Do you know how you can caption photos on Instagram? Interesting and original captions for photos on Instagram with meaning - list

Instagram invites its users to share photos with each other, but that’s not all. Of course, there are videos, stories, live broadcasts, and so on. But there is something that plays an important role - signatures.

Sometimes photos and videos aren't as interesting as their captions. Or perhaps it's not clear what's going on in the image until you read the caption. For online stores, for example, text under the photo helps provide potential customers with information about the product and the conditions for its purchase.

As you can see, there is great power in signatures. The only question that remains is how to caption a photo on Instagram. Many people have never encountered this before, so they don’t know how to do it in the application. Others simply don't understand what to write. Both will find answers in this article. And especially for girls, we have special material about it for them.

Instructions: where and how to sign a photo

Creating a caption is the last step before publishing a photo. To do this you need:

At this stage, you can specify different tags and geotags. With their help you can increase your reach. For example, someone will search for photos near them or in a specific location and find your post. If this person likes it, you will get a like or even a follow.

Quotes for captions under photos on Instagram

Indeed, there are still fans. Previously, these were quotes from writers, philosophers, artists and other authoritative people; now it could even be a quote from your mother, who used a wet rag to send you to wash the dishes.

You can also publish quotes, but do not forget to indicate the author. If you decide to go through the thoughts of great people, do not forget to check whether the quote is real. There have been cases when people were attributed words that they did not say.

Many people find it difficult when it comes to writing a signature. They are trying to make it look beautiful, get good responses, and have good coverage. But most often it turns out sadly.

For example, people try to write something sublime, but it turns out ridiculous. There is no sincerity in this, but in life they don’t say that. Plus, a beautiful signature doesn’t always fit the photo. It happens that a person likes his photograph and some pathetic phrase. They may not be related, but the person will still try to post them together.

Some people try to enter as many hashtags as possible to get a lot of views at once, but they do it badly. Some people write more than 50 hashtags at the beginning or end of a post, so it’s impossible to catch your eye on any specific one. And the essence of the signature is lost.

Others put a hash mark before every word in their signature. Let's say they want to say “Saturday is a good day!”, but it turns out “#Saturday #good #day #!”. Short phrases look passable, but long ones are painful to look at. But! There is an article about this at the link.

To make signatures look cool, you need to do this:

  • Express your thoughts accurately. Confused speech is unattractive.
  • Be sincere. Tell the truth - it will get good responses.
  • Be yourself. Don't try to sound superior or smart. The audience will immediately notice that something is wrong.
  • Come up with a caption that matches the image. There’s no need to even comment here, because it’s obvious.
  • Be a man of few words. The shorter your signature, the stronger the effect. But, of course, a one-word signature will not always give the desired effect.

These tips are mainly for personal pages, but they are also suitable for business. You can also add that a business in its publications should answer all the important questions of the audience. Think about what questions your potential clients might have and answer them.


Words are the most powerful weapon. When used in conjunction with mesmerizing photographs, you can get incredible results. Try to come up with as many signatures as possible, give them to your friends to check, evaluate the reaction of your subscribers, and so on.

Over time, you will learn to write in such a way that people will dream of reaching your level. To do this, you just need to make an effort at the beginning of the journey - it will be easier later.

Good afternoon dear friends! Well, have you already created an account on Instagram? I'm sure yes, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article. So, you've taken your first shot, but don't know how to caption the photo on Instagram? Don't worry, every user faces this problem. Even experienced bloggers sometimes reach a dead end. Now I will tell you how to make sure that your posts evoke only positive emotions in your readers and force them to return to your page again and again.

From this article you will learn:

From time to time I come across posts in my feed without captions. And these accounts are quite popular. Although I am sincerely perplexed, why can’t I at least write something? Do the owners of the letters feel sorry for them or are they just lazy? Or are they so self-confident that they consider their photographs to be self-sufficient?

Don't be selfish! Even in old family photo albums intended for home viewing, our mothers and grandmothers made notes. And if we are talking about a social network, then you can’t go without good text! After all, the user is often looking for communication and live participation. And if you want to sell something or make money on Instagram, then you must make it clear to the reader that he is important to you and focus on his wishes.

The right caption can make a mediocre photo stand out, and conversely, a post about nothing can ruin the career of a promising photographer.

Common truths

Before that, think about what you will be talking about? Even a personal diary should have a concept, not to mention a blog or business account. This may be trivial, but most people cut corners on this. Many good pages not only on Instagram, but also on other resources, faded away due to the fact that there was no main line. They simply stopped developing and reached a dead end.

