also 15,000 rubles. maximum amount of transfers per day.

You can make transfers in the amount of 40,000 rubles per month.

After the transfer, at least 10 rubles must remain on the balance.

Price sending SMS- for free.

In this way you can transfer money not only to Megafon, but to MTS, Tele2, YOTA.

The second way to transfer money via SMS

This method is very fast and as cheap as possible.

Need to send SMS to that the person for whom you want to top up the account. Write in SMS: #sum. That's all! You can write a message to the recipient separated by a space. For example: #500 I return the favor. After this, confirm the transfer.

There is one inconvenience for iPhone owners. They need to disable iMessage to perform this operation. After the transfer, you can enable it again in your SMS settings.

In case you need to transfer money to your account, you can send a request for a transfer. To do this, write an SMS to the person who is supposed to transfer funds to you: #sum?. For example: #500? . The SMS recipient will confirm the transfer and you will receive the money into your account.

Commission for SMS transfer and conditions.

For a transfer, a Megafon subscriber will need to pay 1% of the transfer amount. When transferring to numbers of other Russian operators, the commission will be 5%, but the minimum is 10 rubles.

You can transfer from 1 to 15,000 rubles at a time. The monthly transfer limit is 40,000 rubles.

For getting additional information You can contact Megafon support at 0500 .

Transfer to another subscriber's account via the Internet

You can transfer money from Megafon to the numbers of most Russian operators via the Internet. To do this, go to the Megafon website:

A window like the one in the screenshot will open. You need to enter the transfer amount, the recipient's phone number and your phone number. Check the box “I’m not a robot” and click “Translate”. The money will be transferred within a few minutes to the selected subscriber.

The commission will range from 5 to 7% of the transfer amount. The remaining limits on the amount are the same as for transfers via SMS.

Considering that in Russia there is a lot of competition among mobile operators, everyone tries to run new service, which will be convenient to use for customers. The Megafon company has the ability to transfer money from phone to phone, and the service is called Mobile transfer. It works when transferring the required amount from Megafon to Megafon.
In this case, you can transfer a sum of money instantly and you are not required to do anything. complex actions. After dialing the required combination, the amount will instantly be sent to that subscriber’s number.

The Megafon company offers three methods for the “money transfer” service to numbers between subscribers, but each method may differ in the amount, commission and time of enrollment.

How to transfer money

To make a translation using USSD commands You need to dial the combination *133*amount of money (in numbers)*subscriber number#call from the Megafon company number. For example, if you want to send 300 rubles to the number 8 999 777 66 55, then the combination should look like this:

In this case, it is not fundamentally important how you indicate the number to which you send funds. It could be +7920.., maybe 8920.., a sending method without 8 is also implemented, that is, the number 920 is indicated...

After this, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your number. If you do not send a response to it, the transfer will not be made. The answer is written in the following format:

*109*(code received in SMS)# call.

On cell number there is no need to activate the service, it is initially on it and you can use it, and there is no charge for the operation on your number for it.

Is there a fee charged for using the service?

How much does the Mobile Transfer service cost:

  • if the subscriber’s number is registered in the Moscow network, then the amount for the transfer is debited in the amount of 5 rubles. This amount is fixed and is written off regardless of how much you transfer;
  • if the owner of the number lives in the Moscow region, it is written off in the range from five rubles to fifteen. Here the commission amount will depend on the transferred amount;
  • if money is transferred from a number in one region to a Megafon number purchased in another branch, then the amount of the prescribed commission will be from 2 to 6% of the total transfer amount.

How to connect and disconnect

How can I activate the mobile translation service on a megaphone? The service about which we're talking about, connects automatically and is activated on all subscriber’s numbered capacities, therefore special connection it only requires it if it was previously disabled on the SIM card. In order to activate the service you will need to send an SMS with the text “1” to number 3311. Sending an SMS to in this case absolutely free. After sending the request, the service will work again on the number.

How to activate mobile transfer? It can be connected alternative way with help USSD request. To do this, you need to dial *105*220*0# call. After the request is processed, the service is activated.

How can I disable the mobile translation service on a megaphone? If the number is used by a child or old man, then the connected service can be disabled. Disabling the service is free and does not require you to spend any money. To disconnect, you will need a phone number on which you need to dial *105*220# call.

The service is available to all Megafon subscribers who are served on prepaid payment system tariffs. This service cannot be used by postpaid subscribers and numbers that have corporate tariff plans.

Conditions for a successful transfer


  • the smallest amount that can be transferred is one ruble;
  • 500r – the maximum amount available for transfer;
  • Moreover, after sending the amount, at least 30 rubles must remain on the subscriber’s balance;
  • There is also a limit that fixes the amount per month. It should not exceed 5 thousand rubles for 30 days.

What to do to protect yourself

If, for example, at work you have to leave your mobile phone unattended, it is better to disable the service in advance to avoid unnecessary charges. There is also no need to transfer your phone number to third parties. Since in this case the Megafon company is not responsible for debits from the balance of your number.

