Anchors online. Text generator (SEO Anchor Generator) - creating unique article announcements and anchors. Separation from the arcade

Many people have questions: “What are SEO anchors?”, “How to write anchors correctly?”, “What are the methods for creating anchors?” or “How do anchor generators for sapa work?” In this post, you will get answers to many of your questions related to anchors.

Before I talk about how to create anchors or show examples of anchors, I’ll tell you more about what link anchors are.

In this example, the anchor phrase is “link anchor”. The text of this link is very important in SEO because it important factor, influencing the ranking of the site by keywords(contained in the SEO anchor).
Synonym of anchor: link text

An example of an anchor for link exchanges, in particular for Sapa:

Buy anchors inexpensively. Order#a# Creation anchors #/a#

anchors- keyword.
creation – diluting part with low weight in the anchor.
Creation anchors– anchor (link text).
Buy anchors inexpensively.– near-link text on the right.
Buy anchors inexpensively. Order – near-link text on the left.
– a breakout sentence in the adjacent text.
#a# – tag before the anchor.
#/a# – tag after anchor. Word statistics:- 318 490 342.
Creation Creation ,

sape, site, site – thematic words.

Types of links: anchor type example of anchors with the request “link texts”
1 anchor descriptions straight link texts
2 is the word form you chose word forms text ohm links, link text And , etc.
3 changes, gender, case, number diluting 1 generator link texts
4 adding one word<= 2 diluting generator creation method
5 adding more than one word natural here, download, here, download, more details
6 popular links, very often placed on various sites domain seoadd,
7 various variations with the domain name identifiers phone number, company name information that identifiers
8 only your site separators texts created links
9 between keywords we use the word reverse links text
10 change the order of words in the link translation text links
11 translate the link into English translit text sylki

translate the link by transliteration

  • Ways to create anchors:
  • Automatic generation of anchors.
  • Writing anchors to order from copywriters or yourself.
  • Creating anchors using masks.

Creating anchors, copying offers from thematic sites.

This method of creating anchors can also be divided into several.

Automatic anchor generator, written by yourself,– we will not analyze this method. To implement it you will need a programmer and a lot of time.

Automatic generation of anchors by aggregators. Let's look at examples:

In each of the aggregators, we will create anchors for the request “link texts” and “anchors” for the website. First, I create a project, add keywords, then aggregators create anchors.

Examples of generating anchors for aggregators:

35 links were created for the request “link texts”:
- offer text link exchange
- how to put text in a link
- link text generator
- links in the text
- text links gypsy songs mp3

Only 5 links were generated for the query “anchors”:
- bad, very bad anchors
- how to write anchors correctly
- link anchors
- view anchor links of your competitors' links
- anchors

Automatic anchor generator rookee made the following links:

By request "link texts"created120 links:
#a#Bus excursions anchor#/a#.
#a#Anchor Agency Rostov#/a#.
#a#Anchor Agency Yekaterinburg#/a#.
#a#Address of recruiting agency anchor#/a#.
#a#anchor shareholder#/a#.

150 links were generated for the query “anchors”:
#a#Link text generator#/a#.
#a#Indexation, courses, text links#/a#.
#a#Caucasian Bulletin
link text in Russian#/a#.
#a#Courses text links#/a#.
#a#Purchase, vacancies text links#/a#.

The webeffector automatic anchor generator made the following links:
Request “link texts”created379 links:
#a#link texts#/a#.
#a#new forum about link texts#/a#.
#a#link texts and link texts quotes on the site#/a#.
#a#link texts phone#/a#.
#a#read about link texts and select link texts#/a#.
Request "anchors"generated372 links:
#a#anchors Moscow#/a#.
#a#anchor still anchor#/a#.
#a#anchor still anchor moscow#/a#.
#a#what is anchor Moscow#/a#.
#a#order anchors on the website and what is anchor Moscow#/a#.

Let’s look at the second method: “Writing anchors to order from copywriters or yourself”

In this method, the main difficulty is writing technical specifications for creating anchors. You can order custom anchor writing on the websites, or similar websites.