  • Be original. Captain Obvious is a topic for jokes, not a good profile. For example, if the photo shows your family, do not write: “I am with my husband and children.” It's obvious. It’s better to tell some kind family story, how you met, about the traditions in your home, how interesting you spent the weekend, etc.
  • Less plagiarism! Readers want to see unique content! There is no need to rewrite other people's texts or copy posts of popular people. It’s better to express your thoughts clumsily than to steal someone else’s. If you like quotes, then remember that they should just be an addition to your story, and not the main part of it. Moreover, you should not use a lot of quotes in one publication. Competent citation implies a mandatory mention of the author. And if you decide to copy the words of Olga Buzova, then take the trouble to insert a link to her account. She will be pleased too.

  • Write correctly. Basic literacy never hurt anyone. In general, I belong to that category of people who break into a cold sweat at the sight of obvious grammatical errors. The excellent student syndrome does not allow me to subscribe to the accounts of “failing students.” And believe me, I'm not the only one. Therefore, before you publish a post, re-read it a couple of times. If literacy is not your strong point, use automatic spell checking services in Word or Yandex.Speller.
  • Brevity is the sister, wife, lover and daughter of talent. You don't always want to read a description that is too long. Sometimes I don’t even start because I understand that I won’t get to the end. After all, Instagram is just a social network, not a literature textbook.
  • Keep it simple, and followers will be drawn to you. Leave complex texts with a bunch of obscure terms for scientific discussions. Don't try to sound smarter by using complex speech patterns. Your best ally is simple colloquial expressions. Most Instagram users are ordinary people who live the same life as you. The officialdom and feigned severity in the presentation only scare away.
  • Don't experiment with styles! We do not live in the 18th century, be progressive, do not use outdated words and expressions. But don’t overdo it with youth slang either. Sometimes it's intimidating. Especially avoid obscene language. In general, try to match your age in thoughts and words. Respect yourself and your subscribers.

Custom lifehacks

Every good author has his own secrets. Some of them graduated from literary institutes and journalism departments, some studied textbooks and master classes on copywriting. Everything comes with time, and you too can find your chips. I'm not going to waste your precious time, so I'll briefly describe what I came to through experience.

  • Use emojis. They make the text brighter and more attractive, and help convey emotions that people often lack. It is emoticons that help to distinguish a good joke from a harmful joke, make a subtle hint, and guess the mood of the author. In addition, they can be used as separators, marking and separating paragraphs and sentences, to structure text, instead of punctuation marks.

Lifehack: You shouldn’t use emoticons if you want to have a serious conversation. Still, they put you in a playful mood. Also, do not overuse them when discussing the feelings and emotions of your friends. It won't look very tactful. It is also considered bad form to respond to messages and comments with emoticons only, without typing any text.

But don't get carried away. Too many hashtags are also bad. You should not create text consisting entirely of hash marks. Readers feel that you are focused solely on promotion. Therefore, choose a few that fit perfectly with the theme of the photo and post. Place them at the end of the post without emphasizing them.

Life hack: The array with hashtags can be moved down by stepping back a few lines from the main text. The indentation can be decorated with various symbols or emoticons. Then the hashtags will not be visible in the feed, because during preview only the first two lines from the entire post are reflected.

  • Maintain contact with your audience. Constant interaction is the key to success. Ask questions, be sincerely interested in the opinions of your subscribers on certain issues. This will make the text look alive. And don’t be lazy to respond to comments, even the simplest ones. If you don’t want to lose followers, show them attention and care.

Life hack: if you are inundated with comments like: “Wow”, “Cool!”, “Super!” and you no longer know what to answer, then you can just like it. Click on the heart to the right of the comment. This is also a sign of loyalty.

  • Respect other people's opinions. If under your photo they left a post that completely contradicts your views, then there is no need to throw slippers at the commentator. Write that this is a good position, which also has a right to exist.

Life hack: if you are faced with outright rudeness or insult, you should not reciprocate the hate. It’s better to just remain silent or ban such a user. Mutual mud-slinging will only lower your rating and ruin your reputation, unless, of course, you are Nastasya Samburskaya.

  • Diversify your feed. The same type of storytelling sooner or later tires everyone. Instead of just captioning a photo, organize a contest, giveaway, sfs, poll, or poll. For example, post three pictures in different dresses and ask which one you should wear to a party. People by nature like to have their opinions listened to because they want to feel important. And sometimes they just like to pry into other people’s lives and give advice. It is on Instagram that this all plays into your hands.

Life hack: it’s better to organize competitions not alone, but in cooperation with several colleagues. This way you will get more subscribers and save on buying prizes.

