Skype windows xp crashes. Skype problems: program freezes

Probably the most annoying problem of any program is its freezing. Waiting for a long time for an application to respond is very annoying, and in some cases, even after a long period of time, its functionality is not restored. Similar problems happen with Skype. Let's look at the main reasons why Skype lags, and also find out how to fix the problem.

One of the most common problems The reason why Skype freezes is because the computer's operating system is overloaded. This leads to Skype not responding when performing relatively resource-intensive actions, for example, crashing when making a call. Sometimes the sound disappears during a conversation. The root of the problem may lie in one of two things: either your computer or operating system do not correspond minimum requirements for Skype to work, or running a large number of RAM-consuming processes.

In the first case, we can only advise using more new technology or operating system. If they cannot work with Skype, then this means they are significantly outdated. Everything is more or less modern computers at correct setting They work without problems with Skype.

But the second problem is not so difficult to fix. In order to find out whether “heavy” processes are “eating up” the RAM, launch the Task Manager. This can be done by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

Go to the “Processes” tab and see which processes load the processor the most and consume the computer’s RAM. If it is not system processes, and in this moment you do not use programs associated with them, then simply select unnecessary element, and click on the “End process” button.

But, here it is very important to understand which process you are disabling and what it is responsible for. And thoughtless actions can only bring harm.

It's even better to remove it unnecessary processes from autorun. In this case, you will not have to use the Task Manager every time to disable processes in order to work with Skype. The fact is that many programs, when installed, register themselves in autorun and are loaded into background along with the startup of the operating system. This way they work in the background even when you don't need them. If there are one or two such programs, then it’s okay, but if their number approaches ten, then this is already a serious problem.

The most convenient way is to remove processes from startup using special utilities. One of the best of them is. Let's launch this program, and go to the “Service” section.

The window displays programs that have been added to startup. We select those applications that we do not want to load along with the launch of the operating system. After that, click the “Turn off” button.

After this, the process will be removed from startup. But, as with the Task Manager, it is also very important to understand what exactly you are disabling.

Freezes when starting the program

Quite often you can encounter a situation where Skype freezes at startup, which prevents you from performing any actions in it. This problem is caused by problems with the Shared.xml configuration file. Therefore, you will need to delete this file. Don’t worry, after deleting this element and then launching Skype, the file will be generated by the program again. But, this time there is a significant chance that the application will start working without unpleasant freezes.

Before proceeding with deleting the Shared.xml file, you should completely . To prevent an application from continuing to run in the background, it is best to end its processes through the Task Manager.

We move to the folder with data for the Skype program. We are looking for the Shared.xml file. Click on it right click mouse, and in the list of actions that appears, select “Delete”.

After removal this file configuration, launch Skype program. If the application starts, then the problem was precisely in the Shared.xml file.

Full reset

If deleting the Shared.xml file did not help, you can full reset Skype settings.

Close Skype again and call up the “Run” window. Enter the command %appdata% there. Click on the “OK” button to go to the desired directory.

We find a folder called “Skype”. We give it any other name (for example, old_Skype), or move it to another directory on the hard drive.

After that, launch Skype and watch. If the program no longer lags, then resetting the settings helped. But the fact is that when you reset the settings, all messages and other important data are deleted. To be able to restore all this, we did not delete the “Skype” folder, but simply renamed or moved it. Then, you should move the data that you consider necessary from the old folder to the new one. It is especially important to move the main.db file, since this is where correspondence is stored.

If the attempt to reset the settings is unsuccessful, and Skype continues to freeze, then in this case, you can always return old folder previous name, or move it to its place.

Virus attack

Enough common cause Program freezing is caused by the presence of viruses in the system. This applies not only to Skype, but also to other applications. Therefore, if you notice Skype freezing, it would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses. If freezing is observed in other applications, then this is simply necessary. Scan to malicious code It is recommended to carry out it from another computer, or from a USB drive, since the antivirus on an infected PC will most likely not display the threat.

Reinstalling Skype

It can also help solve the freezing problem. At the same time, if you have installed outdated version, then it will be rational to the last. If you already have the latest version, then perhaps the way out would be to “roll back” the program to a more recent version. earlier versions when the problem has not yet been observed. Naturally, the last option is temporary while the developers new version will not fix compatibility errors.

As you can see, there are many reasons why Skype freezes. Of course, it is best to immediately establish the cause of the problem, and only then, based on this, build a solution to the problem. But, as practice shows, it is quite difficult to immediately establish the cause. Therefore, you have to act by trial and error. The main thing is to understand what exactly you are doing, so that later you can return everything to its previous state.

PC users often complain that Skype crashes on startup. This error can cause a lot of trouble. How to deal with it? Why does she appear? Today we will definitely deal with such issues. In reality, fixing the situation is easier than it seems. And even a novice user will be able to restore Skype functionality.

Program settings

In fact, there are many solutions to the error being studied. Skype crashes on startup? You can try to correct the situation by deleting the messenger settings file. By getting rid of it, a person will be able to work normally with the application.

  1. Quit the messenger completely.
  2. Open "My Computer" on PC.
  3. Go to C/users/username/AppData/Roaming.
  4. Open the Skype folder.
  5. Select the shared.xml document.
  6. Delete the specified document.

Now you can try to log into Skype. It is possible that this technique will work. However, it cannot completely correct the situation and only works in exceptional cases.

Unlinking "account"

Does Skype crash on startup? The next tip is to unlink your account Skype recording from Microsoft. Sometimes this connection leads to crashes and problems with the application.

To bring your idea to life, you will need:

  1. Go to
  2. On the right top corner click on "Login".
  3. Log in to the system using your username and password.
  4. Go to "Personal Account" - "Accounts".
  5. Find Microsoft.
  6. Click on the "Cancel connection" button.

All that remains now is to confirm the operation and try again with the messenger. Does Skype still crash when you launch it? Then you will have to act differently.


If Skype crashes on startup, this may mean that the installed version of the program is not supported. Rarely, but such a situation still occurs in practice.

What to do? Update Skype. You can do it like this:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. In the login window, select "Help" - "About Skype".
  3. Click on the "Check for updates" button.
  4. Agree with the installation of new software if it is detected.

A person can also update the messenger himself. To do this you will need:

  1. Open in your browser.
  2. Go to the program version selection section.
  3. Download latest build Software for your operating system.
  4. Launch the installer.
  5. Follow the installer's instructions to complete the process.

The update didn't help either? Does Skype crash over and over again when you launch it, or even freeze? There is no cause for concern. After all, a mistake can be corrected in different ways.

Antivirus and firewall

For example, by disabling some services important to the OS. These often include firewalls and antiviruses.

To turn off the first application, you need to:

  1. Open "Start" - "Control Panel".
  2. Set the display to "By categories" in the window that appears.
  3. Go to the "System and Security" section.
  4. Click on "Firewall".
  5. Click on the line "Disable and enable".
  6. In the window that appears on the right side of the screen, select “Turn off” everywhere.
  7. Save changes.

An antivirus is usually disabled by right-clicking on its tray icon and selecting the "Exit" command. As soon as the listed services are closed, you can resume working with the messenger. It is possible that the complaint that Skype freezes at startup and even crashes will be eliminated.


If, during startup, the messenger suddenly began to show an error, crash, and become glitchy in every way, it’s time to roll back the operating system. It's hard to believe, but such a technique sometimes turns out to be very effective.

Does it give you an error when launching Skype? The OS rollback is carried out as follows:

  1. Enter the start menu.
  2. Go to "All Programs" - "Standard".
  3. Open the "Service" item.
  4. Select "Windows Recovery".
  5. Agree with the warning and mark the desired rollback point.
  6. Click "Next".

All that remains is to wait for the operation to complete. During the rollback, the operating system will reboot several times. This is normal.

Complete reinstallation

Does it give you an error when launching Skype? This problem is most often solved very simply - by completely removing and reinstalling the messenger. It is advisable to install it on your computer immediately latest version BY.

To remove Skype you need to:

  1. Go to "Control Panel".
  2. Open "Add or Remove Programs" - "Uninstall".
  3. Find in the appeared Skype window and highlight it.
  4. Right-click and select "Delete".

