Push notifications - what are they? How to enable and disable Push Notifications? Disable notifications in a few taps. How to Set Up Notifications for an Existing Thread in the Mail App on iPhone and iPad

In this part, we briefly talked about what Chrome Web Notifications are and even started implementing them on our website. Today we will finish development and even send the first real push notification.

At the end of the first part I wrote about how to call a JS method SendPushMe(). If you haven't done this yet, now is the time to fix it. We will call the method by clicking on the link:

<a href="#" onclick="SendPushMe();return false">Call SendPushMea>

And, if everything is done correctly, after clicking on such a link, a system window will appear with the request:

But don’t rush to give permission just yet. Click on the cross and close the window for now.

If you have already clicked, then open the site settings (by clicking on the green padlock in address bar, if anyone doesn’t know) and in the “Notifications” item return the Global default parameter (“Ask”).

Now open the developer console F12 -> Console. Next, click the “Call SendPushMe” link again.

Two lines should appear in the console containing “ Service Worker is supported" And " Service Worker is ready" respectively. And the browser itself must ask for permission again. And now you can give your consent.

As a result, three such entries should appear in your developer console:

Push subscription log in Chrome browser

If you remember, the script push.js sends a GET request. It is the Endpoint that is sent to the server with this request. A little later we will teach the site to remember them so that we can send push notifications using these identifiers.

What do we have now? We have a full-fledged subscriber to notifications from the site and we are now able to isolate the identifiers of subscribers. Now God himself ordered me to try to send myself a notification.

To do this, you need to tell Google about the new notification, and it, in turn, will inform our subscribers (or just one, as we have now) about it.

Google is notified by special POST request on https://gcm-http.googleapis.com/gcm/send in this form:

"to" : "bk3RNwTe3H0:CI2k_...", // Unique identificator subscriber
"data" :(
"title": "Portugal vs. Denmark", // Notification data
"text": "5 to 1"

As you might guess, this request notifies one specific subscriber, and sends the notification data directly in the request. However, our notification content is taken from latest.json. Yes and send to every subscriber personal request too fatty. Although, if you need to send individual and personalized notifications, this option is just right for you. However, we will send requests in batches, for which we use the following scheme:

Authorization:key=A...A //The private key of our application,
which we received in the last part.
"registration_ids" : (
[...] // Array of subscriber IDs.

In this option, since the request does not contain data for the notification itself, the browser will contact the Service Worker, from which it will receive information.

Let's create and send a request through the terminal (SSH console):

curl--header "Authorization: key=AI...3A" \
--header Content-Type:"application/json" \
-d "(\"registration_ids\":[\"cym...W3\"])"

SSH console with a sent POST request and the Push that appears from it

This screenshot shows the request itself and its result - a notification that arrived a second later.

Yes, we did it — the most important and, it seems, obscure part is behind us. Further work in this direction will depend on what your site is written in. And, if your site is written in Rails, then you and I are still on the same path. If not, then don’t rush to say goodbye: in the next final part I will return to those questions on the topic of Web notifications, the solutions to which will be useful for web developers of any specialization to know.

So, Chrome Push Notifications for a Ruby On Rails Site

First, I will say that this example code is valid for a site on Rails 3.2.8!

Essentially, we need to do:

  1. Functionality so that our site remembers subscriber IDs;
  2. Model for creating push notifications;
  3. Dynamically updated latest.json;
  4. Well, add a couple of lines of code to the controller, which will send a POST request to the Google server when creating a new Push.

If you forgot, let me remind you that in the first part we immediately added push.js a line for generating a GET request to our site, which transmits the browser identifier of each newly subscribed person.

