Is it possible to make money blogging? How much can you earn on a blog: real numbers and options

One of the new ways to earn money is blogging on the Internet. A blog is an online diary, magazine. Its essence is the regular publication of posts (entries) on any topic. At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to make money on this. This is not true: there are very real examples of people who actually live off income from a blog. However, there are few such people, because making money with a blog is not so easy. Only a few are able to win and retain the attention of a wide audience. And you won’t earn money from blogging right away, but after some time.

In any case, you can try to make money on a blog. Perhaps, by bringing in a small income at first, your blog will later become popular and you will be able to earn more. It all depends, firstly, on your abilities. Secondly, it depends on the correctness of your actions. You must clearly understand what steps you need to take first and what you need to think about to monetize your blog. This will be discussed in this article.

Blog topic and your audience

The first thing to think about is the topics that will be covered in the blog. A blog should always have a specific topic. Because a blog about everything is at the same time a blog about nothing. And with the help of such a blog it is unlikely that you will be able to attract regular subscribers. The topic needs to be well thought out; without a clear definition, you shouldn’t even start taking other steps to create a blog. It is better to spend hours, days and weeks, but make up your mind.

There are several criteria for choosing a topic. To begin with, it must attract you personally, the author of the blog. After all, writing on an uninteresting, albeit popular topic is quite difficult. Not only that, you should understand the topic (better than most of the intended audience) and be able to make useful recommendations. Otherwise, how will you write unique, interesting posts? This could be the area of ​​your hobbies or the area of ​​your professional activity.

Another important criterion is the popularity of the topic among a wide audience. But at the same time it is worth assessing the competition. If there are already quite a few popular blogs on the topic you like, then your blog may have a very difficult time. You can determine the popularity of a topic offhand, or you can try to find out the number of search queries for a given period. And you can certainly immediately assume that a topic that is too narrow (for example, collecting insects) will not be popular.

How much can you earn on a blog: earning schemes + 8 tips from successful bloggers + income of 3 famous bloggers in Russia.

Business on the Internet is a relatively new type of activity, and it is developing by leaps and bounds.

There are many different types of income emerging, and blogging is one of them. It attracts many with its “beautiful picture”: you sit in a restaurant with a laptop, post your news and selfies, and only have time.

But once you start getting acquainted with this business, you understand that everything is not so easy and simple.

You need to work hard on your blog, invest not only your heart and soul into it, but also money, study a lot of information, look for ways to increase your blog audience and make money. Just like in any other business.

To the question “How much can you earn on a blog,” the answer options are:

  • Nothing;
  • few;
  • enough;
  • so many.

You can choose the answer you like (we can even guess which one), and then coordinate your actions and contributions to your own blog with the chosen option.

We will look into what is needed for this and what specific amounts we are talking about.

What types of blogs are there and how profitable are they?

First of all, let's divide blogs by purpose, that is:

  1. Blogs created for the soul and communication.
  2. Blogs are purely for making money.
  3. Blogs that are done for the soul and get big profits.

Actually, we will talk about the latest blogs throughout the article. And we will devote only a little time to the first two for general acquaintance.

1) Blogs are entertainment.

The first type of blogs is created by creative individuals and communication enthusiasts.

Usually such blogs are created on free platforms or in . Although initially this option does not generate income, we note that blogging “for yourself” makes an excellent platform for blogs with very high profit margins.

Advice: if you are just thinking about creating a blog and are unsure of your abilities, you can start with a free platform.

This way you can determine:

  • Is this type of activity suitable for you?
  • Is your audience interested in your product and how does it react to it?
  • Gain basic knowledge and experience in attracting your target audience.
  • Learn to use tools for creating information products (articles, videos, etc.).

All this will allow you to save time in the future if you decide to take blogging seriously.

2) Blogs created to make money.

Blogs created solely for making money have another, not very unflattering name - “shit blogs”.

They are artificially inflated with popularity indicators due to the “low-quality” target audience and various other methods.

