What are POS systems and why are they needed? How to Choose Peripherals for a POS System

If you are opening your first store, then a “homemade” cash terminal is the best option for starting. The obvious advantage of such a system is its low cost. But self-assembled terminals often break down, and there is a high risk of component incompatibility. Money is needed for repairs; due to a broken cash register, the store is idle and loses profit. What can and cannot be saved on when assembling a POS terminal? Which parts of it are most vulnerable? Find out in our article.

What does a POS terminal or POS system consist of?

A POS system is a computer with a connected receipt printer (or fiscal recorder), keyboard, customer display, cash drawer, cashier display and barcode scanner. If the store’s turnover is more than 60 million rubles a year, then you also need to connect a bank terminal for non-cash payments.

To save money, a regular PC is used instead of a special system unit, a professional cash register keyboard is replaced with a QWERTY one, and a standard office monitor is installed in place of the cashier's display. But such savings are not always justified. The cost of owning a self-assembled system is significantly higher than a professional system.

Before assembly, you should calculate the approximate cost of servicing your terminal for a month, six months or a year. Compare this amount with the cost of the system itself. Remember that a breakdown of the computer motherboard will lead to uncontrollable expenses. Most likely, you will have to change the entire filling. The system unit is the most important part of the POS terminal and the most vulnerable.

“You want to get your hair cut and go to the hairdresser. And you will be very surprised if he decides to use garden shears for this task. And why all? Because things should be used for their intended purpose.

Likewise, specialized POS terminals are designed for use in “combat conditions,” and home computers are designed for use at home. You shouldn’t take something designed for the home to production and then be surprised by quick breakdowns and failure at the most inopportune moment, just as you shouldn’t be surprised by a terrible haircut with garden shears.”

Igor Chechulin, head of SCO department at Crystal Service

Selecting a system unit

Based on the cooling method, all system units can be divided into two main types:

  • ventilators They blow hot air out and draw in cooler air from the surrounding space. However, along with the air they actively attract dust and dirt. Fan solutions are cheaper, but they are difficult to maintain - you have to constantly clean the computer from dust and dirt.
  • fanless. POS terminals with a fanless system unit are durable and easy to maintain, since dust and dirt are not drawn into the device. A passive cooling system replaces fans. Fanless system units are great for shops.

Cash register peripherals (scanners, cash drawers, etc.) are highly specialized equipment and are developing more slowly. Cash register equipment operates through outdated or rare RS-232 and Powered USB interfaces. Therefore, when assembling a POS system yourself, choose a motherboard with the necessary connectors.

Minimum set of connectors: four RS-232 COM ports, six USB ports. With so many ports, you can connect all the necessary peripherals.

The power of the system unit depends on what software you use and what OS the software runs on. For example, if the cash register program requires Windows, then for stable operation the system will require at least 2 GB of RAM.

The more “universal” the software, the higher the requirements. Professional cash register programs require few resources.

Minimum system requirements for the Set Retail program:

  • Processor 566 MHz;
  • RAM 512 MB;
  • 8 GB of free hard disk space;
  • OS TinyCore Linux 3.0 (included in the package);

As you can see, assembling a system unit yourself is a big task. It requires excellent knowledge of the specifics of peripheral cash register equipment. One mistake now will result in a lot of problems later.

Conventional system units are fraught with a lot of problems. They are difficult to maintain. They are not designed for 24/7 non-stop operation. In the event of a breakdown, repairs will cost a pretty penny. You may simply not find a piece of hardware of the same model - many boards are already out of production, and circulations are always limited.

And the main problem is that there is no guarantee that your usual software will work on the new hardware. In addition, more and more motherboard manufacturers are abandoning COM ports. Soon they will remain only on special systems.

Choosing a monitor

The monitor serves as a cashier's display. The larger the monitor, the more space it takes up on your desktop. Specialized cash register software does not require a large screen diagonal. The optimal diagonal for professional software is 8, 10 or 12 inches.

Manufacturers of household monitors make their screens very contrasty and bright. With such a monitor, the cashier's eyes will quickly get tired and he will start making mistakes. There is no need to save money on the monitor - it is better to provide the cashier with the most comfortable conditions possible. Professionals (such as designers) usually choose a brightness of 200 cd/m².

Manufacturers of cash register monitors set the optimal settings in advance.

