Crm system with IP telephony. CRM IP telephony system. Detailed information about the work of the sales department

Development is an ongoing process. If you are developing, constantly look for new solutions to develop your business.

Cloud telephony, or virtual PBX, is one of the solutions that allows you to develop while saving on equipment and maintenance.

The process of integrating IP telephony into CRM occurs when replacing a physical office telephone exchange, when the client uses IP telephony devices via the Internet.

Today, receiving a product or service via the Internet has become an ordinary and well-established process, but it is still optimized by humans.

What tasks do CRM systems and IP telephony perform?

The combination of Internet technologies and the capabilities of regular telephony has changed telephone communication, expanding the possibilities for transmitting information.

A virtual or cloud PBX is capable of solving many problems.

  1. Using CRM systems and IP telephony, consumers will receive higher quality services. A well-promoted brand is synonymous with wealth. What should those at the beginning of the path do? A growing young company cannot afford to rent an office, and the director, owner, manager, and production worker are one and the same person. Using cloud PBX More potential customers are served, and your company increases sales volumes with the least amount of resources.
  2. The next task is to increase the customer base. A self-respecting company does not scatter clients, paying maximum attention to everyone who uses the service. Process and distribute the call, redirect it, evenly distributing the load on employees - this is done using virtual PBX.
  3. Improving the quality of service. Remember the melody that ingrains itself in your brain while waiting for an answer? Forget it. By routing the call through the PBX, each call is processed faster and with better quality.
  4. Receiving analytical reports. By making cuts based on the number of calls and the speed of their processing by managers, you have information, by analyzing which you can improve the work of your company, which will lead to increased profits.

The listed advantages of using CRM systems and IP telephony make them indispensable in today's conditions.

“Be on trend” - the formula for success

The best inventions come from people who save time. The operating principle of IP telephony is built like this: “do less - you will get more.”

When installing an IP-PBX, modern telecommunication technologies are used based on local network, which does not require laying telephone wiring. Office telephone exchange is a software and hardware complex that offers additional features telephone conversations between subscribers.

Virtual PBXs are convenient for users:

  • making a call in the CRM system without dialing a number;
  • presence of a voice menu (IVR), auto-informer;
  • available Russian-language web interface;
  • carrying out, if necessary, telephone surveys;
  • accounting and statistics of requests, etc.
  • We get best quality completing a task with less effort, time and money.

Additional benefits of CRM systems and IP telephony

Integration of IP telephony into CRM optimizes the activities of the business owner.

Using phone numbers in other cities, including 8-800 numbers, optimizing rental costs (space occupied by a cloud PBX), improving the quality of communication - all these are the advantages of using CRM systems and IP telephony.

By integrating IP telephony into CRM, you facilitate the process of statistics on the work of the sales department and assessing the manager’s performance. Indicative for analysis:

  • duration of the call made;
  • number of calls handled by the employee;
  • the quality of incoming and outgoing calls processed by him for a specific period of time, etc.

Analysis of the ratio of the number of concluded transactions to the number of calls, duration of calls, etc. will help draw conclusions about the productivity of employees, optimize management decisions, since when using an automatic telephone exchange one person is able to do the work of several.

Perfect solutions

The use of IP telephony has become popular among users today, and system solution Asterisk is better through discovery source code, developed by Digium. Free use code simplified the task of implementing the system when installation is required software product specialist. The installation takes place in stages:

  • analysis technical requirements to telephony;
  • selection required parameters servers depending on the expected load;
  • purchasing numbers (external telephone lines);
  • system settings (extension numbers, gateways, storage, scripts, etc.)

Competition is present in any market: the area of ​​IP telephony integration is no exception. The constant development of the IT technology market stimulates the creation of higher quality products, which is what Asterisk IP PBX is.
Created taking into account the needs of the client and business, IP telephony based on Asterisk is a perfect solution with optimal cost.

Connecting a cloud PBX using an example Zadarma service

To bookmarks

Virtual automatic telephone exchanges(PBX) do not involve the work of an operator, do not require the purchase of special equipment, and their setup takes no more than one working day. Provide an office telephone communication possible using dozens of services. For the client, the difference will only be in the number of functions, ease of use and tariff schedule.

