Guide to data collection terminals for warehouses. Recommendations that will make the process of implementing and using TSD effective. The appearance of these terminals is significantly different

The purpose of this overview is to provide the initial information necessary to properly select and use CipherLAB Data Acquisition Terminals.

The CipherLAB company has been manufacturing Data Collection Terminals for many years. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Data Collection Terminals are currently the main specialization of the Company. CipherLAB was the first to market low-cost portable terminal models, the cost of which made them affordable for use in small warehouses and retail establishments. Since then, data collection terminals are no longer something exotic and have become a common tool for storekeepers. IN currently The company produces a whole family of Data Collection Terminals for use in various industries under any operating conditions. Let's make some classification of CipherLAB Data Collection Terminals:

Classification of Data Collection Terminals CipherLAB by Application
Entry-level terminals – a series of pocket DOS terminals, 8000/8001, terminals (Windows), RK25 (Android). Designed for use in small stores and other trading companies with a sales floor and warehouse, for receiving/shipping goods, for conducting periodic inventories, i.e. for permanent use with no high load.

Universal terminals – / series, CP55 (Windows), RS30/RS31 (Android). Designed for use in enterprises retail and medium-sized warehouses. Main tasks: inventory, selection and assembly of invoices, receipt of goods in the mode of constant use with high load. They endure falls and careless handling by storekeepers.

Industrial standard warehouse terminals – series (DOS), (Windows/Android), CP60 (Windows), RS50 (Android). Designed for use in large warehouses, logistics (cargo transportation), in adverse external conditions (dust, dirt, moisture), indoors and outdoors ( negative temperatures), in severe operating conditions ( huge pressure, falls, vibration, etc.).

Classification of CipherLAB Data Collection Terminals according to the information readers used
Long range barcode reader based on CCD matrix ( LRCCD– Long Range CCD; linear and two-dimensional imagers). Unlike contact readers, which have a reading range of 1-5 cm, LRCCD has a reading range of 12-15 cm. Compared to laser readers, it withstands falls better (no moving parts). The Terminals use readers developed and manufactured by CipherLAB, Motorola, and Honeywell. Most popular in Lately become readers 2D imagers, allowing you to read both linear (one-dimensional) and two-dimensional barcodes PDF417 (excise stamps), QR-Code, Maxicode, DataMatrix, etc.

Laser readers
The readers use a beam sweep from a laser emitter in the visible range. Standard range: 15-25 cm, extended range: up to 1 meter, very long range: up to 5 meters (depending on the density and contrast of the barcode being read). Readers are very long range are especially relevant in warehouses with high racks, and also, if necessary, to read codes without leaving the forklift. CipherLAB terminals use laser readers manufactured by Motorolla (Symbol).

In addition to a barcode reader, some terminals may be equipped RFID tag reader(Radio Frequency IDentification) at HF ​​(High Frequency) frequency 13.56 MHz (read cards and transponders of Mifare ISO14443A, ISO14443B, ISO15693, ICODE standards) or on UHF frequency(Ultra High Frequency) 840 - 960 MHz.

Classification of CipherLAB Data Collection Terminals according to the Operating Systems used.
8xxx terminals are controlled by a DOS-like operating system developed by CipherLAB itself, 9700, CP55, CP60 terminals are controlled by the Windows operating system (hereinafter we mean Windows for portable devices: Windows CE, Windows Mobile, Windows Embedded Handheld), RS30/RS31, RS50 terminals controlled Android system. All options have their advantages and disadvantages; we list the main ones.

Operating System CipherLAB-OS in comparison with Android/Windows:

  • Faster. Because The system is designed specifically for these terminals, it is optimized to perform specific data collection functions and copes with them much faster than Android/Windows.
  • Less demanding on resources: the loss of memory and processor power for servicing the operating system itself is very small. This allows you to solve more complex problems on cheaper equipment. 10MB of memory running this operating system is a LOT; for example, this amount of memory is enough to store a product catalog of more than 100,000 items.
  • More reliable due to its simplicity: there are no familiar Windows hangs, which are unacceptable in industrial devices.
  • Prevents the terminal from being used for other purposes. Unlike Android, an “advanced” storekeeper will not be able to download any toy or listen to MP3 files.
  • Easy to use downloaded apps. The terminal functions within the framework of the task assigned to the operator, with a minimum of unnecessary clicks and switches.
  • Just like Android, the CipherLab-OS operating system is multitasking, albeit pseudo-multitasking. The user can download multiple applications and switch between them as needed. Concurrent execution different applications it is not allowed that it is a benefit rather than a limitation.
  • The disadvantages of CipherLAB -OS's own operating system include the inability to use software products written for other data collection terminals, however, even when programming for Android, it remains to work with a barcode reader, radio frequency (RFID) reader, special keyboard keys and others architectural features terminals, due to which software incompatibility remains. The presence of the Application Generator generally eliminates the need to use algorithmic programming languages ​​to create a task for the terminal.
  • Finally, unlike Windows, using your own Operating System does not require a license fee and allows the manufacturer to install more low prices to terminals, making them more accessible.

The undoubted advantages of terminals, under Android control should include the familiarity of the interface, the possibility of easier (subject to the specified restrictions) transfer existing programs, the ability to use standard compilers and libraries for terminal programming.

Classification of TSD according to the method of information transmission:

Autonomous terminals
Data exchange between the PC and the terminal takes place directly next to the PC. Those. the operator must approach the computer, place the terminal in the interface cradle (connected to the computer via a COM port or USB) and activate the procedure for exchanging data between the terminal and the computer. The Operator then goes to the warehouse or sales floor to perform the required task. After completing the task, the Operator returns to the computer and transfers the collected data to it, again using the interface stand.

Autonomous terminals usually implement the following typical tasks:

  • SelectionThe Product Catalog (Directory “Nomenclature” from 1C), usually consisting of the fields Barcode, Name, Price of the Product (if required), is loaded into the terminal. After this, the Operator goes to the warehouse and begins to select the goods: reads the Barcode, the Terminal automatically finds it in the Product Catalog and shows the Name of the Product to the Operator, making sure that this is the Product in front of him, the Operator enters the quantity from the terminal keyboard of this product, which is currently being received or shipped. Information about the selected product (Barcode, Quantity) is stored by the terminal in a separate document. After completing the selection, the operator returns to the computer and the information accumulated by the Terminal is uploaded, for example, to an invoice or invoice.
  • Formation of an order (trade by samples). As in the previous case, the Product Catalog (Directory “Nomenclature” from 1C) is loaded into the terminal, consisting of the fields Barcode, Product Name, Price (if required) and Product Remaining in Warehouse. The operator and the Customer go to the sales floor where the goods being sold with their Barcodes are displayed. The Customer indicates to the Operator a sample of the Product and the required quantity. The operator reads the Barcode from the sample, the Terminal automatically shows the Operator the Product Name, Stock Remaining and Price. If the balance allows, the Operator enters the Quantity requested by the Customer, which is remembered by the Terminal along with the read Barcode in separate document. In the process of collecting information, the Terminal can show the amount for which the Goods have been picked up at the current moment. After completing the collection of information, the Operator returns to the computer and uploads the collected data into a document, for example a Buyer Order or Invoice.
  • Complete set of invoice. It is not the Product Catalog that is loaded into the terminal, but the Expenditure or Receipt Invoice (or several Invoices). The operator goes to the warehouse, selects the required invoice in the terminal and begins Selection (or receipt) of the Goods according to the Invoice. The Operator reads the Barcode from the next Product, the Terminal finds this Product in the invoice and informs the Operator what quantity is left to accept (or ship). The operator enters into the terminal the currently accepted (shipped) quantity of this Product, this quantity is automatically subtracted from the quantity in the invoice and the balance is remembered by the terminal. If the Operator tries to ship more than what is indicated in the invoice, the Terminal reports an error to the Operator. If the Operator tries to ship a Product that is not included in the invoice at all, the Terminal also displays an error message. At any time, the operator can view which Product and in what quantity remains to be picked up (accepted). This mode is especially useful for eliminating errors when shipping goods.
  • Inventory. Data about the product is loaded into the terminal, which according to the documents should be in the warehouse: Barcode, Name, Remaining and Quantity, but the Quantity field is uploaded equal to 0, it will be used by the terminal to account for the real quantity of the Product in the warehouse. The operator reads the Barcode and receives information about the Name and Balance on the terminal screen. The actual quantity of Goods in the warehouse is entered by the operator and stored by the Terminal. If the operator enters information about the same Product several times (for example, if the same Product is stored in different places in the warehouse), the quantities entered by the Operator are summarized by the terminal. If a barcode is entered for a product that is not in stock according to the documents, the terminal will warn you about this and allow you to add it, if required. Upon completion of the inventory, the data is uploaded to the computer into the appropriate Document for further processing. Moreover, those Goods whose quantity does not coincide with the data on balances, and those goods that were not found at all by the Operator (with Quantity = 0) will also go there. In the same way, you can make an Inventory of Material Assets.

