We are creating a landing page on VKontakte. Killer landing pages: three examples of effective landing pages

April 26, 2018

There are probably no people who use the Internet anymore who don’t know what a landing page is. Well, if there is, then we can briefly explain:

Landing page is a selling page on the Internet, created to sell (ideally) one product or one service. How it works.

A page is created with selling web design and content. To this page from advertisements the target audience is sent, which is converted into buyers on the page through selling web design and content.

That's it, in a nutshell. In fact, everything is very complicated. Creating, setting up advertising and promoting a sales page is a whole science. There will be no talk about the fact that this is ignored by 80-90% of landing page owners. This is a separate topic for discussion. We'll talk about the VKontakte landing page.

Why do they make a VKontakte landing page?

Well, this is kind of a ridiculous question. Any landing page is a tool for sales, and therefore for earning something for your existence in our “prosperous” country.

How to create a VKontakte landing page

In order to create a sales page, you need to know how to use wiki markup. This is the code with the help of which more attractive posts are created, which, in fact, can be called attractive only at a primitive level. Judge for yourself what attractive things can be created on the Social Network?

Wiki landing VKontakte

Wiki landing VKontakte has a lot of shortcomings. A main drawback is the absence real button buy or order. If on a professional hosting on a landing page, when you click a button, an order form opens, then on VKontakte, after clicking on the so-called order button, you will be redirected to a page where you will need to send a message to the VKontakte user who owns this so-called landing page.

But the main problem That’s not the point, it’s not like it’s a problem, but a shortcoming, but the problem is attracting target audience. How to attract the target audience to such a page? There is only one way - buy advertising from VK. And advertising is very expensive here. If you don't have enough money, you won't win anything. Promoting a VK landing page for free is much more difficult than using hosting. Therefore, an idea with such a landing page is ineffective, costly and essentially doomed to failure. But if you are an enthusiast, then go for it, maybe you will succeed.

P.S. Don’t forget to probe your VK target audience, otherwise, suddenly, its percentage here is negligible. After all, there are other networks where your target audience can currently flow in search of the best. And why limit yourself only to VK users, when with professional hosting the whole world is at your feet.


You've probably encountered the creation and optimization of landing pages while promoting online projects. The development of a high-quality landing page is critical important components marketing campaigns. This material will introduce you to three examples of cool landing pages, and will also show you the components of their success. But first things first.

Landing pages: definition, performance criteria

Effective landing pages meet the following criteria:

There are no perfect landing pages, since staticity is one of the enemies good landing. However, the examples below are very close to the ideal option. Let's take a closer look at them.

Content Rules landing page

American content developer Content Rules has created an effective landing page to distribute its e-book.

What Content company Rules did it right:

  • Design

The landing page looks nice and simple. The headline attracts the visitor's attention to the conversion action (Download the book for free right now - this is an approximate translation of the headline).

  • Photo

The only photo on the landing page is a preview of the e-book cover. This photo attracts the visitor’s attention and clearly demonstrates the product to him, but does not distract him from performing the necessary action.

  • Brand power

The Content Rules logo increases the visitor's confidence in the quality of the product.

What can be improved:

It significantly increases the effectiveness of your landing page, as users can sign up for your newsletter within seconds.

What can be improved:

  • Content

This landing page contains too much text that distracts visitors from the registration form.

  • Design

ALM specialists should test versions of the same landing page with a simplified design. Reducing the number of information blocks and abandoning large quantity colors - here are ways to quickly improve appearance pages.

Windows Intune landing page

Microsoft uses a landing page to distribute a 30-day trial version cloud Windows service Intune.

What Microsoft company did it right:

  • Review

Hi all. They have already written to me several times asking me to make a landing page on VKontakte. I couldn’t immediately understand what it was all about, since the questions and thoughts were formulated incorrectly.

Something like this: “How to make a landing page for VK” or “Help me make a VK landing page”, in general, after another incident, I asked the woman what she meant, and it turned out that you just need to layout the page using wiki markup VC. As many of you have probably already made menus for your groups.

In general, if anyone is interested, then let's figure out how to create such a landing page on Vkontakte.

