Modx admin does not work after transfer. The empty admin panel in ModX Revolution does not work, does not open, and does not allow entry. See you soon in new lessons

Go to the admin panel of your site to the “Settings - General” page. In the “WordPress Address” and “Site Address” fields, enter the URL of the new domain and confirm the changes by clicking on the “Save Changes” button. After this, WordPress will redirect you to the admin interface login page, but on a new domain.


In the site database, in the wp_options table, you need to change the site domain to a new one in the values ​​of the fields called siteurl and home . These options have different ids in different CMS versions and installations. This can be id 1, 2, 33, 37 and any others. You can change the database in any convenient way: make a query to the SQL database through any database manager, open the saved SQL dump of the database in a text editor, use database managers like phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL, etc...

If you need an SQL query, then it should be, for example, like this:

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = "http://new-domain.domain-zone" WHERE option_name = "home" OR option_name = "siteurl"; !}

After these steps, the site on the WordPress CMS will work normally on the new domain.

Hello, today it’s time for another one, but long-awaited lesson. By coincidence, it turned out to be 33rd in order, and the number 3 is my favorite number.

I hope you will also like the “troika”, at least because after completing lesson number 3, your blog will be on the Internet, on a real server, which you have been waiting for so long... Finally, you will be able to distribute the address of your blog to all your acquaintances and friends , you will begin to improve your own blog, you will strive to make it your excellent “brainchild”, which you would not be ashamed to show to others.

So let's get started. Today's lesson will be about transferring a blog to a real server and its settings after the transfer.

Migrate your blog to WordPress

  1. All files that are in the folder (you may have a different name) copy it to a separate folder where you will store all the blog files (I talked about this in the previous one).
    For example, on local drive D I create a folder similar to the name . I create a folder in it web and copy all the files from there d:\Server\home\localhost\www\web\. I do this so that our blog can continue to work normally on the local computer for experiments, etc. (since we will change the settings of the configuration files for the transfer). Now all my blog files are located here:
    In the future we will work only with this folder, not with d:\Server\home\localhost\www\web\
  2. Opening the file wp-config.php in the theme file. We will need to change the database name. This data can be found in the Cpanel (where we created the database, username, logged into phpmyadmin, etc. in the last lesson) of the hoster (I told you how to get there).
  3. Copy the database name:

  4. Notice the underlined "things" in the file wp-config.php
  5. We need to replace them with those that we created and specified in the previous lesson during the database creation process:

  6. Save wp-config.php and find the file in the same place Open it through and delete everything that is there, that is, the file keep it empty.
  7. Next you will need to go through the process of creating robots.txt

File robots.txt needed for proper indexing by search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.). If you don't understand something, it doesn't matter, just follow what I wrote below. I will tell you more about this file in the following lessons. So, be sure to subscribe to RSS so as not to miss new lessons from the Beginner blog ()

Creation of ROBOTS.txt

Download to your computer. Unpack it, there should be a file there robots.txt

Transferring files

  1. Now open FileZilla or another FTP client (read about installing FileZilla and how it works). On the left, go to the window with your blog, and on the right, go to the FTP server and open the public_html folder (for example):

  2. Left select all files and press Upload to server:
  3. The file copying process will begin. If you are asked, "Overwrite the file?", confirm. You may also receive a message that unable to connect to server, just wait a little, the copying of files will recover itself.
  4. The file copying process took me 30 minutes. But some files(80 pieces) I have not transmitted, this can be seen in the lower left corner (if you have transferred all the files, skip the next 2 steps):

  5. To download them, click on " Failed transfers" (highlighted with a blue marker), select all files (you can use CTRL+A), right-click and select "Clear the list and re-add files to the queue":

  6. Now you will be redirected to the " tab Files in a task", select all the files again, right-click and select " Perform a task":
    As a result, all files will be downloaded; if there are still undownloaded files, repeat steps 4-6. That's all with the download.

Setting up your blog after the transfer

  1. We go to the admin panel, but on a real server, at
  2. If you get something similar to this (picture below), just click on the link, it’s just that the plugin against XSS attacks worked, no big deal:
  3. Enter admin, your password (it is the same one that was on the local computer) and check the “Remember me” checkbox:
  4. You are in the “native” admin panel (which we often worked with on the local server), Congratulations on your excellent completion of the lessons! Now let's go to Settings -> Permalinks (NC):
  5. Go down below and copy all the information in the window for .htaccess:
  6. We paste it into our .htaccess file, which is located in my Local disk D/***Bar/web/.htaccess, paste what you copied in step 5, save the file. For me it looks like this:
  7. Now we need to update this file on the server: for this highlight.htaccess right-click and select Upload to server:
  8. Click OK:
  9. Now file updated on the server.
  10. I have also now renamed the name and short description of the blog. To do this I went to blog admin-> On construction sites -> General:

Now go to the wp-content folder and give the uploads folder permissions 777 (how to do this is shown (just read how to set permissions 777 and that’s it)).

On this The transfer of the blog to the real server is complete. We also did a little tweaking after the transfer, the result is our blog on the Internet to get into it, just type in the browser and that's it.

To be honest, the lesson took quite a long time to write, as there were a lot of all sorts of pictures, and I tried to make this lesson as detailed as always.

Now I started to think maybe try sometimes do video lessons(especially when the material to study is voluminous)? I think they will make life much easier for both me and you. In general, I will think about this topic some more.

First goal achieved. We created a blog. It's available everyone.

Now, before promotion and earning money, there will be lessons on refining the design, translating templates, adding new functions to the blog and just a lot of interesting things! I will be happy to wait for you, dear reader

, on , and I will jump for joy.

See you soon in new lessons! P.s.


Soon I will tell you the address of my blog, which we did together. Until I decide, I’ll wait a week or two.

Today I encountered a curious error - after transferring the site (Jumla), authorization stopped working (it is impossible to log into the “admin panel” of the site).

In this case, no error messages are given - the login-password entry page is simply updated and that’s it.

Reason number 1

The most popular reason for this error is that the server (account) disk is full. As a result, when you try to log into the site, the script fails to create a session file (because the disk is full), and as a result, authorization on the site does not occur.

It's easy to fix the error - clear the disk space so that you have at least ten megabytes left, clear the temporary folder (tmp).

Please pay attention to an important aspect - the disk may run out of not only space, but also the maximum available number of created files (inode)! That is, there may still be space left, but files can no longer be created!

Reason number 2

The check showed that in this particular case the cause was incorrect variable values ​​in the configuration.php file (which is located in the site folder)

Public $cookie_domain = ""; public $cookie_path = "/www"; //apparently, it is she who is to blame, since the path is clearly indicated incorrectly;

We managed to correct the situation by setting them to empty values:

Public $cookie_domain = ""; public $cookie_path = "";

By the way, in the general case, the values ​​of the $cookie_domain and $cookie_path variables should be empty - their use is relevant, for example, if another CMS is installed in a subfolder of the site, which requires a separate login/cookie:

  • $cookie_domain: The domain for which the cookie value is valid. To allow cookies for all subdomains, the domain must start with '.' For example - ''. By default, the domain name on which Joomla was installed is used.
  • $cookie_path: The path on the server for which the cookie value is valid. For example, if set to /test/, the cookie will only be valid inside the /test/ directory and all subdirectories (for example /test/dir/) of the domain. By default, the cookie is valid for the entire domain on which Joomla was installed.