How to get promoted on YouTube. How to Use AdWords Ads to Promote Your YouTube Channel

You can make quite good money on the Internet. In principle, this is exactly what many, many people do. Now the mass business is moving to the Internet, where some entertainment channels and communities on social networks have learned to publish advertisements competently (not intrusive, interesting and with a call to action), many large corporations are hiring freelancers and remote employees, people are accustomed to making purchases on social networks.. And this is not a complete list, confirming that there is money on the Internet. You just need to know how to earn them correctly. It is to earn money through your own labor, and not to hope for easy money without investments.

Monetization of video content

Today, video content is also monetized. Videos have become a trend, and video hosting sites have a very large audience. YouTube, as the largest video hosting site and the second most searched site in the world, keeps up with trends.

You can make money on video for a long time - connect advertising, recommend various products to subscribers, take advantage of the affiliate program. But uninteresting videos of questionable quality will not attract an active and loyal audience. But it is a large number of subscribers, their activity in the form of comments, likes and reposts on social networks that is the core of stable and high earnings on YouTube, as well as promoting your own or corporate brand. This is where YouTube channel promotion comes to the rescue.

Channel topic

If you don’t have anything to promote yet, it doesn’t matter; you can create and design a well-designed channel in just a few hours. First, you should decide on the topic. It can be anything. It’s great if the topic is on the list of relevant ones. And, of course, the topic of the channel should be close and interesting to its creator - otherwise making videos and promoting the YouTube channel will be boring. When choosing a topic, it is important to immediately imagine what audience it will be intended for. Narrowly specialized topics will most likely be of interest to a small number of Internet users, so they will not receive many likes.

Most often on video hosting there are entertainment channels, game reviews, let's plays (filming gameplay), various kinds of educational videos (DIY), videos about construction and repair, including mobile phones, small and large household appliances, computers, etc. Further. Relevant selections of films by topic, games, products, reviews and reviews (so-called unboxings), beauty channels, videos dedicated to the topic of motherhood, culinary channels. Videos describing strategies for making money have been attracting the attention of users for a long time.

It won’t be possible to publish “everything at once” - you need to clearly decide on the topic. Only well-known media figures, who will have subscribers in any case, can afford videos about everything.

Creation and design

To create a channel, you need to have a Google account. The registration process is standard; you will need to enter your desired login (which will also be your email address), gender, date of birth, phone number and a spare email address. In YouTube, you need to go to the “Creative Workshop”, where there will be a “Create Channel” button. The service will ask you to decide on a name and add a picture - the channel logo. The latter can be done later. It is advisable to add a channel icon and cover in the same style - without branding it is difficult to imagine effective promotion of a YouTube channel. On the cover you can include links to profiles on social networks and your own website.

Recording and publishing videos

High-quality and interesting content is the key to promoting your YouTube channel like clockwork. Videos need to be posted regularly, preferably at the same time, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19:00 Moscow time. This is a convenient time, since many people come home from work, are freed from household chores and sit down at the computer. Therefore, there is a high probability that subscribers will quickly notice and watch the new video. You can publish something every day; regularity here is one of the keys to success.

The content must be copyrighted. You cannot use even small fragments from other videos that do not belong to the creator of the channel. This will result in fines from YouTube and possibly even a complete blocking of the channel. Additionally, the videos should be useful. Promoting the YouTube channel TVgoods is a good example; the team publishes live broadcasts of television programs - although the video is not original, it receives a good response, user activity and many views.

The optimal length of videos is about 3-5 minutes. You can, of course, make videos of 15-20 minutes, but users must watch such content to the end. Otherwise, such a length of the video does not justify itself. With long videos, you can use this trick to get users to finish watching them: promise a competition at the end or come up with something else that will keep their attention.

Principles of successful work

There are three most important principles for successfully promoting a YouTube channel. Firstly, post videos that will be of interest to viewers, do not sell or recommend obviously low-quality products. Secondly, money is not at all the main thing in SEO promotion of a YouTube channel. It all depends on how high-quality content you offer viewers. Thirdly, a good channel with interesting videos advertises itself. Some videos become popular as soon as they appear online. Creating such content is worth striving for.