Landing page on VKontakte using Wiki markup

I won’t describe here what Wiki markup is. For those who are completely unaware, here is a link to the definition on Wikipedia (tyts). For those who are too lazy to read, I’ll just say that this type of markup is used in social network VKontakte for creating pages. Whether it’s convenient or not is up to you to decide, and there’s no point in arguing here, let’s just use it to create the following page on VK:

In fact, there is nothing complicated in wiki markup. You can figure it out in a few hours. In addition, it is very similar to html, only to build such pages they do not use buttons, do not layout each individual element, but simply (roughly) cut the layout, and design the desired section as a link, if necessary. That is, in places where there is, for example, a button or link to payment, order, etc.

If you describe everything in html, it will just be a set of pictures, some of which are links. Everything is as simple as possible.

So, let's start with what we need to create new page in a group or public. To do this you need to use a link like this:


Where, XXX is the id of the public or group. And instead of “Page_name” you need to specify any word or phrase that will be used to name the page.

In order to find out the group id, you need to go to the group management and look at the “page address” section:

If you, like me, have a human-readable URL, then you need to click on all posts on the wall or on any post on the wall. It will look something like this:


69093928 is the id of our group. In the end I got this link:


As you can see, the capabilities of the visual editor are quite scarce, therefore, as I already said, all menus, buttons, and links are designed with pictures.

The width of a wiki page in VK is 607 pixels, so the layout must be of appropriate dimensions. Now, you need to cut the layout. I divided my prototype into 5 parts and, accordingly, received 5 pictures. Visually, it looks like this:

Now, in order to arrange all this as we need, we need to understand how pictures and links are designed. It looks very simple:

PhotoXXX_XXX is a link to the image. All the pictures you want to show must be stored in an album. The album can be either general or specially created for specific task. I created a separate one, just for such purposes (design of pages, menus and other nonsense). Here it is: _http://vk.com/album-69093928_226467291

607 pixels is the width of the image. Nopadding is needed so that there is no space between pictures empty space, since it is present by default, but I have dark background and white stripes would look strange.

Now, let's talk about designing a link that will direct users to the location we specified :) I'm just trying not to confuse you. I hope it works. Users can be directed both to a section or another page, and outside of VK. If, like me, your links should lead to another site, then simply enter the site address, for example, . If there is another page in VK or a section in a group, then the link will look like this: page-123456789_123456789.

In the end, this is what I ended up with:

[] [] [] [] []

As you can see, nothing complicated. Here is my result.

VKontakte retargeting is a special type of interaction with the target audience, in which we target our offer to landing page visitors who have an account on the VKontakte social network and have completed specific action: from a simple transition to a resource to completing an order or filling out a lead form.

Based on the information received, the marketer can contact this audience with advertising offers to optimize landing page conversion or average check.

IN in this example We will divide users into two groups - visitors who did not complete the target action and potential buyers who submitted an application. In our example, the users who completed the target action are potential buyers of a smartphone, to whom we can also offer to buy a headset.

First, we need to install retargeting counters: one on the main landing page, the second on the thank you page.

Installing a counter

6. B visual editor LPgenerator open the thank you page and use the Scripts tool to paste the copied code. Set the position to "Inside tag" ».

9. Similar settings need to be set on home page to capture all users. To do this, we go through the entire chain of actions from points 3 to 6 again.

10. After some time, we receive information on the collected visitors. In our case:

A group of potential buyers who submitted an application on the landing page - code placed on the thank you page
The group of all landing page visitors is a code placed on the main page.

We create targeted ads

Now we see two user audiences. Let's put this information into practice and make our own targeted ad for each group. Below we will look at an example of creating advertisements for the sale of headphones.

2. We will make the first announcement for a group of users who completed an order (filled out an application) on our landing page.

