Secure VKontakte connection. Get encrypted: how to establish a secure HTTPS connection protocol

The HTTPS protocol today is one of the basic protocols for data exchange on the Internet. It allows encryption of transmitted information, provides protection against sniffer and other cyber attacks, guarantees connection stability and confidentiality of transmitted data. But what about the situation when the user wants to disable https? In this article I will tell you how to disable https in Yandex and Google Chrome browsers and on the Vkontakte social networking site.

So what is HTTPS? This name is an abbreviation for “HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure” (translated as “Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol”). And it is a symbiosis of several network protocols - basic HTTP and cryptographic SSL/TLS. Now transmitted data is encrypted to increase the security of the established Internet connection, contributing to its reliability and security.

Nowadays, more and more sites are switching to an HTTPS connection, both because of the increased level of security of this protocol and because of Google’s promise to give priority to sites with https in search results.

Disable https

At the same time, there are situations when it may be necessary to disable https support in the Yandex, Chrome and Opera browser. This is due to the peculiarities of some sites that do not always work correctly with the https protocol. Therefore, below I will tell you how to disable https for specific sites on different browsers.

At the same time, I note that usually if you at least once access any site via https, the browser will remember this domain and next time it will automatically redirect to the https version of this site.

How to disable https in browser

To disable https in the browser for a specific site, do the following.

  1. We leave this site, close all tabs, leaving one basic one;
  2. We clear the entire activity history and cache;
  3. We go to the service page of the browser by typing the following in the address bar:

In the “Delete Domain” input field, enter the name of the site’s domain (for example,, and click on “Delete”. Now next time enter the site address with http, not https, and take advantage of the possibilities of an unsecured connection.

Please note that problems with the correct use of the https protocol on your computer may be due to incorrectly set date or time on it.

You can also change the HTTPS security settings in your browser settings. For example, for Chrome this can be done by going to settings, selecting “Show advanced settings”, and selecting “Configure certificates” in the HTTPS item.

How to remove https from Vkontakte

The next time you enter the VK website, remember the features of the redirect (which is indicated just above), remove the mention of this domain as indicated above, and then access this resource using http.

If that doesn't help, you can try logging into this site from a different browser.

In addition, I hasten to draw the attention of readers to the fact that you should not rely on accessing a site from http using a link where https is indicated.


Using the https protocol helps protect network connections and maintain the security of transmitted data. In cases where a network resource is unstable with https, you can disable the use of https for this resource using the algorithm described above.

In contact with

One of the key points in ensuring the security of a WordPress site is installing a special SSL certificate. With its help, users will be able to exchange information with your site through a safe and secure protocol connection. But you will need to do some, albeit simple, work to determine what information needs to be protected and make sure that it leaves the site in this form.

What is SSL?

SSL protocol is a standard for exchanging reliable information between a website and a browser. Without going into details of the technical part of its operation, it can be explained as follows: it establishes a trust relationship between the server and the web browser. Once “trust” is established, the server encrypts the data in such a way that only the end recipient (the client) can decrypt it.

Such security measures are taken due to the possibility that any data transmitted over the Internet from one point to another could be intercepted at any time by hackers or other network participants.

The transfer of protected data provides confidence that only a specific recipient will be able to read it. If someone else opens them, they will only see a distorted image, a set of some symbols. This is better than visible credit card information, personal notes, letters, etc.

Using SSL requires the site to install a special certificate. Purchasing such a certificate conveys important information to the browser about the security of your site. In most browsers, when you visit a secure site, you will see a green padlock icon in the address bar. This means the presence SSL certificate:

Having SSL is a must for any e-commerce site and is recommended for those who deal with the exchange of sensitive information. We won't go into detail about the process of adding a certificate to your hosting package, as it depends on the type of hosting provider. But a good hosting company will definitely offer you the easiest way to install an SSL certificate.

After installing the certificate, every visitor to your site will be able to access its pages via HTTP or HTTPS connection. It is not for nothing that the word “can” was used and not “will”, since adding the certificate itself is not enough. You need to configure WordPress to force visitors to use HTTPS.

When we say “using SSL,” we mean that the exchange of information between the server and the browser is carried out over the HTTPS protocol instead of the insecure HTTP protocol. This requires a valid SSL certificate, but not only that.

Where and how to use HTTPS?

You can set up a WordPress site so that visitors use HTTPS when logging into the site, when using the admin panel, on each or on specific pages of your site. Eat two approaches to determine the need for its use. The first is by necessity. That is, only the most sensitive files. The second method is for the entire site.

Not long ago, Google announced that secure sites using HTTPS have higher rankings in search results. This means that using HTTPS will not only protect your site, but will also help with SEO. This protocol will also help prevent or eliminate any human errors regarding the confidentiality of this or that information.