When selecting a stand-alone terminal data collection, you should pay attention Special attention on the amount of data memory. For example, 2 MB of data memory is enough to load a product catalog of up to 18,000 items, 10 MB for a catalog of more than 100,000 items. These values ​​are valid for loading product catalogs with a name field length of up to 50 characters. It makes no sense to load items of longer length into the terminal, because Usually a couple of lines of the terminal screen are enough to display the name).

Radio frequency terminals (Terminals with radio interface).
In addition to the usual interfaces (RS 232 or USB), these terminals have the ability to transmit data over a radio channel. First of all, this is radio Ethernet (WiFi, 802.11b,g,n), GSM /GPRS/3G/4G.
Since radio terminals do not need to store a catalog of goods in memory, they usually have a small amount of data memory, sufficient for generating and storing processed documents (invoices).

Terminals having WiFi module can be connected to the local network using standard 802.11b/g/n access points. After setup network parameters(IP address, etc.) terminals can establish communication with any selected computer on the local network (let's call it a server). There are three main modes of operation of radio terminals: online, batch and remote desktop.

  • In batch mode The radio interface of the terminal is turned on only during the transmission of documents from the terminal or to the terminal. Fundamentally, working with a radio terminal in this mode is similar to working with a stand-alone terminal, the only difference being that the operator does not need to go to the computer and place the terminal in the cradle for data exchange. As soon as the Operator is ready to perform a new task, he activates the data exchange mode in the Data Collection Terminal. The terminal turns on the radio interface and requests the server about the availability of tasks. The server sends a document for processing to the terminal, for example, an invoice for picking up goods. After receiving a document, the radio interface turns off to save battery power. The operator selects the goods according to the invoice (see the invoice configuration in the description of working with the autonomous terminal). After completing this operation, the terminal reconnects to send finished document and receiving a new task.
  • In online mode the terminal is in constant communication with the server. First, the operator selects the document with which he will work, for example, by document number. Reads the barcode of the product, the read barcode is transmitted via the radio interface to the server, special server software receives the read code, finds the corresponding line of the document and responds to the terminal, sending the Name of the Product, the quantity that remains to be collected (or received), the price and other data that is necessary for the operator, or sends an error message to the terminal if the read code is not listed in the document. The operator enters the collected (or received) quantity and the terminal transmits this information to the server.
    The main advantage of working online is the ability to receive up-to-date data on the state of the warehouse. For example, if an operator creates an order (trading by samples), at the moment of reading the barcode of a product, he receives from the server the real balance of goods in the warehouse at the current moment, this reduces the likelihood of ordering the same product in quantities greater than the balance in the warehouse, when several operators are working , each with its own data collection terminal.
  • In remote desktop mode(supported only by Windows terminals) the terminal displays the picture that is sent to it by the connected computer. In this mode, work is carried out on a connected computer, in the goods accounting program that your company uses, for example in 1C, and the terminal only displays the screen remote computer. An important factor in this case, the terminal has a screen with a resolution of at least VGA (640x 480).
Example of using a data collection terminal with 1C: Managing trade via remote desktop (RDP)

Mobile workstation for warehouse employee

Program 1C: Trade Management 8 (edition 11.x) has a number of unique advantages in the field of automation of warehouse operations.

One of them is a special interface “Mobile workplace warehouse worker" for data collection terminals and other portable devices. With its help, you can perform various operations without using any additional paid interfaces.