Typically, such blogs do not live long - on average, one year. Over their short life, they can bring in a profit of 30,000 - 40,000 rubles per month. But at the same time they consume a lot of labor and do not foresee a free schedule and large profits in the future.

3) Blogs for income and soul.

When it comes to the third option for creating a blog, we can say that harmony reigns in it.

It is very important here that the blogger does something he loves and is interested in, invests a lot of time and effort into it, studies the “material parts” and over time all efforts will pay off with a good stable income and the opportunity to work on the blog for just a few hours a day.

In addition to these main, in our opinion, types, blogs are divided according to lower-level goals:

  • personal blogs (about yourself);
  • image (about the brand);
  • thematic/general subject blogs;
  • blogs for business (promotion of goods and services).

Blogs by type of content:

  • text blogs;
  • photo blogs;
  • audio blogs (podcast).

Of course, no one says that creating a collective blog from scratch is not worth it. This is a good option if you are lucky enough to have like-minded people.

Of course, all these divisions are conditional and can be combined. This structure is presented in the article to make it easier for you to decide on the niche of your blog.

8 tips for creating a blog from successful webmasters to their young colleagues

    Don't be lazy, but work hard!

    At first (from two months to six months), you need to put maximum effort into your blog.

    Don't lose heart!

    Everything comes gradually, including the audience. A good result will be visible after several months of meticulous work on the blog.

    Do not expect profit for at least two to three months, or even a year.

    There is no need to rush to make money from a blog. A common mistake is to place advertising as soon as the audience has begun to grow.

    This is a slippery slope, and it would be better to gain experience and “power” first before actively treading it.

    Don't be greedy!

    Post at least once a day.

    And if a blog is focused on covering news and events, for example, then the minimum for it is 3-4 articles.

    Choose a highly specialized topic.

    Statistics show that general blogs are popular, but they are more difficult to support and retain an audience.

    In the face of growing competition, it is much easier for young blogs to capture their share of readers thanks to unique, narrowly targeted content.

  1. Know exactly what and for whom you are writing(shoot) on a personal blog, to be an expert in your field or gradually become one.
  2. Be ready to invest just like in any other type of business.

    For blogging, investment is minimal (usually 1,000-2,000 rubles per month for a young blog).

What methods can you use to make money from a blog?

When a lot of work has been invested and the blog has already been promoted (we will look at indicators that this is exactly the case a little later) and has a wide audience, you can begin the most enjoyable process.

Namely, setting up a blog to make money. And, ideally, on autopilot, that is, with minimal waste of your time.

What ways are there to “make” money from a blog?

1. Contextual advertising on a blog.

PS. There are also several companies that engage in contextual advertising and are not search engines. The most popular of them is Nolix.

Payment to a blogger is calculated depending on the number of clicks on contextual advertising from his blog. That is, he is primarily interested in ensuring that the subject matter of the advertisement meets the needs of his readers.


2. Make money on banners.

Now it is losing popularity and is used mainly by bloggers to host affiliate programs.

3. Make money from teasers.

This is very tempting for the visitor, which does not always carry any semantic meaning or correspond to the content of the link, but has a bright, attractive picture and alluring text.

It is not advisable to use teasers, as this immediately reduces the “solidity” of the blog.

Teaser example:

4. Pop-up advertising.

For example, one of the many services that will help you make money is

5. Earn money from links (post links).

That is, the more you place other people’s links on your blog, the more you yourself will have to buy them for your site.

This is due to the system of search engines. For example, Yandex can impose sanctions on a blog if its AGS filter determines that the site is spammed with links. Google has such a tool as Panda.

With the help of such filters, search engines determine the quality of the site for users. And if they decide that the blog does not meet their quality criteria, all or some of the blog’s pages will be removed from the search engine.

  • rented;
  • eternal.

Advice: to earn good money, it is better to give preference to eternal links. But for this, your blog must have excellent performance. So before selling such links, you need to work hard on it.

6. Make money by posting articles.

On your blog, among your regular articles, you publish an article about your advertiser and his product with a review and recommendations.