Examples of anchors written by a copywriter for the request “link texts”:
Buy anchors. Order #a# writing texts for links #/a# on the website
How to make anchors?
How to write anchors?
Instructionsfor #a# writing link texts #/a# can be found on the website
I will buy link texts. I will also buy #a# link text generator #/a# for link exchanges.
Where can I see examples of links?

Results of writing anchors by a copywriter for the request “anchors”.
I will buy anchors inexpensively. Buy #a# anchor generator for sape #/a#inexpensive.
How to create anchors?You can createusing #a# anchor generator #/a# for sapa.
How to #a# make #/a# anchors for high-quality website promotion in Yandex?
Are there anchor exchanges? Yes, there is #a# anchor exchange#/a#
Is there an anchor generator for sape? Yes, GeneratorSsilok can #a# create anchors #/a# for sapa.

Examples of anchors created using masks. Third way.

The method of creating anchors is based on pre-prepared structures into which key queries are substituted. The examples used masks for cities, adjectives, colors, and domain types. The masks in the examples are simple.

Good #a# texts of links #/a# to
High-quality #a# texts of links to the site.
Popular #a# link texts on seoadd.#/a#
#a#Effective link texts#/a#on
#a# Quick link texts #/a# to http://site.

Red #a# anchors #/a# in Moscow.
Blue #a# anchors in Odessa
. #/a#
Black #a# anchors in Kyiv
. #/a#
#a#White anchors#/a#In Minsk.
#a# Gray anchors #/a# in Samara.

Examples of anchors, copying sentences from thematic sites.

Fourth way.

The method for creating anchors is simple. We enter the query into the search engine results. In our case: requests “anchors”, “link texts” - and we go to sites from the top. On each site we look for an offer with our queries and create anchors with near-link text from them.

Creating anchors with the request “link texts”.
One of the most important questions in website promotion is #a# what link texts #/a# to use?
When #a# composing link texts #/a# we must not forget that in addition to promotion tasks.
It is not advisable to use automatic methods for #a# generating link texts #/a#.
You will be able to create 30-50 #a# quality texts for #/a# links.
You can also use #/a# in #a# link text. paste the URL of your project.

Creating anchors with the request “anchors”.
The long-awaited opportunity to #a# moderate anchors #/a# in a batch order has appeared.
The link was of high quality, it should be “natural”, i.e. have a #a# human anchor #/a# .
Compiling #a# correct anchors #/a#.
It is now possible to batch #a# export anchors #/a# from batch orders.
The names of batch orders are a link to #a# manage anchors #/a# in all sub-orders.

Comparison of examples of created anchors - let's summarize.

Criteria/methods No. 1 – aggregators
No. 2 – copywriters No. 3 – masks
No. 4 – copying sentences
Time of creation 3 1 2 2
Labor costs 3 1 2 2
Quality of anchors 1 3 2 2
Link text quality 1 3 2 2
You can automate the process 3 1 3 3
Control of anchor types 1 3 2 2

The question often arises: where to get high-quality and fresh anchors? Let's talk today about the correct use of anchors to optimize your resource, where you can get them to create normal bait for search engines.

Anchors are used to allow the visitor to navigate the resource, that is, move from one page to another. A special tag must be used to write anchors , as well as the href attribute, for example: written text.

In addition to the fact that the anchor works to send the user to another page, it is important to know that it matters for search engines, so it is very important for site owners and webmasters to learn how to work correctly with anchors that affect the location of the resource in search engine results.

When there are several anchors in the text on one page, the search engine collects them into a list. Based on it, search engine robots produce lists of sites.

At the top of the list, that is, in the top positions, those sites will be placed that have more links with the information the user is looking for. Note that the exact occurrence of the specified query in the anchor content has the maximum impact.

At the same time, you need to know that anchors should never be duplicated.

This can lead to the search engine robot considering all duplicates as one link, which will lead to a decrease in dynamic weight, and if there is a large number of similar links being merged, the system will completely ban the site, after which it will impose sanctions against it.

Anchors should be supplemented with other words that will make their use more natural and varied.

There are certain rules for writing anchors:

They should be as natural as possible;

Before writing anchors, you should study yours well. The more there are, the more anchors you need to use;

You need to work with each individual page. For a specific page, you need to select two or three queries, and then work with the semantic series of these queries;

The adjacent text must be unique and readable;

It is necessary to correctly distribute the weight in the link, that is, you need to avoid unnecessary words that reduce the relevance of the weight;

Mistakes should be avoided; literacy is the key to success.

