Where to find the qr code. Reading the QR code

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. When writing the last article about I discovered on their home page, a tricky code for smartphones that has not yet become commonplace. I recently became acquainted with this topic and therefore today I want to talk about such a thing as QR codes.

For many, this type of barcode has already become commonplace, while others still don’t quite understand what it’s actually about. we're talking about. It is precisely for such comrades (to whom, until recently, I myself was one) that this article is dedicated.

Let's start with the fact that the popularity of this type of information encoding is explained primarily by the development of technology and the almost universal distribution of phones with a good camera and decent performance. To decipher a QR code, you only need to have regular mobile phone and the decoding program installed on it.

What is usually encrypted in this way? Well, first of all, this is logistics (i.e. replacing the usual barcode), bank receipts to speed up the reading of information from them, as well as ordinary things: links to advertising posters or websites and business card data, which will immediately be open in your cell phone's browser, or entered into his address book.

Purpose of QR codes and their use

QR codes are primarily about convenience. But let's see how you can create them yourself in online generator oh, and also read and decrypt on your cell phones. Well, due to the fact that this blog belongs to the topic of webmastering, we will consider plugins for WordPress that will allow you to display a barcode with its URL address om, for example, to add it to your smartphone bookmarks.

This barcode variation looks something like this:

It consists of an image in which, as a rule, one can always distinguish three large squares. They serve as guidelines when deciphering the code by programs for reading it - they help determine the level of inclination and clearly refer to the scale. Previously, a simpler one-dimensional (linear) barcode was used everywhere:

Using a barcode, you can encrypt only 20 to 30 characters and this was quite enough, for example, for the needs. QR is one of the varieties of a two-dimensional barcode and allows you to significantly increase the amount of information contained in it. Ideally, it can be used to convert up to two and a half printed pages of text into a relatively small image.

In reality they encode from several tens to hundreds of characters, because a larger number may cause difficulties in decoding by mobile phones in non-ideal conditions. In addition, up to 30 percent of the information can be given over to redundancy, which will allow the QR code to be decrypted even if it is partially damaged or in poor conditions.

The Japanese got the whole world hooked on this “infection”. One of their companies developed the principles of encoding and decryption in the mid-nineties of the last century. Well, the widespread use of cell phones in the land of the rising sun has provided the majority of the population with personal barcode scanners.

The fashion for QR codes is slowly sweeping the post-Soviet space. In any case, these intricate pictures are already found quite often on websites or in subway advertising. Yes, and there will be a barcode on the business card good decision, allowing you to add all your coordinates to your mobile phone with one click potential partner(the scanner program will not only decrypt the encoded information, but also send the data to contacts or open the link in the browser):

For example, if you wanted to add interesting article bookmarked on your cell phone (for reading it on the road), then for everyone modern browsers There are add-ons and plugins that allow you to encode URLs into QR, and then you can read it as a camera mobile phone And specified page will be open at mobile browser. The same applies to selected text fragments.

How to create a QR code - online generators

A little higher we looked at generators integrated into browsers, but they look much more functional online versions, which can encode the information you need (URL address, text, personal data from a business card, SMS, phone number, etc.) and create a picture of the size you need. You can save the resulting barcode image on your computer or get a link to it.

    QR Hacker— serves to create exclusive images with barcodes that you can color, round their corners and even add your logo. Because Since this technology initially contains code redundancy (up to 30%), these abuses will not lead to loss of information.

    First, in the left panel of the generator, select the data type - this is necessary so that the decryptor program in your mobile phone knows what to do with this data in the future - open a link in the browser, show text, add data to contacts, or do something else. On next step in the form located just below, enter what you want to encode (in my case, this is the URL - https://site) and click on the “Generate” button.

    A regular black and white QR code will appear in the editor window, which can either be saved as is or colored. All editor tools are located in the right panel. If we consider them from top to bottom, then first comes the engine for rounding corners of elements, then tools for setting the background color, or loading and adjusting the transparency of the background image.