In order to use this functionality, you must have a data collection terminal with a screen resolution of 320x240 or 320x320.

Appearance interface looks like this:

It is easy to control the program both using the keyboard and the stylus (for touch screens). For comfortable work LED indication is provided.

Both standalone and RF terminals can be equipped with a Bluetooth interface in addition to the main interfaces. It is usually used to connect to a terminal of some kind peripheral devices, such as mobile printers. In this case, the collected data can be printed to a printer without the participation of a computer. You can also connect Bluetooth as a virtual COM port and exchange data without a stand or cable via Bluetooth.

Features of programming data collection terminalsCipherLab.
Along with all Data Collection Terminals, CipherLAB supplies an Application Generator free of charge. This is software that runs on personal computer, intended for quick description algorithm of operation of the CipherLAB Data Collection Terminal. The Database Editor describes the structure of files in the terminal memory for storing and processing collected data, the Form Editor specifies screen forms, used to collect data and fill/modify data files, the Menu editor describes the structure of the menus called up when the terminal is operating. All this is done intuitively in an understandable form and does not require special training user, i.e. the user does not have to be a programmer!

The algorithms for working with the data collection terminal described in this review were implemented using the Application Generator and are only typical examples. Based on them, you can easily implement any changes and force the data collection terminal to perform the necessary operations. How it's done? A special firmware is first loaded into the terminal, allowing the terminal to work with the Application Generator (in new terminal this firmware is loaded at pre-sale preparation at the supplier company). Using the Application Generator, the user describes the terminal operation algorithm and the structure of the collected data (easier and faster based on typical examples supplied with the Generator). The Application Generator generates a task file, which is loaded into the data collection terminal via the RS 232 or USB interface. After rebooting, the terminal is ready for use. The operation of the Application Generator is described in detail in the user manual supplied with the terminal software.

It should be noted that the Application Generator and all collection terminals CipherLAB data completely Russified.

For more complex problems that cannot be solved by the Application Generator, it is suggested to use a C compiler or a BASIC interpreter. Of course, in this case, the user needs to be proficient in the specified algorithmic languages; descriptions and the necessary function libraries are provided.

Some restrictions
The implementations of terminal functions described in this review have limitations on their use. Some of them are available only on terminals supplied by the distributors of this review, some are not free. Please ask your supplier to provide terminals with the described functionality.

Reproduction of materials from this review is permitted only for the description of data collection terminals manufactured by CipherLAB.


ATTENTION! The software (firmware) posted on the website is licensed to work on terminals purchased from our company. You can check whether the software you are using is licensed by pressing the Fn and 1 keys simultaneously in the main menu of the terminal. If the software is not licensed, when scanning any barcode, the message “NOT LICENSED” is displayed instead of data, and you work in demo mode, with the loss of some data!
If the terminal is sold by our company and licensed, there will be an information line: "LICENSED"

A data collection terminal (DCT) is a mini-computer designed to read barcodes and store information about completed operations. TSD is used in warehouses, when taking inventory in large companies, for trading operations and accepting orders in online stores or at car washes. Terminals help reduce queues and simplify inventory.

Reading type

Based on the type of reading, terminals can be divided into laser, photo scanner and radio frequency identification (RFID).

Laser scanner Reads only linear barcodes, it can be used for inventory in the office or issued to a field employee.

A TSD with a photo scanner even reads a damaged barcode. It can be used to work with EGAIS - such a terminal can recognize 2D codes, PDF417 and QR codes. They are used in alcohol stores, large grocery stores, supermarkets and large warehouses where it is necessary to quickly carry out inventory and promptly process incoming goods.

TSDs with RFID reading type are more expensive than conventional ones, but they allow you to work with tags that, for example, mark natural fur coats. The terminal will be used in fur stores, large supermarkets or warehouses with a large number of product categories.

The operating time without recharging for most terminals is approximately the same and varies from 8 to 15 hours.


For large warehouses and commercial enterprises with a large range of products, TSDs with a large amount of memory or the ability to expand it using a card are recommended. Great importance has and RAM: the larger its volume, the faster the terminal can process data. If there are not many operations, you can choose a TSD with a memory capacity of 32 to 64 MB. When there is a large amount of data for them operational processing It is better to choose a terminal with a memory of 128 MB or more.

