How to indicate pages in the table of contents.

Modern text editors provide the user with the ability to design documents using automated tools. For example, automatic creation table of contents makes your work much easier and faster. To create a table of contents in MS Word, you need to design all headings in the “Title” style, in the “Table of Contents and Indexes” window (called from the Insert => Link menu), set the parameters and click “OK”. And the question of how to number the table of contents will not arise, since a table of contents with page numbers will automatically appear at the location of the text cursor.

In MSWord 2007, the “Table of Contents” window is called up in the “Table of Contents” group top menu“Links”. To align text in MS Word, use the “Left”, “Right”, “Center” and “Justify” buttons. They are located in the “Paragraph” group of the “Home” menu in the 2007 version, and in previous versions MS Word - on the Formatting toolbar. How to align the table of contents in Word? This question arises only for those who made the table of contents manually. In a small document you can leave everything as it is, but for large volumes of text you can redo the table of contents automatically.

Manually set the distance between the text and the page number using the “Tab” key. Then, while holding left button mouse move along the top ruler, selecting a tab position. In the “Tabulation” window (called from the “Paragraph” window), fill the distance between the text and the page number in the form of dots. How to make a table of contents in OpenOffice? Of course, only with the help automatic means. They operate in a similar way. The “Styles and Formatting” window is called up from the “Format” menu. Set heading styles. Then: Insert => Table of Contents and Indexes => Table of Contents and Indexes.

To present a thesis or course work A presentation is often required. The presentation can be formatted, for example, in PowerPoint program. To quickly transition between slides, you need to know how to create a table of contents in PowerPoint. You can automatically create a table of contents in PowerPoint 2003 and below. Display the “Structure” toolbar on the screen: View => Toolbars => Structure (check the box). Select all the slides in the document and click the “Final Slide” button on the “Structure” toolbar. The table of contents can then be adjusted manually.

Work in modern text editors requires the ability to use them ample opportunities. How to format a table of contents in a coursework, diploma work, in the presentation - any user should know the answer to this question. The automatically generated table of contents can be formatted according to the requirements for the design of the work. Important! Design changes will be lost when selected in context menu command “Update field” => Update entirely (for example, to update page numbers). Change appearance table of contents should be on last stage work when there will be no more changes.