The contact person. What does a contact person mean on Aliexpress? How and where to indicate a contact person on Aliexpress

Let's look at one example. The borrower's wife receives a call from an unknown person. The first phrase she hears on the phone is: “Do you know such and such a person (the name of the person being loaned)?” This is followed by various clarifying questions about who the borrower is to the person who answered the call. If you find yourself in a similar situation, know that you are listed as a contact person in the loan agreement. What could this mean for you? What does it mean? Does the contact person face any liability before the bank and the law in general? Let's figure it out.

Why do you need information about a contact person?

When a person comes to fill out a loan agreement, he needs to indicate two numbers. In addition, you need to sign them, indicating your first name, last name and patronymic. Very often, relatives are used as contact persons. The reason for this is very simple. A person wants not to be denied a loan. If the contact person has the same last name, then there is a greater chance of approval of the loan application.

If there is a second person (although usually only one is called if something happens), then the chances increase many times over. This is what pushes people to include their close friends. Even if they are fundamentally against this loan. In general, for the most part, loans are evil. And many people then don’t return them. And here the question is raised: what does the person included in this agreement owe?

What should the contact person do?

There are two points of view: banking and legal. Let's look at each of them:

  1. The bank sees who has been identified as a contact person, so. You are obliged to tell him whether you know this person, whether he really lives at this address, and also who you are related to him. If he suddenly disappears and stops paying the loan, then you should listen to all calls from collectors, and preferably, repay the debt. That is, the bank believes that you should share the responsibility of the borrower.
  2. The legal one is more truthful. Collectors and sometimes the bank often play on the edge of the law. They know how to do this. Therefore, all available methods of putting pressure on a person are used, which can somehow be presented as legal. How this is done will be discussed further. It is important for you to understand that the contact person has never owed anything to anyone and never will. After all, this person did not sign anything on his own. If the contact person was included in the contract by third parties, this means absolutely nothing.

So you need to take a legal standpoint if you get into this agreement on such grounds. You are not a guarantor. Therefore, no sanctions can be applied to you if the person who registered you fails to pay the debt. But it can be used as one of the methods to lure out debt.

Pressure in case of delay: how is it done?

Pressure from collectors is applied not only to contact persons, but also to other acquaintances of the borrower. For example, neighbors whose home phone number is quite easy to find out may be targeted. But they resort to this only later. From the very beginning, they terrorize contact persons and do not allow them to live in peace. How is this done? First of all, they put pressure on fear and ignorance of the law. The scheme is approximately like this:

  1. A person from a bank or collection agency calls you and says that such and such a person has a debt. The word “critical” is always used to scare.
  2. He asks you to indicate his location (remember, you don’t owe anyone anything and you don’t have to answer the question if you want). You are expected to do your best to find that person.
  3. If you refuse to do this, the calls will continue. They scare you so much that your mother won’t worry. And as a way out they offer you to pay for it. This is something you should never do. Firstly, what is the guarantee that the money will go to the bank? And secondly, why should you pay for the loaned person if you are not a guarantor?

What to do in this case? Let's take a closer look.

What to do if you are listed as a contact person and are under pressure?

You may also be told that since you are a relative, you are obligated to help the other person. Remember, this is a pressure on your sense of shame. In this aspect, it can hinder you. You are not a mother (and even if you are a mother, your son is already an adult and can be responsible for the loan himself) to constantly solve the borrower’s problems. Therefore, you do not need to send money, but write a complaint to Roskomnadzor regarding phone calls. This is a really good solution. If you follow this advice, the calls will stop.


Here are the main points that you should understand from this article:

  • If you didn't sign up for certain rules, then you don't owe anyone anything. Even if they press on pity and shame. This is cunning psychological manipulation. And since relatives often do not know how to adequately weigh the situation, this leads to the success of this manipulation, despite its simplicity.
  • If you get calls on your home phone too often, you can simply call Roskomnadzor. You can also disconnect your home phone line altogether. If a mobile number was indicated as a contact phone number, then no one bothers to blacklist the caller. Fortunately, modern smartphones can do this. If not, you can also write a complaint to Roskomnadzor.

Remember, the contact person’s liability to the bank tends to zero. And there is no point in worrying.

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Credit contact person

Can they get a contact person and call him? In case of late payment on a loan. Is it possible to make sure that they no longer call him or disturb him?

