Installing and configuring a wifi router. Connection via Wi-Fi wireless communication channel. Wired connection using twisted pair

When parameterizing home local networks, the question often arises of how to configure the router. It is a key element of this system and everything else depends on its quality functioning. All modern devices of this class support operation both via wires and the so-called Wi-Fi standard. In general, a very convenient device for organizing a small network. It is because of this that the demand for them is increasing, and the question “how to set up a router with your own hands” is becoming increasingly relevant. It is not always possible to call a specialist to regional centers or small villages. Their services cannot be considered cheap. All this together leads to the fact that people strive to do this procedure on their own. There is nothing complicated about it; with some preparation, such an operation can be easily and quickly performed.


So, how to set up a router on your own? The first stage consists of proper connection. First, let's connect the power supply. The box and plug are connected to the outlet. And the wire is installed in the corresponding “seat” on the back of the router. Next, we find the yellow connector there and connect the wire from the provider to it. At least, this is how most manufacturers distinguish it from the rest. Then you need to connect a twisted pair cable, one end of which fits into any of the blue “seats” of the router, and connect the other end to a computer or laptop. Then you need to check the correctness of the switching and, if everything is fine, then you can turn on the power button (it is usually located on the back side). We have described the first stage of this or any other manufacturer). Next comes software configuration.

Working with software

Each router comes complete with a CD containing a software module for setting it up. But the developers went further. An alternative option for performing this operation is that you can configure such network equipment using a browser. We will choose the second option, since it is more universal. It can be used for both an ASUS router and a device from another manufacturer. First, launch the browser installed on your PC (for example, Internet Explorer). In its address bar we type “” and press the “Enter” button. After the manipulations have been completed, a window will appear in which you need to enter your login and password. For ASUS products this will be the same line - admin. But for Zyxel the values ​​are different. Its login is the same as that of the previous manufacturer, and the password is “1234”. For other products, you need to look at the documentation for it, where you can find this information. Next you need to enter the following values ​​into the router:

  • set the network name;
  • put a password on it with WPA2 encryption level;
  • if necessary, select the operating range and possible device address values.

Save the changes made and reboot it. The network is now configured and can work.


This article is devoted to how to configure a router. Even a novice user can do this. In short, it all comes down to organizing the correct connection, entering the “Settings” menu and setting the name of the network, as well as a password to access it. All other parameters in most cases remain by default, and this is quite enough for normal operation.

Good day.

In order to be able to organize a wireless Wi-Fi network at home and provide Internet access to all mobile devices (laptops, tablets, phones, etc.), you need a router (even many novice users are already aware of this). True, not everyone dares to connect it and configure it themselves...

In fact, most people can do this (I don’t take into account exceptional cases when an Internet provider creates such a “wild” with its own parameters for accessing the Internet...). In this article I will try to answer all the most common questions that I heard (and hear) when connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router. So let's get started...

1) What router do I need, how to choose it?

Perhaps this is the first question that users who want to organize a wireless Wi-Fi network at home ask themselves. I would start this question with a simple and important point: what services does your Internet provider provide (IP telephony or Internet television), what Internet speed do you expect (5-10-50 Mbit/s?), and at what protocol you are connected to the Internet (for example, now popular: PPTP, PPPoE, L2PT).

Those. The functions of the router will begin to appear by themselves... In general, this topic is quite extensive, therefore, I recommend that you read one of my articles:

searching and choosing a router for your home -

2) How to connect the router to the computer?

As a rule, the router itself comes with a power supply and a network cable for connecting to a PC (see Fig. 1).

By the way, please note that on the back wall of the router there are several sockets for connecting a network cable: one WAN port and 4 LAN ( the number of ports depends on the router model. In the most common home routers, the configuration is as in Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Typical rear view of the router (TP Link).

The Internet cable from your provider (which was most likely previously connected to the PC’s network card) must be connected to the blue port of the router (WAN).

Using the cable that comes with the router, you need to connect the computer’s network card (where the provider’s Internet cable was previously connected) to one of the router’s LAN ports (see Fig. 2 - yellow ports). By the way, you can connect several more computers this way.