You can create anchors yourself, or you can use the services of exchanges that write them.

In addition, copywriters can help with writing anchors.

To create an anchor yourself, you should first find out what types of anchors there are. Direct anchors are classified as high-frequency, and they consist of one or two words. Indirect anchors often serve to break up high-frequency ones and consist of two to four words.

Low-frequency anchors with a complex structure perform the task of maximizing the dilution of high- and mid-frequency anchors.

Let's take an example of creating an anchor. Let's take the word "sneakers". The direct type of anchor is the word itself. The direct type can also include a phrase. Next, you need to use word forms of the word, that is: sneakers, sneakers, sneakers, etc. Here we can change the word used by case, gender and number. Now you should use a diluted anchor, where one or two are added to the main word: buy quality sneakers; comfortable running shoes.

In addition, you should use a more diluted anchor, where more than three words are already entered, for example: comfortable sneakers for sports.

When writing anchors and their use, you should take into account the percentage ratio of diluted and direct occurrences. The text should use about 25 percent (up to 40) percent direct occurrences, and 75 percent diluted ones. This approach to using anchors will make your anchor list as natural as possible, which will have a positive effect on the link mass.

From the options for writing anchors already discussed, you can understand that this is not a simple matter. It requires time, so many owners of Internet resources resort to the help of special programs that are designed to help in this matter.

Now let's talk about anchor generators.

There are quite a few programs designed to generate links, but keep in mind that you will have to work with them manually. Although the number of such services is increasing, so far, none of them can provide readable and user-friendly links, so you will have to work hard with the results obtained.

We wrote above that there are exchanges for writing anchors. Here, any website owner can order the required number of anchors for a fee, and an SEO copywriter will fulfill his order. Such exchanges are convenient because anchors are compiled by people who know a lot about this field of activity.

One of the leading exchanges involved in buying and selling links is the Sape exchange.

To create an anchor, you need to highlight it as follows: #a# keyword#/a#.

Let's take a closer look at exactly how each anchor type should be entered:

  • Full anchor - “cheap #a#sneakers #/a# on our website;
  • Incomplete anchor - “comfortable #a#sneakers #/a#;
  • Anchor without surrounding - “sneakers #/a#;
  • Anchor with surroundings - “high-quality #a#sneakers #/a# from the best manufacturers;
  • Diluted anchor – “you can buy cheap #a# sneakers #/a# with us.

When writing anchors, dilute them with the help of the semantic core of your resource, in addition, do not forget about search engine statistics. You should create a sufficient number of direct and diluted anchors, while the text around the links should be natural.

Where did I mention SEO Anchor Generator? Today I present to your attention the same program, but in online implementation. In addition, today’s post is a guest post, the text was sent by one of the creators of the online version of SEO Anchor Generator.

As you know, one of the criteria for successful website promotion and promotion is the link mass. To build it up, both automatic and manual tools are used. This includes posting site descriptions in directories, posting articles, buying links on various exchanges. A very important point is the uniqueness of the text (description, anchors) that must be placed for promotion. This is where webmasters come to the aid of programs that allow them to generate text according to a predefined template. This blog has already reviewed similar desktop programs for Windows, but such programs have two disadvantages - they require a Windows operating system and a computer with the program installed to work.

We would like to introduce you to a new on-line version of the text generator according to templates – SeoGenerator. This is a web version of the famous SEO Anchor Generator program, which only requires the Internet to work. It can be used from any computer and any platform, on a business trip or on vacation, in an Internet cafe or at a university.

The online version of SEO Anchor Generator supports three template options:

  • (a|b|c) – selects one of the values, for example, c
  • – selects different combinations of values, for example bca
  • [+ separator +a|b|c] – selects different combinations of values ​​using a separator, for example b and a and c

It is worth noting that template nesting can be absolutely any. The result of the generation can be immediately seen in the browser, although only the first 50 options; the full list of generated options can be downloaded in a zip archive, where its size is also indicated. For convenient entry of templates, quick buttons are provided on the toolbar. A template entry wizard is also available, which allows you to significantly save time on text entry.

Has a built-in checking the correctness of entering templates (syntax checking), the position of the error is reported and highlighted on the screen. This check is very helpful in getting rid of errors in constructing a large template.

SeoGenerator supports two types of text generation, these are full ordinal search all options and random generation. The most attractive are two combinations of text generation settings:

  1. “random generation” + “remove duplicates”
  2. “ordinal search” + “shuffle result”

These combinations can achieve the most unique options.

Among the advantages I would like to note is the ability to select the encoding of the result. Before starting generation, you need to select the appropriate one. Using the same automatic settings, you can remove duplicates and mix the results. Post-processing of the result is also useful. It will help you remove spaces around the edges, replace multiple spaces with one, remove spaces before punctuation and put a space after punctuation, and change the first letter to a capital one. The main thing is not to forget to set all these tasks in the settings on the panel on the right.

During the test period, restrictions have been introduced into the program. The maximum template length cannot exceed 6000 characters. The maximum number of generation options is no more than 9999. However, in order for search bots and directory moderators to consider your article truly complete and not something like nonsense, it must be 2000-2500 characters long and have meaningful content.

Let's summarize main features and advantages of on-line SEO Generator:

  • The service is available 24 hours a day, regardless of the computer, the main thing is the availability of the Internet.
  • Supports three types of templates.
  • Unlimited template nesting.
  • Supports two types of generation (brute force and random).
  • Convenient template input wizard.
  • Template syntax checking.
  • Removing duplicates.
  • Random mixing of the result.
  • Selecting the encoding to save the result.
  • Text correction (post-processing).
  • Possibility to download the result in an archive.
  • Convenient and intuitive interface of the service.

Plans to improve the service:

  • Ability to limit options by length (number of characters).
  • We are working on the option of deleting similar texts using the shingles method, but the main problem here is the relevance of such an option for the web service, because searching for similar texts is a very resource-intensive process.
  • The emergence of a new tool for generating links with anchors in the required proportion of keywords. This is very important when promoting a site through SAPE, when the number of occurrences of a certain keyword in an anchor depends on the cost of promoting such a request.

In addition to releasing an on-line version, we are preparing to release new desktop version of SEO Anchor Generator 2.0. And now exclusively for blog site users we give you the opportunity download the beta version of the program! It has not yet been published anywhere and has not been publicly tested. Its main difference from the previous version is faster generation, the ability to process nested templates during random generation, and most importantly, support for large texts! We will be glad to receive any feedback and comments about the new version, we look forward to your feedback. The final version will appear immediately after testing and will be available on the website

Thank you for such a detailed and complete review of the online version of SEO Anchor Generator. And also thanks for the development of the program and service to the authors of the project: web version Mzhelsky Maxim aka ort, win version Usov Sergey aka sc_coder.

P.S. Guard. Do you know that Textprom’s text generation exceeds expectations!
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Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Today I would like to offer you a description of the functionality of such a useful program for webmasters as . This text generator allows you to create unique article announcements, their titles and anchors. This is very relevant in light of the extremely negative attitude of the search engines Yandex and Google (which are the most popular in RuNet) towards duplication.

Such software is simply vital, especially at the initial stage of a project, as it makes it possible to automate the routine part of the work of website promotion. The primary desire of a webmaster is usually to ensure decent traffic to his web resource, both in terms of the quantity of the audience and in terms of its quality (target visitors).

Why a text, title and anchor generator is useful for a webmaster

Of course, the main flow of traffic should come from search engines, this is normal, otherwise website promotion loses all meaning. After all, the constant flow of readers in this case will be constant for each individual article written over time, if this page occupies a leading position in the search results. This position is achieved through competent SEO optimization, both internal and external.

However, it is at the very beginning of the journey that the webmaster has the most difficult time, since he needs to work tirelessly (in this way and not otherwise) for the benefit of his brainchild, but the results in the form of a permanently growing flow of visitors from search engines have to wait quite a long time, despite that all necessary measures have been completed.

This happens because the search engines are very inert and often do not allow newcomers to occupy leading positions in the search results for all positions at once, even taking into account the unconditional quality and uniqueness of the content. In addition, a lot depends on the topic of the resource. Therefore, you have to use SMM and SMO (social media promotion) tools to achieve the desired effect. And the effect is that when using social networks you can get instant returns in terms of receiving traffic, unlike SEO promotion.

In order to increase traffic in this way, you need to periodically post announcements of the best articles on social networks (, Google+, etc.) and on thematic forums. This is where it comes to the rescue text generator, which will eliminate some of the manual work. Strictly speaking, SEO Generanor does not create the announcement text itself, but only multiplies it. Moreover, each piece of text generated in this way becomes unique, which, you see, is already quite a lot.

As you probably understood, the text of the future announcement will have to be compiled by yourself using all the richness of the native Russian language and using various word forms and words in different cases and declensions. There is no escape from this; the richer the vocabulary you have, the more variable and exclusive the text passages will be, the less likely they will be duplicates. But all the grunt work of reproduction, which, by the way, takes a lot of time and effort manually, will be taken care of by SEO Anchor Generator.

In addition to composing announcements that you will post on social networks and on thematic forums, Anchor Generator can help you diversify the headlines (or titles) of the same announcements. That is, even the names of these pieces of text can be made unique. Among other things, using the generator, you can multiply anchors (more about link anchors) when carrying out internal linking (about various linking schemes for LF, MF and HF queries, and a general simplified linking mechanism is given) and when purchasing link mass (for example, on exchanges GoGetLinks and GetGutLinks).

Setting up and working with the SEO Anchor Generator program

Perhaps the introduction to the article seemed verbose to some, but everything written seemed important to me, especially in light of the fact that the blog site is intended primarily for beginners. Summarizing the above, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that text generator can be useful not only at the initial stage of website promotion, but also in the future, even if there is no such strong need to attract visitors by posting announcements.

Well, now let's move on to specifics. You can download the SEO Anchor Generator program from the official website. I will not describe the settings in detail, since the program interface is more than clear and convenient. In addition, the default settings are quite suitable for standard tasks. At least I didn't change anything, although I've been using the text generator for quite some time. The SEO generator does not require installation and is very easy to use. To activate, just double-click on the launch file with the left mouse button, a window will appear with all the settings, as well as with a sample template that can be generated:

Using the example of the template provided by the developers, it is very convenient to analyze all the nuances, so we will do so. Before you start generating, you need to do some preparatory steps. First, check the box next to the “Random generation” option. If you want the resulting options to be compact and easy to digest (for example, for copying), check the box by selecting “View” → “Result” → “Word Wrap” from the top menu.

To reduce generation time and optimize the number of results obtained, select the desired number from the list opposite “Limit number of options”. It is also useful to use the capabilities of Anchor Generator and set the following parameters before starting the generation process by clicking on the “Auto-correction” button.

In this case, all the resulting options created by the generator will have a finished form and are ready for further use. In addition, you can adjust the degree of uniqueness of the received announcements by checking the “Filtering” option and clicking on the button with the same name that then becomes active:

To avoid too similar results, I use the shingle method and usually set the “Shingle length” parameter to 6-10 and the “Maximum percentage of similarity” to no more than 20%. As you understand, the lower these indicators, the more unique the announcements will be, but the fewer of them you get as a result of generation. Now let's look at the template provided by the developers of the program generator using various operators and take a closer look at their meaning. So the main operators:

(SEO|Anchor|Generator)- one of the words separated by flashes (SEO, Anchor or Generator) will appear in the various resulting options. For example, in this template the construction:

(program intended|software product intended)

means that in one passage the phrase “program intended” will be present, and in the other - “software product intended.”

- in this case, the order of words or phrases alternates (Seo Anhor Generator, Anhor Generator Seo, etc.).

[+,+Seo|Anhor|Generator]- here the text includes a change in the alternation of words, between which a separator is inserted, in this case a comma. If we take an example of a developer template, we see that we can complicate the task and insert one template into another:

[+,+site descriptions|site names|(anchors|link texts)]

In this way, we are trying to increase the number of resulting passages: some options will contain the phrase “site descriptions, site names, anchors,” others will include the expression “site names, site descriptions, link texts,” etc. So that you can finally understand , click the green button with the “Generate” arrow and get the result:

At the top of the screenshot there is a template, and at the bottom there are multiplied announcement texts obtained as a result of the generator’s work. Please note that in the window for obtaining generation results there is a “Delete similar” button. By clicking on it, you will be able to once again adjust the uniqueness of the text fragments (), decreasing or increasing the values ​​of the shingle length and/or the maximum % similarity, respectively decreasing or increasing the number of options obtained.