Now we’ll make sure that our site understands what kind of request it is and saves the data. First of all, let's create a model and controller for Pushsubscriber:

Rails g model pushsubscriber browserkey:string
rake db:migrate
rails g controller pushsubscribers create delete

Match "/createpushadresat", to: "pushsubscribers#create", via: : get

Now our site will forward incoming GET requests to the controller pushsubscribers , where it will be processed by the method create . Let's set it up:

def create
@newsubscriber = Pushsubscriber.new(:browserkey => URI(params[:adresat].to_s).path.split("/").last)
render:text => "ok"
render:text => "fail"

I’ll say right away that this code is only to show in which direction you need to develop. It checks virtually nothing and uses no validators or regexps — don’t use it like that. It is only checked to input parameter contained data in the form of a link, and then the last section after the slash is extracted from this link and stored in the database. Exactly in this form push.js transmits Endpoint. And it is in the last section (behind the slash) of the endpoint that the browser identifier is contained.

So, people started subscribing to our updates and now our Database is replenished with identifiers. It's time to start sending them notifications:

Rails g scaffold notification title:string bodytext:string url:string succescount:integer
rake db:migrate

This Scaffold team will create a minimally working model for us notification with fields title, bodytext, url And successcount. The first three are, respectively, the title, text and link of the future notification, and successcount- the number of successfully transmitted push notifications, which Google will kindly inform us. A controller with views for this model will also be created. Of course, there will still be a need to fit the generated views into the overall design of the site, and “fence off” the controller before_filter’ami, so that only people with appropriate access can “push”. But you will decide this individually. And now we are just a little (actually not a little at all) fix the create method in notifications_controller.rb:

def create
@notification = Notification.new(params[:notification])
@adresats = Pushsubscriber.all.collect(&:browserkey)
@keys = "("registration_ids":" [email protected] _json+")".as_json
uri = URI.parse("https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host,uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path)
req["Authorization"] = "key=A...A" # Fits here private key
req["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
res = http.request(req, @keys)
parsed_json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(res.body)
@notification.update_attribute(:success, parsed_json["success"].to_i)
redirect_to notifications_path

This code, if a new notification (@notification) is created and saved, generates and sends a POST request to Google (just like we did above), in which ALL the identifiers of our subscribers are transmitted in json format according to the Google specification. Then Google should respond to us with its json. From which the success section is parsed, from which the number of successfully transmitted push notifications is stored. The failure section is also transmitted there, which, accordingly, stores the number of push notifications that were not delivered for one reason or another. In general, you can see for yourself what data Google transmits, maybe you decide to save something else.

And, just like last time, this code does not take into account that Google may not respond, or respond with an error message rather than valid json for parsing. Take such cases into account in your design.

Well, now we’re trying to create a push on our website through the Notification.new form (created by Scaffold) and... VOILA! The system is working - we have received a notification!

True, the content for this notification is still taken from the static latest.json. The last thing left is to make this file update dynamically. How to do it? It’s very simple, because we already have a Notification model, and in latest.json it must contain our most recent Notification (i.e. Notification.all.last). To do this, remove our static latest.json from the root folder of the site and add it to routes.rb following route:

Match "/latest.json", to: "notification#latestpush", via: :get

That is now latest.json will be formed by the method latestpush in the controller notification. Let's create this method.

iPhone push notifications, iPad and iPod Touch— allow the owner of the device to always be aware of what is happening with iOS applications and monitor relevant information on your screen mobile device, where notifications about new SMS or application updates appear.

In settings iOS devices, you can easily configure many settings for Push notifications, for example: select the applications from which you will receive sound alerts, display banners, notifications on application icons, set up reminder notifications in the calendar. Also, you can choose which applications notifications will appear on the locked screen and which applications will not. If on iPhone not receiving notifications from any application, which means you need to enable notifications in the Center iPhone notifications, this is done for each application separately. You can learn more about notifications and how to use them on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch by reading this article. You may also want to read the article in which we talked about “”

How to set up notifications on iPhone and iPad

Setting up notifications on iPhone and iPad is very simple; you can do this in the operating room. iOS system installed on iPhone and iPad has a separate menu.

Where to set up iPhone notifications

You can find the notification settings menu as follows, go to the following path:

"Home" ⇒ "Settings" ⇒ "Notifications"

iPhone notification view

Once you are in the “Notifications” menu of your iPhone, at the very top of the screen you will see a “Notification Type” subsection that allows you to sort programs:


  • Manually
  • By time

This section is intended for more convenient sorting of notifications from applications

If you select “Manual”, this means that applications will be sorted by manual mode. To do this, click "Edit" in the upper right corner of the screen and drag the applications in the order that you prefer.