The removal wizard's instructions will help you complete the operation without any conflicts. It is also recommended to get rid of residual documents. To do this in search bar The OS needs to write %appdata% and then find and delete the Skype folder. Nothing difficult or unclear!


There is another fairly common mistake when logging into Skype. It's called Kernel32. In this case, the user sees a message indicating that there are problems detecting this library.

Got a Kernel32 error when launching Skype? Then the user needs to install an update package for his OS. This is usually done using the center Windows updates. But missing library you can download it yourself and load it into C/Windows/System32.

Users very often encounter a situation where Skype crashes on startup - immediately after entering the username and password. The application closes spontaneously, playing an exit sound. account and automatically returns to the start window with empty fields to add data. Sometimes the operating time may be slightly extended and the program will crash during a call or other action. All interface elements remain in place, there is an Internet connection and there are no obvious reasons for the error.

What is it connected with? incorrect work software? Next, we will try to figure out this problem and find several ways to solve it.

Why Skype crashes and how to fix it

If the above method did not help and the problem persists, you should:

  1. Close the program (not just by minimizing it to tray, but by completing the process using the “Exit” button).
  2. Open C:\\Users\Profile_name\AppData\Roaming\Skype\.
  3. Find and delete the shared.xml file.
  4. Relaunch the application.

If you could not find the specified file, turn on the display of hidden folders.

In the event that both options do not help, an emergency measure is applied, which consists of complete removal the program and all its components, as well as files associated with it. To accomplish this - after standard installation open the Skype folder, which is located at the above path and move it to the Trash. If you wish, you can clean the registry from “traces” of software using specialized utilities.

Download the most latest issue application and you will no longer encounter Skype crashing on startup.

Of all the programs used for voice communication and conferences, Skype is the most popular. They can no longer do without this program not only simple people, but also many companies forced to. Every year this software becomes more advanced, but users are still faced with the fact that Skype crashes. It’s not hard to guess that when this problem arises, important deals, meetings, and negotiations often break down. If Skype has disappeared, in order to quickly fix the program, you need to find the cause of the failure and perform a series of actions.

Reason one: inappropriate version of the program or weak computer

A lot of people are too conservative, so they update software on your computer too rarely. If the program does not work, it means that some old and outdated version is being used. In addition, on desktop computer you should only run the “worker” version windows desktop" Tablets and smartphones have their own program options, and they also differ in the type of operating system.

Before installing a new release. Very often the usual removal procedure is not enough, so again installed Skype crashes, finding the saved files of the previous release. To prevent this from happening, before installation you need to go to the folder located at C:\\Users\Your account name\AppData\Roaming\, and delete the Skype folder from there. If you can't find the folder, use the search. After this, everything should work fine. If any conflicts arise again, you can download a registry cleaning utility before installation and clear all lines in it with the name Skype.

When installing new versions, do not forget about the system requirements. For voice calls and correspondence you will need a processor with a frequency of 1 GHz and 256 MB random access memory. If your computer is weaker, look in the archive for older versions. But it’s better to do a comprehensive computer upgrade. Do not forget that for video calls the program requires at least Core processor 2 Duo 1.8 GHz, 512 MB of RAM and an Internet connection at 512 kbps. With weaker computer characteristics, the program may also close very unexpectedly.

Reason two: incorrect software environment

If Skype suddenly disappeared after launching, you should go to the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and rename system file amdfix.sys to amdfix.sys.old. After a reboot, as a rule, the program starts working stably.

DirectX required component for Skype work

If Skype crashes, it is possible that the software environment does not meet the requirements set by the developer. Often the window is minimized without even displaying an error describing the code. The official website states that the program does not work without Framework Qt 4.6, D-Bus 1.0.0 and Pulse Audio 4.0 for Linux and DirectX 9.0 for Windows. For enterprise versions of Windows, you must also download and install the Media Feature Pack. All these are official requirements. Users often write that the latest Skype developments do not work without installed update Flash Player. After installing the update, Skype stops crashing, oddly enough.