    Well, just below are the tools for coloring the elements themselves (just like Pet Shop children’s coloring books) and placing the logo on the surface of the created barcode. Below the image you are mocking is a color scale that indirectly characterizes its readability. In the screenshot just above, readability is on the verge, although my phone has installed program decoding I-nigma (consonant with, isn’t it) coped with this task with a bang.

    QR Coder.ru— a simple barcode generator with an interface in Russian. First, you should select the type of information that you want to embed in the picture (text, business card, SMS or URL) so that the reading program will offer you the necessary options further actions. For example, in the case of a business card, you will be asked to fill out the following fields:

    For links, this will be opening in the browser, and for business card data, saving in contacts (or dialing the number from the business card):

  1. Qrmania.ru- another Russian-language QR code generator with slightly more advanced functionality, which is primarily associated with a wide variety of types of information that can be encoded and color settings final picture:

    There is a possibility of encoding Email addresses and the whole mail message indicating the addressee, subject and text of the letter. In addition, you can encode a phone number (it would be convenient if girls wore badges or bags with such a barcode), Twitter messages and even coordinates on Google maps. Plague!

    In general, of course, the Qrmania service can be called the apotheosis of QR generators, because the created image can not only be saved on your computer, but also ordered to be printed on a T-shirt, baseball cap, badge, bag and other small items for quite reasonable money:

  2. Qrcc.ru is a less pretentious, but also functional Russian online generator with the ability to order printing of the created QR code on clothes and things.
  3. There are several more generators from the Kaywa service (one and two), which do not stand out in anything special, but they have their place.
  4. The developers of the popular barcode also have their own barcode creator mobile scanner i-nigma.
  5. Oh, yes, another bourgeois service Goqr.me is worth mentioning, because the design is nice. Well, that's enough, I guess.

Yes, at the beginning of the article I mentioned something that would allow you to generate QRs on the fly for your blog pages. I almost forgot about this, but I’ll still provide a link to the page of the author of these plugins. I myself have not yet realized the need to attach a barcode to all blog pages, but perhaps I will change my mind over time.

Well, and finally, I won’t fail to provide a link to the article, where you can see several dozen highly artistic barcodes. It is noteworthy that all the pictures from this article I checked can be confidently deciphered by a mobile phone.

How to decrypt a barcode - programs and online services

Another question is how one can decipher such intricate pictures on a mobile phone. Kit similar programs quite large and a lot will depend on the type of your phone, or more precisely on the OS on which it runs (Android, iOS, etc.).

Personally I use Nokia phone E72 and most of all I liked I-nigma - just follow this link from your cell phone, the developers’ website will automatically determine the type of your device and offer to download a program for reading and decoding QR codes. In my opinion, everything you can think of is supported (in terms of phone models). You can find a screenshot of I-nigma’s work just above the text.

However, before looking further at mobile phone scanning programs, I want to address online services that help you decipher any barcode. You can’t imagine why this might be needed right off the bat, but if such services exist, then there is a need for them too.

I guess, that more online services, allowing you to decode any barcode, will not be required, because these are rather force majeure actions that have nothing to do with the convenience of mobile recognition.

Yes, still worth mentioning desktop program, because he also has the right to life. It's called BarCapture.

It will be enough to simply circle the area with the QR code and after releasing the mouse you will find out the answer to what exactly was encrypted in it. In my opinion, this program works worse than its counterparts on cell phone, so I don’t particularly recommend using it, except in case of force majeure and the lack of a mobile phone at hand.

Well, now is the time to move on to the most popular programs barcode reading and decoding for mobile phones:

  1. I-nigma - already mentioned this program, which exists for different mobile platforms
  2. Barcodes Scanner - popular app, which exists in variations for Android and iOS.
  3. QuickMark - suitable for almost any mobile device
  4. BeeTagg is another one universal program for scanning and recognizing QR codes, suitable for a huge number of mobile phone models
  5. UpCode is again a multi-platform scanner and decoder
  6. Neo Reader - well, you get the idea
  7. Decipher a QR code yourself - an article on Habré about how to do without reading programs

Well, I want to say goodbye in an unconventional manner:

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Before scanning a QR code on an Android gadget, you need to download the corresponding application. Programs for recognizing this two-dimensional cipher on Play Market so many. Which one should you choose?