If you select “By time”, then the iPhone Notification Center will automatically sort the display of notifications by the time the notifications arrived, regardless of the application.

You can now touch the screen to swipe down to view apps from the Notification Center.

In submenu "Include"—shows all applications installed on your iPhone (iPad) that use the Notification Center. Let's take the Messages application as an example, under it we see it says: Stickers, Sounds, Banners, i.e., when you receive a message, you will see a +1 notification on the messages icon (Sticker), hear a signal (Sounds) and see a notification in top of the screen (Banner), all of which are used by the Messages app.

In submenu "Do not turn on"- Shows apps that have notifications turned off in iPhone's Notification Center.

Setting up iPhone notifications

Turn iPhone notifications on or off
Allow notifications
  • In order to enable notifications iPhone from the app, open it and toggle the switch "Allow notifications" to position "On"
  • In order to disable (remove) notifications iPhone from the application, you need to move the switch "Allow notifications" to position "Off". In order to turn off notifications, you can drag the application down to the applications with disabled notifications.

Let's set up notifications for the Messages app

Select the “Notifications” menu, the “Messages” application and open it, after which the settings menu will open, specifically for this application.

What settings are available, let's look at everything point by point

  • "Allow notifications"- enable or disable iPhone and iPad notifications
  • "In Notification Center"— number of objects in the notification center
  • "Notification Sound"- select notification sound for each application
  • "Badge Sticker"— a “Number” that appears on application icons, indicating the number of new notifications
  • "On the locked screen"— enable notifications on the locked screen or disable notifications on the locked screen

Warning style on unlocked device

In the “Alert Style” subsection, you can choose the style for displaying notifications:

  • No- refusal to display banners
  • Banners- appear immediately upon receipt of a notification from the application, at the top of the screen and are automatically minimized.
  • Warnings— in this case, you will have to make a choice to “Close” or “View” the notification from the application

Also, in the same menu, at the very bottom of the page, there are items:

  • Show views— depending on its position, the message text will (On) or not (Off) appear on the screen. If you want no one to see the text of the message on the locked screen, then it is better to set the switch to the “Off” position.
  • Repeat warnings— how many times the phone will remind you of unviewed notifications. Warnings appear every 2 minutes. It is possible to turn it off, put it on 1 time, 2, 3, 5 and 10 times.

Here's what the alerts look like on iPhone:

Many users actively use the social network Odnoklassniki specifically for communication. Considering that it is not always possible to be near a computer, let's figure out how you can make sure you know when a new message or gift arrives. Or, conversely, turn off the configured notifications.

How to enable or disable notifications in Odnoklassniki

Setting up notifications in Odnoklassniki is not difficult at all. At the same time, you can independently choose what exactly to report: about a new letter, an invitation to be friends, a new mark in a photo, etc. Notifications can be sent either by email or by phone via SMS. Let's consider two ways.

By e-mail

To receive notifications in the form of a letter to the email address specified in the main profile settings, do the following.

In the menu, under your avatar, click on the “Change settings” button.

In the list on the left, open the “Notifications” section.

A list will open in front of you. In the column "email" mail" check the boxes that you would like to receive notifications about. Then click "Save".

The notification function in Odnoklassniki by receiving a message on your phone is not available in every country. If you can use this service, then in addition to the “email” column. mail" there will be another column "SMS".

Not all fields will be active here; check the available boxes. It is also better to indicate the time when messages will arrive so that your phone does not wake you up at night. Click "Save".

In order to turn off notifications, simply in the “email” columns. mail" and "SMS" uncheck the required fields. After this, click “Save”.

Enable or disable notifications on your Android phone

If you use a mobile application, you can open the notification settings in Odnoklassniki on your phone in the following way.

In the left top corner Click on the menu button in the form of three horizontal stripes.

Now select “Settings” from the side menu.

