Training landing page. Why does an information business need a landing page? Learn about creating a Landing Page in the information business on the Internet! Social proof of quality

Quite often clients come to us with a desire make a landing page for a training, seminar, course or other educational event. However, this intention is not always justified, because often customers perceive such pages as some kind of miraculous tool that can sell even a frankly “empty” and useless product. Fortunately, this is not the case with the development we'll talk about today. This time, with the active participation of the customer, we tried to prove that a landing page for education can be not just selling, but useful and informative.

For those who for some reason find it inconvenient to use the link - several screenshots of the one-page website, after which we will talk about the features of this landing page and some interesting solutions used during development:

Chips and features

Fortunately for our customers, we are not one of those who use the same template or, moreover, page builder in every possible way :) We treat each selling page with the utmost attention, and therefore we are happy to tell you about some interesting features and the elements that were used in this particular case.

2. Online payment form

You can pay for the training course on the landing page, as they say, without leaving the cash register. For this purpose, a convenient form is built into the page, integrated with the service " Robokassa". With its help, the user can select the training package of interest and pay for it via a secure channel with one of more than a dozen different ways - payment card, various electronic money, through a bank, etc.

It is noteworthy that such a tool is very convenient for the service provider, because he receives instant payment notifications indicating the client's full name, address Email, phone number and other data.

By the way, the legal requirements are also taken into account when paying. At least, without consent to the processing of personal data and approval of the public offer, go to active actions the client will definitely not succeed :)

3. Course program

The program and detailed content of the educational product is what is so often missing on one-page websites. Their owners are so eager to SELL that they forget to talk about what exactly the training/seminar or even educational course contains.

Fortunately, we have at our disposal detailed program There was still an event, but if we decided to place it linearly, it would take up several screens of the page. Which, of course, is better not to allow yourself to do. Instead, when developing a landing page for the training, we did convenient 2-level course navigator, which contains all the important and necessary information, but takes up very little space.

And if the user still wants to get all the information on the course program on one page (for example, to print it out right away), the “Download course program” button will help him.

What's next?

In the near future, the landing page for distance education will begin to work as part of the campaign contextual advertising. On this occasion, we will be able to create and present to your attention another interesting case. In the meantime, read about whether SEO promotion of one-page websites is effective, using the example of another of our projects:

Order a landing page for a course, seminar or other educational event

Do you want to sell an educational product, but don't know how? Are you planning to order a landing page for a training, seminar, webinar, or educational course, but don’t want to get another standard piece of work? Let's talk about it in an online chat right now :)

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The other day I was preparing a webinar on landing page conversion for the eTutorium service. The moment turned out to be good to collect several interesting finds or chips: some of them I came across on other people’s landing pages, others we used ourselves, and some of them were told about by colleagues.

Let me make a reservation that I am against the thoughtless use of any chips. At first - good offer, Then - good text, then the chips. But if you have the first and second, perhaps my findings will be useful to you. By the way, they are suitable not only for landing pages, but also for multi-page sites.

Successful use of photos and customer reviews

The point is that you don’t just give customer reviews with photos, but select bright types and play with photos with reviews directly in the text.

It turns out that photos and reviews are not in themselves, but illustrate what is written. And they illustrate not in the general block of reviews, where they will get lost, but directly after the fact: here is the thesis, here is a photo of a bright character, here is an argument in the form of a review.

I came across an example of such a landing page from Megaplan:

We have not yet tried to integrate reviews, photos and other text so tightly. But sometimes we put similar emphasis on landing pages.

Our clients believe that planning is important.

First person result.

If you want to test whether such an element really makes your landing page selling, you can put additional button target action next to such a review and set up goals in the metric so that you can see which button is clicked. Well, A/B testing of options with and without photos will show the conversion in comparison.

Guide elements

These are various kinds of arrows, gestures and even glances directed towards the CTA element (order/subscribe button) or other block that you want to pay attention to.

Perhaps you have noticed: if in your presence at least one person is looking intently somewhere, most likely you will look there too. This also works in the example of a landing page.

I once found an interesting study online: they demonstrated heat map(it shows the visitor’s path through the site) with different image options.

Here is an option where the baby is looking at us:

The eyes of site visitors are drawn to the child’s face.