Recognition applications

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/sponsor-opportunities1.jpg" alt="scanning" width="300" height="200"> !} Among the variety of software for reading QR codes, the following 5 programs stand out:

  1. QR Droid. After opening the application, you can immediately start reading the code. If there is a URL in it, the built-in browser will automatically open. This feature can be disabled in the application settings. With QR Droid you can not only decipher codes, but also create your own. To do this, select the appropriate item in the application menu.
  2. BIDI. This program for reading QR codes is convenient for Android and is similar to the previous one. There is a function to place a cipher created by the service on a business card, the template of which is available in the menu.
  3. QR Code Reader. A laconic application with a decryption history and a flash button. Recognizes information through the camera or scans finished image from the gallery. The service can both read QRs and create them.
  4. Neo Reader. This program is used not only for QR recognition, but also for decoding barcodes. If the application was unable to scan the information, you can independently enter the numbers written under the code. There is an option to bind to a location and adjust the sound level. QR recognition by this service is very fast. You cannot create your own codes using Neo Reader, but as an alternative, the application offers the user a link to the corresponding resource.
  5. QR Reader. A program with an original interface. It is more convenient to use the scanner in horizontal mode. The function works the same as with previous programs: after launching the application you need to bring mobile device to the matrix image and wait for decoding. There is a history of recognized ciphers, bookmarks and the ability to create your own codes.

Using ciphers

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/vnimanie-150x150.jpg" alt="Attention!" width="50" height="50"> !} QR differs from a barcode in its larger scope. It is used in many areas - from advertising to entertainment. This type of encoding can encrypt website URLs, information about a work of art (painting, sculpture) or a link to your page in social network. But what is this for, and how to use the QR code?

Most have already dealt with barcodes or, as they are otherwise called, QR codes. A small bunch of stripes on a white background, which for ordinary person don't mean anything. But for a car this is a real treasure trove of information.

A QR code or Quick Response (“quick response”) is essentially the same database, only squares are used instead of the already familiar stripes. Special application allows you to encrypt various types of information into two-dimensional black and white “checkers”: a phone number or email, just text for reference, coordinates, for example, points of interest or navigation. Most often, a URL is encoded into a QR code, i.e. link to an organization or page on the Internet. It is practiced to use a barcode in order to achieve maximum comfort and versatility in use. After all, it’s much easier to decipher in one click a similar picture than painstakingly typing characters into the search bar.

The same applies to banal marketing. It is not always appropriate to place information about any promotion on the packaging; the most important thing may simply not fit or even ruin the entire appearance goods. It is much more profitable and practical to attach a special QR code with a full list of rules and other things. And it just looks solid and modern.

Barcode history

The innovation in the form of a QR code was proposed by the Denso-Wave company back in the mid-90s. The size of the information contained is, of course, not unlimited. A standard QR code can fit just over 4 thousand Latin characters or 7 thousand numbers decimal system Reckoning Barcodes are most common in Asian countries and in their homeland, Japan. QR codes are actively used in museums, directories, advertising brochures and other areas related to tourism (even cemeteries were not spared).

Programs are usually used to scan barcodes. They are not difficult to learn and require little memory. Used on iPhone Scan utility, suitable for both scanning regular barcodes and creating new ones. The second option is Bakodo, which works more quickly than the previous one. The only thing is that the program does not support the Russian language, which is stipulated by the accessible and understandable interface.

In case of Android platform everything is different, its library of applications for scanning QR codes is much richer and more accessible. Quick app Mark is capable of recognizing multiple barcode formats and has a history of recognition. Identified links are automatically opened using a browser. But since this is an Android program, free version there is a high probability of catching a bunch of cluttering advertisements. Some smartphones even refuse to work with this application for scanning QR codes. Purchase full version in many cases solves this problem.