Write, my dears, what you think is necessary and not necessary, what you can write under the photo, and maybe what you can’t, but really want to. Instagram, like paper, will endure anything! But remember, what you write can be used against you! If you decide to become a public person, be prepared for criticism, attacks and insults directed at you. And in general, be careful! You never know how many crazy people are online! If you do not have a goal to earn money or become famous, then close your account from strangers and add as friends only those people you know personally. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Thank you for subscribing to updates and sharing the link to this article with your friends! See you again on the pages of my blog!

Posting a photo on Instagram seems like a simple task. But as soon as it comes to writing a caption for a photo, adding hashtags, then everything changes. Posts with beautiful photos give the feeling that the author is an interesting, positive person. By what you write under the photo, you can either justify the feeling you have or refute it. This is very important, especially in the case of a business account. Imagine that the caption to a post with a photo of a client’s hairstyle in a hairdresser’s account will be a text where the hairdresser writes that he was drunk and did everything ugly, and that he sympathizes with the client. “Who would write such a thing?”, you will be indignant! And I will say that I also found posts on Instagram in which the text under the photo left me with negativity and bad impressions about the account as a whole. In this post I want to answer the question - " How to caption a photo on Instagram?".

Don't write too obvious

A very common type of mistake or bad form on Instagram. I really don’t understand why in the photo where you’re eating a burger you write “I’m eating a burger”? Use the description as additional information that the audience will not get by looking at the photo. It will be much more useful and interesting. Constantly writing obvious texts gives the impression that the author is a little crazy!

Write legibly. Express your thoughts correctly. Don't make mistakes!

If, after reading your texts under your photos on Instagram, users have a question in their heads - “What?”, then you can forget about promoting your account. Be as clear as possible. Do not use special, unclear terms. Otherwise you will just be scrolled through.

It is also very important to write without errors, because many people simply do not like to read with errors.

Less strictness and officialdom

The documentary and scientific style of presentation is not about Instagram. Everything is much simpler here. Avoid pretentiousness, lofty ideas and invisible mysteries in your text. Instagram users don’t waste time parsing texts; they look at the photo, glance at the caption to understand the essence of the photo, and scroll further.

Write your thoughts

Posts with your photo that are signed with phrases or quotes from other people will be met with hostility. With a high degree of probability, what you copy from any source has already been read by your subscribers. Nobody likes to read the same thing over and over again. Everyone loves original, unique content.

No one will read a long text

Remember yourself. Do you read long texts under photos on Instagram? I never! I'm just lazy. The same goes for most netizens. Write 3-4 short sentences and that's more than enough!

Add a call to action

I’ll make a reservation right away - you shouldn’t do this in every post, otherwise it will look like spam. A call to action can greatly spice up the user experience. For example, you can invite subscribers to find out more details via a link in the bio. Those interested will definitely follow the advice.

By the way, it is very important that the call is visible. Instagram cuts off some of the text, showing only the top 3 lines. Place the call at the top so that even those who don't click the "...more" button can see it.

Ask questions

Another way to increase the interest of subscribers, and at the same time their activity, is to ask a question. Don't be trivial. Ask based on real interest, sincerely. If there is nothing to ask, it is better not to do it!

Don't include too many hashtags

A large number of hashtags indicates that the author is aimed primarily at getting the maximum number of likes, and not at ensuring that his content is appreciated. 3-4 hashtags in the description are not able to provoke negativity. Don't clutter your photo caption with hashtags.

If you put a lot of hashtags, make sure that they are not visible in the collapsed view of the post, that is, in the first three lines. To do this, add several lines with a period or other symbol to move the list of hashtags down.

Use emoticons

Emoticons enliven the text, making it more positive and increasing perception. In addition, with them you can significantly reduce the length of the text.

Mention co-authors in your signature

Indicate a link to the author in the photo description. Let me remind you that this is done using the @ sign. For example, @odinchuvak. This will bring your text to life. You can indicate the author of the photo, or whose thought or words you used in the description. If you quote someone else's words, put them in quotation marks.

Useful post? Take it to your social networks so as not to lose it!

To successfully promote your account, you need to make interesting subscriptions to the photos you post. But how to caption a photo on Instagram correctly?

What can you write under the photo?

How to make a description or small captions for a photo on Instagram so that it becomes more popular and selling is something that worries many account owners. Even professional photos without witty captions and clever hashtags may not work.

First of all, keep in mind that you should actively use hashtags. Make entries (descriptions) on Instagram under the photo in compliance with the following criteria:

  • Write competently and clearly for the target audience.
  • Avoid figures of speech that do not correspond to the norms of the Russian language (in some cases exceptions are made, but this depends on the specifics of the target audience).
  • Your caption should correspond to the content of the photograph; ideally, it should complement and clarify the meaning of the image, becoming one whole work of art with it.
  • You can leave your contacts or the address of the organization.
  • You can write reviews or publish links to them.

