How to use the social network in contact. How to use VK from your phone with maximum comfort

A new user of the VKontakte social network may encounter difficulties mastering the interface own page. At first glance, everything seems very complicated. If you delve into contact: how to use, communicate and gain popularity, it can become your favorite social network.

Register an account

How to use Contact

When VKontakte first appeared, it was easy to register there. It was enough to indicate the address Email and create a password. A couple of years later, when the social network gained popularity, the registration rules were changed. It has become necessary to obtain a recommendation from a registered user in order to account being created was approved by the administration.

But today the registration process on the site takes a few minutes and does not require confirmation from third parties.

To start registering on the site, follow the link. On the page that opens, select and click the “ Instant registration" Enter your first and last name in the form provided and click “Register”.

You'll spend the next three steps filling out information so your friends can find you.

First step: Select the school you attended. There, enter your years of study and graduation date, and select the letter of your class. From the list of graduates that appears, you can add all your classmates as friends.

Second step: search for classmates. Here you need to enter into the form the name of your university, graduation date and faculty where you studied. A list of those who graduated from this university at the same time as you will appear again; you can immediately make friends.

Third step: search for colleagues. Here, in the search field, enter the name of the organization you worked for and years of work. If there are several organizations, at the bottom of the form click on the “add” button and enter the details of the next place of work. The algorithm for adding friends is the same as on previous steps. Select colleagues from the list that opens and send them an invitation to be friends.

You have now reached the “Complete Registration” stage. Here you indicate the country in which you live and your number mobile phone. Wait for an SMS with an access code to the site, enter it in the “confirm registration” column.

Congratulations, you have passed your first test. in contact: how to use registration page.

Personal page interface

Once you learn how to use the registration field in contact, don’t relax. Now you need to fill your personal page as much as possible in order to increase readers’ interest in it.

If, after reading our instructions on VKontakte: how to use your page, you are still in doubt, watch the video that will help you understand the intricacies of the social network and start taking action!

Working in contact is very simple, but not everyone can do it correctly. Before this, you could register if you were invited as a friend. Now a few minutes will be enough for this.

How to register in contact?

First, find the page - Go to it, there you will see “login” or “registration”, of course, choose the second. A window will open in which you enter your first and last name, then click “register”.

Then, in a few steps, you enter information about yourself to make it easier for friends to find you.

After this it opens Next page. On it you enter the school where you studied before. First, select the country and city where you live from the drop-down list. If the city is not available, enter it manually.

Then lists of schools will appear, in them you select yours, as well as the class and letter in parallel.

People who studied with you will appear in front of you. This way you can add them as friends.

Click the next button “choice by a fellow student.”

Here you choose educational institution. Don't forget to indicate your country and city. After that, choose a faculty and department. Then move on to the next step.

All that remains is to complete the registration.

To complete it, indicate the country in which you live and your phone number. In a few minutes, you will receive a code on your mobile phone to activate your page, enter it in the required line.

This completes registration. Now you have your own page in contact. As you get further acquainted with your page, hints will help you with this.

How to use the site interface and other services?

First: how to add a post to a wall? You need to click on the message input field located under the wall header. The “send” and “attach” buttons will appear. The first button is responsible for publishing what you have written, and the second will allow you to attach a photo, document, and others to your post. But the entry must be no more than 255 characters.

Second: how to make a comment on posts? A published entry can be commented on. But only using the settings (My Settings - Privacy), so that not everyone comments. At the bottom of the entry there are most often three latest comments To view everything, click – All comments.

Third: how to enter status? Under the username there is an inscription “change status”. Click on it and, in the area that appears, enter your text. After that, click “save”. So that your friends can see it, click on the “tell friends” button.

Fourth: how to send a message? Enter the item on the left side “my friends”. A list of friends will appear in front of you. To the right of each it says “write a message”, “see friends”, “remove from friends” and “set up lists”. You need to select the first item. A window will pop up in which you type a message, after entering it, click “send”.

Fifth: how to create a survey? In the published post, select the “attach” function from below. Appeared Extra options survey. Select the items you need.

Sixth– multimedia. In order not to load their computer with music and videos, people prefer to leave them on their page. There is always a “+” icon next to each composition; by clicking on it, you add it to your page.

I hope this information will help you, if it’s still difficult, then just type on the Internet relevant question. He will show you everything.

Hello, dear blog readers

Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will talk about how to make money in VK. I’ll tell you what ways to make money on VKontakte exist, which of them can be mastered in a matter of days and within a month or two you can reach good income.

I’ll start with a little background about myself and what you will find in the new section on the blog about this social network.

A small announcement of a new section about VKontakte

As you know, we (me and my wife) have been working remotely for 2 years, making money on our projects and traveling. When I started to master remote work, I came across a book “7 professions for make quick money in the Internet", in which I became acquainted with the profession “VKontakte Group Administrator”.

This profession was the start for me, I found several companies that I helped run VKontakte groups and at the same time developed my own, which have already brought me tens of thousands of rubles, although they do not have many subscribers.

How to make money in VK?

Before we move on to considering the methods, let’s tell you how VKontakte makes money.

Like all the other 99% of sites on the Internet, VK receives its main income from the sale of advertising. This contextual advertising, which is shown on the left on the website and in the news. Companies pay tens of thousands of rubles for VKontakte to show their advertisements.

Almost all the popular groups you are a member of are maintained and promoted for the sake of selling and publishing advertisements in them. And you can also make good money by pumping up a group before it starts bringing in good income.

Therefore, earnings in VK can be divided into 2 types:

  1. When you create your sites (communities), promote them and advertise something.
  2. When you work remotely, helping someone promote their advertising sites.

Now let's take a closer look at all the ways in these two types of earnings.

Earn money on your page or group

I want to say right away that promoting your page or community to large quantity subscribers so that they start buying advertising in it - not quick way make money and you can’t do it without investments.

Method 1. Selling advertising posts

The most popular way to make money in VK on a group.

If you have a promoted page or group, interesting content, there are a lot of subscribers (from 50,000 - 100,000, depending on the topic) and they are active: they comment, like, repost your posts, then you can make money from it by selling advertising posts.

They send you a picture and text, which you post in your public page like a regular post. Exists official advertising exchange VKontakte, where you can see how much it costs to post one post in popular communities.

But to get on the exchange with your community, you need an average monthly reach of more than 30 thousand people. Judging by the same exchange, you can see that groups with a coverage of 30 thousand or more have an average of 500-800 thousand participants.

Until such coverage is achieved, you can sell advertising directly or through special advertising exchanges on social networks. We use these:

You can add a platform to them with 1000 participants. Only a post with this amount will cost no more than 5 rubles.

Method 2. Monetization with affiliate programs

The second great method to make money from your VKontakte group is. By advertising various products on VK using my affiliate links, I have already earned hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Until your account or group has many subscribers, no one will buy advertising from you, but you can easily advertise some other people’s products or services yourself by connecting to their affiliate programs. You receive a percentage of sales made through your link.

I have a separate section on my blog in which I talk about how to work with them and make cases with my income.

To make it clearer, I will explain with an example how it works. For example, you read some interesting book that you bought in an online store. Many online stores have an affiliate program. Registered in it, made an affiliate link to this book and wrote a few words about it on your page or in the VKontakte group.

Has anyone read this post and bought this book by clicking on the link in the post? Let it cost 500 rubles. According to the program, you are entitled to 10% - your earnings will be 50 rubles. If 10 people buy it, it will cost 500 rubles. Do you understand why it’s interesting to start creating your own VKontakte audience? The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

Method 3. Selling physical goods through a group

Many shops, cafes, etc. start their own groups in order to attract customers through them and sell their goods. Some, even without a website, create online stores purely based on the capabilities of VKontakte.

They sell clothes, various accessories, homemade goods (for example, embroidery, growing flowers and other things) and earn more than 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

We used to go through the VK group without risk or investment. First, they advertised the product, found a buyer, and took an advance payment equal to full amount goods, ordered, received at the post office and delivered to the buyer, receiving the same amount. It was easy to sell goods at 2-4 times more expensive.

We stopped doing this when we started traveling; it was simply physically impossible to accept the goods and deliver them to the buyer.

Method 4. Advertising your services and projects

Similar to the way physical goods are sold. Through VKontakte you can find clients and provide them with your services. For example, apartment renovation, computer and office equipment repair, wedding organization, photo shoots, etc.

If you provide some services remotely, then this is even more interesting. For example, website creation, design, article writing, training and more. The group will not only be a way to attract new clients, but also excellent portfolio, creating trust in you.

Now anyone successful business or the project has its own public page on VKontakte.

Have you ever thought? After all, someone is watching all these communities. Publishes content, writes news, creates designs, etc. They are paid money for working on VKontakte. This can also be considered earnings in VK.

Earning money on VKontakte while working remotely

Let's look at several basic types of activities that you can learn in a very short time and start earning up to 3,000 rubles a day from completing these tasks.

Method 5. Administration of VKontakte communities

Quite a good and stable method, as I said at the very beginning of the article, I started with it.

To carry out one project wisely costs from 5,000 rubles per month if you are busy 1-2 hours a day. In publics with millions of participants, admins earn from 20 to 50 thousand. In the regions of Russia these are huge salaries, but you can work from anywhere, as long as you have the Internet.

Method 6. Writing posts in groups

Administrator is a universal profession. But there are certain types of work. Some specialize only in searching and creating posts for groups. Writes texts, selects pictures and publishes them according to a pre-created plan.

Managers are willing to pay good money for writing interesting texts that will bring value to people, collect a lot of likes, reposts and attract new subscribers to the community.

You can also find orders for writing content for groups. The salaries of content managers, like administrators, can be from 5,000 rubles. Depends on the quantity and quality of work performed.

Method 7: Community Design

Another kind individual works where you can make good money is design appearance groups (avatar, menu) and branding of posts.

If you creative person and own graphic editors or want to learn how to work in them, then this great way. The cost of registering one community ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Method 8. Advertising specialist

Well, the last one the normal way, which I see, can be considered specialists involved in advertising and who know how to sell (to catch an audience with posts, create attractive headlines, etc.).

  1. The usual one is when posts are purchased and posted.
  2. Targeted (contextual) advertising.

In my circle there are guys who professionally set up targeted advertising and guys who do PR (advertising) various projects In contact with. Slightly different directions, but the essence is the same - attracting customers and sales.

I don’t know exactly how much they earn, but it’s enough for them to travel around the country all year round. different countries(Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc.).

Earning money in VK for schoolchildren

It makes sense to talk about a couple more methods of making money on VKontakte. Only I consider them completely unpromising and petty, unlike those described above, where there is at least some prospect and development, there is only money. Schoolchildren can earn extra money for pocket money.

Method 9. Clicks, reposts, likes and comments for money

There are special exchanges for making money and promoting profiles on social networks, where you can earn small money by performing simple steps, such as: likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.

Here are some examples of good services:

  • QComment
  • Bosslike
  • Vktarget
  • Smmok
  • V-like
  • VKSerfing

The money earned from these sites is withdrawn to various electronic wallets, from which you can spend them wherever you want.

Method 10. Creating accounts and communities

Earning money by creating accounts and communities for advertising spam. Some entrepreneurs who have not yet learned how to use the Internet are asking for help in creating and setting up a community. The cost for such a task is 100 - 300 rubles.


From my 2 years of experience I can say that earnings in VK are quite real and can bring good additional income or even replace your main job.

I consider all the methods, except the last two, very good and recommend, even if you are doing something else, to use them in parallel and develop your personal pages and communities.

In the following articles in this section, we will tell you step by step everything about creating and promoting your VKontakte projects. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. Good luck to everyone and big earnings!

You will learn how you can earn money on VKontakte ( without initial investment, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw your earned money.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the business magazine “”! The founders of the resource, Vitaly and Alexander, are with you.

Today we will talk again about ways to make money online. The topic of the article is receiving stable income through the social network VKontakte.

This topic will be of interest to anyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find Additional income V free time.

So, make yourself comfortable - we're starting!

1. Earnings on VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. An audience of several billion consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network exclusively for entertainment, correspondence with friends, finding new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another opportunity - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to earn money.

Think for yourself: you are still on VKontakte - if instead of corresponding with friends and watching the news, you engage in a more profitable activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more on VK if you take special courses on business promotion on social networks and internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business thanks to the capabilities of Internet marketing and visited 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained from free course, we increased the income of our HeatherBeaver project.

If you decide to earn from VKontakte from 50,000 rubles per month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this training program to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual effort and complex actions. You also don’t have to get up for work on an alarm clock: you can earn money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP 5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to make money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method earning money through VK.

We will consider the simplest and available options, which even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try himself in commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registration in a service, a game, filling out a purchase application, for each visitor attracted to the partner’s site.

All you have to do is attach affiliate programs to your VK group and earn money from them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw your earned money

When working through affiliate programs, there is a savings system with a certain minimum for withdrawal to a wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). The conditions for withdrawing money from your account are different for each affiliate program.

If the group’s attendance is small, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a thing as “hold” - an initial period of work during which payments are not available.

The blogger offers its partners more stringent conditions than in other systems, but the earnings here are quite decent. The project is careful in choosing sites for work, but if your community is suitable for it, income will be stable and high.

Plibber is an ideal start for beginners: there is no minimum wage and, in addition to VKontakte, accounts of all popular social networks are serviced.

For ease of comparison, we present in table form the characteristics of the main services:

5. Where to learn how to make money on VKontakte for FREE and with high quality

It is best to take advantage of special courses in which you will have a mentor. We personally went through free education with Dmitry Chevychalov on the course “”.

This guy himself has been traveling around the world for more than 2 years, having organized a successful business on the Internet - his own marketing agency.

During the training, Dmitry examines in detail the topic of making money on VKontakte from scratch and other options for making a profit using Internet marketing tools.

6. Conclusion

It's time to take stock, friends! Now you know that earning money through the VKontakte network is available to everyone. The main thing is to take the first step to organize a very profitable and far from tedious business.

We would like to wish speedy success and successful promotion to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to everyone for those who want to start working or are already making money through social networks!

Greetings! Come on, tell me, how many of you have thought about how to create a VKontakte community and monetize this enterprise? I am sure that among you there will be those who tried to become the owner profitable group on the social network, he may even have filled it with content and designed it, but he never achieved the popularity of his brainchild and failed to promote it. That is why I decided to devote today’s article to how to promote a VKontakte group from scratch. You will learn a lot from my review interesting information, learn about what you need to do to the group flourished. All advice will be practical, and you can immediately apply them without putting them into a long box called “Tomorrow”.

Why are we doing this?

So, I would like to start with the fact that on the Internet we can find a huge variety of all kinds of public pages with different thematic focus. However, profitable in this diversity there are only individual units. I think you all understand that the scale of the project primarily depends on the efforts of its owner, the leader who leads his caravan through the endless desert of possibilities. The amount of capital calculated for the creation and promotion of a VKontakte group, in in this case are a secondary factor.

Well, imagine, you decided to a quick fix create a resource, recruit subscribers to it, and now sit and wait for the money to start flowing. I advise you to roll up your lip and wipe away the drool. Nothing in this world falls from the sky(and what falls usually does not bode well).

To earn a couple of pesos, you will have to use your head. First of all, think and decide for yourself, what exactly do you want to do? That is, decide on the topic your community. I offer you several options from which you can choose the one that seems most attractive to you:

  • earnings from advertising and affiliate programs (in this case the topic is absolutely not important);
  • maintaining a personal blog;
  • creating a resource dedicated to your hobby(this could be finance, music, dancing or anything else).

Socelin for getting high-quality public subscribers

Detailed instructions for creating a community from A to S

Creating a VKontakte group from scratch

Setting up a group

Since we have more or less figured out how to create a community in contact absolutely free, I think we can move on to its actual at a construction site. To do this you need to do the following:

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot


Since you and I are interested, we need to make sure that in our community there is sufficient number of participants. From design quality group will depend on its attractiveness in the eyes of users, and therefore I suggest moving on to this activity:

  1. Upload a photo (avatar) to your community. Please note that the photo parameters must be 200*500 . Edit the photo and thumbnail, and then save the result.
  2. Download links, leading to your website or other thematic community. Don’t forget to leave your subscribers your Skype, telegram chat link, Instagram page and YouTube channel. Edit all names and save.
  3. If you are really interested in how to create a popular group in contact, then do not ignore this important point How " Latest news" Edit this block regularly, do not neglect the importance of fonts. Before saving the result, preview the page.
  4. In chapter " Discussions» add new topics that will be useful to your readers.
  5. Add videos to your project. It will be great if the videos are filmed by you and posted on YouTube. This way you will increase traffic on the channel.
  6. When performing, remember that the sale of goods in it will be effective only if the “Photography Albums” are well maintained. Upload photos High Quality, make a detailed description of the product being sold, under each photo indicate the price of the product and a link to the seller (administrator or manager).
  7. To the section " Documentation» you can download useful instructions and manuals. Owners of online stores can keep price lists or lists of services provided in this section, for example.
  8. Don't forget about regular interactions with your subscribers. Conduct surveys several times a week and encourage people to express their opinions in the comments. It’s very good to use when expanding a group’s audience. promotions and competitions. They can be carried out once a month, for example.
  9. For those who plan to do business in their group, you need to take care of adding products with a clear name and detailed description . Remember that the demand for a product will depend on how attractive the photo of this product is. Each product must have reasonable price, which also needs to be specified. Don’t forget to indicate who/where to pay for the order, in what form the payment takes place, how and where delivery is carried out, as well as what guarantees you give to your customers (cash on delivery, exchange option).
  10. If you wish, you can change the group and make it public page. If you don’t know what the difference is between a public and a group, I advise you to read a separate article dedicated to this issue.
  11. Create in a group convenient menu , make navigation easier. To do banner and wiki menu in the community I turned to specialists in this topic, if you need it, ask in the comments or write in a personal message - I’ll send you a couple of guys who are doing this. I decided not to waste time doing it myself, but there are a lot of manuals and articles on how to do these steps yourself on the Internet. You can use a search engine and check.
  12. And, of course, take care of the quality of content. Please note that in the group, commercial posts must contain photographs and make up no more than 50% of the total material you publish. To increase the number of subscribers, pay attention to posts with fascinating information, do not forget that people are attracted by fun and a good sense of humor. Information presented in the form of images is more attractive.
  13. So that clients trust you more and, as a result, advise their friends and acquaintances, provide them with the opportunity to leave feedback about your work. To do this, you can create an appropriate topic in the “Discussions” section. For regular customers offer discounts and give small gifts and bonuses.

Collect target audience for business with

How to manage a group?

To make adjustments to your community at any time, you just need to click on the three-dot icon located under your group’s avatar. In the window that opens you will see the categories:

  1. « Information", where you can edit the description, name and other fields at any time;
  2. « Participants", which contains full list all subscribers of the group;
  3. « Managers" Here you can add new or change the access rights of existing community administrators and editors;
  4. « Black list» - a place where you can block unnecessary subscribers or persistent violators of the rules of your group;
  5. « Links»;
  6. « Community Statistics" This category is one of the most important and contains data on:
  • Group attendance– the number of unique visitors, views, characteristics (age, geographic location, gender) of the audience that is interested in your group;
  • Audience reach, which looks at your community’s posts in the “My News” section and data about your subscribers;
  • Activities– actions of subscribers, reposts of your posts and reactions of other users of the social network to this data.


Now that you know everything about how a VKontakte group is created, you boldly You can start implementing your own selling platform or increase the conversion rate of an existing community. Remember, your every action and decision affects how your subscribers treat you and what impression your resource makes on them. Don't stop there, be open to experiments and see you soon!

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Popular group VKontakte: rules for creation, design and configuration

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