Another option is called Barcode Scanner. Its purpose is to scan “grocery” barcodes, find out their prices and summarize reviews about the product. The principle of use is no different from the others - place the image in focus, after which all the information will be displayed on the screen. The advantage is that the software is free and does not contain any advertising. There are other representatives for working with QR codes, there are really a lot of them.

There are smartphones that don't need any additional applications to scan a barcode, because a similar function is built into their software initially. Usually, when using it, a special mark is displayed on the screen. Once you click, all encrypted data will be reflected safely. True, only flagships often have a pre-installed QR code scanning function.

Let's say there is a need to create your own QR code. You can implement your idea using, again, a smartphone, a computer, or a special website. For example, qrcoder.ru or decodeit.ru. Original text To create a barcode, you need to insert it into the field (or a link to it) and click the “Create Code” button. Some sites even use the ctrl+enter key combination. And then pop-up tips will tell you what to do. In particular, on the Internet it is practiced to create animated QR codes that can rotate several degrees. True, such a technique can introduce some complications into further recognition.

A specialized generator helps you create barcodes on your smartphone. No advertising, no fees, everything is in Russian, accessible, understandable and no restrictions. Google Play or AppStore is full various applications, all that remains is to choose the right one. Continuing the topic of options for creating barcodes, we can mention QR Code Reader. Its highlight is high speed processing images, which may also be modified or even reduced. Holders earlier versions Windows Phone Even luckier. They just need to launch the Bing browser and activate the “eye” button, after which the process of scanning the QR code will start by itself. It is not as fast and high-quality as the previous one, but for a time or two, if something happens, it will do.


As a result, it turns out that anyone who has a camera on their smartphone can use the QR code. Such encryptions are scanned in one motion and do not require manual entry, information is also displayed quickly. Using the built-in browser, you can instantly follow the embedded link, if there is one, or simply familiarize yourself with the presented data. There are other encoding options, for example, with decorating elements in the form of inscriptions on the black and white surface itself. There is no need to be afraid of them, because they have virtually no effect on either the content or the recognition process.

But you shouldn’t expect a piece of paper with squares to do all the work for the author, because you will have to come to terms with some of the shortcomings of QR codes. One way or another, they contain relatively little information, although there is simply no point in encoding entire volumes. In Japan, for example, they encrypt hieroglyphs one by one to better remember the alphabet, and everything works great. It is important to remember that the ease with which information is entered into a QR code is the same with which it is retrieved. You should not hide overly important data in the barcode.

To get information about products of interest on store shelves, it is not necessary to ask the seller about them. After all, for example, there are thousands of products in super- and hypermarkets - how can a person keep everything in his head? Your own smartphone. You just need to install a barcode scanner program on it in advance and point the camera at the label. All necessary information will be displayed on the screen: what kind of product (exact name), who produced it, how much it weighs, how much it costs, whether the expiration date has expired, whether it is sold at a discount, etc.

A lot of applications for reading and analyzing barcodes have been released. The most popular ones are supported by several operating systems, many devices, are simple and easy to use. Let's look at some of them.

One of the most famous scanners and barcode generators. Capable of accurately recognizing various formats data - QR-Code, Quick Code, EAN 8/13, Data Matrix, Code 128, Code 39, as well as full list 1D barcodes. Can become an assistant and advisor when making purchases. In addition, it will help you find information about a scanned object on the Internet, make it possible to go to the web addresses specified in the code, call phone numbers, send letters, send SMS, search for specified places on the map, save the received data in text file, as well as create your own 2D codes, which you can later use wherever you want.

The program is available in standard and extended versions. The standard license gives the right to free use product.

QuickMark can work like standalone application and as an extension Google browser Chrome. Supported on the following platforms:

  • Apple iOS;
  • Android;
  • Windows Phone;
  • Symbian S60.

