What password can you write in Odnoklassniki. Methods for creating passwords. How to make a secret word correctly

The registration procedure in Odnoklassniki, as in any other social network, necessarily requires a password. The password is the main guarantor of account security; it is with the help of an invented combination of numbers and letters that one enters the user’s page; the password protects the account owner from hacking and unauthorized access by unauthorized persons.

This suggests that creating a password for your account needs to be approached with special attention. It is necessary that the access code is extremely reliable, secure, but at the same time not too complicated. The ideal option is if the user easily remembers and constantly keeps the combination in his head. This will allow you to access your account at any time. So what kind of Odnoklassniki can you come up with?

Password generation

If when creating an access code not a single good thought comes to mind, then you can use a special online program “Password Generator”. In order to use the services of this service, at any search engine you need to enter the request “generate a password online” and start searching.
The system will display sites offering this service. The user will only have to log in to any of them (it is better to choose the most popular services, they are located immediately below search bar), check the boxes in the generator options that will determine what characters should be in the password and click the “Create” button.

The program will instantly display a whole list of security combinations; all you have to do is select the most suitable one and remember it.

Important! The main advantage of this method: the resource will quickly come up with a strong password for the page, the disadvantage: remembering the combination can be quite difficult.

Creating a password using the associative method

It is easier and simpler to remember an access code that a person associates with something, for example, date of birth, name, pet name. It is better to avoid completely repeating the day and year of your birth, the exact spelling of your last name, and use some parts of your personal data, combining and supplementing them with other symbols.
For example, with the data of Anastasia Fedotova, born September 23, 1992, you can come up with the following combinations:

  • Nastya1992 is an unreliable combination;
  • Nas19tya92 is a reliable combination;
  • NaS1t9Y9a2 is a very strong password.

As you can see, even the year of birth, correctly disguised with other, easy-to-remember characters, can be used to create a code combination. To be more confident in the strength of your password, use dates known only to your family members: the year you graduated from school, your wedding date, the day of your first trip abroad.

Attention! Remembering a significant event in your life, it is not difficult to learn a defensive combination; this is the main advantage of the associative method.

A little trick: you can come up with a password that is very easy to remember, but at the same time quite complex, using Latin layout: install it on the keyboard, and write down the intended word in Russian. For example, the combination Anastasia23 will look like Fyfcnfcbz23.

Important! Do not tell anyone your password; you can only save it in your browser for home computer. Smartphones, laptops, tablets used outside the home can be lost, and thus you can become a victim of scammers.

Be serious about creating a password for your Odnoklassniki account. A reliable combination will definitely protect your personal data from intruders.

Save it for yourself!

When registering in in social networks, as well as in other services, the user needs to come up with a password. This password must be complex. For what? Then, so that intruders cannot pick it up. In this article, we will show you how you can easily come up with a complex password.

But first, let's remember the simplest passwords that users use most often. You don’t need to look far for examples; just type in a search engine something like “the most popular passwords" or "most common passwords". You will see something like this:

  • 123456
  • 00000
  • qwerty
  • 111111
  • 1234567890
  • password
  • password

As you can see, these are the simplest passwords that definitely cannot be used. Fortunately, everyone more services Allows you to enter only complex passwords consisting of both letters and numbers.

I would also like to note that a complex password will not protect against account theft if it falls into the wrong hands. How is this possible? For example, there are special Trojans that record data entered on the keyboard and send it to the attacker over the Internet. The user does not even know that his data is known to a person somewhere on the other side of the country or even the world. And yet, the more complex the password, the less likely it is that your account will be stolen. So we strongly recommend that you come up with a more complex password.

How to come up with a password?

You can use password generation services, or you can come up with one yourself. Let's look at the second case - with the first, everything is clear.

Let's take a word, for example, speaker. We write it in the English layout and get lbyfvbr. Agree, remembering a set of these letters is difficult, but the word speaker is easier than ever.

Now let's add the numbers. There is no date of birth, better some number that has nothing to do with you. Let it be 20. Add a number to the end or beginning of the word so as not to get confused, for example, 201lbyfvbr.

The next step is to add special characters like:?*%, etc. We get something like 201lbyfvbr%. There can be several symbols, we also recommend using capital letters in the password. Minimum Required— 10-12 characters.

Of course, you can use passwords made up of letters, numbers and symbols, like:

  • H(P*>XRf\FK*
  • mXB:6~wR?Wzd
  • a9Ksq_VaX~Ap
  • Dr:fOwTiXSVd
  • xz[[)y1BLI(i

However, remember that remembering such phrases is much more difficult.

P.S. We strongly ask you not to use the passwords used in the examples, but to create your own.

Surely, every social network user has forgotten the password for their own account at least once in their life. For security reasons, some sites do not provide re-opportunity restore password. But most social networks accommodate users by offering to restore access to the page by email address or numbers mobile phone. The well-known Odnoklassniki network is no exception.

Depending on which browser the user uses to log into the social network, his actions to change the attribute in the browser and recover the password will depend.

It's easy to view your password in Odnoklassniki if you log in through the Firefox browser. The fact is that the browser automatically saves not only the login, but also the current password for all individual pages. In order to change an attribute in the browser, you need to perform several basic manipulations:

  1. From “Settings”, go to “Protection”.
  2. Click on “Saved Passwords”.
  3. From the proposed list that appears on the monitor, you must select the desired social network.
  4. IN in this case, search and left-click on “Odnoklassniki”.
  5. The selected entry is displayed in passwords.
  6. The system provides additional opportunity for copying credentials.

Password under asterisks

It is possible to view the password in the browser under the asterisks. For example, when using Google browser Chrome , you need to use the item in the “View element code” menu, which is called right click mice:

In the window that appears, you can change the password type by clicking on the highlighted line:

To change the type text field"type=password" should be changed to "type="text".

Using browsers that do not support automatic saving current password will most likely require you to change your individual security information. You will first need to recover your password and then change it to a new one. The algorithm of actions is quite simple:

Now is the time to check email or phone, depending on which password recovery method you chose. The system automatically sends a code to enter a new password. In exceptional cases, the letter may be sent to spam, so take the time to check this folder as well.

You don't have to remember the code. You can copy it and paste it into a special window on Odnoklassniki. After verifying the code, the system will prompt you to change the password. It will be relevant the next time you access the page.

To ensure that the question “where to look up the password for a social network” does not arise again, you should write down your credentials in a notepad or save it on your desktop. In order to protect users as much as possible from attacks by intruders, the Odnoklassniki social network prohibits the use Old Password as a new account.

Experts do not recommend using your birth date or the first and last names of relatives as a password. Such a password is considered insufficiently strong, which the system will not inform you about. Also, you should not use the same set of numbers and letters to enter the various internet resources. All changes made must be confirmed and recorded separately.

Here you are, dear reader, you probably don’t close your house or apartment with a latch or a hook. Entrance door, and choose a more reliable, stronger lock and key for your home, so that no one can get inside without your knowledge. And that’s right, and that’s how it should be! Otherwise, at some point in time, or rather, day or night, you can lose everything that was acquired through backbreaking labor.

It is noteworthy that this everyday truth is also true for accounts in online services. They also need to be locked, and well locked with a key - a password - from strangers. After all, those who want to covet profiles, accounts in payment systems, online games, social networks, and anywhere (the Internet is big!), more than enough. And you don’t need to reassure yourself during the registration process on the next web resource with thoughts like “Who knows me here...”, “Who needs my profile...”, etc. The fragile hope of “maybe” in this case can turn into trouble. Moreover, large ones if, for example, we are talking about cash in your online banking account.

In this article you will learn how to come up with strong password, how to remember it and how to store it safely on your computer.

Complex password - guarantee of confidentiality

Why do you need to invent good password? Yes, because he is the very first and most important level protecting your personal data. Computer attackers abound user profiles“opened” by password guessing using special programs. Lightweight symbolic keys are a godsend for them. Once - and you're done! You don't need to work hard on hacking.

To further clarify this situation with statistical arguments, we will use a special web service https://howsecureismypassword.net/. It tells you how long it might take to crack a user-specified password. That is, it evaluates the degree of its resistance to hacking.

So, let's assume that we decided to come up with a password using the arrangement of letters on the keyboard - qwerty (well, a very trivial combination). We ask the service.

Now let's try to test a key 6 characters long, consisting of small English letters and numbers - ty23ds.

The result is also disappointing: 54 milliseconds. Of course, in such a period of time the sequence can only be “solved” using an automated method. However, in most cases, hackers use exactly this technology.

Let's complicate the combination: add capital letters into the set and increase the key length to 11 characters. Enter - eYtou349i93.

This is much better: the villain-burglar will have to pore over finding the key for 41 years (theoretically, of course!).

But you can come up with a more complicated password: increase the length even further, for example, to 18 characters, and use special characters along with letters and numbers. Something like - ew$yu*ow)RweQ23&tT.

The result is simply “cosmic” (by the way, to the delight of the user): the estimated time required for selection is 7 quadrillion years. And in 1 quadrillion, as you know, there are 15 zeros. In general, no comments.

Vigilant readers will, of course, immediately ask the question: “Recruitment, but what about the Trojans? Are they stealing passwords? Yes, the tools of attackers are extensive: they include viruses, social engineering, and special software. And a complex password is certainly not a perfect panacea for hacking. account. But it can safely be called a powerful protective obstacle on the way of hackers to confidential data.

Password rules

When creating a symbolic combination to enter the site, regardless of its functionality and purpose, mandatory Consider the following points:

1. Avoid simple combinations. In particular:

  • logical sequences - abcde, 1234;
  • keyboard layout vertically, horizontally, diagonally, etc. - asdfg, qscwdv.

2. Do not use in " pure form"(without adding other symbols, numbers) dictionary words. Especially such as “parol”, “password”, “admin”, “my_parol”.

3. Do not use personal data that is in the open access, for example, on a personal page on a social network or in a profile on a forum. Even with added numbers! Including phone number, date of birth, address mailbox, first name, last name, patronymic, names of pets.

5. Do not enter Russian words into English layout(example: input - d)