Is there a ruby ​​button for YouTube? What are the YouTube buttons? Ruby, gold, diamond, silver, bronze YouTube button: what it looks like, how many subscribers they give for

Do you like cottage cheese? One of my friends just loves it, so he posted it on YouTube own channel, in which he compares tastes of this product from various manufacturers, bakes cheesecakes and rolls sausages, laughing fervently at the camera.

One day I thought, why am I worse? Why not start filming something, posting it and becoming more and more popular. The Lord gave me two hands, access to the Internet, charisma, artistry on the level of Philip Kirkorov and three cats.

In general, all the components of success were with me.

But did I know that this was not enough? Certainly. Otherwise I would not have written this article.

In order for subscribers to flow like a river, views to go off scale, and the monitor to crackle from likes under the videos, it is absolutely not necessary to pray to the photo of Max +100500 (yes, I still remember who it is). You just need to equip your channel with the treasured buttons, which, if used correctly, will become your assistants in the difficult task of conquering the heights of the famous video hosting.

What are YouTube buttons and which ones are useful?

The treasured inscriptions that appear in squares and frames on the video are called annotations.

Annotations are a type of marketing tools YouTube. They encourage your viewers to take action certain actions on the channel, which naturally increases their number and increases the percentage of their activity.

There are several types of buttons:

  • Callout

The shape resembles a dialog box (like in comics), you can insert a link into it.

  • Note

It differs from the previous version only in shape, changes color slightly when hovering the cursor and also implies a link.

  • Frame

Necessary for highlighting any element in the video. When you hover your cursor over it, you can expect the brightness of the hue of the borders of this annotation to change.

  • Name

This is just text that you can insert at any time on your video. Very convenient for long videos where you need to identify parts and do simple navigation.

  • Label

Like a frame, it is necessary to highlight any detail, but unlike it, it has a magical function: when you move the mouse cursor over the label area, text appears there, which attracts the attention of viewers. Nowadays you won’t get burned for such miracles, so use them if you want to play interactively with the viewer.

Why are buttons with annotations needed: a few secrets for which we won’t get jailed

You can use these gifts of the YouTube gods for the following purposes:

We can’t help but mention the benefits of using various types of buttons for selling videos. After all, their main goal is to attract the attention of potential buyers to the product and direct viewers to the page of an online store or catalog, where they can learn more about it detailed information and purchase.

Place a large (within reason) button with the annotation “Buy” on your sales video and do not forget to insert a link leading to necessary resource. In this way, you can promote various courses, books, video tutorials and much more.

Don’t make mistakes and don’t forget to duplicate the link with the transition under the video. After all, the annotations will not be seen by viewers watching your channel from mobile devices, but is this a reason to refuse them to buy your product?

Bottom line

In fact, the annotation has only three global goals: to attract subscribers, help you with competent linking, and bring traffic to third-party resources.

Well, they can also decorate a creation captured on camera, amuse and entertain subscribers, both potential and devoted fans of your creativity or business.

How to make a “Subscribe” button on YouTube: method one, classic

So we’ve moved on to the holy of holies, to the button that can make you famous, popular and watchable.

Before I sat down to write this article, I created my own channel on YouTube and uploaded a couple of koala videos there so that I could go through everything I was going to tell you about. Well, I also just love koalas.

I must say that the journey into the wilds of YouTube turned out to be much more fun and easier than expected.

So, let's begin:

After you've made your first stellar video and uploaded it to your channel, you have two ways (which are then combined into one) to add a subscribe button to it.

You can click on the rectangular icon below the video or click on “Video Manager”.

In the first case, your path will run through this.

And in the second through this.

As a result, you will find yourself in a simple and convenient visual editor, where you can start creating your own annotation.

I decided to choose a callout, but a note would also be great, it all depends on your personal wishes.

Then enter the button text in the special field. You can be creative, or you can write something standard like “Subscribe to the channel.” The main thing is that the viewer understands what you are trying to achieve from him.

