Pavel Chistov. We will check the report for format and logical control Automatic configuration of the information base for organizing the accounting of alcoholic beverages

  • Saving the declaration in the journal and using them as initial data for the next period Powerful declaration editor Checking counterparties, loading declarations from xml files, powerful selections and much more... And all this is even faster and more convenient New edition 3.1
  • The most popular alcohol declaration annexes are annexes 5, 6, 7, 11 and 12.

    Processing is intended for wholesale or retail trade organizations. In updates for the future reporting company, Declaration Appendices required for enterprises engaged in the production of alcoholic beverages are planned.

  • Even faster than ed. 2.x! High productivity of generating declarations based on information base data.

    The implementation of the new edition for our clients with a network of about 150 stores showed the following results: the formation of Appendix 11 according to the information base (150 stores, more than 50,000 declaration lines) - about 3-4 minutes! Uploading using FSRAR format - less than one minute! The same task in the Declarant-Alco program was completed for more than 48 hours.

  • Fully automatic completion of the declaration based on information base data.

    All declaration applications are filled out automatically. Data from the documents “Receipt of goods and services”, “Sales of goods and services”, for Appendices 11 and 12 “Report on retail sales”, “Movement of goods”, “Posting of goods”, “Write-off of goods” are used.

  • Maintaining a log of saved declarations

    You can now save reports in a log. It doesn’t matter how your report is generated, according to the information base data or whether it was downloaded from an external file. You can use these reports to generate opening balances for the next reporting period.

  • Powerful declaration editor with the following functionality:

    previously downloaded XML files, as well as declarations generated according to information base data. Data from a newly generated report (not yet downloaded, i.e. directly from the monitor screen) can be manually edited and then downloaded in XML format;
  • Loading balances at the end of the previous reporting periodto data (in the form of initial balances) of the current reporting period with automatic recalculation of dependent indicators. This allows you to organize “selective” accounting, i.e. for a limited subset of credentials contained in the information base.
  • Automatic completion of the “Receipts” and “Supplies” columns" in Appendix 5 and the columns "Receipt" in Sect. 1 Appendices 11 and 12. When adjusting the data in Appendices 6 and 7, as well as Section. 2 of Appendices 11 and 12, it is possible to automatically calculate the values ​​of the indicators of the corresponding columns of Appendix 5 and Section. 1 appendices 11 and 12.
  • Function of automatic recalculation of dependent indicators of a loaded report when editing basic indicators . For example, when editing opening balances, ending balances are recalculated automatically.
  • Comprehensive verification of report data when uploading data to an XML file.

    Indicators such as the presence of a product type code, the presence of a manufacturer, the correctness of the TIN and KPP are checked (checking for the correctness of the TIN and KPP is carried out via the Internet, using the service for checking counterparties in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs), checking the ratios of the control indicators of the report. If errors are detected, the file is not uploaded, and the errors found are highlighted in red.

  • Automatic configuration of the information base for organizing the accounting of alcoholic beverages.

    When you first start processing or at any other time when you need it, the accounting setup assistant will help you configure your information base for working with the Alcohol Declaration product as quickly and comfortably as possible. For example, the directory “Codes of types of alcoholic products” is filled out automatically in accordance with the list of codes of alcoholic products approved by the FSRAR.

  • Maintaining records for different manufacturers for one product item.

    In UT10.3 and UT11, the characteristics mechanism is used for this purpose. For each item characteristic used to account for alcoholic products, the “Manufacturer” property is added, which is filled in from the counterparties directory. For the version under BP3.0, this feature is not supported, due to the lack of a characteristics mechanism in BP3.0. In this case, different nomenclature items must be used for different manufacturers.

  • Detailing of summary indicators of reports down to the document and item level in one click.

    It is not clear why the report shows this exact amount? You can get a detailed breakdown of any amount in the report and, if necessary, open and edit directly the document or element of the nomenclature directory that aroused your interest.

  • Possibility of reconciliations with counterparties thanks to a powerful selection system.

    Selection is possible both within a single application and across several applications of the declaration. For example, you can obtain data on a counterparty simultaneously for applications 6 and 7, which will allow you to verify data not only on deliveries, but also on returns.

  • Flexible system for managing report data sources.

