Selling contextual links. General information on making money by shortening links

According to statistics, today Internet users are offered about 100 in various ways online earnings on the network. Among them there is also such a type of work as following advertisers’ links to their websites. This type of income was incredibly popular ten years ago, when the freelancing industry was just beginning to take shape.

It turned out that great amount people. Your humble servant also did not escape this fate, so when today I come across banners advertising such projects, I want to immediately tell about my experience to beginner freelancers. Look, my revelations will save at least someone from wasting time.

The essence of making money on transitions

The main idea of ​​​​earning money from transitions comes down to the fact that the user receives from the service, in which he will need to pre-register, messages with a link inside. By clicking on them, the performer finds himself on the site where he needs to stay certain time– as a rule, no more than 30 seconds.

After this, the visit will be counted and the required reward will be credited to your account. For Russian projects, a few kopecks are paid for each site viewed - the standard amount ranges from 5 to 10 kopecks. On foreign sites, payment is charged, naturally, in dollars or euros, but there the bill is not even in cents, but in hundredths. For example, the most popular projects pay 0.02 cents for viewing one site.

Thus, in a day of hard and tedious work you can collect only a few rubles. I note that when trying to master this type how to make money on the Internet I came up with the most different schemes, which were supposed to optimize work with advertising projects, opened several windows at the same time, tried other options, but I never managed to earn more than 17.12 kopecks per day.

So on own experience I can say with confidence that by clicking on links you can actually earn 200-300 rubles a month, nothing more. This is provided that you work hard almost around the clock and all the projects in which you register will be honest and will pay you all the amounts earned. Are you comfortable with this prospect? Then here is a list of the most proven and reliable resources for making money on the Internet by going to the advertiser’s website.

SeoSprint.net2.00 + 150 from 0.02WMR AP LPAutorefback 50%
Vip-Prom.net0.05 + 100 0.0009 WMZ AP LPAutorefback 50%
WmRub.com2.00 + 25 0.02 WMRAutorefback 50%
ProfitCentr.com0.02 + 130 0.02 WMR
Perfect-Bux.com0.25 + 20 0.003 PM Ya
ClickSponsor.ru0.50 + 20 0.02 WMRDaily bonus 0.20

Follow links - cheating options

I’ll say right away that among the projects this kind of There are, of course, honest ones. But, firstly, their percentage, especially today, is very small. Secondly, you still won’t be able to earn a decent amount from them. Please note, when I talk about a decent amount, I do not mean that the money received is enough to at least pay for the Internet, of which a lot is “eaten up” during such activities.

According to statistics, today Internet users are offered about 100 different ways to make money online. Among them there is also such a type of work as following advertisers’ links to their websites. This type of income was incredibly popular ten years ago, when the freelancing industry was just beginning to take shape.

A huge number of people were involved in the activities of mailers and other sites that offered everyone who wanted to make money on the Internet through clicks. Your humble servant also did not escape this fate, so when today I come across banners advertising such projects, I want to immediately tell about my experience to beginner freelancers. Look, my revelations will save at least someone from wasting time.

The essence of making money on transitions

The main idea of ​​​​earning money from transitions comes down to the fact that the user receives from the service, in which he will need to pre-register, messages with a link inside. By clicking on them, the performer finds himself on a website where he needs to stay for a certain time - usually no more than 30 seconds.

After this, the visit will be counted and the required reward will be credited to your account. For Russian projects, a few kopecks are paid for each site viewed - the standard amount ranges from 5 to 10 kopecks. On foreign sites, payment is charged, naturally, in dollars or euros, but there the bill is not even in cents, but in hundredths. For example, the most popular projects pay 0.02 cents for viewing one site.

Thus, in a day of hard and tedious work you can collect only a few rubles. I note that when trying to master this type of earning money on the Internet, I came up with a variety of schemes that were supposed to optimize work with advertising projects, opened several windows at the same time, tried other options, but I still couldn’t earn more than 17.12 kopecks per day managed.

So, from my own experience, I can confidently say that by clicking on links you can actually earn 200-300 rubles a month, nothing more. This is provided that you work hard almost around the clock and all the projects in which you register will be honest and will pay you all the amounts earned. Are you comfortable with this prospect? Then here is a list of the most proven and reliable resources for making money on the Internet by going to the advertiser’s website.

SeoSprint.net2.00 + 150 from 0.02WMR AP LPAutorefback 50%
Vip-Prom.net0.05 + 100 0.0009 WMZ AP LPAutorefback 50%
WmRub.com2.00 + 25 0.02 WMRAutorefback 50%
ProfitCentr.com0.02 + 130 0.02 WMR
Perfect-Bux.com0.25 + 20 0.003 PM Ya
ClickSponsor.ru0.50 + 20 0.02 WMRDaily bonus 0.20

Follow links - cheating options

I’ll say right away that among projects of this kind there are, of course, honest ones. But, firstly, their percentage, especially today, is very small. Secondly, you still won’t be able to earn a decent amount from them. Please note, when I talk about a decent amount, I do not mean that the money received is enough to at least pay for the Internet, of which a lot is “eaten up” during such activities.

