How to distinguish regular batteries from rechargeable ones. Battery marking: characteristics and designation


Ask the seller about the possibility of recharging the selected battery. By technical specifications The battery lasts longer because it is rechargeable. The battery cannot be recharged, which should be confirmed by the message “Do not recharge”. It already carries a charge of electrofluid molecules and will generate electricity until it runs out.

Measure the voltage of your chosen element. For a battery, it will be lower than for a battery. The normal voltage value for a battery is 1.2 volts (V), at 1.6. This characteristic can also be found on the packaging of the selected device.

During operation, check the time during which the battery charge is maintained. The battery gradually, over more long term. It is very difficult to completely discharge a battery, due to the fact that devices powered by battery power stop functioning after the voltage in it drops to a level that is not enough to power it. If your remote control, or any other device begins to work poorly, the screen dims, or it does not work at all, there is a high probability that the battery insufficient level voltage and it needs to be changed.


  • Batteries GP 1100 mAh AAA pinky

How discharged is the voltaic cell or battery? Without instruments, even the simplest ones, this question cannot be answered. Regardless of the type of device, one or two measurements will have to be taken.


Connect to the element or voltmeter. Do not connect the load yet. You will determine electromotive force source. If it consists of several elements, divide the measurement result by their number. A fresh manganese-zinc cell should have an emf of approximately 1.8 V, a nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride cell should have an emf of 1.4 V, a lead cell should have an emf of 2.3 to 2.4 V, and a lithium cell or lithium ion battery- 3.7 V. Do not keep the load connected for too long.

Connect to the cell or battery a load that draws the current for which the cell is designed. At the same time, connect the voltmeter. The measurement result, if there are several elements in the battery, also divide by their number. Voltage under load should drop to 1.5V for Zn-Manganese cell, 1.2V for Ni-Cad or Metal Hydride cell, 2V for Lead-acid cell, 3V for Lithium cell, 3.7V for Li-ion cell battery

To determine the degree of charge of individual cans of a lead-acid battery, use a special device - a load fork. It consists of a voltmeter, wirewound resistor and probes. Choose the right plug depending on the battery capacity. Never connect or disconnect anything to or from a battery if it is nearby or there are other batteries nearby and there is hydrogen in the air.

Devices similar to load forks are also available for conventional galvanic cells and batteries. Select the type of element or battery on such a device, whereby the load resistance and measurement limit will be set. Connect the source, then read the result on the scale.

If the battery is low, charge it. Never charge conventional voltaic cells, especially those containing lithium. For batteries containing lithium in any form, use only factory units.

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General rule says charge batteries it is impossible, but this operation can only be carried out in relation to batteries. But there is an exception to this rule: very small manganese-zinc and silver-zinc watches batteries You can still charge it.


Be sure to check that the watch is actually manganese-zinc or silver-zinc and not lithium. Do not try the latter under any circumstances - it is a fire and explosion hazard. Lithium ones have designations starting with ML and CR, silver-zinc - SC, manganese-zinc - LR, AG. Also, the watch battery must be recently discharged and show no signs of corrosion. Regular (not sentry) batteries They cannot be charged even if they are not lithium.

Check out the clock pinout batteries. A large one, occupying almost the entire area of ​​the body, is usually a positive one, and a protrusion-like one is a negative one. For , for ordinary batteries Frame size AA or AAA the pole arrangement is opposite.

From (clothespins, springs, coins, etc.) make a holder for a watch batteries. The requirements for it are as follows:
- it must hold the battery securely even during shocks;
- short circuit batteries its accidental shift should be completely excluded;
- in the absence of a sentry batteries The source must not be short-circuited;
- the polarity of the clock connection must be clearly marked on the holder batteries.

Take a factory holder for a regular batteries size AA. Connect its positive terminal to the positive contact of a homemade watch holder batteries, and negative - to negative. Rigidly mount all parts on an insulating, non-combustible base.

Insert a watch battery into the device first, and then a regular one. The latter, in order to avoid excess current, must be saline (not alkaline). Both batteries connect, observing polarity. Close the device with an insulating, non-flammable lid.

Wait a few hours. Then disconnect first the regular battery and then the clock battery. Change the latter to hours. It won't last long - about two months, and you can charge it about three more times. Ordinary batteries enough to recharge up to twenty watches.

Almost all modern MP3 players are powered by batteries of various sizes. Sooner or later they wear out. How you replace these components depends on the design of the player.


There are players powered by batteries compatible with batteries from Nokia phones BL series. Turn off the power of such a device, disconnect it from the USB port, having first performed safe deletion device, and then slide the cover on the back of the player. Pry the battery and pull it out. Come with it to the communication store and ask which of the BL series batteries is suitable instead. Hand over the old battery for recycling to DEZ, and install the new one in place, orienting it in the same way as the old one was located, and close the lid.

If your player is powered by a single AAA-size cell, purchase a battery of the same size with as much capacity as possible. It must be nickel metal hydride. Also, purchase or build a charger that can charge one battery of this size, and not just two at the same time. Select the charging current in milliamps equal to 0.1 capacity, expressed in milliamp-hours. To install and remove the battery, open the battery compartment in the same way as you previously did when changing the battery. Observe polarity.

Miniature players with built-in batteries are becoming increasingly common. Before replacing the battery, also disconnect such a device from the USB port, having previously carried out a safe removal. Then turn off its power and disassemble it using a screwdriver. If you use hex screws, use special screwdrivers designed for repairing mobile phones. You will find a battery inside, connected to the board with two wires through a connector. Typically one of the wires is black and the other is red. These are, respectively, the negative and positive poles of the battery.

If the battery is connected to the player board through a connector, simply disconnect it, remembering how this connector was oriented. If it is soldered, unsolder it, avoiding short circuits, and remembering the connection points of the negative and positive poles. Take the battery, also avoiding short circuits, to a store that sells spare parts for players, and buy a new one of the same kind. Then connect it via a connector or by soldering, observing the polarity.

A possible situation is when the store has a battery that is completely suitable in size, electrical parameters and electrochemical system, but having a different connector. Cut off the connector from the old battery and solder it to the wires of the new one, observing polarity, after which carefully insulate the soldering areas. Do not cut both wires at the same time as this may cause a short circuit.

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Do not attempt to charge any batteries containing lithium with homemade chargers.

Without sufficient qualifications, do not attempt to disassemble the players. Apple.

Choose batteries should be based on the power of the devices in which they will be installed. For remote controls or flashlights, the most inexpensive ones are suitable batteries, and for devices such as a camera or player, more expensive and high-quality power supplies will be required.


For simple devices(remote controller remote control, timer, tester, etc.) salt ones are suitable batteries. They have a relatively low cost, but are suitable for powering low-power devices. Such energy sources are marked with the letter R. The second digit of the identifier indicates the size of the product.

If you are choosing elements for devices with high energy consumption (cameras, players, etc.), pay attention to alkaline batteries with higher capacity and longer service life. Such products are marked with the abbreviation LR.

Before buying batteries of a particular brand, pay attention to the quality of the printing of the product packaging and the inscriptions. Fake sources may have the name written incorrectly or have poor-quality paint applied.

When purchasing, look at the expiration date of the item. Do not purchase products that are nearing the end of their useful life. Otherwise, the battery may leak and damage the device in which it is used. The items that last the longest are those used within the first year after their manufacture.

Batteries marked “photo” have increased capacity and are designed for use in cameras. Such products are much more expensive, but they have a longer service life. Photo- batteries are able to release energy faster, which has a positive effect on the speed of operation of the device itself.


Trust only trusted companies. Do not buy items whose names you do not know. The highest quality batteries are made by Kodak and Energizer, but among model range and these manufacturers are found defective goods.

Helpful advice

Do not leave batteries in the battery compartment of the device if you rarely use it.

A salt battery differs from an alkaline battery in weight. A power supply with a shorter service life will have less weight.

Most motorists know that problems with battery battery problems can occur not only when it is undercharged, but also when the battery is overcharged. In other words, the inability to start a car in cold weather is far from the biggest nuisance that happens when the battery is not properly charged and used.

You will need

  • - Charger.


The reason for the failure may be a malfunction of the generator, as a result of which the battery receives excessive power, or the inexperience of the motorist who allowed it to be overcharged. Undercharging during winter frosts can lead to sulfation of the plates and even to a change in the polarity of some cans. In the hot season, overcharging causes destruction of the plus plates and shedding of the active mass. All this leads to a reduction in battery life.

If your car is a car, it's natural to assume that it needs charging. The second sign of its necessity is the electrolyte density below 1.25 g/m3.

When the current strength should not exceed 0.1 A from the value of its capacity. Slow charging more useful . For example, if you are charging a 12 V, 55 A/h battery, the current should not exceed 5.5 A. The charging time will be approximately 10 hours.

From time to time, check the battery voltage, density and temperature of the electrolyte - if it reaches 45 degrees, reduce the current by half or stop charging.

For normal operation, the battery must receive a charge 1.5 times its rated capacity. The excess is spent on chemical transformations.

Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. If the charging current is less than specified, alkaline batteries lose capacity. If the voltage and density of the electrolyte remain constant for 2 hours and gases are released from all cells, the battery is charged.

If the density is adjusted, the battery is charged for 40 minutes at a voltage of 15-16V. In this case, active mixing of the electrolyte occurs.

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These days, batteries are best source power supply for small equipment and electronics, which helps to get rid of wires at least a little. Despite the fact that most manufacturers are now trying to produce their own batteries and chargers, it is still too early to abandon conventional batteries. You just need to know how to choose them correctly.


Decide on the technique. Various techniques consumes different quantities energy, so those batteries that have powered your remote control for many years may not be suitable for the camera at all. Depending on the power, you will need different types this power source.

Select electrolyte type. For devices with low power, carbon-zinc and salt batteries, with average power – alkaline, with high power– lithium and silver.

Depending on your purpose, choose regular or rechargeable batteries. The former, as a rule, have a lower cost and higher capacity. The latter have the ability to recharge, but they also gradually reduce their lifespan.

Alkaline, lithium and silver batteries are very expensive, but they can work for a long time and manage to pay for themselves several times over. Pay attention to the packaging. Manufacturers of quality products always indicate the type of electrolyte on the front side, and in large Russian letters.


Don't throw away batteries. They can cause enormous harm to the environment. It is better to store them in a separate place and then take them to a recycling point.

Helpful advice

If nothing is written on the packaging, then it is better not to buy such batteries; they are often sold already discharged.

Wireless computer mouse, remote control, flashlight - these are just a few household appliances that should always be at your fingertips at home. Working condition they are allowed to support batteries and accumulators. If the latter are suitable only for one-time use, then the former can be extended with the help of charger and apply for a long time. To make the necessary Appliances functioned without problems, it is important to know the difference between batteries and rechargeable batteries.

What is the difference between a battery and an accumulator

To distinguish a battery from an accumulator, pay attention to the labels on the battery. On a regular one with an alkaline or saline electrolyte, battery (“”), alkaline (translated as “alkaline”), do not recharge (“do not recharge”) are indicated.

The battery must have an energy capacity in milliamperes - mAh. This inscription is not indicated on batteries. In addition, the designation may be rechargeable (translated as “rechargeable”) or standardcharge (“standard charge”). The inscriptions Ni-Mh and Ni-Cd indicate that in front of you is a nickel-metal hydride or nickel-cadmium battery.

If possible, check the operation of the battery in practice. A regular battery discharges quite quickly, but not completely. With help little trick you can extend the battery life for a while. To do this, just remember it with pliers or another hard object. The battery discharges gradually. The charge can be restored using a charger.

You can determine what is in front of you - a battery or an accumulator - by checking the voltage with a measuring device: or a voltmeter. The battery voltage is always lower than the battery. For the first, it is usually 1.2 volts, and for a regular battery, as a rule, it is 1.6 volts. This may also be indicated on the battery packaging.

A significant factor in a battery-powered battery is the price: the cost of the former will be much higher. Only lithium batteries, comparable in cost to Ni-MH batteries. Such batteries can be identified by the inscription Lithium.

If you do not have the opportunity to check the properties of the power source or you doubt your assumptions, consult a sales consultant about this, he certainly should know what kind of product he is selling.

Which is better - a battery or a rechargeable battery?

It is impossible to clearly answer the question - a battery or an accumulator. Here, much will depend on the conditions in which the devices will be used, on the characteristics of the load they place on the batteries.

The alkaline battery is the most common and versatile type of battery used for power various devices. It gets its name from the alkaline potassium chloride electrolyte it contains.

Principle of operation

Every alkaline battery has two ends or poles - a positive and negative terminal. Inside the battery, a chemical reaction creates free electrons that collect on the negative. However, if the negative terminal in the circuit is not connected to the positive terminal, the chemical reaction stops and no more occurs. It is for this reason that an alkaline battery can sit on a shelf for a long time and still have enough energy to operate. If it is not used, the battery will not discharge over a long period of time.

Typically, a battery is used as a source of energy when some device is connected to it. For example, electric motor, light bulbs in a flashlight or radio. Electrons flow from the negative terminal of the battery and travel through the wire to the device. These electrons then transfer energy to the device and travel to the positive terminal of the battery. This completes the circuit, allowing the chemical reaction to continue and the battery to generate more electrons. When the device is turned off, the circuit opens so that electrons can no longer circulate. Thus, the battery stops producing electrons since the terminals are no longer connected to each other.

History of the invention of alkaline batteries

Invented in the 1960s, the alkaline battery is one of the most modern species batteries used. The first battery was created by scientist Alessandro Volta in 1800. Volta created his battery by alternating layers of zinc, paper soaked in salt water, and silver. The more layers there were, the higher the voltage in such a battery. This type of battery was known as a voltaic battery. Modern alkaline batteries still use the same principles as the voltaic column, namely: two various types metal separated by a liquid that conducts electricity, with negative and positive terminals.

New type of batteries

One of the latest achievements was the creation of a reusable alkaline battery. The use of new substances and materials makes it possible not only to charge such a battery, unlike a traditional alkaline battery, but also to retain the charge for many years, unlike other types of batteries. These batteries represent energy storage that is available to the consumer, on the one hand, and does not harm the environment, on the other.

In particular, they can contaminate water, soil and damage wildlife. Cadmium can harm microorganisms and negatively affect the decomposition of organic matter. It can also accumulate in fish, reducing their quantity and making them unfit for human consumption.

In addition, batteries contain alkaline and acidic components, heavy metals (mercury, lithium, lead, zinc, cobalt).

Which batteries are more dangerous - disposable or rechargeable batteries?

Both disposable and rechargeable batteries are used in households.

Batteries are used in mobile phones, laptops, computers, digital video cameras, cameras. They contain hazardous environment nickel and cadmium compounds, nickel hydride and lithium.

Disposable batteries are used in flashlights, toys, smoke detectors, wall clocks, calculators, radios and remote controls. These are alkaline batteries in which a chemical reaction is converted into an electrical reaction. They contain zinc and manganese. Disposable batteries are less harmful than rechargeable batteries, but they are more likely to be thrown away and generate more waste.

What happens to used batteries and accumulators

When they are thrown out with other trash, batteries end up in landfills. Their toxic components penetrate into the water and soil, polluting lakes and streams, making the water unsuitable for drinking, fishing and swimming. If it rains over such a place, toxic substances will penetrate deeper into the soil along with the rainwater. There will be an increased likelihood that they will end up in groundwater.

Some chemicals from batteries can react with other waste to form very dangerous compounds.

In some cases, toxic substances can cause serious harm to humans, animals and plants. For example, this happens when non-food items are constantly thrown into the same place. a large number of waste, or when a large amount of toxic is thrown out at one time.

Humans and animals can be exposed to harmful components through inhalation, ingestion and skin contact. For example, a person may inhale contaminated water vapor while taking a shower. He may also eat foods contaminated with toxic substances. The most common type of poisoning of the human body with toxic substances occurs due to contaminated drinking water. If a toxic substance gets on human skin, infection also occurs.

The consequences of such exposure for human health can be very different, from skin burns in the event of a leak in an alkaline battery to chronic diseases.

With constant exposure to toxic substances, diseases such as cancer, liver failure, and delayed development and growth in children can develop. The danger from toxic substances also lies in the fact that some of them accumulate in the body and do not manifest themselves immediately. When their number reaches a critical level, serious health problems arise.

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Life modern man unthinkable without the presence portable devices, significantly simplifying life, making it more comfortable, simpler and saving a lot of time. All of these devices operate either through direct contact with a power source (via an electrical cord and plug) or through batteries and rechargeable systems. Depending on the required power of the device, conventional alkaline and alkaline batteries or rechargeable batteries are most often used. For example, for the functioning of a wall clock, a AA or mini AA battery is sufficient, but for the uninterrupted and long-term operation of a camera or blood pressure monitor, more powerful battery systems are needed. The power of standard batteries is on average 1.6 Volts, and rechargeable batteries are 1.2 Volts. When purchasing, you should know what to look for and how to distinguish a battery from an accumulator. The most simple option It is better to ask the manager how these elements differ from each other, but it is better to have the required knowledge personally.

Difference between a battery and a battery system

There is a wide variety of conventional alkaline and alkaline batteries, and the price of the products can vary greatly, depending on the manufacturer. As for rechargeable batteries, they appearance, at first glance, indistinguishable from standard batteries. When conducting a cost assessment, standard batteries are several times cheaper than rechargeable batteries due to their shorter service life and lack of recharging capabilities. Accordingly, when purchasing this product, you should be guided not only by the price factor, but also carefully study the information on the label.

To know how to distinguish a regular battery from rechargeable battery, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • The most important thing is to pay attention to the markings. It is the marking that will allow you to determine what type of system is on display. Batteries are subject to repeated recharging, so the label always contains a rather large inscription on English language“rechargeable”, meaning the ability to be recharged; accordingly, regular batteries should have a similar inscription “do not rechargeable”, literally translated as “not subject to recharge”. Also on the label there may be the inscription “lithium”, which is typical only for ordinary batteries, it means increased power, and, accordingly, a longer service life, or the inscription in English “alkaline”, which is characteristic only for ordinary batteries and indicates their type;
  • The defining difference between batteries and rechargeable batteries is their voltage. For standard batteries, it usually varies from 1.5 to 1.6 Volts, and rechargeable batteries have a voltage from 1.2 to 1.25 Volts. This information usually present on the label. But you can determine this yourself using standard electrical partings, using a multimeter or voltmeter;
  • On AA battery There must be a number of symbols indicating its type. NI-CD – the manufacturing material is nickel, and the technology used is cadmium technology. NI-MH - these elements are characterized by a nickel-metal hydride battery type;
  • To determine the type of battery system, you should pay attention to its capacity, which is measured in milliamps per hour (mAh). It can have different values, for example, 650, 750, 1200, 2000 mAh. This inscription, as a rule, has very large dimensions, and also stands out brighter color scheme. Depending on the power of the device, preference is given to the right type. For example, for home telephone set A power of 750-800 mAh is quite enough, but for a camera it is better to give preference to capacities over 2500 mAh. This is also a significant factor that determines the difference between a battery and a finger cell.

It's no secret that batteries are used only once, and after they are completely discharged, their further fate is quite obvious - they turn into garbage. A battery is by definition disposable, but you can use rechargeable batteries instead of batteries, recharging them and bringing them back to life.
Probably many people know that on a regular AA battery you can find something like this: “Do not disassemble, load or throw into fire.” And if everything is very clear about fire and opening the battery case, then certain questions may arise regarding charging.
First of all, charging batteries is a dangerous activity. When charging, the battery may boil, catch fire, or even explode, which can result in chemical and thermal burns, injuries, and a fire hazard. In addition, charging the battery is futile, because... No matter how long the charging lasts, the battery will not charge. This is the main difference between batteries and regular batteries - they are distinguished by the possibility of charging and the lack thereof.
Rechargeable batteries, like batteries, vary depending on their type. What types of batteries are there? There are not so few of them. When it comes to mp3 players, mobile phones, digital cameras and other electronic gadgets, then we can talk about four types rechargeable batteries: lithium - ion, lithium - polymer, nickel - cadmium And nickel - metal hydride. As for the first two types, they can be found primarily in mobile phones, smartphones, communicators. And if we are talking about ordinary finger (size marking - AA) or little finger (size marking - AAA) batteries, then you should take a closer look at the last two types. Finger or little finger batteries come in these two types. It is about them that will be discussed further.
Nickel-cadmium batteries (labeled Ni-Cd) have a significantly lower capacity compared to their nickel-metal hydride (labeled Ni-MH) counterparts. The capacity of a battery is a value that shows how much electricity it can “absorb”. The higher the capacity, the longer the power receiver powered by them, for example a regular flashlight, will work. The disadvantage of nickel-cadmium batteries is a pronounced memory effect.
Memory effect is the inability of a battery to fully charge unless it has first been completely discharged. The memory effect is “curable” full discharge and subsequent full charge.
Before using Ni-Cd batteries for the first time, they must be fully charged and then completely discharged.
Nickel-metal hydride batteries do not have a memory effect and have a capacity that is several times higher than that of nickel-cadmium batteries. For example, if on average most Ni - Cd batteries of the AA form factor have a capacity of 650 - 750 milliampere hours (mAh), then Ni - MH batteries can reach a capacity of 2650 mAh. Of course, the charging time for such batteries is much longer. Their disadvantage is a strong reduction in capacity when working in cold weather. Ni-Cd batteries do not have this drawback - they are not afraid of the cold. Ni-MH batteries will reach their full electrical capacity only after several full discharges and subsequent full charges. Therefore, before using new Ni-MH batteries, they must be fully charged and completely discharged several times, observing the charge-discharge cycle.
How to charge batteries? First of all, you need a special charger for charging. The charging time can be found in the table at the end of the article, or it can be calculated using the universal formula: the battery capacity must be multiplied by a factor of 1.4 and divided by the current supplied by the charger (t = E x 1.4 / I). The battery capacity and current of the charger can be found on the corresponding labels. For example, if the battery capacity is 2000 mAh, and the current supplied by the charger is 100 mAh, then the charging time will be: 2000 mAh x 1.4 / 100 mAh = 28 h, i.e. fully charged These batteries will be charged in 28 hours using this charger.
There are many models on the market for modern chargers to suit every taste. The simplest chargers stand out primarily for their low cost. Mid-range chargers have additional features. For example, some of them have a timer, with which, after expiration, specified interval charging time automatically stops. But this does not relieve the user of the need to calculate the required charging time himself. The same cannot be said about the happy owners of “comfort” class chargers. Such chargers, as a rule, come complete with the batteries themselves; they can charge batteries of different form factors and even calculate the required charging time. Such a device itself determines the type of battery, its capacity and sets the required current, and after the charging process is completed, the device turns off. Expensive charging stations luxury class, having the ability to connect to a computer, not only automatically recognize the type of batteries and set the required charging mode, but also display the results on the display. They also have many various functions, for example, the "turbo" mode, in which the batteries can be charged in 30 - 40 minutes, or, conversely, the gentle charging mode, which will revive even old battery, because the lower the current, the longer the charging process takes and the longer the battery life will be. If necessary, such stations can not only charge, but also complete discharge in order to avoid memory effect.

Professional charger equipped with an LCD display to display service information such as charge time, charge voltage and current.

Tip: ONLY store batteries in a charged state.
Battery type
Charging time, h, I=100 mAh
Ni - Cd, 400 mAh, AA
Ni - Cd, 650 mAh, AA9.1
Ni - Cd, 750 mAh, AA10.5
Ni - Cd, 900 mAh, AA12.5
Ni - MH, 950 mAh, AAA13.5
Ni - MH, 2000 mAh, AA28
Ni - MH, 2450 mAh, AA34.5

Habitual everyday life filled with useful parts and devices. They make our life comfortable, technologically advanced and significantly simplify many tasks. However, most of them require certain power sources to operate. Stationary household appliances are most often equipped with a cord, smaller and mobile technology– batteries or accumulators. When choosing a power source for the device, you should keep in mind that batteries have a certain life, while batteries can last longer due to cyclic recharging. To distinguish one from the other, you should carefully examine the product when purchasing. What to look for?