Hello. The contact person can submit an application to the bank asking them to stop calling him. If it doesn’t help, then a complaint to the Central Bank and the prosecutor’s office will resolve the issue. Good luck.

I had a loan from an MFO. The loan has been repaid. Six months later I took out a new loan. Contact persons are different. It's overdue. A fraudster introducing himself as a collector of LLC Morgan (the agency does not work, but the Legal Entity has not been liquidated) is terrorizing the contact persons indicated for the first time. And also relatives (I never indicated their numbers anywhere).
How and where to write an application? On whose behalf? Please tell me.

Hello Irina! Send to the lender a partial withdrawal of personal data, withdrawal of consent to interact with third parties, refusal to interact (if the delay is more than 4 months), a request for the destruction of personal data that is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, refusal to execute an agreement on interaction, without acknowledging the debt. Your case will be withdrawn from the collectors, all calls and SMS will stop, both to you and to third parties, no one will come to your home. Whether or not to communicate with anyone is up to you to decide. A complaint about unlawful actions of debt collectors must be sent to the FSSP. There is also an interesting option for protecting consumer rights, which, under certain conditions, will make it possible to prevent an unscrupulous creditor from entering the debt collection court and punish him with rubles. High MFO interest can be recalculated, since a high MFO interest (for example, 2% per day) is subject to accrual only for the loan repayment period (for example, 1 month), and for the rest of the period the weighted average interest rate on the loan for individuals is subject to accrual. persons (about 20% per annum). In this way, the amount of debt can be reduced very significantly. In addition, I recommend reading the following articles: How to get out of the microloan “trap”? How to reduce the amount of debt on a microloan by 6 or more times - an example from judicial practice How to win a lawsuit against a bank on a loan https:/ /

My brother took out a loan last year and listed me as a contact person (not as a guarantor) without my consent. Now he cannot repay the loan and the bank calls me, not directly, but says that I would pay the debt for him and tells me the amount of the debt. To what extent is the bank representative acting legally? Thank you in advance.

Absolutely unlawful: if they keep calling, then say that you will write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

You cannot receive such demands for debt repayment; it is illegal. Ignore such calls, but if you are really tired of them, warn them that you will contact law enforcement agencies and if the calls continue, file a complaint.

If my brother took out a loan and was behind on payments, and he indicated me as a contact person and collectors call me 10-15 times a day, what article of the law should I refer to when talking to them, the warning that I will write a statement, they say that they are acting within the law. I asked them not to call me again, and clearly expressed my reluctance to communicate with them, to which they called me again during the day.

Hello, Artem! Since you did not take out a loan, collectors do not have the right to call you and you have the right to file a statement with the police, you can also contact the bailiff service, which currently maintains a register of collection companies, or go to court. Sincerely, Marina Sergeevna.

I have an overdue loan on a smart loan, I and my contacts received an SMS threatening to sort it out, everyone is terrified. What should I do?

In case of litigation, the bank will collect the loan debt and receive a writ of execution. At a court hearing, you have the right to ask for a reduction in accrued penalties. According to the law on enforcement proceedings, bailiffs can withhold up to 50% of official income (salary, pension), and they can also seize accounts. If there is arrears of alimony, the amount of withholding may increase to 70%. You can reduce the amount of deductions either by contacting a bailiff, or by going to court with a similar application, presenting documents confirming your difficult life situation. The court decides to what amount to reduce or not reduce the deduction. In addition, funds in accounts (bank cards) and vehicles, garages, etc. are subject to sale and seizure. The only housing suitable for living is not subject to sale, but the bailiff may impose a ban on the commission of reg. action regarding housing.

Hello! If you receive threats, you can file a complaint with the police and the police will investigate the matter.

My friend has a loan, and he indicated me in the contract as a contact person. When he is overdue and doesn’t pick up the phone, the bank starts calling me every day and asks me to pass on information, I pass it on right away, but they call me every day for weeks, how can I stop this?

Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 230-FZ "On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals when carrying out activities to repay overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal Law "On microfinance activities and... Article 8. Restriction or termination of interaction with the debtor 1. The debtor has the right to send to the creditor and (or) person acting on his behalf and (or) in his interests an application regarding interaction with the debtor in the ways provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of part 1 of Article 4 of this Federal Law, indicating: 1) interaction is carried out only through a representative specified by the debtor; 2) refusal to interact. 2. The form of the application specified in part 1 of this article is approved by the authorized body. Such an application must be sent through a notary or by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by delivering the application against receipt. 3. The debtor’s statement that interaction will be carried out only through the representative indicated by him must contain the last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the debtor’s representative, his contact telephone number, postal address and email address. Let your friend send the specified application, or you yourself send an application to the bank to stop calling your phone.

