How to install the basic version of 1s 8.3. Platform installation, platform update. Creating a new database from a template

Beginning users of programs developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform, having come to the point of purchasing the “box” or having already purchased it, naturally ask the question: “How to install 1C Enterprise?”

In fact, installing 1C Enterprise is a simple process; it is not necessary to have any special skills and knowledge for this. In this article we will take a detailed look at the installation process and give step-by-step instructions to resolve all possible questions during installation.

The first step for installation is to obtain the installation distribution of the 1C platform. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Take the distribution kit on disk in the same yellow box that you received when purchasing any 1C configuration. In this case, you don’t even have to look for the distribution itself on the disk, but use autorun;
  2. If you have an ITS subscription, simply register on the support site and download the distribution from there.
  3. Again, if you have an ITS subscription, request the installation distribution from a representative of the company serving you.

*It is worth noting that regardless of where the distribution comes from, the 1C 8 installation process will remain unchanged.

Let's take a closer look at the first two ways to obtain a distribution.

1. The box you purchased contains a disk with installation distributions for the 1C platform and configuration. To install, insert the disc and use autorun. You will see the following window (it is the same for all typical 1C configurations):

  • Quick installation of 1C 8 and launch. The program itself will install the minimum set of components required for operation.
  • Custom installation of 1C 8. The user independently selects the necessary installation components.

To install the 1C platform, select “1C:Enterprise 8”. We will describe further actions below, since they are the same for all points.

2. To download the distribution kit from the 1C support site, type the address into the address bar of your browser

After the site loads you will see the following:

Active links for going to the necessary sections are highlighted in the text. You will need the “Software Updates” or “Download Updates” item. Clicking on any of the inscriptions will take you to a page with a list of sections for downloading (of course, after entering the login and password that you specified when registering on the site).

In the list of sections you will need the very first one, “Technological distributions”. Click on it and see the subsections. You will need one of the sections shown in the screenshot below, depending on which platform you want to install.

In our example we will install platform version 8.3

We go to this subsection and see the available versions. We will use the latter, but if necessary, you can choose any of them.

When you click on the desired version, you are taken to a menu of download options. Don't be intimidated by the abundance of items: you will only need one of the two - a technology platform for 32- or 64-bit* versions of Windows.

*It is important to remember one nuance here: the platform for 32-bit versions works perfectly on 64-bit versions, but not vice versa.

After selecting the version, you are taken to a page with a download link. Download the archive with the platform to any location on your hard drive. After unpacking you will receive a folder with files like this:

You will need a "Setup" file. It is the penultimate one in the list of files. Launch it by double-clicking and the installation begins.

Direct installation of 1C

The 1C installation process itself is very simple. As a rule, it is enough to agree with the proposed settings during installation.

In the first window, click “Next”, in the second - select the components to install. You don't have to change anything here. To work with 1C, it is enough to install the minimum set of components specified by the system by default. You can also select the folder in which 1C will be installed. By default, this is drive C. Click “Next”.

In the next window you will be asked to select the interface language. There are 3 options available: System settings (the default language of your version of Windows), English and Russian. Choose the desired option. In the next window, the program will inform you that everything is ready for installation. Click the “Install” button. We wait for the installation to complete and in the window that appears we see a proposal to install the protection driver. If you purchased version 1C (USB), then do not uncheck the box. If you have a version with software protection, you can remove it. Click Next.

In the next window, the program will inform you that the installation of 1C Enterprise is complete. Uncheck the box if you do not want to read the help information and click “Finish.”

So we are done: we have completed the 1C installation. After this, a shortcut to quickly launch the program should appear on the desktop. Ahead of you is the installation and configuration of 1C - the configuration in which you will work.

To install the 1C 8.3 or 8.2 program it is not necessary to have any special skills. Concepts such as 1C platform and configuration (for example 1C Accounting) should be distinguished. The 1C platform itself does not store data. It provides access to them and controls the operation of the configuration. The data itself is stored in the information base. There can be several of them, and the configuration of each contains the structure and rules for processing this data.

You can install 1C 8.3 without a license, even at home. That's enough for this.

The installation folder contains many files, but you only need to run “setup.exe”.

On all tabs except the Custom Installation tab, click Next. It is advisable to select the first three components and the “Interfaces in various languages” component if necessary.

At the end of the installation, the program will install the protection driver by default (this flag can be cleared). It is recommended not to remove it, then all drivers will be installed automatically.

How to install 1C configuration

To install the configuration, run the “setup.exe” file from the corresponding archive. There is no need to make any additional settings. Click Next until the configuration is installed. If the template catalog does not have enough mass, choose another one.

Adding a new infobase

After you have successfully installed the 1C platform and the required configuration, you can begin adding a new information base. Launch the “1C Enterprise” shortcut on your desktop.

Your list of infobases will be displayed in the window that opens. Click on the "Add" button.

If you are adding a new infobase, as in our example, select “Create a new infobase”. In the case where the information base was previously created, select another item.

The database can be created either from a template or empty. Due to the fact that we have already installed the configuration, the database will be created from the template. Select the appropriate template and click Next.

If the information base already exists, then in the settings you will only need to indicate its name and location.

For another visual instruction, watch the video:

Login to the site as a student

Exercises on the internal programming language 1C 8.3: installing 1C

If you have not read the introduction to the exercises, please read it: .

Installation 1C

To perform the exercises we will need 1C 8.3 (not lower than

If you have 1C version 8.3 installed, use it. If not, download and install the educational version, which 1C produces specifically for educational purposes.

Exercise No. 1: download and install the educational version of 1C 8.3.

Instructions to follow:

  • Unpack the archive downloaded from the link into a separate folder on your desktop:
    • link to download from Dropbox (option No. 1)
    • download link from (option No. 2)
  • Run the "setup.exe" file.
  • Click Next, Next, Install.
  • Wait for the installation to complete.

After completing Exercise No. 1, the following shortcut should appear on your desktop:

Exercise #2: write a program in 1C 8.3 language that, when launched, displays the phrase “Hello, World!” on the screen.

Instructions to follow:

1. Start 1C.

2. A list of 1C databases has opened in front of you. As you can see, it is empty. Let's create a training base in which we will program. Click " Add".

3. Select " Creating a new information base" and click the " button Further".

4. Select " Creating an infobase without configuration..." and click the " button Further".

5. Specify " Educational" and click the " button Further".

6. Specify any empty folder as the base directory (in this case it is the “Training” folder in my documents). Click "Next".

7. Specify the authentication option " Select automatically", startup mode " Fat client". Do not specify anything as the 1C:Enterprise version, click the "Finish" button.

8. As you can see, the first database that we just created ourselves has finally appeared in the list. Let's start writing code. Click " Configurator".

9. In the window that opens, select from the menu " Configuration"->"Open configuration".

10. In the panel that opens on the left, right-click on the word " Configuration" and select from the list " Open a managed application module".

11. A window with the editor has opened.

12. Write the following code:

Report("Hello, World!");

13. Great! The program code is ready. Run it. Through the menu " Debugging"->"Start debugging" (or key F5).

14. Answer the question in the affirmative.

15. After a second or two, 1C will start and the message “Hello, World!” will appear in the window below.

You will have to do the following exercises yourself.

For students

Second module - the most difficult At school. If you haven't programmed before, get ready for the fact that you won't be able to solve some of the problems the first time and without hints.

Therefore, stop in time and ask the teacher if something is not clear even with hints.

As a last resort, go through all the remaining modules of the school, and then return with renewed vigor to solving the problems of the second module.

Login to the site as a student

Login as a student to access school materials

Almost all users sooner or later wonder about installing 1C software themselves. Using the example of the “1C: Accounting 8” configuration, we suggest looking at how to install 1C on a computer or laptop. This is not only easy, but also cost-effective: doing the initial installation or reinstallation yourself will save both time and money.

Where to begin?

Installation of a 1C software product, regardless of its accounting focus, consists of three key stages:

  1. Installation of a platform - an engine or foundation, which is the basis for the operation of any 1C program.
  2. Installation of the configuration part - direct installation of a custom accounting program (1C: Accounting, 1C: ZUP, 1C: Trade Management, etc.).
  3. The final stage will be to create a new or connect an existing information database, which will be displayed in the program launch window when you click the shortcut. There can be several or even quite a few databases; displaying them in the form of a tree allows you to somewhat organize the list.

Let's look at each stage in detail.

Installation of the 1C platform

Boxed 1C software products are supplied in cardboard packaging, which includes:

  • installation disk with distribution kits for installing the platform and supplied configuration;
  • ITS disk;
  • printed documentation in several books: usually a user manual and an administration manual.

The installation of 1C begins with the installation disk placed in the computer’s DVD drive, and the installation wizard starts, in the window of which you should select the “Installing a technology platform” item. If autorun of CDs and DVDs is disabled (no movement occurs on the screen when installing disks), you should go to the “My Computer” shortcut to the desired disk and run either the autostart.exe file (to start the disk) or setup.exe (to installation start). In the welcome window that opens, click “Next”.

In the next “Custom Installation” window, without delving into technological details, you can leave the default methods for installing components and click the “Next” button to go to the following screen:

In the next window, select the interface language:

1C provides two options for protecting the licensing of the product used:

  • a physical USB key, which is becoming less and less popular;
  • software protection using a PIN code.

Installing the security driver in the next window is only necessary for the USB version.

This completes the installation of the platform. A recognizable 1C icon will appear on the desktop, and when launched, an empty window for a list of user databases will open.

Setting up 1C configuration

This step boils down to deploying configuration templates from which you can create any number of databases for accounting. In the initial window of the installation wizard, select the “Install configuration” item, move to the next screen by clicking “Next”:

In the next step, the user can leave the default directory or create a custom path where the configuration template files will be stored. For 1C: Accounting 8, the Accounting folder will be created along this path:

The template is installed in the specified directory, and the installation of the configuration is considered complete:

Creating a new 1C database

When you launch the 1C shortcut that appears on the desktop, a window for a list of installed infobases opens, but it is still empty:

Using the “Add” button, select the first of the options; moving to each next step is performed using the “Next” button:

Selecting the first of the options in the next window will display a list of available second-stage templates from which the base can be deployed. Here you just need to select the appropriate one:

You should create a name for the database - as a rule, this is the name of the organization for which records will be kept:

The following screen allows you to select the physical storage path for the database on your computer disk:

The next window will be the last. It offers several settings that you can leave as default. By clicking the “Finish” button, the information base will be created:

Its creation will be recorded with a new line in the list of infobases:

In the case of delivery with software protection, when you first start the database, you will be asked to enter the kit registration number and PIN code from the sealed envelope included in the box.

If you have an Internet connection, click “Get a license” and in a couple of minutes you can start working.

The presented detailed instructions “How to install 1C” show that there is nothing tricky in this process: for attentive users who perform competent actions, everything will take no more than 20 minutes. Good luck!

Hello dear blog readers. In this article I would like to consider in detail the issue of independent installing 1C software products on your computer using the example of the 1C ZUP configuration. Most regional 1C representatives, when selling software products to clients, promise free installation, which will be included in the price of the purchased program. However, recently, purchasing 1C programs via the Internet with delivery to your region has become widespread. At the same time, the savings are significant. For example, one well-known online store offers to purchase basic versions of 1C ZUP for only 2,550 rubles. (versus 4,600 rubles from regional representatives of 1C – saving 45%) and 1C BUKH for only 2,599 rubles. (vs. 3,300 rub. – savings more than 20%). The only thing that may cause difficulty in this regard is installing the program. However, I assure you, and you will soon see this, that in installing the 1C program there is nothing supernatural and everyone can implement it on their own.

The installation of any 1C software product can be divided into three stages:

  • Installation of the 1C platform– the platform is the foundation on which various 1C programs are built, be it payroll, accounting, trade and others;
  • Setting up 1C configuration– the actual installation of the program itself or the configuration, as it is called in the documentation for 1C (ZUP, ACCOUNTING, Commerce, etc.);
  • Database creation– if you start 1C, the first thing that will open is a window for selecting a database from the list. There may be more than one database in this list if you use 1C ZUP and ACCOUNTING, or keep records of several organizations in different information databases, and if you are a programmer or 1C consultant, then this list, as a rule, is a complete mess and chaos.

1C comes in the form of a box, which is why 1C is called a boxed product. This box contains an installation disk, an ITS (Information Technology Support) disk, and 1C books (usually 1 book about the configuration itself and several for 1C administration). To install the platform, you need to place the installation disk in the computer drive; a window will open where you need to select the installation of the platform. If the disk does not spin itself up and the window does not appear, then open “My Computer”, find the disk shortcut and go into it. On the disk you need to find either the autostart.exe file - to start the disk, or setup.exe - to start the installation. A welcome window will open, where you need to click “Next”.

Click “Install”. After this, the installation process will begin, after which you will be prompted to install the security driver.

After the installation of the platform is complete, a 1C shortcut should appear on the desktop, launching which we will see an empty list of infobases.

Setting up 1C configuration

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Installing a configuration means installing 1C configuration templates, from which it will then be possible to create information bases for accounting. So, in order to do this, you need to reactivate the initial window that opens when you spin up the installation disk. In this window you must select a configuration setting. A welcome window will open, where we click “Next”.

Click the “Add” button. In the window that opens, select “Create a new information base” and click “Next”.

In the next window, enter the name of the database to be created. For example, Alpha ZUP LLC. Click “Next”.

The next window is final. It has a lot of settings, but it's better to leave everything as default. Click “Finish”.

Now you can launch the infobase. However, if you have 1C software protection (currently in the vast majority of cases), then when you first start the program you will have to obtain a license. To do this, your computer must have an Internet connection. Of course, there are ways to activate the program without the Internet, but this is not very fast or convenient. Select “Get a license”.

You must enter the “Set number” and “PIN code”. This data is in one of the envelopes that can be found in the box.

Actually, after entering this data, you can open the created information base and start keeping records.

That's all for today! I will be glad to see you again on my blog. New interesting materials will be coming soon.

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