The site contains instructions for entrepreneurs on how to set up a “cloud” PBX and combine it with a CRM system.

The material was prepared with the support of the service.

Virtual PBXs “telephonize” businesses (even those distributed in different cities or countries), create a structure for a call center almost free of charge and allow you to integrate your client base. Virtual PBX services are created in such a way as not to use programmers - all settings, for example, with a CRM system, are performed without programming skills.

According to representatives of the Zadarma service, connecting to their virtual PBX takes no more than five minutes. It will take another five minutes to integrate with Bitrix24, AmoCRM or other CRMs.

1. Registration and tariffs

In Zadarma standard process registration - the client needs to enter a name, email address and password. You do not need to send any documents until you purchase the number.

After registration, the client selects a tariff. The service provides 30 test minutes or 20 rubles depending on the tariff.

  • The “Standard” tariff is suitable for starting any company. There is nothing in it subscription fee, nor minimum payments, per second billing is provided and 100 free minutes per month after replenishment. Discounts are possible for large clients.
  • The Economy tariff is for those who make few calls, but the conversation lasts several minutes. Calls are charged per minute, but the cost of calls is even lower than in the “Standard” tariff.
  • Corporate rate– the largest package: 5000 minutes, 20 lines and per-second billing. Cost 3200 rubles per month. The tariff can be scaled by two, five or ten times for medium and large businesses.
  • There are also Free and Unlimited plans, but these are single-user and only provide one calling line: generally not suitable for business.

You can top up your account using: bank card, and with the help payment services: “Yandex.Money”, QIWI, WebMoney and others. Available for business corporate connection You can pay by bank transfer and receive a full set of documents for accounting.

2. Select a number

After connecting and choosing a tariff, the user needs to decide on a number. For example, if some of the entrepreneur’s clients are located in another country, it makes sense to register two numbers - one Russian, and the second in the country with the client base

The process of connecting a foreign number does not differ from the standard one

3. Final setup and integration with the client base

Zadarma has a setup wizard that guides the client through the main stages: creating internal numbers, connecting an external line, setting up a voice menu and integrating with CRM.

Creating internal numbers

At the first stage, the client indicates the number of numbers he needs. Most often, the number of rooms equals the number of employees. For example, if there are ten people in a company’s call center, then the same number of numbers will be needed. Sometimes there are situations when more numbers are needed. For example, if one person is responsible for several areas of activity - sales and technical support. Zadarma supports up to 50 active numbers and their number can always be increased by personal account.

External Line Connection

The outside line is the number that customers will call. By default, this is the connected phone number (or numbers). However, if the company still has old number, to which clients can still call, it can also be connected to the PBX.

Voice menu

Setting up voice menu, you can enter text that will be read by the robot. Voice menu items are also created here. When creating, it is worth considering some features. For example, do not put more than five menu items and start with priority areas. If customers most often call the sales department, then their item in the voice menu should come first.

Connecting the PBX to the client database

The Zadarma service gives clients the opportunity to connect their PBX to five CRM systems for free: Bitrix24, AmoCRM, PlanFix, RetailCRM and U-ON.Travel. This integration allows you to call clients from cards in the CRM system, see the client’s photo when calling, record conversations in CRM and analyze statistics. Integrations with other popular CRM systems will appear soon.

There are several advantages of such integration. Firstly, the company's management can receive all the information about the client and his interaction with the company in one place. Secondly, the company does not lose a single call - all missed calls or unresolved problems are noted in the CRM.

4. Additional features

Organizing the call process and integrating telephony with CRM are the main functions of the PBX. But there are others that are used less frequently, but are useful in special cases. For example, in Zadarma you can create conferences among employees. You can also connect to them remotely by dialing office phone from mobile.

To increase conversion, you can install a callback widget on your website. You need to choose a design and get a code for the site: the service is free, but you only have to pay directly for the calls themselves at the chosen tariff.

After PBX integration with a client base, you can connect call recording. Then all calls with the client will be stored in his card.

