How to recover a Google account: detailed instructions. There is no phone number or spare email. If you did not provide personal data for recovery

You can recover your Google account different ways, which depend on how exactly you lost access. You can unlock your account in several ways by known methods, depending on what data you have saved from Google services. Below are instructions on what to do if you unexpectedly forgot your password and how to recover your Google account. If these methods If they don’t suit you, we will solve your problem personally, you just need to unsubscribe in the comments.

Recovering a deleted account

The ability to recover a deleted Google account depends on the timing of its deletion. If no more than 5 days have passed since the account was deleted, the service Google support will help you recover your account.

When you try to log into your account, Google requires you to enter an address mailbox and password.

If you forgot your password, the system will offer you its help to recover your lost data. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the “Help” line. A window will appear asking you to select one of three positions.
  2. You need to check the first line, “I don’t remember my password.” This will open a window asking you to enter your email address.
  3. Enter real address Email. After this, another window will appear. Enter numbers or letters that you remember at least a little. If you don’t remember at all, at least try to recover your data this way. account.
  4. What should I do if I completely forgot my credentials? If you do not remember your password, please indicate that you are at a loss to answer. You will be asked to unlock your account by entering your real phone number that you are currently using. If you specified a phone number in your account settings and it remained the same, then unblock deleted account Google will be available via SMS or as a result phone call. A confirmation code will be sent to your number very soon. You need to enter it in the appropriate field and you can unlock Google entry.
  5. On new page Enter the changed password and then confirm it. After that, click the “Reset Password” button, which is located at the bottom of the window. The old password for your account will be reset. Access to the Google entry will be restored with the new password.
  6. If you are unable to use your phone, you can restore access after deleting your Google account to your backup email address. Typically, when you create a Google account, you are asked to maintain additional mailing address. Enter it in the appropriate field. For next steps you should click the “Continue” button. Now open your backup mail, and read the letter that came from Google. It will contain instructions telling you what to do if your account is mistakenly deleted.
  7. If you have not provided information about your phone number and additional box email, you can unlock your account only by answering a few additional questions. For example, questions such as: “when was your Google account created”, “when was the last time you logged into it”, some email addresses, the name of the created shortcuts, etc. Based on the results of your answers, Google will conclude that whether you are the account owner. Accordingly, a decision will be made whether to unlock it or not.

Advice: if the questions Google asks you seem too complicated and you don’t know the answer, just try to guess some data. The system will make a decision based on the majority of answers.

The last step is changing your password. Come up with any option that suits your taste.

How to recover a forgotten password?

Let's look at 2 ways you can restore forgotten password to your Google account, if the login is known.

A phone number or another email address is linked to your account

If you forgot only your password, you will have to do the following operations:

How to recover a password if the data is not specified

You can unlock access if you know your Google login if you answer a few questions correctly. All of them will relate to your account. Please indicate the approximate time and date of your account visit. The closer the date you enter to the real one, the easier it will be to prove that the profile belongs to you.

Tip: If you selected when creating your account Secret Question, and answered it, then there will be no problems with recovery. Always write down questions like these and their answers.

If you answered correctly, Google will make a positive decision to reset your password. After confirming your account, you will be asked to change your password to one you choose. This way you can quickly unblock your account.

No one is immune from losing their password or other data to access their Google account. In this article we will tell you in detail how to recover a Google account.

Forgot your password

This method is suitable for those users who have absolutely all the information to restore their account. When registering an account, you must fill in all the data that can help with recovery. If you have all the necessary data, to recover your Google account password you should do a few things: simple steps: Go to Google Account Recovery and in the window that opens, select the line “I don’t remember my password.”

Then enter the email address of the account you want to recover and click Continue.

Entering data in the line “I don’t remember my password”

A line will open in which you need to enter the password that you remember. If you can’t remember your password at all, click the “Difficult to answer” button.

After clicking the “Difficult to answer” button, the system will automatically go to the password recovery form. Here you can restore your Google account using the phone number to which the account is linked. The system will offer to choose the most convenient option for you - SMS message or voice call.

In case you do not have access to the specified number phone, there is a corresponding button. After clicking on it, another form will appear in which you will need to enter the spare email address.