But let's change his pose - the child looks at the text:

We see that users are now also paying attention to the text.

Well, and a classic of the genre - the use of ordinary arrows on landing pages:

Do you think this is trivial? Tests say that visitors don't think so.

More interesting option found by Business Youth. In the photo are the authors of the articles. Obviously, it is difficult to select such photos so that everyone will look at the subscription form. We usually don't take profile photos. But the character in the central and largest picture is looking directly at the shape, see?

I wonder if everyone looked at the form, would the conversion rate increase?

Negative reviews

We recently tested the site (I will share the results with you later). Among other things, people noted the abundance of positive reviews on the corresponding page - and not a single truly negative one. This may cause mistrust.

Honestly, they're right. I know that some companies deliberately write negative reviews to themselves in order to dilute the “syrup”. We have not yet reached such zen, we are thinking about options for getting out of the situation.

But this is not about us, but about the fact that if you have negative reviews, you can use them. And not just use it, but improve your offer on the landing page by working off the negative. So, for example, like on the landing page for the Megabreakthrough course.


The same idea can be presented in different ways. The same person can be photographed differently.

I’m not sure that it makes sense to use photos of happy people from stock photo sites on your landing page. They are the same type and have become boring. Although you can test it, maybe yours is different.

But, if there is a photo of you on the landing page, think about which photo will convey the desired emotion.

I found the photo below in one study on exactly this topic: the creators of the landing page carried out testing different options pages, the best landing page turned out to be the one where the “emotional” vocal teacher was published. After all, people learn to sing precisely in order to experience emotions. It is important to show them right away that it will be fun and cool.


If you have something to show people, show it.

This can be the process or result of your work in photos or videos.

Great format, like "Favorite Moments." I came across this video on a landing page with an invitation to Denis Kaplunov’s training. The video shows the essence of the process, charges with emotions, inspires and shows that you really get more for your money.

We ourselves did not publish selected fragments on landing pages (but in vain!), but we posted an entire video tutorial (preliminary webinar). Those who came to the training noted the importance of this element - many decided to participate only after watching the webinar.

We looked, liked it, came.

Another experience we have are presentation slides from the training. Moreover, here I had the opportunity to verify that such a demo works and improves the landing page. The training did not sell: only five people signed up. I added just one element to the landing page: I chose demonstration slides from the training (there are twice as many of them as in the picture below). We assembled the group over the next two days. I’m not sure that our example landing page will always work as magically, but it’s worth a try.

We will definitely repeat this experiment with slides again.

"Basement" and P.S.

There are different algorithms by which people get acquainted with the text. Some people read from beginning to end. Someone jumps through the subheadings, stopping only where something interests him. And someone scrolls straight to the end to see what kind of offer there is.

Therefore, in selling texts you can play with postscript.

But on landing pages (and on other sites) there is such useful element, like the “footer” - the very bottom of the website page. And so it can be played in such a way as to attract the attention and retain the reader, or maybe immediately force them to perform the target action.

Articles from a specialist of the level of Nadezhda Bogdanova are the happiness of the editor. Without exaggeration. There you are personal experience a person who creates sales every day effective landing pages or fixes non-selling and ineffective ones. Nadezhda Bogdanova is engaged in copywriting and audits of landing pages, mainly those with which contextual advertising specialists work.

Among her achievements:

  • conversion of 12.5% ​​from cold traffic to requests for a service worth 50,000 rubles;
  • after the audit, the application cost was reduced by 14 times in a highly competitive niche;
  • creating landing pages for events of Brian Tracy, Radislav Gandapas, Irina Khakamada and other famous speakers.

For the last two years I have been hearing that landing pages have exhausted their usefulness, they are not trendy and no longer work. Even earlier, some marketers buried copywriting, and social networks, they say, are no longer the same, but I’m generally silent about contextual advertising!

Unable to live with the thought that none of the promotion tools work, I decided to revive at least the landing pages. Believe me, they can bring you money, despite the fact that the “doctors” diagnosed the landing pages with “complete cardiac arrest.”

I love to write something original, fresh and challenging, but when it comes to landing page mistakes, they are typical. And yet, no matter how much material is written on this topic, society continues to generate low-quality landing pages, so let’s repeat.

1. “I think it’s obvious!”