If a business’s call center does not operate 24 hours a day, there is a “Opening Hours” function in your Zadarma personal account. Its activation transfers all calls to non-working hours to answering machine. For the same case, forwarding is needed - if the employee is not in the office, calls received on his work phone will be forwarded to his mobile phone.

The American company Six Pack Shortcuts calculated: after CRM integration and IP telephony, their sales of fitness programs increased by 227%. Impressive, isn't it? Let's look at how calls work in CRM and what benefits such integration gives to a business.

In SRM, telephony works like everyone else, that is, it allows you to make calls to clients via the Internet without landline phone. All you need is a computer and a headset. VATS, or IP telephony, has a number of advantages over traditional PBXs: multi-channel, the ability to connect a voice menu and distribute calls, as well as save on communications. And if you also set up the integration of telephony and CRM, you will get much more advantages.

Recording calls in CRM

Many companies combine CRM and IP just to record managers' calls. In CRM, call recordings are stored in a client card in chronological order: the manager can always listen to the conversation in order to refresh his memory of the details. If the client is transferred to a new manager, he will go in faster get up to date by familiarizing yourself with the history of calls, letters, transactions. For a manager, this is a way to evaluate the work of employees: find out whether they use scripts, in what manner they conduct a conversation, what typical mistakes allowed. If necessary, recordings can be downloaded to your computer.

Call analytics in CRM

Integration of a CRM system with telephony is the most convenient way...identify lazy managers. Thanks to detailed analytics in the SRM, a manager can find out at any time:

  • the number of calls made by the manager per day, week, month;
  • dynamics of incoming calls;
  • comparison of call dynamics of individual managers;
  • the total number of calls of each of them in the pie chart.
Call reports to

This is especially true for companies that specialize in telephone sales. Thanks to the call analytics available in CRM, the manager immediately sees how hard his managers are trying.

Individual approach to the client

If you are used to communicating with clients as best friends, then you will probably enjoy receiving incoming calls in your CRM system. Telephony integrated with CRM allows you to recognize the client’s number and redirect the call to the responsible manager.

In the corner of the screen he sees a notification window with the client’s name. The manager presses him, picks up the phone, and a client card with detailed information about the interlocutor. Not only contacts and data about the current order are stored here, but also the entire history of working with the client:

  • all calls and letters;
  • notes left by the manager during communication;
  • tasks assigned and meetings held;
  • purchases, invoices, payments;
  • documents, photographs;
  • any necessary information V custom fields: car brand, policy validity period, special wishes of the client, etc.

Combining a CRM system with telephony allows the manager to receive all necessary information about the interlocutor directly during the conversation. As a result, each customer will receive maximum attention and feel like your most important customer.

Call scripts in CRM

Scripts are ready-made scripts conversations with the client, for example, how to handle a price objection, what Additional services offer. Ready-made scripts can be integrated into a CRM system - this is very convenient: at every moment of the conversation, the manager will know what needs to be said in order to bring the deal to the final stage.

True, this function is not found often. For example, it is in: scripts can be written for each stage of the transaction. For example, the manager moved to the “price negotiation” stage - CRM system automatically shows him a script for processing price objections.

Employee Plan

Integration of SRM with telephony allows you not only to obtain statistics on the work of personnel, but also to set personal goals for them: plans for the number and amount of processed applications (for example, for back call), created contacts or companies. The progress of achieving goals can be tracked directly through the desktop on a special widget.

One-click calls from CRM

Integration of a CRM system and IP telephony simplifies searching and dialing. A manager can make a call from any section of CRM: from a client or transaction card, from a general table with call history, and even from a board with tasks. When you hover the cursor over the client's name, a window pops up with active number phone and by email: Call or send an email in just one click.

Section with calls to

The online system for recording clients and transactions WireCRM has added Yandex Telephony integration. Integration with this service allows you to make calls from CRM, view incoming and outgoing calls, automatically create a client card and show a pop-up client card when incoming call, for integration it is enough to install the Yandex Telephony Integration application, make some settings and you can make calls by clicking on the phone number in CRM.