Using this service is really very convenient and simple. At any time, you can help your loved ones replenish their balance without leaving home.

Megafon offers its subscribers three ways to transfer money from Megafon to Megafon, Beeline, MTS and Tele2. These methods differ in the size of the commission and the limit on the amount transferred.

1. Mobile transfer

This method allows you to transfer money from Megafon to another subscriber’s phone in a short time. Money is credited using the Mobile Transfer service quickly. This method allows you to transfer funds to both Megafon subscribers and other operators: MTS, Beeline, Tele2.

To transfer money, you need to dial the USSD command:


For example, to transfer 200 rubles to the number 8-917-123-4567, you need to dial a command like: *133*200*89171234567#call. In this case, you can use any convenient format numbers: without the first digit, with the number 8 or +7 at the beginning.


  • Commission. If you are in Moscow, then the commission for a Megafon Mobile transfer will be 5 rubles, but if you transfer funds in the regions, the commission will be from 5 to 15 rubles. An additional commission of 5-7% is charged if you transfer funds to numbers of other operators.
  • Limit. You can transfer 15,000 rubles at a time and no more than 40,000 rubles per calendar month.
  • Restrictions. The service works only in the Russian Federation. Subscribers with corporate rates, as well as legal. persons cannot use this service. You can send funds only when there are at least 30 rubles left in your account (including all commissions). You cannot transfer an amount less than 1 ruble.

“Mobile transfer” Megafon allows you to transfer funds to another subscriber up to 5 times a day. This service is absolutely free, it is connected to all subscribers by default, but if for some reason you refused it, then to activate the service again, you need to send an SMS with the text “1” to number 3311.

2. Transfer money from Megafon via SMS

Transferring money from Megafon by sending an SMS message, this is the second possible variant translation.

To transfer money, you need to send an SMS to a short number 8900 , with the following content:

  • “recipient number” (space) “required amount” (without quotes)

Example. If you need to transfer 200 rubles to the number 8-917-1234567, then the message will look like this: 89171234567 200. An SMS with this content is sent to specified number(8900). The money will be sent to the number you send almost immediately.

Limits and restrictions:

  • Commission. The transfer amount and direction do not matter; the commission will be 8.5%. That is, it doesn’t matter where you are and what operator’s subscriber you are transferring money to.
  • Limit. Limit on one-time transfer is 5000 rubles. Per day it is permissible to carry out unlimited amount translations, but total amount should not exceed 15,000 rubles. Monthly limit – 40,000 rubles.
  • Restrictions. Using this service, you can transfer funds to subscribers who use the services mobile operators CIS countries. For a Russian subscriber, the minimum you can transfer is 1 ruble, for another country – 20 rubles. Upon completion of the transfer, you should have at least 10 rubles left in your wallet.

However, transferring money from Megafon to Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2 via SMS has one important caveat. The money you transfer can only be spent by the recipient on mobile communications. That is, he cannot withdraw the funds received to the card or pay for any goods or third-party services with them.

3. Megafon transfer via the Internet

Sometimes transferring money from Megafon to Megafon (Beeline, MTS, Tele2) via SMS and dialing short commands, can be inconvenient, especially if you are sitting in front of a monitor or tablet screen and you have access to the Internet.

To transfer money from Megafon to another subscriber, you need to go to the official Megafon website using the link:

To transfer money from Megafon to Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2, you don’t even need to log into your account, as was the case before. Now everything is done by entering the necessary data in the appropriate fields:

  • transfer amount;
  • recipient details;
  • sender details.

Please note: you must enter your number and subscriber number in 9-digit format, because the number +7 is already in the field. That is, for example, you need to sequentially enter data into the fields: 200 (amount), 9291234567 ( own number), 9171234567 (number of the person to whom the transfer is made).

The transfer period takes a few minutes, but transfers via the Internet have the following restrictions:

  • Commission. Using the Megafon Internet service for transfers, you can transfer funds to subscribers of other operators in any region of the Russian Federation, the commission amount will vary between 5-7%. The exact commission amount will be indicated on the screen when you enter the recipient number and the transfer amount.
  • Limit. It is impossible to transfer more than 15,000 rubles per day via the Internet, while the maximum payment at a time is also 15,000. The number of payments per day is not limited, but you cannot transfer more than 40,000 rubles per month.
  • Restrictions. Transferring money via the Internet is very convenient, because this method has only one limitation - the minimum transfer amount should not be less than 1 ruble. You can transfer the amounts you need to numbers of different operators.

How to disable Mobile transfer

If you need to disable the Mobile Transfer service, simply enter short USSD command*105*220#. The service will be disconnected instantly. Alternative option– send to number 3311 free SMS with the number "2". After which an SMS will be sent to your number notifying you that the service has been disabled.

Additional Information

The convenience of Megafon services and the variety of mobile transfer options Megafon allows you to transfer any amount at any time. All services are 24/7 and their use is free (commission only).