Flaw The downside to using SSL for an entire site is that HTTPS is slower than HTTP. The reason is that data must be encrypted before it is sent and decrypted when it is received. And this is an additional load on the server sending data and the web browser receiving it. Accordingly, this process requires additional time.

Because download speed page is very important for the end user and for SEO, you need to determine whether protecting non-sensitive content (such as page content that is accessible to all users) is important. This, of course, depends on many factors and is determined after evaluating and testing your site.

In most cases, to the most sensitive data This includes personal information relating to the company. This includes financial information, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. And as mentioned earlier, installing HTTPS is a must for all e-commerce sites. And also in case of transfer of any sensitive information. This includes, for example, medical record data.

Keep in mind that if you are ever hired to create a website that sends medical or financial data, your client will consult with an attorney regarding security concerns. And these security needs should be included as part of the site contract.

Setting up SSL manually on WordPress

There is a constant that you can use in the wp-config.php file and provide a secure connection in the admin. And this constant - FORCE_SSL_ADMIN - requires an SSL certificate and HTTPS to access anywhere in the WordPress admin area.

By default this feature is disabled. To enable it, you need to add the following code to the wp-config.php file:

define(" FORCE_SSL_ADMIN ", true);

Check out this great WordPress Codex on how to set up HTTPS sitewide and encrypt your front end pages.

But if you can't do all this with two constants, then there is another way - using a plugin. That's what we'll talk about now.

Using the HTTPS plugin

There is an excellent free WordPress HTTPS (SSL) plugin that makes all the settings very easy. True, the plugin has not been updated for a long time and, as can be seen from the plugin catalog, it was tested only for WordPress version 3.5.2. But it works great with versions 3.9 and 4.0 as well.

This plugin performs two functions. It allows you to set global SSL settings for your site or sites.

If you don't want to use SSL for your entire site, the plugin allows you to select specific posts and pages to do so.

The plugin setup process is quite simple. The control panel gives you the ability to configure options for your entire site (or multiple sites if you have a WordPress installation).

The plugin also provides metabox add-ons to each post editor, allowing you to customize your post or page. This is very convenient if you need to secure access to several pages at once.

SSL is not enough for website security!

Installing and configuring SSL is, of course, an important step towards ensuring the security of your WordPress site and user data, but it is not enough. Your website password can still be found out or guessed. And in this case, SSL will not protect the site in any way from the use of your information by those who obtained it by hacking access to the site.

How can you be safe? Choose only very strong passwords, promptly update plugins and themes on WordPress, periodically scan for malicious scripts, etc.

Just having an SSL certificate on your website will not make it secure. It is also necessary to use appropriate security plugins, such as WordFence, iThemes Security or the Sucuri service.

But installing an SSL certificate and configuring WordPress to use HTTPS is an important and first step to ensuring a secure site. And, as already mentioned, quite simple.

Bonus! Try free SSL from Let's Encrypt on Hostenko

If you are a user of WordPress hosting from , you can independently connect an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt completely free by clicking on 1 button.

To do this, you need to go to your hosting, open the “Hosting Management” block for your site and in the “Security” section click on the “Add Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate” button:

The entire procedure will take place automatically, and within a couple of seconds a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt will be connected to your site, and the site address will change to https. You can add an SSL certificate for any site on your own domain.

User security is a key issue for all Internet companies. Odnoklassniki, of course, is also concerned about data preservation and strives to be a reliable company not just in the eyes of users, but also in practice. We already use many tools to protect data, and the next step is the https protocol. What it is? HTTPS is an extension of the HTTP protocol that supports encryption. In simple words, it is a tool for protecting against attacks related to data interception during an Internet connection.

What are the benefits for the user?

If a user logs into Odnoklassniki without https, then all the data that he exchanges with OK is transmitted in clear text and can be read and changed by any participant in the data transfer process. Typical examples of eavesdroppers are a villain who has connected to the same public Wi-Fi network, or unscrupulous telecom operators. Without using https, attackers can gain access to the user's personal data or even take over his account.

We know that in world practice there have been cases of operators attempting to add something to the content of social networks; due to such interference, the user saw in the browser not exactly what the developer had broadcast. However, when transmitted over https, the data is encrypted and can only be read or modified by users.

Why https is important for Odnoklassniki

In addition to taking care of the user, modern browsers show danger warnings on sites without https. Of course, we could not afford to suddenly become a company that threatens the safety of users, so we use all modern protection technologies. In addition, when transmitting data via https, there is a chance of receiving a speed bonus, since the traffic is not analyzed by numerous intermediaries on the side of telecom operators.

By 2016, almost all major Internet resources either switched to https or are in the process - in fact, this is already an industry standard for sites that somehow work with users’ personal data. Odnoklassniki took a long time to make the transition, since the amount of data on the social network is large enough to make serious changes instantly. However, this happened, and now users can be confident that their data is safe.