2018. INTRUM CRM: New telephony capabilities and filter in “Objects” and “Contacts”

In Intrum CRM, the telephony server platform has been optimized and is ready for increased loads, and the PBX core has been updated. CRM users also have the opportunity to intercept calls from colleagues, track online who is talking to which client on the phone, and who has a free or busy call forwarding line. Access rights to functionality are flexibly configured. Working with objects and contacts has become more convenient. To filter them, you can now set your own search field parameters and save them for later use. The same feature will soon be available for orders and trades. And a few more important improvements: batch editing tasks; updated reports; detailed statistics by resources used in CRM; expanded capabilities for selecting objects according to client requests and added new services sms mailings for integration.

2018. GEN CRM now has the ability to make calls from the system

GEN CRM now has the ability to make and receive calls directly from the system using a headset. New feature will allow you to connect any telephony on the market (and not only Russian). The connection occurs by entering your SIP account data (easy and fast).

2016. RosBusinessSoft CRM has learned to intelligently distribute incoming calls

RosBusinessSoft CRM has been integrated with the virtual PBX UIS. As a result of integration, system users were able to receive and process incoming calls in the program, and make outgoing calls in one click. Also, using the “Cold Calling” module, managers can now make mass “cold calls” in a semi-automatic mode customer bases. If an employee is not in the office and he has checked the “Transfer calls” checkbox in advance, then the call from his “Client” will be automatically forwarded to him at mobile phone. All calls, including missed ones, are recorded in the “Contacts” module and the manager (the manager himself) can listen to them at any time from anywhere in the world.

2015. A full-fledged virtual PBX has appeared in Megaplan

In service for collaboration and business management Megaplan in full force Built-in telephony started working. Now service users do not need to buy a separate PBX and integrate it. Call well to the right client or an employee can do it with one click directly from Megaplan. You can call abroad via IP telephony at low rates. Calls within the company are free. To receive incoming calls, you can link your number to the service or rent a new one (multi-channel with unlimited quantity additional). In the settings you can set scenarios for processing incoming calls. The telephony widget does not interfere with taking notes during a conversation, learning about past agreements and assigning the next contact. Recordings of conversations are linked to clients and can always be listened to.

2015. A2B system connected telephony to CRM

The A2B business management system has integrated its CRM with the SKOROZVON telephony service. Now you can call clients with one click from just 40 kopecks per minute. Convenient calls and quick recording of results will allow managers not to waste time searching for a number contact person and its dialing in the phone. The SKOROZVON service provides the ability to record telephone conversations and stores them for up to 1 year (depending on the tariff). The A2B system also allows you to manage projects, control orders, and conduct planning. The cost remains from 500 rubles/month for the entire company.

2015. FreshOffice CRM now offers virtual PBX and IP telephony

All leading CRM systems integrate with leading virtual PBXs. For what? Because it's much more convenient. You can call clients directly from CRM, keep track of calls for each client, see a client card when there is an incoming call, control managers by listening to their conversations with clients. FreshOffice developers also first integrated with third-party PBXs, and then decided to create their own cloud PBX for maximum (native) integration with the CRM system. Moreover, communication capabilities services already include email, newsletters and internal messenger. In addition they added own services cheap calls via IP telephony and the ability to connect a multi-channel number. It turns out that it is no longer a CRM, but a full-fledged virtual office. The cost of automatic telephone exchange is from 450 rubles/month. You have to pay extra for the number and calls.

The online CRM system Clientobox now offers the opportunity to make cheap calls to clients via IP telephony. To make a call using Clientobox you need to click on any phone number in system. All calls made within the framework of the transaction are recorded within the transaction. And inside the contact your employees called. A detailed report on calls, their duration, and who made them can be seen by account administrators in the “Calls” section in the settings. The Clientobox account administrator can enable telephony. Telephony is implemented using the platform. The cost of telephony is not included in the payment for the Clientobox service; calls are charged separately.

2014. Megaplan integrated with virtual PBX Telfin

Integration of the cloud PBX Telfin.Office and the Megaplan business automation system was carried out on the basis of the service " Simple calls" Megaplan users will be able to see the appearance of the calling client card during incoming call to your phone, which will save time searching for information about the results of previous negotiations. Combining the capabilities of PBX Telfin.Office and Megaplan will allow you to automatically record all conversations, store these recordings, as well as statistics - call history - in the client card. In addition, if you need to call the customer, you can dial his number directly from the Megaplan program window.