It is also possible to redistribute received text fragments. To do this, use the “Shuffle” button. Now let’s talk about how to enter the necessary operators into the text field when creating a template in the generator. There is nothing complicated here, just click on the appropriate toolbar button, for example, “()”:

Next, enter the necessary words or phrases. To simplify the work, there is such a tool as the input wizard. To activate it, you need to click the button with the same name, located just below the menu bar:

It's easy to apply too. Simply select the desired type of template and enter words or phrases, one per line. When selecting the "" template, you must also mark the separator (for example, ",", "-", ":", etc.). As you type in the lower preview window, you can see what appearance the design takes on.

As was already noted when parsing the sample, templates can be nested within each other, and the depth of nesting is not limited. For those who, for one reason or another, are not satisfied with the desktop version of the SEO generator, the developer offers an online version of the program. You can take a closer look at the instructions for working with both the desktop and online applications in the “Documentation” section. In conclusion, I suggest you enjoy the beauty:

Hello friends and dear readers! This article will be extremely useful to everyone who has realized the enormous importance of link promotion of Internet resources, but does not yet know all the intricacies. The main topic for today is link anchors. Do you know what this is? In fact, they are one of the most powerful building blocks that can be required for good SEO. You can pick them up for free. The main thing is to do it correctly.

To begin with, I propose to consider the basic definitions. Then we’ll see how to select link anchors for free using a special service. It can be used to separate ordinary words and phrases from commercial ones. Well, in conclusion, let’s look at the most interesting thing - what the situation as a whole should look like.

Anchor links - what is it?

In simple terms, anchor is text for a link. Clicking on it usually takes you to the landing page. Now I will give a clear example.

In program code it looks a little different.

For a phrase or word, you can set any link to a suitable page.

You can use the following as reference texts:

  • Keywords that are used to promote sites;
  • Natural words and phrases (here, here, more details and others);
  • URLs.

Usually all three options are used, since the “overall picture” turns out to be more natural. Can you guess what we're talking about? I'll tell you about everything further.

Selection of different types of anchors for links on websites

Gogetlinks is perfect for purchasing external link mass and selecting anchors online. First you need to register and log into your personal account. You should start by creating your campaign.

To select the necessary keywords or other words to compile an anchor list, go to the appropriate interface.

Here you need to enter the url, as well as the text for it. The system will immediately calculate which category it belongs to:

  • non-profit;
  • commercial;
  • url.

The resulting selection can subsequently be used to purchase links on various sites. This will already be paid. However, before this, it is advisable to make sure that the selected set of reference texts for a specific site is correct.

Creating the right anchor list and examples

Properly written anchor lists include:

  • no more than 30-35% of commercial requests;
  • brand queries (name of company, brand, online resource);
  • natural phrases and words (here, there, source, see here and others);
  • url addresses.

For clarity, I will show two specific examples. In one case everything is correct, in the other it is wrong.

The examples are short for clarity. I think everything is obvious in them. One shows that during the selection, mainly keywords for promotion were used. This doesn't mean anything good. In the second case, everything looks more natural and smart from an SEO optimization point of view.

The above recommendations are “approximate” in nature and are more suitable for Internet information resources, in particular blogs. The fact is that the specifics of promotion of different projects may differ. Do you think it’s possible to really calculate the ideal circuit? Share your opinion in the comments.

I’ll finish the article for today. Was the information about competently compiling an anchor list from keywords, page addresses and other phrases useful? You can rate the quality of the publication using the special form below.

Work, finance, business. There are so many opportunities for financial development on the Internet. This is the main topic on my Workip blog. Stay in touch, subscribe, it will be interesting. I’m not saying goodbye, a new article is coming soon. In the meantime, a whole “library” is available for review on the blog to help beginners and professionals who want to make good money online.