At an important moment! If you don’t have a computer, you can connect the LAN port of the router to a laptop (netbook) with a network cable. The fact is that the initial setup of the router is better (and in some cases, it is impossible to do otherwise) via a wired connection. After you specify all the basic parameters (set up a wireless Wi-Fi connection), you can disconnect the network cable from the laptop and continue working via Wi-Fi.

As a rule, there are no issues with connecting cables and power supplies. Let's assume that your device is connected, and the LEDs on it start blinking :).

3) How to enter the router settings?

This is probably the key question of the article. In most cases, this is done quite simply, but sometimes... Let's consider the whole process in order.

By default, each router model has its own address for entering the settings (as well as login and password). In most cases it is the same:, however, there are exceptions. Here are a few models:

  • Asus - (Login: admin, Password: admin (or empty field));
  • ZyXEL Keenetic - (Login: admin, Password: 1234);
  • D-LINK - (Login: admin, Password: admin);
  • TRENDnet - (Login: admin, Password: admin).

At an important moment! It is impossible to say with 100% accuracy what address, password and login your device will have (even despite the brands I listed above). But this information must be indicated in the documentation for your router (most likely, on the first or last page of the user manual).

Rice. 3. Enter your login and password to access the router settings.

For those who were unable to enter the router settings, there is a good article with reasons (why this could happen). I recommend using the tips, link to the article below.

How to log in to Why it doesn’t log in, the main reasons are:

How to enter the Wi-Fi router settings (step by step) -

4) How to set up an Internet connection in a Wi-Fi router

Before describing these or those settings, a small footnote should be made here:

  1. First, even routers from the same model range can have different firmware (different versions). The settings menu depends on the firmware, i.e. what you will see when you go to the settings address ( The settings language also depends on the firmware. In my example below, I will show the settings of a popular router model - TP-Link TL-WR740N (the settings are in English, but understanding them is not so difficult. Of course, setting up in Russian is even easier).
  2. The router settings will depend on the network organization of your Internet provider. To configure the router, you need connection information (login, password, IP addresses, connection type, etc.), usually everything you need is contained in the Internet connection agreement.
  3. For the above reasons, it is impossible to give universal instructions that are suitable for all occasions...

Different Internet providers have different types of connections, for example, Megaline, ID-Net, TTK, MTS, etc. use a PPPoE connection (I would call it the most popular). In addition, it provides higher speed.

When connecting PPPoE to access the Internet, you need to know the password and login. Sometimes (as for example, MTS) uses PPPoE+Static Local: access to the Internet will be provided, after entering the password and login for access, the local network is configured separately - you will need: IP address, mask, gateway.

Necessary settings (for example PPPoE, see Fig. 4):

  1. You need to open the “Network / WAN” section;
  2. WAN Connection Type - indicate the connection type, in this case PPPoE;
  3. PPPoE Connection: Username - specify the login for accessing the Internet (specified in your agreement with the Internet provider);
  4. PPPoE Connection: Password - password (similar);
  5. Secondary Connection - here we either do not indicate anything (Disabled), or, for example, as in MTS - we indicate Static IP (depending on the organization of your network). Typically, this settings item affects access to the local network of your Internet provider. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to worry too much;
  6. Connect on Demand - establish an Internet connection as needed, for example, if the user accesses an Internet browser and requests a page on the Internet. By the way, please note that there is a column below Max idle Time - this is the time after which the router (if it is idle) will disconnect from the Internet.
  7. Connect Automatically - connect to the Internet automatically. In my opinion, the optimal parameter is what you need to choose...
  8. Connect Manually - connect to the Internet manually (inconvenient...). Although for some users, for example, if they have limited traffic, it is quite possible that this type will be the most optimal, allowing them to control the traffic limit and not go into the red.

Rice. 4. Setting up a PPPoE connection (MTS, TTK, etc.)

It is also worth paying attention to the Advanced tab - in it you can set DNS (they are sometimes necessary).

