Responsibility for intrusive telephone calls. How to get rid of calls from advertisers. How to block such calls forever

Hello, dear readers of the financial and investment portal “site”! In our civilized times, hardly anyone can lead a full life without a telephone. But on the other hand, thanks to phones, they can sell us unnecessary goods, deceive us, produce different fraudulent activities that we didn't even suspect. If you have left your phone number somewhere on the Internet, then expect Forex calls, as Forex broker managers monitor the entire Internet, looking for someone to offer their services.
Reminds me of American films: “Boiler Room” or “The Wolf of Wall Street,” where people are openly scammed over the phone. Watch these films to know this kitchen from the inside. In this article, I will tell you how to get rid of calls from annoying Forex brokers.

Many people are familiar with the situation when, after registering with some financial company on the Internet, for example, with a broker providing options trading or a Forex brokerage company, representatives of unfamiliar financial organizations start calling you and offering their services. Sound familiar?

Many clients ask the question, “How do they know my mobile phone number?” It's simple! Managers, programmers and other employees of brokerage companies, for the most part, have access to personal information of registered clients. Which clients filled out in the form when registering with the broker.

Thus, with access to this information, many employees sell the company's customer databases. This is how clients’ personal information is leaked to third parties. Basically, such information is transferred to competitors. As a rule, managers, programmers and other employees of many brokerage houses themselves trade in the databases of their clients.

1. What do calling Forex broker representatives need?

It is important for representatives who call from a third-party financial company to lure newly registered clients to themselves. Also, it might just be cold call, in which the representative will promise “mountains of gold” when collaborating with their company. He can offer the most Better conditions in the segment personal service, guaranteed and constant profit, provided that you work with their company. After which the “processing” and “extraction of money” from such clients occurs.

In addition to attracting people to their company, the representative will try to find out more information about you in order to use it in the future and promote the client for even larger sums.

When answering questions from a representative or survey, under no circumstances should you provide the following information:

  1. Date of birth
  2. Mother's maiden name
  3. Figures from bank cards(especially PIN and CVC code)
  4. Logins, passwords
  5. Your income
  6. Sources of income
  7. What material assets do you own (house, car, etc.)
  8. Family composition
  9. Place of residence, address

If they ask questions on the above list, it is better to interrupt the conversation and get rid of calls of this nature. If the data was accidentally reported, immediately block the cards, call the bank and contact law enforcement agencies, in order to avoid possible fraud applicable to you.

Decent companies and their employees will not ask questions of a personal nature.

2. Why do they keep calling you again and again?

Many of you, who rejected broker representatives, said that Forex or making money on the Internet is no longer relevant for you, but the calls do not stop. Why is this happening?
The answer is simple - “For managers of brokerage companies, scheduled calls to the database are possible potential clients" The essence of annoying calls comes down to the fact that sooner or later the person they are calling will be able to persuade them to become a client of their company. Alternatively, there may be a change in personnel at the brokerage company and a new employee calls your phone again.

Representatives of such companies do not understand refusals. They don’t care whether you agreed or not, they will still call and offer the services of their company.

How to get rid of calls? What needs to be done to stop the calls? Read below and find out everything!

3. Ways and methods to get rid of calls

If you are fed up with calls from different brokers and other financial companies. You have decided to get rid of calls from these companies once and for all, then use the proven methods and methods given below.

Ways to get rid of annoying calls:

1. Add all phone numbers from which you are called to the “black list” (the function of resetting incoming calls from selected numbers).

2. Receive calls on your phone only from “ whitelist"(calls only come from subscribers in the phone book).

3. When receiving a call, after the representative has introduced himself, remain silent or turn off the microphone. After a couple of such monologues, they will stop calling you.

4. Have an inappropriate conversation with a company representative. For example: “Keep asking the same question without answering the representative’s questions.”

5. Find out from the representative his full name, position, location and inform him that if the calls from him do not stop, then you will report him to law enforcement agencies as a fraudster and accuse him of extorting money.

6. Inform the representative, having previously specified his full name, that you will complain about him to the management of the office from which he is calling. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all brokers and financial companies record their telephone conversations.

7. Change your phone number. In the future, indicate online (when registering) a specially purchased phone number for working on the Internet.

Using these methods will help you get rid of annoying calls once and for all!


Be vigilant, careful and focus on questions, conversations, things and other things related to your personal life that are strange to you. Don't spread your personal information online unnecessarily and do not provide personal and private information to strangers over the phone.

Video on how to properly answer calls from Forex brokers

Constant calls from people you have no desire to communicate with can be very annoying, whether it's your ex-boyfriend or someone you were never interested in. It's hard to say directly to his face that you don't want to talk to him, but if you don't do this, the calls may never stop. In most cases, you can resolve the issue by honestly communicating your lack of interest in communication. But if the problem is much more serious and involves stalking or harassing calls, then you should seek help from law enforcement and do not try to solve everything yourself.


Tell your guy the truth

    Make a decision. Before you do anything, it is important to understand exactly what result you expect to get. Do you want to never get calls again or just reduce the frequency of calls for a while? Become aware of your own feelings and desires before expressing them to others.

    Talk about your desires. Tell the person frankly if you really want to cut ties with them completely. Don't put off the conversation because you're indecisive. The problem most likely will not go away on its own!

    3. Be decisive. Be clear about your desires. You should not be rude or insulting to the young man, but he should sense your strong confidence in what you want.

    Stop annoying phone calls

    1. Ignore calls. One of the most simple options stopping calls is simply not answering them. Stop responding to voicemails, texts or emails and stop keeping in touch in any other way. Most guys will understand that they don't want to talk to you if you consistently ignore calls.

    2. Block his number. It's time to block a guy's number if he doesn't accept your reluctance to communicate with him and continues to persistently call even though no one answers him anyway. In many models mobile phones There is a function to block a number directly from the device. If your phone does not have this feature, call the operator mobile communications and ask to block the required number.

      • Some operators may refuse to block a number until you file a police report against the person who is “stalking” you.
      • Please note that this will only work if you are receiving calls from one or two numbers. When calling from a payphone or mobile numbers his friends will have difficulty blocking all unwanted calls.

Due to gaps in the legislation, not only debtors, but also completely conscientious citizens who have never taken out a loan or even acted as a guarantor may be targeted by a collection agency.

My phone rang

I recently experienced this myself when I moved to a new apartment. Phone number I had to give it up at my previous place of residence, and in return the telecom operator provided a new one. The first call came the next morning. The young woman, without introducing herself, asked who I was related to Ivan Ivanovich Tushanov (name and surname have been changed. - Ed.). Slightly confused, I squeezed out the sacramental: “Who is this?” The response was equally laconic: “What city is this?”

At first, I decided that I had become the subject of a sociological or marketing survey. It turned out that the National Collection Service was calling. Under the loud name, as it later turned out, was not a government agency, but a large collection agency.

Over the next two weeks, employees of this company dialed my number five more times: either at eight in the morning on weekends, or on weekdays after ten in the evening. Judging by the voices, they called different people. They stubbornly did not introduce themselves and seemed to be trying to take me by surprise. You pick up the phone, and there: “Hello, where is Ivan Ivanovich?” I was tempted to answer in rhyme, but I politely explained that from such and such a number the number belonged to another person. I have no idea who Ivan Ivanovich is, you can check with your telecom operator for information. They promised me to “check the data through their channels,” but a few days later the dialogue was repeated. By that time, I already knew that the collectors were in Moscow and were bombarding me via Internet channels, so it was impossible to determine their number. In the end, my patience ran out and I asked in a raised voice not to bother him anymore, otherwise I would contact the police. The calls stopped - hopefully forever. But questions remain.

They starve you out

To understand how often such situations arise, I told my colleagues about what happened and immersed myself in city forums. It turned out that telephone attacks by debt collectors are a fairly common occurrence. Only in our editorial office three people encountered them, but how many are there on a city or country scale?

They call every other day. No explanations work, and neither do jokes. I can’t not answer the phone: I have an elderly mother and I perceive any call as a signal from her. I suspect that mine home number ended up in the database thanks to the workers I once hired for repairs. I got tired of talking to the girls who were collectors, and talking to their boss didn’t help either. Apparently, the boss turned out to be of the wrong rank,” journalist Anatoly Gorlov sneers.

Collectors can harass you not only on landline phones, but also on mobile phones. It is customary for telecom operators to turn off SIM cards of “dead souls” that have not made calls for a long time and put the numbers up for sale.

“We bought a SIM card for our son, and almost immediately the collectors started calling, asking for someone. I trolled them for a couple of days, then I stopped, they were getting really annoying... I added these numbers to the block list, now I’m just looking at how many times they called (times) three a day),” user potapovsergey shares his experience.

However, people don’t just get angry and make fun of them. Many people raise the issue of debt collectors' liability. “It’s funny, but there are people, both sick and impressionable, who are driven to heart attacks by such “seekers”, and it turns out that nothing will happen to them for this? - says Leading_Mix.

This is exactly the situation that the Voronov pensioners from Polevsky found themselves in. An elderly couple They tormented me with calls due to the fault of my nephew, who indicated the phone number of his uncle and aunt as a contact number in the loan application form. The old people's blood pressure began to rise from excitement, and they turned off the phone completely. The collection agency explained this persistence as a mistake by the bank. They say, whatever numbers they gave us, we call them. It is impossible to remotely check who is on the other end of the line. It is possible that this is a debtor posing as his relative. In addition, there are scammers who, when receiving a loan, deliberately write other people’s numbers in the application form. "To resolve such issues, you must contact the claims settlement department for e-mail or fill out the form on the website. The appeal will be considered within five working days,” commented one of the agency’s managers.

Block on inbox

It would seem that the first thing that comes to mind for a person who has come under psychological pressure is to seek protection from a telecom operator.

Transferring subscriber information to third parties is contrary to the law on personal data. An exception is debt collection for communication services. If the contract with the debtor is terminated due to prolonged non-payment, the collectors, of course, are notified. So, call on old number It just doesn’t make sense,” explained Andrey Perfilyev, press secretary of the Ural branch of the federal telecommunications company.