YouTube Channel Promotion

Promotion is the next step, without which channel monetization will give absolutely no results. There are many promotion options. Among them we can list white, gray and black methods (the last, and ideally the penultimate, should not be used), paid and free, the most and least effective. Although the latter, of course, depends on many factors. For an entertainment channel, for example, promotion through social networks will be quite effective, but for a corporate video blog - less so.

Video SEO optimization

Even if the video itself is of high quality and interesting, but its description and title do not evoke a desire to watch the video, then there can be no question of any effective and fast promotion. SEO concerns the title, description, tags, and correct category indication. Be sure to use high, medium and low frequency keywords. To determine the most suitable ones, use Yandex.Wordstat.

By the way, even the name of the video file that will be uploaded to the hosting must be optimized. A video with a title made up of an incoherent set of Latin letters and numbers will be “trusted” less by YouTube than a video with a clear and understandable title that reflects the content.

Create playlists with videos with similar themes or videos with a common theme. For example, put all reviews of the most powerful phones, all the most productive models or new products into one playlist. This will increase the likelihood that a user interested in one topic will continue watching videos on the same channel and become a subscriber.

Be sure to fill out all the video settings when uploading to the hosting: language, location of filming, ability to embed videos.

An example of good SEO, but not so much for the channel as for the main site, is the promotion of the TvGoo YouTube channel. The service ensures that it increases its citation index by leaving a link to itself under each video with live broadcasts of television programs.

Attracting new subscribers

Attracting the first hundred or thousand subscribers is the main task of the owner of a “young” YouTube channel. There are paid and free methods. Among the free ones: mutual subscription (exchange of subscribers), manual publication of channel advertising on social networks, on forums and in any open sources. There is no need to spam - this is already a black method and will not lead to anything good. Free promotion takes longer, but that’s why it’s free.

Free and paid advertising

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on paid and free methods of promotion. In addition to optimization, you can attract subscribers through third-party services. They are free due to the fact that first the channel owner needs to perform certain actions (subscribe to someone else’s channel, watch a video, like, repost to one of the social networks, etc.), and then use the points earned on the internal account to order promotion of his channel . Examples of such services:

  • BigLike.
  • YouTuber.
  • Like4you.
  • Socgain.
  • Pump.

Paid methods are advertising on other people's channels (then they encourage their subscribers to subscribe to your channel or watch a video), promotion services, contextual advertising, publications in popular thematic groups on social networks, and so on.

Paid promotion

Paid advertising can be purchased from Viboom, SeeDr or VideoSeed. It is better to order promotion of a YouTube channel (comprehensive) from an SMM specialist working remotely or on staff (for large companies entering the Internet market).

Paid methods also include "buying" active or passive subscribers. A hundred subscribers can be purchased for only 140 rubles, a thousand for 1190 rubles. There are also sites for promoting your YouTube channel. On many resources you can order views, likes, subscriptions and reposts (QComments, Vlike, VkTarget, SocialTool and so on) or first subscribe to several public pages and communities yourself, and then use the money you earn to promote your channel.


Creating and promoting a YouTube channel is an interesting and profitable business. You just need to approach things wisely and then everything will work out. For information: promoting a channel using white-hat methods before receiving the first tangible income takes about a year, even if the content is high-quality, interesting and useful.

In this issue we will tell you which services are best to use to promote your channel and videos on YouTube. The list includes only proven and reliable services.

Even if you have very high-quality and interesting content, it needs to be pushed. We especially advise young YouTube channels to conduct advertising campaigns. Because without this, many people may never find out about your channel. But also for those who already have several thousand or tens of thousands of subscribers, but things are not going any further - run advertising.

Register on several sites at once to determine exactly which one is best for you. The functionality is similar, the differences are not big, each service has its own advantages. But it’s worth trying each of them in action.

Vktarget - increase subscribers and likes

  • Website:

Despite the fact that VK is present in the name of the site, you can also buy promotion on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.