Attention! If you did not have a number mobile phone and a spare email address, this method will not work for you!

Missing phone number and spare email

If there is no contact information, you can still restore your account. However, it will be a little more difficult. To do this, you also click on the “I don’t remember my password” option in Google Account Recovery, after which it will open special form. In it you will need to answer several questions about using your account. This procedure is necessary because Google cares about the security of its users' data. If you don't remember the exact answers to the questions or dates, give at least an approximate answer. All fields are required!

After you fill out the data, the system will recognize you as the owner (if the answers are given exactly or approximately correctly), and a form will be opened for you to set a new password.

Recovering using a mobile phone

In order to be able to use this method in the future, during registration you need to enable the password recovery function by mobile phone number. Thus, if you lose your password, restoring it will not take much time. Using this method, you can restore your Google account on your phone. To perform a password recovery operation, follow a few simple steps:

  • 1. Go to the support page and enter the phone number that was specified during registration in the special field.

  • 2. After clicking the “Next” button, a small window will appear in front of you with a code that you need to enter in the field below and click “Continue”. After this, the following window will open in which you must select the method of receiving the password reset code - SMS message or voice call.

  • 3. After you select the appropriate option, the following window will open with a field for entering the code. If the code is entered correctly, Old Password will reset and you can install a new one.

Attention! The number of SMS sent per day is limited! There are also cases when the SMS does not arrive immediately, so if you did not wait for the SMS message and sent several more requests, the last version of the code in the message will be correct.

Account completely forgotten

You had a Google account, and you suddenly remembered it, but you don’t even remember your login - this method is for you. To restore, you need to go to A login window will open in front of you. In it, click the “Unable to sign in to your account” button.

A window will appear with options for recovery. Select “I don’t remember my username” and click the “Continue” button.

Selecting “I don’t remember my username”

In the new window, carefully fill out the fields. All fields are required. Here you need to enter a spare email address, last name and first name during registration and enter the code from the picture, then click “Submit”.

After the manipulations have been completed, a letter with further recovery instructions will be sent to your alternate email address.

Account has been deleted

A deleted Google account can only be restored within one week after deletion. After this, the account is deleted forever without the possibility of recovery. To do this, open the website and enter your account login and password.

You can restore your account only by sending a code to your mobile phone number. To do this you need to choose more convenient way receiving a code - SMS message or voice call.

If you use the phone number and alternate email at this moment is not possible, you can benefit from recovery by providing account information. The data must be provided as accurately as possible so that the system recognizes you as the account owner. If the answers are incorrect, the system will not restore the account. In this case, the problem can only be resolved by registering a new account.

Synchronization with phone after changing password

First, select a password recovery or change method, then install New Password. After changing the password, activate synchronization with the application on your mobile phone.

If synchronization does not occur automatically, then you need to go to the phone settings and stop the application through them yourself. After this, the application needs to be launched and it will ask for a new password.


Now the account is in Google system gives access to all services under one name. It is very convenient and easy to use. Also, practically no registration on third party resources cannot go through without specifying an email. This is why it is worth having a Google account. But if you forgot your password or even login to log into your account, it doesn’t matter. Recovering it is quite simple, especially if you remember (or have recorded) some data, such as Secret word, registration date, etc. During registration, do not neglect to enter all the necessary data for subsequent account recovery. It is necessary to fill out all fields, especially your last name and first name, as well as your mobile phone number and spare email address.

How to recover a Google account: The most effective ways

Often, due to some reason, users lose access to their own Google account.

In this case, access to all Google services, which are logged in through this account, is lost.

If a person simply forgot his password, he needs to contact Google Account Recovery. The service pages provide instructions on how to restore access.

Note! If your identification data was not attached, you will not be able to restore your Google account using your phone number, so you will need to answer a number of questions. Ultimately, it will be determined whether you really are the owner of this account. If yes, you will be given the option to reset your password.

This will give Google another opportunity to contact you to help you recover your account.

Restoring access to your account if it has been deleted

Google accounts that are marked for deletion don't last long. does not indicate the time during which it can be restored.

If you act quickly, there is still a chance of recovery. In this case, you can restore your Google account using your phone number, but it must already be attached.

Let's look at how to recover your Google account if you forgot your username and password.