Let's go back more than 10 years ago, when I was an aspiring waiter.

One day a client came to the cafe and ordered soup, salad, dessert and coffee from me. I joyfully entered all this into the computer and brought the lady what they prepared first - coffee. The woman, to put it mildly, was upset and shouted that she planned to drink cappuccino with cake after lunch, and not before soup. And in response to my attempt to justify myself: “You didn’t warn me,” she replied: “In my opinion, this is obvious!” Since then, I have never brought coffee before soup and have noticed more than once that some people seem obvious about what others can only guess at.

How does this relate to landing pages? The fact is that many business owners do not decipher things in the sales text that are obvious to them.

Now I'm working on a landing page for promotion specialists on Instagram. To the question: “What is unique about your services?”, they answered: “There are two of us, and most of our colleagues work on the project alone.” They think it's a cool benefit, but the target audience doesn't see much value in it.

I often see wording on websites along the lines of “come to us, because there are two of us.” How to make sure that every phrase of your text convinces the client to buy, and does not lie on the landing page as a dead weight? When talking about benefits, indicate what they will give to potential customers.

For example, there are two of us, which means that the development and creation of a content plan will be handled by a creative who is constantly improving as a specialist in this field, and by an advertising analyst who will find the most profitable ad options and settings. Now I’m writing this and I realize that I missed something else “in my opinion, obvious.” Well, let's enhance this advantage even more?

Two specialists are working on the project:

  • the creative creates the content that is most attractive to the audience, which means that with the same flow of visitors, more people will become your customers;
  • An advertising specialist creates ads to attract targeted visitors, analyzes and optimizes advertising so that you receive customers at the best price.

Before you run off to order promotion services from my clients, I’ll show you a clinical case that I found while searching for a dance school for myself by clicking on a contextual advertising ad.

2. Lack or excess of specifics

Gone are the days when you could write anything on a landing page and still get sales.

Most likely, your competitors already guarantee that the client will start speaking English after 8 lessons, which stretch ceiling will be stretched in just 1 hour, and the film for cars will save 60 thousand rubles a year on cosmetic repairs cars. This is why non-specific offers (proposals) no longer work.

Above you see an example of a landing page that does not contain specifics. If you don’t have the desire to “welcome into the world of animated canvases,” I suggest you look at my version of the first screen of this landing page.

However, the trend to make specific headlines has its own specifics - the client’s benefit cannot always be expressed in numbers. For example, one of my customers created a headline using the 4Y formula and of course was very upset that these fancy copywriting things didn’t work.

But the reason for the non-conversion headline is not that 4U is a bad formula, but because when we come to the hairdresser, we don’t want twice as much attention after forty minutes. It’s enough for us to just become beautiful and well-groomed, right, girls?

The other day a client who had high-quality landing page and before contacting me, he wrote that after putting the price in the headline, the conversion increased by 4.6%. And one of my first cases - reducing the cost of an application by 14 times, was also based on adding specifics to the client’s proposal.

3. It’s not clear what we’re selling

It was a week before Easter, the promotion dedicated to the Orthodox holiday failed, crashing loudly, and no one could understand why the landing page was not working.

The customer was selling a wonderful themed photo shoot for newborns, with live rabbits, chicks, appropriate decor and beautiful costumes for babies. But all this expensive mi-mi-mi was called “Easter cards” on the landing page.

The fact is that the client planned to design the photographs of children taken at this session as postcards that could be sent to relatives in honor of the holiday. And the target audience thought that we were selling ordinary postcards for 5,000 rubles, and thought that this was a little expensive.

After the audit, the customer managed to recoup her advertising and landing costs within a week, but the only evidence of my triumph that remained was the comment of a colleague who worked on this project as a related specialist.

So I’ll have to show you an example of another landing page to illustrate the “it’s not clear what’s selling” problem.

Look at the screen above and think about what product is being sold on this landing page, you can write options in the comments (answer “ ready-made solutions" is not accepted), and I will not reveal the intrigue.

4. Missed the pain points and needs of the target audience

I call this a “journalist’s mistake” because the first client who first came to me for an audit with this problem ordered a text from a certified author.

This is when you read and think: “Wow, how beautifully written!”, but you don’t feel like buying it. The reason is that copywriting is, first of all, an analysis of the target audience (TA) and the creation of an offer that is attractive to potential buyers, and not simply: “Our product is wonderfully good.”