In small stores or online stores with a small turnover, TSDs with less memory or without the ability to increase it would be appropriate - such models are much cheaper.

Protection level

High class protection allows you to work with the terminal in unfavorable conditions weather conditions and places with high humidity. Maximum level security - IP 67, the closer the terminal’s protection class is to it, the more reliable it is.

Data transfer methods

To transfer data, the terminals use RS-232, USB ports, as well as methods wireless transmission data: IrDA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM.

Models that support Wi-Fi are convenient to use in large warehouses - they allow you to exchange data in real time.

RTDs that do not have Wi-Fi store data in a file, which can then be copied to a computer using a cable or Bluetooth. They can be used to carry out inventory in small warehouses and companies.

operating system

Most data collection terminals use operating Windows system. Simple models are released on Windows CE, and more expensive terminals have a mobile version of Windows installed.

There are also TSDs on DOS and Android. The DOS terminal can only be used for the most simple operations, not requiring high performance. They are equipped with a small amount of memory, which does not allow processing significant amounts of information. Android TSDs are just beginning to enter the market. They are slightly cheaper than Windows models.

Terminals are produced with pre-installed software components and those for which programs must be purchased separately. TSD can use Cleverence or MobileLogistics software.

Drivers for TSD

The terminals use batch drivers, WiFi driver s or Wi-Fi prof drivers. TSDs with a batch driver interact with the computer only through a cradle - a stand with USB, which ensures data exchange. The Wi-Fi driver allows the storekeeper to receive and transmit documents without connecting to a computer with 1C. However, some of the work will have to be done manually. Wi-Fi prof driver allows you to create orders on the terminal and perform automatic upload in 1C, check prices. It also supports online work with the 1C database.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

The first thing to consider when choosing a data collection terminal is the conditions under which it will operate. Perhaps it will serve for inventory in a store - then you can choose a device with a low class of housing protection. If you plan to use the terminal in more “harsh” conditions, for example, in warehouses with concrete floors and the possibility of falling from a great height, where the temperature does not drop below +10°C, then the ideal option would be

terminals with protection class IP54-IP64. And in case of using the terminal in refrigerated warehouses, at temperatures less than +10°C, or in rooms with a high degree of humidity, you need to focus on a protection class of at least IP65-67.

The second thing to consider when choosing a terminal is the method of receiving/transmitting data. The cheapest are batch options (off-line) terminals, where data is transmitted only using a communication charger. But in our time, when the relevance of data on the availability of goods is very important, the most popular are terminals equipped with a radio module that transmit data via wireless network in real time. If there is no terminal in the operating area WiFi coverage, and the data needs to be transferred to the server in real time - models equipped with GPS will help you GSM modules. In addition, there is no need to discount Bluetooth terminal models; despite the short distance and data transfer speed, this alternative may also be the right choice.

One of the most important criteria When choosing a terminal is what types of barcodes it can read. Depending on the type of scanning module used, the terminals can read linear 1D and two-dimensional 2D barcodes. A terminal equipped with a module that reads 1D codes will not be able to read two-dimensional ones (QR code, PDF 417). But a TSD equipped with a two-dimensional module will be able to read both 1D and 2D codes. In addition, it is worth paying attention to models with an increased scanning range. For example, terminals from the Zebra MC9190 line have 1DLorax and 2DLongRangeImager configurations. These technologies allow the terminal to read barcodes located at a distance of 30 cm to 15 meters, which is very convenient in the case of multi-level storage in warehouses.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the operating system. Previously, most terminals were equipped with Windows CE or WindowsMobile. At the same time, WinMobile functionality was wider and, accordingly, more expensive. Modern users can find terminal configurations on Android OS as an alternative to Windows.