A friend from a former work place took out a loan from a microfinance company and wrote me as a contact person. How many times a day (week, month) can they call me? And can they call if I refuse to communicate with them?

Hello! You have the right to refuse to communicate with MFO employees and collectors. You can tell them about this the next time you call. If they continue to call, then contact the police and file a report.

Today, there are several effective legal ways to avoid collection under a loan agreement. These include termination of the contract, declaring it invalid, declaring the citizen bankrupt and ending enforcement proceedings. There are also some legal tricks that will allow you not to lose your property and income in a dispute with creditors (banks). A credit lawyer will help you do all this correctly, write to the email below. Sincerely, credit lawyer – Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

My husband and I have been divorced for two years. He took out a loan after the divorce and listed me as a contact person. Now the bank is calling me with threats and demanding that I pay off the overdue payment.

Tatyana, change your phone number, you have no obligations to the bank. Your ex-husband is a stranger to you. If they insist and threaten, then feel free to go to the Prosecutor’s Office or the Central Bank of Russia.

Good day! It’s not easy to quickly get rid of calls from collectors or a bank, the fastest way is to change your phone number, you can also file complaints with the prosecutor’s office, the Central Bank of Russia, or send a letter to the bank from which these calls are coming. Best wishes!

An acquaintance took out a loan, a quick loan, and indicated me in the application form as a contact person. He stopped paying and they called me and demanded that I return 30,000 rubles. Am I required to pay?

Hello, You are not obligated to pay anything, of course, unless you are a guarantor and you can write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office so that they do not bother you. I wish you good luck and all the best!

No, you don't have to. You are not a borrower or a guarantor. They don't owe anyone anything. The fact that the company gave him money is their problem and their risks when carrying out commercial activities.

Hello. You are neither a debtor nor a guarantor, so you are not obligated to pay. They demand because they understand that the debtor will not pay them anything and are trying to collect money from at least someone. They have no legal basis for collecting money from you.

Hello! If you are not the borrower or guarantor, then you do not have to pay anything. Good luck to you! Hello! If you are not the borrower or guarantor, then you do not have to pay anything. Good luck to you!

I have a loan that is 30 days overdue, and a contact person (colleague) is indicated for this loan, and the bank is demanding payment from her for me. And she also decided to take out a loan and was refused because her credit history was damaged, and she said it was because of my credit. Is this even possible?

Hello, the contact person is not a guarantor for the loan and information about him is not transmitted to the credit history bureau, so his credit history cannot be damaged because of this.

No, your credit history cannot be ruined due to the debts of a stranger. The bank does not have the right to demand payment of the loan from your colleague.

When issuing a consumer loan, you are often asked to provide the bank with the coordinates of two contact persons. As a rule, the full name and telephone number are called. The bank does this for at least two reasons: first, it is necessary for someone to be able to confirm the data or some of it that you indicated in the loan application form. The second is the opportunity to contact these persons if you suddenly fall behind and or stop answering any of the specified telephone numbers. In most cases, if the borrower does not have a credit history with the bank, then at least they will call one of the specified persons to find out if he knows the borrower. Perhaps they will ask a couple of questions from the data provided by the borrower in order to check whether he is lying. If a person has a positive credit history with the bank, and is already on his fourth or fifth loan (all previous ones have been repaid), then such people may no longer receive calls. During the period of issuing loans to everyone and everything, borrowers indicated relatives and work colleagues and neighbors, taking advantage of the fact that the bank did not always check them. In most cases, they usually call one of the indicated persons. As for the rights and obligations of the contact person, he has neither one nor the other. The person who is listed as the contact person, not to be confused with the guarantor, does not bear any responsibility to the bank. There are no real legal ties between him and the borrower, between him and the bank, since he, in turn, did not sign anything, unlike the borrower. When a person falls into arrears and cannot be contacted by contact numbers, the bank goes further and starts calling and putting pressure on contact persons. If the contact person does not know where the borrower is, then apparently the bank wants the contact person to start a search and be sure, no matter what the cost, to find and force the borrower to call the bank. Often, in order to motivate a person to take action, phrases in the style of “the borrower has a critical situation”, “the borrower is in a very difficult situation”, “it is necessary to resolve the issue as soon as possible, since this is only in the interests of the borrower” and many others are used. The point, I think, is clear. By using the right words, bank employees use cultural pressure psychology, trying to present what happened as the end of the world. The bank's call supposedly acts as a lifeline. If the borrower's debt is even 2,000 rubles, the bank can say that “a critical situation has arisen.” This is not a joke, it’s just that the people who call (callers) are very busy with formulaic, identical and clearly uninteresting work. And there are more and more such jobs every day in our time, because the number of defaulters is growing. What can you say to those who, voluntarily or unwittingly, find themselves in the role of a contact person? Firstly, legally you do not owe anything to anyone, even if the borrower remains in debt to the bank after a court decision. Secondly, you are not obligated to tell anyone, confirm, record, or transmit anything. If you are charged with any obligation, find out in what regulatory act it is enshrined. There must be a document: Law, Decree, Agreement, Instruction or something else, where it is written that you must do this. Until this has been confirmed to you in WRITING, you are free to do nothing. Moreover, you cannot identify anyone by phone! And while you don’t know who you’re talking to, you don’t understand who you’re talking to. The bank employee represents a legal entity that is the operator of personal data, and therefore, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Law “On Personal Data”, is obliged to fully introduce himself. Only you decide whether to talk to this stranger or not. Only you decide to do anything he asks or not. When it comes to court, the court is absolutely not interested in a single telephone conversation, not only with a contact person, but even with a guarantor or with the borrower himself. All of them mean nothing to resolve the case on the merits, and are only necessary for the bank itself to understand whether you will pay in pre-trial order, or

The Contact Person object is required to store information about contact persons. In addition, you can use contacts to store information about customers who are individuals, as well as internal corporate users (for IT departments and AXO services, for example).

Creating a contact person using the "Create" button

To create a contact person card using the “Create” button, you need to click on the icon with an arrow next to the “Create” button:

A form for creating a contact person card will appear:

The fields “Last Name” and “First Name” are required to be filled in. The "Company" field is intended to link a contact person to, if an individual is created, then this field is not created.

At the same time, to select a company, you can start entering the name, and SmartNut will automatically filter the list of companies by matching part of its name with the entered characters:

You can also fill in other fields when creating:

- Surname;

- Job title;

- Telephone;

— Email (a required field if you want the system to recognize and “link” all applications received through a web form and/or by mail to an individual or a company contact person);

— Location (it is possible to indicate in which office this contact person is located);

— Is the contact person a key one (see below);

— Comment (any useful information about the contact person in free form).

To complete the procedure for creating a contact person card, you must click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the creation form. To cancel creation, click on the “Cancel” button.

Create a contact person from a company

Creating a contact person card from a company card differs only in that the “Company” field will not be prompted for completion on the contact person creation form, since it is assumed that the contact person will be added to the company card from which the procedure for adding a contact person was initiated.

In order to create a contact person card from a company card, you need to go to the company card and in the block with a list of contact persons, click on the “Add contact” button:

Individuals on the client list

Individuals - contact persons not tied to a company, are stored on the general list of clients, together with companies (on the Clients tab) and are displayed as a separate object, differ from companies in the appearance of the card: the corresponding icon and the size of the contact information. When you click on the name of the contact person, you go to the object’s card.

Editing a contact person

To edit information about a contact person, you need to go to the contact person’s card and click on the edit icon located in the upper right corner of the block:

Next, the screen will go into edit mode, and you can change the attribute values ​​of the contact person card. To save changes, you must click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. To cancel editing, click on the “Cancel” button.

Reassigning a contact person

Cases arise when a contact person was mistakenly assigned to a company or, on the contrary, was mistakenly created as an individual, although he is a contact person of a company. To solve this situation, you need to go to the edit card of the required contact person (see above) and select the necessary data in the “Company” field. If this contact person had requests, then when you try to save the changes, SmartNut will warn you that all requests will remain linked to the old company, and if this contact person was originally an individual, then his requests will be linked to the new company. If you click “Yes” in the pop-up window, the changes will be made; if you click “No,” the edit card will remain open.

Key and non-key contacts

The difference between key contact persons of clients and non-key ones is that in the client’s personal account (see instructions “Client’s Personal Account”), information about all applications of the client organization that he represents is available to key contact persons. For regular contact persons, information is available only on those applications that were submitted on behalf of this contact person.

Let's look at one example. The borrower's wife receives a call from an unknown person. The first phrase she hears on the phone is: “Do you know such and such a person (the name of the person being loaned)?” This is followed by various clarifying questions about who the borrower is to the person who answered the call. If you find yourself in a similar situation, know that you are listed as a contact person in the loan agreement. What could this mean for you? What does it mean? Does the contact person face any liability before the bank and the law in general? Let's figure it out.

Why do you need information about a contact person?

When a person comes to fill out a loan agreement, he needs to indicate two numbers. In addition, you need to sign them, indicating your first name, last name and patronymic. Very often, relatives are used as contact persons. The reason for this is very simple. A person wants not to be denied a loan. If the contact person has the same last name, then there is a greater chance of approval of the loan application.

If there is a second person (although usually only one is called if something happens), then the chances increase many times over. This is what pushes people to include their close friends. Even if they are fundamentally against this loan. In general, for the most part, loans are evil. And many people then don’t return them. And here the question is raised: what does the person included in this agreement owe?

What should the contact person do?

There are two points of view: banking and legal. Let's look at each of them:

  1. The bank sees the responsibilities of the person who has been identified as a contact person. You are obliged to tell him whether you know this person, whether he really lives at this address, and also who you are related to him. If he suddenly disappears and stops paying the loan, then you should listen to all calls from collectors, and preferably, repay the debt. That is, the bank believes that you should share the responsibility of the borrower.
  2. The legal one is more truthful. Collectors and sometimes the bank often play on the edge of the law. They know how to do this. Therefore, all available methods of putting pressure on a person are used, which can somehow be presented as legal. How this is done will be discussed further. It is important for you to understand that the contact person has never owed anything to anyone and never will. After all, this person did not sign anything on his own. If the contact person was included in the contract by third parties, this means absolutely nothing.

So you need to take a legal standpoint if you get into this agreement on such grounds. You are not a guarantor. Therefore, no sanctions can be applied to you if the person who registered you fails to pay the debt. But psychological pressure can be used as one of the methods to lure out debt.

Pressure in case of delay: how is it done?

Pressure from collectors is applied not only to contact persons, but also to other acquaintances of the borrower. For example, neighbors whose home phone number is quite easy to find out may be targeted. But they resort to this only later. From the very beginning, they terrorize contact persons and do not allow them to live in peace. How is this done? First of all, they put pressure on fear and ignorance of the law. The scheme is approximately like this:

  1. A person from a bank or collection agency calls you and says that such and such a person has a debt. The word “critical” is always used to scare.
  2. He asks you to indicate his location (remember, you don’t owe anyone anything and you don’t have to answer the question if you want). You are expected to do your best to find that person.
  3. If you refuse to do this, the calls will continue. They scare you so much that your mother won’t worry. And as a way out they offer you to pay for it. This is something you should never do. Firstly, what is the guarantee that the money will go to the bank? And secondly, why should you pay for the loaned person if you are not a guarantor?

What to do in this case? Let's take a closer look.

What to do if you are listed as a contact person and are under pressure?

You may also be told that since you are a relative, you are obligated to help the other person. Remember, this is a pressure on your sense of shame. In this aspect, it can hinder you. You are not a mother (and even if you are a mother, your son is already an adult and can be responsible for the loan himself) to constantly solve the borrower’s problems. Therefore, you do not need to send money, but write a complaint to Roskomnadzor regarding phone calls. This is a really good solution. If you follow this advice, the calls will stop.


Here are the main points that you should understand from this article:

  • If you didn't sign up for certain rules, then you don't owe anyone anything. Even if they press on pity and shame. This is cunning psychological manipulation. And since relatives often do not know how to adequately weigh the situation, this leads to the success of this manipulation, despite its simplicity.
  • If you get calls on your home phone too often, you can simply call Roskomnadzor. You can also disconnect your home phone line altogether. If a mobile number was indicated as a contact phone number, then no one bothers to blacklist the caller. Fortunately, modern smartphones can do this. If not, you can also write a complaint to Roskomnadzor.

Remember, the contact person’s liability to the bank tends to zero. And there is no point in worrying.