To be fair, it should be said that this mistake with the target audience is often made not by journalists (many of them have learned to successfully write selling texts), but by customers who write for themselves, or by a copywriter who has not worked deeply enough on the audience of the product.

For example, in the screenshot above it is proposed to undergo labor safety training, which is necessary so that enterprises do not have problems in the event of an inspection. But despite the fact that customers use the product to avoid trouble, the landing page offers them a guarantee of business success, which is more likely to confuse people than lead to a purchase.

A case from my practice: a customer came to me - a psychologist, the author of a training course teaching communication using diplomatic techniques. On the landing page it was written something like “Master of Communication. You walk into a room and everyone is happy to see you.”

We phoned the customer and came to the conclusion that the target audience is working people family women who have a hard time with conflicts and do not know how to defend their point of view, so they decided to change their positioning in accordance with the expectations of the target audience.

Unfortunately, I don’t have conversion data after the audit, but this customer soon came to me for landing pages for a webinar and training on developing money thinking.

5. We don’t pay attention to competitors

You can already feel the fierce competition on the Internet and it will only intensify, so not analyzing the websites of companies that sell the same thing as you before creating a landing page is a big mistake.

I hope you realize that your potential clients(especially if they come from contextual advertising) open several similar sites at once and often choose the most profitable proposition. Therefore, if your landing page looks like the screenshot below, the chances of selling something are close to zero.

Now let’s look at part of my marketing analysis for this niche, which reflects the main offers of competitors.

Just one question: would you prefer one of the proposals collected in the mind map or the “cosmic increase in orders”?

6. We do not evaluate the degree of warmth of traffic

This is an advanced option for strengthening the selling text, because even experienced colleagues sometimes come up with the question “Why doesn’t the landing page work?”, and their mistake is precisely in the wrong structure. Knowing where and for what queries (or targeted advertising settings) visitors will come to the landing page, you can understand what information they expect to see and provide it on the landing page.

An example from my practice - barcode scanners were sold through Facebook, or rather were not sold, and so the business owner came to me for an audit.

I have seen advertisements, they contained a message in the spirit of “Take your business to new level”, but when clicked, the person was taken to a landing page with the text “Buy barcode scanners”, that is, the landing page did not correspond to the advertisement. Therefore, I suggested to the customer that the landing page be completely redesigned, and this is what the first screen looked like after my work.

The conversion of this landing page was about 1%; this case is indicative of the fact that even enormous efforts invested in developing a selling page do not always produce colossal results. However, it is obvious that on Facebook it is difficult to find the same guy who needs barcode scanners right now, even if you set up advertising based on business interests.

7. “Your mother!”

I call this series of errors “Holy crap!” because this is the cry that escapes me when I see such shortcomings on a landing page.

What could it be?

  • Crooked or ugly design.
  • Inconvenient usability (difficult to buy, it is not clear what needs to be done on the site).
  • There are too many calls to action that pop up every now and then on the landing page, as well as giant counters and other “hysterical” elements on the landing page.

You could see an example of unsuccessful design above in the screenshot with the sale of paintings on silk, and below is another nugget for your collection of chaotic design.

Personally, I think it’s unfortunate on this landing page that it’s difficult to read the name of the training, the text is located literally everywhere - on the sides, top, bottom, and even on Radislav himself, and the spice of this design is given by 3 colors of fonts of different sizes.

I found an example of asymmetrical design and inconvenient usability (too many fields in the capture form) on the website of a children's football school when I was studying competitors and affiliates of the acrobatics school.

The other day I went to the landing page and closed the pop-up windows for about 15 seconds to understand what was underneath them, but of course I didn’t remember the address of this site. I am categorically against such an attack on the client and believe that for most sites a chat and a pop-up window with a promotion is enough, and this can be done carefully and tactfully.

So, we have sorted out 7 typical mistakes on landing pages and ways to fix them:

  1. Explain anything that may not be clear or obvious to your customers.
  2. Promise in the title specific benefits or results.
  3. Conduct a “mom test”: show the landing page to someone far from your business and ask “is it clear what is being sold?”
  4. Study target audience and formulate sentences that interest her.
  5. Try to create offers that are not inferior to those of your competitors.
  6. Understand what expectations the audience comes to your landing page with and meet them.
  7. Make sure that the design or intrusive additions do not spoil the effectiveness of high-quality sales text.