If Skype suddenly disappeared immediately after launching, then you need to check whether all drivers are installed correctly. To do this, go to “My Computer” - “Device Manager” and see if the installed equipment red marks and question marks. If the drivers are installed, but the program still does not work, then you need to update them to current version. The main attention should be paid to the video card, sound card and webcam. In addition, you can try turning off the equipment one by one and try running the program without it. This will allow you to determine which part is causing the conflict. A driver problem may also be indicated by “ blue screen death”, which appears after trying to call or go to the “Settings” section.

If during a conference the images of your interlocutors disappear or the program freezes, you should look for a program on your computer for splitting the video stream SplitCam. If it is, then you need to delete the IPcam folder in the root directory of the program. The same needs to be done if Skype disappears after switching the keyboard to a different input language.

If the program freezes or crashes during download, it may be that your antivirus or firewall is blocking it. In order to fix the problem, you need to add Skype to the exclusion list.

At installing Skype just now installed version Windows, where available latest versions drivers, no conflicts should arise. The program usually freezes either due to old hardware or outdated software environment. There can be quite a few reasons for this, as follows from what was written above.

Skype sometimes has problems. Skype may crash after launching or after entering your username or password. An account may open, but then close almost immediately. There is a complete exit from Skype. The program does not function and, accordingly, it is impossible to work on it. Why does Skype crash? What to do in this situation?

Delete shared.xml

If Skype crashes, there may be a problem in the shared.xml file. It stores all the current utility settings. Typically, when you change settings, the old data is replaced by the new data in this file. Therefore, it constantly changes its size. The failure is resolved manual removal this file. Where can I find it?

  • Go to system disk C. There, go sequentially to the following folders: Users>Username>AppData>Roaming>Skype.
  • Find a document called shared.xml in the destination folder. Without a doubt we will delete it.

Unlinking from your Microsoft account

Skype began to crash constantly after Microsoft bought the program. The glitch is due to the fact that the Skype profile is linked to a Microsoft account.

  • Go to the following address:
  • Login to your Personal Area using login and password.
  • In the list of enabled features, look for Microsoft account.
  • Click on the “Cancel connection” button.

In the same way, try to unlink your Skype account and your account. social network Facebook. This can also help when Skype crashes on startup.

Updating Skype

The program can shut down immediately after launch, during a call, and even after re-authorization. May I help . It is usually updated in automatic mode. What to do if this doesn't happen? Then we update manually.

Go to the official website of the program and download the installation file for your OS version. When you run the installer, second Skype won't install - just old version will be replaced with a new one. The launch problem will be resolved.

Complete reinstallation of Skype

This is an extreme but effective method. If Skype crashes on startup after application previous methods, you need to reinstall the program.

Uninstall the program through the Programs and Features window or using third party utility, for example CCleaner or Uninstall Tools. The second method is better, as it helps get rid of those junk files, for example, registry entries that remain standard after deletion using Windows, that is, after this it is advisable to clean everything manually in the Registry Journal. How can such files interfere with reinstallation? Conflicts may arise, which will again lead to malfunctions in the messenger.

In addition, you need to get rid of Skype folders in the Roaming directory AppData folder. After this, you can safely begin installing the new version of Skype.

2.Click on the “Download Skype for Windows” button.

3.Now you need to run the downloaded file and follow the instructions of the simple installer. The main thing is to choose the right language at the very beginning. Skype will install almost automatically and quite quickly. All you have to do is enter your account login information.

What else can you do?

Try logging into Skype using a different account. Perhaps the problem is in your profile - that’s why Skype keeps crashing. If the error disappears, this means you can try deleting the profile.

Copy the following path to Windows Explorer: C:\\Users\Your_profile_name\AppData\Roaming\Skype\. Find the folder with your login there. If there are several profiles, simply delete the unnecessary ones. Most likely there is a conflict occurring.

You also need to set the system compatibility mode. For this:

  • Click right key mouse over the Skype shortcut on the desktop.
  • Open the last section "Properties".
  • In the “Compatibility” block, check the line “Run the program in compatibility mode.”
  • Install your OS and click OK.

Skype usually crashes due to the fact that the messenger account is linked to Microsoft or Facebook profiles. Effective method The solution to the problem is to reinstall the program.