Now all users logged into their Odnoklassniki account are automatically redirected to https. You can check this by paying attention to the address bar of your browser: there will be a padlock and the well-known letters https in front of the site address. This means the connection is secure. In addition, each user can specify in the settings that https is always used when connecting.

In this lesson we will look at how to set up secure connection VKontakte.

We will include secure data transfer protocol HTTPS. The HTTPS protocol is a protocol that encrypts all data that you transmit to the Internet.

When this might be useful in our case. For example, you come to some cafe where there is a free wi-fi network. All visitors are connected to this open network just like you. Now let’s imagine that an attacker is also connected to this network and is trying to steal the data you transmit, for example, the login and password for the site. He can do this without any problems, since you are in no way protected from penetration. The regular HTTP protocol will easily allow him to do this, but the secure one HTTPS protocol will not do this. This is exactly what we will be including today for the VKontakte social network.

It turns on quite simply. We go to the website and go to the “My Settings” section. Next, go to the “Security” tab.

By default, when you visit the VKontakte website, you have the HTTP protocol enabled. You can view this by clicking on the white sheet in the address bar to the left of the site address.

Now let's move to a secure protocol. To do this, at the beginning of the address you need to write https://. The full page address will be:

After you enter the new address and press "Enter", the page will refresh and a new block "Protection of transmitted data" will appear in the security settings with the ability to select the option "Always use a secure connection (HTTPS)". Check the box and click "Save".

Now, when we log into a social network, it will remember that we need to be sent to a secure protocol and it doesn’t matter how you enter the site address, you will always be protected. A green padlock now appears in the address bar instead of a white sheet. If you click on it, you can see that your connection is encrypted using modern technology.

If you want to remove this setting, then go to the settings again, uncheck the box and click save. That's all for me.

Below you can watch a video on setup secure connection to

Progress does not stand still. Every year monitors become cooler and screen resolutions increase. Without going into details, I will say that the higher the screen resolution, the smaller the sites look and the more difficult it is to read them. In this regard, VKontakte also does not stand still. The social network has introduced a special setting that allows you to increase the font size on the site.

In this lesson I will tell How can I change the address of a VKontakte page?. This is the short address that comes after the already familiar An example of such an address could be:

"How do I send myself a message?" - this is the question that many users of the social network VKontakte still ask. This can be very convenient in cases where you want to save some note from the wall or just make a note without anyone seeing it. Today I will tell you how to do this. We will look at several methods and you will just have to choose the most convenient one.

Due to the increasing frequency of blocking of web resources, an increasing number of users have to deal with access errors. However, they may not always be related to sites being blocked by providers; the problem may be hidden on the computer itself. This is an error, and it does not matter which browser is used.

The error may occur due to the lack of a certificate on the site confirming the safe operation of the browser with this site. SSL , also the reason for its appearance may be related to changes in the settings of the software responsible for system security. Today we will look at one of the most common variants of the above error, in which the user receives a notification "Website "URL" sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" .

We can say with a greater degree of certainty that everything is fine with the site itself, however, you can check its availability using some service like won't hurt either. If the resource is available, you should look for the causes of the error on your computer. There may be several reasons. If the site uses a connection HTTPS first you can check if the protocols are enabled SSL2 And SSL3 in browser properties. Open the classic control panel, launch the applet.

Switch to tab "Additionally" and make sure that in the checkboxes SSL 2.0 And SSL 3.0 checkboxes are checked.

At the same time, check if it matches time on a PC with your time zone. If not, set the correct time and enable synchronization.

Alternatively, you can try disabling protocol filtering HTTPS , although it is undesirable to do this, since this reduces the level of security. In , for example, this can be done as follows. Go to internal address chrome://net-internals/#hsts , select from the menu on the left HSTS, in field "Delete Domain" insert the address of the problematic site without the prefix HTTPS and press "Delete".

After this, you will be able to log into the site using the usual protocol. HTTP .

Note: Before making changes to protocol processing settings, you need to completely clear your browser cache and delete saved files cookies, and then try to access the site. If the login is completed without errors, with filtering disabled HTTPS there is no need to rush.

There is a very high probability that access to the site is blocked by the anti-virus software installed on your computer. Sometimes the cause of the error becomes obvious after enabling private mode in the browser (incognita). Here, for example, is what it shows when going to a blocked site in incognito mode. In this case the error "This site cannot provide a secure connection" causes antivirus .

Therefore, you need to either disable real-time protection in this program, or add the blocked site to the exclusion list.

The settings of other antivirus software are checked in a similar way. In particular, users had to deal with the described error Dr.Web (firewall settings) And ESET NOD32 ("SSL/TLS protocol filtering" setting) . At the same time, you need to check the operation of the extensions installed in the browser, since some of them, in particular, may interfere with normal operation of network resources. And one last thing. If you receive an access error when opening a site, use the most common anonymizer, or even better VPN -service, in most cases these tools allow you to bypass such restrictions.

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