Go to the Google Password Helper page and select the “I don’t remember my password” button. Enter remote address mailbox and click “Continue”.

You will then be redirected to a page where you will be asked to enter the phone number attached in advance. Enter it and click "Continue".

When verification code will arrive on your phone, all you have to do is enter it and send a request to restore access.

If the option is available, complete the final verification steps. Create a new password and confirm it.

If you did not provide personal data for recovery

How do you change your password if you haven't attached a phone number or additional email to your account?

Do the following: Go to Google's Password Helper page and select the "I don't remember my password" button.

Then “Difficult to answer.”

Now you will be asked to answer questions that will confirm your identity and prove that the account belongs to you.

You will need to remember the date last login into the system, the approximate date of creation, the names of the shortcuts, as well as email addresses which you used most often.

For security reasons, the company specifically asks difficult questions. Try to give as accurate answers as possible.

If you find it difficult to answer, just try to guess.

It is advisable to log in from a computer/device from which you have successfully logged in previously.

Depending on the results of your answers, you will be asked to change your password or within 24 hours you will be sent an email to contact you.

In the second case, go to your email and follow the instructions.

By registering a Google account on your Android phone or tablet, you agree to one implicit condition: you will be let in, but not let out. No, someone won’t take your account captive and pin it to your device forever; simply registering a Gmail email and making it your account is a much clearer and more obvious operation than deleting it. However, there are plenty of ways to remove a Google account from an Android device. They just don't catch your eye.

This method is included in Android features. It will suit you in the following cases:

  • You have decided to transfer ownership of your gadget loved one and you don’t mind that he will have access to your data, contacts and applications, because you trust him.
  • You need to delete your account to fix some glitch on your device.
  • You want to log in with a different account.

You don’t have to worry about the data on your tablet or smartphone. After deleting the account, all information belonging to it - applications, files, contacts, Personal settings and so on will remain in place. If you're happy with that, let's go:

  • Launch the Settings app.
  • Go to the “Personal” -> “Accounts and Synchronization” section.
  • In the column on the right, select required account Google (address Gmail).
  • Tap the menu button in the top right corner of the screen and select the “Delete account” option.

  • Confirm your consent to deletion, enter a password if necessary, and after completing the operation, reboot the device.

Something went wrong and the account is not deleted

I had to deal with this error several times - when I tried to delete the only Google account on Android (the owner of the gadget), the operation froze and did not complete until you stopped it manually. The account remained in place.

One of the solutions turned out to be extremely simple. It is for the case when you want to log in to the device under a different account, make it the owner, and delete the old one.

  • Launch the Gmail app by tapping this icon.

  • Open the menu hidden behind the “hamburger” button in the top left corner of the screen and click “Add Account.”

  • Select Google.

  • If you already have another account Gmail entry, click Existing. If not, “New”. If you choose the second option, follow the instructions for registering a mailbox that you will receive next.

  • Next, go to the settings of the Gmail application again. Now there are 2 users there - old and new. One (usually the old one) is loaded as the main one, the second is simply present in the list. Switch to the user you just added by tapping their icon.

  • After that, click “Manage accounts” and repeat the operation of deleting the old one. Most likely, this time there will be no problems. The second account will remain the only one and will become the owner of the device. All files, contacts, settings and applications of the old account will be in place.

On different gadgets and in different versions On Android, individual points of this instruction may not be performed as described. But the principle is the same everywhere.

Deleting Google Accounts app data

On some devices, you can delete your account with another in a simple way. Run system utility“Settings”, go to the “Applications” section and go to the “All” tab. Find “Google Accounts” in the list and click the “Erase Data” button.

On some firmware, you should erase the data not of this application, but of Google Services.

Removing your Google account and all user data (returning the device to its original state)

This option is applicable in the following cases:

  • If the owner does not remember his account password and cannot recover it.
  • If the above methods Account deletions do not work correctly or the function is blocked by malware.
  • Before selling a gadget and in other similar cases.

Delete all accounts and all user information it can be done in different ways. The easiest way to do this is through the menu of the same “Settings” application. In my example, the reset button is located in the “Personal Data” - “Backup” section.