Friends, I tried very hard to write this article, and I hope you will apply my recommendations for strengthening your landing page, and not postpone them until better times. And all I can do is wish you high conversions, happy clients and increasing profits. I keep my fingers crossed for you!

"Capture page", " Landing page", "Sales page", Landing page - these are all different names landing page. What is a landing page? , who “sits on it” and why do information businessmen need it? Read below!

What is Landing page?

Landing - a site that has a special design and encourages the visitor to take a targeted action (Wikipedia does not accidentally call landing page « landing page"). Usually, landing page also serves to collect information about the user. Examples of targeted actions (they are also called “leads”) - buy, leave a request, call, fill out a form or sign up for a training. All these actions lead a person to purchase - sometimes directly through landing page , sometimes through a call from the manager.

Client’s personal data (e-mail, contact number, full name) pursue the following goals:

  • be able to contact the client directly for sales,
  • include him in a newsletter that will lead him to purchase through a chain of letters.

Main performance indicator landing page - conversion. It is measured as a percentage. Here is the formula for calculating conversion: conversion = the ratio of the number of people who completed the target action to the number of page visitors, multiplied by 100%.

300 people visited the page, 30 of them took the target action - made an online order. This means the conversion landing page- 10% (30/300*100%=10%). The higher this indicator, the better and more effective yourb

Important components of a landing page

Landing will be effective, that is, will bring customers, if it contains all the components listed below:

  1. Simple "block" design

Landing is a one-pager (he looks like long page, which scrolls down. Active links above help you quickly navigate to individual sections).

One page website design is simple: one block is located above the other and logically, in meaning, flows into it. Between the blocks there are buttons - “Order a call”, “Leave a request” and so on. Last block ends with a call to action and filling out the fields in the order form.

  1. Offer

On the first landing screen place the site’s strongest offer - information about what is offered to be purchased, with a compelling main advantage of the product, service, information product relative to competitors. This is an offer (from the English offer - proposal). It is important to choose the offer the right picture- reinforcing the proposal.

  1. Calls to action

Landing page visitor need to be pushed to perform the target action. For this purpose, incentive offers are used, for example, “Order today!” and attention-grabbing words and phrases: “Now”, “Attention!”, “Important information!”.

  1. Catchy headlines

Everything is on the landing page works to sell and attract attention, and headlines are no exception. Here are simple but effective tips for creating a catchy headline:

  • explain what you sell using your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
    "6 times more effective remedy from moths than you are used to"
  • show possible result
    “Drink drink X to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks!”
  • record the client's pain in the title
    “Do you have a headache every day?”
  • You can also make intriguing headlines.

According to copywriter and creator of Joanna Weibe, the headline forlanding pagemust be specific, concise, focused on the core value of the product for customers and accurately match advertising message, through which traffic comes to the site. In other words, if you are promoting a course on Instagram marketing, in the first heading landing page This is exactly what should be reflected.

  1. Selling text

Landing may be aimed only at collecting contacts, however, in any case, the text must contain selling elements. Compared to a regular website, landing page there is less text - it is not designed to be studied for a long time, and its function is not informational. The text should be strong and logical and provide a compelling argument for the value of the main proposal.

Noticeable buttons leading to the completion of a target action, for example: “Order a book”, “Register”, “Buy a video course”, which are called triggers, must be placed in almost every block. On the first screen of the site there is usually an active link that allows you to order a call back. Another popular trigger on landing pages - a countdown timer that limits the validity of the offer.

The registration form for the course, entering your contacts to receive a book or video is also a birth trigger. One of these forms is usually placed on 2-3 screens landing page.

  1. Reviews

People want to see that someone else has already bought a product or service and was happy with it. Therefore, reviews are usually issued in a separate block - there should not be too many of them - the landing page will be too long and not enough - potential customers may decide that the product and the seller are not good enough. It is optimal to post three or four reviews.

  1. High-quality photos and videos

Visuals are very important for a landing page. Photos must be of good resolution, and the video must be shot with a professional camera. In addition, all visual components must be appropriate - taking into account the specifics of the product and the characteristics of the target audience.

