Yandex navigator paid how to pay. Yandex will make the Maps and Navigator services paid for taxi drivers and couriers

Yandex is going to introduce a fee for commercial use the most popular services– Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator. At the same time, testing the possibilities of active monetization of these services will start this year.

According to the Yandex company's plan for commercial use services Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator companies will have to purchase the appropriate licenses.

First of all, this innovation will affect taxi, forwarding, courier and logistics companies. Most likely, the model for monetization of Yandex geolocation services that is being prepared for testing will be similar to the one that already operates within the framework of the Yandex.Maps service API for third-party projects: it provides for and combines a free limit and paid use with the ability to configure individual functionality in order to implement the tasks of each specific client.

It is noteworthy that the owners of some services that provide courier delivery in a niche ecommerce, stated that the Yandex.Navigator service actually already requires payment for its use for commercial purposes.

The fact is that if the limit of a thousand requests per month is exceeded ( from one server) the Yandex.Navigator service begins to work with obvious and very characteristic glitches. At the same time, in response to the corresponding complaint, official representatives of the Yandex company reported that in order to use the service Yandex.Navigator for commercial purposes it is necessary to purchase a special license, the cost of which is 120 thousand rubles, and also pays a monthly fee of about 50 thousand rubles.

According to independent industry experts, if an official and final decision is made to introduce paid subscription, which opens up the possibility of active (commercial) use of the most popular geolocation services Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator, business representatives will en masse switch to using comparable in functionality and free services and software solutions. As a result of this, Yandex will actually completely lose a huge amount of relevant and useful data about traffic jams that occur on the roads.

Let us remind you that according to Yandex’s own statistics, the audience of the Yandex.Navigator service is this moment is 11.5 million users. As for all geolocation services, owned by the company Yandex, their total audience today is estimated at 21.9 million people.

Good bad

The Yandex.Navigator geo-application will remain free. This was announced by Mikhail Vysokovsky, head of Yandex.Navigator, as part of a round table on network broadcasting “Evening Moscow” April 27.

- "Yandex.Navigator" - free product. It will remain free,” commented Mikhail Vysokovsky.

Earlier there was a message that the navigation application may require a fee for use.

In addition, during the round table, Bogdan Konoshenko, Chairman of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the development of taxi transportation, noted that with the use of Yandex.Navigator by taxi services, vehicle mileage has significantly decreased. So, average speed car delivery is about seven minutes.

tags: Taxi

13:18 27.04.2017 - , Photo: Video screenshot

"Yandex.Navigator" is free service and users will be able to use it free of charge. This was stated by the head of Yandex.Navigator Mikhail Vysokovsky, the newspaper reports “Evening Moscow”.

"We are currently introducing new features regarding, for example, the parking scenario", - explained Vysokovsky.

As the head of Yandex geo-services Roman Chernin, in turn, clarified, not a single taxi driver or ordinary car enthusiast will pay for “using the server.

tags: Taxi

The time has come when Yandex made its navigator paid. But how did you do it? For now he’s just swearing, but soon he’ll start charging money for his use. How many people have noticed this? I highly doubt it. Of course, all taxi drivers paid attention to this and here’s why...

The moment you access the application more than 10 times a day, the system prompts you to register with it. But that's not scary. Then the system begins to warn you that you are using Yandex.Navigator for commercial purposes and have exceeded the call limit.

As the portal states - this information confirmed Dmitry Gorchakov, Yandex representative. However, he also stated that there is no need to pay anything yet. Do you want to receive large quantity transitions from the application and back, receive a special key. And the navigator will stop swearing.

I dare to suggest that this happens for one simple reason. Yandex.Taxi decided to fight competitors in this way. After all, the vast majority of taxi drivers use the navigation of this company, but do not work for their taxi service.

Is it possible not to pay for Yandex.Navigator

Yes, such a possibility exists. The fact is that the navigator will swear if you follow links from third party applications, not related to the company. This does not apply to entering an address by hand or voice. Thus, if you don’t want to pay, don’t go from the applications themselves, do everything manually and everything will work for free.

Get from point A to point B with helpful hints: “In five hundred meters, turn left!” It can be done in different ways - either for money or for nothing. the site asked the developers of popular paid and free navigation programs to tell us what the difference is between them from the user’s point of view.

Car navigation can be paid or free. Free Yandex.Maps, google maps, HERE Maps navigation for Android and Windows Phone and some other projects. Navigation programs like Navitel, CityGuide, Garmin and others - you need to buy: either in the form of software for a smartphone, or in the form of a ready-made gadget, the price of which includes the software.