After that, you can choose the font size and style, select the background of the inscription, and the time when it will appear. You have the option to set specific intervals or leave the button active throughout the entire video.

The last step is to add a link to your channel. To do this, you will need to click in the “Link” field, paste there active link your channel, and in the field on the right, indicate the type of annotation and select “Subscription”.

Now, by clicking on the resulting button, the user is taken to your channel, where he will be greeted by this window.

“Subscribe” button on YouTube: method two – a picture so that it probably works

Why do these inscriptions at all, if under the video there is already a button with a subscription, which you do not need to insert yourself. The question is logical and illogical at the same time.

Users share the video on social networks and add it to their websites; not everyone watches your creation exclusively on YouTube (so now live with it). Therefore, a call attached to the video itself will help you attract followers from all resources.

I’m telling you about another option that will help you get new subscribers.

It is simpler than the first: it will not require you to come up with phrases or mental anguish regarding the shade of the font and background.

The button we'll talk about now appears automatically on every video you upload.

So, go to your channel’s control panel, select “Corporate Identity” and click on “Add Channel Logo”.

There you will be asked to select a picture from your computer.

I decided not to appear the coolest and chose a simple logo. Like this

Then you can independently specify the time when this button with a picture will be seen by your viewers: at the beginning of the video, at the end, or make it loom in the right corner throughout the entire video.

I thought it was logical to schedule her appearance at the end, because if the user has watched my video up to this point, then he will also find the rest interesting and a subscription in this case will come in handy.

It is not necessary to do everything exactly the same, at first it is enough standard solutions. And don’t forget that subscribers hatch from viewers, and they first need to be brought to the channel.

How to make other annotations on YouTube?

For example, I made a button to go to my other video, adding a link to it in the required column.

And this is how I invited my subscribers to buy themselves a toy koala, so that they would not worry about the fact that it is not so easy to get a real one.

To create navigation buttons external links to your third-party site, you will need to link it to your Youtube account, and then use the annotation to implement your idea by selecting “Linked website” in the appropriate field.

How to correctly place buttons on YouTube or what can you get slapped with?

Learning to use annotations and provoke subscribers to take certain actions is not everything. It is important to place them correctly on your video so that they can perform their main functions and not irritate those watching your video.

  • Secondly, pay attention to the design. The text should not merge with the image and background. The frame itself should not take up much space or somehow block the objects on the video.
  • Firstly, you don’t need to display a bunch of buttons at once: no one will like being constantly distracted by pop-up windows while watching.
  • Third, position your calls correctly. You should not insert them into the lower left edge, where your logo will be displayed, or, conversely, place them too high, where access to the button will be blocked by a branded plaque. Good decision– fix the annotation, slightly retreating from the upper right or left corner.

That's all the instructions. Now you know how to become a popular blogger, businessman and millionaire (by the number of subscribers, for sure).

Cover yourself with a hundred layers of something, start a beauty blog, post reviews on Rollton and move towards success.

Or do it smarter - read our article about , and take a pie from the shelf for your ability to accept right decisions. The main thing is to add useful buttons into your video.

The article describes what rewards are available on YouTube and how to get them.


« YouTube» is the most popular resource on the Internet where you can not only watch videos, but also upload your own. Users who post their videos can attract other users to their channel and thereby gain popularity.

Popularity on " YouTube» is also marked by the number of views of your video. How more views, the more popular the video is, accordingly. This encourages people to start subscribing to your channel in order to periodically stay updated on what new videos you’ll be posting.

But in addition, the company YouTube» even rewards those users who score a large number of subscribers. Awards are souvenirs in the form of buttons (we will show them below), which the company sends to the awarded user by mail. We will talk about this in our today's review.

What buttons are there on YouTube?

Each user has YouTube", which has its own channel, maybe different quantities subscribers from zero and above. Of course, it is very difficult to gain several thousand subscribers, let alone one hundred thousand or more. There may also be competition here.