    Sources of data in the report can be: records of the accumulation register “Goods of organizations”, previously downloaded declaration files in the FSRAR format; When generating a report on records of accumulation registers, it is possible to include or exclude document movements from entering the report without the “reflect in accounting” checkbox. accounting"

  • Signing, encryption and verification of declaration files is similar to FSRAR services

    The generated files can be checked for compliance with the FSRAR format, signed and encrypted. You will not need to purchase programs such as Crypto AWS, everything is available from one workstation.

  • Works with basic versions

    Processing does not require configuration changes and can work with basic versions, significantly reducing the cost of implementation when using no more than one workstation.

  • Automatic update module via the Internet

    Checking for updates can be done either at the user's request (in semi-automatic mode) or every time the program is started. After purchasing processing, you will receive an individual login and password for automatic updates.

  • Supported Configurations

    Edition\Configuration Enterprise accounting Trade management Comprehensive automation
    11.1, 11.2

    You can get acquainted with the product in detail, having studied the documentation or if you contact us for advice.

    You can see the first idea of ​​the product interface and some of its functionality in the screenshots below for various configurations.

    You can always count on professional technical support from product developers with more than 3 years of experience in implementing alcohol declarations.
    The delivery price includes technical support for 6 months after payment of the order.

    Version for configurations 1C: Trade Management, edition 10.3 and 1C: Integrated Automation 1.1

    Version for configuration Trade management, edition 11.1, 11.2

    Log of saved declarations

    Declaration completion settings window

    Money back guarantee

    Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you request this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account.

    The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase.

    Current version of the Trade Management configuration,
    edition 10.3, intended for use with the system version
    1C:Enterprise no lower than 8.2.19. When working with the operating system
    Microsoft Windows 10 requires platform version 8.3
    "1C:Enterprise" in compatibility mode with version 8.2.

    The update is intended for the following releases:,,

    What's new?

    Added functionality to control the validity periods of electronic document formats.
    Added functionality for sending invitations to exchange to a specific EDF participant ID.


    Support for Receipt Printer equipment
    It supports printing settlement documents on a connected receipt printer or on an office printer and maintaining a “Logbook of documents issued to the buyer during settlements” in accordance with RF Regulation No. 296 of March 15, 2017.
    Report “Logbook of documents issued to the buyer”
    The “Logbook of documents issued to the buyer” report has been added, see the “Retail Trade Management” interface, “Sales” menu.
    Directory "KKM cash desks"
    The “Receipt Archiving” checkbox has been added to the “KKM Cash Register” directory form. When the “Receipt Archiving” checkbox is selected, “KKM Receipt” documents are not deleted after the shift is closed, but are marked as archived. Information from these documents is displayed in the “Logbook of documents issued to the buyer” report.
    Added service processing for ReceiptPrinter.epf
    Processing carries out maintenance of equipment supported by the 1C: Receipt Printer driver.

    New in version

    Exchange of electronic documents

    Added functionality for canceling an arbitrary electronic document.
    Added functionality for viewing EDF regulations through the “Electronic Document Tree” form for an arbitrary electronic document.
    Synchronization of the EDI status has been implemented between all information base documents participating in the UPD/UCD exchange.
    The possibility of one-time registration of all changes to organization certificates in the 1C-EDO service while saving the EDO Profile has been implemented.
    Added the ability to specify a list of users who have access to the certificate.

    VAT accounting

    In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2017. No. 625, in invoices issued from 07/01/2017 it is necessary to indicate the identifier of the government contract.
    In the document “Invoice issued” from 07/01/2017, the “Government Contract Identifier” field is available for filling out.
    The printed form of the document “Invoice issued” is brought into compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2017. No. 625.


    Added support for fiscal data format version 1.0.5 in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2017 N ММВ-7-20/229@
    “On approval of additional details of fiscal documents and formats of fiscal documents that are mandatory for use.”
    To take advantage of the new features, maintenance processing updates are required.

    Document “Cash receipt of correction”

    The document “Cash correction receipt” has been added. To use it, you need to update the shop equipment maintenance processing to version 1.7 or higher.

    Directory "Commercial Equipment"

    Added details “Method of format-logical control”, “Admissible discrepancy during formatological control”. Used when fiscalizing a check on a cash register with data transfer.

    Documents “Incoming cash order”, “Outgoing cash order”, “Payment from the buyer by payment card”

    The “Payment Method Indicator” attribute has been added to the “Payment Decoding” tabular section; it is filled in with the default value, is available for editing, and the user can change its value. The details are used when fiscalizing a check on a cash register with data transfer.

    Documents “Sales of goods and services”, “Return of goods from the buyer”

    Added the ability to generate a fiscal receipt on a cash register with data transfer.