Moreover, you are not obligated to sell anything to your readers, but can choose the product or service that you really like. But, again, only a good blogger can feel so at ease.

Where to look for customers who will post texts with you? If the blog is really good and promoted enough, they will write to you themselves.

...To speed up the process, you can look for potential customers yourself and write them letters offering to post a custom article.

7. Make money on the affiliate program.

A very popular way to make money among bloggers.

The system is this: you choose the partners you want to advertise (in accordance with the topic of the blog, of course) and post their offer on your website.

You receive commissions depending on how much benefit you bring to your partner. There are such options to earn money: for the number of clicks on an advertisement or the number of purchases, or for the number of users registered on the partner’s website using your link.

There are also multi-level affiliate programs. In them, you sell the affiliate program itself, and you receive profit from the actions of your referral (almost like in network marketing).

Affiliate programs can either bring very decent income or provide no income at all. How much you can earn depends on the right choice of partners and blog traffic.

8. Sale of goods and services.

You can make money by using your blog as a mini trading platform to promote your own products and services.

About how much you can earn on a blog - real numbers

Now I would like to summarize the results with specific amounts of how much you can earn.

Of course, this is difficult to do, since the spread of numbers is too wide. We took as an example several fairly successful blogs with good indicators and calculated their revenue.

But first you need to understand these success metrics:

So, how much can you earn on a blog with a traffic of 3,000 - 5,000 people per day, TIC level 600-800, PR 4-5:

  • Placement of contextual advertising on a blog – 30,000-40,000 rubles per month.
  • Banners – 15,000-20,000 rubles per month.
  • Placement of links – 20,000-30,000 rubles per month.
  • Affiliate program – 10,000-25,000 rubles per month.

Total: you will be able to earn 75,000 – 115,000 rubles per month.

Such results can be achieved after a year or two of intensive blog work.

How much do the most famous bloggers in Russia earn?

And finally, a portion of “sugar” for you - numbers that make your heart skip a beat. And they are very real.

This is the kind of money our compatriots, ordinary guys, manage to earn:

    Max +100500.

    It gained popularity a long time ago thanks to its unique video review. Until now, his blog is viewed by about 8,000,000 people.

    He can earn around $250,000 per year.

    Blog EeOneGuy from Ivan Rudsky.

    It belongs to general blogs and is very popular. Has about 11,000,000 subscribers.

    You can earn approximately $300,000 a year.

    TheKateClapp – Ekaterina Romanova’s blog about fashion.

    There are almost 5,500,000 subscribers. Can earn from $100,000 per year.

That's it... These guys are real stars and, of course, very charismatic.

Making money on a blog is real! But you will have to work hard.

Popular blogger Mila Demenkova shares her personal experience:

To summarize, I would like to note that the Russian blogger “market” is definitely not yet saturated.

This can be seen in comparison with the quantity and quality of Western English-language blogs, and this is evidenced by advertisers who do not always manage to find the required number of blogs suitable for the target audience.

Now you, knowing that how much can you earn from a blog and how to do this, gather your strength and go into battle...

However, you won’t be able to immediately monetize your resource on the Internet. To do this, you need to work a lot with your website, which should be interesting to people.

Contextual advertising provides an excellent opportunity to earn money Google Adsense, if the site has good traffic and the resource meets all Google requirements.

After registering on the Google Adsense website, wait for moderation results from it. Once your site is approved, you can place ad units. By experimenting, you will find the best options for installing them. The theme of your site, the space for banners, their size, type and color matter.

Little secret- square blocks provide more income than rectangular banners.

The most expensive clicks will be on a site on finance, construction, e-commerce, and making money on the Internet. The subject of the advertisement matches the theme of your website.

Therefore, interested visitors will click on banners. The cost of an Adsense advertising click is from 2 cents to $10 per click, the average price is usually $0.05 - $0.50 depending on the topic of the site and advertising. Sites with high traffic (For example, about 10,000 unique visitors per site) receive income of up to 50 thousand rubles. and more.