Bosslike – wind up and earn money

  • Website:

On the Bosslike service you can not only promote your videos, but also earn money by completing various tasks. There are 6 social networks in total: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox is a large promotion exchange

  • Website:

A large and professional exchange for promotion on social networks. Low prices will allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a video on YouTube costs just 10 kopecks.

LikesRock – a new generation of promotion tools

  • Website:

A relatively young, but very promising service with its own promotion philosophy. They often hold competitions and promotions.

Epicstars – an epically cool promotion service

  • Website:

You can read how effectively you can promote your YouTube channel from our friends from ★ EPICSTARS in their article -

In just a couple of weeks it will be (for those who don’t know, we’re talking about Clear TV ). During this time, it was raised from scratch to the following figures: 5,096 subscribers and 594,071 views. Exact date of registration: January 23, 2014 (the channel was empty for a month). All content is original (tutorials, program reviews, useful computer tips). To achieve the result, no youtube cheating sites were used; everything was done gradually, according to plan and for free.

What to do to promote a YouTube channel from scratch?

How to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch? It will be very difficult for a beginner to do this without money. At the very beginning of the existence of Clear TV, the results of the YouTube channel were not at all impressive - 50-100 views per day.

What did I do?

1) Worked on the video quality.

I tried to express my thoughts more clearly and accessible. Sometimes, before recording a video, I prepare a text for myself on a piece of paper and record the video on the second or fifth try. For those who don’t know, most of my videos are recorded from the screen.

2) Didn't stop recording video.

Not knowing what promotion on YouTube was, gaining 50-100 views a day, I didn’t stop. On the contrary, I recorded and posted videos almost every day (luckily I had enough ideas). In about a month or two, youtube channel results improved a little, however, these indicators were not impressive: 200-300 views per day on the YouTube channel.

3) Learned how to promote a channel through social media. networks.

Three months later, I learned how to promote a YouTube channel for free. Active recruitment of a subscriber base has begun. I don’t remember how much time passed, but it appeared. I didn’t buy courses of questionable quality, I didn’t read articles about how to promote a channel through social media. network, but simply mastered one truth: for a young, unknown channel, this was the ideal solution.

4) Learned how to properly promote a channel on YouTube through SEO.

Based on the views, the results of the YouTube channel began to satisfy me (I understood perfectly well that not all at once). Along with this, the search for levers that could influence the promotion of the channel continued. In this case, YouTube SEO optimization caught my eye. Too smart? Ok, I’ll put it in simple words: SEO is what makes the videos on my channel have the correct title and optimized description.

5) Learned to analyze information.

You can read hundreds of pages of information, but you still won’t know how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch if you don’t learn to analyze the information. Fortunately, the channel itself has an excellent tool - Youtube Analytics. He showed which videos are watched longer, and where viewers don’t really linger. I drew conclusions, made adjustments and moved on.

6) I asked about tricks on YouTube.

Information that lets me know how to properly promote a channel on youtube- was found. In just two days, I managed to find out what annotations are, a pop-up subscription button, a button to subscribe to a channel at the bottom right (right subscribe button). It’s not difficult to guess that he started using all these features on his channels.

If you are interested in promotion on YouTube and want more specifics, I recommend it, which contains the most useful videos for beginners.

7) Worked on the design of the channel.

The cosmetic touch made the channel recognizable (at least I would like to believe so). I created a header and added beautiful screensavers for my videos. The goal is for me and the content to be noticed.

Here's how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch using simple tips. Of course, I didn’t give away some secrets (they are in my videos on YouTube).

1) Optimal promotion on YouTube- this is when views steadily go up (with the exception of the New Year and holidays).

2) If your channel is two years old, but the results are 5-10 times worse than mine, then you need the help of a specialist (you can order a paid consultation, channel analysis or inexpensive YouTube promotion from me). Or you can order not from me :)

3) My YouTube channel is two years old - if it’s not difficult and interesting, then you can subscribe (this is important for me).

I hope from the article you learned how to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch and now you can get 1,000,000 views!

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we'll talk about how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch and is this even possible? I say it's possible! And now I’ll tell you about a method that will help, and you will learn the secret of promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube.