If you are going to use resource-intensive applications on your terminal, you should think about the processor frequency and RAM. For example, one of the most popular Zebra terminals, the MC31XX line, is equipped with a 624 MHz processor, and industrial models, like MC91XX 92XX 9596, already have a frequency of 806 MHz.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a data collection terminal? On the form factor. There are models with pistol grips with a scan button. They are most convenient for intensive scanning over a long period of time - upon arrival, departure, while terminals in the usual version (with a scanner built into the body) are more convenient to use, for example, when taking inventory of operating systems or checking the cost of goods in stores where more frequently use the screen and edit data.

If you decide to buy a data collection terminal, compare the battery capacity, since the duration of its operation directly depends on this. For example, terminals Zebra series MC31XX are equipped lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 2740mAh or 4800mAh to choose from.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth taking a closer look at the types of keyboards on the terminal. There are alphabetic, numeric, and alphanumeric keyboards with different numbers of buttons. If you need to frequently enter or edit text data when operating the terminal, you should opt for an alphabetic keyboard. Storekeepers in a warehouse most often do not need to work with text, and if they also need to work in unheated warehouses, it is more convenient to use gloves when working on an inventory machine with a regular numeric keypad. Taking the Zebra MC9190 as an example, it is much easier for a user to access the large buttons on a 28-key keyboard while wearing gloves than the small ones on a 53 alphanumeric keyboard of the same model.

Managing a modern warehouse is simply unthinkable without the use of special systems, allowing you to quickly locate the required product in a warehouse complex and obtain information about the quantity of products remaining in the warehouse. With the widespread use of barcoding systems in trade and logistics, it is not surprising that this particular technique is used to collect and process information about products in a warehouse. Unlike checkout counters in stores, where the buyer independently brings all the necessary products to the cashier, and all he has to do is scan the barcode from the label, warehouse workers must be much more mobile, because in this case they themselves must find the product and bring it “to exit”, simultaneously recording their actions. This kind of mobility is necessary for efficient work warehouse, determines the requirements for devices used by employees. They come to the aid of storekeepers data collection terminals are one of the most complex types commercial equipment . This type of equipment, a kind of industrial smartphone, can be used in areas such as logistics, transportation, warehousing, delivery, field services and trade, etc.

It is not for nothing that this type of mobile equipment is called mobile computers, because they combine the functions of a barcode scanner and a miniature computer that stores and processes data, and also transmits them to a computer with an installed inventory program. And while performing all these actions, the terminal remains small mobile device– usually a little more than usual mobile phone. By the way, sometimes the functionality of a mobile terminal also includes functions cell phone, which makes it an indispensable means of communication between warehouse workers.

Purchasing a TSD eliminates the need for workers to be tied to the warehouseman’s desk; a warehouse employee can move around the warehouse complex and record everything necessary information anywhere in the warehouse. Thus, data collection terminals provide highest precision processing data without hindering the movements of the storekeeper. Wireless technologies at the same time, they make it possible to scan information from product labels and transfer them to desktop computer. The use of a particular data transmission technology determines the equipment requirements. When choosing the required model, you need to evaluate how important the speed of information transfer is for a particular warehouse - does the terminal need to transmit data immediately after reading it, or will the warehouse operator be able to go to the computer after collecting the data and “transfer” the information.

Modern mobile computers for warehouse complexes and retail enterprises have such a wide range of capabilities that before purchasing equipment it is necessary to evaluate all the functionality and the price-quality ratio. For example, terminals may allow you to send email, call colleagues, create a personal calendar with a list of tasks, and, of course, scan information from barcodes.

Another characteristic of data collection terminals is related to their reliability under extreme operating conditions. If you want to be sure that this type equipment will last a long time, it is worth paying attention, for example, to Motorola TSDs, which will continue their correct operation even after repeated falls from a height of up to 1.5 meters onto a hard surface. If you know that the terminal will be used in an unheated warehouse or during cargo transportation, you should pay attention to the temperature at which the equipment is used. For example, you can choose an Opticon terminal, which can be successfully operated at -25 degrees Celsius.

Depending on the operating conditions, battery life and charging time may be important. For example, a data collection terminal can be powered by simple batteries either on battery for 200 hours or only 30 hours - it depends on what power source is used (regular alkaline batteries last longer than rechargeable batteries).

Manufacturers of data collection terminals are recognized leaders in the field high technology, including such well-known consumer brands as TSD Casio or Motorola. However, there are also specialized companies and corporations operating in this market, whose names are well known to warehouse logistics automation professionals, for example, Symbol terminals. Equipment of all brands has its own characteristics associated not only with functional features equipment, but also with those used for data processing software. Therefore, if you have no previous experience using such equipment and want to do right choice, in which you will definitely not be disappointed, you should not chase big names. It’s better to contact warehouse and trade automation professionals, tell us about your expectations, and they will recommend you necessary equipment, which will best satisfy the needs of a particular warehouse, trading company etc. both in functionality and price.

The terminal is a mobile computer with a built-in barcode scanner. It reads the product identifier, be it a one-dimensional or two-dimensional code or radio tag, and compares the product nomenclature and quantity with the one loaded from accounting system document. Or it independently generates a movement document from the list of goods or components whose tags have been read.

Basic operations of accounting for the movement of goods performed using TSD:

  • - inventory
  • - assembling orders
  • - price reconciliation or revaluation
  • - document authentication

Types of TSD for warehouse and trade


Their main task is to remember the read barcode and then send it to the accounting program for processing. Such devices do not have screens to display readable codes and do not provide the ability to download and edit documents from accounting program. At the same time, in conjunction with mobile application for Android they reduce the cost of implementing full-fledged accounting. We also recommend the light terminal.

DOS terminals

For example, Opticon SMART cannot directly transmit a list of products loaded when scanning into a computer. To do this, they require special processor programs (utilities). Working with DOS terminals requires checking compatibility and contacting programmers to implement any changes in goods accounting.

Data collection terminals on
Android or Windows

The most modern TSDs use an OS - these are full-fledged mobile computers that are in constant communication with the accounting program. They will clearly show which product was scanned, check the actual balances with the inventory document loaded into the terminal, and send the document ready for signing to the accounting program.

TSD with mobile Windows version appeared first, so they became widespread.


  • low OS requirements for processor frequency and RAM capacity
  • Low power consumption allows you to work without charging for a long time


Terminals running Android OS appeared less than three years ago, but are quickly gaining popularity thanks to:

  • - lack of complex utilities for working in the accounting program
  • - a natively mobile platform that allows you to enjoy the benefits cloud versions accounting programs such as VLSI
  • - more productive hardware - processor and RAM

The only drawback of Android devices is the shorter battery life. Additional batteries, stands and charging stations for several batteries, and the “hot” battery replacement function will save the most sluggish employees from downtime.

Scanning Device Types

TSDs, like scanners, are equipped with readers of one-dimensional and two-dimensional codes 1D and 2D. Motorola reader modules are recognized as the most reliable.

If you don't have an account alcoholic products or goods marked with QR codes, use a high-quality terminal.

For warehouses with high racks or difficult access to storage areas, “long-range” Long Range terminals are produced. With such a terminal, the storekeeper will be able to take inventory without leaving the forklift (without using a stepladder); the reading range of one-dimensional codes is from 4 to 12 meters, depending on the size of the code printed on the label.

To record goods that are specially marked with radio tags of the RFID standard, terminals with NFC module. It allows you to read RFID tags installed on clothing, medical supplies or jewelry simply by walking past the racks with the terminal. These TSDs include.

Form factor

A data collection terminal with a push-button keyboard is needed by warehouse workers to adjust the names of goods, their quantities, assign a number or other details to a document loaded into the TSD. With the terminal keyboard, the employee will not miss when processing a long list of items.

Degree of protection and working conditions

The main reason for TSD failure is mechanical damage. This is due to the design of 1D and 2D readers, screens and modules Wi-Fi connection shock sensitive. We recommend choosing models that can withstand repeated drops from a height of at least 1.5 m, for example.

TSDs are often used in conditions of pollution and suboptimal humidity. One of key characteristics when choosing, the degree of dust and moisture protection IP. To work in a relatively clean warehouse, it is enough to use a terminal with a protection level of IP 54, and for outdoor work, choose a protection level of at least IP 64. We recommend the model. Learn more about the IP standard.

Remember, you shouldn’t drop or drown the terminal in water on purpose, despite the declared impact resistance and IP rating. Mechanical damage is not considered a warranty claim.