The main thing is to remember that the photo and the inscription under it should become a single composition and help each other in promoting your business or promoting your account.

Ideas for quality signatures

What to write, what captions to put under photos on Instagram is a pressing question for a large number of users of this social network. Moreover, the competition in this field is very high and grows with each new subscriber.

We will try to give some tips on how to sign photos on Instagram in an interesting and beautiful way. If you want to attract more subscribers to your page, then your approach to this process must be very serious. First of all, you need to clearly understand the concept of your account, its target audience and create a portrait of your average subscriber. This is necessary to form the most appropriate manner of communication with followers, because you must speak a language they understand, perhaps use special slang to get closer to the audience, etc.

To create a portrait of your average subscriber, analyze a number of your followers. Define:

  1. Average age of subscribers.
  2. Percentage of sexes.
  3. Hobbies and interests.

Already using these three criteria, you can create a portrait of your subscriber; if you wish, you can adjust this plan and add new points to it. By deciding on your target audience, you can better influence your subscribers.

Now you can write beautiful captions for photos on Instagram, and how to come up with them, read on. To do this, we invite you to use your imagination, ingenuity and originality, but while you are learning, you can use our templates.

How to caption a photo on Instagram with a friend or sister - If you are posting a photo with friends or sisters, then a completely acceptable caption would be a simple listing of the people depicted in it, for example, “Me, Masha and Ksyu.”

The caption under the photo on Instagram for selfies of girls should, as a rule, be light and unpretentious, something like “A small portion of selfies from cute and pretty girls”, it can also describe what is happening in the selfie, for example, “my first morning selfie without makeup " and so on.

How to caption a photo with a cake on Instagram? – if you send a photo with food, then the caption should be tasty, making your subscribers hungry. Or quite neutral, for example, “Thank you, beloved, for the delicious cake.”

What can you sign (write) under a photo on Instagram” signature examples:

  • Under the image of three girls standing with their faces covered - “Guess where I am? (Write in the comments).” This inscription is quite interesting and unobtrusive, and the main thing is that it encourages subscribers to take active actions on your page.
  • The caption under the picture (depicting coffee) on the Yandex taxi page is “Even during the morning rush hour, we deliver the car in five minutes. You’ll just have time to finish your coffee.”
  • Popular captions, statuses and quotes for photos on Instagram options for what to write under the photo:
    “Youth... A rising wave. The wind is behind, the rocks are ahead.”
  • “How I love such sunny frosty days!” Ksenia Sobchak.
  • “in the city)))) Very much for love. Very much about the present. And very beautiful) Thank you)))” Anna Sedokova.
  • How to use a hashtag

Many newcomers to this social network are interested in the question of how to correctly sign photos on Instagram using hashtags (hashtags). This technique is used very often on Instagram. All you need to do is put a # symbol in front of any word, and the social network will automatically accept it as a hashtag. Words marked with # become active links. Remember:

Do not use spaces; the entire sentence must be written in one word, for example, #Gohereman. Using this method will make your tags global, they will not be assigned to a specific page.

In order to successfully promote your account, you need to use the most popular Instagram tags, which are targeted by a large number of network users.

You can find examples on the Internet of how to write hashtags on Instagram; the photo of most accounts contains a signature with a # sign.

How to caption an image

Let's look at the basic method of how to make an inscription (signature) on a photo on Instagram. There are often situations when you need to write something in a beautiful font on a photograph. For example:

  • A girl can write “Beloved” on a photo of her boyfriend.
  • On a photo of a cat they write “My cat.”

There are several ways to write text on a photo on Instagram:

  1. Using the application. There are special applications for Android or iOS that allow you to overlay text on images. You will first need to take a photo, and then use such an application to write the desired text.
  2. Using an online service. There are many online services on the Internet that offer services of this nature.

If you access a social network via a computer, you can use Adobe Photoshop. In this case, you will have much more options for editing the overlay text, have access to a wide variety of fonts, and even be able to create your own.

Now you know how to add a caption (write) to a photo on Instagram. And you can use this skill to promote your page.

What to do if you forgot to leave a caption under the photo?

Many account owners are interested in the question of how to sign a comment on their photo on Instagram. If you forgot to add a caption to a new post, don’t despair, you can place tags in the comments to it. For this:

  1. Click on the published picture.
  2. Next to the like symbol, you will see a comment field.
  3. Write whatever you want, including tags in the comments.

In this case, the hashtag will work the same as if it were placed in the description itself, so you don’t have to worry when you forget to add a caption on a new post in a timely manner.