Therefore, if you want the number of your subscribers to grow quickly, you need to post a corresponding video on your channel. Your videos should be:

  • Fresh
  • High quality
  • Interesting and specific

Only in this case can we hope for possible popularity. Fresh and interesting videos will not only be watched, but also appreciated. Users will like, thereby increasing the rating of your video and adding it to their channel, where they will, in turn, be viewed by other users.

What are the YouTube buttons? Ruby, gold, diamond, silver, bronze YouTube button, what it looks like, how many subscribers they give for

True, according to some data, your videos are guaranteed to be regularly watched by five to ten percent of viewers among all your subscribers. And if you have one hundred thousand subscribers, then you can assume that each of your videos, when released, will immediately be viewed by up to ten thousand people.

So let's talk about buttons. As we have already said, for each certain number of subscribers, users are awarded souvenirs in the form of buttons. This is what such a button looks like:

What are the YouTube buttons? Ruby, gold, diamond, silver, bronze YouTube button, what it looks like, how many subscribers they give for

On " YouTube» buttons are:

  • Diamond
  • Gold
  • Silver

They are located in a wooden frame behind glass and have a matching color. The glass shows your channel name. The button can be hung on the wall as a well-deserved reward.

When you reach the required number of subscribers, you will receive a special message on your channel from “ YouTube" You will need to send a request, after which your email Mailbox You will receive a letter with a questionnaire. Fill out the form and wait to receive your reward by mail (the time for delivery depends on the work of postal companies).

So, let's get acquainted with the buttons.

Diamond button

What are the YouTube buttons? Ruby, gold, diamond, silver, bronze YouTube button, what it looks like, how many subscribers they give for

The Diamond Button is awarded to those users " YouTube", whose channel has accumulated ten million subscribers. So far, the diamond button is the highest official award on " YouTube", which only its users can get. It is known that 32 people received this award. Maybe you will join this series.

golden button

What are the YouTube buttons? Ruby, gold, diamond, silver, bronze YouTube button, what it looks like, how many subscribers they give for

Users with one million subscribers receive a gold button. True, of course, this button is not made of gold, but simply gilded. But this is not its value.

Silver button

What are the YouTube buttons? Ruby, gold, diamond, silver, bronze YouTube button, what it looks like, how many subscribers they give for

Earn a silver button on " YouTube"It will be much easier. Most users receive this reward. To get it, you need to gain one hundred thousand subscribers.

What other buttons are there on YouTube?

We described above the official awards at “ YouTube" There are also unofficial buttons that appeared for various reasons.

For example, bronze button was conceived by one user " YouTube” for his friend, but in the end, the idea arose to produce such rewards for users with ten thousand subscribers.

Ruby button was made specifically for one the most popular channel – « PewDiePie”, which gained fifty million subscribers.



Video: Silver YouTube Button / Silver Play Button YouTube

Video: THE RUBY PLAYBUTTON / YouTube 50 Mil Sub Reward Unbox


World publications are full of headlines about supposedly the largest media hosting in the world introducing a reward system for its users.

Now every YouTube channel owner who has been able to attract more than 10 million subscribers over the years of his fruitful work will be able to receive a valuable reward - a diamond button

This is quite justified, because according to the latest data, it is known that only 35 bloggers in the world were able to overcome this milestone, and, unfortunately, our compatriots are not among them.

But apparently better times at Russian bloggers there is more to come, and at the very least it is worth congratulating the channel owners:

  • Max +100500
  • Stasa Davydova This is good
  • KateClapp who were able to receive .

So what is it and how do you get it?

It's no secret that every year the number of video bloggers is growing rapidly and now a real battle for subscribers has broken out on YouTube. It’s not about the channel’s profitability or global vocation, but about the valuable reward from the service that every user dreams of getting...

So, the diamond button is a souvenir that is given to the owner of channels with 10 million subscribers.

It is stylized as a regular button, but with a unique texture "diamond-like" and a mirror surface.

