No archiving. Compressing files using archiving. Universal program WinRAR

The main keeper of Buryat history, Butit Zhalsanova was born into the large and friendly family of Zhalsanov Tsydypmunko and Tsyzhipova Tsyndyma in the small village of Aga-Khangil, Mogoituy district, Chita region. The parents, simple workers of the Pobeda collective farm, raised eight children and gave them all an excellent upbringing and brilliant education.

In 1968-1979 studied at the Aga-Khangil secondary school, upon graduation she received a certificate of merit for success in various school disciplines. All years of study she was an active social activist: the chairman of the squad council, the secretary of the Komsomol organization, she was awarded certificates of honor and commendation for excellent studies and exemplary behavior, and the badge of the Komsomol Central Committee “For active work.”

Young Butit’s favorite subject was history; she was especially fascinated by the stories of old people, and she lovingly wrote down each of them in her notebook.

I remember we endlessly played political battles, all this affected our interest in history,” says Butit Tsydypmunkuevna. - I really loved reading books and historical novels. I dreamed of entering the Moscow Institute of History and Archives, but it turned out that in our family there would be five students studying at the same time as me. Therefore, I entered the Chita Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History. Withstood a lot of competition.

During my student years, the most expensive place was the State Archive of the Chita Region.

I studied there, my thesis was devoted to political exiles of Western Transbaikalia. I still remember this topic. The defense was very good because it was based on “living” archival materials. My candidate's and doctoral thesis were all written based on archival documents. This is a primary source for a historian, I think.

The entire history of the republic in a million documents

Today Butit Tsydypmunkuevna heads the State Archives of the Republic of Buryatia, the main function of which is to ensure the safety of documents.

We store almost a million files that are included in the archival fund of the Russian Federation. Of these, 150 thousand are funds from the revolutionary period, the rest from the Soviet and post-Soviet era.

The earliest documents begin from the late 17th century. Since 1681, these are copies of copies. And the very first authentic document with seals and wax dates back to 1714. The main part consists of the funds of local government bodies: steppe dumas, people's councils, clan councils, volost peasant councils, Tunguska foreign councils.

Today we can say that we have the richest fund on the history of the peoples of the republic, the history of the republic itself. All this was created by the work of the first archivists of Buryatia - this is primarily Vladimir Petrovich Girchenko, the grandson of the Decembrist Vladimir Bechasny. He collected materials for the archival fund on trips, sometimes on horseback, sometimes in carts, sometimes on foot. He painstakingly systematized and described all the data.

Unfortunately, at that time many valuable documents were lost, especially often during fires. Then all the buildings were wooden, so everything burned to the ground.

For example, we do not have material on the Mukhorshibirsky volost administration. Everyone is looking, but we don’t have it. Because it burned down in the 20s. There is nothing about Bichura. Everything burned down. The Bokhan Buryats are also looking for their roots, materials from their department. Not either, because it also burned down in the 19th century. For those who don’t have an archive, it’s very difficult. For example, Khorinsk Steppe Duma. Such a rich thought, huge territories, population, but the archive begins only from the mid-19th century. That’s why they burned their archive earlier and didn’t save it. Therefore, those who have preserved archives are very rich today. And our main task is to ensure their safety.

The second direction of work of the State Archive of the Republic of Belarus is the acquisition of the archival fund of the Russian Federation. There are currently 208 picking sources. These are the executive and legislative authorities, the judiciary, etc.

We control and assist in their paperwork, and participate in the formation of their affairs before entering them for eternal storage in our funds.

Third is the use of archival documents.

We fulfill a lot of requests: we confirm work experience, awards with departmental, federal, republican awards, we confirm harmful working conditions, we confirm the renaming of organizations, all these are social and legal requests. There are also thematic requests - education of institutions, villages, schools, kindergartens. We confirm the renaming of all bodies, etc. There is a lot of work for executive authorities.

The fourth direction is the provision of information services.

In our reading rooms, people are looking for their roots for genealogy, the history of a village, district or department, some are engaged in science. We get a lot of researchers every year, and we fulfill almost 10 thousand of their requests.

In addition, information is available on the State Archives website. In the electronic catalog of funds you can see inventories of cases, and guides have been created for convenience. So far, only a small fraction of documents have been digitized.

The fifth direction is the use of archival documents. These are exhibitions, lectures, publications, excursions.

Ready for anniversaries

In 2018, three significant dates are celebrated - the 100th anniversary of the archival service of Russia, the 95th anniversary of the archival service of Buryatia and the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Buryatia.

For the anniversaries, we want to popularize the personal collections of our archivists: Abram Markovich Kurtik, who worked as a photographer since the 50s, thanks to him we have many photographs of our city; Galina Stepanovna Nizhnikova, she has a lot of materials on the development of the pioneer and Komsomol movement in Buryatia. She was the main custodian of party funds; in addition, the front-line diary of her uncle Shestakov has been preserved.

In addition, for the first time, a large archival festival will be held for all connoisseurs and history buffs. Exciting events await them at the State Archive of Buryatia together with the Buryat Drama Theater, the National Museum of Buryatia, and the National Library of the Republic.

“Every time you get the feeling that this is happening in our time”

For Butit Zhalsanova, not a single day goes by without reading at least one archival document. And each of them surprises.

Every time I get the feeling that this is in our time. It is no different from what happened in the 19th century and what is happening here now. Almost everything is the same. For example, I read a lot of the records of the outstanding Barguzin taisha Sakhar Khamnaev. He writes that the Buryats love to dress beautifully, they love to go to weddings, they sell their last livestock to buy beautiful clothes for themselves, he really condemns this. He says that you have to work to afford such a life. I think this is also true today. He calls this "loitering."

He who does not have an archive has no ancestors

Now many are preoccupied with searching for their roots and drawing up a family tree. Everyone is interested in who and where their ancestors were from. And a Buryat is supposed to know his family up to the 7th generation. Butit Zhalsanova says that this is not easy work.

This is painstaking work. Here you need to know everything, where his ancestors lived, what family they belonged to, what faith they belonged to. That's why many people can't handle it and give up right away. They work out a little and leave. Of course, there are people who have been with us for years. Because it captivates them, they sit, search and search. Those whose archives are well preserved will be lucky. Those who don't have it, they won't be able to find anything.

Butit Tsydypmunkuevna herself knows her family right down to its founder - Sagan, the son of Khoridoy.

For example, I belong to the Sagan family. We have an “ugai besheg” (family tree). And everything is there up to Sagan and Khoridoy. All generations, I even checked our archival documents, they coincide.

Work is my hobby

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Butit Zhalsanova, calls daily research work her hobby. Today, thanks to my favorite work, 5 volumes of the most valuable documents on the history of the Buryat steppe dumas, a publication on the Old Believers have been published, 3 volumes on the history of the Aginsk steppe duma, a collection on the history of archival affairs, a book on the history of the Transbaikal Cossacks are coming.

I always say that any fund or business is a whole story, you can study it endlessly. Archives are the only place where every day is interesting and gives new knowledge. You can work in an archive all your life. Those who come here to work stay here.

I sit, turning pale over the impromptu,

And you can’t even find rhymes.

Before posterity later, There

You will have to answer for everything

Yu. Tynyanov

Illuminated by love for history

A. A. Zimin about archive workers

And as I move towards the future, I don’t throw the past off my shoulders.

From the poem "Immortality"
M. Svetlov, 1957

A mysterious thread has tied us firmly

To the tablets of the past through the archival world

And we are not trying to break it

We make excuses that we don’t know any other suffering

Archival world...

Not a scarecrow in the middle of the garden

and not a sheep among sheep

you are a man...

You are the memory of the family

and the memory of blood, finally.

You got to live today.

You're not the first.

But you are extreme.

In you all the ancestors are tired,

all ancestors have wild dreams

and their experience, and honor, and glory,

and their pride, and even become...

And you have such a right

no - trample on their graves.

And ridicule

in my pride

(but sometimes you laugh!)

everything that seems to us now

naive from our height.

Feel the junction of times with your shoulders,

because you are just a sign of the ring

in a chain that has no beginning

And there is no end in sight!

from the poem “Memory of the Family”

S. Vikulov

I look back with pride:

Our family tree is beautiful!

Who is my great-grandfather? - soldier and farmer.

Who is my grandfather? - Farmer and soldier...

And yet I am proud, I testify that

That I am considered to be the son of that class,

Which in the history of Russia

Not listed by name at all.

I don’t want to elevate myself in any way,

I am only a branch on a mighty tree.

It makes noise when the clouds are swirling -

And I make noise. He is silent - and I am silent

S. Vikulov

Man is not born for this

To disappear without a trace

An unknown speck of dust.

Man is born for

To leave a mark -


V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Not knowing what happened before you were born means forever remaining an undeveloped child.


Slowly, time reveals only the slices - flexible as strings.

No one can guess the continuation of the drawing from them.

V. Yankovskaya

The manuscript has been retrieved from the darkness,

How a star appeared from the darkness of times,

Found, discovered, like a country,

An ancestor's script is read by a descendant -

The new has merged with the old

V. Lazarev

Without an archival document there is no history of the state and people, there is no nation. And this is obviously correct. Centuries pass, one generation replaces another, and the memory of what each of them did is preserved in such a unique and invaluable source as archival documents

You always talk about archives with excitement... You approach the archive like a boundless sea, every drop of which carries an amazing discovery, if you don’t get tired and skillfully search for it

M. V. Nechkina

Archives are the breadbasket of historical science. Future historians would reproach us if we did not replenish our granary with anything

Charles Brebant

Without an archive there is no history, without history there is no progress. Archives of human knowledge and experience

M. N. Petrovsky

Explore everywhere,

What is great and beautiful

What the world has never seen before

M. V. Lomonosov

If the accumulated documents did not serve as a source, a basis for the development of science, then their storage would have no meaning. And the work of archivists would be useless

G. P. Basharin

“ elect as archivists people who live a sober life, and are not suspicious, and have no known vices or other predilections...”

From the Decree of the Senate. May 1768

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent...

Only letters sound

And we have no other property...

I. A. Bunin

“...Every person, visiting the archive for the first time and coming into contact with archival materials, experiences an extraordinary feeling of something unknown; a feeling of special interest in the information contained in documents. Leafing through the archives, he seems to be leafing through the living pages of the distant and near history of his country, his region...”

And all existences, all peoples

Preserved the imperishable being...

From the poem “Yesterday, thinking about death...”

N. A. Zabolotsky, 1936

Archives... are repositories of more valuable national property than the contents of state treasuries: money is lost and made again, and written monuments of people's history, once lost, cannot be bought and acquired again at any price and with any labor

N.V. Kalachov

The time will come, and our time, rich in events of great significance, promising to become the threshold of a new life, will itself move into the past, it will be greedily and closely studied, in it they will look for answers to a wide variety of questions

N.V. Kalachov

It is difficult to point out persons who could be completely safely and usefully entrusted with the management of archives. Sometimes it turns out that scientists who are fully knowledgeable about archival affairs are so partial to documents that they want to not only use, but also possess, at least the most important of them. But it may be even more dangerous to entrust archives to officials who are cold-blooded towards ancient monuments. Many of them consider any destruction of documents to be very useful and even commendable, because it clears the place of trash and litter

N.V. Kalachov

It is better to store what is unnecessary than to destroy what is useful.

N.V. Kalachov

Our age will pass. The archives will open.

And everything that has been hidden until now

All the secret stories are twisted

Show the world glory and shame

Then the faces of other gods will darken,

And every misfortune will be revealed,

But what was truly great

Will remain great forever

N. Tikhonov

Not everyone can understand their work.

And yet let’s say it rightly:

It's time to give you your due,

"Stingy Knights of the Archives"!

Here is the conscience of past times,

Love and glory and excitement

A collection full of names,

History itself is the property...

From amateur

creativity of Yakut archivists

The floorboard creaks under your foot,

And the old door will answer her in a drawn-out manner.

And the past will meet you on the threshold

With an unexpectedly young smile...