Many webmasters know secrets, how to make very good money on a blog with Adsense. Previously, it was possible to install only 3 blocks of banners and 3 blocks of Adsense links on one page. Now there are no restrictions, but usually there is no point in placing more than 4 Adsense blocks on a page.

There is nothing more profitable than Google Adsense except direct advertisers (companies that negotiate directly with the site owner to place a banner, article, link). But for your site to be of interest to a direct advertiser, the traffic must be at least 3000-5000 unique visitors per day. Depends on the topic. They usually pay 1.5-2 times more than Adsense brings.

Contextual advertising provides excellent income Yandex Direct. For every 1,000 pages viewed by users, there are an average of 15 clicks on such advertising. It can be placed on a website that has at least 300 unique visitors per day.

Popular site with attendance up to 2000 people. can earn about 10 thousand rubles. Average prices for clicks in Yandex Direct are 5-20 rubles, but for example: mutual funds – 29 rubles, lending – 37 rubles, forex – 57 rubles.

Selling space for teaser advertising

Teasers(small pictures with text) with teasing pictures are always good at attracting the attention of visitors. Typically, with 1000 unique site visitors, you can get an average of $10-20 per month or more from one block of 5 teasers.

We recently tested, in which 12 teaser networks participated and the best ones that generated the most income were BodyClick (Site and MediaVenus. The worst in terms of income were Tizernet and TizersMedia. AdLabs also pays well.

Earning money with affiliate programs

Nowadays, on the Internet, numerous affiliate programs pay a certain percentage of the sales of their services and goods to webmasters, who act as intermediaries in these sales. This is how books, CDs, gadgets, clothes and other goods are successfully sold.

But! Typically, the income from these affiliate programs is lower than from Adsense, YAN (Yandex Direct) and teasers. The best companies in this field are Admitad(website and which have thousands of advertisers of goods and services.

Banner advertising

Banners are usually placed either by direct advertisers, which we wrote about above, or you can connect special services to the site. You can negotiate with advertisers about the placement of such advertising either directly or using special services. For example, is convenient. Rotaban pays up to 400 rubles. for 10 thousand impressions, 1000 rub. for 25 thousand impressions. He takes a small percentage for his services.

Selling articles with links

Additional income can come from the wholesale sale of small articles written by you or for you with sponsored links inserted there and the necessary anchor (link below the text).

Robots need them for searching, and sponsors need them to receive traffic. If the site is 3-5 months old, you can already start selling links. Sites with a traffic of about 10 thousand people per day can receive significant income from such a sale. But sites with less traffic also make good money. A site with, for example, TIC 20 and PR 2(no longer relevant, Google canceled this indicator for all sites) , can sell links from 50 rubles to 150 for each (depending on the topic). Well-visited sites with a large TIC (thematic citation index) sell links for 600-2000 rubles per link or more.

For example, link on the website of the Kommersant publishing house (TIC 28,000) costs 22,000 rubles. The website (TIC 17,000) sells links for 18,000 rubles each. The RIA Novosti news agency (website, TIC 25,000) has 1 link that costs 86,000 rubles.

Intermediaries in the placement of such links are the exchanges WebArtex, Getgoodlinks, Miralinks, Advego. Selling such links is also possible through specialized universal systems. The best and the most popular exchanges are Sape and GGL

How much do websites and blogs earn?

There can be many ways to earn income. Profit depends on many indicators of the site or blog. One site may give $50 per month, and another $500. There are sites that bring their owners 20-80 thousand dollars a month, but these are old, trust (reputable) sites that were created in 2001-2003.

If you create a website now, persistently, and work on it every day for 2-3 years, then you can realistically reach a net monthly income of 800-2000 dollars. It’s unrealistic to make money by creating a website. Although it is possible to sell, sites without traffic or with minimal traffic (50 people per day) cannot be sold for more than 2000-5000 rubles.

Is it possible for a beginner in this field to make money from scratch?

Really. Even the humanities. If you study a lot and work tirelessly with your virtual resource every day, there will definitely be results. And you will be able to earn from your resource the amount that you consider worthy. The main thing is to do a lot and not give up when something doesn’t work out.