Many bloggers already know how many subscribers they get for the YouTube diamond button, so we won’t go into details...

The value of such an award is due to the fact that not all channel owners will be able to receive it. But for bloggers who are not timid, the following recommendations can be given:

  • Promotion. This is one of the most important processes, because if you have high traffic, one way or another you will be able to attract interested subscribers. Key attention should be paid to channel optimization: every video, description and title should contain, but not at the expense of quality.
  • Content. Surely many bloggers have their own original style, while others simply copy their colleagues in the craft. Determine who your audience is and what they like, don’t be afraid to be unique, because that’s the whole point. Quality content the channel is a stable source of new subscribers and a guarantee of retaining old ones.
  • One step ahead of the competition. Your weapon is the ability to learn, that is, to take useful tips from opponents and combat shortcomings.

In general, almost anyone can receive an award, because to receive it, it is enough to attract 100 thousand fans of your work. All buttons are made in the USA and shipped to your address.

Once you have reached the desired milestone, you need to visit the Creative Studio website, where your unique code will appear.

On this moment such famous bloggers as

  • Pew die pie
  • HolaSoyGerman
  • and others

But, if you are not among these lucky ones, then we can offer you another way.

How to make it yourself?

You don’t need to be a legendary blogger or go into crime to become the owner of such a valuable and prestigious award. If you didn’t miss drawing or crafts lessons at school, then you won’t have any problems making a diamond YouTube button.

We will especially bring to your attention several recipes from junior video bloggers.

Popular methods:

  • smelt it from aluminum;
  • make from paper;
  • build from Lego.

How to create a button from lead and aluminum?

Lead is ideal for this task, but aluminum makes the button look more attractive.

It will take you at least 7-10 hours to do everything, but let’s take it in order:

  • for this task you will need about 2 kg of lead or aluminum cans with the same total weight;
  • You can use a metal bucket as a stove, which is filled with plaster and sand (50 to 50);
  • We insert a bucket of smaller diameter into the center so that after the plaster has hardened, it can be removed;
  • drill two holes in the bottom of the bucket for air supply (the stove also needs a lid;
  • the mold for the button can be made from foam plastic, which is subsequently applied to the plaster;
  • after the mold hardens, the foam is melted;
  • molten aluminum is poured into a mold and then cooled;
  • Now all that remains is to sand and polish the button for maximum effect.

How to Create our paper award?

It is much easier if you use plain paper as well as decorative materials.

Overall, this won't take much time, but it does require some paper skills.

To complete this work you will need:

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • stationery knife
  • ceiling tiles (plastic or foam)
  • foil
  • scissors.


  • Markings are made on an A4 sheet of paper in order to give the button the appearance of a diamond;
  • then the sheet is glued onto a thick base (cardboard), after which triangles are cut out;
  • the tile already has a recessed “Play”;
  • in accordance with the diagram, 3 additional stripes should be applied, giving the button a three-dimensional appearance;
  • Now we glue the buttons onto a plastic tile of the desired shape;
  • After this, the button is covered with foil or special tape.

There should also be no problem if you want to make a diamond YouTube button from Lego.

There are no clear algorithms or guidelines that give correct location elements.

If necessary, you can choose the size yourself, as well as design it in accordance with your sketches.

You can also find several more popular methods on the Internet, so if you don’t know how many subscribers they get for the YouTube diamond button, you can do it yourself.

Your channel. According to this criterion, YouTube rewards its best bloggers various buttons: silver, gold and diamond. This article will tell you how to get the coveted prizes from YouTube. You will also find out where you can buy YouTube button. The video hosting itself, in its section for authors, says that the only parameter by which the happy owners of YouTube buttons are determined is the total number of subscribers and nothing else. The number of views your video or your videos get does not affect whether you get the coveted button or not. This approach justifies itself, because the collection of subscribers is more complex than the collection of likes or views. Likes and views are not a constant indicator of the success of a channel, but subscribers are those people who like what you offer them. Of course, if you do not constantly work on your brainchild and do not upload new relevant videos, then over time your subscribers may decrease. Beautiful design channel on YouTube and correct selection video tags will also help promote your channel in . And there it’s not far from the desired button. If you still need to do a lot to receive a prize from the video hosting administration, and you want to have a button now, then you can purchase exact copy of this prize. This button will be a good motivation for any of your friends who are promoting their channel.