By the way, if you don’t have enough time to study promotion and promotion methods, and you need views right now, they will definitely help you. This is a powerful and, most importantly, effective promotion tool on Youtube. Views, likes, subscribers and even comments under the video on quite affordable terms. Let's use it!

There are a lot of materials on the Internet regarding the promotion and promotion of a YouTube channel, some useful and some not so useful. But I still decided to write more about this and I think my article will be useful to you. Why? Because mine YouTube channel I promote and promote this way! And if you follow the link to it, you can make sure that there are already more than 1,000 subscribers and more than 30,000 views. And this helps me make money on my YouTube channel. So let's get involved too!

What does it take for people to start visiting your channel, watching videos and subscribing to it? There is nothing complicated about it! You just need a little patience and attention to your YouTube channel. How to organize this? Now I'll tell you...

YouTube channel design

If you are a complete beginner and are just taking your first steps on YouTube, then you first need to properly organize your YouTube channel. Create your own logo and design a beautiful header for it. About how beautiful it is for your channel YouTube I already wrote in my material that you can watch and make your own beautiful and unique hat for him. There’s nothing complicated there; even the most novice YouTuber can figure it out. Did I figure it out?! And at that time I was just starting to use YouTube.

Believe me, the design of a YouTube channel plays a huge role in its promotion and promotion. After all, if your channel is without a beautifully designed header, without its own unique logo, then who will notice it, and if by chance someone comes to it, they will immediately leave it. That's for sure! So, pay special attention to the design of your channel!!!

Then, after the channel header and logo are ready, select keywords for it. Use the service I previously described to select keywords - ! I hope it helps you.

After all these steps, you need to upload several videos to your channel. It’s better to let them be thematic and necessarily unique, so that you can monetize them in the future.

Now that your channel is more or less designed and has a video for viewing, you need to start promoting it...

First steps or how to promote a YouTube channel from scratch

To promote and promote a channel on YouTube, there are many methods and services that offer their services for various amounts. Basically, these are tidy sums and a beginner is practically unable to handle them. What to do? Is there a way out of this situation? Of course there is!

This solution is a unique service for promoting and promoting not only your newly created YouTube channel, but also all kinds of other pages on social networks and public pages, etc.

I have been using this resource myself for a long time to promote and promote my YouTube channel, and I can tell you with confidence that there is no better option for a beginner!

To start register on the channel promotion service Profi-Like and then start choosing a way to promote and promote your channel. And for one thing, you can promote the rest of your social networks if you need it!

Here's a screenshot of what the prices are for promoting and promoting your channel on YouTube:

And that's not all that this service has to offer. Take a look for yourself and choose the most suitable option for yourself to start promoting your channel.

Don’t even worry about the fact that your channel will be banned! Everything has already been checked personally and no bans or anything like that have ever been observed! All views are counted and not removed by YouTube, as well as subscribers - all real people, not bots!

In general, I won’t try to persuade you any more. If you need this, then I think you will use this service.

Let me finish my material here and say goodbye.

Goodbye! See you again! Good luck to everyone in promotion and promotion!

The first thousand views on YouTube or the first thousand subscribers is always difficult, exciting, and for many it seems like a long time. Therefore, you should first figure out how to promote a channel on YouTube for free, and then add videos. At a minimum, this approach will prevent you from making serious mistakes.

    • Method one. Create viral content
    • Method two. Think carefully about the title, tags and description
    • Method three. Make your channel unique
    • Method four. Upload videos as often as possible
    • Method five. Use third party resources
    • Method six. Just ask
    • Method seven. Comment on top video bloggers
    • Method eight. Mutual PR
    • Method nine. Annotations, tips
    • Method ten. Closing screensavers

Method one. Create viral content

A site can be in the top results thanks to a smart SEO, even if the content is, to put it mildly, weak. This won’t work with a video: if you artificially “increase” the required number of views, you can still be lowered in the search results by putting downvotes. In addition, employers have long learned to identify such channels. And deception is very harshly punished by YouTube - up to complete blocking of the account.