Selecting a cash drawer

First of all, the cash drawer must be durable. Drawers are selected based on the number of cash compartments and location (fliptop or retractable). There are boxes with removable cassettes. Manufacturers install opening sensors in some drawers - this is a big plus. Is the drawer open longer than expected? You will receive a signal about this. The lower the risk that you will be robbed.

We select the remaining peripheral equipment

If the store has one cash register, then reliability is extremely important for the receipt printer (or fiscal recorder). If the only cash register stops, the store will be idle. Professional retailers pay attention to the safety margin of the knife and the print life. It’s better to buy a reliable device once, which will last for many years and can print several million receipts, than to spend money on repairs.

The customer display is considered a less important element. Very often it is put “for show”, since its presence is required by law. Customer displays are vacuum-fluorescent - they can display little information (20 characters in 2 lines), but the image is visible from any angle.

There are also OLED solutions. The image is visible just as well. You can display a lot of information on the screen (256 by 32 dots) and are guaranteed to attract the buyer’s attention. The client will definitely see your message and find out how much and for what he paid. This will increase the level of trust in your store.

We combined the buyer's display with a coin holder - this way the buyer will accurately see it and read the information on the screen, and the display itself will not take up much space.

Starting from 2016, the sale of alcohol will require a connection to the Unified State Automated Information System. To sell alcohol, you need a 2D scanner. The main parameters of 2D scanners: barcode reading speed and degree of protection from external influences. The faster and more accurately the scanner works, the higher the speed of service.

Selecting a keyboard. Is your goal to maximize savings? Then you can get by with the QWERTY format. But in retail there is a high staff turnover, and you will constantly have to train new employees. Professional keyboards have a minimum number of buttons; you can work with them automatically, without any extra thought. Convenient layout speeds up the sales process. Specialized keyboards are much more durable and are designed to last tens of millions of keystrokes. It is impossible to install such important options as a card reader or lock into a regular keyboard.

What's next?

Make sure all equipment is compatible with your POS software. Information about connections is available on the manufacturers' website. It is possible that you will have to modify the software yourself. This will incur additional costs.

The fiscal registrar must be serviced at an accredited service center. We wrote earlier how to choose the right technical service center. Decide in advance whether you will prepare documents for the tax office yourself, or contact specialists.

A few important points

Savings are only worthwhile if you can accurately forecast loads. Otherwise, you will end up with unnecessary employees, you will have to constantly buy new hardware and pay for software integrations.

The system unit and keyboard break down most quickly. The keyboard lasts for about a year, the system unit for two, if you're lucky.

By spending less money on equipment, you'll spend much more on maintenance and repairs. Are you ready to maintain a team of system administrators?

Professional POS terminals are purchased when they want to cover the need for cash registers and automation. Purchasing professional software will definitely deprive you of many problems and unnecessary costs.

POS terminal

POS terminal(from the English Point Of Sale - point of sale) is a trading terminal (software and hardware complex for trading) installed at the point of sale. This device is used these days by almost all trading companies and service organizations, but there are also those who believe that a PC is better. This article was written to dispel all doubts about the right investments and help make these investments long-term.


Let's consider the main advantages of a POS terminal over a desktop computer when conducting trading operations.

Specifications corresponding to application areas

Ordinary Personal Computer can perform many functions, including various kinds of cash transactions, work on the network, support the operation of special programs for trading and accounting, you can install absolutely any operating system on it, but the main disadvantage is that the PC does not support the necessary range of specialized software for this peripheral areas, namely: fiscal machines, receipt printers, barcode scanners, etc. The computer does not have additional ports for connecting the above equipment, not to mention built-in modules and controllers to support them. As a result, you have to modify the system for additional money or refuse to use some peripheral devices, which is fundamentally wrong and in the future will only bring additional costs and loss of time, and will also play a significant role in reducing the quality of the enterprise’s work.

POS terminal in turn, provides a wide range of opportunities for connecting and configuring a huge range of retail and cash register equipment. To do this, you will not need to purchase additional parts and adapt it, since it was originally designed to work with this type of device and is equipped with the necessary connectors and sockets. As for expansion and modernization, POS terminals are absolutely not inferior to stationary PCs and, moreover, have some advantages, in particular the installation of additional controllers for working in the field of sales of specific goods.


