Why does my laptop turn on and then immediately turn off? Reinstalling the laptop Wi-Fi adapter driver. During the game

Some laptop users periodically complain that Wi-Fi disappears on their device for no apparent reason. It is worth noting that the problem is not the loss of access to the Internet, but the loss of connection to wireless network Wi-Fi router. Moreover, this can happen quite often during the day, if you believe the reviews of many laptop owners.

If you are facing the exact same problem, then know that in this article we will look at the possible causes and solutions for it.

Wi-Fi router signal range

So, let's try to find out what is wrong with the Wi-Fi on your laptop. First of all, we recommend that you check the signal strength from your Wi-Fi router. Think about whether your laptop is too far from the router, as this may be the reason for the network that is always disappearing. Perhaps you are constantly losing connection to the Wi-Fi network due to the fact that your laptop is physically far away from the router’s capture area. The Wi-Fi adapter can and does manage to cling to weak signal, but then it weakens so much that the connection can no longer be maintained. Also, do not forget that the propagation of the router signal can be affected by various obstacles in the form of walls, furniture and various household appliances.

Changing the Wi-Fi network distribution channel

Have you gone around and experimented with the signal range, but the wireless network still disappears on your laptop? Okay, then let's move on. Another reason why Wi-Fi on your laptop may disappear is interference or a busy wireless network distribution channel. By default, the settings of any Wi-Fi router should include automatic selection channel for Wi-Fi distribution networks. However, perhaps this is the problem. You need to go into the control panel of your router and try setting a different channel for the wireless network.

To access the control panel of your router, you need to connect it to your computer using network cable and then enter in address bar browser address indicated on the Wi-Fi router or on its box. For example, quite often you can open the control panel using the address or With your control panel open, go to Settings wireless mode and find the Wi-Fi channel setting. If you have automatic selection channel, then try setting some kind of static one from the drop-down menu. If they are static, try using automatic selection.

Save the settings and see if the Wi-Fi situation on your laptop has changed. If yes, then leave the channel settings in the router’s control panel and calmly use the connection on your laptop. If you have other devices, make sure that they also connect normally to the router's network. However, if your Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop still keeps disconnecting from the wireless network, then there is something else going on.

Disabling Power Saving Mode

Another reason permanent shutdown Your laptop from a wireless network may have a power saving mode, which is set in your power plan settings. Your laptop may be disconnecting from the network in power saving mode. So, right click on Start and select from context menu"Power management".

Having opened the power settings window for the system, click on the link “ Extra options nutrition." In the next window that opens, you can see which of the schemes your laptop is running on (you could choose various schemes power supply via the battery icon in the notification panel). Select the power plan you need, and then click on the “Set up power plan” link.

In the window with options for turning off the display and sleep mode, click on the link “Change advanced power settings.” A small window will open with a list of power settings, among which you need to find “Wireless network adapter settings.” Open this option by clicking on the plus icon on the left side and set the value to " Maximum performance" Save the change to the laptop's power settings. All you have to do is uncheck one box in the parameters Wi-Fi adapter.

Click on your keyboard Windows+R to launch the Run utility. Next, enter the command in it devmgmt.msc and press Enter to open Device Manager. A window will open in front of you with a list of all the equipment present on your computer. Expand the “Network adapters” section and find your Wi-Fi adapter in it. Right-click on it and select Properties.

Here you need to go to the “Power Management” tab, as you might have guessed. All you have to do is uncheck the “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” option. Once everything is done, save the changes you made and restart your laptop. Now test your wireless network connection.

Reinstalling the laptop Wi-Fi adapter driver

Well, are there any results? Your laptop remains connected to the network for long term? Well, if the problem still remains, then we are left with only two options: the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter is not functioning correctly or the device itself has been damaged. The last thing you have to do is test the theory with a bad driver for the adapter, but if after that nothing changes, you will have to go to a service center or buy a new adapter.

So, let's try to reinstall the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter. Fortunately, this is extremely easy to do. First, you need to find a driver package for your Wi-Fi adapter on the Internet, for example, you can do this on the official website of the laptop manufacturer. After downloading the driver, put it aside for later, as now we will remove the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter.

Open Device Manager as shown above and open Properties network adapter. Go to the “Driver” tab and click on the “Remove device” button. Once you click on this button, your Wi-Fi adapter will disappear from the list of devices. Close the Device Manager window and return to the downloaded driver. Run the driver installation, wait for the installation to complete, and then restart your computer.

Try connecting to wireless Wi-Fi networks router and see if your laptop disconnects from it. Quite often, a problem of this kind arises precisely due to the fault of the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter, which, for some reason, began to work extremely unstable and with a lot of glitches, for example, it can cause constant interruptions in access to the Internet or completely disconnect from the wireless network .

We hope that reinstalling the driver was able to resolve your issue. However, if the laptop still keeps disconnecting from the wireless network, then as we suspected, there is definitely something wrong with your Wi-Fi adapter. As already mentioned, in this case, contact technical specialists or buy external Wi-Fi adapter.

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While working with a desktop computer or laptop, the user may encounter both hardware and software problems. Moreover, in the case of a laptop there are much more such problems, since the device is much more complex system unit with a monitor. The most unpleasant and difficult situation is when an error occurs that does not allow the system to boot. One such problem that you may encounter is turning off your computer before Windows start or immediately after that. In this article, we will look at why the laptop turns on and turns off immediately, and what to do if such a problem occurs.

Laptop shuts down due to hardware problems

Compose everything necessary components in a laptop case it is very difficult, while perfectly thinking through the cooling system. This is why quite often various elements fail on laptops. Let's look at the main ones that can lead to the computer turning off when you try to boot it.


HDD damage or SSD drive may arise due to various reasons, for example, due to physical damage as a result of an impact. Another common reason for leaving hard drive failure is a sudden shutdown of the laptop, due to which the drive must make an emergency stop.

If you were damaged HDD or operating system files on it, the laptop may turn off before full load. In such a situation, it is recommended to test the hard drive by installing it in another computer that is booting the operating system.

Processor problems

A common reason why a laptop turns on and then turns off immediately is overheating. central processor. In most cases, it occurs due to the absence or drying of thermal paste. If this is the case, you will need something that you can do yourself if there are no difficulties in disassembling the laptop.

It is much worse when the central processor overheats not due to a lack of thermal paste, but due to poor cooling, that is, improper operation of coolers and radiators. In this case, the cause of their malfunction must be determined and repaired or replaced. Replacing coolers in a laptop may cause problems, since it is often difficult to find components on sale for not the most common models of laptop computers.

Laptop dirty

According to the recommendations of laptop manufacturers, they must be taken to a service center for professional cleaning every 6 months. This will allow the laptop to work for as long as possible without overheating problems. If coolers laptop computer are heavily contaminated, then all components will overheat almost instantly when turned on: the central processor, GPU, hard drive and so on. As a result, the overheating protection will work, which will lead to the computer shutting down.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to disassemble the laptop and clean it properly.

Accumulator battery

Most often, the laptop turns on and turns off immediately due to problems with the battery. Many users purchase laptops as desktop computers, install them at home and work with a permanently connected battery and power supply. This mode work is an emergency for battery, and this greatly reduces battery life. If the battery has completely stopped holding a charge, the laptop may turn off immediately after turning it on.

It is worth noting that it is not only when the battery is heavily worn that a similar problem can occur. It also occurs if, for example, the battery terminals have oxidized and current and voltage of the required strength can no longer pass through them.

Short circuit

If it works unstable electrical network or battery, in motherboard laptop may happen short circuit. Most often, it leads to burnt-out capacitors on the computer motherboard, which is a serious problem. It will not be possible to repair the laptop yourself in such a situation, but in service center For such repairs you will have to pay a considerable amount.

Faulty power supply

Malfunctions in the power supply can also cause the laptop to turn off immediately after turning it on. You need to check how the indicator on the power supply of your laptop computer works. Depending on the different versions computers, it can work in different ways. Most often, the indicator should simply glow green, and if it, for example, blinks, this indicates a malfunction and the need to replace the power supply cord or the unit itself.

Laptop shuts down on boot due to software issues

If the laptop turns off when turned on due to software faults, most often these are BIOS-related problems. For example, malware can set BIOS settings that will cause the computer to automatically shut down after a certain amount of time. It is recommended that you go into your BIOS settings and reset them to default to resolve the issue.

I ran into a problem on ASER 5820TG laptop when connected charger The screen turns off completely(this only seems at first glance, in fact the screen backlight goes out), but the system continues to work, this can be seen if you shine a flashlight on the matrix. It's not noticeable, but you can still see the desktop, and you can generally work, although the cursor is difficult to find. If you unplug the charger, the screen lights up again. So why does my laptop screen go blank? And so, I propose a solution to this problem, or rather even three options that I came across in practice. I couldn't find an answer on the Internet. I am sure that many have encountered a similar problem, so I think that the post will be extremely useful, because it is one of its kind.

I’ll say right away that the problem is neither in the matrix, nor in the power supply, nor in any other device of the laptop. The secret of the solution lies in BIOS settings. When you turn on the laptop, press F2, we get into the BIOS. Use arrows to select a tab Main, find the line Graphicmode, press Enter instead Switchable choose Discrete, press enter, then save by calling the command via the F10 button, confirm saving.

In practice, I came across three more cases where the laptop screen went blank.

  • The first case is after reinstalling the OS, or rather after installing the video driver on the video chip. With Driver programs Pack Solution. It turned out that DPS was rolling software on HD 7450M, and the chip was HD 7470M. After installing the driver from the manufacturer's official website, the problem went away.
  • The second incident occurred after disassembling/assembling the laptop. The cooling system was cleaned, thermocouples and insulation between the cooler and the copper tube were replaced. Out of habit, they replaced it with heat-resistant aluminum insulation, and upon contact with motherboard a short circuit occurred, causing the screen on the laptop to go dark. Replacing with regular insulation solved the problem.
  • The third case was a burnt out transistor on the motherboard. WITH similar problem can be encountered quite rarely. More often happens with a short circuit.

Do not confuse this with the lack of backlighting. If it helps, then rejoice! Everyone is happy, everyone is satisfied! Don't forget to subscribe to new useful articles.

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Not every person in the process of choosing a laptop computer is able to accurately determine how reliable the model that interests him is. Someone relies on the “maybe” inherent in many. And some are openly deceived by the “expert opinion” of the sales consultant. In the end, each of us has our own view of what exactly it should be mobile device. Nevertheless, due to our ignorance, and, as often happens, filled and driven by the momentary desire “I want it - that’s it!”, we tend to commit rash actions. You may not agree, dear readers, but for the most part we ourselves are the culprits of the unpleasant situation when the laptop turns off by itself.

However, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining! Therefore, let's cheer up and try to solve the problem that has been voiced, which, for your information, may be far-fetched. To know for sure, you just need to devote a few minutes of your precious time to reading the material below. Who knows, maybe the expert in you will awaken, and the experience gained will become a starting point into the fascinating world of electronics.

Instead of an introduction: a little about trade secrets

Rejoice, owners of budget modifications! Since the generally accepted statement that a cheap laptop is an extremely unreliable technology, in fact, oh, how far from the truth! And today's market situation computing devices great thing about that proof. Competition is a great helper for the practical user. Well, the mentioned trick “the laptop turns off by itself” is also inherent in branded electronics. By the way, the last option is the most difficult in terms of repair maintenance.

So, about the secrets of manufacturers... One way or another, making reliable laptops is a matter of the future. Unfortunately for some and fortunately for some, this is indeed the case! Budget modifications are often equipped with the same parts as expensive ones, but in a stripped-down version. The cooling system of any design “cannot live without dust.” Well, the “packed power”, constrained by the ultra-thin body, is still prone to overheating. On top of that, the technology of planned aging as a commercial tool is applied to literally everything that surrounds us. However, something can still be done.