The first way a battery visually differs from a battery is the designation of capacity in milliamperes per hour (mAh). Most often, this inscription is large and immediately catches the eye. The higher the indicated figure, the longer the battery will last without a charger. The Ni-Mh or Ni-Cd marking specifies the chemical composition of the battery. Batteries do not display capacity information. Alkaline power supplies are labeled “alkaline” or “battery”. Please pay attention to the price tag. The cost of rechargeable batteries is an order of magnitude higher than the price of conventional ones, and than more power

has a battery, the higher its cost. It is also affected by the number of recharge cycles. An exception may be lithium batteries - such energy carriers are designated “lithium”, have increased power, but their reuse is still excluded. Fundamental difference

Battery – Possibility of repeated recharging. This is indicated by the inscription “rechargeable”. If it says “do not recharge”, you have a battery in front of you. If it is possible to check the voltage of the batteries using special measuring instruments

– multimeter or voltmeter, you will get a quantitative difference. The voltage of regular batteries is about 1.6 V, rechargeable batteries are about 1.2 V. You can distinguish a regular battery from a rechargeable battery during operation. The battery functions as long as its charge is sufficient to operate the device. Afterwards, its life can be extended only by placing it in another device that requires less power. If the operation of the device is provided by a battery, it will last longer, discharge gradually, and after the resource has been completely exhausted, it will be enough to charge it using special device

You can determine the difference between a rechargeable battery and an alkaline battery during an inspection by checking for the presence of certain symbols. If doubts still remain, you should seek advice from the seller, if there is one in the store. It is worth remembering that the decision to choose an energy carrier for a particular device is made taking into account the intensity of its operation, the required power and the conditions of use. In this matter, it is better to follow the recommendations of the device manufacturer.

With the help of various inscriptions, the manufacturer communicates information to customers that may have a certain value. So in in this case- the design and marking of the batteries are well described on them. Just what is there? If we read the information provided, what will it tell us?

Why is labeling necessary?

It allows you to judge a whole range of parameters and properties. What can battery labeling tell us? The date of manufacture, characteristics such as capacity and rated voltage, country of manufacture and much more are indicated on the label. It should be noted that the designation may vary depending on the country of manufacture of the product. Thus, the labeling of Japanese ones differs from those manufactured in the CIS. But let's talk about everything in order.

What about batteries?

A battery is a product whose manufacturing date has a significant impact on its characteristics that are valuable to the consumer. Its durability and performance depend on how fresh the power source is in front of us. Therefore, when purchasing, they evaluate not only technical specifications, such as: electrolyte density and voltmeter indicator, but also marking battery. Complicating this matter a little is the fact that there are no common standards. If we talk about labeling, then the maximum that can be done is to separate individual brands into small groups. Regarding shelf life, most manufacturers more or less agree on how long batteries can last:

  1. For antimony, this period is up to three months.
  2. Hybrids can store six.
  3. Calcium supplements have a duration of twelve months.

There is one interesting aspect to note. So, an important element is not only the marking of the batteries, year of manufacture and month, but also what type of power source we are now dealing with.

What parameters are important to us?

For us, the following properties of batteries are important, for which there are markings on the case:

  1. Nominal and reserve capacity. The first parameter is determined by the amount of energy that is given off by a fully charged battery during a twenty-hour discharge. It is measured in ampere hours (Ah). Let's look at an example: we have a battery with a capacity of 40 Ah. For twenty hours it will be able to give us a current of 2.5A. In practice, reserve capacity is also important. This parameter is measured in minutes. So, if we consider batteries for passenger cars that are under a load of 25A and the voltage has dropped to 10.5V, then the quality indicator will be at least 1.5 hours of operation. During this period of time, it will be able to work both for itself and instead of the generator.
  2. batteries. It is formed from the parameters various batteries, and it makes sense to check this indicator in cases where a complex device is selected.
  3. Cold crank current. This parameter determines whether the battery can be started at low temperatures. What does this mean in practice? Cold cranking current is the amount that a battery can deliver at a temperature of -18 o C in ten seconds, provided that the voltage is not less than 7.5V. The higher this indicator, the easier it will be to start car engine in winter.