Therefore, the content must be of high quality, causing a natural (!) desire to watch it. A viral video often does not need any additional promotion. On the contrary, it helps draw attention to other projects. But how to shoot such a video is another question. Here you already need to study the niche, the target audience, what is in demand now and why.

Method two. Think carefully about the title, tags and description

Largely because of this point, the advice given above was to first deal with free channel promotion. If you add a video without a description, the chance that almost no one will see it will increase. It is also very important to correctly select appropriate tags and categories for the topic. And don’t forget to create a unique description with keys. The name should describe what is happening as accurately as possible, but not be too complex or long.

Method three. Make your channel unique

Think about the logo, splash screens, annotations... What will it look like? The result should be memorable - in a good way.

By the way, in the annotation you can carefully play with the subscription offer. It is usually much more convenient for the viewer to simply click on the link in the video itself than to search for where they can subscribe to you. And then he can get distracted, change his mind, forget. And a competent annotation catches you right while watching. Which is very smart: after all, high-quality work evokes vivid emotions, on the wave of which you can subscribe.

Method four. Upload videos as often as possible

If you are going to add one video every month, and you are not Lady Gaga, then we have bad news for you... In general, for active promotion you need at least one video every two days. More is better. Users need to be reminded of themselves, because they can easily be taken away by someone more active. It's incredibly easy to get distracted on YouTube.

Method five. Use third party resources

For some reason, promoting a YouTube channel is often associated with the video hosting site itself. Meanwhile, a huge number of views can be obtained through social networks or a blog.

Let's say you have a page with several thousand subscribers. Do you want a lot of views? Just add a video and write something interesting about it. Often the numbers begin to grow literally before our eyes. The same tactics work with public pages, forums, in general, with any places where you can attract attention and where people frequent.

Method six. Just ask

Surprisingly, this method has become a real discovery for many. Meanwhile, it really gives results: in the video itself, for example, at the end (not so annoying) you can ask them to like you. And if you really liked the video, then tell your friends about you. As a rule, most people don’t mind making one click.

Method seven. Comment on top video bloggers

A significant proportion of subscribers love to exchange opinions on popular videos no less than watch the videos themselves. And the most attention is usually paid to the first comments. Feel free to leave comments - people will read and respond to them, and some will visit your channel.

By the way, you must respond to comments on your videos. Users like to be noticed. With active communication, you can get several hundred subscribers, which is not bad at the start.

Method eight. Mutual PR

On YouTube you can find a very large number of channels that are similar in topic to yours and agree with webmasters on friendly recommendations and mutual promotion.

On his own channel, the webmaster must go to the “friends” or “interesting” section. This section may have different names. The webmaster must decide on it himself. Links must be provided to these channels.

It is better to negotiate an exchange with channels whose traffic and topics are close to yours.

Method nine. Annotations, tips

Not all channel visitors will watch the video to the end, so in order to increase the share of people who will take targeted actions, use two tools inside the video editor - Hints and Annotations.

Annotations are often used to direct visitors who watch a video to relevant links—for example, links to the main site or links to cost-per-action (CPA) affiliate offers. To add annotations to your videos, you need to go to video editing mode and select the “Annotations” menu item there.

annotation is a typically clickable message that appears within the video and includes some information for the viewer. For example, it can encourage you to watch a new video on a channel or download additional information on a website.

Hints are convenient to use for unobtrusive recommendations to subscribe to the channel, as well as watch additional videos on the topic

Video bloggers often abuse annotations and cover the entire video with them; naturally, this causes nothing but negativity. For a softer recommendation, it is better to use a new tool in Youtube - Hints.

Method ten. Closing screensavers

At the end of the video, you need to invite the user to do a simple set of actions - use calls to subscribe to the channel, like and leave a comment.

At the end of the clip, you can insert a frame that says that if you liked the video, then you need to click on like, and at the same time show where such a button is located. This will be a good method to promote your YouTube channel.

And, of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one method. Experiment, combine different methods, come up with your own... Youtube loves creative people!

Watch this free masterclass and learn how to grow your brand and get sales and traffic with content marketing on Youtube: