What does it mean that the password has been updated in contact? How to change your password if you forgot your old one. How to change VKontakte password

There is nothing permanent in the world. Everything changes - living and inanimate - it increases, decreases, changes shape, color, structure, structure, in general, it is transformed in every possible way. And online - in different corners of the Internet - this action takes place. For example, in accounts on the social network VK: changing the password is carried out for security purposes, and the need to change the VKontakte login arises from the need to organize convenient authorization on the site; but, of course, data can be updated for other reasons.

From this article you will learn how to change your VKontakte password (change it, for example, to a more complex one) and login.

Access to settings

To go to the settings panel in personal profile Online:

1. In the account menu, click “My Settings”.

2. Use the mouse wheel to scroll the “General” tab a little down.

Change Password

So, the settings are open, let's figure out how to change the VKontakte password:

1. In the “Change password” block, in the first field, enter the current character combination, used for authorization.

2. In two following lines specify a new key.

3. Click “Change...”. A message indicating that the password was successfully changed will appear.

Some tips for performing the procedure:

1. If the password does not change, check that the old combination is entered correctly (clear the field and carefully enter it again).

2. If you cannot come up with a complex password, use an online password generator (make a request in a search engine). In it you can literally put in one or two mouse clicks necessary settings and create a sustainable combination.

Change login


If you want to use an e-mail rather than a mobile number as a login, do the following:

1. In the section “Your address Email» Enter your current e-mail in the line.

2. Enter your account password to confirm the action.

3. Go to account e-mail. In the letter received from VKontakte, click on the link.

4. The “Notification” settings section will open in a new tab with a message about the completion of the operation.

If you need to change the login in a contact (put another e-mail in the option field), in the “New...” line, type the address of another mailbox and click the “Save...” button.

Now, instead of a phone number, when entering the site, you can specify an “attached” e-mail.

If login - phone number, to change it:

1. Click “Change...” in the “Your phone number” block.

2. Set your country in the list, enter your mobile number (plus international code). Click "Get Code".

3. Enter the code from the received SMS.

Changing the page address

By default on VKontakte the created page is assigned an identification number(ID). It is also indicated in the link to the page - vk.com\idxxxxxxxx.

To replace the profile URL:

1. In the “Address of your page” block, in the “Address...” line, after “...com/” type with Latin letters new address(you can indicate your first and last name).

2. Click the “Occupy address...” button.

Have a comfortable stay on VKontakte! .

There is a certain circle of users who want to know how to change password in contact Right. And we will definitely give them a detailed answer to this question. After all, a password is a very serious issue, keep in mind.
We have already written about how it is possible and even about how.

Now let's learn how to change the password in contact in practice. After all, this action will definitely be useful to every user who is registered on this social network.

How to change your password in contact?

And in order to change you password in contact , you will need to go to this network on your own page, and in the left control column of the main menu, click on the “My Settings” tab - regular readers of the site already perceive this button as their own.

But it’s better to know all the capabilities of this button, then you will have fewer secrets in your contacts, and you will be a full-fledged and advanced user of this social network. But we got a little distracted, now, let’s get to the point.

And so, after our settings, you go to the menu called “General”, and, looking down, you will find in the third section the inscription “Change password”.

In order for you to be able to independently change the password on a social network in a contact, or in other words, change the password, you will first need to enter your old password, which you have constantly used for yours up to this point.

And after that, fill in the “New password” and “Repeat password” fields.

Please note: the VKontakte network must consist of at least six characters. But I recommend that you definitely fill out large quantity symbols for your safety. And be sure to alternate between both numbers and letters.

And after these steps, you can safely click on the button called “Change password”.

Consider also what I know myself, many users do automatic saving password, which I don’t recommend using, but it’s up to you. And in this case, you will not be able to access your contact page in the usual way. Therefore, your New Password enter it yourself and manually, and then decide to save it or enter the password manually each time.

What you need to know about changing your VKontakte password

After such an action of yours as changing your VKontakte password, now, this has never happened before, you will receive a message on your phone, which you must have indicated when . And if you lose your password, you will always have the opportunity to receive your password on your mobile phone via SMS.

I have already written about how articles will appear soon on how to change your password on Facebook and change your password on Twitter. And if you are interested in something else on this topic, then I’m waiting for letters, or your requests in the comments, which are easy to leave, you just have to get in touch.

Always try to change your VKontakte password yourself, at least once a month, for your complete peace of mind and to save your nerves. 🙂

As you can see, by yourself change password in contact– the matter is quite simple, and there are no difficulties in it. It is also very convenient that your phone number is attached to your page, and if you lose it, you can always recover your password on the contact network.

In the section on the question, the VKontakte password set by the author does not change Anna Goloshchuk the best answer is Use password recovery, a link to change will be sent to your email... it works))
or recovery via SMS (if activated by mobile number) also works.
and also contact glitches, stupid bitches))

Answer from way[guru]
Have you opened it?
Try another browser if it crashes...
True, if the soap is not suitable....

Answer from Neuropathologist[newbie]
I have the same bullshit now.. I don’t know what to do.
I hope this is a temporary glitch of the site)

Answer from Overgrowth[newbie]
The same thing happens to me. I have 3 contacts and I can’t change the password in any of them....: (

Answer from Arsen Aslanov[newbie]
For the second day I can’t get into contact, I can’t change the password, this is what it constantly says: The password has not been changed, because the new password

symbols. Whatever I wrote doesn’t turn out to be a damn thing, it’s already infuriating

Answer from Sasha Potekhina[newbie]
I can’t get into contact and I can’t change my password. It says the password has not been changed, is shorter than six characters or contains invalid characters. I don’t know what to come up with anymore, my head is swelling.

Answer from Evgenia Sidorova[newbie]
I’ve been suffering like this for a week now, I’ve already read on the Internet how to create a password, they all write the same thing: “The password has not been changed, because the new password
shorter than six characters, consists only of
numbers, or contains invalid
symbols. " what to do

Answer from -Alyona -[guru]
I haven’t been able to log into VK from my phone for a week. Same problem as the others. I enter the data, the window is updated and asks to enter the data + captcha, I enter it - there is no sense.

Answer from Tatyana "Ivanova"[newbie]
I haven’t been able to access the page via my phone for 3 months now. I’m already tired of the same answer: “The password has not been changed, because the new password
shorter than six characters, consists only of
numbers, or contains invalid
symbols" WHAT TO DO???

Answer from VICTORIA SHUMAKOVA[newbie]
Have you tried making a password longer than 6 digits with English letters? for example 111111tor is 9 characters.

Answer from Dima Russkikh[newbie]

Answer from Denis Kulmanakov[newbie]
the same garbage, I enter the pass and it says: The password has not been changed, because the new password
shorter than six characters, consists only of
numbers, or contains invalid
symbols. Through the PC everything is fine, even changing the pass is no use.
After I logged in, I received an SMS and that’s it.

Please note that to ensure that your account cannot be hacked, you should pay attention to Special attention choosing a password. Therefore, there are some rules that will allow you to safely use your profile and will not require you to recover your password or a hacked page. First of all, you need to know that the longer your password, the more difficult it is to guess. That is why on the VKontakte website the minimum password length is 6 characters. In addition, the password combination should include both numbers and letters and some symbols %, $, =, and in various combinations.

So, in order to change your password you need to go to the site vk.com and log in to your account using your username and password, as shown in the picture.

Please note that when entering a password, the characters are not visible. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correct typing, then it is recommended to type the password in Notepad or Word, and then simply copy it and paste it into the desired field. This way you can see what you are typing.

After you have done everything correctly, the main VKontakte window will open in front of you. Basically the site is user-friendly and intuitive clear interface, so even a beginner will not find it difficult to understand its settings and main menus.

To change the settings of the current profile, select the “My Settings” menu on the left, as shown below:

After this, the settings menu will open, in which, on the “General” tab, you can change your password to a new one. To do this, scroll down the screen and find the “Change Password” menu.

Then do the following:

    In the "Old Password" field enter your Current Password, under which you logged in.

    In the “New Password” field, enter a new password and repeat its entry in the “Repeat Password” field.

    Confirm the changes by clicking on the “Change Password” button.

Please note that the new password must not be shorter than six characters and must contain only numbers. Otherwise, your password will not be changed, and you will receive a corresponding notification:

If you enter your current password incorrectly, the system will display the following error message:

If you did everything correctly, your password in the system will be changed to a new one, and you will receive a notification:

After this, you will be able to access the site only with a new password. If for any reason you did not receive such a message, then your Old Password even if you clicked the "Change Password" button.

If you lose your new password, you can use.

It should also be noted that today there are no passwords that cannot be cracked. Any password can be cracked using the " brute force» - simple selection password. It all depends on the complexity of the password. How more complex password, the longer it may take attackers to pick it up. To avoid this, many experts recommend changing passwords to new ones at least once a month. And of course, don’t forget about antiviruses, because the presence on your computer Trojan horse can significantly simplify access to your VKontakte page. But if someone hacked your page and changed all your data, including your login and password, then even in this case it is possible to restore your previous account.


How to change the password on VK a new version, or how to find out the password for a contact if you know your login, email, phone number. Or maybe you don’t remember anything at all), let’s try to figure it out in this article.

Hi all!
This article will talk about how to change the password on a new VK, or maybe you just need to change it.
In general, let's consider different variants, let's find solutions.
Cases are different.
Most often, something is forgotten: login, phone number, email.
Usually when you don’t visit this social network for a long time. net.
Another variant. Your account has been hacked, they are sending spam to your friends and family, asking for money (supposedly from you), or subscribing to all sorts of crap, everything), and sending out invitations to friends.
In general, I know this often happens to many people.
A friend of mine had his account hacked 5 times).
If this is the reason for changing your data, I strongly recommend that you read my article before changing it:

At all good password+ don’t go where you don’t need to) - this is 90% of success.
Where you shouldn’t climb, and what to do if you get into trouble, I explained in that article.
And we will continue).

How to change the password in a new VK, if you need, just change it.

How to change the password on VK new version

If you are only interested in how to change the password in a contact, then continue reading.
Forgot something, nickname, email, phone, move on to reading.
1. Go to your page, on the right top corner There is an avatar with your name with a triangle, click on it. A tab will open.

2. Select on the “settings” tab that opens and click.
Look for the word password - click “change” on it.

3. In the window that opens, you need to enter the old one once and the new one twice to change it.
Don't make it simple!
After completing the steps, you will receive an SMS on your phone with numbers.
Enter it from your phone, and it will change.
Now you know how to change the password in VK new version.

What if you just need to recover your VK code?
I'll show you later.

How to recover a forgotten password in contact

To restore the VK code, you must remember the phone number or email address to which your account is registered. Enter it, and in response you will receive a number to change the VKontakte code.
If you do not remember these registration data, there is still an opportunity to return your account... but this requires a long verification procedure.
You will be required to provide a scanned copy of your passport; besides this, there is still a long procedure ahead (remember your old number, when was the last time you visited, and so on), in general, I personally wouldn’t bother, but if you have necessary information on this page, then hit the road).

1. You choose - you forget.

2. “Click here.”

3. Continue clicking “click here” until avatars with VK user names pop up.
4. Enter your first and last name and scroll until you find yourself.
Once you find it, click “this is my page”

5. Continue on your own. A full interrogation awaits you, what you remember and what you don’t remember).
Next I’ll show you, not quite show you and not really me), in general, this is an option in case you have the code on your computer, but want to see it.
There is such nonsense, it seems like you are sitting on one computer, codes and logins are bookmarked there.
And then it came in handy for you to get in touch on a smartphone or from someone else’s computer, at work, or with friends.
Another option is to change the code, but you can spy on it anyway; by the way, this way you can not only spy on your own... well, you understand me).

How to find out your password in contact

Guys, of course I can describe everything, but I think it will be clearer here in the video.
Why should I film it when there is already a video?
I present the guy Mix Fox.
By the way, this video has over 110 thousand views!
In general, the trick is all in viewing the code of page elements.

Guys, don’t forget to subscribe to this blog, it already has a lot of cool tricks for working with social networks, and in particular Vkontakte, various settings, if you are interested in making money on the Internet, there are also a lot of such articles on this blog.
There are very interesting ones, open and tested by me personally.
For example, how to make money on a VKontakte page?

That's all I have for today,
Bye everyone!