Works for different models smartphones and tablets, undemanding to hardware resources.

Simple, fast and convenient application, capable without additional funds recognize a wide variety of barcodes, including hard-to-read ones: QR-Code, Data Matrix, Code 128, Code 39, EAN 8, UPC A, EAN 13. Supports network exchange of text data.

Due to its advantages, ixMAT has found application in professional field- trade, logistics, industrial companies, authorities work with it government controlled, as well as commercial and non-profit organizations various types of activities. The application is paid. Before purchasing, we suggest downloading a trial version for testing.

ixMAT versions are developed for the following platforms:


A unique barcode scanner that uses its own patented ultra-Gavitec's and NeoMedia technology, thanks to which it reads and recognizes almost all formats of existing barcodes: Aztec, Data Matrix, QR, EAN, UPC, Code128, Code39, etc. . from a variety of media - screens electronic devices, printed publications, billboards and everything else. At the same time, NeoReader is very compact - it takes up a minimum of storage space (which is quite important for mobile phones).

The program can be used on different devices and OS:

  • Android,
  • Apple iOS;
  • BlackBerry;
  • Windows Mobile.

Works stably on Nokia, Apple, Blackberry, Samsung, Motorola phones, Sony Ericsson.

Kaywa Reader

Just like the above-mentioned analogues, Barcode Scanner reads the most different types barcodes using a mobile phone camera. Allows you to quickly receive all encoded information and save it in the device’s memory. The scanned code or data from it can be sent via SMS, e-mail, transmit via social networks.

Supported by smartphones Android based and Apple iOS. Manufacturer guaranteed stable work Kaywa Reader on set Sony models Ericsson, Samsung and Motorola.

Any of the applications listed here can be used in trade - along with professional barcode scanners http://www.crystals.ru/skaner-shtrih-koda and become a convenient addition to them.

Scan QR codes on smartphones with Android is simpler than taking a photo. All you need is:

  • Smartphone or tablet with camera;
  • Internet.

I will explain everything as simply as possible and guide you through practical lesson. Right here, without departing from the article. You can also scan barcodes using the same instructions.

“The interface of my smartphone may differ from yours due to a different theme and Android versions. Differences do not affect the installation and use of the QR code scanner.”

First you need a QR code scanner. I found the simplest one. There's less on it annoying advertising and it scans - what you need. Installing it is very simple. It's even easier to use.

  1. First, go to Google Play Market. And write in the line underlined in red: “qr code scanner”, or better yet “smart qr scanner and generator”. We click on the search icon or simply the dropped offer that suits us.

In addition, here you can download another great app for scanning –

How to scan a code from a saved image?

You can also recognize a QR code from a picture on the Internet using special websites. I chose qrrd.ru because it was the only site that loaded for me in less than 10 seconds and had a more or less visually pleasing interface.

How to use it? First, go to the website: qrrd.ru or directly to qrrd.ru/read. We see the following:

Circled in green is the site's menu, which lists everything it can do to help you. In our case, select “Recognize QR code”.

Opens Next page With big button“+Select files.” We click on it. After this, options for “select files” appear at the bottom. Here you can either immediately take a photo and send it. Or click on documents and select a photo that is already on your phone. I took the latter route.

Here I selected the tab with pictures, clicked on the folder where the pictures are stored on my phone and clicked on the image with the QR code, the same one that was already here in the article.

Then it's up to the site. It automatically uploads a photo or image to itself, and then immediately recognizes and shows the result.


Why do I even need to scan QR codes?

They may contain helpful information. The likelihood of this is low, but it could be there. Additionally, QR codes are often used in museums to avoid putting up huge signs with a ton of information, but just use a small QR code and give everyone the opportunity to stand back and read about the exhibit on their phone. Everything is simple and convenient. This is exactly why Denso Wave invented them.

QR code is great tool for shares. For example, it may contain an encrypted code that must be shown to the seller in order to receive a discount. Applications great amount. Use it!