Do you want to make money from your blog? No problem! Valuable tips and useful videos on how to make money on a blog are at your service! Learn!

Many of us have probably often thought about such an interesting and exciting question: how to make money on your blog?

For example, there is a certain group of people who mistakenly believe that there is nowhere easier to make money on a blog and are confident that there is no need to do anything there themselves!

Their “successful formula” is also typical for websites.

Beginners believe that in order to make money on a blog or on the website you need:

  • all you have to do is create it;
  • post interesting articles there;
  • wait for profit.

Moreover, everyone wants the largest possible profit in a relatively short period of time.

Of course, there is an explanation for this: a huge amount of advertising that encourages you to purchase a course and instantly become rich.

I must say honestly, this does not happen!

How to make money on your blog or what kind of money to expect?

You need to be as honest as possible in order to make money on a blog you need to have quite strong ambitions and a great desire to earn a decent income!

For example, there are people who were not lazy, created their own website and now conduct their entire business on the Internet, while receiving quite a high monetary profit!

Pay attention to the online store! There is everything for a complete and quality holiday!

People were not lazy and created such a decent Internet platform, which brings them considerable monetary compensation!

Why are you worse?

For clarity, it is worth dividing people who earn money in this way into several categories:

There are small statistics according to which 90% of blog and website owners can earn a little more than 10 rubles a day, 8% have good earnings, 2% earn a lot of money a month.

The same ratio applies in real life.

Why do they make so little money from blogging?

First of all, all novice bloggers study all possible ways to earn money and only then start working.

However, one big reason prevents achieving the goal, which few can overcome.

The Russian mentality involves getting a big jackpot right away.

You still don't understand how to make money on a blog?

And I’ll tell you this - only those who put their soul and time into their work can count on a decent monetary reward!

Instructions for working with your blog or website:

  • The blog must be filled daily with interesting, high-quality and competent articles;
  • All articles must be unique and easy to read.
  • It’s worth immediately warning those who decide to fill their blog with purchased articles and will turn it into trash.
    All articles should have one idea.

The most important rule when running your blog is to put your whole soul into this work, to be!

Literally love him and enjoy his work.

Time, desire, a specific topic, love for your work and lack of laziness can lead to the expected result!

which talks about what is needed to

so that your blog brings in decent money!

Let's listen and analyze!

With daily blog traffic of up to 200 people and zero TIC and PR, you can make a profit equal to 10 rubles per day!

A good income comes from a blog with more than 1,000 visitors per day.

To get a more decent income, you need to invest not only time, effort, but also money.

Of course, you can promote a blog for free, but it will take almost a whole year.

It is important to remember that the higher the TIC and PR, the higher you can make money on a blog!

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Epigraph: where you will find out how much and how you can earn money on a blog + create a blog yourself simply by repeating everything after the presenter.

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you the whole terrible truth about making money on a blog, namely, how much you can really earn per month on your blog! Everything written below also applies to sites.

Are you planning to create your own blog and hope that as soon as you do it, it won’t take long for it to start generating good income? Such as Google Adsense advertising, affiliate programs, etc. No? And, probably, you already have your own blog, you are already earning a pretty penny from it, of course, but you want to earn more and, again, hope for huge income in the future?

Not again? Are you already making big money from your blog? Great, respect. Then I think that I won’t tell you anything new, this post is mainly dedicated to dreamers, those guys and girls who think that if they have their own blog, they can get rich on it!

By the way, I know why many people think that if you have your own blog on the Internet, you can earn several thousand dollars a month while sitting on your butt and smoking bamboo. It’s simple - you’ve read a lot of empty chatter from all sorts of Internet gurus on various forums, etc., or “super mega” SEO optimizers who write about various SEO features, search engine algorithms, updates, advise something, prove, teach and etc., but the site traffic counters themselves don’t even exceed a hundred, and the TIC and PR are still at zero!

Laughter in one word! In general, everyone writes beautifully and promisingly, but as always, no one reveals the terrible truth! Okay, I'll be the first.