The laptop turns itself off: what to do first

Of course, it is necessary to carry out visual inspection"patient". Dust is the worst enemy of any electronics. Especially when it comes to compactly organized devices.

  • Inspect ventilation holes laptop. Perhaps dust layers are preventing free access air.
  • Put your ear to the computer and listen to see if the cooling fan is running. You don't need to have an ear for music to understand the difference between the steady rustling of cooler blades and an eardrum-straining sound with a metallic “hint.”
  • Reset the BIOS settings to default settings.
  • If the laptop turns off by itself, as an option, the equipment is conflicting as a result of incorrectly entered program changes. Roll back operating system using a stable restore point.
  • By the way, especially cunning viruses have the ability to influence the hardware components of the system. As you understand, without special software the problem cannot be solved here. Download antivirus utility and scan your OS for infection.

So now you know what to do first. However, let's touch on another aspect of the problem and understand the question “why the laptop overheats and turns off.”

When can you fry eggs on a laptop?

You cannot “strain” a laptop in a hot room for 6 hours in a row, playing a super-realistic arcade game: firstly, it is harmful to your eyesight, and secondly, you can get burned on the hot body of the device. This example characterizes main source the problem being covered, and therefore we will give it a symbolic number - one. Do you want to laugh? Largest number users who came to the burn center are gamers. Of course, this is a joke, but most often the “sad” cause of the problem “the laptop turns off while playing” is precisely the critical moment of overheating. Therefore, taking part in virtual battles or traveling to other worlds, do not forget to sometimes tactilely experience reality. Perhaps the case around the video card has warmed up, which means it’s time to cool down your gaming ardor, otherwise the graphics processor will fail.

"Creative crisis" of the operating system

The operating principle of a computer resembles a human model. Therefore, the unproductive state so familiar to many people, translated into machine language- it’s still the same dead end and digital inaction. If a person is overwhelmed or constrained by feelings, then the computer in such situations acts rationally - it reboots. Therefore, if your laptop turns off while playing, you should apply the recommendations below:

  • In the "Power Options" section, pay attention to the mode being used. IN " Additional plans“The “High performance” checkbox should be activated.

  • Second, go to the “System” - “Advanced Settings” section. IN last block service window “Boot and Recovery”, using the corresponding button, uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox.

Most likely the problem will go away. However, do not forget that unstable OS behavior can be caused by a hardware failure. With your permission, let's move on!

Energy “misunderstandings”: the laptop turns off immediately

Let's consider the option when mobile computer completely refuses to start. As a rule, in such situations, the user still observes some, albeit short-term, “signs of life” on the laptop: the indicator lights up, the hard drive starts up, and you can hear the cooler blades begin to accelerate. However, something is preventing the electronics from entering operating mode. Well, this state of affairs requires detailed analysis.


  • First of all, you need to check whether the power supply is connected correctly.
  • Is the power connector of the computing device damaged?
  • It is also worth paying attention to the integrity of the power supply cable itself.

Most portable modifications are equipped with a special indicator that lights up when connected to external source nutrition. If light activity is not observed, you should measure output voltage with BP. In principle, a known working power supply will help dot all the i’s.

Accumulator battery

  • If the laptop turns off when you turn it on, remove the autonomous power supply and try starting the device from the network.
  • It is quite possible that the battery should be replaced, since the controller installed on it, due to its malfunction, can block the process of energy consumption.
  • If the laptop has not been used for a long time, then most likely the energy reserve in the battery has completely depleted. Put the device on charge and literally after a few minutes try to turn on the laptop again.

Typical laptop hardware problems

Let's say that when starting up, the laptop turns itself off. You already know what to do in such a situation when it comes to incorrect power supply. With hardware it’s a little more complicated, but you can still figure it out on your own.

  • So, if when you turn it on you clearly hear clicking sounds, then try removing the hard drive and starting the computer without it. If the BIOS has started initialization, the “culprit” has been found. The drive may need to be replaced if the failure is due to HDD operation not software. In any case, it is worth replacing the hard drive and turning on the laptop again. Such simple manipulations are often effective.
  • The above “symptom” of a malfunction may be a consequence of an incorrect upgrade. Installation incompatible random access memory will definitely cause conflict in the system. Remove the RAM module. If there are two of them, remove them one by one between each test run.