In your profile settings, find the “Notifications” item.

If you do not want to receive notifications about certain events, uncheck the boxes next to them. To disable them altogether, uncheck all the boxes. Don't forget to click "Save".

How to turn on and off the sound of a message in Odnoklassniki

So that when you receive a new letter social network notified about this, or vice versa, you need to turn off the sound when receiving incoming messages, make the settings described in the following subparagraphs.

In a browser on a computer

If you access Odnoklassniki from a computer or laptop, then open your page and click on top menu Click the “Messages” button.

On the left side, open one of the dialogs. Then at the top right click on the gear-shaped settings button.

A small menu will appear.

In “Chat Settings” you can check the “Do not disturb” box. Then, receiving letters from that person with whom the dialogue is open on this moment, it will not be accompanied by sound.

If you need to completely turn off the sound of messages in Odnoklassniki, then in “Browser Settings” uncheck the “Sound signal for new messages” field.

If the question arises: why is there no sound for incoming messages in Odnoklassniki, then in the settings described above, do the opposite.

After this, if the profile is opened in the browser and a new letter arrives, you will hear a corresponding sound signal.

On an Android phone

If you log into Odnoklassniki using mobile app on your Android phone or tablet, then open sidebar by clicking on the button in the upper left corner.

In it, select “Settings”.

To enable the sound of a message in Odnoklassniki, in the “Do not disturb” field, the slider must be moved so that it is gray.

In the “Sound Alarm” field you can select a sound for incoming messages in Odnoklassniki. Just below you can turn on vibration, a light indicator or sound accompaniment of a sent message - check the required boxes.

If you need to turn off the sound for messages in Odnoklassniki, move the slider in the “Do not disturb” field to the on position. A small window will appear in which you can select the appropriate time.

Now any notifications will not be accompanied sound signal during the selected time.

Customize notifications the way you want. Odnoklassniki can notify you or e-mail, or by SMS. If you are corresponding with a friend and want to be aware of when the next message arrives, choose the notification method that suits you.

The truth of life is this:

It's really difficult to get traffic to the site.

But do you know what's even worse?

90% of visitors who visit your website will never return.

Exclusive bonus: Click here to download a checklist for creating magnetic texts. Articles written according to this checklist will hold the reader’s attention like a magnet ( click to download).

It’s a shame, of course... You spend incredible energy on its development, but your most valuable asset is visitors, who forget about you the same day they found out about you.

But don't despair, there is a solution:

Install on your website browser push notifications.

Here's the trick:

Push notifications for the site allow you to stay in touch with your visitors.

On some blogs, the introduction of push notifications increased repeat visits several times.

And it's simple, it's good alternative email newsletter.

In this article you will learn:

  • What are the advantages of push notifications?
  • Is this relatively new technology worth using?
  • List of the best push notification services
  • How to connect pushes to your website

But first, a small example...

Extra is one of the largest retailers in the Middle East.

Using push notifications they were able to increase sales mobile users 2 times:

If you think that's all, you are deeply mistaken.

In addition, the share of repeat purchases has increased 4 times (!!!).

As a result, Extra marketers recognized push notifications as the most effective customer retention tool.

What are push notifications for a website?

Still not sure what it is push notifications for site?

Everything is very simple:

When you access any web resource, you may see this pop-up window:

Example request for receiving push notifications

If the user agrees, you can send notifications about the release of new articles, new products, etc.

Messages appear in the right corner of the screen. In this case, the browser may be minimized or even closed.

Push notification example:

Browsers that support Push notifications

Safari was the first to support push notification technology in the browser. Then, in April 2015, it was introduced into Chrome versions 42 .

And finally, in early 2016, push notifications began to be supported in Firefox browser version 44.

At the moment already more than 75% of all browsers support sending Push notifications.

Why users should subscribe to push notifications

First, let's touch on the benefits that users receive when subscribing to push notifications.

1. Convenience comes first

What you need to understand is how twice is two:

People buy on sites that offer best service. The same applies to reader loyalty.

But how to quickly and easily make a website convenient for visitors?

The answer is obvious:

Using push notifications.

Let's imagine I subscribed to regular updates on your site...

I'll have to open mine often Mailbox pending email letters from you.

In the case of push notifications, everything is much simpler.


After this, the OneSignal Push section will appear in the left column of your admin area.

The subsequent setup is completely described step by step, but English language. Therefore, I will briefly explain all the necessary steps.

A window will open in front of you in which you need to go to the Configuration section:

Everything needs to be done as shown in the screenshots and in the end you will receive a project number and API key.

Enter the project number in the Google Project Number field in the Configuration section. You need to save the API key (you will need it later).

There you can also specify the API key from Google project and availability SSL certificate on your website.

If your site is at http, you don't change anything. If https, then check the appropriate checkbox.

Why is this necessary?

The fact is that push notifications are only supported on https sites. However, the OneSignal service solves the problem by creating a subdomain for you.

You can use your website address as a subdomain. For example, instead of a website, I made site4business.onesignal.com

The Modify Site subsection talks about the types of implementation of push notifications. In the Safari Push subsection, everything is similar to the previous steps.

Finally, you can change the location of the subscribe button and its text in the Configuration section.

Keep in mind that for http, subscription to notifications is available only using a button. You can freely change its design.

And pop-up windows are available only for https sites.


To get started, install the PushCrew plugin.

After this, create an account on the service website.

Finally, in the Customize for desktop section, you can configure appearance pop-ups.

Here full list services, providing the ability to implement push notifications:

The notification panel is an integral part of any operating system. Android OS is no exception. These notifications display all incoming events for the device owner, which also include reminders to download or update programs. Among the huge number of such messages, it is very difficult to track and see what is really important to you. Therefore, to keep the notification panel clean, you need to know how to disable notifications on Android.

Notification of incoming events on the Android operating system

Setting alerts on and off became easier after Android release 4.1. Now the user just needs to go to the “Settings” menu, select “Applications” (or “Application Manager”) and the “All” tab. In the list that appears, go to the programs or games whose pop-up windows you want to get rid of. To do this, tap on the selected application and uncheck the “Enable notifications” item, after which the system will display a window where you will need to confirm your choice. But this technique and the operation of the notification screen have changed quite a bit with the fifth system update.

In general, I made a significant number of changes to the system. This also affected the notification panel. It has become more flexible, customizable and also convenient. Let's see what innovations it brought us a new version and how to work with them.

Lock screen

With the arrival of the update, users noticed that all notifications were displayed on the screen Android lock. We will not talk about the convenience of this opportunity. But we’ll tell you what manipulations you can now perform:

  1. If you double-click on the window with incoming information, the corresponding application will open.
  2. To remove unread message, just swipe in any direction.
  3. Pull down the alert window and it will give you a more expanded version showing Additional information and functions.
  4. Holding your finger on the window for a long time will give you the opportunity to open context menu with options.

Now these buttons let you do more than just zoom in or out. Completely new options and features have been added to this menu, which will undoubtedly be useful to any user. They allow you to switch between alert modes:

  1. “Do not disturb” - all incoming reminders and messages will be silent.
  2. “Important” - you will only receive important messages from programs, the list of which can be adjusted. In general, when you turn it on, you will see a settings tab. In them you can change the operating time of the mode. Moreover, there is a special tab that allows you to configure this mode with maximum flexibility.
  3. “Everything” is the standard operation of the device.

To fine-tune the information windows, just go to the section specially designated for this. It is located in the Settings menu of your device. In it you can, for example, remove notifications on, open the possibility of notification for programs, and change the list of blocked applications. Also very interesting opportunity is what's on the menu separate application you can optionally select the command:

  1. Do not show notifications from this application, thereby completely getting rid of the program's notifications.
  2. Or show them at the top of the list, including when only important notifications are allowed.

There are enough settings in the notification panel. It's worth paying some attention to them.

Now you have seen how many opportunities it has opened up for users who have learned to customize notifications “for themselves.” And if there is an unread message, you know how to remove it.

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