You can purchase a silver or gold button as a gift from many sources and message boards. There have been cases when the owners of the treasured buttons themselves put the prizes up for sale. But there is one nuance here - each button is signed personally, so it is much better to order a personalized button on third party resource. One such site where you can buy YouTube personalized buttons is Prices for buttons are shown in the top picture.

Buy silver YouTube button, or rather, a copy of it, today, is available for only 1,390 rubles. As mentioned above, silver, gold and diamond buttons are an indicator that the audience of your channel has exceeded a certain mark. Silver is given if you reach 100 thousand subscribers, according to YouTube. Now there are a lot of such channels, but not all owners received gifts from the administration. YouTube says that if you are suspected of dishonestly recruiting subscribers, you will not receive a button.

It turns out that to get a button, it’s not enough just to gain subscribers. You need to take a few more steps. After dialing required quantity people, you need to constantly visit your creative studio on YouTube, where a message should appear with unique code. Next, you send a request to receive the long-awaited button and wait to be contacted by an agent. Then the agent sends you a letter with an example of a questionnaire to fill out. You fill out the form and wait specified address your button. All organizational issues and the process of sending the button may take several months.

As we can see, a lot of time passes from the moment of gaining the required number of subscribers to receiving a well-deserved reward. And the process of recruiting subscriptions can even drag on for years. Moreover, you need one million people on the channel to become the owner of the golden button. It is much easier to order and buy a gold YouTube button on the same site At the moment, the cost of YouTube gold on this resource is 2990 rubles (see screenshot below).

To gain subscribers for the golden button, you need to spend even more of your time and effort on promoting your brainchild, promoting it and raising it. The Diamond Button is only awarded to best channels YouTube, with more than 10 million loyal fans. Most copies of YouTube buttons that are sold online look like the original, but are made of different, cheaper materials, which significantly reduces the weight of the prize and its value. Of course, nothing compares to the original button, so develop your channel, and, over time, the long-awaited prize from Youtube will come to you.

On YouTube. We’ll also find out what you can get such a button for.

IN currently There are 3 button options: silver, gold and diamond. Each is awarded for certain merits. Let's take a closer look at each in order.

YouTube Silver Button

The Silver Button on YouTube is awarded to creators of channels that have reached 100,000 or more subscribers. Some kind of incentive prize. One hundred thousand subscribers is a starting point for growth, a result that can be reckoned with.

How long will it take to get her? It’s always different, some people gain such a number of subscribers in 3 or more years, while others need less than a month. The main thing is to create useful content and beautiful .

To win the golden button you need to work very hard, many never reach this mark and abandon their channel. But those who still receive this button deserve respect.

A golden button is issued for 1,000,000 subscribers to YouTube channel. It is necessary to go through a really long and very strenuous path to achieve it.

Let's move on to the real TOP level of bloggers! Only 2-3 channels in Russia have such a button. To master the diamond button you will need to reach, attention, 10,000,000 subscribers! This is very difficult to do, and for some it is not even possible.

– one of the lucky owners of a diamond button. Even he himself is still very far from it.

Ruby (exclusive) button on YouTube

The ruby ​​button was created for the channel – PewDiePie. The author received it exclusively from YouTube for 50,000,000 subscribers! An incredible number. In our country, not a single blogger has yet come close to this result. But who knows, maybe this button will come to us in the near future.

Who do you think can be the first in Russia to receive a ruby ​​button?

PewDiePie Ruby Button Unboxing

Watch the video of the button unpacking with translation. Very interesting.