The battery markings may be written down in a completely unclear way. Date of manufacture - ab553446bu - here's how to an ordinary person understand what this means? So that you don’t have such questions, let’s move on to how to be able to read and understand what is written.

Labeling of batteries produced in the CIS

If we talk about the products that we distribute, then six parameters are important to us:

  1. Brief excerpt of data. This information, placed from left to right, tells us the number of cans that are used in the battery, its purpose and capacity, the type of lid and battery (dry charged or flooded).
  2. Rated voltage. In the majority modern designs cars and motorcycles use batteries in which this parameter is 12V.
  3. Battery capacity. It is indicated in ampere-hours and indicates the amount of charge that is given off during use. So, if the battery has a rating of 20 Ah and 12V, this means that at a voltage of 120V it can only work for 120 minutes. If this indicator is reduced by 10 times to 12V, then the battery will be able to support the device for 20 hours.
  4. Reserve capacity.
  5. Measured in amperes. The higher this indicator, the better the engine starts using the starter. This parameter is especially relevant for motorists in winter.
  6. Battery weight in kilograms.
  7. Polarity signs. Many people ignore this parameter, but in vain. After all, if you do not take it into account, then it may turn out that the wire length is simply not enough, and the battery simply cannot be connected. There are two types of polarity: direct and reverse. So, if the plus is on the left, then we are dealing with the first type. When placed on the right, it is reverse polarity.

We looked at what the “battery marking” characteristic is. Now let's get acquainted with the properties of these devices.

Space, FB, Uno, Dominator, FireBall, "Kursk battery"

For example, their battery marking looks like this: 0716 1 25346. The first four digits indicate the production date. First comes the month (seventh), and then the year (sixteenth). The unit is used to indicate the shift that assembled the given battery. The last five digits indicate the serial number of the manufactured battery. This indicator is reset to zero at the beginning of a new month.

Labeling that belongs to the heavy group is carried out a little differently. Let's take the number: 14016143. This tells us the following parameters: this battery has a capacity of 140 Ah. It was created in 2016, in the first half of the year, its fourth month (April) by brigade No. 3. As you can see, nothing complicated.

"Tyumen Bear", Arctic Batbear, Tyumen Batbear, "Yamal"

Their battery label is on the side opposite to where the central label is. Conventional devices are marked with six digits, of which the first two indicate the month, and the remaining four indicate the year. So, 032016 means that the battery was manufactured in March 2016. Only four digits are used to mark the heavy group. The option just considered will be marked as 0316.

"Aktech", "Orion", "Beast"

To mark them, four-digit numbers in the form MM.YY are used. So, 0316 means that this battery was manufactured in March 2016.

Cobat, Titan (Euro Silver, Standard, Arctic Silver, Vaiper, Asia Silver)

They use a combination of numbers and letters. The code has five characters. The first indicates the day of the week when the device was made. The second and third characters are used to indicate the week's serial number (that is, from one to fifty-three). Used as a quadruple latin letter, which indicates the year (therefore, when choosing a battery, you must study the table provided by the manufacturer). The last character is used to indicate the brigade number. Let's take number 208A1. It is deciphered as follows:

  1. 2 - made on Tuesday.
  2. 08 - in the eighth week.
  3. A - in 2016.
  4. 1 - first shift.


The marking code is located on the top cover. It consists of as many as twenty-four characters. But don't worry - we only need three of them. The fourth symbol represents the year, and the fifth and sixth symbols represent the month. Let's take this example: G2С6030520991 536528 82E 09. 6 - this means that the battery was produced in 2016, and 03 - in March.


Has a six-digit code. The first character indicates the line number where the battery was assembled, the second - the year, the third and fourth - the month, and the fifth and sixth - the date of assembly. Let's take the number 460319. This means that the battery was produced on the fourth line on March 19, 2016.

Furukawa Battery (SuperNova), Panasonic

Their marking is carried out according to the principle HH.MM.YY. So, if the numbers on the battery are 180316, this means that the battery was manufactured on March 18, 2016.

Topla, Moratti

Here fourteen symbols are used for marking. The third and fourth indicate the year of production. And the fifth and sixth - a week. So, if we take the marking F1160600941864, this means that we have a battery that was manufactured in February 2016.