So! I know if you are here, then you are interested in the question - How much can you earn from your blog? I answer! Differently! And a lot and a little! Much and little are different concepts for everyone. Let me personally tell you my vision of making money on a blog!

There are millions of people making money from blogging today (millions of people, not money). The question is how much they earn. I divide all these people into 3 categories:

1. People earning pennies, which makes no sense to even withdraw from electronic Internet accounts; it’s easier to extend hosting for a month =).
2. People who make money on a blog are quite good, they have enough to live on, they don’t have to work and the blog is their main source of income.
3. People who earn a lot! Big money, thousands and tens of thousands of dollars a month, or even more!

Everyone wants it, but why do 80% of guys and girls who have their own blogs earn pennies, 15% earn well and only 5% earn a lot? There are many reasons for this. In general, if you take any area of ​​life, then in it, just like everywhere else, the ratio is approximately the same 80/20 - this is a law of nature. =)

Just as everyone won’t be great lawyers, for example, everyone won’t be super mega bloggers earning tens of thousands of bucks a month! It is a fact!

Before I tell you about how much you can earn from a blog, you should know ways to make money from a blog. The main ones have always been and will be for a very long time 3 ways to earn money:

Reason #1: LAZINESS!!!

ALL!!! There are no more reasons, you don’t have to argue with me! Usually everything happens as follows. A person has a desire to create his own blog, maintain it, work on it and thinks that everything will be good, simple and smooth! He writes for a week, two, three, a month, two months - there are no thousands of dollars a month, he writes further - again there is no big income, he writes further - and again the money does not flow.

“Well, screw it all,” he says and gives up. Why? Laziness!!! Most people want everything quickly and at once, but that doesn’t happen!

To maintain a blog competently, you need to write on it constantly (every day if possible) and, most importantly, in a high-quality and unique way! Many simply don’t have the time or energy for this (although why the hell don’t you have time, and what about the night?).

To write on a blog you need to know about what you are writing, and many people write anyhow, write something they don’t know or simply copy someone else’s text, redo it and paste it into their blog. To blog successfully, you need to love this business, writing articles should be a pleasure, and many people write because they have to...

Also, some guys simply don’t believe in themselves. Looking at other cool blogs, they think like this: “Ohhh, I’ll never reach that level.” Damn it friends! You can fly higher, just learn how! Oh, I’m too lazy to study, I forgot. =) In general, a blog is a very serious matter and very difficult, believe me! BUT! If you enjoy it, then everything is much simpler!

OK! You have a strong desire, you are ready to act, you have decided on the topic of your blog, you know what you will write on it, you understand that it will be difficult, that the blog will take a lot of time, etc., what next? And now the terrible truth! =)

Question: How much can you earn from a blog? I answer - there is almost nothing on the zero blog! “What do you mean at zero?” you ask. I answer. If your blog is visited by a small number of people per day (10-100 people), and the TIC and PR of your blog are at zero, then don’t expect big earnings!

Guys earn a lot on highly visited blogs, because it is profitable for advertisers to place their advertisements on such blogs. It’s clear that the higher the traffic, the more people will see the advertisement! These are mainly banners. Accordingly, there is also more exhaust from affiliate programs.

Google Adsense and Yandex Direct think the same. The higher the quality of the resource, the higher its traffic, the higher the TIC and PR, the more% the owner of the blog on which the advertisement is placed will receive.

Here, company X has released some new product or provides some services via the Internet. She needs to promote herself. What resources will she offer to post their banner or write a whole post about her company and pay for advertising?

Those with an attendance of 100 people or 1000-2000 people per day? I think you can guess who. Of course, those who have higher traffic. And for an entire post, some companies pay wow.

Here's another example - postal (links). Mostly people buy posts from those blogs that have large TICs and PR. I know that many novice bloggers don’t even know how to make money from links (post links), and what a post link is in general =). I'll explain well.

Any blogger wants to increase their TIC and PR. Find information on how to do this on the Internet. Why raise it? That's what I said - they don't pay money in the 2000s. The main way to increase TIC and PR is to buy links (post links) on link exchanges (Rotapost, Gogetlinks, Blogun, etc.)