If you are promoting an online course for men, butterflies, flowers and pink tones would not be appropriate on the landing page.

Video recordings may contain, for example, examples of your work or, in the case of information business, moments of past trainings.

Features of infolanding

If through landing page you are selling a training, webinar, video course, book, consultation and other information, valuable knowledge and skills, you must use everything that was said above, but taking into account the specifics of the information business. Experience of information businessmen who created landing pages , shows that infolandings have the following features:

  1. Focus on success stories

In the case of information, people often go to a specific person, so it is more effective to sell it through a person.

You can introduce the training leader, let him tell his success story, briefly describe his course and invite him to read his book.

  1. Detailed knowledge of the target audience

Since in infolanding one person (information businessman) addresses another (a potential client who has visited the site) on his own behalf and offers him a solution to a problem, it is important to know what pains and problems this person has. Before you create landing page , answer yourself the questions: “How can I describe in detail the consumers of my product? Who is this?”, “What problems do these people have, what worries them, what do they want to achieve?”, “How will my information product help them achieve this?”

  1. More text

When selling a complex product or in information business, it is appropriate to use a larger amount of text for landing page than in the case of the sale of goods and traditional services. If a potential client does not receive enough information about the author and the product, he will not trust them, and therefore will not buy anything. But if there is too much text, the user will be distracted from the target action.

  1. Social proof of quality

Many psychologists have difficulty selling their own services. Most often this is due to ignorance of how to choose a niche, inability to present your offer so that it looks attractive to a potential client. A landing page, developed taking into account the rules of Internet marketing, can effectively solve such problems.

A competent landing page will help:

  • position yourself correctly in the market,
  • create a package of complementary services,
  • increase the reach of the target audience,
  • ensure a constant flow of new clients,
  • make consulting a worthy primary source of income.

We offer you an up-to-date review of 8 examples of Russian-language landing pages created for promotion in the field of professional psychological services.


A good classic landing page for selling the services of a private psychologist:


  • Full-screen first spread with headline, contacts, photo, short presentation text and target buttons.
  • Benefits block.
  • Block with a profitable offer.
  • A block about organizing work.
  • Block with diplomas and certificates.
  • A block describing discounts on services.
  • Large open data capture form.
  • Block dedicated to customer reviews.

The logic for selecting these particular blocks is as follows:

  1. The first screen with the most important information is a must for any landing page. In this case, it is somewhat overloaded with text.
  2. Benefits answer the question: “Why should I turn to you?”
  3. A valuable offer that provides additional benefits to a potential client.
  4. A block covering questions about how consultations of different formats will take place.
  5. Diplomas and certificates cover objections related to the psychologist’s expertise. In such niches, this is the most important factor influencing the client’s decision to turn to this particular specialist.
  6. Its own system of discounts adds profitability to the main offer, although there is a lack of specificity in prices and descriptions of the services themselves.
  7. An open capture form allows you to get customer contact information and feedback without leaving the page.
  8. Finally, customer reviews are a mandatory element of such landing pages, performing the function of .

The page ends with a small “footer” with a target button (the last chance to “hook” a potential buyer) and contact numbers.

This landing page has a simple design, but a good adaptive layout. Despite the overload of text and insufficiently well-designed blocks with reviews and services, the site turned out to be easy to use.


A good, simple landing page for promoting psychological courses:

Long landing page for selling courses on practical psychology. A very suitable one-page website with many strong points:

  • A simple and clear structure that consistently addresses questions and objections.
  • Successful calls to perform a targeted action, a good set of selling triggers.
  • High loading speed due to the absence of “heavy” visual effects and animation.
  • Bright, cheerful, rich colors, clearly visible target elements, large, readable font.
  • Good copywriting and limited in time.
  • Convincing looking reviews.

What is missing is better positioning in the text, which would talk more about the personal benefits for the client, and not just describe the courses. There are also minor flaws in the layout, but otherwise this is an excellent example of a modern sales landing page.


An excellent modern landing page for a private psychologist:

Multilingual landing page with a responsive, adaptive layout, made using Western landing page technologies. Design elements replicate OS interfaces for touch screens, and the page adapts perfectly to any screen size.