Rice. 5. Advanced tab in the TP Link router

Another important point - many Internet providers bind your MAC address to the network card and do not allow you to access the Internet if the MAC address has changed ( approx. Each network card has its own unique MAC address).

Modern routers can easily emulate the desired MAC address. To do this you need to open the tab Network/MAC Clone and press the button Clone MAC Address.

Alternatively, you can tell your new MAC address to your Internet provider and they will unblock it.

Note. The MAC address is something like this line: 94-0C-6D-4B-99-2F (see Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. MAC address

By the way, for example in “ Billine» connection type is not PPPoE, A L2TP. The setup itself is done in a similar way, but with some caveats:

  1. Wan Connection Type - the connection type must be selected L2TP;
  2. Username, Password - enter the data provided to you by your Internet provider;
  3. Server IP-address -;
  4. save the settings (the router should reboot).

Rice. 7. Setting up L2TP for Billine...

Note: Actually, after entering the settings and rebooting the router (if you did everything correctly and entered exactly the data that is needed), the Internet should appear in your laptop (computer) that you connected via a network cable! If this is the case, all that remains is to set up a wireless Wi-Fi network. In the next step, we will do this...

5) How to set up a wireless Wi-Fi network in a router

Setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network, in most cases, comes down to specifying the network name and password to access it. As an example, I’ll show the same router (though I’ll take Russian firmware to show both Russian and English options).

First you need to open the Wireless section (wireless network), see fig. 8. Next, set the following settings:

  1. Network name - the name that you will see when searching for and connecting to a Wi-Fi network (enter any);
  2. Region - you can specify “Russia”. By the way, many routers don’t even have such a parameter;
  3. Channel Width, Channel- you can leave Auto and not change anything;
  4. Save your settings.

Rice. 8. Setting up a Wi-Fi wireless network in the TP Link router.

Next, you need to open the “ Wireless Security". Many people underestimate this point, but if you do not protect the network with a password, then all your neighbors will be able to use it, thereby reducing your network speed.

  • Version: you don’t have to change it and leave it automatic;
  • Encryption: also automatic;
  • PSK password is the password to access your Wi-Fi network. I recommend that you indicate something that is difficult to find by regular search, or by random guessing (no 12345678!).

Rice. 9. Setting the encryption type (security).

After saving the settings and rebooting the router, your wireless Wi-Fi network should start working. Now you can set up a connection on your laptop, phone and other devices.

6) How to connect a laptop to a wireless Wi-Fi network

As a rule, if the router is configured correctly, there should be no problems with setting up and accessing the network in Windows. And such a connection is made in a couple of minutes, no more...

First, click on the Wi-Fi icon in the tray next to the clock. In the window with a list of found Wi-Fi networks, select yours and enter the password to connect (see Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Selecting a Wi-Fi network to connect your laptop.

If you entered the network password correctly, the laptop will establish a connection and you can start using the Internet. Actually, this completes the setup. For those who did not succeed, below are some links to typical problems.

The laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi (does not find wireless networks, there are no connections available) -

Problems with Wi-Fi in Windows 10: network without Internet access -

This article will help answer the following questions: how to properly configure a wi-fi router, how to configure an access point, and will bring clarity. If you believe the manufacturers of wi-fi equipment, then setting up a wireless network (WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network) is a matter of minutes. You just need to press a button and the device makes the connection itself. But in reality, wi-fi routers confuse even experienced PC users. The majority are happy with the fact that there is a signal at all - as usual, they forget about reliability. In this article you will learn how to properly configure a Wi-Fi access point and how to make a reliable wireless connection in order to protect your network from unwanted guests.

Which Wi-Fi router or access point to choose?

Choosing a wi-fi router. The Wi-Fi standard is always a stumbling block for multimedia delivery. You can quickly transfer large files or watch HD videos over a wireless network only if it complies with the 802.11n standard, which can support speeds of up to 300 Mbps. We also recommend reading about the new wireless network standard - 802.11 ac, in order to purchase a device that is future-proof. If this is not necessary, then you should choose any router from a well-known manufacturer (Netgear, Asus , TP-Link or D-Link), which complies with the 802.11 n standard - this will be more than enough for any high-speed Internet connection.