2014. amoCRM integrated with virtual PBX Gravitel

Integration of Gravitel and amoCRM services allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of the sales department and provides the ability to automatically distribute incoming calls to managers, automatically open a client card during a call (the manager can call the client by name and quickly receive all information about him), the ability to systematize and organize data by clients, the ability to track the number of sales and the quality of employee work in real time. To all amoCRM users, the Gravitel company offers connection to a multi-channel number in Moscow or St. Petersburg for 1 rub. (promotion valid until 1.09.14).

The CRM module of the trade management service MoySklad now has the ability to make calls directly from the browser using cloud platform VoxImplant. Now MySklad users can make cheap calls to mobile phones and fixed line a number of countries around the world, including Russia and the USA directly from the browser without installation additional programs or extensions. New opportunity will allow trading companies to complete the migration of their business to the cloud. CRM in MySklad is fully integrated with other system capabilities and allows you not only to record the history of relationships with clients, but also to process customer orders, work with suppliers and maintain full document flow.

2014. FreshOffice CRM is available new module for telephony

In the FreshOffice CRM system, the telephony module has been completely redesigned, which allows you to make calls with one click from the counterparty’s card. The developers say that thanks to new platform, the telephony module now works stably and provides high quality communications. The updated module does not oblige you to work with a specific telephony provider; you yourself have the right to choose any service provider, connect to it without any additional integrations use Telephony. They also promise that the system will integrate with any office PBX. In addition, new functions have appeared: the ability to transfer incoming calls to other subscribers, the “busy” function, which is useful if this moment There is no way to answer an incoming call.

2014. Video: why a CRM system should be integrated with an office PBX

Sales managers (in all normal companies) use a CRM system. In addition, they constantly communicate with clients by phone. However, in most companies, CRM and telephony have nothing to do with each other. This short video, created by the experts at amoCRM, shows why it is profitable to spend some time and money to integrate your CRM system with an office PBX (or virtual PBX). This will make the manager’s work much more convenient and productive. He will be able to see the client’s card as soon as he calls, quickly make notes and set tasks during the conversation, call clients with one click directly from the CRM. And the manager will be able to better assess the employee’s performance and analyze the client’s situation based on call history.

2013. RosBusinessSoft CRM integrated with Asterisk

The RosBusinessSoft company has integrated its RosBusinessSoft CRM system with the Asterisk IP telephony server. As a result, users now have the opportunity to make calls directly from the CRM program, display information about the subscriber from the CRM system during an incoming call, and also receive calls on softphones and IP phones. In addition, for incoming calls, you can set up call forwarding depending on the manager responsible for the counterparty and more. Previously, RosBusinessSoft CRM was also integrated with Panasonic and Samsung mini-PBXs.

2012. Saletex - service for creating discounts

Discounts are the engine of sales. Everyone knows this, but not everyone uses it. Not out of greed, but simply because they don’t know how to design and organize it all beautifully. The Saletex service will help you do this in a few clicks. It allows you to place on your website (without any changes to the site itself) a floating bookmark like “Promotion!”, by clicking on which the visitor will be able to receive a discount coupon if he enters his name, email, and then phone number (after all, the coupon is sent by SMS). In addition, immediately after filling out the form, the sales manager receives a call from the service, and he can, by pressing a button, instantly connect with potential client. Moreover, Saletex does not charge money for telephony services. He only takes money for completed forms. You get the first 10 forms (leads) for free, and for each subsequent lead you need to pay 40 rubles.

Terrasoft presented new version Terrasoft CRM 3.3. It has updated the Projects section, intended for planning and monitoring the implementation of company projects in the context of labor costs and finances. Each project can have a multi-level structure and consist of stages, work, and tasks. A SWOT analysis function has been added, allowing you to make informed decisions on tactics for working with each client. The ability to generate prices according to various price lists, including taking into account promotional discounts and bonuses, has been significantly improved. Added the ability to access any entry in the system via a web browser. Added new section Calls, designed to receive, distribute and process telephone calls. User-friendly interface Call cards allow you not only to quickly make calls, but also to record all the basic information about the subscriber and the call, search for information on the topic of the call in the knowledge base, manage call connections, and launch a business process.