Trendy visual effects are used: and video backgrounds. Notice how well the functionality of popular social networks is integrated at the end of the page: Facebook and Instagram. The original satellite map also looks interesting.

The downside of this landing page is that the user is often taken away from the page. Otherwise, this is a great example of a high-converting landing page with a modern design.


The most simple and user-friendly trust line landing page:

Landing page for promoting free psychological consultations of the helpline. It’s a rare case when a review block doesn’t need careful design. But there is a serious lack of photographs of consultants. This is a rather serious drawback, given the specifics of these services - it is much easier to trust someone whose face you see. The visual part is no frills, but beautiful design does not play a big role here.

The online consultation target button is unusually implemented, which opens not a capture form for completing an application, but a chat in the lower right corner.

On the positive side:

  • simplicity, clarity, accessibility;
  • blog with your own articles;
  • expanded social network widgets.


Landing page for the Moscow professional psychotherapy center:

A decent landing page for a psychological medical center with rich functionality, various offers in the slider of the first spread and a target form for signing up for testing right below it.

The stylish design immediately catches your eye. There are minor errors in displaying content on devices with small screen sizes, and some inconveniences with navigation. The presence of an entire mini-gallery with images of pomegranates, which has no practical use, semantic load or value, except, perhaps, aesthetic, is not entirely justified.

It would also be a good idea to duplicate the target buttons or place an additional capture form at the very end of the page to increase conversion. In general, using the landing page leaves only pleasant impressions.


Personal landing page of professional psychologist Snezhana Zamalieva:

The review block here is replaced with recommendations from prominent foreign scientists, which is rarely seen - a good competitive advantage. The first spread also has non-standard solutions: pay attention to the “double” logo (the page promotes both the services of the owner, a private psychologist, and his studio), as well as the expanded, detailed descriptor under the contact phone number. For effective online promotion, there is a news block and an information blog.

The landing page is available in Russian and English.


A simple, but in its own way interesting landing page from a private psychologist:

This landing page is simple only in appearance - just look at how softly and gracefully it adapts to the scrolling process and manipulations with window sizes to understand: this is a high-quality modern one-page website, made at a good technical level. However, it cannot be called laconic due to the large amount of text. Since the visual design is very modest, the entire burden fell on copywriting - and here, although it is not bad, it does not live up to the ideals of a “selling” text.

Interesting solutions:

  1. dual satellite card allowing you to switch between offices;
  2. double capture form, with which you can either make an appointment or leave your question.


Landing page for the services of a private body-oriented psychotherapist and psychologist:

The works of a professional artist, made in the same style, are an absolute decoration of this personal landing page. You don’t see something like this very often, but this approach to design immediately puts the site head and shoulders above its more formulaic and faceless competitors. The only pity is that the interface elements are not very well designed - the buttons, for example, are outdated and slightly spoil the initial impression of the design.

Another advantage of this landing page is videos, including video reviews. , it is more readily perceived, better remembered and influences users more than pictures, sound or just text.

Landing pages for promoting psychologist services from LPgenerator

As you may have noticed from the examples discussed above, competent text and emotional design play a big role on landing pages in the field of professional psychology. The expertise of the one who provides the services is also important - for this purpose, blocks with reviews, recommendations, diplomas and awards are placed on the page, as well as an appeal or biography of the psychologist, which reveals his education and experience.

  • For a modest fee, you get a completely ready-to-use tool, created by professionals specifically to increase sales in this particular market niche.
  • You can launch a landing page and receive new clients in the shortest possible time.
  • You can easily and quickly adapt the layout to the needs of your own business, and our specialists will be happy to help and advise you with this.

If you are still really strapped for money, or just want to try landing pages as an Internet marketing tool in principle, we recommend trying our landing page for the psychology center:

Afterwards you get a 7-day trial period - customize the template as you wish for your goals and needs.

You can also order from us the development of a unique landing page for psychologist services. Created using , such a landing page will set you apart from your competitors and securely anchor you in your chosen niche.

Everyone should do what they do best: leave the writing of selling texts to a professional copywriter, research of the market, competitors and the formation of a USP to experienced marketers, and the external design of the page to a designer with the appropriate education. And the influx of new clients that the new landing page will bring you will allow you not to be distracted from what you love.