Wi-Fi adapters. Users using modern laptops or personal computers with a wireless integrated network adapter do not need additional equipment, while owners of old laptops need to take care of Wi-Fi modules on the USB bus, or Wi-Fi Card-Bus adapters

How to locate a Wi-Fi access point or Wi-Fi router

As a rule, all 3 Wi-Fi network standards operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. In this regard, several problems arise at once. One of them boils down to the fact that not only Wi-Fi equipment operates in this frequency range. For example, wireless interface extenders, cordless phones, and microwave ovens also use this frequency in their operation, which significantly increases the degree of interference. Another problem is related to the signal transmission environment: reinforced concrete structures, the human body - all this makes the quality of the signal worse if they are located along its path. In order for the signal to be available throughout the entire room, it is important to choose the right location. The connection works best if the router is mounted as high as possible on the wall. In addition, the router should not be located directly behind a computer or other device that has strong radiation or interferes with radio waves due to the metal casing. The correct placement of the router antennas is also critical. You can get more coverage in most cases if you point them vertically.

Connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router (access point) for a local (internal) network

Use a network cable to connect the computer and the router (you use sockets for the external network, as a rule, there are only 3-5 pieces, they are located next to each other and labeled). You need to make sure that you have established a connection between your computer and your WiFi router (the connection icon lights up in the taskbar tray).

Then you should set the following settings in the properties of this connection:

  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask:
  • Default Gateway:
  • DNS:

If you find other parameters in the manual, you need to set them. Open the command line on your PC (Start – Run – write “cmd” in the window that opens for Windows XP or click start and enter “cmd” in the search bar). Then write ping in the command line that opens. If the packets come from, then you did everything correctly. If there is no response, and we see messages about exceeding the waiting limit, then we need to try changing IP and to and, respectively, and then try pinging the address If you continue to experience failures, then you should consult the manual to understand which router accepts the IP address on the internal interface.

We also recommend checking again whether the network cable is plugged into the socket on the router, and whether a crossover cable is used. The manual for connecting a Wi-Fi router should tell you how to get into the web interface for further management of the router; if you cannot find this section, or the manual itself is missing, then you should check the addresses or, depending on which address we were able to ping. Open the router settings page in your computer's browser. If you have already tried to connect the router yourself, then you need to reset the settings using the “Reset” button, which is located on the rear panel. It is also worth checking the same addresses, but with a secure protocol instead of http://, https://.

You will be asked to enter your login and password on the page that opens. If nothing is specified in the instructions for connecting a wi-fi router, then you should try the admin/password or admin/admin pairs - these are the most common pairs, and they are found in almost all popular router models . After you enter the administration mode, in the interface settings section, select the Russian language so that everything becomes intuitive if it is present.

In Wi-Fi routers, packet forwarding is most often allowed in the internal system interface, so you can already turn on additional PCs and connect them through other sockets for the internal network, and start using the internal network.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router

We will look below at how to enter data to access an Internet connection, using the example of one Wi-Fi router, but for now let’s go to the “Wireless Settings” settings section or to the “Wireless”, “Wi Fi” and etc.

Now give your home Wi-Fi network a name in “Name (SSID)”. A wireless network under this name will be reflected in the list of available networks on another device. Select your region (Europe - the American installation has a longer range, which is prohibited here). In the “Channel” column you need to set the value to “Auto” - then your Wi-Fi router will analyze the airwaves and use the channel with the least amount of interference. By clicking on “Apply”, confirm the settings.

Wireless Security

The network is installed, now it's a matter of choosing protection. Anyone can access the Internet without a strong password. There are three main encryption methods for protecting a Wi-Fi network: WEP, WPA and WPA2. To one degree or another, they are all vulnerable, but with our help, your network will be protected from hackers quite reliably. WEP encryption is extremely weak and is recommended not to be used. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) encryption, based on the AES encryption method, is quite strong and difficult to crack. To select the keys, a hacker will need many years or a computer that will be an order of magnitude faster than its current counterparts.