At the same time, the signalmen made it clear that no one is obliged to warn the new owner about the damaged reputation of the number.

When the subscriber terminates the contract in unilaterally, the operator does not have the right to find out the reasons that prompted him to do this. Even if the termination is initiated by the company, it cannot disclose to the new owner of the number information about the debt of the previous one, since this is personal data, added Andrey Perfilyev.

What remains? Give up altogether landline phone? Many already consider it a relic of the past. However, the elderly, families with children and residents of the outback cannot do without this atavism. Throw away the SIM card and buy another? You can probably survive the loss of 100 rubles, but how much should you estimate the time spent notifying your friends about the change of number?

Another option is to file a police report. There they are required to accept and register him, and after carrying out investigative actions, make a decision, “RG” was assured by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Sverdlovsk region. True, you must have strong arguments to make claims. Unfortunately, the law “On Collectors” has not yet been adopted in Russia, so private collectors can only be held accountable for very serious violations. For example, for threats over the phone, extortion or disturbing the night. If the interlocutors behave correctly and call strictly during the permitted hours, from the point of view of the law they are clean.

We can only hope for the Federal Law “On Consumer Loans”, which will come into force on July 1, 2014. According to this document, collectors are prohibited from calling, sending SMS and visiting the home of the borrower and the persons who provided security under the loan agreement from 22.00 to 08.00 local time on weekdays, and on weekends - from 20.00 to 09.00. When making contact, the collector must introduce himself, provide his position and the name of the agency, as well as the address for sending correspondence. For violation of the rules, liability is provided: for individual entrepreneurs - a fine in the amount of 5-10 thousand rubles, for legal entities- 10-20 thousand rubles. The Central Bank will monitor compliance with the law.

Let's say you are bored with a certain interlocutor.
Our task is not for him to get through on the phone. There are already several obvious ways to solve this problem:

1) "Black list" in the phone
- free
- simplicity
- not available on all phone models
- the caller will easily guess your action (the principle of operation is simple - transmitting a busy signal)
- bypassing such “protection” is simple - you need to call from another number or install an anti-identifier

2) "Black list", service from the operator
- ability to select the type of call hang-up (busy, offline, number does not exist, etc.)
- paid service
- the caller can dial your number from another phone... And suddenly it will no longer be “wrongly dialed”! And entering more and more numbers of the annoying interlocutor... It will be an expensive pleasure

3) Call barring. The service is included in basic set GSM communication services
- free
- the ability to set a ban on call directions ( standard password 0000, rarely 1111, you can find out more on the operator’s website):
Barring all incoming calls - *35*password# (disable - #35*password#)
Barring all incoming calls while roaming - *351*password# (disable - #351*password#)
The latter is more relevant for trips outside the Russian Federation. It is also possible to disable outgoing calls. For more information about this, visit your operator’s website by searching for “call barring”.
- no one will call us (from the selected blocking direction)

So, someone may have already settled on a method that is right for them :) And if not, then more is described below universal method, in which I tried to include all the amenities from the previous ones. Described using Megafon-Siberia as an example, but the advice is applicable to other operators. Below we describe where to get the settings and what to do.

Almost every operator has the “Who called” service.
It collects call data when you are unavailable and sends caller data to you after you turn on the phone.
How does it work? Call forwarding is set up in the phone, with the condition “when the subscriber is unavailable, forward the call to the number +79xxxxxxxxx.” The number +79xxxxxxxxx is a service number, when you call it, a subscriber who has not reached you will hear the standard “Subscriber unavailable”, and the caller’s number will be recorded and sent to you as soon as you appear online.
We need this very service number. It can be found either on the operator’s website or in the phone itself, and here’s how: with the “Who Called” service activated, you need to go to the forwarding settings on your phone and check the status as “unavailable”, as in the screenshot: http://img713.
This is the number we need (in the example, the Megafon-Siberia number, other operators will have their own numbers).
What you need to do is set a forwarding, type “Always”, to the same number. It will look like this:
Please note that in the status bar appeared blue arrow– any phone will notify you that ALL calls are forwarded.
Now let's try calling ourselves. The response will be “the subscriber is unavailable”, and the phone will immediately receive something like this:
When you make a test call to your phone, see if you receive the message “The subscriber is online again!” in response. This is another operator service that notifies that an absent person has appeared after an absence. To prevent it from “giving up” on you, you can temporarily turn it off. For Megafon-Siberia - by sending a message to service number“1”, message “a0” - disable notifications, “a1” - enable. For other operators, you need to go to the official website, where it is written in detail how to disable this service. Usually found in the same section as "Who called?"
Bottom line: We know about everyone who is trying to call us. And we ourselves can call and write messages without any problems. And no one will guess that the phone is turned on. Beauty!
You can develop the idea even further. And modernize the first method considered (Black list in the phone). We have forwarding in the settings, type “Busy”. It is triggered when a busy signal is transmitted. We put our service number there... And voila, instead of suspicious short beeps, subscribers from the black list hear “Subscriber unavailable.”

You can find many applications for the described trick, and also think of something else on your own. Good luck!