    Identified errors have been corrected

    Logical file structure

    The lines of the attachment file (from the first line to the end of the file) contain the attachment information.

    The lines of the file must be separated from each other by a pair of carriage return and line feed characters (codes 1310 and 1010) immediately following each other.

    The file must not begin or end with carriage return or line feed characters. Including empty lines in a file (repeating carriage return and line feed pairs several times immediately after each other) is not allowed.
    Uploaded information

    Each line must contain the values ​​of the attributes listed in Table A.1.

    General requirements

    The format-logical control log (FLC log) is generated for each attachment file.

    The name of the FLC log file is constructed from the name of the attachment file by replacing the letters MO, which begins the file name, with the letter L:

    L + Source of information + registry number-SMO/MO + YYYYMMDD, where

    • Source of information: 1 – SMO or 2 – MO,

    • registration number-SMO/MO – registration number of the SMO or MO

    • YYYYMMDD – date for which the data was prepared.
    File extension – csv.

    The file contents are transmitted in Windows-1251 code page encoding.

    Logical file structure

    The FLC log is transmitted in a text format file with delimiters. The file consists of lines separated from each other by a pair of characters “carriage return” and “line feed” (codes 1310 and 1010). The semicolon character (";", code 3410) is used as a separator. Individual values ​​must be placed in quotation marks in cases where a semicolon or quotation marks occur within the value.
    List of format and logical control errors

    If at least one FLC error is detected in a line, the line is not sent for loading to the RS ERZ.

      1. List of format and logical control errors



    Description of the error

    additional verification


    Column name

    Errors in specific fields of a record




    No EPP

    There is no EPP for a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy




    Invalid characters or combinations of characters in a surname

    Last name, first name or patronymic does not satisfy the FLC rules adopted in the ERZ




    Invalid characters or combinations of characters in the name




    Invalid characters or combinations of characters in a patronymic



    Date of Birth

    Date of birth not specified



    Date of Birth

    Error in date of birth

    The date indicated is unreal:

    • The date of birth is greater than the file upload date indicated in the file name,

    • The month value is not a number from 1 to 12.

    • The year value contains signs other than numbers, or the resulting number is greater than the current year.




    Error in SNILS value

    The specified value is not the correct length or contains characters other than numbers.




    Error in SNILS check number

    The SNILS check number (last two digits) was calculated with an error.




    DPFS series and number are missing

    There is no series and number for an old-style compulsory medical insurance policy or a number for a temporary certificate



    Attachment method

    The code for the method of attachment to the MO is not specified



    Attachment method

    Invalid code for attachment method to MO

    The attachment method code was not found in the coding system.



    Attachment date

    Date error

    Date errors:

    The date contains characters other than numbers,

    The number of digits is not equal to eight,

    The sequence of numbers cannot be interpreted as a valid date (for example, "19722510" or "19801234").




    Registration number not specified




    Registration number not found

    The specified value was not found in the unified registry of the Moscow Region.

    Other (general) errors


    An exception occurred in the processing program

    FLC – format-logical control, which is intended to assist taxpayers in filling out tax reporting forms, does not pursue the purpose of conducting desk control, and is developed in accordance with the Rules for the preparation of tax reporting forms.

    According to paragraph 4-1 of Article 584 of the Tax Code of the FLC, consists of checking the completeness and correctness of its completion, carried out when receiving and processing tax reporting by the system for receiving and processing tax reporting by tax authorities (hereinafter referred to as the system).

    Confirmation of acceptance and processing of tax reporting by the central node of the system is an electronically generated notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of tax reporting by the system.

    The system assigns tax reporting submitted electronically an acceptance status (“Accepted”) and a processing status for tax reporting subject to posting to the taxpayer’s personal account (“posted”), and also generates a notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of tax reporting.

    Thus, if the specified tax reporting statuses are available in the notification, it is considered that the tax reporting has passed the test of format and logical control requirements and does not fall under the norm of subparagraph 7) of paragraph 5 of Article 584 of the Tax Code.

    The effectiveness of automated systems depends on the degree of reliability of the input information. Distortion of information is possible at the stages of its registration, transmission and processing. A significant proportion of errors are introduced by the operator when registering information in the process of filling out primary documents. When transmitting data to a computer via communication channels, distortion of information is possible due to interference, and during information processing - as a result of failures and failures of individual computer devices.