On the Internet, everyone makes money in the way that suits them. The most interesting, profitable and promising option is to create your own site.

It is advisable that this be a site on paid hosting so that there are no restrictions. And if not interesting ideas and serious knowledge, start a regular blog.

Pay-per-click affiliate programs will help you monetize any resource (even groups on social networks and YouTube channels).

Most often, affiliate programs require some action from the attracted users (order, subscription, registration). But there are also systems where money is paid for clicking on promotional material.

Attract visitors and earn money

I have been using it for a long time. It also pays for clicks on advertisements placed on websites.

Here, sites only on the topic of MLM and information business are monetized. Visitors from 100 hosts per day and huge selection types of banners for placement in any part of the site.

Another pay-per-click affiliate program that I have been working with for a long time is BestChange. Monitoring exchangers is constantly useful for money makers, and each click on a referral link brings in 4 cents.

Too few? Additionally, money is paid for other actions:

Many services have been created for this type of income, you can find more interesting options. For example, on Shorte it is convenient to do short links, and when users click on them, they are shown a special stub with advertising.

For 1000 clicks you can get $14, but it all depends on the geography of the traffic:

I use these services myself, so I recommend everyone to make money with them. Of course, these are not the usual pay-per-click advertising systems, but the essence is almost the same. You need to force people to follow the links, and for this you earn profit.

Other pay-per-click services

You can install as many ad units as you like on your websites and videos to get money for clicks on them. In general, pay-per-click This is the most common way advertising networks work.

That is why this scheme is used almost everywhere:

  1. TAK is one of the few networks that allows you to place a block instantly. Pay per click from 5 kopecks, advertiser rates are set in auction mode.
  2. Wmlink is a similar pay-per-click affiliate program that does not advertise scams. Webmasters are paid 75% of advertisers' expenses, payments are instant.
  3. Ttarget – place teaser advertising and work on available offers with pay-per-action. Withdrawal from 500 rubles.
  4. Adcash – you register, place the code on the site, and receive profit for each click. Many formats, convertible mobile traffic, good rates.
  5. Mobile-click – when collaborating with this system, wherever a visitor to your site clicks, the advertiser’s site will open in a new tab. Suitable for mobile traffic.
  6. Advmaker – the widest advertising network, there are the most advertisers and many advertising formats here. The site has a tool for calculating expected profit.
  7. Viboom - adds advertising to videos with payment for the transition from the ruble. You can also receive 50 kopecks for viewing advertisements (ideal for social networks).
  8. Mobiads - another one affiliate program under mobile versions sites. There are several formats, you can choose the cost of a click and impression, at least 50 kopecks.

Another popular type internet fraud: the applicant is offered Earn Money by follow links and visiting certain websites. There are now a lot of similar advertisements on the Internet; they can be found on job sites and on free message boards.

Outwardly everything looks decent, but in practice it turns out to be a complete mess. First you need to register in the system and get yourself online wallet(most often WebMoney is required). For each click on a link, the employee is awarded either money or bonuses, which are ultimately converted into money. Income is credited to the account of the system participant, from where he can withdraw money to his wallet. But don't count on easy money : for each transition you are entitled to a tiny amount - usually from one to several kopecks. Thus, for a day of painstaking and tedious work, you will earn a maximum of a few rubles (despite the fact that you could be promised 300, 500, or 1000 rubles a day). And keep in mind that it may not be limited to just clicking on links - in some cases, in order to receive a bonus, you need to answer a simple question.

But that's not all. Each such service has a rule: you can withdraw money from the system to your electronic wallet only if you have it in your account a certain amount. In other words, until you accumulate this amount, withdraw money You can not. For some, this minimum is 10 dollars, for others it is 20 or more - it all depends on the specific service. In this case, the system will charge you a commission for withdrawal of funds(usually about 5%). If you manage to earn something, then, firstly, it will probably be many times less than promised, and secondly, withdraw money It won't be easy. There are many outright scammers operating in this area who pay nothing at all. In other words, you can persistently follow the links for several days, accumulate bonuses, and when your account accumulates enough money to withdraw funds, it will either be reset to zero, or an error message will appear when you try to withdraw.

You can also find offers for sale on the Internet. special programs - bonus collectors. They supposedly relieve the user of the need to follow links: the program does everything itself, and in fact the person has the opportunity to receive money without making any effort. Please note that this is a scam: scammers almost always sell some “fraudulent” files under the guise of such programs, but if by some miracle you manage to purchase a real one bonus collector- you will be instantly exposed and your account will be immediately blocked and reset.