Click on the “External Site” icon. Since the resulting retargeting user base can be used both for the current and for another landing page, you can use a link to both a separate landing page and the one from which you collected the base:

06.11.2015 at 15:20

The structure and functionality of the site are always dictated by the goals that are set for it. For example, a large website full of information can be used to create a positive image of the organization, a frequently updated blog steadily increases the target audience and retains old subscribers, a business card website of two or three pages will allow the visitor to quickly and sufficiently get acquainted with your activities. Among the many existing options Let’s highlight one, which will be discussed further – the landing page, also known as landing page or simply landing page. From a purely technical point of view, it looks like a one-page website with a clear block structure, abstract presentation of information and forms feedback. But behind the apparent simplicity lies a deep practical meaning.

What is a landing page for?

Any landing page, if done correctly, serves to force the visitor to perform one or another action. This could be the purchase of a product or service, but most often it is sending your contact information in the feedback form, after which closing the client for a purchase remains a matter of technique.

Why does the landing page work so successfully? First of all, this is arranging accents and sifting out unnecessary information. All structural elements of the landing page are designed to provide answers to the most popular questions a person intending to purchase a particular product or service, and close the so-called objections target audience. For example, a person wants to build a house for summer living. By typing in a search engine "build a summer house" he finds a link, following which he gets to the landing page, which immediately, through the title, informs him that such and such construction company ready to build him a house in a short time, and even according to affordable price in connection with special promotion. Here, a person is invited to leave his contact information in exchange for a free consultation with a specialist with ten years of experience, which does not oblige him to purchase at all. If a person does not have enough information on the first screen, then he scrolls the page down(note, he doesn’t jump from section to section, where it’s easy to get lost, but skims), where he sees that houses are not only cheap, but also durable, thanks modern technologies do not shrink and last up to 80 years. This is what interested him in the first place. In addition - several real reviews, as well as photographs of the ten most popular projects from different types finishing. And another application form asking you to leave your phone right now. All. The person found what he was looking for, without being loaded with unnecessary information about the cross-section of floor beams, the country of origin of roofing materials, and tons of other “junk” information.

As you noticed, a site visitor decides to fill out an application if the key details of the landing page (offer, promotion, etc.) worked correctly. These are the so-called triggers. Some of them should inspire loyalty in a potential client, others actively call for action, and others – all at once. Triggers can include everything from the image on the first screen and the button for leaving a request to a video review or a direct invitation to your office. One trigger may not influence the decision to buy your product, but all together they can line up in a path that will lead the client to your intended goal. Therefore, each element should be given attention, keeping in mind the characteristics of your target audience.

However, even one element can have a significant impact. I will give a simple and classic example: promotion and supply limitation. One of our clients is selling Apple iPhone . The product is quite standardized, so there is no vast field for experimentation with benefits. How you can lure a buyer is, first of all, price, and factors such as warranty conditions, delivery and gift upon purchase play a secondary role. Let’s omit the standard and hackneyed, but still working technique, when the old, higher price is crossed out, and the current one is presented as a promotional offer. But this option can be strengthened: for example, make a time limit not for all annoying counters, but for a given date of completion of the sale. At the same time, in order not to change the date manually, you should set up automatic display of the date relative to today, but keep in mind that the short validity period of the promotion is only suitable for impulsive purchases; for goods and services with a long transaction cycle, it is better to use another technique. In addition, just one inscription in a font different from the main font of the landing page (to increase trust and create the feeling that the seller himself quickly adds information about availability to the site) motivates to make a purchase much more strongly. This is the one trigger, which added about one and a half to two dozen applications per week to our client. I repeat, the example is the simplest; a closer look at the triggers that motivate a purchase is a topic for a separate discussion.

Let's sum up the intermediate results. Landing page - what is it? This is a one-page site that has a specific goal and encourages the visitor to take a specific action. Why is it recommended to use a landing page to advertise your products and services? Because it gives greater conversion due to the techniques used on it, namely:

  • selling offer;
  • lack of a standard menu;
  • extremely brief and available description the benefits that the consumer will receive;
  • simple, non-distracting design;
  • special “triggers” that encourage the visitor to contact you at the right moment.

Another advantage of landing pages is the flexibility for A/B testing. Considering that, as a rule, a significant share of the credit for converting a visitor into a lead lies with the offer, it will be much easier for you to conduct a certain number of experiments with your target audience, just by changing the text in the title. Only based on these results will it be possible to understand what is more important for your website visitors when choosing the product offered. Try to go through several offer options, where each will focus on a specific advantage of your product or service, and you will see how one little thing can increase the conversion of your website, and therefore your profit.