2002. Avaya and Sputnik Labs will jointly promote CRM

Avaya and Sputnik Labs announced the start of cooperation in the field of CRM solutions. Within the framework of the signed partnership agreement Sputnik Labs received the status of an Avaya eCRM system integrator. Sputnik Labs helps large and medium-sized Russian companies build effective relationships with clients and partners based on modern CRM systems and their integration with others corporate systems. By joining forces, companies will be able to offer the market comprehensive solution for customer relationship management, which will include contact management and elements digital telephony; and CRM class systems that automate the processes of sales, marketing and customer support.

The American company Six Pack Shortcuts calculated: after integrating CRM and IP telephony, their sales of fitness programs increased by 227%. Impressive, isn't it? Let's look at how calls work in CRM and what benefits such integration gives to a business.

In SRM, telephony works like everyone else, that is, it allows you to make calls to customers via the Internet without a landline phone. All you need is a computer and a headset. VATS, or IP telephony, has a number of advantages over traditional PBXs: multi-channel, the ability to connect a voice menu and distribute calls, as well as save on communications. And if you also set up the integration of telephony and CRM, you will get much more advantages.

Recording calls in CRM

Many companies combine CRM and IP just to record managers' calls. In CRM, call recordings are stored in a client card in chronological order: the manager can always listen to the conversation in order to refresh his memory of the details. If the client is transferred to a new manager, he will quickly get up to speed by familiarizing himself with the history of calls, letters, and transactions. For a manager, this is a way to evaluate the work of employees: to find out whether they use scripts, in what manner they conduct a conversation, and what typical mistakes they make. If necessary, recordings can be downloaded to your computer.

Call analytics in CRM

Integrating a CRM system with telephony is the most convenient way... to identify lazy managers. Thanks to detailed analytics in the SRM, a manager can find out at any time:

  • the number of calls made by the manager per day, week, month;
  • dynamics of incoming calls;
  • comparison of call dynamics of individual managers;
  • the total number of calls of each of them in the pie chart.
Call reports to

This is especially true for companies that specialize in telephone sales. Thanks to the call analytics available in CRM, the manager immediately sees how hard his managers are trying.

Individual approach to the client

If you are used to communicating with clients as if they were your best friends, then you will probably enjoy receiving incoming calls in a CRM system. Telephony integrated with CRM allows you to recognize the client’s number and redirect the call to the responsible manager.

In the corner of the screen he sees a notification window with the client’s name. The manager presses him, picks up the phone, and a client card with detailed information about the interlocutor. Not only contacts and data about the current order are stored here, but also the entire history of working with the client:

  • all calls and letters;
  • notes left by the manager during communication;
  • tasks assigned and meetings held;
  • purchases, invoices, payments;
  • documents, photographs;
  • any necessary information in custom fields: car make, policy validity period, special wishes of the client, etc.

Combining a CRM system with telephony allows the manager to receive all the necessary information about the interlocutor directly during the conversation. As a result, each customer will receive maximum attention and feel like your most important customer.

Call scripts in CRM

Scripts are ready-made scenarios for conversations with a client, for example, how to process a price objection, what additional services to offer. Ready-made scripts can be integrated into a CRM system - this is very convenient: at every moment of the conversation, the manager will know what needs to be said in order to bring the deal to the final stage.

True, this function is not found often. For example, it is in: scripts can be written for each stage of the transaction. For example, a manager has moved to the “price approval” stage - the CRM system automatically shows him a script for processing price objections.

Employee Plan

Integration of SRM with telephony allows you not only to obtain statistics on the work of personnel, but also to set personal goals for them: plans for the number and amount of processed applications (for example, for a call back), created contacts or companies. The progress of achieving goals can be tracked directly through the desktop on a special widget.

One-click calls from CRM

Integration of a CRM system and IP telephony simplifies searching and dialing. A manager can make a call from any section of CRM: from a client or transaction card, from a general table with call history, and even from a board with tasks. When you hover over the client's name, a window pops up with an active phone number and email: call or send an email in just one click.

Section with calls to