Why is this necessary? Look here. Let’s say there is a blog X on the Internet with 3,000 visitors per day and PR - 5, TIC - 800. This is actually a cool blog, you should strive for this. There is also a blog on the Internet, Y, whose traffic is 10 people per day, TIC and PR = 0.

I think this is a very young blog that has just come into being. So here it is. How this very blog Y can raise its TIC and PR with the help of blog X. Very simple. Blog Y can go to the Rotapost, Gogetlinks or Blogun exchange, find blog X there or any other blog with high TIC, PR, similar topics, etc., and say “Blog X, please place a link to my blog on your blog , and I’ll pay you for this, for example, 200 rubles.”

If blog X agrees and places a link to blog Y on its blog, then after the Google or Yandex robot indexes it, the authority of blog Y will increase greatly, and the TIC and PR will increase accordingly, and the blog itself will rise higher in the search results.

Of course, a blog won’t take off with one link, but with several bold links, that’s okay! Result - Blog X with high traffic and high TIC and PR indicators earns money, zero blog Y pays money! It's clear? I think it's clear! Well, now you know how you can make money from links (post links), as well as promote your blog with their help. =)

Now ATTENTION!!! Another question that newcomers to the blogosphere ask is whether they need to invest money in a blog to promote it or can they do it all themselves? I want to answer this question the way I see it. Here again there are 2 options.

1. Promoting a blog on your own is very difficult. Believe me, it will take more than one year to promote a blog without investing a penny in it. This means raising the TIC and PR, because all those who want to make money on a blog strive for exactly this.

Increasing blog traffic is not a problem - write clear, unique articles according to all the basic SEO rules that people will like and you will get high traffic, but to make money on a blog, you need high TICs and PR.

I wrote about how to write articles here - “”. Over the 3 months of my blog’s existence, it has grown to 350 visitors per day just thanks to articles!

In short, promoting a blog on your own means growing a hump on your back (you will sit at the computer a lot and hump), as well as creating sores. I’ve already been in the hospital once because of this, that’s enough for me. I don't advise you to do the same.

2. Promote your blog for a fee. To do this, be prepared to invest several thousand rubles a month in it! Advertising, banners, buying links, running through directories, etc. In general, getting into the Yandex catalog now costs only 12,500 rubles.

Friends, blogging is the same business in which you first invest money, return your investments, and then only it starts to make a profit! For the first year, year and a half, be prepared to invest money in your blog, all your possible income from affiliate programs, Google Adsense advertising, as well as additional invested money, etc. will be spent on promoting your blog!

Yes friends! It's not all that simple! You need to work very seriously, study, gain experience, invest your soul and money! But then your blog will bring you money that many people can’t even afford!

This is such a terrible truth, alas and ah! Are you probably already happy? That is OK. There are disappointments in life, a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie!!!

And finally, a little piece of motivation for you. For example, how much can you earn on a blog per month, with 3000-5000 visitors per day and TIC indicators - 500-800, and PR -4-5. The blog is posted in the Yandex and DMOZ catalogs.

I recently conducted my own analysis of some sites and came up with the following approximate figures:

Total minimum: 30 + 10 + 20 + 15 = 75 tr. per month! Cool? I think yes!

There is something to strive for, isn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I’m going exactly to these numbers and even more! How long does it take to go? Don't know. Everyone goes differently. Some for a year, others for 10 years. =) You set the pace yourself!

Here's a parable for you:

One day a traveler was wandering towards the city and saw a sage sitting by the road. I approached him and asked:
- How long will it take me to get to the city?
“Go,” the sage answered sparingly.
The traveler was offended by this answer and asked again:
- So how long do I have to go to the city?
The sage said again, “You go, go.” The traveler thought, “The old man is completely out of his mind, he can’t answer,” and he went on.
After a few steps, the voice of the sage caught up with him:
- At the speed you are walking, you will have to walk for 2 days.

Best regards, Alexander Borisov