As a result, many people have questions: is free navigation comparable to paid navigation in terms of functionality? And if it is comparable, then how then does paid guiding software continue to exist, who buys it and why? It's no secret that any paid navigation can be found in hacked and free form, but now we’re not talking about that...

To understand what kind of whales the GPS world rests on, we asked several representatives of popular navigation projects in Russia to speculate on this topic - what business models they use, and how this influences their choice end user? Sergey Zhukov, head of Garmin's mapping department, helped us figure out the classification.

First, we need to clarify the definitions. There are three types of navigation: free, shareware and paid.

Free navigation is made by enthusiasts, ordinary people for ordinary people. The project is called OSM - Open Street Maps, these maps can be downloaded to phones, tablets and navigators of almost any system. Plus, the product is absolutely free. The downside is that the cover for this project is still a patchwork quilt. The village in which an OSM enthusiast lives can be drawn down to the last barn, and the neighboring village, where there are no enthusiasts, can be a blank spot. If you want, draw yourself...

And finally, paid products. Garmin products also fall into this category. In this case, you buy either software or a branded device with installed card. The main disadvantage is what you pay. But for your money you get the following advantages:

  • Navigation does not depend on permanent connection to the Internet – address search, route planning, voice control and sometimes even traffic information works autonomously, which you will appreciate, say, on a remote highway when searching for a gas station.
  • Maps are updated and updated regularly, usually extra money they don't charge for it. Plus, according to our estimates, paid products More precisely, coverage of areas outside large cities.
  • Technical support works with any problems that arise.

All of the above applies to automobile and city navigation. There is also tourist navigation, for which, in addition to roads, common use needed topographic maps and maps of water bodies. There are no shareware applications for tourist navigation yet. There is either OSM cartography from enthusiasts, or paid cards. And the pros and cons are the same.

Leonid Aleksandrov, head of the Yandex.Navigator service, is confident that the trend among Russians today is the desire for free navigation:

Now on Russian market users mostly prefer free navigation products. There are many reasons for this. For example, Yandex.Navigator works online and is updated automatically, which means that the driver always has up-to-date data on road congestion, the location of any objects, from gas stations to laundries, as well as accurate maps of roads and cities to build a route taking into account traffic jams and road conditions. events, for example, overlaps. A large number of allows users to constantly improve the quality of data - for example, to estimate road congestion as accurately as possible. The user has access to all functions at once, and does not need to remember whether he has updated the application. And at the beginning of September we got voice activation. Now drivers can give commands to the application by voice without being distracted from the road. Having heard from the driver “Let’s go home” or “I see an accident in the right lane,” the Navigator will immediately respond - it will plot the route to the house or put a mark on the map about the accident. Using your voice, you can build both simple and complex routes, for example, “Let’s go to work through a gas station,” and control the map - show or hide traffic jams.

Leonid Alexandrov

Navigation is free offline

This group includes navigation like HERE Maps, “7 roads” and others. HERE Maps has high-quality maps and was originally owned by Nokia and pre-installed on its smartphones. Accordingly, freeness, as in the case of Google, was also ensured by large company, which by providing navigation application I wanted to make my gadgets more attractive.

Now Nokia and HERE Maps are “ruled” by Microsoft, their maps are included in the pre-installed software in all smartphones on Windows Phone, you can also install them on Android in beta version. HERE does not require an Internet connection to guide the route - maps are downloaded to the device, and the route is built on it. Although functions such as traffic alerts or satellite layers, of course, require an online connection. HERE navigation differs from projects like Google and Yandex in that maps are updated much more rarely, the traffic jam service is rather weak, and there is no voice search and many other interactive features.

Navigation “7 roads” was initially free - anyone can download a program, a map to their smartphone and follow the route without using mobile internet. The development company makes money by providing a PRO version with specific commercial functionality, by granting the right to use the program (for example, the same program is branded under a different name in Ukraine, where it is paid), etc. Because there is no powerful and wealthy corporation behind the “7 Roads” project like Microsoft or Google, the free public version is ensured by the use of open and public maps OpenSteetMap with all the shortcomings described at the beginning of the article.

The main disadvantage is the notorious paid nature of applications and map packages for them. Prices, in general, are not so prohibitive, but against the backdrop of cheap mobile Internet and Yandex and Google multiservices, many city residents have long forgotten about the existence of paid navigation products.

What to choose?

If you are sure that you are not in danger of leaving megacities and their suburbs for wild, internet-less regions or zero balance on the account, you can drive every day using satellite tips, never knowing the disadvantages of free online navigation and the advantages of paid software.

amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=»»amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;What navigation do you choose?amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;