A living example from practice is a simple one-screen landing page dedicated to SEO promotion. As part of the test, options for the title, subtitle and application form were examined. Some of the versions:

1. Application form with several fields; The offer offers a free site audit for suitability for search engine promotion.

2. Two fields in the application form; It is proposed to find out the cost of promotion.

3. The fields in the form are arranged differently; It is proposed to analyze the site for errors that interfere with promotion.

There were many more intermediate options, and they all showed different conversion rates. And the reasons for this or that behavior of visitors are not always obvious in advance. While there is no doubt that a large, overloaded application form is likely to scare away a client, it is simply impossible to predict which of the seemingly equivalent headlines will be more successful. Therefore, no matter how savvy theoretician you are, you should never neglect practical experiment.

What can we say about more detailed testing: swap blocks, change the terms of a special offer, repaint the buttons a different color, or provide information to the visitor about your prices in a different way. This may be a little more complicated than just swapping a couple of words in the title, but in any case, a multi-page site will not be able to provide such flexibility of settings and ease of analysis.

What is a landing page on a website?

Having figured out what a landing page is and why they are needed, it’s worth doing a small, but important note. We said that landing pages do not have a menu in its classical sense, so as not to confuse the visitor and force him to make unnecessary movements. This is true, but there are situations when this rule can be neglected. It's about about those cases when the landing page is integral part large site. Suppose there is a company engaged in interior decoration. Her range of work is wide, and in each she is able to do potential client super advantageous offer. In this case, her website may have standard sections a la “Home”, “About us” And "Contacts", as well as section "Services", where for each type of work (painting, plastering, installation of suspended ceilings, etc.) a small page has been created according to all the rules of a successfully operating landing page. It quickly reveals all the benefits of cooperation with the company, forces the visitor to leave his data and does not distract him with unnecessary moments (in our case, with other services). Advantages Such a structural solution for the site is obvious. A person gets to the landing page, for example, thanks to contextual advertising, advertising on social networks, or mailing list, and being on a site that offers services beyond its necessity, he still sees only what he was looking for. Visiting other sections of the site is not forced on him (if he wants, he will, of course, look into them), so they cannot increase the bounce rate. Therefore, targeted traffic to landing pages will work not only to increase sales, but also to the benefit of the site as a whole.

A clarification is necessary here. Since a landing page is a site consisting of only one page, it can be brought to the TOP of natural search engine results using a very limited number of queries (usually 5-15 requests– this is the maximum for a one-page landing page in a not very competitive topic). It is clear that in this case the SEO traffic will be very modest. And if we talk about competitive topics and regions, then landing pages have no chance at all over multi-page sites. The trust is not the same, there is only one page in the index, there is not enough content. Therefore, for SEO promotion the best, and often the only possible option is multi-page website development. At the same time, the obvious advantage of a landing page is the ability to bring “fast” clients, and contextual advertising in most cases is the best remedy achieving the set goal. If you are comfortable with arithmetic, then you have already added one and one, and realized that in order to maximize coverage of the target audience, it is worth attacking from all fronts. Namely: use a multi-page site for SEO, landing page for advertising. And as private, but, in Lately, a fairly common case of such a scheme is a multi-page in the form of several interconnected landing pages. Firstly, you have the opportunity to promote it in search, and secondly, visitors end up on required pages, where we motivate them to take a certain action, thirdly, if your landing pages are able to interest the visitor enough so that he does not leave them immediately, and search system did not record the refusal, then this will also have an impact on the success in the issuance. I recommend taking a closer look.

Thus, a landing page is effective tool to attract customers, which, if properly developed, will work successfully for any business. It presents the visitor with only the information he needs and in the most convenient form for him, and also encourages him to do a certain specific action. Creating a well-functioning landing page is not an easy task, requiring a long analysis of the needs of the target audience and transforming these needs into an effective offer, but in the end the efforts pay off, and the best way Selling your services or goods via the Internet may simply not be possible.

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