The true love of a historian for his Fatherland can only be manifested in strict respect for the truth

N. I. Kostomarov

The history of ancestors is always interesting for those who are worthy of having a fatherland.

I. M. Karamzin

Don’t even think about feeling sorry for those who compile catalogs of ancient manuscripts - these are the happiest of mortals


“...a good archive should be set up like a pharmacy, where every jar has its own specific place and its own signature, so that everything can be easily and accurately found”


We should not limit our knowledge to hundreds of known manuscripts, but to countless numbers of them: in monastery and cathedral repositories, not kept by anyone and not described by anyone, in archives, which time mercilessly devastates and basements, inaccessible to the rays of the sun, where there are piles of ancient books and scrolls ( it seems) were demolished so that gnawing animals, worms, rust and aphids could destroy them more conveniently and quickly

P. M. Stroev

Where there is a large intelligentsia, there inevitably exists public opinion, which creates moral control and presents ethical demands to everyone, from which no one can evade with impunity.

A. P. Chekhov

Respect for the past is the difference between education and savagery

A. S. Pushkin

Let the war topple the statues

The rebellion will dispel the work of the masons,

But the letters embedded in the memory

Running centuries will not erase

W. Shakespeare

We enter the future by looking back to the past

P. Valerie

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -

The heart finds food in them:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for fathers' coffins.

Based on them from time immemorial,

By the will of God himself,

Human independence -

The key to his greatness

A. S. Pushkin

That's why the swarm archives

I sorted it out in my spare time

The entire pedigree of the hero

Who did you start your story about?

And here he commanded his posterity

A. S. Pushkin

“...I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change the Fatherland or have a different history than the history of our ancestors”

A. S. Pushkin

How many separate books can be compiled here!

How many creative thoughts can develop here!

A. S. Pushkin

Respect for the past is the trait that distinguishes education from savagery

A. S. Pushkin

What is now old and forgotten may awaken later. It will be a source of conscientious research, a school in which new generations can learn, if not all lessons, not models, then legends that are not devoid of entertainment and value not only for the new, present, but also for the future

A. Vyazemsky

The history of houses is sometimes more interesting than human life. Houses are more durable than people and become witnesses of several human generations

K. Paustovsky

Without history there is no science, and without archives there is no history

M. N. Pokrovsky

Archive is a repository

The archive is purgatory

Archive is participation

Archive is a sacrament

Communion to the high

Participation is deep

Storage – secure

Purgatory is godless

There are overflows of milestones in it

In it is experience and in it is sin

There are steps in it of time

Friends and enemies in it

In it is hatred and in it is love;

There is devotion in him, there is blood in him

There is joy in him, sorrow in him

Sometimes he screams, sometimes he is mute

So it was and so it is

There's so much in it

What can't be counted

And we are only servants in it

And that makes us happy

And that’s how we live!!!

Yu. P. Shchukovskaya,

GAPC specialist, 2003

Let us fulfill our destiny with our souls, like a flame

We all work on memory

We are all her servants

T.K. Orlova,

Krasnodar region, 2010

A famous family dies and ceases in us as soon as we inherit one name without inheriting the virtues that glorified it

J. Massillon

Few of us, when studying our family tree, do not risk finding a couple of strange birds on the branches.

Thomas Dewar

Genealogy is the history of one kind or another in all manifestations of life

L. M. Savelov

Not parents, but rather the genealogies of parents (grandfathers, great-grandparents, grandmothers and great-grandmothers) are the true ancestors of children and explain their individuality more than they themselves, the immediate and so to speak accidental parents...

Carl Gustav Jung

The life task of everyone is to know the structure and form of his kind, its task, the law of its growth, critical points, the relationship of individual branches and their particular tasks, and against the background of all this - to know one’s own place in the family and one’s own task, not one’s individual one, placed in itself, and one’s own - as a member of the genus as an organ of a higher whole. Only with this ancestral self-knowledge is a conscious attitude towards the life of one’s people and towards the history of mankind possible

P. A. Florensky

We Russians treat our family past with disdain. The majority are not interested in their ancestors and hardly know their ancestry further than their grandfathers, the degree of respect for whom is usually commensurate with the state they left behind. Historical self-awareness, so necessary for a great people, will not come until a spiritual connection is established between descendants and ancestors hidden in the depths of centuries

P. Krechetov
Materials for the description of the Oryol province.

Riga 1905

Russia is far behind other civilized countries and in this regard is in last place, having relatively little genealogical literature. We do not know a single more or less cultured people in the world who would pay so little attention to their past, would value so little the past deeds of their ancestors, as does the great Russian people, in whom we notice a complete lack of self-awareness, self-respect and, as a result, this self-knowledge

L. M. Savelov
Lectures on Russian genealogy, given in

Moscow Archaeological Institute. First half of the year.

M., 1908

What are the strips of birch bark scattered in front of us?

They are like blank sheets of paper, decorated with writing.

From those drawings and icons

to us in our lives, under our arches

bursts out of the darkness of centuries

nature's confessional cry

B. Sh. Okudzhava

An hour passes like an instant, two moments are like a century,

Every wave of the arm and hand is worth a lifetime

B. Sh. Okudzhava

How smoothly, in a good way

From the darkness comes light,

Yes, here’s the problem: from the past

There is no escape

B. Sh. Okudzhava

A young raven will wake up

And, fixing his golden eye,

Breathe into the window glass

And, having ruined my wing,

Take out the eternal feather

And he will write something eternal

B. Sh. Okudzhava

The ship of our lives is approaching the pier,

And the paradise grove is becoming more and more clearly visible.

The more we think, the closer we are to the truth,

But the closer we are to the truth, the further it gets

B. Sh. Okudzhava

Instantly the word. The age is short.

Where does a person fit?

Where, and when, and in what wilderness

Are the roses of his soul blooming?

How does he manage to make it in time?

Keep your own silence and sing your own...

B. Sh. Okudzhava

I hug everyone alive

And I cry over the dead,

But I see them frozen

Their eyes were a little dim.

Their eternal souls fly

Above evil and above temptations.

I believe they are watching

How we cry and celebrate

B. Sh. Okudzhava

And it’s like a bird’s eye view for you

One thing always seems to me -

Only that which has been exalted

Only what is turned to dust

B. Sh. Okudzhava

An archive is simply a single file that compresses other files to reduce its overall size. If you still sigh when you receive another file in a ZIP, RAR, 7-Zip or any other archive, then this article is for you.

For those who like to watch, I’m posting a video:

The easiest way to extract a ZIP archive

ZIP archives are regular files with a “.zip” extension. In fact, you don’t need any programs to simply unzip files from ZIP; everything is already built into Windows Explorer 7/8/10. Just right-click on the file and select “Extract all...” from the menu.

A dialog box will appear where you will need to specify the path to unpack the files, or leave it as default (current folder). As you can see, in the example I have a “” file with a zipped Word document.

If you leave the “Show extracted files” checkbox enabled, then at the end of the unzipping procedure, another Explorer window will open with a new folder open. Or you can not unpack the files at all, but go into the archive like a regular folder and open the desired file from there.

How to unpack RAR archive

Unfortunately, Explorer cannot work with RAR files. For them you need to install one of the programs that will be discussed. The free program 7-Zip has long established itself as a simple and free archiver. Can unpack files 7z, zip, rar and others.

Using the program is almost as simple, just right-click on the file and select one of the items from the “7-Zip” submenu:

  • “Unpack” – to open the extraction dialog
  • “Extract here” – to simply extract the files to the current directory
  • “Extract to “Folder Name” - extract files to a folder with the archive name (I recommend)

The simplest are the second and third options, because... do not require any further action. If you select the first option, the following dialog will appear:

Here we can specify our path for the files. If you select the “No paths” option, then all files from the archive will be in one heap, without subfolders. The “Overwrite” parameter is responsible for the mode of overwriting existing files. By default, the program will ask about each such file.

You can extract files not only from the right-click menu. If you double-click on the file, it will open in the 7-Zip program window. To unzip files, simply select them and click the "Extract" button

Alternative free method - Hamster Lite Archiver

I also want to introduce you to one newfangled program Hamster Lite Archiver. It is even simpler, free and has a modern interface. After installing it, new items also appear in the Explorer context menu. To unpack a rar or zip archive, right-click on it and select one of the options:

  • Extract files… - opens a dialog window
  • Extract Here – extracts files into the current folder
  • Extract to “Folder name” - unzip to folder

Despite the fact that the context menu items are in English, the program itself is in Russian. Apparently we haven’t gotten around to translating these points yet, but by the time you read this article the situation may have already improved. The dialogue looks like this:

Universal program WinRAR

The WinRAR program is very widely used for working with RAR archives, I only use it. The program is possible. Look immediately for the Russian version in the list. Installing WinRAR is very easy, just click “Next” all the time. The program is paid, but with a trial period of 40 days. After the trial period ends, WinRAR continues to work, but begins to bother you with a window reminding you about the license every time you start it.

To unpack a RAR file, or any other archive, just right-click on the file and select one of the options:

  • Extract files... - the unpacking dialog will open
  • Extract to current folder – contents will appear in the current folder
  • Extract to “folder name” - unzip the contents into a new folder with the archive name (recommended)

The simplest options are the second and third. If you select the first option, a dialog will appear in which you can specify the specific path where your files will be placed and a few more parameters:

Update Mode:

  • Extract with file replacement - if the folder already contains the same files as in the archive, then they will be replaced with new ones
  • Extract with file update is the same, but only older files will be replaced
  • Update only existing files - only the update will occur, the remaining files will not be extracted.

The “Overwrite mode” items are responsible for the behavior of the program when replacing existing files.

Using this dialog, you can unpack a damaged or incomplete archive. By default, if a file has an error, it will not be unpacked. If you check the “Leave damaged files on disk” checkbox, then the damaged archive will be partially unpacked. If it is a video or music, then it can be opened. But, of course, the completeness of the resulting file will depend on the degree of damage to the archive.

You can also unpack files from the WinRAR program window. To do this, just select the required files and click on any of the buttons: “Extract...” or “Wizard”.

WinRar will also help you organize a backup of your information.

Please note that after installing any of the listed programs, the standard “Extract...” menu item for ZIP archives may disappear from Windows Explorer.

How to unpack a multi-volume archive

Multi-volume archives are created to split one huge archive into several small ones. In this case, there will be numbers at the end of the file names, for example.z01, .z02, .z03 or part1, part2, part 3 or 001, 002, 003, etc. To unpack such a multi-volume archive you will need ALL the parts, otherwise nothing good will come of it. The unpacking process itself is no different from the usual one.

You just need to unzip the first file from the list in the usual way, and the rest will be downloaded automatically.

If, in addition to the numbered parts, there is also a “regular” archive, then it is this file that needs to be unpacked, it is the main one.

Please note that multi-volume ZIP archives created by WinRAR can only be unpacked with the same program! Other programs give an error and even if you crack! And vice versa, WinRAR does not understand multi-volume files created by other programs.


So, you can extract files from zip, rar, 7z archives using Windows Explorer (ZIP only) or using the free programs 7-Zip and Hamster Lite Archiver, as well as using the paid program WinRAR. Choose a method that is convenient for you and use it for your health!

Imagine how grateful your friends will be if you share this information with them on social networks! By the way, you can also create your own archives using these programs.

Archivers are software for compressing files. This section presents free analogues of WinRAR.

Below you will find free programs distributed under licenses


Windows official website Archivers 3

HaoZip is a free Chinese archiver, similar to WinRAR. The program is intended for private and commercial use. Supports decompression of more than 50 formats.


Windows official website February 06, 2016 Free software - license for personal and commercial use Archivers 7

Bandizip is a free archiver designed for private and commercial use. The program supports working with such formats as: WinZip (.zip), WinRAR (.rar), 7Zip (.7z), etc.


Windows, Linux, Mac OS X official website February 06, 2016 GNU Lesser General Public License - license for personal and commercial use Archivers 15

7-Zip is one of the best free archivers. The program has a high compression and extraction speed, supports setting a password for the archive and works with the following formats: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP, WIM, can unpack ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, HFS, ISO , LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, UDF, WIM, XAR and Z.