Now almost everyone has seen how much space a standard Personal Computer. A bulky system unit, a large keyboard, a monitor, a mouse - all this must be placed somewhere. In small spaces (cafes, restaurants, shopping areas, etc.), where saving space plays an important role, a desktop PC option that cannot boast of such advantages is not suitable.

POS terminal is a compact solution ideal for trading. Manufacturing companies pay great attention to ergonomics and the development of various modifications, which makes it possible to expand the choice for the user.

Security and Protection

U desktop PC everything is visible: the disk drive, the power button, the reset button, the back panel with ports and slots. Such accessibility inevitably leads to various kinds of abuse and fraud, which in turn result in financial losses for the organization. Also, with any power surge, the computer instantly reboots or freezes, which leads to data loss and the inability to recover it.

POS terminal provides a high degree of protection against unauthorized access thanks to locks on the drives and covers protecting the panel with connectors. In addition to this, POS terminals can be equipped with more powerful, so-called anti-vandal screens. As for data safety, many modern models have a built-in uninterruptible power supply, which can prevent data loss and keep the terminal in working order even in the event of a complete power outage, and, importantly, can support the operation of peripheral devices that are powered by the terminal.

Duration of operation and service

Regular computer can serve for many years, but taking into account the current development of innovative technologies, its relevance is no more than a year, which in turn results in constant updates, a waste of money and time to modernize the system.

Manufacturers POS terminals guarantee a long operational period without essential updates for up to 6-7 years, and if the model is discontinued, technical support is provided for another 5 years, which will significantly save your time and money.

You can ask our specialists at the following contacts for additional questions on the above topic:

Some Helpful Resources

  • Documentation for all products;
  • Microinvest technical support forum, where you can quickly get an answer to your question;
  • Examples of automation of restaurants and trade based on Microinvest in Russia and the CIS countries;

In modern retail trade, computer cash register systems are actively used. The devices allow you to automate and simplify the work of cashiers, increase their productivity, and speed up the purchase process. The equipment makes it possible to monitor the flow of goods in a store (hypermarket or any other retail outlet), integrate the cash register into the general information network and effectively solve many other problems.

In this article we will look at how POS systems and POS terminals differ from each other. We will tell you which equipment is best to order for business development.

Operational features of computer cash register devices

A POS terminal is a device designed to accept various plastic cards for payment. The POS terminal has one more concept. This is a monoblock system with a keyboard or a touchscreen monoblock without peripheral devices, which is part of the POS system (can be supplied with installed software).

Innovative devices are able to “interact” with cards equipped with a magnetic stripe or chip, as well as with contactless cards and other similar products. These hardware and software systems make it possible to carry out a variety of trading operations. The terminals are capable of storing information that can be used, for example, to study trade turnover and the popularity of certain product groups.

They work on the basis of specialized POS computers or monoblocks. The fiscal registrar is part of the POS system, like other peripheral devices. Peripheral devices are connected to the system unit. The software and hardware complex is used either with a fiscal registrar or with a receipt printer.

POS systems and POS terminals are usually equipped with:

  • functional and powerful processor and system unit;
  • buyer display and cashier monitor;
  • programmable keyboard;
  • a printer capable of applying information to a receipt tape, or a fiscal registrar (POS systems).

The devices also come with a cash drawer, barcode scanner and card reader.

The domestic market also offers models of POS computers that do not have a screen as standard, but one can be additionally purchased and connected to the equipment. Basically, each model is sold with installed software.

Operational differences between POS terminals and POS systems

POS systems differ from POS terminals in the following characteristics and functionality:

  • A POS system is a fully ready-to-use equipment on which software is installed, to which various peripheral devices are connected, including a printing device.
  • which range from 30 to 80 thousand rubles, as a rule, cannot be improved: it is almost impossible to expand their functionality. But additional devices are connected to POS systems, including electronic scales.
  • After purchasing equipment, it must be registered with the appropriate department of the Federal Tax Service, and you also need to activate the ECLZ and the acquired fiscal memory. In this case, the entrepreneur brings the equipment to the Federal Tax Service. The POS terminal is delivered as a complete set - the device is quite large in size, and the weight of some models is 9-10 kilograms. To register a POS system, it is enough to bring a compact fiscal registrar to the department where cash register equipment is registered.

It is interesting to know that many entrepreneurs do not think about what they will do when their computer and cash register equipment breaks down. They do not calculate the options: they do not take into account how their store or other retail outlet will function. After all, a hypermarket may have spare POS systems and other equipment, while small stores usually have only a few devices. At the same time, there are fines if you work with broken equipment or do not use the cash register at all.

If malfunctions occur in the POS terminal, you will have to take all the equipment to a specialist, because the cash register part is located inside the system unit. In this case, the entrepreneur must have a similar spare device with certified software, registered with the Federal Tax Service.

If the POS system breaks down, then the element that failed is taken for repair. That is why an entrepreneur must have a spare fiscal registrar and an additional computer part.

Which equipment should you choose for your outlet?

The equipment is selected taking into account its future operating conditions, the features of the product being sold, the overall budget and other characteristics. Before purchasing, it is better to consult with the manager of the store where the equipment will be ordered. After all, the cost of modern devices varies from 20 to 130-140 thousand rubles.

POS systems are equipped with fiscal registrars or receipt printers. It is interesting to know that models without a cash register are also available on the Russian market. At the same time, equipment that is supplied without a fiscal registrar is an ideal option for retail outlets that are payers of UTII. After all, this tax does not depend on real revenue: it is calculated taking into account the basic profitability indicators and accepted coefficients.

Brief conclusion

As you can see, POS systems and POS terminals make it possible to reduce the time it takes to complete a purchase by several times. With the help of technology, they track the movement of goods, carry out promotions, store and process commercial information. With the help of equipment, they confidently develop their business, improving the interaction between cashiers and customers.

To summarize briefly, we can say with confidence that the main difference between a POS system and a POS terminal is that it is a fully equipped, ready-to-use system, which is sufficient for the operation of a retail outlet. A POS terminal or POS monoblock is one of the elements of the POS system.

You can connect additional devices to the POS system and improve the functionality of the main equipment. For example, electronic scales and a barcode scanner are often connected to a POS system. But POS terminals, the price of which usually does not exceed 80 thousand rubles, cannot be equipped with additional devices. But the cost of functional and high-quality POS systems exceeds 100 thousand rubles.


When faced with the task of choosing store equipment, store owners (and CIOs) of stores and retail chains are asking themselves: what computer systems to use for cashier workstations?
The first device that comes to mind for any manager is a traditional personal computer or laptop. The solution is obvious, relatively inexpensive, and quite acceptable for a store with several dozen visitors a day.

But when we are talking about a store (pharmacy, cafe, etc.) with a large flow of customers or a retail chain, the situation changes dramatically. Looking ahead, we will say that we, as a rule, recommend our clients to use professional POS systems, and not because they are more expensive to purchase :), but because it is right: in the end, their cost of ownership is lower, and they are much more correspond to the pattern of use that takes place in trade.

What kind of usage model is this and how does it differ from using a computer at home or in the office?

The store has its own special needs and operating hours - and therefore special requirements for equipment.

1. Resistant to heavy use

In a store of any size - from a minimarket to a hypermarket - the cash register must work non-stop for the entire period the store is open. Remember your home or office computer: how often does it freeze over time, which is why you have to restart it, wait a few minutes until all programs open again... What do you think the buyer will do if he has to wait for the cash register to reboot? And those five who are standing in line behind him...? There is no need to talk about any level of customer satisfaction.

A professional POS system is designed for round-the-clock use and stable operation even in difficult conditions. Many POS systems can even be used as a control PC for Digital Signage and placed in hard-to-reach places where no one will touch them for months... and still work stably. Some POS system models have additional protection from dust and moisture, which further protects them from breakdowns and failures. So, the POS system works more stable. It was designed with this in mind.

2.No noise and dust

Have you ever heard how the internal fan turns on in a laptop or computer, especially one that is no longer new? Dispersing the thickened oil, it tries to spin, dragging dust behind it. Dust appears and accumulates on the fan due to static electricity. In a POS system this is impossible in principle: they use fanless cooling systems and therefore operate silently and do not attract dust and dirt.

3. Low power consumption

At home or in the office, few people consider how much electricity a personal computer consumes (although, who knows, perhaps new tariffs will change this). But on the scale of a store or chain, equipment operating around the clock for 5-10-20 cashier workplaces “increases” a lot of kW. Can you imagine how much these costs amount to on a monthly basis? What about the year? ... Compared to PCs, the low power consumption of POS systems can help you save a lot on your electricity bills.

4. Connecting specific peripherals

The POS system has a set of ports that are maximally adapted for connecting commercial equipment: a scanner, a receipt printer, scales, and industrial-grade keyboards. A standard PC case does not offer such capabilities: to connect equipment you will have to use adapters and additional cables, which will not add stability to the design.

5. Form factor and placement methods

The case of a personal computer is quite large (including due to the need to provide ventilation), and it is quite difficult to conveniently place it in a cashier’s workplace, especially a compact one. A professional POS system is adapted for placement in the cash register area. There are all-in-one models, where a compact system unit is attached directly to the monitor. There are compact system units that can be placed under the work surface and even on the wall. In short, when using specialized POS systems there are much fewer restrictions on placement.

6. Speed ​​of customer service

Touch monitors. If the store’s business processes require cashiers to work without a seated workplace (in HoReCa) or speed of service is simply necessary, then you can install a POS system with a contact monitor, which can be controlled by touching a finger or a stylus (capacitive screen) or any convenient object - a finger, waiter card, etc. (resistive screen). The contact monitor significantly simplifies and speeds up the work of cashiers, and, therefore, the speed of customer service.

7. Maintaining a stock of components

Consumer IT equipment is one of the fastest-changing markets. Just six months ago you bought a brand new computer or phone, and new types of processors, memory, hard drives, etc. have already appeared. And after 1-2 years, finding the same memory bar as installed in your PC may be difficult or even impossible. You can buy a new generation model for a new store, but different models in different stores complicate the work of the IT department, inflate the spare parts warehouse, etc. The line of business equipment such as POS systems changes much more slowly: a business client has no need to chase innovations, he needs the equipment to consistently perform its task. In addition, manufacturers of professional POS equipment understand that equipment is used for 5 or 10 years, and therefore maintain a spare parts warehouse throughout this period. As a result, the store has the opportunity to unify its equipment fleet.

8. Cost of ownership and investment protection

The average lifespan of cashier workplace equipment is 7-10 years. During this period, the cost of service, the cost of downtime of workplaces (and the purchase of replacement equipment), salaries of personnel or contractors servicing the equipment and eliminating failures and technical problems, etc. are added to the price of the equipment itself. If you calculate all these costs and divide them over the entire period of operation, it turns out that using professional POS systems costs the company less.

Real case from practice. Until recently, a fairly large network used PCs at cash desks. “Yes, PCs break down more often - but we will buy more of them and keep replacements in stores and quickly replace them if necessary” - this is what the IT managers thought.

But after a couple of years, it turned out that constantly changing PCs is not so fun, and this requires maintaining a sufficient IT service staff; that when new stores open, it becomes difficult to buy the same PCs, since the components have changed during this time, and every IT manager knows that maintaining a “zoo” of computers of different configurations is much more expensive than unified equipment. It turned out that the system units under the table significantly complicate the placement of cash register workstations and introduce limitations into the store layout. And, most importantly, after calculating all the fuss and costs, it turned out that using POS systems would be more profitable in the long term. As a result, the company decided to switch to professional NCR Realpos POS systems.

9. Security (also about the organization of cashiers’ workplaces)

By the way, in addition to PCs and specialized POS systems, there is another interesting solution: the use of thin clients, or terminals. The use of terminal solutions is one of the popular topics in workplace automation in business. With this kind of automation organization, all data and software are located on the server, and only terminals are installed at the workplaces that provide access to the software on the server. This creates additional savings on the purchase of equipment, limits the risk of user intervention in the operation of the computer, and also increases security: after all, if necessary, the server with all data and software is disconnected from the terminals.

For all their attractiveness, previously terminal solutions at cashiers’ workplaces in supermarkets could not always be used due to the need to print fiscal receipts (and, accordingly, control the printer from the workplace). But now some PPO models, for example, Datecs FP-T88, have already implemented the ability to use terminal mode. To do this, just download from the manufacturer’s website and install a set of drivers for terminal mode.

10. Ease of IT infrastructure support

And finally, an important business point. Today, when price competition and crisis events put pressure on retail stores, optimizing fixed infrastructure costs is becoming a resource for increasing business efficiency and simply a necessity. The fewer problems the equipment creates, the less personnel and costs are needed to maintain it.

Each IT specialist, even with a minimum salary of 5 thousand UAH, costs the enterprise approx. 100-150 thousand UAH per year (payroll, workplace, office rent, etc.). And to service a large network of specialists, you need a lot of specialists, and to this figure are added business trips, transportation costs, etc. How much failures and downtime cost is more difficult to estimate, but this is always lost profit or direct losses.

In this regard, a POS system that works reliably helps in this optimization.

By the way, many, even large retail chains, today are trying to minimize their need for IT personnel by purchasing high-quality professional equipment and software or outsourcing the maintenance of the infrastructure of stores and offices.

It is important to understand that a Service Partner is not just a contractor’s staff who comes out when there are problems with equipment or software. On the contrary, the service partner is interested in minimizing emergency trips and places emphasis on the correct organization of equipment operation, on timely preventive and maintenance. As a result, the likelihood of failures is reduced, the store as a whole operates more reliably, and the equipment lasts longer.

When performing a normal function POS cash registers works much more efficiently. POS terminals created were designed to automate the cashier’s workplace, and therefore make service faster and more convenient for both the employee and the client. Let's move on to the main question: how to choose a POS system ?

Choosing a pos system

If your business involves accepting various payments from clients, then sooner or later you will have to deal with such a concept as “POS system” or “POS terminal”. So what is a POS system, and how to choose one? (The literal translation of the abbreviation Point-Of-Sal e is “point of sale”) Simply put, this is a collection of specialized computers and cash registers. The entire complex is controlled by special software.

The main thing about POS systems

When choosing the components of a POS system you plan to purchase, you must take into account the scope of its application. The technical characteristics of terminals serving restaurant visitors in one case and retail store customers in the other will differ from each other. For proper and successful business development, you must choose the right one POS complex, which is exactly what you need. Therefore, the choice of system should be approached with all responsibility.

Make a list of the characteristics of your business. After all, every enterprise is one of a kind. This will be your first step in the difficult choice of your future assistant.

  1. What products and/or services do you offer? Retail or wholesale? B2B or B2C? (business to business or business to client)
  2. Number of planned operations per day?
  3. Will credit or debit cards be accepted?
  4. Number of cash desks, and will they be connected to each other by a network?
  5. One retail outlet or chain of stores, will they be interconnected?
  6. Do you need communication with an accounting or inventory program?

Components or components of POS systems

POS system That’s why it’s called a system, since it’s not one device, but a whole complex. It contains:

  • Cash program– the brain of your POS design. A technician selects it to suit the needs of your enterprise. There are also software applications in various configurations - Basic, Corporate and Professional. Each has its own capabilities and features.

In order not to get confused in the variety and decide which one is right for you, you need to keep in mind that all programs perform standard cash transactions, but in addition, there are a number of additional options. These are the ones that need to be studied carefully. After all, if you have a grocery store, you are unlikely to need specific functions cash registers beauty salons. But there are also features that may be in demand with the further development or expansion of your business. For clarity, we give an example in the form of a specific list. You can:

  • generate reports– effective and useful ability of the system to collect data, assessing the company’s turnover and sales levels. All the main reports are included here, and some forms of reports can be adjusted to suit your business for a complete and objective picture of your activities;
  • manage inventory– the data of your warehouses will always be up-to-date, you will always know the quantity and range of goods that need replenishment. This means that your business will not be idle, you will be able to immediately satisfy the needs of your customers, which will have a positive impact on your business reputation.
  • make automatic purchases– as a continuation to the previous position. There are “smart” programs that will independently generate an order for your supplier, taking into account missing items, just like a good accountant will prepare payment orders if your system is connected to an accounting program.
  • evaluate customer relationships– as a business owner, you are interested in increasing the number of sales. The right software will make it easy to use various discount systems (if necessary, at different checkouts), sales using discount cards, and will also make it impossible for staff to manipulate discounts and deceive the owner.
  • make returns correctly– such procedures are far from uncommon in any field of activity. The program will do everything quickly, saving you and the visitor time and nerves.
  • supervise staff– each financially responsible employee is authorized at the checkout using a password or card. Therefore, it will not be difficult to “figure out” the true culprit of shortages, mismatches and fraud.
  • don't worry about safety– provided that your POS system and the program installed on it comply with all modern security standards.

Study the offered software, its capabilities, basic and additional functions. Under no circumstances should you skimp on the program. This will save you from further problems. After all, a stingy person, as you know, pays twice. And time is more valuable than gold.


A specialized computer is the head of the system, to which all its other components are connected. It is acceptable to use standard computers, provided they meet all technical software requirements. But experts still recommend working with special POS computers.

Firstly, you can choose a monoblock version. It is distinguished by ergonomics and functionality. This choice is indispensable for owners of small retail outlets. Or salons and restaurants with their own specific “face” and strict interior. Secondly, you won't be able to use a standard PC 24/7, they're simply not designed for that. Thirdly, specialized computers consume less energy and have sealed cases.

Fiscal registrar– this is a device with which accurate and complete records of sold products, goods, services are kept, and receipts are also printed. You will find the registrar you need if you answer the following questions for yourself: how large is your retail outlet and what is its capacity? In this case, important parameters will be cost-effectiveness of use and small receipt sizes.

If your enterprise is very popular among the population, then the main thing will be the high productivity of the receipt printing operation and the efficiency of consumables. And, for example, for salons, cafes and restaurants, a check with a presentable appearance is important. Also note that recorders with thermal printing are quieter and faster than their matrix counterparts.

But the control tape and receipts printed last are stored for quite a long time, unlike thermal paper. Just decide what is more important to you. Money box, perhaps, does not require such serious thought and painful choice. It is enough to know the desired dimensions, how many sections you want to have for placing banknotes and make sure that the lock and presser feet are strong and reliable. The box is connected to the registrar and automatically opens with each monetary transaction.

POS – terminal or card reader. Almost 80% of city residents pay for services using bank cards – debit or credit. Therefore, you simply need a payment terminal; its main feature should be the speed of reading and processing bank card data and, of course, reliability.

Barcode Scanner reads the product marking (barcode), decodes it and transmits the data to POS system. A pattern can be seen here: the more expensive the scanner, the better the quality of the scanning element, the more types of barcodes it can read, and will save you from the need for manual data entry. Also, most modern scanners are protected from shocks and falls, which are inevitable during long service life.

If you have a retail business, a “hands-free” type of scanner would be more suitable for you – a multi-plane barcode scanner. It reads codes in any direction. This saves time.

Types of POS systems

Having understood the main characteristics of the components POS systems, you can boldly choose the one that suits you. The choice depends on the format of your enterprise, specialization, throughput and traffic. After all, the system should increase the productivity and efficiency of your organization.

For retail

How to choose a POS– a system for retail outlets? Retail stores for POS systems are mainly sales and a large assortment of goods, cancellations and returns, discount systems for one product or an entire receipt, and generation of sales reports. That is, retail POS systems require a large number of very versatile functions.

As for software, “1C: Retail” fully meets the above requirements. Mandatory peripheral equipment – ​​barcode scanner, fiscal registrar And card reader terminal. A scanner with a visual search for products will make your work easier here, especially if the product is difficult to mark with a code. Properly selected equipment will save the population from queues, misunderstandings and will add regular customers to you.

For restaurants and hotels

How to choose a POS– a system for restaurants and hotels? It differs primarily in software. Many of them are based on the same 1C accounting system, but new forms of production accounting have been added to them.

Such a program is able to create an order and “postpone” it until full payment. What else can the software do? Take into account the planned and actual cost of ingredients, write them off using cost cards, work with gifts and free bonuses, print advance receipts, install a logo on the receipt, print the client’s address and telephone number for delivery on the receipt. And this is not a complete list of possibilities; By the way, here it is better to use a candy bar with a touch screen.

Mobile POS system

This design has the same functionality as the above. Its main difference is that it is absolutely mobile and transportable.

Cash program is installed on a special mobile device; you can also use a tablet computer. This is an excellent solution for traveling trade, for example, or, say, at the bar counter of a cafe, where there is usually a shortage of space. In the kit you can purchase both a mobile printer and a mobile card reader. Most of these devices have a scanner on board. The fact that such a mobile system is in demand is evidenced by the fact that models with built-in functions of a fiscal recorder and card reader are beginning to appear on the market.