Unfortunately, the above methods are not applicable for analyzing the performance of the central processor. If the laptop is able to “stay on the move” for some time, then you can try next way diagnostics Place your hand closer to the middle of the case - can you feel how the laptop is heating up?

And it turns off, and reboots, and freezes? All this can only mean one thing - it is necessary to dismantle the protective cover in order to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling elements, and most importantly, the condition of the thermal paste. By the way, in some cases, to get to the CPU, you will need complete disassembly laptop computer. It is worth noting that the last “procedure” requires skills and certain experience.

Design features of the laptop

Why does my laptop screen turn off spontaneously? As we have already mentioned, there can be several reasons, and the most common of them is that the display cable has failed. If you are the owner of a relatively old modification, then the connecting element may have broken. If you have new laptop- this means the inverter has burned out. In any case, a visit to the workshop cannot be avoided. However, there is another explanation - the video adapter burned out. If your computer configuration allows it, you should switch from discrete graphics mode to integrated. You can easily find the corresponding section in the BIOS where you can switch video equipment.

Before we finish: a few words about software incompatibility

Typically, the laptop turns off during operation due to a system conflict, which usually occurs as a result of using inappropriate software. In other words, the user installs software that is incompatible with the computer's hardware resources. As you understand, the problem can be solved simply - by uninstallation, that is, deletion. Sometimes you need to reinstall the OS. Often this kind of “whim of turning off” a laptop can be eliminated by reinstalling critical drivers. Yet again current version BIOS programs can fix problematic laptop conditions. However, everything needs to be done gradually and thoughtfully.

For the edification of all those who want to significantly increase the service life of their laptop

If you previously thought that the laptop turned off on its own, then you probably now realized that your opinion was wrong. After all, there are reasons for everything, and knowing the nature of their occurrence, you can always foresee the moment of their appearance. As you can see, everything is simple! Nevertheless, there is always room for paradox. In our case, the difficulties lie in the elementary - the lack of experience. Yes, it is our ignorance that can turn a brand new laptop into a pile of metal. By the way, it is common for a person to give up when he is tired or does not understand what exactly needs to be done. Relax, think or consult with knowledgeable people. Finally, read the laptop's service manual. In general, do not leave an emerging problem unresolved. Take action!

Good afternoon After replacing the screen on the laptop, it began to turn off automatically if the charger was not connected. I assume that you need to delve into the computer settings, but I don’t know where exactly. The laptop uses Windows 7. Thank you.

  • Smart-Tronics

    First check your power off settings using this path:

    Control Panel > Power Options > Set up a power plan.

    Also, some laptop manufacturers use their own software that regulates screen shutdown. If the first method does not help, you need to find this software, for example, in the lower right corner of the Windows tray.

  • Arishka)

    The same thing happened, I fixed the problem this way. Press the battery. At the very bottom it says “Advanced power options”. You click, at the very bottom of the column on the left there is “Transition settings and sleep mode.” You press, the time will be set there: 2 minutes, 5 minutes, etc. You press this time in each column and set never, everything will be OK.

  • Jean_

    dd tell me pzht connected the laptop to the LCD on the TV according to the instructions, to connect there is an option on the remote control called viera link when you select it on the TV a message appears that the function is missing. The laptop sees the TV, but there is no image

  • Vika

    Tell me, I inserted the charger and the battery charge indicator flashes, first red then white, is this a problem with the battery or with the charge itself? Now it works on charging, you plug it in and everything turns off!

  • Drive

    The laptop turns off by itself without power!
    When the laptop is running on battery power, when 20% of the charge is depleted, it turns off by itself and does not turn on until the power is connected!
    The trick is that if you connect it to power for 1 minute and turn it off, it again uses 20% of the charge and turns off!
    When I turned on the computer once, it wrote something about the BIOS and the battery. I dented the battery, but still nothing helped!
    What to do? Tell

  • Alyonka

  • Ainur

    I have a Toshiba laptop when the charger is not connected to it, it absolutely refuses to turn on, but when I connect the charger it turns on. and not only that, it also says that the charge is 100 percent, please help

  • Valentine

    I have a problem, when the battery on the laptop runs out, I connect the charger, the indicator lights up for a minute and then blinks, I turn it on directly without the battery, it works for the first 20-30m and then turns off by itself, what is this? I went to the service center and they said that the charge is good

  • Tatiana

    The laptop turns off, if you unplug it, it is not charging, but the thing is that when you connect it, at the bottom where the battery icon says: 0%, connected, it is not charging, it is only a year old, why is that?

  • Julia

    My laptop only works with the charger turned on. Moreover, when I point to the battery at the bottom of the screen, it says: 0% available (connected, charging). And these zero percent do not change in any way. The computer was charged for 3 hours. Still zero. As soon as I disconnect it from the network, the computer immediately turns off. Tell me, please, what is the problem?

  • Julia

    Hello, this is the problem: My laptop only works with the charger turned on. Moreover, when I point to the battery at the bottom of the screen, it says: 0% available (connected, charging). And these zero percent do not change in any way. The computer was charged for 3 hours. Still zero. As soon as I disconnect it from the network, the computer immediately turns off. Tell me, please, what is the problem?

  • Oleg

  • Dmitry 11

    hello, explain to me what the problem is?.....
    I have an ASUS laptop.
    This is the problem: if I turn off the charger, the screen goes dark, but the laptop itself is turned on and works, i.e.
    My screen itself does not work without charging.
    If anyone knows anything, please advise. Thanks in advance.

  • Abay

  • Roma

  • Sergey

  • Rustem

    The laptop turns on only after connecting the charger, and during operation you remove the charger, the laptop turns off, what should I do?

  • Denis

    Hello. HP2000 laptop, such a problem: everything was fine, it worked perfectly without a connected charger, and then I wanted to rearrange it and pulled out the plug from the socket. The laptop went out and wouldn't turn on at all. I plugged the plug back in and the laptop turned on. Tried it different ways, read all sorts of forums. Once it gave an error message that says reinstall or restore from previous version Windows. Now it's Windows 10. The laptop works without a battery with the charger connected. What could be the problem?

  • Andrey

    The laptop is approximately 3 years old. Problem: Shutdown when the charger is disconnected. The battery says that it is 100 percent charged, the charging indicator does not light up. I tried to separate the battery from the laptop for 2 hours.
    Laptop model ProBook4540 manufacturer HP

  • basics

    I plug the charge into the laptop, the battery is charging, but the charging light and power button start blinking and charging stops. Have to take it out and put it back in

  • Alexander

    Hello, before, when the battery on the laptop ran low, a bar appeared how many percent was left, now when the battery runs low, you can hear a click and the screen goes blank, when you turn on the power, it turns on, requires a reboot and goes to the site where it was

  • EnzoSoprano

    Can a battery fail in one day? Those. The battery and the laptop as a whole worked great yesterday, and the next day, when the charge reaches 100%, I turn off the power to the laptop and it turns off and does not turn on until I connect it to the outlet.

  • Alexei

    The laptop works properly when the power is connected, but when disconnected it turns off either instantly or after 10 seconds. A week ago the battery lasted 4 hours. What could be the problem?

  • Kate

    I have an Asus laptop. I was constantly working on the charger, because the charging showed 0% (I wrote earlier about replacing the battery), and when I turned on the charging, the laptop turned on. The rest of the time I switched on by myself. I bought a new battery. Charging works, charges, but when I unplug the laptop, it always turns on and the hour goes off.

  • Kate

  • Kairat

    Good afternoon I have a Lenovo laptop. After it has been filled with liquid (tea), the laptop often does not turn on until it is connected to the network. The nuance is that after connecting to the network, it does not turn on immediately, but 15 minutes after connection. At the same time, the battery can be charged to 100 percent... Still, until it is connected to the network for about 15 minutes, it does not turn on. What could be the problem? I think the battery and charger are working fine. Thank you!

  • Alina

    Tell me what to do...
    The laptop does not turn on without the battery, but the charger is inserted; does not turn on with the battery fully charged; It turns on only when the charger and battery are inserted (99% is always available on the indicator, connected, charging), as soon as I remove it from the power, it immediately turns off. What to do?

  • Kostya

    This is the case. The laptop does not work with the battery, but without it it works fine, and then you need to press the on button several times. Then, after an hour or more, the entire keyboard stops working, and when you turn it off or reboot, the screen is white. What to do?

  • Sergey

    Hello. Please tell me: the laptop dexp athena t103, new, does not turn on without a connected charger. The power indicator lights up, the disk with the cooler starts and everything goes out. If you start it with the charging connected, it starts normally, and if you turn off the charging after the screen lights up, it works fine. Shows full charge and can work freely for 3-4 hours.

  • massyanka

    Hello, I can’t solve the problem, I need your advice: laptop SAMSUNG NP350E5C
    It works properly, but as soon as you start a powerful toy, it suddenly switches to working from the battery, and charging stops (5 seconds charges, 5 seconds does not charge, and so on until the battery runs out)! If you enter the game without a battery, just on charging, it turns off! Watching movies, music, mini games, video clips all works great, but if you start a heavy game (like GTA 4) immediately OFF!

  • TOMAs

  • Mikhail

    My laptop freezes completely without charging, it’s about half a year old, and literally a month and a half ago it was working fine. ASUS X540S laptop with Pentium and 4 GB RAM.

  • Ilmir

    Hello! I have the same problem, the battery charge shows 89%, but as soon as I unplug the computer charger from the socket, it immediately turns off! Why? And the charge after switching on is no more or less

  • Maksim

    Please, help
    Laptop Asus x540s Windows 10 64bit
    After flashing the firmware without the charger, it immediately turns off! The charge shows 84%, even charging, but when I unplug it from the socket it turns off..

  • Yana

    help me please
    I have Asus laptop x540scWindows 10 64bit
    The laptop was 6 months old, everything was fine, but then it started turning off without connecting the charger and not turning on at all without the charger. Sometimes it turns on without charging, but this is very rare, it also worked many times without charging, and sometimes it just turns off in the middle of the robot and until I insert the charger it doesn’t turn on.....

  • XenuS

    Lenovo s110 battery 2200ma
    Admitted deep discharge(it was empty for a couple of months)
    Charged, shows 100% Wear - 0% (aida64) Although the wear was 10-15% When the charging is turned off, it immediately goes out.
    I opened the battery, measured the voltage - 11.8 (normal) and capacity - 15 (also normal). When connected to the elements of a 12 volt car light bulb, it lights up. After 20 minutes of burning, I measured it again - 13 amperes and 10.8 volts. Those. the elements are OK. What could be the problem and how can I fix it?

  • Elina

    I bought an Asus X555U laptop a week ago, the problem is that when the battery charge drops below 80%, the screen flickers, the more the charge decreases, the more frequent the flickering, it works fine on the charger. what could be the problem? settings? or take it to service?

  • Daria

  • Kazbek

    Lenovo laptop when I take it off the charger it turns off immediately. And when it is on charge it charges for example 8% (charges when plugged in) Please help)

  • Alexander

    Acer laptop V Lately It turns off as soon as I disconnect it from the charger. Battery charge percentage is normal. Is there a way to fix this through settings?

  • Alexander

  • Maria

    Good afternoon. The laptop is already 7 years old, during which time I changed the battery only once, but this has never happened before: as soon as I unplug it from the network, it immediately turns off. I took it in for repairs and they said the battery was dead. I changed it, but nothing changed. It charges it, but as soon as I pull out the cord, that’s it, blackout and the ends are in the water. I also recently cleaned the laptop, changed the thermal paste, that’s all, we didn’t see any global “deviations from the norm.” What could this even be?