Offers better WPA2 security. True, hackers were able to find a loophole here too, but the costs of hacking are too high. However, all these security methods require a dedicated authorization server (RADIUS), which is not applicable in a small office or home network. There is encryption for them using WPA and WPA2 with predefined keys. To use them, you must activate “WPA-PSK (TKIP)” or “WPA2-PSK (AES)” on the “Wireless Settings” tab. When prompted for Security Encryption, you will need to specify a password; it is not recommended to use less than fifteen characters. Then confirm your entry by clicking “Apply”.

Optional Wi-Fi router setup

Each network device is equipped with its own MAC (Media Access Control) network address. You should only enter the addresses of devices you know in the router; others should not have access to the router. To do this, in the menu item, click “Advanced” on the “Wireless Settings” tab and select “Setup Access List” there. You will then receive a list of connected devices. Finding out the MAC address of a wifi module on a laptop or a Wi-Fi network card on a PC is easy - type “ipconfig /all” in the command line. Then select the computers for which you want to open free access and click on “Add”. Now you need to check the box next to “Turn Access Control On”, click on “Apply” - and your protected network from hackers is ready. Don’t forget that it’s best to do all this after you’ve set up a wireless connection on your client computers.

Pass the Wi-Fi router through the web interface and try setting up the network on your device using the following settings:

  • IP– from the range of free addresses
  • Mask –
  • Getway – 192.168.(0-1).1

Setting up the Internet on a Wi-Fi router or setting up an external network

If we need to distribute the Internet via the internal network, then we need to connect a network cable with the Internet to the external interface on the Wi-Fi router (usually the external interface is located a little away from the others and is signed accordingly by WAN).

Then, in the router settings, you should specify the settings for the external interface of your provider: as a rule, they are included in the contract, or you should call technical support. You should also not forget about DNS - the router probably has a caching DNS server or, in extreme cases, a DNS tunnel - this needs to be configured. You also need to check whether packet exchange is allowed between interfaces; if so, then most likely the Internet is already available on your internal network.

By the way, it should be noted that the latest models of Wi-Fi routers and some of the previous ones (for example, Asus) have the ability to work with the PPPoE protocol, which is increasingly being used by providers lately. If you have this kind of Internet, then you need to make sure that your router supports PPPoE. On this page we have described the main methods of connecting to the Internet so that you can determine yours.

Let us remind you once again about the treasured button, which answers the question of how to reset the password on the router if I have forgotten the old one. There is a “Reset” button on every router; after you click on it while the router itself is running, it reboots and all settings are set to their original settings.

Setting up a wi-fi router. Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Networks

Why doesn't Wi-Fi want to transfer data? You connect to Wi-Fi, but the browser cannot display the site. So let's look at the solution to this WLAN problem.

The main problem is considered to be a weak Wi-Fi connection signal. In some cases, WLAN transmits data 1.5-2 times slower and always has a poor signal, no matter where the antenna is located. Reason: your network is blocked by another WLAN that operates at the same frequency. To allow multiple radio networks to exist side by side without overlapping each other, the 802.11b/g standard provides a total of 13 channels at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Many routers are configured for the sixth or eleventh channels. You can search with the free NetStumbler app and recognize neighboring WLANs and find out what channels they are running on. Download the application from the official website and start searching. After this, you will see the channels of the surrounding networks. Now, through the web configuration of the router itself, install your own WLAN on one of the channels that is not used in this network, and check whether the signal has improved.

Nowadays, people are increasingly using a wired connection to the Internet. This causes inconvenience and also limits the user’s movement, since the cable is connected directly to the network card of a desktop computer or laptop. If you own a tablet or smartphone with a built-in wireless communication module, then you simply cannot do without knowledge of how to set up a router.

Features of using household routers

Typically, a home low-port router is used in everyday life. Models can be equipped with a firewall, and in some cases even USB slots to connect printing devices if necessary. One of the most interesting questions for users is the number of antennas on the device. Of course, this affects Internet speed and range.