On other firmware, both the subsection and the button may be named differently and located in a different location. In particular, on Samsung it is located in the “General” menu and is called “Backup and Reset”, on some Lenovos it is in the “Backup and Reset” section (the “Reset” button). On other devices - anywhere else. Check this in your user manual.

After pressing the button reset Android will warn you that all applications, settings and accounts will be completely deleted from your tablet or phone. If you agree, click "Reset Settings" again and wait about 5 minutes. After restarting you will get a pristine device.

If the device password protected, which you don’t remember, you can reset it in a couple more ways:

  • Through Recovery menu(Wipe Data/Factory Reset option). How to get to this menu, read the instructions for the device.
  • Long press the recessed Reset buttons located on the body of the phone or tablet. On some models it is hidden under the back cover.

Even more hard method deleting an account when absolutely nothing helps, this is flashing the device via a computer, which is similar reinstalling Windows on PC. Of course, there will be no user data and applications left after this either.

Warning: some tablets and phones are so tightly tied to the owner’s account that they require authorization under it even after resetting and flashing. And bypassing this request is very, very difficult (there is no single solution, each brand of device has its own). Therefore, while you have access to your Google account information, write down your username and password in notebook or file on another device and store it in a safe place.

For those who have root rights

Those who managed to obtain superuser rights on their device have one more opportunity to delete their Google account than others. You can simply delete the accounts.db file where Android stores account information. For this you will need file manager with access to protected service data, such as Root Explorer, and... nothing more.

So, run Root Explorer, go to the /data/system folder (on separate firmware- in /data/system/users/0/), open long touch context menu accounts.db and select Delete.

How to log out of your Google Play account, mail and other applications without deleting your account on Android

Some users are wondering if it is possible to remove your account only from the Goolle Play store, Gmail and other applications that use authorization, but keep all files, programs and settings on Android. I answer: it is possible. If the method of adding a second account is through mail program didn't help, you can do this by changing the password of your current Google account.

For this:

  • Go through any web browser to the “My Account" section on Go to the “Security and Login” subsection.

  • Enter your current password to confirm that it is you. Next, you will have the opportunity to change it to a new one.

If the gadget is connected to the Internet, the next time you log in Google Play and the mail program will ask you to log in. All you have to do is enter your new account information

If you are having trouble logging into your account, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the access recovery page.
  2. Try to follow as many of the recommendations in this article as possible. Please note that you may not be asked all the questions we cover.

If you've already tried to regain access to your account but received the message "We couldn't verify that this account belongs to you," try again.

Answer as many questions as possible

Try not to skip questions. If you are not sure of the answer, try to guess.

Use the location and device where you usually sign in to your account.

If it is possible:

  • use a computer, phone or tablet from which you often log into your account;
  • use the browser (such as Chrome or Safari) that you usually use to sign in to your account;
  • Are you in the location where you usually sign in to your account (for example, at home or at work).

Be careful when answering questions

Little things matter. Avoid typos when entering your password and answer to your security question. Pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters.


If the system asks you to enter your latest password, enter the newest one that you remember.

  • If you don't remember your last password, indicate the previous one. How newer option, all the better.
  • If you can't remember any previous password , try to guess it.

Answers to security questions

If you are asked a security question, do the following:

  • If you don't remember the answer, try to guess it.
  • If you know the answer, but the system does not accept it, try writing it differently. For example, "Peter", not "St. Petersburg".

Find out when you created your account

If you don't remember the month and year you created your Google Account, here are a few ways to find out:

  • Try to find the account registration email. If you have access to your account email, try searching for a welcome email from Google or Gmail. If it is not there, try to find the letter in the account you used before.
  • Ask your friends. If you use Gmail, ask your friends or family when they first received an email from your account.
  • Remember about related events or shopping. Perhaps the creation of your account happened at the same time as something important in your life:
    • With a significant event, such as graduation from university.
    • With the purchase of a new device. Try to find receipts or checks.

If you can't find out the date, try guessing it.

Log in to the email service associated with your account

If you're asked for an email address that you have access to, enter the email address you added to your account. Here are some examples:

  • A backup email address that helps you regain access to your account. We send security alerts to it.
  • Additional address email that you can use to login.
  • Contact email address where you receive information about most Google services.