    To increase the level of information reliability, various data control methods have been developed to detect errors that occur at all stages of information movement from the place of its origin to the place of processing. Since most errors are made when preparing information, we will consider methods for controlling it at this stage.

    Information control during the preparation of primary documents includes various types of checks, some of which are carried out directly in the process of preparing a document on a computer in the automated workplace system, the other part of the checks is carried out in the central computer when entering a message.

    Distinguish format and logical control.

    At format control:

    The number of characters in each entered message indicator is determined and compared with the required number;

    The presence of an acceptable number of indicators in the entered message is checked;

    The presence of an alphabetic character is checked where there should be a numeric character, and vice versa.

    With logical control:

    The value of each message indicator of the range of acceptable values ​​contained in the master data is checked;

    A check is made for the mutual logical correspondence of individual indicators to each other within each phrase of the entered message and between different phrases (interphrase control);

    The presence of errors in the most important indicators of the message, such as numbers of rolling stock units, stations, cargo, is detected by calculating control signs.

    Format and logical controls are performed for service and information phrases of the message. If errors are detected, the subscriber who sent the message receives diagnostic message 497, which contains the error code and indicators where errors were made. The subscriber must correct errors or re-enter the message.

    Here are examples of some errors:

    1. Format errors

    1.1. Monitoring the correct formatting of message 02 as a whole.

    Start of message Message code Train number Train index Conditional length Train gross weight, t Special marks
    ESR formation station Composition number in order ECP destination station Number Month Hour minutes Cover code Oversize index Animals Route
    (: 03

    The error type in this example is a non-existent message code. Message 03 does not exist.

    1.2. Format control of a service phrase

    Start of message Message code ECP message station Train number Train index Sign of writing off the composition (1 - from the head, 2 - from the tail) Date and time of completion of composition formation Conditional length Train gross weight, t Special marks
    ESR formation station Composition number in order ECP destination station Number Month Hour minutes Cover code Oversize index Animals Route
    (: 005

    This shows a metric format error. The sequence number of the composition should consist of two characters, and not three, as in the example.

    1.3. Format control of information phrase

    Car number in order Car inventory number Cargo weight, t Cargo code Consignee code Special marks Number of fillings Number of containers Car tare weight, t Note
    Cover code
    2011 00/00 H0030

    This also shows a format indicator error. Owner code, roller bearing mark must contain three characters.

    2. Logical errors

    2.1. Logical control of a service phrase.

    The composition write-off indicator must be equal to 1 or 2.

    2.2. Logical information phrase control

    Car number in order Car inventory number Owner code, roller bearing mark Cargo weight, t Car destination station code Cargo code Consignee code Special marks Number of fillings Number of containers ECP code of exit border station Car tare weight, t Note
    Belonging to the route, non-working fleet, group dispatch, coupling Cover code A special feature of the carriage (oversized, lively, long, prohibited from dissolving from the hump)
    ____ 00/00

    If the weight of the cargo is non-zero, information about the destination station of the car must be provided.

    2.3.Logical interphrase control

    Car number in order Car inventory number Owner code, roller bearing mark Cargo weight, t Car destination station code Cargo code Consignee code Special marks Number of fillings Number of containers ECP code of exit border station Car tare weight, t Note
    Belonging to the route, non-working fleet, group dispatch, coupling Cover code A special feature of the carriage (oversized, lively, long, prohibited from dissolving from the hump)
    68011105 00/00
    68011105 00/00

    Identical inventory numbers of wagons


    Based on the results of the test work, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the operating principle of the automatic control system.

    When forming a train, service and information blocks of message 02 (TGNL) are compiled, which are transmitted to the DVC. The service block contains information about the formed composition as a whole. The information block contains information about each car: inventory number, cargo weight, destination station, cargo code, etc.

    If the composition does not correspond to the TGNL previously transmitted to the DVC, then message 09 is generated, which indicates all changes in the composition. The most common reason for such a discrepancy is the planned uncoupling or coupling of cars to a train along the route, or the uncoupling of a car due to its technical or commercial malfunction.

    When the train departs from the station, messages 200 are generated;

    when the train arrives at the station - message 201;

    when traveling by train to the station – message 202;

    disbandment of the composition - message 203;

    loading a wagon - message 241;

    unloading the car - message 242;

    transfer of the car to the faulty group – message 1353

    Each of the listed messages provides information about the time of train formation, types of cars in the train, departure of the train from the formation station, loading and unloading of cars, coupling and uncoupling of cars, decommissioning of cars into the non-working fleet, etc.