In order to expand your network coverage area, you can resort to one trick and connect two routers together. In the administration menu, identical SSID names, DHCP protocols, and different IP addresses are set for routers. The only drawback of this method of expanding the “wireless network capacity” is the dependence of all devices on the main router. If it is disabled, additional devices included in the local network will no longer receive IP data, and the Internet will be unavailable.

How are routers different?

Currently, there are a lot of router manufacturers, and products of various price categories are entering the market. Household routers for use in an apartment cost from 300 to 700 UAH. More expensive models are designed for advanced functionality (for example, using several SSID names on one device, creating a dedicated signal, network storage).

There are no fundamental differences between TP Link, D-Link or Asus routers, and negative reviews about some models are often associated with incorrect settings. Another reason for user dissatisfaction may be the insufficient data processing speed of the router, which does not match the speed of the Internet.

This point is worth paying attention to if your provider provides services above 50 Mbit/s. Some expensive models are capable of processing data at a speed of 300 Mbit/sec, which is very convenient for users of torrent networks (provided that the tracker does not limit the flow).

Some users prefer simple automatic setup. To correctly create the router configuration manually, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with the process of connecting routers of various brands.

How to set up a TP-Link router

Before connecting, the first thing you need to consider is the make and model of your router, so how to set up a Wi-Fi router different manufacturers can do it differently. TP-Link is a fairly popular brand of mid-price routers that can provide a full-fledged wireless network in your home or workplace. Before setting up a TP-Link router, you need to find out its model and firmware version. Routers of this brand, when connected to a computer, are configured online using the IP entered in the address bar without http and www - (indicated on the bottom panel of the device). The login and security code are also indicated there, which are recommended to be changed after the first login.

The updated firmware version can be obtained on the manufacturer’s Russified website, and then downloaded to the “System Tools” → “Firmware Upgrade” menu. By completing this step, the router will update and reboot automatically.

In the “Network” → “WAN” service, you must select the type of network connection. A drop-down menu will give you several options to choose from. If you are not sure what type of connection to install, it is better to contact your provider.

Security parameters and wireless access settings are set in the “Wireless” section:

  • the network name is indicated;
  • region of residence;
  • access password to the Wi-Fi point;
  • settings are saved.

In the “System Tools” → “Reboot” tab, you need to reboot the router.

After completing the above steps, a connection to the Internet will be established automatically.

How to properly configure a D-Link router

Before setting up a D-Link Wi-Fi router, you need to familiarize yourself with the web service menu for IP Log in using the standard login and password pair, after which the system will automatically prompt you to change the current security code.

In the “Wi-Fi” → “General Settings” menu, you need to check the “Enable wireless connection” checkbox.

In the “Basic Settings”, write down the SSID (the name of your network) in numbers and English letters, indicate your region of residence and select any channel from 1 to 11.

Going to the “Wi-Fi” → “Security Settings” tab, enter the PSK encryption key, which will become the password to your Wi-Fi point.

After the Wi-Fi router is configured, the device must be rebooted and start using the Internet.

How to set up an Asus router

Before, how to set up a router"Asus", you need to check your connection parameters with your provider. Then enter IP in the address bar of the Internet browser. By logging in using a username and password pair, you can perform automatic setup. If you want to configure the router manually, then go to the “WAN” section, where we select the provider protocol from the drop-down list:

  • PPPoE;
  • PPTP;
  • L2TP.

In the same menu, you should specify the IP and DNS data that was previously provided to you by your Internet operator.

Next, you need to “Apply” the data and select the “Wireless Network” section. Here you can, at your discretion, specify the network name (SSID field), select a channel (from 1 to 13), and also set a password for the access point.

After applying the data, the router should be rebooted.

How to set up a Huawei router

A feature of Huawei brand routers is that by default they are configured to “Bridge” mode. Access to the Internet via a wireless network is provided when the “Router” mode is enabled. Similar to most routers of other brands, Huawei setup occurs through an online service.

A short video will clearly demonstrate the process of setting up a router from this manufacturer: